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Three controlled water supply treatments were applied to 1-year-old peach trees grown in root observation boxes. The treatments were: I(0), growth medium maintained at 50% field capacity; I(1), water supplied when daily net tree stem diameter change was negative or zero for 1 day; I(3) as for I(1) except that water was applied after net daily stem diameter change was negative or zero for 3 consecutive days. Trees in treatment I(0) had the greatest mean daily first-order shoot growth rates, and trees in treatment I(3) had the lowest shoot growth rates. Because leaf production rate (apparent plastochron) of first-order shoots was unaffected by treatment, differences in shoot length were due to differences in internode extension and not to the number of internodes. Trees in treatment I(0) had a greater number of second-order shoot axes than trees in treatment I(1) or I(3). Furthermore, an increase in the rate of growth of the first-order shoot axis was associated with an increased tendency for branching (i.e., the development of sylleptic second-order shoots). Increased leaf length was also associated with more frequent watering. Trees in treatment I(0) had the greatest root lengths and dry weights, and this was attributed to a greater number of first-and second-order (lateral) root axes compared with trees in the I(1) and I(3) treatments. The extension rate and apical diameter of first-order roots were reduced by the I(3) treatment. The density of second-order roots along primary root axes was not affected by any of the treatments.  相似文献   

Heavy atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition has been associated with altered nutrient cycling, and even N saturation, in forest ecosystems previously thought to be N-limited. This observation has prompted application to such forests of non-N mineral nutrients as a mitigation measure. We examined leaf gas-exchange, leaf chemistry and leaf and shoot morphological responses of Acer saccharum Marsh. saplings and mature trees to experimental additions of non-nitrogenous mineral nutrients (dolomitic lime, phosphorus + potassium (P + K) and lime plus P + K) over 2 years in the Haliburton region of central Ontario, which receives some of the largest annual N inputs in North America. Nutrients were adsorbed in the mineral soil and taken up by A. saccharum trees within 1 year of fertilizer application; however, contrary to expectation, liming had no effect on soil P availability. Saplings and canopy trees showed significant responses to both P + K fertilization and liming, including increased foliar nutrient concentration, leaf size and shoot extension growth; however, no treatment effects on leaf gas-exchange parameters were detected. Increases in shoot extension preceded increases in diameter growth in saplings and canopy trees. Vector analysis of shoot extension growth and nutrient content was consistent with sufficiency of N but marked limitation of P, with co-limitation by calcium (Ca) in saplings and by Ca, Mg and K in canopy trees.  相似文献   

The effect of two training systems (Central Leader with branch pruning versus Centrifugal Training with minimal pruning, i.e., removal of fruiting laterals only) on canopy structure and light interception was analyzed in three architecturally contrasting apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars: 'Scarletspur Delicious' (Type II); 'Golden Delicious' (Type III); and 'Granny Smith' (Type IV). Trees were 3D-digitized at the shoot scale at the 2004 and 2005 harvests. Shoots were separated according to length (short versus long) and type (fruiting versus vegetative). Leaf area density (LAD) and its relative variance (xi), total leaf area (TLA) and crown volume (V) varied consistently with cultivar. 'Scarletspur Delicious' had higher LAD and xi and lower TLA and V compared with the other cultivars with more open canopies. At the whole-tree scale, training had no effect on structure and light interception parameters (silhouette to total area ratio, STAR; projected leaf area, PLA). At the shoot scale, Centrifugal Training increased STAR values compared with Central Leader. In both training systems, vegetative shoots had higher STAR values than fruiting shoots. However, vegetative and fruiting shoots had similar TLA and PLA in Centrifugal Trained trees, whereas vegetative shoots had higher TLA and PLA than fruiting shoots in Central Leader trees. This unbalanced distribution of leaf area and light interception between shoot types in Central Leader trees partly resulted from the high proportion of long vegetative shoots that developed from latent buds. These shoots developed in the interior shaded zone of the canopy and therefore had low STAR and PLA. In conclusion, training may greatly affect the development and spatial positioning of shoots, which in turn significantly affects light interception by fruiting shoots.  相似文献   

Herbivore browsing on tree saplings is a common phenomenon that can cause damage particularly on preferred species. In this study, the combined effects of light availability and timing of browsing on the response of 9-year-old Abies alba saplings were tested experimentally. Leader shoot clipping was applied before budburst, shortly after budburst or in autumn on saplings grown in full light or under artificial shade. Timing of clipping, light availability and tree vigour (expressed as height and tree ring width before clipping) had an effect on the height after clipping. After clipping in autumn or before budburst, fast-growing fir saplings bent up twigs to form new leader shoots and overcompensated height loss; saplings characterised by intermediate growth rates formed new shoots out of regular visible lateral buds; and slow-growing saplings had no new shoot in the first year after clipping, such that the clipping-induced height difference even increased over time. Saplings clipped shortly after budburst elongated the remaining part of the shoot in the first year and developed shoots out of the most distal lateral buds in the second growing season, leading to complete height compensation. Multi-trunking was typical for all clipped trees. We conclude that the microscale conditions under which a tree is growing (i.e. which affect tree vigour) are highly important for determining whether the height reduction imposed by browsing is offset by overcompensation or increases over time relative to unclipped trees. This response can partly be influenced by forest management via enhancing tree vigour via the light regime.  相似文献   

The needles of pine trees are indicative of the overall health of the tree, and their length is affected by many factors. This study describes the effect of high levels of pathogen infection on lengths of both needles and shoots. Dothistroma septosporum is an important foliar pathogen of pines causing necrosis and premature defoliation with successive years of high infection leading to growth reduction and in extreme cases tree death. Corsican pine trees with all foliage infected by D. septosporum had needles of primary, secondary and tertiary shoots reduced by 31.8%, 44.0% and 64.2%, respectively, compared to non‐infected trees. Needle lengths were reduced both in the upper and lower portions of the canopy, with a greater reduction lower in the canopy. Trees with high levels of infection had shorter shoots in the upper canopy with fewer, shorter needles on these shoots compared to trees with low levels of infection. The results demonstrate the substantial negative effect on needle and shoot lengths of trees with high levels of D. septosporum infection, comparable to factors such as water and nutrient availability known to have a strong influence on these parameters. The reductions in length reduce the photosynthetic capacity of the tree and compound the immediate reductions caused by necrosis and premature defoliation. These effects on needle and shoot lengths contribute to the reductions in volume growth of affected trees and, moreover, are longer lasting than the immediate effects of necrosis and premature defoliation.  相似文献   

As long-lived sessile organisms, trees demonstrate morphological variability in response to the environmental conditions encountered in a particular local habitat. However, the detection of such variation on a small spatial scale may not be straightforward. In this study we investigated the morphological variation of trees along the edge–interior gradient of a small subtropical-temperate coastal woodland in Amakusa, western Kyushu, Japan. The woodland was located on a narrow sand-spit surrounded by the sea, thus exposed to intense marine influences. In three dominant tree species, Quercus glauca, Ligustrum japonicum, and Pittosporum tobira, the tendency of multi-stemming was significantly greater on the seaward edge of the woodland and declined towards the interior. Furthermore, tree height and size (cross-sectional area at breast height) declined and canopy openness increased towards the woodland edge. In Q. glauca and L. japonicum, shoot growth was more pronounced in the interior than on the edge (i.e. shorter shoots with wider spacing in the latter habitat). Thus, spatial variation in tree structure manifested clearly as shorter height with greater multi-stemming tendencies and greater canopy openness (more spacing among branches/shoots) towards the woodland edge where more light is available and the effects of sea wind and salt spray are greater.  相似文献   

The impacts of thinning, fertilization and crown position on seasonal growth of current-year shoots and foliage were studied in a 13-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation in the sixth post-treatment year (1994). Length of new flushes, and their needle length, leaf area, and oven-dry weight were measured in the upper and lower crown from March through November. Total shoot length was the cumulative length of all flushes on a given shoot and total leaf area per shoot was the sum of leaf areas of the flushes.

By the end of June, first-flush foliage reached 70% of the November needle length (14.3 cm) and 65% of the final leaf area (15.0 cm2). Cumulative shoot length of first- and second-flush shoots achieved 95% of the annual length (30.3 cm), whereas total leaf area per shoot was 55% of the final value (75.3 dm2). Fertilization consistently stimulated fascicle needle length, dry weight, and leaf area in the upper crown. Mean leaf area of upper-crown shoots was increased by 64% six years after fertilization. A significant thinning effect was found to decrease mean leaf area per shoot in the crown. For most of the growing season, the thinned-fertilized trees produced substantially more leaf area per shoot throughout the crown than the thinned-nonfertilized trees. These thinned-fertilized trees also had greater needle length and dry weight, longer first flush shoots, and more leaf area per flush than trees in the thinned-nonfertilized plots. Needle length and leaf area of first flush shoots between April and July were linearly related to previous-month canopy air temperature (Ta). Total shoot length strongly depended on vertical light gradient (PPFD) within the canopy, whereas shoot leaf area was a function of both PPFD and Ta. Thus, trees produced larger and heavier fascicles, more and longer flush shoots, and more leaf area per shoot in the upper crown than the lower crown. We conclude that thinning, fertilization, and crown position regulate annual leaf area production of current-year shoots largely by affecting the expansion of first flush shoots and their foliage during the first half of the growing season.  相似文献   

We investigated effects of nutrient availability on shoot structure and light-interception efficiency based on data from control (C) and irrigated + fertilized (IL) trees of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). The sampling of 1-year-old shoots was designed to cover the variation in canopy exposure within the live crown zone, where current-year shoots were still found. Canopy openness was used as a measure of light availability at the shoot's position. Openness values for the sample shoots ranged from 0.02 to 0.77 on the IL plot, and from 0.10 to 0.96 on the C plot. Among needle dimensions, needle width increased most with canopy openness. At fixed canopy openness, needle width was larger, and the ratio of needle thickness to width was smaller in IL trees than in C trees. Specific needle area (SNA) and the ratio of shoot silhouette area to total needle area (STAR) decreased with canopy openness, so that the combined effect was a threefold decrease in the ratio of shoot silhouette area to unit dry mass (SMR = STAR x SNA) along the studied range of openness values. This means that the light-interception efficiency of shoots per unit needle dry mass was three times higher for the most shaded shoots than for sun shoots. A test of the effect of fertilization on the relationships of SNA, STAR and SMR indicated statistically significant differences in both slope and intercept for SNA and STAR, and in the intercept for SMR. However, the differences partly cancelled each other so that, at medium values of canopy openness, differences between treatments in predicted SNA, STAR and SMR were small. At 0.5 canopy openness, predicted STAR of IL shoots was 6.1% larger than STAR of C shoots, but SMR of IL shoots was 10% smaller than that of C shoots. The results suggest that light-interception efficiency per unit needle area or mass of the shoots is not greatly affected by fertilization.  相似文献   

We developed a functional–structural plant model for Fagus crenata saplings and calculated annual photosynthetic gains to determine the influences of foliar phenology and shoot inclination on the carbon economy of saplings. The model regenerated the three-dimensional shoot structure and spatial and temporal display of leaves; we calculated the hourly light interception of each leaf with a detailed light model that allowed us to estimate hourly leaf photosynthetic gain taking leaf age into account. To evaluate the importance of simultaneous foliar phenology and slanting shoots in beech saplings, we calculated the photosynthetic budgets for saplings with contrasting foliar phenologies and shoot inclinations. In our simulations, we distinguished between simultaneous and successive foliar phenologies, upright and slanting shoot inclinations, and environments with and without a vertical gradient in light intensity. Other model parameters (including photosynthesis vs. light curve, leaf size, and leaf shape) were obtained directly from live beech saplings. With no vertical gradient in light intensity, modeled saplings with simultaneous foliar phenology and slanting shoots (as in live beech) had larger annual photosynthetic gains than saplings with other combinations of traits. Hence, simultaneous foliar phenology and slanting shoots are efficient ways to display leaves in the shaded forest understory light regime where beech saplings thrive. In the presence of vertical light gradients, which can occur in canopy gaps, saplings with upright shoots had larger annual photosynthetic gains than counterparts with slanting shoots. Although mean daily photosynthetic gains of saplings with successive foliar phenology were elevated by exposing leaves to strong light when young and productive, the annual photosynthetic budget of these saplings was reduced (compared to saplings with simultaneous foliar phenology) by their relatively short leaf lifespan. Overall, our results suggest that slanting shoots with simultaneous foliar phenology are particularly successful in shaded environments, where beech often dominates, because they appear to maximize the annual carbon budget by avoiding self-shading and extending leaf lifespans.  相似文献   

We investigated the sapling leaf display in the shade among trees of various leaf lifespans co-occurring under the canopy of a warm-temperate conifer plantation. We measured leaf-area ratio (aLAR) and morphological traits of saplings of evergreen broadleaved tree species and a deciduous tree species. Although we found large interspecific and intraspecific differences in aLAR even among saplings of similar size in the homogeneous light environment, we did not find a consistent trend in aLAR with leaf lifespan among the species. While deciduous trees annually produced a large leaf area, some evergreen broadleaved trees retained their leaves across years and had aLAR values as high as those of deciduous trees. Among leaf-level, shoot-level, and individual-level morphological traits, aLAR was positively correlated with current-year shoots mass per aboveground biomass in deciduous trees, and with the area of old leaves per aboveground mass in evergreen broadleaved trees. Thus, tree-to-tree variation in the degrees of annual shoot production and the accumulation of old leaves were responsible for the interspecific and intraspecific variations in aLAR.  相似文献   

Allometry of shoot extension units (hereafter termed "current shoots") was analyzed in a Malaysian canopy species, Elateriospermum tapos Bl. (Euphorbiaceae). Changes in current shoot allometry with increasing tree height were related to growth and maintenance of tree crowns. Total biomass, biomass allocation ratio of non-photosynthetic to photosynthetic organs, and wood density of current shoots were unrelated to tree height. However, shoot structure changed with tree height. Compared with short trees, tall trees produced current shoots of the same mass but with thicker and shorter stems. Current shoots with thin and long stems enhanced height growth in short trees, whereas in tall trees, thick and short current shoots may reduce mechanical and hydraulic stresses. Furthermore, compared with short trees, tall trees produced current shoots with more leaves of lower dry mass, smaller area, and smaller specific leaf area (SLA). Short trees adapted to low light flux density by reducing mutual shading with large leaves having a large SLA. In contrast, tall trees reduced mutual shading within a shoot by producing more small leaves in distal than in proximal parts of the shoot stem. The production of a large number of small leaves promoted light penetration into the dense crowns of tall trees. All of these characteristics suggest that the change in current shoot structure with increasing tree height is adaptive in E. tapos, enabling short trees to maximize height growth and tall trees to maximize light capture.  相似文献   

Oksanen E 《Tree physiology》2003,23(9):603-614
Physiological responses of 4-year-old potted saplings of an O3-tolerant clone of Betula pendula Roth to short-term ozone (O3) exposure (one growing season) were compared with those of 6-year-old open-soil-grown trees of the same clone fumigated with O3 for six growing seasons. In the 2001 growing season, both groups of plants were exposed to ambient (control) and 1.6x ambient (elevated) O3 concentration under similar microclimatic conditions in a free air O3 exposure facility. Growth, net photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, stomatal density, visible foliar injury, starch and nutrient concentrations, bud formation and differences in O3 responses between lower, middle and upper sections of the canopy were determined. The potted saplings were unaffected by elevated O3 concentration, whereas the open-soil-grown trees showed a 3-38% reduction in shoot growth, a 22% reduction in number of overwintering buds, a 26-65% decrease in autumnal net photosynthesis, 30% and 20-23% reductions in starch and nitrogen concentrations of senescing leaves, respectively, and disturbances in stomatal conductance. The greater O3 sensitivity of open-soil-grown trees compared with potted saplings was a result of senescence-related physiological factors. First, a lower net photosynthesis to stomatal conductance ratio in open-soil-grown trees at the end of the season promoted O3 uptake and decreased photosynthetic gain, leading to the onset of visible foliar injuries. Second, decreased carbohydrate reserves may have resulted in deleterious carry-over effects arising from the reduced formation of over-wintering buds. Finally, the leaf-level O3 load was higher for open-soil-grown trees than for potted saplings because of slower leaf senescence in the trees. Thus, O3 sensitivity in European white birch increases with increasing exposure time and tree size.  相似文献   

HAMILTON  G. J. 《Forestry》1969,42(2):133-144
A study of the volume increment of individual trees over onegrowing season in a 23-year-old stand of Sitka spruce (Piceasitchensis Carr.), indicated that narrow crowned trees weremore efficient producers of increment. Other factors being constant,trees of greater girth at breast height were found to be inherentlybetter producers. Trees of the upper canopy were generally moreefficient than those of the lower canopy under varying conditionsof competition. Shorter periods of growth were recorded in lowercanopy trees and with trees under conditions of greater competition.  相似文献   

Structural characteristics of Abies mariesii M.T. Mast. saplings growing in sun and shade in a snowy subalpine parkland in central Japan were assessed to infer how saplings acclimate to suppression by larger individuals in a conifer clump and to extremely snowy conditions. Sun and shade saplings produced structurally different current-year shoots, and allocated biomass to needles and stem differently. Compared with sun saplings, shoots of shade saplings had lower needle mass per unit shoot size, which indicates less dense needle packing and more effective use of the limited available light by avoiding mutual shading among needles. Biomass allocation within lateral branches also differed between sun and shade saplings. Compared with sun saplings, needle mass was a smaller proportion of total branch mass in shade saplings although shade saplings retained needles for longer, thereby compensating, in part, for their lower annual production of needles. Thus shade saplings incur a high mechanical cost to support their low-light acclimated, conspicuously flattened crowns in this snowy habitat. Suppressed saplings are an important component of the persistent conifer clumps in snowy subalpine parklands. The observed structural characteristics of A. mariesii saplings, which ensure high shade- and snow-tolerance, contribute to the dominance of the species in snowy subalpine regions in Honshu, Japan.  相似文献   

Fifteen, 1-year-old Populus maximowiczii Henry x P. nigra L. 'MN9' trees were decapitated and allowed to sprout. After 8 weeks, all had 6 to 10 coppice shoots. All shoots, except the tallest (dominant) shoot, were removed from five of the trees (pruned treatment), and shoot growth, gas exchange and carbohydrate status were compared in the pruned and unpruned trees. Although photosynthetic rate of recently mature leaves of pruned trees was approximately 50% greater than that of leaves on the dominant shoot of unpruned trees, and the dry weight of leaves of pruned trees was 37% greater than that of the leaves on the dominant shoot of unpruned trees, the shoot dry matter relative growth rate did not differ between treatments. Concentrations of water-soluble carbohydrates and starch in the uppper stem and leaves of the dominant shoot were similar in pruned and unpruned trees. However, relative to that of the dominant shoot in unpruned trees, the lower stem in pruned trees was depleted in both soluble carbohydrates and starch. Starch deposition, assessed as the quantity of (14)C-starch in tissues 24 h after a fully expanded source leaf was labeled with (14)CO(2), was 3.9 times greater in roots of pruned trees than in roots of unpruned trees. We conclude that early removal of all but the dominant shoot reduces the carbohydrate status of the roots and the lower portion of the stem by eliminating the excised shoots as a source of photosynthate.  相似文献   

Trees have been increasingly considered as modular organisms, with individual shoots forming autonomous units that respond semi-independently to their surrounding environment. However, there is evidence for fairly strict hormonal control of tree crown development. Studies on the hydraulic architecture of trees suggest a closer functional connection between shoots and crown development than is postulated by the theory of branch autonomy. We studied how shoot growth pattern influences growth and crown architecture in young Scots pine trees simulated by the LIGNUM model assuming that (a) the growth of a shoot mainly depends on its light climate and (b) the growth of a shoot is influenced by its position within the crown. We determined shoot position within the crown based on a recently developed vigor index. The vigor index compares the relative axis cross-sectional area from the base of the tree to each shoot and gives a value of 1 to the pathway of the greatest cross-sectional area. All other shoots attain values between 0 and 1 depending on their cross-sectional areas and the cross-sectional areas of the branches leading there from the main axis. The shoot light climate is characterized by annually intercepted photosynthetically active radiation. We compared the results from simulations (a) and (b) against an independent data set. The addition of a within-shoot position index (the vigor index) to our simulation (simulation b) resulted in a more realistic tree form than that obtained with simulation (a) alone. We discuss the functional significance of the results as well as the possibilities of using an index of shoot position in simulations of crown architecture.  相似文献   

The removal of conifers planted during the twentieth century on sites that had been woodland for many centuries, with the intention of restoring native broadleaved species, is an important aim of forestry policy in Great Britain. Current guidance generally advocates gradual removal of plantation trees using continuous cover silviculture and restocking by natural regeneration, but methods are largely untested. This study investigated natural regeneration of trees and shrubs at sites where western hemlock had been established either pure or in mixture with native broadleaved species. Western hemlock had been cleared from 70% of the sites. There were c. 10?C300 stems ha?1 providing canopy cover of 10?C90%; the predominant broadleaved canopy trees were ash, beech, birch and oak. The ground flora of all sites was species poor; bramble was the predominant vegetation type overall, but grasses, rushes and shrubs were relatively more abundant on open sites. A total of 15 native tree species were regenerating, birch was most common and at most sites there were few valuable broadleaved timber species. Although combined numbers of seedlings and saplings varied from 200 to 20,000 ha?1, large areas of most sites had few regenerating trees and <10% of their area was becoming restocked with timber species. Relationships between seedling numbers and site characteristics were complex and varied with species, but there was a consistent positive relationship between the presence of nearby parent trees and the frequency and abundance of seedlings. The results indicate that the current reliance on natural regeneration may be unwise especially for those broadleaved species such as oak and beech which are valued for their timber.  相似文献   


Key message

The position of trees in the canopy impacts xylem structure and its inter-annual variation. After canopy release, the increase in the hydraulic conductivity of growth rings was driven by an increase in radial growth in large trees, and by both an increase in radial growth and changes in xylem structure in saplings.


Forest canopies are frequently subjected to disturbances that allow understory trees to access the upper canopy. The effect of canopy release on xylem anatomy has been assessed in juvenile trees and saplings, while the potential acclimation of larger trees remains poorly documented.


We estimated the potential hydraulic conductivity of growth rings in large understory trees compared to overstory trees, and evaluated the responses to canopy release in large trees and in saplings.


We recorded radial growth, wood density, and vessel structure in beech trees according to their position within the canopy and their size. Xylem traits were followed during 6 years after canopy release for large trees, and during 2 years for saplings. Vessel diameter and frequency as well as ring area were used to compute the potential annual ring hydraulic conductivity.


Large understory trees displayed lower radial growth increments and lower potential annual ring hydraulic conductivity than overstory trees. After canopy release, potential annual ring hydraulic conductivity increased in large trees, due exclusively to increased radial growth without any change in specific hydraulic conductivity. It increased in saplings due to both increased radial growth and increased specific conductivity.


Tree size impacted xylem structure and resulted in plasticity of the potential hydraulic conductivity of the annual tree ring following canopy release.

Trees must respond to many environmental factors during their development, and light is one of the main stimuli regulating tree growth. Thinning of forest stands by selective tree removal is a common tool in forest management that increases light intensity. However, morphological and anatomical adaptations of individual shoots to the new environmental conditions created by thinning are still poorly understood. In this study, we evaluated shoot morphology (shoot length, needle number, projected leaf area) and anatomy (tracheid lumen area, tracheid number, tracheid dimensions, xylem area, potential hydraulic conductivity) in three Norway spruce (Picea abies/L./Karst.) families exposed to different thinning regimes. We compared shoot characteristics of upper-canopy (i.e. sun-exposed) and lower-canopy (i.e. shaded) current-year shoots in a control plot and a plot thinned to 50 % stand density the previous year. One tree per family was chosen in each treatment, and five shoots were taken per canopy position. We found that upper-canopy shoots in both plots had higher values than lower-canopy shoots for all studied parameters, except lumen roundness and tracheid frequency (i.e. tracheid number per xylem area). Thinning had little effect on shoot morphology and anatomy 1 year after thinning, except for small but significant changes in tracheid dimensions. Needles were more sensitive to altered light conditions, as projected leaf area of shoot, needle number and leaf hydraulic conductivity changed after thinning. Differences between upper- and lower-canopy shoots did not seem to be influenced by thinning and were almost the same in both plots. Our results suggest that lower-canopy shoots require several years to modify their morphology and anatomy to new light conditions following thinning. The slow light adaptation of the lower canopy may be of practical importance in forest management: thinned stands may be predisposed to drought stress because newly exposed shoots experience increased illumination and transpiration after thinning.  相似文献   

We estimated the amount of nitrogen (N) remobilized from 1-year-old leaves at various positions in the crowns of mature Quercus glauca Thunb. ex Murray trees and related this to the production of new shoots. Leaf N concentration on an area basis (Na) and total N (Nt= Na x lamina area of all leaves on a shoot) were related to photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) on the leaves of current-year and 1-year-old shoots. When new shoots (S02 shoots; flushed in 2002) flushed, only a portion of the leaves on the previous year's shoots (S01 shoots; flushed in 2001) were shed. After the S02 shoots flushed, S01 shoots were defined as 1-year-old shoots (S01* shoots). Both Na and Nt were positively correlated with PPF for S01 shoots, but not for S01* shoots. The fraction of remobilized N (% of the maximum Na in S01 leaves) from remaining leaves was 5-35%, with the fraction size being positively correlated with the number of S02 shoots on an S01* shoot (new shoot number). However, the mean fraction of remobilized N from fallen leaves was 45% and was unrelated to new shoot number. The total amount of N remobilized from both fallen and remaining leaves was 1-20 mg per S01* shoot. Total remobilized N was positively correlated with new shoot number. There was a statistically significant positive relationship between the light-saturated net photosynthetic rate on a leaf area basis (Amax) and Na for both S01* and S02 leaves. However, when we compared leaves with similar Na, Amax of S01* leaves was only half that of S02 leaves, indicating that 1-year-old leaves had lower instantaneous N-use efficiency (Amax per unit Na) than current-year leaves. Ratios of chlorophyll a:b and Rubisco:chlorophyll were lower in S01* leaves than in S02 leaves, indicating that 1-year-old leaves were acclimatized to lower light environments. Thus, in Q. glauca, the N allocation theory (i.e., that N is distributed according to local PPF) applied only to the current-year shoots. Although the amount of foliar N in 1-year-old shoots was not strongly affected by the PPF on 1-year-old leaves, it was affected by interactions with current-year shoots.  相似文献   

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