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在严重干旱的 1999~ 2 0 0 0年 ,采用 3个品种 ,3个追肥量 ,3个追肥时期和 3次重复的完全组合设计 ,对大运河以东黑龙港低平原区高产田小麦春季追氮时期和追氮量进行了系统研究。结果表明 :春季追肥时期宜晚 ,第一次肥水在 4叶 1心到 5叶 1心期为好 ,追肥量以尿素 75kg/hm2 为高限 ,甚至可以考虑不追肥。 相似文献
Phosphorus Influx and Root‐Shoot Relations as Indicators of Phosphorus Efficiency of Different Crops
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(17-18):2315-2327
Abstract The large variation in phosphorus acquisition efficiency of different crops provides opportunities for screening crop species that perform well on low phosphorus (P) soil. To explain the differences in P efficiency of winter maize (Zea mays L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), a green house pot experiment was conducted by using P‐deficient Typic ustochrept loamy sand soil (0.5 M NaHCO3‐extractable P 4.9 mg kg?1, pH 7.5, and organic carbon 2.7 g kg?1) treated with 0, 30, and 60 mg P kg?1 soil. Under P deficiency conditions, winter maize produced 76% of its maximum shoot dry weight (SDW) with 0.2% P in shoot, whereas chickpea and wheat produced about 30% of their maximum SDW with more than 0.25% P in shoot. Root length (RL) of winter maize, wheat, and chickpea were 83, 48, and 19% of their maximum RL, respectively. Considering relative shoot yield as a measure of efficiency, winter maize was more P efficient than wheat and chickpea. Winter maize had lower RL/SDW ratio than that of wheat, but it was more P efficient because it could maintain 2.2 times higher P influx even under P deficiency conditions. In addition, winter maize had low internal P requirement and 3.3 times higher shoot demand (i.e., higher amount of shoot produced per cm of root per second). Even though chickpea had 1.2 times higher P influx than winter maize, it was less P efficient because of few roots (i.e., less RL per unit SDW). Nutrient uptake model (NST 3.0) calculations satisfactorily predicted P influxes by all the three crops under sufficient P supply conditions (CLi 48 µM), and the calculated values of P influx were 81–99% of the measured values. However, in no‐P treatment (CLi 3.9 µM), under prediction of measured P influx indicated the importance of root exudates and/or mycorrhizae that increase P solubility in the rhizosphere. Sensitivity analysis showed that in low P soils, the initial soil solution P concentration (CLi) was the most sensitive factor controlling P influx in all the three crops. 相似文献
Toshifumi Murakami Yutaka Terada Zinya Yazaki Tadakatsu Yoneyama 《Soil Science and Plant Nutrition》2013,59(4):683-687
Abstract Extract Studies on the root system which are essential to understand the nutrient and water uptake by plant, are very difficult because the root system in the soil can not be observed directly unlike the shoot system. Even basic parameters, such as root length and root surface area cannot be measured easily. 相似文献
Soybean plants (Glycine max L. cv. Akisengoku) were grown in water culture in a greenhouse. At the pod-setting and pod-filling stages, plants were subjected to stem-ringing or treated with high concentration of nitrate. Respiration and N2 fixation (acetylene reducing activity) were studied in individual nodules along with the concentrations of ATP and magnesium. There was a high positive correlation between respiration activity and acetylene reduction in soybean nodules. The maintenance respiration in mature nodules corresponded to a CO2 evolution of 5.5 µmol/g F.W., and the respiratory cost for nitrogen fixation was estimated at 2 mg C liberated/mg N fixed, though this value was probably underestimated due to CO2 fixation by the nodules. For the nitrogenase activity there was a threshold value of ATP concentration at around 0.15 µmol/g F.W., and the activity increased up to around 0.35 µmol/g F.W., beyond which the ATP concentration did not increase unlike the nitrogenase activity. The values for the magnesium concentration in the nodules detected in the present experiments were above the optimum level. 相似文献
【目的】生长素响应因子(ARF)在介导生长素信号传递和调控下游生长素响应基因的表达中发挥着重要功能。本文旨在以在富集丰磷特异表达基因的小麦根系cDNA差减文库中鉴定的1个ARF类别的家族成员TaARF6为基础,对该基因cDNA序列、分子特征、不同供磷水平下该基因在根、叶中表达模式及遗传转化TaARF6对丰磷和缺磷条件下植株形态的影响进行较全面研究,阐明该小麦生长素响应因子基因介导不同供磷水平下对植株生长特性的影响。【方法】采用生物信息学工具预测TaARF6编码蛋白特征; 采用溶液培养法培养丰、缺磷处理小麦幼苗,采用半定量RT-PCR技术鉴定TaARF6在丰、缺磷处理下的表达特征。采用DNA重组技术构建将TaARF6编码阅读框融合至表达载体中的表达质粒,利用农杆菌介导的遗传转化法建立超表达TaARF6转基因烟草植株。采用琼脂培养和溶液培养法,培养丰、缺磷不同供磷水平下野生型植株和转基因烟草植株,进而利用常规分析方法鉴定不同磷水平下植株长势、根系和茎叶生物量和植株根叶形态及性状。【结果】1)TaARF6编码生长素响应因子(ARF)型转录因子,编码蛋白中含有ARF家族成员具有的保守结构域。该基因在氨基酸水平上与源于短柄草BdARF6和源于水稻的OsARF6具有高度同源特征。表达分析表明,TaARF6在根、叶中均呈典型低磷下表达下调、复磷后表达再度回升模式,表明该基因表达受到外界供磷水平的调节。2)遗传转化结果表明,在正常生长和低磷逆境下,与野生型植株相比,转基因烟草株系幼苗和植株形态明显增大。3)丰、缺磷不同供磷水平下,与未转化的野生型(WT)对照植株相比,转基因系(Line 3 和Line 5)植株幼苗和植株根系、茎叶和单株鲜、干重均较野生型显著增加。此外,与WT相比,转基因系植株根系数量增多、主侧根长度、根体积、叶面积和根冠比增加。【结论】TaARF6编码典型的生长素响应因子,其编码蛋白具有生长素响应因子特有结构域。TaARF6对环境中的低磷胁迫逆境能产生明显应答。上调表达TaARF6基因,具有增加植株根、叶鲜、干重和改善根叶及植株形态的生物学功能。本研究表明,通过对植株体内生长素响应基因的转录调控,TaARF6在介导植株不同供磷水平下的根叶形态建成和干物质累积过程中发挥着重要作用。 相似文献
旱地覆膜对冬小麦花后14C-同化物转运分配的影响 总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0
利用14CO2示踪研究了覆膜对旱地冬小麦花后14C-同化物在灌浆期转运分配的影响。结果表明,花后同化的14C在标记后24h约78%已储存在茎鞘和穗轴中,11%已转运至籽粒,11%还滞留在叶片中;成熟时叶片的14C-同化物几乎都外运了,茎鞘和穗轴中还滞留约28%,70%已转运分配到籽粒中。覆膜小麦的14C-同化物向籽粒的转运比对照慢。另外,研究还表明覆膜小麦花后叶片的叶绿素含量比对照高,MDA含量比对照低,叶片衰老延缓,同化能力强,干物质多,籽粒产量高。因此,覆膜使小麦增产的原因在于小麦中前期生长加快,后期衰老延缓,同化能力增强,最终使得同化的干物质总量大大增加;但并不促进同化物向籽粒的转运分配。 相似文献
《Journal of plant nutrition》2012,35(2):214-226
AbstractEnhancing the phosphorus (P) use efficiency is critical for the sustainable cultivation of winter wheat. In this study, we investigated the effects of P fertilization level on plant P-uptake and agronomic traits under deficit irrigation, by using two wheat cultivars sharing contrasting water responses (i.e., Jimai 585 and Shimai 22). The high P level treatment (P120) improved plant biomass and P accumulation at each growth stage, grain yields, P remobilization amount to grain (PRA), P remobilization rate (PRR), and P contribution rate (PRR) of the cultivars with respect to the low P treatments (i.e., P90 and P60). Compared with Jimai 585, a cultivar acclimated to affluent water, the drought tolerant cultivar Shimai 22 exhibited similar behaviors on plant biomass, P-associated traits at each stage, and agronomic traits at maturity under P120. However, Shimai 22 was more improvement on P-associated and agronomic traits than Jimai 585 under P60 and P90. P contents were increased whereas moisture contents decreased in soil profile treated by P120 with respect to those by P60. Meanwhile, the soil profile cultivated by Shimai 22 displayed reduced moisture and P contents under P deprivation (i.e., P90 and P60) respect to that by Jimai 585, suggesting the contribution of more consumption of soil P and water storage to improved agronomic traits of Shimai 22. Together, our investigation suggested that suitable P input management positively mediates plant P-associated traits and grain formation capacity under deficit irrigation by improving supply and internal translocation of P across tissues in winter wheat plants. 相似文献
The balance between leaf senescence, induced by phosphorus deficiency, and grain growth was examined in wheat plants grown in sand with high (control) and low phosphorus (low‐P) nutrition. Foliar applications of P were made prior to anthesis and at early and mid grain development. Low‐P plants were also given an additional dose of P via the roots at mid grain development. Foliar applications of P had no effect on leaf function (net CO2 exchange rate), or grain development in control plants. However, P applied to the flag leaf of low‐P plants delayed senescence and thus increased leaf area duration, but this did not result in a significant increase in grain yield per ear. Phosphorus applied to the ear surface (the glumes) of low‐P plants increased the concentration of P in the grain, but did not increase the number of cells per grain, or the grain yield per ear. The late application of P via the roots also delayed senescence in low‐P plants, but did not cause an increase in yield. These experiments indicate that grain growth in low‐P plants is not limited by the level of supply of photosynthate, or the availability of P during the actual period of grain development. Phosphorus translocated to the grain late in plant development is used inefficiently in plants that are adequately supplied with phosphorus and in plants suffering from P deficiency. 相似文献
G. E. Varvel 《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(11):1623-1634
Abstract Examination of results from two experiments designed to compare copper (Cu) carriers, rates, and application methods and an experiment designed to test the residual effects of Cu on spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) pointed to the existence of an interaction between Cu and phosphorus (P). Mineral element data for aboveground whole‐plant samples from the three experiments indicated that, with low Cu levels in the soil, when Cu was applied as CUSO4 in an apparently unavailable position, or when the Cu had been applied to the soil as CuHEDTA, P concentrations in the plant were very high. Also, when CUSO4 was applied to the soil and incorporated to a depth of 60 to 100 mm, concentrations of Cu increased and P decreased in the plant. In each case, if Cu concentrations in the plant were adequate, then normal plant development occurred. A Cu‐P interaction which affected P uptake or translocation was evident. 相似文献
Abstract Nitrogen (N) deficiency has become more common in the traditional wheat cultivation areas of southern Finland as yield potentials have increased. Based on data for the period studied (1968-88) a grain protein concentration below 11.2% in spring wheat (Triticun aestivum L.) is an indicator of N deficiency. The mean of maximum grain yield obtained was 4655 kg ha?1 when grain protein concentration exceeded 11.2%. The estimation of plant tissue N content could be an effective diagnostic tool for identifying N status in the early growth stages of spring wheat. To address the feasibility of this test, the present study was conducted in 1990-91 to determine the critical plant tissue N concentrations of three plant parts at the early double-ridge stage (Stage 2), at the stage when stigmatic branches of the carpel begin to form (Stage 7) and at pollination (Stage 10). Nitrogen was applied at rates of 0 and 110 kg N ha?1 as granular ammonium nitrate and granular slow-release-nitrogen fertilizers to establish a wide range of plant tissue N levels, grain yields and grain protein concentrations. Critical plant N levels were calculated for the different plant parts using the Cate-Nelson procedure. From this study it can be concluded that the critical N level recommended for Stage 2 is 43 g of N kg?1 dry matter of the whole plant. Critical N levels recommended for Stage 7 are 28 g of N kg?1 dry matter of the whole plant, 30 g of N kg?1 of the leaves and 13 mg total N in dry matter. Critical N levels recommended for Stage 10 are 12 g of N kg?1 of the whole plant, 23 g of N kg?1 of the leaves and 15 mg total N in dry matter. 相似文献
利用浸泡法将外源λDNA导入普通小麦品系 81 45 2 7,获得不育变异株 ,稳定为不育系 ,简称D型不育系。该不育系小花结构具有显著特点 ,多数小花子房数目增加 ,花药数目减少 ,而且二者之和并非恒定为 4。多子房小花一般位于穗的中部 ,而顶部和基部小花未发现多子房现象。多子房小花的主子房位于小花的中央 ,副子房着生于主子房的周围。子房的发育进程不同步 ,主子房发育较早 ,体积较大 ;副子房发育较慢 ,而且未发育成熟即退化萎缩。花药多呈短棒状、月牙状等畸形状态 ,且多数在早期即退化萎缩 ,无生活力花粉。杂交试验表明 ,该不育系为细胞质雄性不育系 ,不育度达 99% ,受体品系 81 45 2 7可作其保持系。不育系与鲁麦 1 4号的杂种一代在穗长、每穗小穗数和穗粒数等性状上存在一定程度的杂种优势 ,单株产量较鲁麦 1 4号增加 1 1 6%。 相似文献
The ability of plants to utilize P efficiently is important for crops growing in P‐deficient soils or on soils with a high P‐fixing capacity. The purpose of this work was to investigate early physiological changes which occur when wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings were grown under P‐deficient conditions. Wheat plants were grown in a greenhouse and watered with nutrient solution containing or lacking P. During the interval 12 to 18 days after planting, the dry weight of wheat seedlings was similar regardless of P treatment, although the P‐deficient plants had a greater proportion of the total plant weight in the roots. Sixteen days after planting, the roots and leaves of P‐deficient plants had only 20 to 30% the P content of P‐sufficient plants. After 16 days, plants grown under P stress had 41% more p‐nitrophenol phosphatase activity and 70% more β‐glucosidase activity in shoot homogenates than was found in P‐sufficient plants. Changes in both enzyme activities may be involved in the mobilization of plant resources during the early stages of P‐deficient growth. 相似文献
Javad Hamzei 《Journal of plant nutrition》2018,41(7):807-817
Crop production in arid/semi-arid regions is restricted by soil moisture and nitrogen (N) deficiencies. Consequently, sufficient levels of N and irrigation are important in improving the crop's productivity. Therefore, a 2-year field experiment was conducted to understand influences of watering techniques namely 300, 500 and 700 mm with contrasting N supply (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg ha?1) on wheat cv. “landrace” productivity, dry matter translocation (DMT) and contribution of pre-anthesis assimilates to the grain (CPAAG, %). Experiments were conducted each year using a split-plot design with three replications at a private farm, North Hamedan Province, Iran. Accordingly, when 500/700 mm water was applied, CPAAG values were higher than those obtained after applying 300 mm water, i.e. 49.99 and 45.45 vs. 40.13%. The highest productivity in terms of grain yield, grain N concentration, nitrogen harvest index, special products analysis division and protein content was achieved in normal deficiencies of irrigation and N. This was further supported by a higher leaf area index, crop growth rate and N uptake of such treatment. Meanwhile, co-application of 120 kg N and 500 mm water significantly improved DMT, water and N use efficiency, and it was the optimal scheme for wheat production. 相似文献
In this study, the yields, yield components, agronomic, and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) traits of the eighty-four winter wheat cultivars were investigated under nitrogen (N)-sufficient and -deficient conditions. Dramatic variations were observed in the yield and agronomic traits among the cultivars. Based on absolute yields under the N treatments, the cultivars were categorized into N efficiency groups of high, close high, medium, and low, in which the high efficiency group cultivars generally exhibited improved agronomic traits under these contrasting N-supply conditions. Additionally, the wheat cultivars were classified into various N response groups, including toleration, relative toleration, sensitive, and most sensitive based on the ratios of yield under N deficiency to that under N sufficiency. Regression correlation analyses revealed that straw biomass, total biomass, grain N amount, and straw N amount were significantly correlated with yield, suggesting that these traits can be acted as indices in evaluating yield potentials in wheat. 相似文献
Sami Ul-Allah Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Naeem Muhammad Ijaz Waseem Ashfaq 《Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science》2018,64(12):1678-1689
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) productivity is generally affected by water limitation and inadequate nitrogen supply especially under semi-arid environment. The current study was conducted to determine whether the crop yield and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) could be manipulated through alteration of nitrogen and irrigation application. To meet the desired objectives, a two-year field study was carried out in 2013–2014 and 2014–2015, in a split-split plot arrangement with three factors i) irrigation in main plots, ii) nitrogen in sub-plots, and iii) twenty genotypes in sub-sub plots on a sandy loam soil. The analysis of variance revealed that the wheat performance was affected by genotypes and alteration of irrigation and nitrogen application with respect to IWUE and final grain yield. IWUE under water stress conditions was observed 56% higher than normal irrigated. Much higher values of IWUE under water stress indicated that the existing optimum water requirements of the crop needs to be revaluated. The regression model indicated that addition of nitrogen and irrigation patterns along with morphological traits cannot explain variation in yield related traits more than 65% under semi-arid conditions. Therefore, for better crop yields in semi-arid environment, more physiological parameters should be considered in evaluation of yield. 相似文献
小麦生理型雄性不育花药中能量相关基因的表达 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
为揭示小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)生理型雄性不育机理,以化学杂交剂SQ-1为诱导剂,构建了普通小麦西农1376不育和可育生理系,用RT-PCR技术分析了3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶(GAPDH)和NFUDP4基因在不同发育时期的不育和可育花药中的表达差异.结果表明,与同期对照相比,GAPDH和NFUDP4基因在不育花药单核期到三核期均下调表达,其中在大量花粉粒败育的单核期,GAPDH下调表达尤为显著.因此,小麦生理型雄性不育花药败育过程中,一方面由于GAPDH基因表达受抑制,使糖酵解受阻导致能量供应不足;另一方面,NFUDP4基因下调表达,可能引起线粒体某一Fe-S族蛋白装配需要的分子骨架减少而使其数量不足,从而可能引起Fe-S族蛋白参与的生化反应减弱,如呼吸链电子传递受阻引起能量供应不足,与小麦生理型雄性不育具有一定关系. 相似文献
小麦籽粒胚乳淀粉合成酶基因表达及酶活性分析 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2
为研究小麦籽粒淀粉合成酶基因表达与酶活性的特征,选用4个淀粉含量差异较大的普通六倍体小麦新春24、E28(高淀粉含量组)和宁春16、安农9912(低淀粉含量组)为试验材料,采用实时荧光定量RT-PCR ,对灌浆期籽粒淀粉合成酶相关基因的表达进行研究,并对其表达量与相应酶活性的相关性做了分析。结果表明,束缚态淀粉合成酶基因(GBSS)、可溶性淀粉合成酶基因(SSS)、淀粉分支酶基因( SBE)、淀粉去分支酶(DBE)基因均呈单峰曲线变化。利用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测9个基因在不同淀粉含量的4个供试品种花后不同时期的相对表达量,结果表明,花后6d这些基因开始表达,在灌浆的中期(花后12~18d不等)有表达的小高峰,但在不同时期,2个高淀粉含量的品种中各种酶活性及其酶基因的相对表达量均比2个低淀粉含量的品种相对较高;这些基因表达谱与酶活性相关分析显示, 除GBSS外其他几种淀粉合成酶基因均与相应酶活性呈显著或极显著正相关,而且GBSS酶活性到达峰值时间稍迟于DBE、SSS、SBE等酶,说明DBE、SSS、SBE基因可能主要通过转录水平来控制籽粒淀粉的合成,而GBSS基因可能主要通过转录后水平来控制籽粒淀粉的合成。 相似文献
Winter wheat grain yield is connected with radiation use efficiency (RUE). A suitable planting pattern and irrigation strategy are essential for optimizing RUE. In order to investigate the effects of planting patterns and irrigation frequency on winter wheat RUE, a field study was conducted with two planting patterns and three irrigation frequencies. The two planting patterns were wide-precision (WP) and conventional-spacing (CS). The three irrigation frequencies were irrigated 120 mm at jointing stage, 60 mm each at jointing and heading stages, and 40 mm each at jointing, heading, and milk stages. The results showed leaf area index (LAI) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in WP than in CS. In addition, the LAI in WP decreased with the increase in irrigation frequency. Under the same irrigation frequency, the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) interception and dry matter were higher in WP than in CS. In WP, reduced irrigation frequency significantly increased the PAR interception at 60 cm above the ground surface. The largest grain yield and highest RUE was found in WP when plants were irrigated twice. The results indicate WP in combination with irrigated 60 mm each at jointing and heading stages maximized the winter wheat grain yield and RUE. 相似文献
在土壤耕层有效硫含量为728 mg/kg的条件下,选用不同冬小麦品种济麦20、淄麦12、鲁麦21和山农1391为试验材料,研究了施用硫肥对小麦不同穗位和不同粒位子粒蛋白质与巯基、二硫键含量及加工品质的影响。结果表明,施用硫肥对上部穗位粒的蛋白质含量的提高作用大于其他穗位粒; 增加了高蛋白含量品种济麦20和淄麦12 的弱势粒子粒蛋白质含量,增加了上部小穗位子粒和中部穗位强势粒的巯基含量,提高了不同穗位子粒二硫键含量; 而对不同粒位子粒二硫键含量的影响则因品种而异。施用硫肥使小麦面粉湿面筋含量、面团形成时间、稳定时间和粉质评价值均有一定提高,但不同品质指标对施用硫肥的反应存在差异。与子粒形成过程中蛋白质含量的变化相反,巯基的含量变化呈先升后降的规律; 二硫键的含量变化趋势与蛋白质含量的变化相似,但最小值出现时间略有延迟。 相似文献