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防灾绿地规划是绿地系统规划的重要组成部分。在防灾绿地研究理论和实践基础上,结合泰兴市灾害发生主要类型和空间布局特征,探讨小城市防灾绿地布局的主要方法,以提升城市综合防灾能力,完善城市绿地系统规划。  相似文献   

防灾绿地公园作为防灾避难场所,在城市规划具有一般公园和防灾公园的双重功能,所以许多时候需要注意进行"平灾结合"的场所设计,只有完善的防灾设施才能相对于更大化的保证人民灾时避难的安全。防灾绿地公园在国家防灾系统中占有重要的地位,防灾绿地公园除了需要具有规划、卫生、通信等方面基本的机能体系要求,还需要在公园规划方面进行防灾专业方面的设计与研究。文章对防灾绿地公园的机能体系做了较深的分析和研究,对比国内外一些防灾体系,提出重要论证,尤其是提出在防灾绿地公园方面需要多进行民主的场所使用普及问题。  相似文献   

以国家标准《防灾避难场所设计规范》为依据,从乌鲁木齐市中心避难绿地的筛选,服务半径所能覆盖的范围,能容纳的避难人口数量等方面来研究乌鲁木齐中心避难绿地防灾避难的能力,以期为相关城市绿地防灾避难规划提供有意义的参考。  相似文献   

中小学校园作为灾难发生时不可避免会使用的一类避难场所,常常被城市综合防灾规划和绿地系统防灾避难规划排除在外,或者得不到应有的重视。为切实保护人们的财产安全,主要研究乌鲁木齐市中小学开敞空间和室内避难场所,对比城市防灾避难绿地,分析其在城市避难场所中所起到的作用。  相似文献   

从乌鲁木齐市现状绿地中依照国家标准《防灾避难场所设计规范》,筛选符合条件的长期固定避难绿地,从其服务半径所能覆盖的范围、能容纳的避难人口数量等方面来研究乌鲁木齐市长期固定避难绿地的能力,以期为城市绿地系统防灾避难规划提供有意义的参考。  相似文献   

从乌鲁木齐市现状绿地中依照国家标准《防灾避难场所设计规范》,筛选符合条件的中期固定避难绿地,从其服务半径所能覆盖的范围、能容纳的避难人口数量等方面来研究乌鲁木齐市中期固定避难绿地的能力,以期为城市绿地系统防灾避难规划提供有意义的参考。  相似文献   

我国在城市绿地防灾避难领域的研究以理论和规划为主,调查和实证的研究较少。通过实地调查和相关数据整理,对乌鲁木齐绿地有效避难面积和避难人口这2个关键指标进行研究,为我国城市绿地防灾避难领域的相关规划提供参考。  相似文献   

以植物特有的防灾避险功能为基础,从绿地的防灾避险功能角度分析了长沙居住小区绿地的植物配置存在的问题,并借鉴"FPS"防灾林带配置模式,提出城市居住小区防灾避险绿地植物配置的原则和方法,以期提高居住小区的防灾避险功能。  相似文献   

城市防灾避难绿地的规划设计涉及防震、防空、防汛等多方面的知识,其管理运营也关系到社会消防、市政、公安等许多部门,这是一个复杂的过程。本文从城市防灾避难绿地的功能设置入手,具体讨论防灾避难绿地的功能构建,并结合中国与日本的相关防灾避难绿地案例,希望对比得出中国的防灾避难绿地在功能设置上的缺点和不足,提出防灾避难公园功能上的相关建议。  相似文献   

满慧 《现代园艺》2013,(22):228-229
近些年来,全国各地区地震灾害频发,绿地的防灾避险功能在逐渐受到人们的关注和研究,然而我们可以发现的是现阶段的城市建设中由于绿化面积偏少,导致能够提供防灾避险功能的绿地就更加稀少。校园是绿化面积较高的事业单位,我们应该以校园绿地为实验园地为整个城市的防灾避险绿地建设奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

城市绿地减灾功能及防灾植物选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在城市综合防灾减灾体系中,城市绿地占有十分重要的位置。城市绿地是城市规划和建设中的重要组成部分,它不仅具有美化城市环境、净化空气、平衡城市生态系统、为城市居民提供休憩游乐场所等作用,同时,还具有防震、防火、防洪、减轻灾害的功能。详细分析城市绿地在城市综合防灾减灾中的作用,并介绍城市防灾减灾植物的选择。  相似文献   

城市绿地防灾避难功能评价指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国城市绿地经过多年的发展,已具有一定的系统和规模.目前,关于城市绿地系统的研究已不鲜见,但城市绿地防灾避难功能的研究才刚刚起步.现探讨城市绿地防灾避难功能评价指标体系,希望给城市防灾减灾体系建设提供规划和决策参考.  相似文献   

在阐述生产绿地相关概念的基础上,从城市绿地规划和经营管理两个层面对城市生产绿地规划和建设的现状、存在问题等进行分析,并结合重庆市荣昌县县城绿地系统规划案例,试图提出较为科学的生产绿地布置原则与对策。  相似文献   

张凯云  王浩  费文君 《中国园艺文摘》2013,29(1):110-113,134
在新一轮的城市绿地系统规划及修编中,如何体现城市特色,重塑城市特有的地域风貌成为重要的课题.文章立足具体修编工作,从特色因素分析、城市建设评价出发,对绿地系统的特色规划目标、布局结构、景观格局、植物规划等方面进行阐述,提出只有强化城市的文化内涵和空间特征,才能使城市的风貌具有独特性.  相似文献   

Effective urban planning, and urban green space management in particular, require proper data on urban green spaces. The potential of urban green spaces to provide benefits to urban inhabitants (ecosystem services) depends on whether they are managed as a comprehensive system of urban green infrastructure, or as isolated islands falling under the responsibility of different stakeholders. Meanwhile, different urban green space datasets are based on different definitions, data sources, sampling techniques, time periods and scales, which poses important challenges to urban green infrastructure planning, management and research. Using the case study of Lodz, the third largest city in Poland, and an additional analysis of 17 other Polish cities, we compare data from five publicly available sources: 1) public statistics, 2) the national land surveying agency, 3) satellite imagery (Landsat data), 4) the Urban Atlas, 5) the Open Street Map. The results reveal large differences in the total amount of urban green spaces in the cities as depicted in different datasets. In Lodz, the narrowly interpreted public statistics data, which are aspatial, suggest that green spaces account for only 12.8% of city area, while the most comprehensive dataset from the national land surveying agency reveals the figure of 61.2%. The former dataset, which excludes many types of green spaces (such as arable land, private and informal green spaces), is still the most commonly used. The analysis of the 17 other cities confirms the same pattern. This results in broader institutional failures related to urban green infrastructure planning, management, and research, including a lack of awareness of green space quality (e.g. connectivity) and benefits (ecosystem services), and the related political disregard for urban green spaces. Our comparison suggests that a better understanding of green space data sources is necessary in urban planning, and especially when planning urban green infrastructure.  相似文献   

对贵阳市植物景观现状调查分析,强调在城市总体规划中绿地同其它用地一样重要,植物景观规划应是城市绿地系统规划中重要一项。植物景观设计应遵循科学性与艺术性相结合的基本原则,要注重园林植物的形式美和意境美及体现地方文化特色。指出贵阳市植物景观特色的体现重要的一点就是向自然学习,体现植物的最佳适用性,把使用乡土树种、以乔木为主的植物配置从图纸上落实在建设中,以此推行节约型、生态型、可持续发展的园林绿化。最后列出几种宜于贵阳市的植物配置模式以供参考。  相似文献   

由山体、河流、湖泊所形成的自然山水格局,作为城市绿地的组成部分,是城市绿地网络体系中不可或缺的一分子.简介四川省自贡市自然山水格局及其基本特征.提出在自贡市中心城区绿地系统规划中应归纳形成“一心都市聚茵、两带十字绿轴、三环绿屏交错、四楔绿廊穿插、多园星罗棋布”平面与垂直相结合的立体化绿地系统布局结构.分析自然山水格局对自贡城市绿地系统(城市景观特色,城市生态安全,构建城市绿色开敞空间)的影响.建议在今后的工作中针对不同地形地貌特征进行更加深入的探索研究和实践,以便可以为丘陵山地构建可持续发展的宜居城市提供更多的参考.  相似文献   

结合宁波市滨海国际合作学校校园绿地规划设计案例,探讨现代生态校园的绿地规划设计。通过校园绿地设计思路分析,认为需要加强生态的渗透、增加空间个性化、校园人文精神的塑造等措施提升绿地整体规划水准。提出校园绿地整体布局为"一带两轴两核四片六点",对其他校园建设具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

When planned coherently, urban green spaces have the potential to provide cities with a range of unique ecosystem services that support ecosystem and human health. This paper draws on existing green space planning literature to argue that the integration of community gardens into standardised and previously under-utilised public park landscapes represents an innovative approach to providing ecosystem services. Particular focus is given to the challenges facing green space planning in Perth, Western Australia. At an individual level, community gardens provide a venue for an alternative and more accessible form of physical activity – gardening – and a restorative park environment that is a more attractive destination for neighbourhood walking. At the community level, gardens can facilitate bridging interactions between different social groups, whilst providing opportunities for local residents to participate actively in green space planning processes. Perhaps most importantly, community gardens can provide unique opportunities for environmental education that lead to enhanced local ecological outcomes. The paper concludes with a brief overview of the main challenges likely to be faced with this integration, and some strategies that may allow them to be overcome. It is hoped this paper will provide a background for future case studies, and a catalyst for increasing integration between formal green space planning and community garden development.  相似文献   

With the implement of China's ex-situ poverty alleviation resettlement (ESPAR) policy, nearly 10 million rural population have relocated with a better living condition in a short period of time, most of which have migrated to urban areas. The living environment and lifestyle of the poverty alleviation migrants (PAMs) have undergone dramatic changes, the resulting mental health problems may seriously affect their social integration and well-being. In particular, homesickness is a prevalent mental problem among the PAMs that demand prompt attention. Research indicates that longing for natural environment is one of the major causes of homesickness among rural out-migrants. As the main natural environment in cities, urban green space has been proven by numerous studies to have a positive effect on residents' mental health in various aspects, including reducing anxiety, relieving fatigue, and fostering perseverance. However, few studies have focused on the influence of urban green space on the mental health of the PAMs, especially on alleviating their homesickness syndrome. Using the data collected from interviews and questionnaire survey in the PAMs’ resettlement sites in Anshun, Guizhou, which has undertaken a heavy poverty alleviation task, this study examined the relationship between the physical activity, environment, function of urban green space, and the severity of PAMs’ homesickness, meanwhile paying attention to the impacts caused by different socio-demographic characteristics. The results show that urban green space is strongly associated with alleviating PAMs’ homesickness, and that all three factors play a positive role. Neighborhood green space is used the most, but suburban green space seems to provide better alleviation of homesickness. This study sheds lights on the critical role of urban green space for promoting PAMs' mental health, and aims to provide scientific reference to the planning and improvement for future migrant resettlements and urban green space.  相似文献   

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