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In order to study the influence of lecithin and vegetable oils on improving productive and reproductive performance, egg quality, and metabolic profile of dual-purpose crossbred hens in the tropics, a total of 224 hens, 47-wk old, 112 each of Gimmizah and Silver Montazah strains were fed seven isonitrogenous diets. Experimental treatments consisted of feeding seven different diets to layers; four isocaloric diets containing either no added lipid (control), 3% vegetable oil mixture, 3% soy lecithin or 6% soy lecithin; and three high-energy level diets, containing an extra 3% vegetable oil mixture, 3% or 6% soy lecithin added to the control diet. Thus, the experimental design was factorial, consisting of seven lipid treatments by two strains of hens. Results indicate that 3% lecithin as an extra ME source, or feeding 11.72 MJ ME/kg diet containing the same level of lecithin, improved productive and reproductive performance of crossbred hens. Moreover, lecithin at 6% as an extra ME supplement significantly increased yolk percentage and improved Haugh unit score and yolk color, while increasing EE digestibility and plasma total lipids. Hen strain had a significant effect only on digestibility of OM, percentage liver and Haugh unit score, with the Gimmizah strain having higher values.  相似文献   

The effects of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) supplementation on reproductive performance of grazing dairy cows was studied. Forty-eight cows in their first to third parity were allocated to eight groups of 6 animals each, based on stage of lactation and milk yield. Groups 1 (control), 2 (Ca), 3 (P) and 4 (Zn) received, respectively, no mineral supplement, 10 g Ca, 8 g P and 400 mg Zn. The rest of the groups received a combination of Ca/P, Ca/Zn, P/Zn or Ca/P/Zn. Animals were drenched daily. Ovarian activity was determined by progesterone concentrations in milk. Prepartum body condition score (BCS) measured using scale 1–5 was 2.5–3.5. Reproductive problems were observed in all groups except that supplemented with Ca. Cows supplemented with Ca, P, Ca/P, Ca/Zn and Ca/P/Zn had significantly (p < 0.05) shorter interval (30 days) from calving to resumption of oestrus as compared to control (69 days). Intervals from calving to conception and between calvings did not differ significantly between groups (p > 0.05), but were shorter in Ca-supplemented cows. Furthermore, cows in groups 2 and 3 needed an average of 2 services per conception against 3 for cows in other groups. Hence, supplementation with Ca, P and Zn of deficient dairy cows appears to improve reproductive performance.  相似文献   

High-quality protein roughage is an important feed for productive ruminants. This study examined the effects of strategic feeding of lactating cows with cassava (Manihot esculenta) top silage (CTS) on rumen fermentation, feed intake, milk yield, and quality. Four early lactating crossbred dairy cows (75% Holstein-Friesian and 25% Thai) with body weight (BW) 410?±?30 kg and milk yield 12?±?2 kg/day were randomly allotted in a 4?×?4 Latin square design to four different supplementation levels of CTS namely, 0, 0.75, 1.50, and 2.25 kg/day of dry matter (DM). Strategic supplementation of CTS significantly affected ruminal fermentation end-products, especially increased propionate production, decreased protozoal population and suppressed methane production (P?<?0.05). Increasing the CTS supplementation level substantially enhanced milk yield and the 3.5% FCM from 12.7 to 14.0 kg/day and from 14.6 to 17.2 kg/day (P?<?0.05) for non-supplemented group and for the 2.25 kg/day supplemented group, respectively. We conclude that high-quality protein roughage significantly enhances rumen fermentation end-products, milk yield, and quality in dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of daily herbage allowance and concentrate supplementation level offered at approximately 40 and 80 days in milk (DIM) and the carryover effects at 120 DIM on the production performance of spring calving dairy cows. Sixty-six (30 primiparous and 36 multiparous) Holstein–Friesian dairy cows (mean calving date — 7 Feb ± 9.9 days) were randomly assigned to a 6 treatment (n = 11) grazing study. The experiment was a randomised block design with a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments (3 daily herbage allowances (DHA's; approximately 13, 16 and 19 kg DM/cow/day; > 4 cm) and 2 concentrate allowances (0 and 4 kg DM/day). Treatments were imposed from 21 February to 8 May. Following this period (subsequent 4-weeks) animals were offered a daily herbage allowance of 20 kg DM/cow/day and no concentrate. Milk production, total dry matter intake (TDMI), energy balance (EB) and blood metabolites were measured on three occasions — at approximately 40, 80 and 120 days in milk, R1, R2 and the carryover period, respectively. Cows offered a low DHA had a lower post-grazing sward height but increased sward utilisation (> 4 cm) during R1 and R2, there was no difference during the carryover period. Concentrate supplementation increased post-grazing sward height by 11% during R2 but had no effect during R1 and the carryover period. Daily herbage allowance had no effect on milk yield or composition during R1 however a low DHA tended to reduce milk yield in R2. Concentrate supplementation increased milk and solids corrected milk (SCM) yield by 4.1 and 2.8 kg/cow/day, respectively during R1 and also increased R2 milk production performance, this effect extended into the carryover period. Offering a low DHA restricted grass dry matter intake (DMI) during R1 and R2 yet concentrate supplementation significantly increased total DMI (2.3 (R1) and 3.0 (R2) kg DM/cow). Animals offered a low DHA had a significantly lower bodyweight (BW) than those offered a medium or high DHA during P1 and P2. Concentrate supplementation increased BW during P1 and P2 (+ 9 and + 14 kg/cow, respectively). There was no effect of treatment on BW during P3. There was no effect of DHA on EB in R1; during R2 animals offered a low DHA had the lowest EB. Concentrate significantly increased EB in R1 and R2 and increased plasma glucose concentration while it decreased plasma NEFA and BHB concentrations. The results of this study indicate that animals should be offered a low DHA up to 80 DIM after which DHA should be increased however animals should also be supplemented with concentrate during the early post-partum period.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to evaluate the effects of restricted suckling (RS) in dual-purpose cows and calves compared to artificial rearing (AR). Twelve Holstein-Zebu cows with calves were assigned to each treatment. Cows were milked once daily in the morning with calves present to stimulate milk let-down. RS calves suckled 30 min after milking and 30 min in the afternoon, whereas AR calves were milk-fed from nipple bottles. The daily saleable milk yield was higher in RS than in AR cows (p < 0.01; 7.44 vs 6.50 kg/day), whereas RS cows had lower milk-fat content (p < 0.001). AR cows had higher California Mastitis Test scores (p < 0.001) and lower lactose content (p < 0.001) compared to RS cows, which indicates an improved udder health in RS cows. AR calves displayed more ‘cross-suck’ during suckling/milk feeding (p < 0.001) and during observations of general behaviour (p < 0.05), and more ‘lick and sniff interior’ during milking (p < 0.05) and suckling/milk feeding (p < 0.01), compared to RS calves. During observations of general behaviour the RS calves were more often observed to ‘walk’ (p < 0.01) and ‘lick self’ (p < 0.05) and less frequently to ‘eat concentrate’ (p < 0.05) than AR calves. Results support the hypothesis that RS increases milk yield, influences milk composition and improves udder health in cows, and decreases abnormal sucking in calves.  相似文献   

Bee pollen (BP) is one of the most useful therapeutic products favoured by natural medicine scientists because of its possible nutritional and medical applications. It exhibits many impacts such as antimicrobial, immunostimulating, antioxidants and hepatoprotective. Furthermore, BP has some useful therapeutic features in numerous pathological situations such as its impact to normalize wound healing. Based on previous literatures, the level of BP supplement in livestock and poultry ranged from 0.1 to 20 g/kg diet. This variation depends on the species, physiological status, age and purpose of addition; so far generally, it accepted to use the level with no side effects. It has been observed that BP enhanced growth performance, immunity responses and blood variables and had hypoglycaemic activity by reducing the lipid in the blood and carcass. Also, BP contains more nutrients, which stimulate faster differentiation and proliferation of the cells of immune system of birds. Therefore, the present review recommends that BP supplementation (up to 20 g/kg diet) had possible beneficial impacts, antioxidants and protective activities on most of the production, productive and health patterns of livestock.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of a pre-partum diet with lower than recommended (DCAD = −82 mEq/kg of dietary DM) amounts of anionic salts on metabolism, health, reproductive performance and milk production in dairy cows. Sixty Holstein multiparous cows were enrolled 21 days prior to expected calving date. The animals were randomly assigned to receive one of two rations: 30 cows received anionic ration [−82 mEq (NA + K − Cl − S)/kg of DM] for 21 d to parturition and the other group (n = 30) were fed a usual dry period ration (+192 mEq/kg of DM). Serum samples obtained at days −21, +3 and +21 relative to calving were analyzed for β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), glucose, calcium (Ca), inorganic phosphorus, magnesium, chloride, sodium, potassium, cholesterol, urea, creatinine, total protein, albumin, and aspartate aminotransferase (AST). Urine pH declined from 8.4 at 21 d before calving (pre-treatment) to 6.2 at day 7 pre-partum in the treatment group. Repeated-measure mixed model analysis indicated that the concentrations of Ca were significantly increased and creatinine, and AST were significantly decreased by lowering DCAD. The concentrations of BHBA, NEFA and glucose were not affected by treatment. The incidence of milk fever and culling were 5 and 11 times higher in the control group in comparison with the treatment group, respectively. The intervals from calving to first breeding and to pregnancy were not influenced by treatment. There was no group effect on average daily milk yield or fat percentage.  相似文献   

We assessed the effect of an anionic salt and supplementary administration of vitamin E and Se throughout the dry period, on the risk of retained fetal membranes (RFM), milk yield and reproductive performance of dairy cows. Data were collected from 456 dairy cows in three commercial farms. Each animal entering the dry period was assigned to one of two groups (treated and control group). All animals were then fed the same ration, which included 80 IU/kg vitamin E acetate and 0.2 ppm Se, but animals of the treated group also received an additional blend containing ammonium chloride (60 g), vitamin E [1000 IU (dl-α-tocopheryl acetate)] and Se (0.05 ppm). Calving ease was evaluated and no manual removal of placenta was attempted. Cows that retained their fetal membranes for more than 12 h after calving were considered to suffer from RFM. All animals experienced a 50-day voluntary waiting period before the first artificial insemination (AI). Treatment resulted in a decrease in the estimated average risk of RFM (10.6% vs 17.8%). Stratifying on farm the Mantel–Haenszel Relative Risk (MH-RR) estimate of RFM in treated animals relative to controls was 1.68 (95% confidence interval, CI, 1.05 to 2.68) and the Mantel–Haenszel test P-value was 0.028. Among cows that had not required assistance during delivery the average risk of RFM was greater for those without treatment (risk estimate: 10/208 or 9.7%) as compared to those with treatment (risk estimate: 20/207 or 4.8%). The MH-RR estimate of RFM in treated vs. control animals was 2.95 the respective 95% CI: (0.96 to 4.17) and the MH test of association P-value was 0.058). Conversely, among cows that did require assistance during calving, the average risk of RFM estimates were 77.8% (14/18) and 91.3% (21/23) in treated and non-treated animals, respectively (MH-relative risk estimate of RFM = 1.21, 95%CI: 0.91 to 1.60). Using analysis of variance with farm as a random effect, treatment did not appear to have an effect on milk production of cows without RFM either at 30 or 60 days postpartum (P > 0.10). Time intervals (in days) between parturition and first oestrus expression (POI), parturition and first AI (PFAI) and parturition and conception (PCI) were recorded for each animal. For each time-to-event variable, survivor functions were estimated for treated and control groups using the Kaplan–Meier methodology and survival curves of treated and control groups were compared using the log-rank test, separately for the animals that did or did not experience RFM in each farm. There were significant differences in the time-to-event survival curves in only one of the three farms. Median time between parturition and first oestrus expression among animals without RFM was 67 days in treated animals and 75 in control animals, and the survival curves were statistically significantly different (P = 0.021). Similarly, in the same farm, among animals that did not experience RFM the median time between parturition and conception was 114 in treated animals and 145 in controls, and the survival curves were statistically significantly different (P = 0.002). In conclusion, daily administration of a blend containing ammonium chloride, vitamin E and Se throughout the dry period seems to be safe and resulted in a decrease of RFM occurrence, without any effect on milk yield.  相似文献   

Purulent vaginal discharge (PVD) is a prevalent uterine disease of dairy cows during the puerperium that affects the milk production and affects the profitability of farms. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the biochemical profile, the body condition score, the milk production of cows with PVD and the effects PVD on reproductive performance. A total of 338 Holstein dairy cows aged from 3 to 5 years, from three commercial dairy farms, from Brazil, were used. Blood samples were collected within 25 ± 3 days post‐partum from Holstein dairy cows without PVD (control cows, n = 242) and cows with PVD (n = 96), based on scoring of the vaginal discharge. The body condition score and milk production were recorded on the day of sampling. The biochemical profile encompassed albumin, urea, gamma‐glutamyl transferase, calcium, fibrinogen and cholesterol concentrations. The number of services per pregnancy was lower (p < 0.01), and the number of days until first insemination and the median time to pregnancy were higher in cows with PVD (p < 0.01) when compared with control cows. Milk production and body condition score were lower (p < 0.01) in cows with PVD than in control group. Cows with PVD had lower (p < 0.05) serum albumin, urea, calcium and cholesterol concentrations, and higher serum gamma‐glutamyl transferase activity and fibrinogen concentration than cows without PVD. Our results show that cows with PVD have changes in the biochemical profile and negative effects on production and reproduction performance.  相似文献   

We quantified the effect of Neospora caninum (NC)-serostatus on culling and (re)production in 83 herds randomly selected from the Dutch dairy herd population (random group) and in 17 herds that had experienced an abortion epidemic associated with NC infection (epidemic-abortion group). In the random group, a single whole-herd blood sampling was done during the spring of 2003, while in the epidemic-abortion group whole-herd blood sampling was done repeatedly at least once a year starting after the abortion epidemic during the period 1997–2000 until the summer of 2004. Serological test-results for NC were given as ‘negative’ (N), ‘low-positive’ (LP) and ‘high-positive’ (HP). For analysing the time to culling, calving interval and age of first calving, survival analysis was used. For categorical reproduction parameters either a logistic-regression model (abortion, non-return after 1st insemination) or a Poisson-regression model (number of inseminations per pregnancy) was used. For milk production a linear-mixed model was used. All models were controlled, if applicable, for confounding variables like parity, production, season, year and abortion and adjusted for within-herd clustering.

In random herds, HP serostatus increased the hazard for culling 1.73-fold (95% CI: 1.37–2.19) compared to N and LP serostatus. Compared to N serostatus, LP and HP serostatus in epidemic-abortion herds increased the odds for abortion 1.88-fold (95% CI: 1.41–2.52) and 1.72-fold (95% CI: 1.38–2.14), respectively. No other reproduction parameters were associated with NC-serostatus in the random or epidemic-abortion herds. We found no effect of serostatus on milk production in the random group. In contrast, milk production of LP and HP serostatus in the epidemic-abortion group was respectively, 0.72 kg milk/day (95% CI: 0.15–1.03) and 0.59 kg milk/day (95% CI: 0.13–1.30), less during the first 100 days of lactation in the first year after the abortion epidemic compared with N serostatus.  相似文献   

Four Holstein cows were used to determine the effect of timing of the feeding of a corn silage (CS)‐based supplement on the feed intake, milk production and nitrogen utilization of grazing dairy cows. The cows were fed the supplement 2 h before grazing (pre‐grazing) or immediately after grazing (post‐grazing). Cows were grazed for 5 h per day under a rotational grazing system. There was no difference in the herbage and total feed intake between treatments. The milk protein yield for pre‐grazing tended to be higher than that for post‐grazing, whereas the milk yield did not differ between treatments. The total nitrogen intake for pre‐grazing tended to be higher than that for post‐grazing (P = 0.06). There was no difference in the urinary nitrogen output between treatments, whereas the proportion of urinary nitrogen output : total nitrogen intake for pre‐grazing tended to be lower than that for post‐grazing (P = 0.06). The milk nitrogen output and nitrogen retention for pre‐grazing tended to be higher than that for post‐grazing (milk nitrogen, P = 0.06; nitrogen retention, P = 0.05). Nitrogen utilization of grazing dairy cows was improved by feeding a CS‐based supplement before grazing.  相似文献   

文章旨在评估高淀粉水平日粮补充不同类型的脂肪酸对泌乳期奶牛生长性能、乳成分及血清代谢参数的影响.试验将泌乳量一致的24头荷斯坦奶牛随机分为3组,每组4个重复,每个重复2头.各组日粮设计如下:T1为26.5%淀粉水平+1.5%硬脂酸,T2为26.5%淀粉水平+1.5%棕榈酸,T3为正常淀粉水平组(21%淀粉不添加脂肪酸)...  相似文献   

Eight cows were used to evaluate the effects of supplementation of soy sauce oil (SO) or Ca salts of fatty acids (FA) on rumen fermentation and milk production. The control diet (CO) consisted mainly of hay, corn silage and a concentrate. In the experimental diets, 400 g/day per cow of SO or FA (soybean oil and rapeseed oil) was supplemented to the CO diet. Experimental period for the three treatments was 14 days, and milk samples were taken during the last 2 days and rumen sample was taken on the last day. Dry matter intake was not affected by the treatments. The number of rumen protozoa at 0 h increased by SO and FA diets. Total volatile fatty acids at 2 h after feeding of SO diet was decreased compared to CO. The milk composition yield did not differ among treatments, although the percentages of fat and protein were decreased by SO and FA diets. The proportions of C8–C16 fatty acids in milk fat decreased, and those of C18 increased by SO and FA diets. The proportion of cis‐9, trans‐11 conjugated linoleic acid in milk fat by SO and FA diets increased by 120% and 135%, respectively. In spite of the slight suppression of rumen fermentation by SO diet, negative effects on feed intake and milk production were not detected.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of adaptation to grazing in early spring on the herbage intake, milk production, and body weight changes in lactating dairy cows. The experiment included 12 Holstein lactating cows during early spring. Six cows were allowed to gradually adapt to grazing (ADP) over 10 days. They were allowed to graze on a pasture for 4 h during the first week and for 19 h during the remaining 3 days (adaptation period). During the 10-day period, the remaining six cows were housed in a barn (CON). Cows in both groups received adequate silage, hay, and concentrate during the adaptation period. Subsequently, cows in both groups were allowed to graze together for 19 h for 4 weeks (experimental period). No cow received supplements during the experimental period. In the first week of the experimental period, the ADP cows showed a higher herbage intake than the CON cows. During the subsequent weeks, there were no differences in herbage intake between the two groups. At the start of the experimental period, milk production and body weight of the ADP cows were higher than those of the CON cows, and this difference lasted until the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

Data of the Elsenburg Dormer sheep stud, which was kept closed since inception, were collected over a period of 62 years (1941–2002). The breed is a composite, resulting from a cross of Dorset Horn rams with South African Mutton Merino ewes. These data were analysed to quantify the increase in actual level of inbreeding and to investigate the effect of inbreeding on phenotypic values, genetic parameters and estimated breeding values. After editing 11954 pedigree, 11721 birth weight (BW) and survival, 9205 weaning weight (WW) and 7504 reproduction records were available for analysis. The mean level of inbreeding (F) of all animals over all years was 16%; 14% for dams and 16% for sires. Mean, minimum and maximum F for the lambs in 1997 (when 3 rams from outside were introduced) were 22%, 21% and 24% respectively. Estimates of inbreeding depression for individual inbreeding of 1% were − 0.006 kg for birth and − 0.093 kg for weaning weight respectively. These were the only estimates that were significantly (P < 0.01) different from zero. No significant effects of inbreeding on the other traits were found. There were virtually no differences in the genetic parameters estimated when fitting the two models (inclusion or exclusion of inbreeding coefficients as covariates). Estimates of the phenotypic variance differed slightly for WW between the two models. Ranking of animals were studied for weaning weight when the two models were considered. The high correlation coefficients (0.990) indicate that the use of inbreeding coefficients did not cause important changes in ranking of animals and sires for WW. It was concluded that slow inbreeding (rate of inbreeding of approximately 1.53% per generation over 19 generations) allows natural selection to operate and to remove the less fit animals. At any given mean level of F, less inbreeding depression would then be expected among the individuals who accumulated the inbreeding over a larger number of generations. Nevertheless, inbreeding coefficients should be considered when mating decisions are made, to limit the possible deleterious effects of inbreeding on productive and reproductive traits and to detect animals “resilient to” higher levels of inbreeding.  相似文献   

Nine multiparous Holstein cows were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design to determine the effects of substituting corn grain with brown rice (BR) grain in total mixed ration (TMR) silage on milk yield, ruminal fermentation and nitrogen (N) balance. The TMR silages were made from the ensiling of TMR containing (dry matter basis) 50.1% forage in rice silage and corn silage combination, and 49.9% concentrate. The grain portion of the diets contained 31.2% steam‐flaked corn, 31.2% steam‐flaked BR or an equal mixture of corn and BR. Dietary treatments did not affect dry matter intake, milk yield and milk fat, protein and lactose yields. The ruminal pH and total volatile fatty acid concentrations were not affected by dietary treatment. The urinary N excretion decreased linearly (P < 0.01) in response to increased levels of BR, with no dietary effect on N intake, N secretion in milk and fecal N excretion. Our results indicate that steam‐flaked BR is a suitable replacement for steam‐flaked corn in dairy cow diets, and that it can be included in rations to a level of at least 31.2% of dry matter without adverse effects on milk production, when cows were fed rice silage and corn silage‐based diets.  相似文献   

The effects of corn dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) feeding on rumen fermentation and milk production in cows were evaluated using diets high in neutral detergent fiber (NDF, 45.9–46.6%). The control diet (Control) consisted mainly of hay, corn silage and concentrates. In the experimental diets, the concentrates were replaced with DDGS as 10% dry matter (DM) (10%DDGS) and 20% DM (20%DDGS). Eight cows were used for each 14‐day treatment period. Effect of DDGS feeding on DM intake was not significant. Ruminal volatile fatty acids and ammonia‐N at 5 h after feeding of 20%DDGS were decreased compared to Control, whereas protozoal count at 2 h after feeding of 20%DDGS was higher than that of 10%DDGS. Milk yield of cows fed DDGS diets was greater than that of Control, although percentages of milk protein and solids‐not‐fat were decreased by DDGS diets. The proportions of C10:0, C12:0, C14:0 and C16:0 in the milk fat decreased, and those of C18:0, C18:1, C18:2 and cis‐9, trans‐11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) increased markedly with elevated DDGS. Increase in trans‐11 C18:1 was observed in the rumen fluid at 5 h after feeding. These findings suggest that DDGS feeding enhanced milk yield, as well as CLA synthesis under a high dietary NDF condition.  相似文献   

Sixty cows (40 multiparous and 20 primiparous) averaging 140 days in milk (DIM) were assigned to five treatments to evaluate the effect of pasture allowance and supplements of a) maize silage b) high crude protein concentrate and, c) low crude protein concentrate on milk production and nitrogen (N) excretion. Two of the treatments (HG and LG) were offered herbage only (allowances of 20 and 15 kg dry matter (DM) per cow/day, respectively) while the remaining three treatments were offered a herbage allowance of 15 kg DM per cow/day plus 4 kg DM per cow/day of maize silage (M), a high CP concentrate (CP concentration of 194 g/kg DM) (HC), or citrus pulp (CP concentration of 69 g/kg DM) (LC). Total DM intake (DMI) was similar for HG, M, HC, and LC but was lower for LG (15.2 kg DM per cow/day) than HC (17.4 kg DM per cow/day). The reduction in pasture DMI per kg of supplement DM ingested was 0.44, 0.45, and 0.54 kg for cows offered maize silage, high CP concentrate, and low CP concentrate, respectively. Milk yield was greater for the supplemented treatments (23.7–24.7 kg/day) than for LG (20.7 kg/day) but not for HG (23.2 kg/day). Milk fat concentration was greater for HC (35.3 g/kg) than for HG, M, and LC but not greater than LG, while milk protein concentration was greater for HG (34.8 g/kg) than for LG and HC but not greater than M and LC. The greatest levels of N and PDIN intake were recorded for HG (662 and 2502 g/day) and HC (654 and 2506 g/day) which were greater than LC but not greater than LG and M. Treatment HC recorded the highest PDIE intake (1743 g/day) which was greater than LG, M and LC but not greater than HG. Output of N in milk was greater on HC (134 g/day) than on LG but was not greater than on HG, M, and LC. Faecal N excretion was greater on HG (171 g/day) than on all other treatments while estimated urinary N excretion was greater on HG and HC than LC (320 g/day). Treatment LC had a higher proportion of N output in milk (0.23) than treatment LG but not higher than HG, M and HC treatments. Urinary N expressed as a proportion of total N excretion was lower for HG (0.68) than all other treatments. The results of this study show that there is a large response in milk production to supplementing cows on a restricted grass allowance and that cows offered low CP supplements had similar levels of production to those offered high CP supplements. Nitrogen utilisation was improved by offering supplements of lower CP content.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the feeding choice, dry matter (DM) intake, and milk production of dairy cows that strip grazed on a mixed perennial species pasture receiving different supplementation strategies. The treatments were without supplementation (WS) or with supplementation of either corn silage (CS) or a total mixed ration (TMR) based on CS and concentrates, in a subtropical area. The supplements were provided ad libitum after the afternoon milking. Twelve Holstein × Jersey cows in mid-lactation (133 ± 43 days in milk) were divided into six groups (two cows/group) and distributed in accordance with a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design, with three 21 day periods (15 adaptation days and 6 evaluation days). The total DM intake, milk production, milk fat, and milk protein production were greater in the TMR treatment than in the WS and CS treatments and were similar between the WS and CS treatments. The herbage DM intake and proportion of time spent grazing were greater in the CS treatment than in the TMR treatment. CS supplementation did not affect the total DM intake or milk production/cow, whereas TMR supplementation greatly improved the total DM intake and milk production of the dairy cows grazing on mixed perennial species.  相似文献   

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