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利用问卷调查、统计资料和走访座谈等形式对江西境内农业科技人员收入状况进行了调查,并对收集整理的与收入相关问题进行了分析。结果表明,江西农业科研机构科研人员工资低,科技人员对收入满意度不高。分析了收入低的原因:主要与农业科研单位公益性强,农业科技成果转化社会效益大,科研人员收入主要依靠财政拨款有关。在此基础上提出了提高农业科技人员收入的建议。  相似文献   

Two views about the Darwinian revolution are tested: that nearly all scientists in Great Britain had been converted to a belief in the evolution of species within 10 years after the publication of the Origin of Species, and that younger scientists were converted much more rapidly than older scientists. Both views are shown to be less than accurate.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1993,259(5098):1109
In the special section "Minorities in science: The pipeline problem" (13 Nov., p. 1175), the graph on page 1199 showing the field distribution of employed scientists and engineers by ethnicity should have been labeled "Percentage" along the x axis. Also, the designation "Engineers" should have read, "Engineers, total." Labeled correctly, the graph would indicate, for example, that among all employed white scientists and engineers in 1988, about 50% were scientists and 50% were engineers. Of employed black scientists and engineers, about 70% were scientists and only about 30% were engineers. Among Hispanics, the breakdown was about 45% scientists and 55% engineers.  相似文献   

Bibliographies of 53 eminent research scientists in different fields are analyzed in terms of total publications, type of publication, coauthorship, and mean number of publications per year. For the physical and biological scientists, comparisons are made with the publication records of 153 eminent 19th-century scientists.  相似文献   

通过对生态恢复的界定和考察环境伦理观念的变迁,探讨了在不同的生态恢复阶段环境伦理教育的重点问题,即在生态恢复实.践中引导人们树立正确的责任观、抚育观、监管观。  相似文献   

现代农业科技革命的标志是现代高新的生物技术和信息技术在农业领域的具体应用。面向现代农业科技革命的农技推广人才队伍发展对策是:加大政策扶持力度,提高农技推广人才的社会地位;加强培训工作,提高农技推广人才的素质;增强创新意识,提高农技推广人才解决实际生产问题的能力。  相似文献   

农业科研单位青年科技人员思想政治工作初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思想政治工作是党的建设工作的重要法宝,充分体现了党组织的统领全局作用和凝聚作用。随着农业体制机制改革的日益深入,农业科研单位正经历着复杂而又深刻的改革,同时,青年科技人员的思想也在悄然变化。农业科技创新归根到底取决于青年科技人员,面对青年科技工作者新的思想动态、精神状态的变化,必须开展有效的思想政治工作,以帮助青年科技人员树立正确的思想信念,克服错误的思想倾向,为深入推进农业科研单位健康、协调发展提供强大的精神正能量。  相似文献   

Malakoff D 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2000,288(5475):2300-2301
A congressional report released this week details dozens of sometimes clumsy attempts by foreign agents to obtain nuclear secrets from U.S. nuclear scientists traveling abroad, ranging from offering scientists prostitutes to prying off the backs of their laptop computers. The report highlights the need to better prepare traveling researchers to safeguard secrets and resist such temptations, say the two lawmakers who requested the report and officials at the Department of Energy, which employs the scientists.  相似文献   

采用东中西部经济发达城市的调查数据,分析公众和科学家对GMF健康风险和生态环境风险的认知现状,并利用有序分类Logistic回归模型分析导致风险认知差异的主要因素。研究结果表明:公众认知的GMF健康风险和生态环境风险均高于科学家所认知的风险;导致公众与科学家风险认知差异的根源之一是公众缺乏GMF相关知识;在知识、信息不全的情况下,公众易于受到外在信息因素和内在心理因素的影响;信息来源于传统媒介、GMF争论了解越多的公众,其认知的GMF风险越大;而专家、政府、企业的可信度以及对食品安全的信心能够有效降低公众的认知风险;科学家因相关知识储备较多,受信息因素和心理因素的影响较小。此外,个体特征因素亦对公众和科学家的GMF风险认知有影响。  相似文献   

剖析福建省农科院玉米课题组科企联合共同申报项目、合作研究开发的具体事例,总结了8年合作取得的成效,并就科企联合提出了政策导向激发科技人员转变观念、合作创业;企业需求帮助科技人员把握机遇、找准定位;科企联合提升科技人员创新能力、研究效率三点发展对策。  相似文献   

Even by American standards, the far western universities of British Columbia and Saskatchewan have been outstanding producers of scientists. Next have been the small Maritime Province universities of Acadia and Mount Allison. The larger universities in Ontario and Quebec were much lower in scientific productivity, and the Roman Catholic schools lowest of all. Nearly half of the Canadian scientists have migrated to the United States, and, of those remaining in Canada, nearly half went to Ontario. Of the mathematicians, physicists, and psychologists, considerably more than half emigrated to the United States, whereas of the biologists, geologists, and chemists, considerably more than half remained in Canada. Two-thirds of Canada's future scientists go abroad for graduate training. Teaching remains the dominant profession for the top scientists, with some trend in evidence toward government and industry.  相似文献   

关于农业科研单位激励机制的思考   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
文章以农业科研单位激励机制的重要性为引线,分析讨论了现阶段农业科研单位激励机制存在的问题,并结合设立激励机制的主要原则,提出了加大物质激励,满足科技人员的物质需求;强化精神激励,实现科技人员的人生价值等完善激励机制的对策建议,以期充分调动农业科技人员的工作积极性及能动性,进而增强农业科研单位的创新能力。  相似文献   

We analyzed longitudinal data on academic careers and conducted interviews with faculty members to determine the scope and causes of the gender gap in patenting among life scientists. Our regressions on a random sample of 4227 life scientists over a 30-year period show that women faculty members patent at about 40% of the rate of men. We found that the gender gap has improved over time but remains large.  相似文献   

Nearly all contemporary people subsist on cultivated plants, most of which are vulnerable to diseases. Yet, there have been few studies of what traditional people know – and do not know – about crop disease. Agricultural scientists in general are becoming aware of the potential contribution of social scientists and farmers in developing integrated management of crop diseases. The International Potato Center (CIP) has focused on stimulating farmer-scientist collaboration in developing management of late blight, a major fungal disease of potatoes and other plants. Understanding farmers' knowledge of this and other plant diseases is an important element in furthering such collaboration. Although not all agricultural scientists recognize the value of social science, this literature search shows that some agricultural scientists now actively collaborate with farmers, in ways that cross the boundary into social science research. During this search, much of the work we found was written by plant pathologists and entomologists. We found over fifty publications on farmer knowledge of crop disease, and we have annotated the material that we thought most relevant to farmer- scientist collaboration for research of crop diseases, especially late blight.  相似文献   

Marshall E 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2000,289(5484):1458-1459
A plan to have scientists deposit functional magnetic resonance images of the brain in a public center at Dartmouth College as a condition of publication has drawn a flurry of objections. Brain scientists warn that if the project goes forward as planned, it could compromise the privacy of research subjects, get tangled up in technical knots, and rob authors of the credit they deserve. A new task force is attempting to elicit a consensus and draft a set of data-sharing guidelines supported by the entire field.  相似文献   

如何营造良好的科研环境氛围,加强对青年科技人员的引导和培养,进而提高青年科技人员工作积极性,是科研单位迫切需要解决的问题,针对这一问题,文章从政策支持、项目申请、多元化培养等角度提出了解决的政策,以鼓励青年科技人员提高工作积极性,重视理论成果向现实生产力转化,为服务"三农"多作贡献。  相似文献   

In the past 50 years, biologists have learned a tremendous amount about human brain function and its genetic basis. At the same time, political scientists have been intensively studying the effect of the social and institutional environment on mass political attitudes and behaviors. However, these separate fields of inquiry are subject to inherent limitations that may only be resolved through collaboration across disciplines. We describe recent advances and argue that biologists and political scientists must work together to advance a new science of human nature.  相似文献   

Marxist social scientists have argued that the relationship between social and technical change is one of mutual interaction; innovation in the modes of production affects social organization, and social organization, in turn, has an impact on the development of novel modes of production. This consideration is of fundamental importance for the construction of any economic development policy. However, analyses of this critical relationship have been elaborated within a conceptual framework which most social scientists and policy makers who work within the framework of neoclassical economic thought find difficult to understand. When marxists argue that technical innovations are the product of a class conflict, non-marxist social scientists are left wondering about what the exact meaning of such a statement. Because marxists have been unable to communicate their message, their important insights into the relation between social and technical change have not been incorporated in contemporary development policy; this situation has often resulted in great social costs. In the past fifteen years, however, Yujiro Hayami and Vernon Ruttan have attempted to analyze the critical interaction of social and technical change using neo-classical economic concepts. I argue that their approach can be utilized to express marxist insights in a language accessible to non-marxist social scientists. The careful and critical adoption of this approach could provide the grounds for a more fruitful dialogue about the interaction of social and technical change, and aid the construction of a new development policy.  相似文献   

上海农业专家现状浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对上海各农业机构提供的具有高级职称科技人员资料的统计分析,表明:上海农业专家专业分布面广,但缺少都市型农业人才和高新技术研究人才;专家集中在科研单位,在科技推广部门较少;在职称评定中,重学历但不唯学历;上海将有70%的农业专家在5年内退休,所以必须迅速构筑上海农业高级人才高地。提出,建设上海自己的都市农业研究生基地,为青年科技人员成才创造一个宽松的竞争氛围,选拔和造就一大批青年农业高级专家,注意在年富力强的中年农业科技人才中晋升高级农业专家;应当制定条例,明确延聘专家的主要工作是带教青年科技人才等对策。  相似文献   

Between 1878 and 1882, key members of the American scientific community played an important role in Thomas A. Edison's work on electric lighting. Impressed by his abilities, these scientists came to regard Edison as a peer and led him to see himself as a scientific man. But Edison's high standing among scientists and the American public and his professed self-image as a scientist provoked America's noted experimental physicist, Henry A. Rowland, to make a "Plea for pure science" before the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1883.  相似文献   

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