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Triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) is a cereal that can be simultaneously used for forage and for grain, but this dual purpose is currently limited by a lack of information concerning the effects of forage removal on grain production. Thus, the effect of one or two successive cuttings (simulated grazing) on grain yield, yield components in the main stem and tillers, leaf area and biomass development were studied in four hexaploid triticales grown under irrigation and with high soil fertility. Forage removal reduced grain yield and grain weight per plant in proportion to the number of cuttings, mainly by reducing the number of tillers with spikes at harvest. Whereas foliage reduction did not affect the number of spikelets per spike, kernels per spike, or floral fertility in the main-stem spike, these yield components were drastically reduced in the spikes of tillers. Forage removal affected mean weight per kernel to approximately the same extent in the main stem as in the tillers. The Leaf Area Index (LAI) at anthesis showed significant loss due to cutting, mainly because of a decrease in the number of leaves per plant and in the green area per leaf. This caused similar decreases in the Leaf Area Duration (LAD) from anthesis to maturity. A strong inverse relationship was found between the percent of loss in LAI at anthesis and the final grain yield, suggesting that grain yield was largely dependent upon the ability of the crops to produce new leaf tissue rapidly in the time between cutting and anthesis.  相似文献   

Grain yield and yield components (grains per ear, grain weight, 1000-grain weight, ear weight, ear seed ratio and dry matter partitioning between ear and seed) were examined in a wheat genotype (PBW-343) with well-filled grains and a Triticale genotype (DT-46) with poorly filled grains (showing grain shrivelling) grown in pots. Six days after anthesis (DAA), benzyladenine (BA) @2 µg ear−1 and abscisic acid (ABA) @4 µg ear−1 were injected at the base of the mother shoot ear in both species. It was observed that, in both wheat and Triticale , BA increased the grain weight, grain number and partitioning of dry matter between ear and seed, whereas ABA decreased the grain weight, grain number and dry matter partitioning between ear and seed. However, these decreases were slower in Triticale than in wheat. BA treatment increased the grain dry matter accumulation, which in turn resulted in better filling of grains and increased the grain weight in both wheat and Triticale . The average grain weight of Triticale was lower than that of wheat. Thus, it appears that variation in grain weight between wheat and Triticale might be due to different availabilities of growth-promoting phytohormones such as cytokinins and assimilates.  相似文献   

Subapical ears are largely responsible for grain yield variations in prolific maize (Zea mays L.) grown under conditions favourable for the expression of prolificacy trait, but limited information exists on yield components contributing to yield responses. A field experiment was conducted to determine the yield components of apical and subapical ear in prolific maize after various pollination treatments at two plant populations. Hybrid Pioneer 3733 was grown in the perfect stands of 71 428 and 35 714 plants ha?1. Three pollination treatments were carried out: (i) free pollination; (ii) subapical earshoots were covered to prevent pollination; and (iii) apical earshoots were covered to prevent pollination. Grain yields of free pollinated plants were by 50.1 % larger at low plant population (265 g per plant) than at high plant population (177 g per plant) due to a 45.3 % increase in kernels per plant, whereas 1000‐kernel weight slightly increased by 3.3 %. These increased kernels per plant at low plant population were, in part, the result of kernel increments on apical ear (10.1 %), and mainly associated with kernels from subapical ears that did not occur at high plant population. At low plant population, the total grain yield per plant was reduced by 94 g (35.5 %) after the apical ear was bagged to prevent pollination, but only 52 g (19.6 %) when the subapical ear was bagged. When subapical ear development was stopped at low plant population, grain yield on apical ears increased by only 3.9 % as a result of heavier 1000‐kernel weights, clearly demonstrating limitations in kernel set and size. After grain development on apical ear was prevented, subapical ear enlarged to 80.3 % of maximum apical ear yield because the former had, on average, 2.5 % lighter 1000‐kernel weight and 17.5 % fewer kernels than the latter. Ears did not differ in row number when only apical or subapical ear was developed on plant, whereas subapical ears tended to have fewer rows than apical ears when both were present on the same plant. Our results showed that: (i) plant population affected all yield components on both apical and subapical ear except row number; (ii) the occurrence of subapical ear is triggered by achieving maximum potential kernel set on apical ear; and (iii) subapical ear is inferior in potential grain yield to apical one even when the latter was prevented from pollination.  相似文献   

Two-year field trials with winter wheat cultivars Batis and Toronto were conducted in Southern Bavaria, Germany, to investigate the possible causes of cultivar differences in response to N supply varying in total amount and time of application. Cultivar-related differences in grain yields were observed in treatments with low and medium N supply. High doses of N supply resulted in grain yield adjustment or grain yield advantage for cv. Toronto. The results of this study revealed a consistent, genotypic pattern in response to N fertilization in spite of strong seasonal effects. Systematic modifications in canopy growth rates in response to N supply were of particular relevance and a main factor for differences in tillering intensity resulting in modified stand densities. In the present study, cultivar differences in spike development and interactions with N supply related more to abortion than to initiation processes for number of spikelets and number of flowers per spikelet. High grain density (grains per m2) of cv. Toronto was evident during reproduction stages even under conditions of medium N supply. However, decreased growth rates during the later part of grain filling in combination with low 1000 grain weight, which was barely modified by N fertilization, allowed only partial utilization of this potential. It is assumed that sink limitations were of particular relevance for grain yield development in cv. Toronto, while cv. Batis combined a less intense response to N supply with more stability in the development of grain yield components.  相似文献   

Water stress might limit grain yields of cereals under humid conditions. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of a temporary water shortage at three different stages after anthesis on the grain yield and yield components of different tiller categories in two spring wheat varieties. A pot experiment with controlled water supply and rain shelters was conducted in 1984 and 1985 in Kiel, N. W. Germany. The water stress (pF 2.9 to 3.4) was imposed either between anthesis to early milk development of the caryopsis (WS1) (EC 65 to EC 72 according to Z adoks scale), early milk development to late milk development of the caryopsis (WS2) (EC 72 to EC 77) and late milk development to maturity (WS3) (EC 77 to EC 92). The control had a constant water supply throughout the growing season of between pF 2.2 to 2.5.
The water stress treatment WS1 significantly reduced the single plant yield by 10 % (1984) and 15 % (1985) in one variety (Selpek), whereas the other variety was unaffected. The response of both varieties to the two later treatments was smaller and insignificant.
In the first year the yield decrease in the variety Selpek after the WS1 treatment was mainly caused by a lower number of ears per plant compared with the untreated control (WS0). In the second year (1985) additionally a lower grain weight of the second category shoots caused by a reduction of the number of kernels per ear contributed to the decrease of the single plant yield. The yield component thousand grain weight could not compensate for the reduction in the number of kernels per ear.  相似文献   

利用小黑麦植株穗的离体培养技术,研究了不同蔗糖浓度对穗粒形成的影响。结果表明:在开花前13天到开花1天。不同浓度的蔗糖供给对穗结实率有不同的影响,随着蔗糖浓度上升,总结实率增加,但蔗糖浓度超过4%,穗结实率开始下降。在0.0~0.5%蔗糖浓度下.上部节间仍有~定的生长。但生长缓慢.不能抽穗。为明确蔗糖对穗粒数的调控的最敏感时期,设置了开花前不同时期降低蔗糖浓度的试验。蔗糖浓度为0.5%和4%2个处理。处理为开花前13~9天、8~4天、3天~开花。结果表明:不论在何时段,用0.5%蔗糖浓度处理,均比正常蔗糖4%处理穗粒数减少,就下降而言开花前13天>3天>8天>0天;穗粒数率最敏感的时期:一是在开花前13—9天,二是开花前3天~开花。  相似文献   

云南籼稻每公顷15吨高产的产量及其结构分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本文利用IR72汕优63等材料,在云南永胜县涛源乡高产环境下,对高产品种的产量及其构成因素分析研究表明,高产品种的结实率与产量呈极显著的正相关,相关系数为0.8181;有效穗与穗粒数呈显著负相关,有效穗、穗粒数、结实率和千粒重对产量的直接效应均为正值,其中以结实率的影响力最大,直接通径系数为0.7979。穗数、大穗型和中间型的品种(组合)均能获得15t/hm^2的产量,但穗粒协调的中间型品种更易获得15t/hm^2的高产。云南涛源获得每公顷15t以上产量就在于高水平的穗数群体下,仍能协调与穗粒数及产量的关系。使得粒数和粒重达到相当的水平,1996年汕优63获得15t/hm^2产量的产量结构为,每平方米穗数489,每穗实粒数101.4千粒克30.7g;桂朝2获15.18t/hm^2的产量结构为每平方米穗数433,每穗实粒数126.2,千粒重27.3g。  相似文献   

Lines of hexaploid triticale included in the 11th and 12th Eucarpia Triticale Yield Nurseries and the 18th and 19th International Triticale Yield Nurseries were karyotyped using C-banding. A new chromosome substitution, 6D(6A), was identified in both spring and winter triticales. It is likely that the substitution first appeared in the progenies of octoploid × hexaploid triticale hybrids at CIMMYT and within a few years spread to about one-fourth of spring materials. The 2D(2R) substitution appeared in winter triticales, probably by introgression from spring lines from CIMMYT.  相似文献   

Twenty-two durum wheat landraces of various origins were evaluated for performance and stability of grain yield, protein content and gluten strength (SDS sedimentation volume) at two sites of Northern Syria situated in the drought-prone part of the local durum wheat belt. Yield was recorded in three seasons, while protein content and SDS volume were assessed in two seasons only. A high “entry X environment” interaction was observed for all traits, which was significantly attributable to heterogeneity of entry regressions on the environmental mean for grain yield only. Compared to the recently-bred, widely-grown variety ‘Sham I’, some landraces showed somewhat similar yield responses, whereas others proved more stable without being significantly lower yielding. Significant variation was found for SDS volume, though only few of the best-ranking landraces for this trait also possessed an acceptable yield level. The entries did not significantly differ for protein content. The broad sense heritability estimates obtained for grain yield (0.59) and SDS volume (0.89) highlighted the interest in some of the landraces examined for improving grain yield and quality in the region.  相似文献   

In this study, conducted from 1979 to 1986 in southern Spain, the objective was to analyze the effects of a possible interaction between soil-applied N and foliar S applied to barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) during tillering on grain yield and to identify the mechanism involved. From 1979 to 1982, we used rates of 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg a.i. N ha?1, together with 12.5 or 25 kg foliar a.i. S ha?1 during tillering. The results demonstrated that foliar S at both dosages acted as a partial (but not total) substitute for N, when the latter was applied at levels of 40 to 60 kg ha?1. These effects of S did not appear to result only from a nutritive mechanism, but rather from a hormonal mechanism through the increase in ethylene biosynthesis. Therefore, during 1983 to 1986, we used 40, 60 and 80 kg a. i. N ha?1, together with 12.5 a. i. S ha?1 and 0.55 kg a.i. ethrel (2-chloroethyl-phosphonic acid) ha?1. The results showed that the effects of S and ethrel on yield were practically the same. Assayed with 40 and 60 kg N ha?1, S and ethrel acted as partial (but not total) substitutes for N, exceeding the yield of the control without S or ethrel, and equalling the yield obtained with 20 kg more of N ha?1. The S or ethrel applied with 80 kg N ha?1 presented an additive effect with the N. The increases in yield using S or ethrel were in all cases due to the increased final number of spikes m?2, which was principally a consequence of the higher number of tillers formed but also a result of increased survival of tillers to form a viable spike. In addition, the positive effects of S on yield were greater the smaller the N dosage and the lower the annual yield. Finally, we present a possible mechanism of hormonal action, to explain how foliar S applied during tillering affects grain yield in barley.  相似文献   

棉花单一群体创“150”产量构成及其贡献率分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
单位面积铃数、单铃重和衣分是构成棉花产量的三个重要因素。单位面积铃数对创“150”(公顷2250kg,后同)产量的贡献率最大,单铃重和衣分次之。偏相关分析表明,单位面积铃数与单铃重和衣分呈极显著的负相关。增加单位面积铃数与提高单铃重和衣分是创“150”高产的不同主攻方向。主攻单位面积铃数时,实收密度不得低于4.65万株·hm-2。选用高铃重高衣分优良品种,创高产的风险性较小。创高产群体要求生物学产量稳定在15t·hm-2以上,子棉经济系数稳定在0.383以上。  相似文献   

供钾水平对棉花产量构成及其与产量相关性的影响   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
采用34个棉花材料,于2007-2008年在田间条件下研究供钾水平对棉花产量及其构成因素和二者之间相关关系的影响.结果表明,施钾可显著提高棉花产量,在气候条件不利的2008年表现更为明显;铃数受供钾水平的影响最大,其次为铃重,衣分受影响最小.偏相关分析和通径分析结果表明,缺钾条件下衣分与产量的关系相对密切,而供钾水平对...  相似文献   

棉花产量组分的改良对产量的影响   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
采用1973~1996年黄淮棉区棉花品种区域试验的历史资料来研究我国黄淮棉区棉花品种产量组分的改良对产量的影响。结果表明,产量从750kg·hm  相似文献   

为研究棉花需钾规律,找出合理的施钾方法,以‘华杂棉H318’为试验材料,大田研究了钾肥施用时期和比率对棉花产量及构成因素的影响,以及棉花在移栽期,初花期,盛花期3个时期对钾肥的需求规律。大田试验3个钾肥施用时期分别为A(基肥)、B(初花肥)、C(盛花肥);各实验处理钾肥分两次施入,3个施钾时期组合(T)分别是AB(基肥和初花肥)、AC(基肥和盛花肥)、BC(初花肥和盛花肥);两次钾肥施用量之比(R)有4种,分别是2:1、1:1、1:2、1:3。试验结果表明,钾肥初花期和盛花期追施(BC处理)可提高棉花子指和单株结铃数。钾肥基施时,初花期追施(AB处理)比盛花期追施(AC处理)更有利于提高单铃重、果枝数以及整体衣分。钾肥基施和盛花期追施(AC处理)产量构成因素的大小在各处理间居中,但籽棉产量却是最高。当钾肥施入比率为1:2时,可提高子指、衣分、单株结铃数、果枝数和籽棉重。所以,棉花在移栽期对钾肥需求量较少,但钾肥是移栽期必不可少的肥料,初花期和盛花期是钾肥需求量最大的时期,也是生殖生长的高峰期,对提高棉花产量具有决定作用。钾肥分两次施入,钾肥基施和盛花期追施效果较佳;适当加大盛花期钾肥施入比率(即A1C2处理),对棉花生长和发育的效果最佳,对提高产量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

2015 年土培条件下,以‘日本晴’和‘L81’为供试材料,在抽穗后20、10 天进行人工模拟倒伏处理,研究结实阶段不同时期倒伏对水稻籽粒产量、产量构成以及物质生产和分配的影响。结果表明:抽穗后20、10 天人工倒伏处理使‘日本晴’籽粒产量平均下降8% (P>0.1)、20% (P<0.1),使‘L81’平均分别下降21% (P<0.01)、29% (P<0.01)。人工倒伏处理对供试品种单位面积穗数和每穗颖花数均无影响,但使结实能力明显下降:抽穗后20、10 天倒伏处理使‘日本晴’饱粒率分别下降8%、16%,使‘L81’分别下降16%、21%,均达显著或极显著水平;水稻饱粒重、所有籽粒平均粒重表现出相似的趋势,但降幅均小于饱粒率。品种与抽穗后20 天或10 天倒伏处理对水稻结实能力特别是饱粒率有交互作用。两期人工倒伏处理使地上部总干重和各器官干重均显著或极显著下降,最大降幅达31%。与此不同,人工倒伏对两品种特别是‘L81’物质分配的影响因处理时期而异:抽穗后10 天倒伏处理使生物量在生殖器官中的分配比例减少,而抽穗后20 天倒伏处理表现出相反的趋势。本试验结果表明:结实期倒伏对水稻最终产量的影响因供试品种和倒伏发生时期而异,倒伏引起的产量损失主要与结实能力特别是饱粒率下降有关,后者可能又与灌浆结实期光合生产能力下降有关。  相似文献   

棉花产量目标和产量结构的动态知识模型   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
通过分析和提炼棉花皮棉产量及产量结构的最新研究资料,在综合考虑气候条件、土壤肥力和栽培技术水平等影响因子的基础上,建立了棉花产量目标和产量结构的动态知识模型。该模型可用于精确定量不同气候条件、不同土壤肥力和不同栽培技术条件下的产量目标以及基于品种特性的产量结构。利用不同生态点资料对知识模型进行了验证,结果表明模型具有较好的决策性和适用性。  相似文献   

More detailed information on the causes of yield variability among wheat cultivars is needed to further increase wheat yield. Field studies were conducted in Northern Greece over the two cropping seasons of 1985—1986 and 1986—1987 to assess the effects of nitrogen fertilizer and application timing of the various component traits that determine grain yield, grain nitrogen yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency of two bread ( Triticum aestivum L.) and two durum ( Triticum durum Desf.) wheat cultivars, using yield and yield component analysis. Nitrogen at a rate of 150 kg ha-1 was applied before planting or 100 N kg ha-1 before planting and then 50 N kg ha-1 top dressed at early boot stage. Nitrogen and cultivars affected all traits examined, while split nitrogen application affected only some of the traits. Grain yields in the most cases were correlated with number of grains per unit area and grain weight and grain nitrogen yields in all cases with grain number per unit area. The contribution of the number of grains per spike to total variation in grain yield among cultivars was almost consistent (37 to 55 %), while the contribution of grain weight was more significant (up to 55 %) in high yields (>6.500kg ha-1) and number of spikes per unit area (>500). The number of grains per spike contributed from 60 to 83 % to the total variation in grain nitrogen per spike. Increased grain nitrogen concentration resulted in a reduction of its contribution in grain nitrogen yield variation. Nitrogen utilization efficiency was higher during grain filling than during vegetative biomass accumulation. The contribution of nitrogen harvest index to the variation of utilization efficiency for grain yield was higher in plants receiving nitrogen application.  相似文献   

The influence of cutting stage on forage and grain yield and quality has been studied in three barley and one triticale varieties, using two sowing dates in each of two sites. When cut at the first detectable node stage (C.31), forage yield was almost double the yield at the pseudo-stem erect stage (C.30). Barley yielded more forage than triticale at both cutting stages. Both species had similar forage protein content, but forage fibre content was greater in barley than in triticale. Cutting at stage 30 reduced grain yield by about 11 % and at stage 31 by nearly 35 %. Barley and triticale had similar grain yield. Grain protein content was not affected by forage removal, but was significantly greater in triticale than in barley. The later the stage of cutting, the greater was the delay in heading date. Triticale was more responsive to environmental conditions than barley.  相似文献   

不同水稻品种产量和品质对盐碱胁迫的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用10份水稻品种(系),在沈阳农业大学和盐碱程度较重的盘锦市大洼县进行了水稻耐盐碱性比较试验,对其产量及产量构成因子和稻米品质进行了比较分析,旨在明确不同水稻品种对盐碱胁迫的响应,筛选出耐盐性较强的水稻品种,为水稻育种及大田生产提供试验材料.结果表明:不同品种水稻的耐盐碱性存在显著差异,其中辽盐188表现出较强的耐盐碱能力,在盘锦地区具有较高的产量,而盐粳36在两地区之间的产量无显著差异,其他品种产量均表现为沈阳地区高于盘锦地区,且差异显著.盐碱环境降低了有效穗数和每穗颖花数,但其对千粒重的影响不稳定.在盐碱胁迫条件下,加工品质及外观品质差异显著,精米率降低,垩白粒率和垩白度升高,蛋白质含量升高,稻米评价值降低.  相似文献   

苜蓿种子产量及其构成因素的多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在2005-2006年连续两年在条播条件下对国内外62份苜蓿种质55个4龄苜蓿品种的种子产量及其构成因素的多样性和相关性进行了研究.结果表明所有参试的苜蓿品种间的种子产量差异比较大,生殖枝数/m2、每生殖枝花序数、每花序小花数、每花序小荚数,每小荚种子数品种间存在较大的变异,遗传多样性比较复杂.通过对两年的数据进行相关分析发现,种子产量与牛殖枝花序数在两年中相关均极显著,可以作为高种子产量品种选育的重要指标之一.实际种子产量占潜在种子产量百分比在品种之间和茬次之间均存在较大差异,而且发现两年中实际种子产量占潜在种子产量几乎均小于4%,绝大部分在1%~2%之间.研究发现千粒重与其它指标相关性不显著,国内品种千粒重表现比较大的变异,多数品种间千粒重差异较大,但国外品种间(除Jindera外)千粒重变异较小,品种间差异不显著(p>0.05).  相似文献   

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