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Concentrations of the halocrbons CCl(3)F (F-11), CCl(2)F(2) (F-12), CCl(4), and CH(3)CCl(3), methane (CH(4)), and nitrous oxide (N(2)O) over the decade between 1975 and 1985 are reported, based on measurements taken every January at the South Pole and in the Pacific Northwest. The concentrations of F-11, F-12, and CH(3)CCl(3) in both hemispheres are now more than twice their concentrations 10 years ago. However, the annual rates of increase of F-11, F-12, and CH(3)CC1(3) are now considerably slower than earlier in the decade, reflecting in part the effects of a ban on their nonessential uses. Continued increases in these trace gas concentrations may warm the earth and deplete the stratospheric ozone layer, which may cause widespread climatic changes and affect global habitability.  相似文献   

The present acidity and sulfur content of the upland streams of New England can be accounted for on the basis of the rainout and washout of sulfuric acid from the atmosphere. In spite of this excess acid flux over the New England landscape, the rate of cationic denudation of upland watersheds is relatively low.  相似文献   

Aerosol samples collected from eight geographically distinct locations in South America during the austral winter of 1976 and summer of 1977 with six-stage cascade impactors show a tropospheric sulfur background concentration of about 50 nanograms per cubic meter of air in the fine-particle mode (1 micrometer in aerodynamic diameter). Time-sequence filter samples, taken concurrently at most locations, show an average non-sea spray related sulfur concentration of about 85 nanograms per cubic meter. These concentrations are substantially lower than most published nonurban values for the Northern Hemisphere obtained by similar sampling and analysis techniques and may represent a natural tropospheric background level of aerosol sulfur.  相似文献   

Effects on the global temperature of large increases in carbon dioxide and aerosol densities in the atmosphere of Earth have been computed. It is found that, although the addition of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does increase the surface temperature, the rate of temperature increase diminishes with increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. For aerosols, however, the net effect of increase in density is to reduce the surface temperature of Earth. Because of the exponential dependence of the backscattering, the rate of temperature decrease is augmented with increasing aerosol content. An increase by only a factor of 4 in global aerosol background concentration may be sufficient to reduce the surface temperature by as much as 3.5 degrees K. If sustained over a period of several years, such a temperature decrease over the whole globe is believed to be sufficient to trigger an ice age.  相似文献   

Directly active mutagens are formed on exposure of the promutagen benzo[a]pyrene to gaseous pollutants in smog. In simulated atmospheres containing 1 part per million nitrogen dioxide and traces of nitric acid, directly mutagenic nitro derivatives are readily formed from both benzo[a]pyrene and perylene, a non-mutagen in the Ames reversion assay. Possible formation of direct mutagens by such reactions on sample collection filters, in exhaust effluents, and in the atmosphere should be recognized.  相似文献   

山东省农田生态系统碳源、碳汇及其碳足迹变化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依据2002—2013年山东省17地市农业投入、播种面积以及作物产量等统计数据,对全省各地市农田生态系统进行碳源、碳汇估算,从中分析其变化规律,并探讨造成碳源、碳汇时空变化的影响因素。结果表明:山东省农田系统具备较强的碳汇能力,碳吸收量明显高于碳排放量,两者的总量之比为4.32∶1;碳吸收量和碳汇量呈增加趋势,碳排放量和碳足迹呈降低趋势;农田生态系统表现出较大的碳生态盈余,碳足迹占同期耕地面积的比值呈现降低趋势,2002年为27.71%,2013年为20.96%;17地市之间单位面积碳汇量和单位面积碳足迹存在明显差异,2013年单位面积碳汇量最高的为德州市(6.20t/hm~2)、最低为威海市(3.02t/hm~2),单位面积碳足迹最高的威海市为0.26hm~2/hm~2、最低的泰安市为0.08hm~2/hm~2。  相似文献   

Atmospheric concentrations and sources of trace metals at the South pole   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The chemical composition of atmospheric particulate material collected at the geographic South Pole indicates that Al, Sc, Th, Sm, V, Mn, Eu, Fe, La, Ce, Co, Cr, Na, K, Mg, and Ca are derived from either crustal weathering or the ocean. The relatively volatile elements Zn, Cu, Sb, Se, Pb, and Br are apparently derived from other sources. Because of their volatility, vapor-phase condensation or a high-temperature dispersion source is suspected for these elements or their compounds.  相似文献   

【目的】分析贵州松桃县植烟土壤和烟叶中多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量及污染特征,并解析其污染来源,为烟区土壤 烤烟体系的环境评价、PAHs污染修复提供参考。【方法】2020年7月,分别采集贵州省铜仁市松桃县烤烟成熟期40个土壤样品和40个新鲜烟叶样品,测定了16种PAHs含量,分析土壤和烟叶中PAHs的组成特征,并解析其在土壤 烤烟体系中的污染来源。【结果】贵州松桃县植烟土壤中16种PAHs的总含量为166.74~989.43 μg/kg,平均含量为600.77 μg/kg,其中以3~5环PAHs所占比例较高(78.7%);致癌性的∑7PAHs含量为70.97~365.71 μg/kg,平均含量为221.13 μg/kg,占16种PAHs总含量的24.5%~62.7%,其中具有强致癌性的苯并(b)荧蒽(BbF)、苯并(k)荧蒽(BkF)和苯并(a)芘(BaP)的平均占比分别为5.18%,5.32%和6.03%;在松桃县烤烟烟叶中,16种PAHs的含量为502.79~2 217.15 μg/kg,平均值为1 011.23 μg/kg,其中4~5环PAHs占75.1%;致癌性的∑7PAHs含量为293.53~1 730.72 μg/kg,平均含量为707.03 μg/kg,占16种PAHs总含量的56.0%~85.5%;其中具有强致癌性的BbF、BkF和BaP平均占比分别为10.19%,7.78%和39.96%。烟叶中的PAHs平均含量高于土壤。根据欧洲农业土壤中PAHs的控制标准,本研究有50%的土壤样品处于PAHs中度污染水平,45%的土壤样品处于PAHs轻度污染水平。诊断比例法解析表明,PAHs主要来源于当地工业生产活动、车用石油燃烧及煤炭、秸秆、木材的高温燃烧排放,最终通过大气沉降和叶面吸收进入土壤-烤烟体系;此外,烤烟种植和管理中塑料薄膜及肥料的使用也是土壤PAHs累积的重要来源。【结论】工业活动和农膜及肥料的使用,使贵州松桃县土壤 烤烟体系中PAHs出现累积,可能会对当地生态环境和居民(尤其是烟农)健康造成威胁,应当引起足够重视。  相似文献   

Frequent atmospheric measurements of the anthropogenic compound methylchloroform that were made between 1978 and 1985 indicate that this species is continuing to increase significantly around the world. Reaction with the major atmospheric oxidant, the hydroxyl radical (OH), is the principal sink for this species. The observed mean trends for methylchloroform are 4.8, 5.4, 6.4, and 6.9 percent per year at Aldrigole (Ireland) and Cape Meares (Oregon), Ragged Point (Barbados), Point Matatula (American Samoa), and Cape Grim (Tasmania), respectively, from July 1978 to June 1985. These measured trends, combined with knowledge of industrial emissions, were used in an optimal estimation inversion scheme to deduce a globally averaged methylchloroform atmospheric lifetime of 6.3 (+ 1.2, -0.9) years (1sigma uncertainty) and a globally averaged tropospheric hydroxyl radical concentration of (7.7 +/- 1.4) x 10(5) radicals per cubic centimeter (1sigma uncertainty). These 7 years of gas chromatographic measurements, which comprise about 60,000 individual calibrated real-time air analyses, provide the most accurate estimates yet of the trends and lifetime of methylchloroform and of the global average for tropospheric hydroxyl radical levels. Accurate determination of hydroxyl radical levels is crucial to understanding global atmospheric chemical cycles and trends in the levels of trace gases such as methane.  相似文献   

New particle formation in a tropical marine boundary layer setting was characterized during NASA's Pacific Exploratory Mission-Tropics A program. It represents the clearest demonstration to date of aerosol nucleation and growth being linked to the natural marine sulfur cycle. This conclusion was based on real-time observations of dimethylsulfide, sulfur dioxide, sulfuric acid (gas), hydroxide, ozone, temperature, relative humidity, aerosol size and number distribution, and total aerosol surface area. Classic binary nucleation theory predicts no nucleation under the observed marine boundary layer conditions.  相似文献   

为探究废矿区对周边环境介质的影响及量化农田土壤重金属的来源贡献,并估算重金属源汇通量,系统采集广西南丹县某多金属废矿区及其下游影响区的尾矿、农田土壤和河流沉积物样品共151个,测定重金属(Cr、Ni、Cu、Cd、Zn、As、Sn、Sb和Pb)含量,并对研究区重金属的污染特征、农田土壤重金属来源、生态风险、源汇通量进行探析。结果表明:尾矿和沉积物中重金属含量几何均值(除Cr、Ni外)显著高于农田土壤,且3种介质中重金属含量几何均值均超出背景值。研究区农田土壤Cr和Ni的来源主要为成土母质,上游Cu、Cd、Zn、As、Sn、Sb和Pb的来源主要为上游废矿区尾矿,下游Cu、Sn、Sb和Pb的来源主要为废弃选厂尾矿(贡献量分别为85.11%、92.04%、64.15%和57.57%),Cd、Zn、As的来源主要为上游废矿区尾矿(贡献量分别为59.28%、59.61%和93.81%)。农田土壤及沉积物中主要污染元素为Sn和Sb。农田土壤及沉积物生态风险较高(RI300),Cd、As和Sb是主要生态风险因子。上游农田土壤Cu、Cd、Zn、As、Sn、Sb、Pb输入量分别为132、3、1 348、302、139、149、238 kg·hm~(-2),下游Cu、Cd、Zn、As、Sn、Sb、Pb输入量分别为36、2、746、177、271、211、455 kg·hm~(-2)。多金属废矿区及其下游影响区的重金属源汇关系应得到重视,相关部门应针对不同介质和区域的污染现状加强重金属的污染防治和风险管理,并对尾矿进行源头管控。  相似文献   

目的研究表儿茶素(EC)对小鼠急性肺损伤(ALI)炎症反应的调节作用。方法采用吸入式气管滴注法在BALB/c小鼠中建立ALI模型,H8LE染色观察肺组织病理学变化,并结合基于超高效液相色谱与四极杆—飞行时间质谱联用技术(HILIC UHPLC-Q-TOF MS)的非靶向代谢组学方法对小鼠肺组织进行研究。结果对比空白对照组,LPS处理后的小鼠肺组织发生严重的炎症变化,而EC预处理组炎症现象比LPS组轻。经肺组织代谢轮廓分析发现:二十羟基花生四烯酸、色氨酸、苯丙氨酸、酪氨酸、ATP、磷酸胆碱、二十碳四烯酸、磷酸、烯醇和二磷酸葡萄糖等差异物与小鼠急性肺损伤内源性代谢密切相关,且涉及甘油酯代谢、糖酵解、甘油磷脂代谢、苯丙氨酸、酪氨酸和色氨酸生物合成、抗坏血酸代谢和胆碱代谢等6条代谢路径。结论运用代谢组学方法探讨了EC干预小鼠ALI的差异代谢物变化情况,为表儿茶素抗炎特性的研究提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

In addition to the electronic factors, there is a steric factor responsible for the carcinogenicity of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. A carcinogenic polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon must bear steric resemblance to steroids. One possible implication to this requirement for carcinogenicity is that these hydrocarbons may act on the same sites as steroid hormones.  相似文献   

Species distributions, land values, and efficient conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Ando  J Camm  S Polasky  A Solow 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1998,279(5359):2126-2128
Efforts at species conservation in the United States have tended to be opportunistic and uncoordinated. Recently, however, ecologists and economists have begun to develop more systematic approaches. Here, the problem of efficiently allocating scarce conservation resources in the selection of sites for biological reserves is addressed. With the use of county-level data on land prices and the incidence of endangered species, it is shown that accounting for heterogeneity in land prices results in a substantial increase in efficiency in terms of either the cost of achieving a fixed coverage of species or the coverage attained from a fixed budget.  相似文献   

The seasons, global temperature, and precession   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of instrumental temperature records beginning in 1659 shows that in much of the world the dominant frequency of the seasons is one cycle per anomalistic year (the time from perihelion to perihelion, 365.25964 days), not one cycle per tropical year (the time from equinox to equinox, 365.24220 days), and that the timing of the annual temperature cycle is controlled by perihelion. The assumption that the seasons were timed by the equinoxes has caused many statistical analyses of climate data to be badly biased. Coherence between changes in the amplitude of the annual cycle and those in the average temperature show that between 1854 and 1922 there were small temperature variations, probably of solar origin. Since 1922, the phase of the Northern Hemisphere coherence between these quantities switched from 0 degrees to 180 degrees and implies that solar variability cannot be the sole cause of the increasing temperature over the last century. About 1940, the phase patterns of the previous 300 years began to change and now appear to be changing at an unprecedented rate. The average change in phase is now coherent with the logarithm of atmospheric CO(2) concentration.  相似文献   

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