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Terbufos poisoning in a dairy herd   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
This report describes the accidental poisoning of over 200 head of Holstein cattle by the organophosphate, terbufos. The ingestion of an acutely toxic dose (approximately 7.5 mg/kg) of terbufos by 84 heifers resulted in severe respiratory distress as the primary clinical sign and death within 12 hours. There was no response to treatment with atropine sulfate. One hundred and twenty milking cows received a portion of the contaminated feed diluted approximately ten times. These cattle had typical signs of organophosphate poisoning and responded to atropine sulfate. Severely affected cows received pralidoxime chloride and activated carbon 48 h after terbufos ingestion but did not respond to the drugs. Diagnosis of organophosphate poisoning was confirmed by tissue and feed analysis for terbufos and measurement of whole blood cholinesterase activity.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas mastitis in a dairy herd   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

An acute onset of illness was reported in a lactating dairy herd in Canada in which monensin had been incorporated in error in its ration at almost 10 times the prescribed level. All of the lactating cows became lethargic, were inappetant, developed diarrhea, and had decreased milk production from 28 kg/cow/day, the day before exposure, to 23 kg/cow/day, 3 d later. Within 9 d, all animals recovered from the incident and milk production returned to previous levels.  相似文献   

Phosphorus deficiency was diagnosed in a 90 cow seasonal supply dairy herd which showed low milk production, ill-thrift, infertility and osteophagia. Serum inorganic phosphorus and pasture phosphorus levels were low, pasture Ca:P ratios high and soil phosphorus levels very low; the soil phosphate retention value was 96%. The deficiency, which had probably existed for several years, was considered to be due to inadequate annual phosphate fertiliser applications on a high phosphate retaining soil. Phosphorus deficiency may have been exacerbated by the application of lime without phosphate several months before the onset of severe clinical disease. The finding of low sodium levels in pasture samples suggested that sodium deficiency may have co-existed and contributed to the clinical picture. Treatment, comprising bone flour dusting of pasture, water trough supplementation and phosphorus-containing injections, appeared to induce ovarian activity in anoestrous cows and suppress osteophagia, though controlled treatment trials were not performed. No improvement was noted in milk production or cow condition. Increased annual super-phosphate and reduced potassium applications were recommended, together with the monitoring of pasture and soil macro elements and serum phosphorus levels. A decision on whether to supplement with sodium would be based on the results of pasture monitoring, since a direct animal test is not currently available. It is suggested that phosphorus deficiency may not be uncommon in dairy herds in some North Island districts; based on the present case, the decline in New Zealand superphosphate quality in the 1970's and recently published data which has shown a high proportion of pasture phosphorus deficient sites in some North Island areas.  相似文献   

In October 1985, mycoplasmas were isolated from bulk tank milk samples in a large Florida dairy (greater than 1,400 lactating cows). At that time, measures to isolate and control the spread of infection were instituted. In an initial screening test, Mycoplasma bovis was isolated from 21 of 153 milking string samples (milk from all quarters of 10 cows/string). Composite quarter milk samples from all quarters of every individual lactating cow in the herd were obtained for culture in November 1985 and December 1985. In October, 88 of 1,535 (5.7%) cows were identified as Mycoplasma-positive. An additional 31 Mycoplasma-infected cows were identified in December. The dairy elected to maintain the infected cows in a separate Mycoplasma-positive subherd, which would be milked at the end of each milking session. Seven additional Mycoplasma-positive cows were identified at initiation of lactation. All newly identified infected cows were transferred to the Mycoplasma-positive subherd. After segregation of Mycoplasma-positive cows, bulk tank milk samples obtained routinely from the main herd remained culture negative throughout the study. From February 1986 to October 1986, quarter milk samples were obtained monthly from cows in the Mycoplasma-positive subherd. Any cow that developed clinical mastitis or substantial decrease in milk production was, at the discretion of the herdsman, culled. Of the 126 cows in the subherd, 22 (17.5%) were culled for mastitis, 35 (27.8%) were culled for low production, and 9 (7.1%) were culled for other reasons. Of the remaining 60 cows, 16 (12.7% of the 126 cows) were Mycoplasma-positive on the basis of results from one or more samples obtained after February 1986.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Aldicarb, an extremely toxic carbamate, caused sudden death of several lactating Holstein cows. Confirmation of this toxic agent as the cause of death was hindered by its rapid breakdown in biological tissue. Therefore, aldicarb was not detected in rumen contents of some of the dead cows, and brain acetylcholinesterase values were essentially normal. The analyses were conducted 2 to 4 days after death of the cows. Rapid testing of tissue samples is necessary if a carbamate insecticide is suspected.  相似文献   

Neospora caninrm is a protozoan closely related to Toxoplasma gonclii. It was discovered only a few years ago, but it is now recognised as one of the most common and important causes of abortion in cattle. Brain lesions characteristic of Neospora infection have been found in about 25% of aborted foetuses submitted to diagnostic laboratories in New Zealand and overseas(1)(2). Average abortion rates due to Neospora on New Zealand farms have been estimated at 7% of pregnancies compared with 4% due to other causes(1). The upper range of abortion rates for Neospora was 17–30% compared to only 7–10% for other causes, showing that the economic effects of Neospora abortions on the more severely affected farms can be devastating.  相似文献   

Serratia liquefaciens mastitis was detected and investigated in a 41-cow Holstein herd. Twenty cows were treated for mastitis over a 3-month period. Serratia liquefaciens was isolated from milk samples obtained from 8 of 12 cows tested during the epizootic. Results of an epidemiologic investigation suggested that extensive frostbite of the teats decreased the udder defense. Poor milking technique and hygiene were responsible for increased exposure of the damaged teats to potential udder pathogens. Treatment of each cow resulted in initial clinical improvement, but exacerbations occurred in 75% of the cows with documented S liquefaciens infections.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION: A closed herd of 400 mixed-breed dairy goats was examined because of a decrease in milk production and increase in mortality rate. Nine animals had died within a 1-month period. CLINICAL FINDINGS: Clinical signs were evident only in lactating goats and included anorexia and recumbency. In the most severely affected goats, signs progressed to neurologic abnormalities and death. Serum aspartate aminotransferase activity, gamma-glutamyltransferase activity, and total bilirubin concentration were high in clinically affected does, but no evidence of hemolysis was found. A diagnosis of copper toxicosis was made on the basis of high liver and kidney copper concentrations and histologic evidence of hepatic necrosis. Goats were found to have been fed a mineral mix containing 3,050 ppm copper for 9 months prior to the onset of copper toxicosis. Overall, there was no consistent relationship between serum hepatic enzyme activities, serum copper concentration, and liver copper concentration. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: Clinically affected goats were treated with penicillamine, ammonium molybdate, sodium thiosulfate, and vitamin E. Penicillamine increased urine copper excretion in treated does versus untreated control animals. An increased incidence of infectious disease was identified in the herd 9 months later. Liver vitamin E concentration was low in 10 of the 12 goats that underwent necropsy. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Findings suggested that penicillamine may be an effective treatment for goats with copper toxicosis. Production losses months after the diagnosis was made suggested that the intoxication had a prolonged animal welfare and economic impacts.  相似文献   

Chronic copper toxicity in a dairy herd   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The addition of excessive copper to a commercially prepared dairy ration caused chronic copper toxicity in a dairy herd. A formulation error by a feed company resulted in copper levels of 800 to 1,000 mg/kg in the “as fed concentrate,” amounting to about 400-500 mg copper/kg of the whole ration. Five animals died with typical signs of acute copper toxicity, including intravascular hemolysis and methemoglobinemia. A further 39 cows died on the farm from a combination of debilitation and secondary infectious causes, and 215 were sent to slaughter because of debilitation and poor milk production. The mortality of calves born to dams that had been fed the toxic concentrate was approximately 50%.

We postulate that dairy cows, particularly pregnant cows, may be more susceptible to copper toxicity than other cattle, and suggest reexamination of the presently allowable maximum levels of copper supplementation of diets for dairy cattle.


The overall purpose of this study was to provide information on animal and occupational health associated with the infection of a diary herd with Salmonella Muenster that would be useful in the management of dairy herds so infected. This retrospective, longitudinal report records a 2-year infection of a 140-cow dairy herd with S. Muenster, which was likely introduced by additions to the herd. Six cows aborted or had diarrhea due to salmonellosis in the last trimester of pregnancy. Additions to the herd and the presence of animals that had not received an Escherichia coli bacterin-toxoid were risk factors for salmonellosis. One neonate died, and 24 of 36 calves born between November 1998 and May 1999 had diarrhea by 1 mo of age. Initially, over 60% of the cows were fecal positive; within 6 months, all cows but I had become infected. The intermittent shedding of the organism and the eventual zero prevalence highlight the inappropriateness of extensive culling as an eradication strategy. Cultures of the bulk-tank milk filters were more sensitive than cultures of the bulk-tank milk samples at detecting S. Muenster. Two months after the index case, S. Muenster was cultured from the milk of 7.8% of the cows. Positive fecal or milk cultures were not associated with impaired health or production. The herd's milk was a zoonotic risk, but contact with infected animals was not. The organism spread easily between operations, likely via manure-contaminated clothing and footwear.  相似文献   

Abstract Impetigo and fürunculosis appeared in a dairy cattle herd in association with intensive showering of the lactating cows during the summer months. Heifers and dry cows in the same herd, as well as those in a neighbouring herd in the same village, which was not showered and served as a comparison herd, remained unaffected. Skin lésions declined with the termination of showering. Only six animals [three cows (7.3%) and three first-calving cows (20%)] had to be treated parenterally with antibiotics. Resumen En un rebafio de vacas de leche aparecieron cuadros de impetigo y fürunculosis asociados a las duchas frecuentes aplicadas durante los meses de verano a las vacas lactantes. Las novillas y vacas secas en el mismo rebaño, asi como las de un rebaño vecino de la misma localidad y que no recibian duchas fueron usadas como rebaño de comparación, no se vieron afectadas. Las lesiones cutáneas remitieron al dejar de aplicar las duchas. Tan solo en seis animales [tres vacas (7, 3%) y tres vacas en primer parto (20%)] fue necesario aplicar una terapia parenteral con antibióticos. [Yeruham, I., Elad, D., Perl, S., Nyska, A., Vishinsky, Y. Contagious impetigo in a dairy cattle herd (Impetigo contagioso en un rebaño de vacas de leche). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 239–242.] Résumé Impétigo et füronculose se sont manifestés dans un troupeau laitier, en relation avec un douchage intensif des vaches allaitantes pendant les mois d'été. Les jeunes et les vaches taries du même troupeau, ainsi que celles d'un troupeau voisin du même village, non douchées et servant d'élément de comparaison, restèrent inaffectés. Les lésions cutanées ont régressé dês la cessation des douchages. Seuls six animaux (trois vaches-7, 3%-et trois vaches primipares-20%-) durent etre traités par antibiothérapie parentérale. [Yeruham, I., Elad, D., Perl, S., Nyska, A., Vishinsky, Y. Contagious impetigo in a dairy cattle herd (Impétigo contagieux dans un troupeau de vaches laitières). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 239–242.] Zusammenfassung Eine Impetigo und Furunkulose trat bei einer Milchviehherde in Verbindung mit intensivem Abduschen bei den laktierenden Kühen während der Sommermonate auf. Färsen und trockenstehende Kühe in der selben Herde sowie die einer Nachbarherde im selben Ort, die nicht abgeduscht wurden und als Vergleichsgruppe dienten, blieben unverändert. Die Hautveränderungen reduzierten sich mit Beendigung des Abduschens. Nur sechs Tiere (drei Kühe (7, 3%) und drei Kalbinnen (20%)) mußten parenteral mit Antibiotika behandelt werden. [Yeruham, I., Elad, D., Perl, S., Nyska, A., Vishinsky, Y. Contagious impetigo in a dairy cattle herd (Ansteckende Impetigo bei einer Milchviehherde). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 239–242.]  相似文献   

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