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Cultured bronchial epithelial and fibroblastic cells from humans were used to study DNA damage and toxicity caused by formaldehyde. Formaldehyde caused the formation of cross-links between DNA and proteins, caused single-strand breaks in DNA, and inhibited the resealing of single-strand breaks produced by ionizing radiation. Formaldehyde also inhibited the unscheduled DNA synthesis that occurs after exposure of cells to ultraviolet irradiation or to benzo[a]pyrene diolexpoxide but at doses substantially higher than those required to inhibit the resealing of x-ray-induced single-strand breaks. Therefore, formaldehyde could exert its mutagenic and carcinogenic effects by both damaging DNA and inhibiting DNA repair.  相似文献   

A gene coding for the major histocompatibility antigen HLA-A2 was transferred into human HLA-A2 negative M1 cells and murine L cells. Following transfection, these cells expressed molecules at the cell surface that are biochemically indistinguishable from HLA-A2 antigens on the human cell line JY from which the HLA-A2 gene was isolated. The M1A2 cells were recognized and lysed by a cytolytic T-cell clone specific for HLA-A2. The transfected L cells which express HLA-A2 in association with human beta 2-microglobulin were not lysed by this T-cell clone. The specific cytolysis of M1A2 cells could be inhibited by monoclonal antibodies to HLA-A2, and monoclonal antibodies to T3, T8, and LFA-1 on cytotoxic T lymphocytes. These results suggest that killing by allospecific T cells requires HLA-A2 antigens as well as other species-specific structures on the target cell surface.  相似文献   

The natural history of estrogen-responsive breast cancers often involves a phenotypic change to an estrogen-unresponsive, more aggressive tumor. The human breast cancer cell line, MCF-7, which requires estradiol for tumor formation in vivo and shows growth stimulation in response to estradiol in vitro, is a model for hormone-responsive tumors. The v-rasH onc gene was transfected into MCF-7 cells. The cloned MCF-7ras transfectants, which expressed the v-rasH messenger RNA and v-rasH p21 protein (21,000 daltons), were characterized. In contrast to the parental cell line, MCF-7ras cells no longer responded to exogenous estrogen in culture and their growth was minimally inhibited by exogenous antiestrogens. When tested in the nude mouse, the MCF-7ras cells were fully tumorigenic in the absence of estrogen supplementation. Thus, cells acquiring an activated onc gene can bypass the hormonal regulatory signals that trigger the neoplastic growth of a human breast cancer cell line.  相似文献   

Participation of c-myc protein in DNA synthesis of human cells   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
The protein product of oncogene c-myc is believed to be important in regulation of the cell cycle. However, its direct role in DNA synthesis has not been explored. Experiments presented here show that the addition of affinity-purified antibodies against the human c-myc protein to nuclei isolated from several types of human cells reversibly inhibited DNA synthesis and DNA polymerase activity of these nuclei. This suggests that c-myc encodes a protein that is functionally involved in DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

To protect genome integrity and ensure survival, eukaryotic cells exposed to genotoxic stress cease proliferating to provide time for DNA repair. Human cells responded to ultraviolet light or ionizing radiation by rapid, ubiquitin- and proteasome-dependent protein degradation of Cdc25A, a phosphatase that is required for progression from G1 to S phase of the cell cycle. This response involved activated Chk1 protein kinase but not the p53 pathway, and the persisting inhibitory tyrosine phosphorylation of Cdk2 blocked entry into S phase and DNA replication. Overexpression of Cdc25A bypassed this mechanism, leading to enhanced DNA damage and decreased cell survival. These results identify specific degradation of Cdc25A as part of the DNA damage checkpoint mechanism and suggest how Cdc25A overexpression in human cancers might contribute to tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

采用随机扩增多态性DNA标记(RAPD)方法,研究阿特拉津浓度为0、25、50、75、100和125 mg·L-1污染胁迫条件下对阿特拉津高效降解菌Arthrobacter sp.DNS10和Acinetobacter sp.DNS32与非阿特拉津降解菌Escherichia coli K12和Micrococcus luteus N19生长影响及基因组DNA损伤情况。结果表明,在阿特拉津污染胁迫24 h后,随阿特拉津浓度增高,Escherichia coli K12和Micrococcus luteus N19生长速度受抑制强度逐渐明显。利用随机引物对上述四种细菌基因组DNA进行PCR扩增。结果表明,菌株Escherichia coli K12和Micrococcus luteus N19处理组与对照组之间RAPD指纹图谱存在明显差异,在阿特拉津浓度为100 mg·L-1时,基因组模板稳定性(GTS)分别降至52.3%和61.2%。同一浓度下,阿特拉津降解菌Acinetobacter sp.DNS32基因组模板稳定性为82.9%,Arthrobacter sp.DNS10基因组模板稳定性为92.1%。研究表明,阿特拉津胁迫对Escherichia coli K12和Micrococcus luteus N19基因组DNA产生损伤;阿特拉津降解菌Arthrobacter sp.DNS10和Acinetobacter sp.DNS32对阿特拉津胁迫有较高耐受性,适于阿特拉津降解。  相似文献   

Southern blot hybridization was used to identify human and other vertebrate DNA sequences that were homologous to cloned DNA fragments containing the oncogenic nucleic acid sequences of three different type C mammalian retroviruses (simian sarcoma virus, the Snyder-Theilen strain of feline sarcoma virus, and the Harvey strain of murine sarcoma virus). Each onc gene counterpart has a single genetic locus, which probably contains non-onc intervening sequences. The human DNA sequences may represent genes important to cell growth or cell differentiation, or both. Their identification and isolation may allow elucidation of their role in these processes and in neoplasias.  相似文献   

Y-chromosomal DNA is present in the genomes of most human XX males. In these cases, maleness is probably due to the presence of the Y-encoded testis-determining factor (TDF). By means of in situ hybridization of a probe (pDP105) detecting Y-specific DNA to metaphases from three XX males, it was demonstrated that the Y DNA is located on the tip of the short arm of an X chromosome. This finding supports the hypothesis that XX maleness is frequently the result of transfer of Y DNA, including TDF, to a paternally derived X chromosome.  相似文献   

The frequency of genetic transformation of target cells in a culture is established to be from 9 × 10?4 to 3 × 10?3. A transgenic rooster with integration and expression of the lacZ gene in heart, liver, intestine, and testis cells is produced.  相似文献   

Antibodies reactive with proteins of human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV) can be found in Old World monkeys. A T-lymphocyte cell line established from a seropositive baboon (Papio cynocephalus) was analyzed for the presence of viral DNA sequences. The provirus found in these cells was related to but distinct from HTLV subgroup I. These results add to recent evidence from human studies that HTLV represents a spectrum of infectious T-lymphotropic retroviruses that includes closely and distantly related members.  相似文献   

The immune adherence test was used to determine whether antibody and complement in cancer patients are fixed in vivo to tumor cells. Human erythrocytes adhered in vitro to the surface of human cancer cells obtained from autopsy and biopsy. Adherence was enhanced by further addition of the C2 and C3 components of complement, and was diminished by preliminary treatment with antibody to C3 (that is, to beta1C-globulin). The results suggest that tumor associated membrane antigens form complexes in vivo with antibodies and complement.  相似文献   

为建立东北地区碱性水域对虾移殖驯化技术体系,以虾塘半咸水添加碱性湖泊水为试验用水,进行凡纳滨对虾生长试验,研究碱性水域对虾生长与碱度、盐度、离子系数、pH,K ,Ca2 ,Mg2 浓度、Ca2 Mg2 总浓度、Ca2 /Mg2 及Na /K 等10种水环境因子的关系。结果表明,在碱度为5.41~38.78 mmol/L的碱性水环境中,体长为10~20 mm的驯化幼虾饲养15 d的平均体长生长速度为1.21~0.52 mm/d,总体存活率75.7%。不同水环境下幼虾存活率差异不显著(P>0.05),体长生长速度差异极显著(P<0.01)。体长生长速度与水环境因子间的相关性存在因子间的互作效应,其简单相关性都受到其它因子或因子组合的正效应影响。体长生长速度与碱度、pH,离子系数、K 浓度、Ca2 /Mg2 及Na /K 的相关性不明显;同盐度、Ca2 ,Mg2 浓度及Ca2 Mg2 总浓度的关系较为密切,很可能成为影响因子。提高盐度、Ca2 ,Mg2 浓度及Ca2 Mg2 总浓度和驯化水平,将有利于碱性水域幼虾的存活与生长。  相似文献   

The T-cell antigen receptor is a cell-surface molecule that participates in the immune response. In the present experiments the genes encoding the beta chain of the T-cell receptor were found to reside on the long arm of human chromosome 7 at or near band q32. Related sequences were found on the short arm of chromosome 7 in bands p15-21 in some experiments. Chromosomal rearrangements in T-cells from normal individuals and patients with ataxia telangiectasia have previously been observed at and near these map assignments for the beta-chain genes.  相似文献   

The T-cell receptor is formed by two chains, alpha and beta, for which specific clones were recently obtained. In this report the gene for the beta chain of the human T-cell receptor was located on the long arm of chromosome 7, band q35, by means of in situ hybridization. This chromosome region in T cells is unusually prone to develop breaks in vivo, perhaps reflecting instability generated by somatic rearrangement of T-cell receptor genes during normal differentiation in this cell lineage.  相似文献   

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