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Complex organic compounds, including many important to life on Earth, are commonly found in meteoritic and cometary samples, though their origins remain a mystery. We examined whether such molecules could be produced within the solar nebula by tracking the dynamical evolution of ice grains in the nebula and recording the environments to which they were exposed. We found that icy grains originating in the outer disk, where temperatures were less than 30 kelvin, experienced ultraviolet irradiation exposures and thermal warming similar to that which has been shown to produce complex organics in laboratory experiments. These results imply that organic compounds are natural by-products of protoplanetary disk evolution and should be important ingredients in the formation of all planetary systems, including our own.  相似文献   

Two calcic micas, clintonite and margarite, have been identified in alteration products in a calcium- and aluminum-rich inclusion (CAI) in the Allende meteorite. Clintonite replaces grossular in alteration veins, and margarite occurs as lamellae in anorthite. Their occurrence suggests that, in addition to undergoing high-temperature alteration by a volatile and iron-rich vapor that produced the grossular and anorthite, some CAIs underwent alteration at moderate temperatures (相似文献   

In possessing a lone pair of electrons and an accessible vacant orbital, singlet carbenes resemble transition metal centers and thus could potentially mimic their chemical behavior. Although singlet di(amino)carbenes are inert toward dihydrogen, it is shown that more nucleophilic and electrophilic (alkyl)(amino)carbenes can activate H2 under mild conditions, a reaction that has long been known for transition metals. However, in contrast to transition metals that act as electrophiles toward dihydrogen, these carbenes primarily behave as nucleophiles, creating a hydride-like hydrogen, which then attacks the positively polarized carbon center. This nucleophilic behavior allows these carbenes to activate NH3 as well, a difficult task for transition metals because of the formation of Lewis acid-base adducts.  相似文献   

Certain opaque inclusions within primitive meteorites exhibit textures that suggest chondrules formed during intense, short-duration radiative heating episodes in the early solar system. Experimental support for this interpretation is provided by the textures produced when chondrule-like assemblages are heated with visible laser light. Computer simulations of radiative heating provide additional evidence for the role of electromagnetic energy in heating nebular solids by offering an explanation for the size distributions of chondrules and the presence of dusty chondrule rims. Nebular lightning and magnetic reconnection flares are possible sources of electromagnetic energy for these transient heating events.  相似文献   

Profiles of stratospheric ozone and chlorine monoxide radical (C1O) have been obtained from balloon measurements of atmospheric limb thermal emission at millimeter wavelengths. The C1O measurements, important for assessing the predicted depletion of stratospheric ozone by chlorine from industrial sources, are in close agreement with present theory, The predicted decrease of C1O at sunset was measured. A tentative value for the stratospheric abundance of hydrogen peroxide was also determined.  相似文献   

Chemical zoning patterns in some iron, nickel metal grains from CH carbonaceous chondrites imply formation at temperatures from 1370 to 1270 kelvin by condensation from a solar nebular gas cooling at a rate of approximately 0.2 kelvin per hour. This cooling rate requires a large-scale thermal event in the nebula, in contrast to the localized, transient heating events inferred for chondrule formation. In our model, mass accretion through the protoplanetary disk caused large-scale evaporation of precursor dust near its midplane inside of a few astronomical units. Gas convectively moved from the midplane to cooler regions above it, and the metal grains condensed in these parcels of rising gas.  相似文献   

Detection sensitivities of a few parts per billion for ten gaseous pollutants have been evaluated by measuring the strength of the absorption of infrared radiation from carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide lasers. Ethylene concentrations as small as 5 parts per billion have been detected in air. The measured absorption strengths indicate that in mixtures of pollutants, such as nitrogen dioxide and water vapor, the sensitivity is reduced by overlapping absorption bands. However, calculations indicate that it should be possible to detect nitrogen dioxide concentrations of 0.01 part per million in the presence of water vapor concentrations of 105 parts per million.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide, ethylene, and propylene were produced in illuminated, cell-free distilled water or natural seawater systems to which dissolved organic matter produced by phytoplankton had been added. Methane and the higher saturated gaseous hydrocarbons were not produced. In the dark, little or no carbon monoxide and no hydrocarbons were produced in the distilled water systems; only carbon monoxide was produced in natural seawater, but less was produced than in the light.  相似文献   

A recent laboratory measurement of the ratio of the rate constant for the reaction CO + HO (2) --> C0(2) + OH relative to that for H + HO(2) --> 2OH indicates that the former reaction is probably faster than CO + OH --> CO(2) + H. On this basis a simple analysis is given showing that the calculated lifetime of nitric oxide in polluted atmospheres would be appreciably longer than that estimated on the assumption that the carbon monoxide-hydroperoxyl reaction may be neglected. A fast carbon monoxide-hydroperoxyl reaction implies that the cyclic consumption of carbon monoxide (an atmospheric sink) could occur even with no nitric oxide present.  相似文献   

To understand the possible mechanism controlling the formation of silicon bodies in higher plants, we need to know the nature of organic compounds associated with silicon bodies and induces silicon precipitation in plant cells. A new method was developed to isolate pure silicon body in fresh leaves of rice (Oryaa sativa L. Var. 297) at lowt emperature by grinding and centrifugation procedures, which avoided degradation of organic molecules induced by high temperature and strong oxidizing acids used in the traditional method. The energy dispersive X-ray spectrum under scanning electron microscope showed that there was a great amount of carbon in silicon bodies in addition to silicon and oxygen. Organic compounds intimately associated with silicon bodies were released by treatment with HF solution. Analysis of the organic compounds by micro-infrared spectroscopy revealed the presence of polyphenol and polysaccharide and a little protein.  相似文献   

Topsøe NY 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1994,265(5176):1217-1219
The selective catalytic reduction reaction of nitric oxide bv ammonia over vanadia-titania catalysts is one of the methods of removing NOx pollution. In the present study, it has been possible to identify the reaction mechanism and the nature of the active sites in these catalysts by combining transient or steady-state in situ (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) experiments directly with on-line activity studies. The results suggest a catalytic cycle that consists of both acid and redox reactions and involves both surface V-OH (Br?nsted acid sites) and V=O species. A fundamental microkinetic model is proposed, which accounts for the observed industrial kinetics performance.  相似文献   

Termites may emit large quantities of methane, carbon dioxide, and molecular hydrogen into the atmosphere. Global annual emissions calculated from laboratory measurements could reach 1.5 x 10(14) grams of methane and 5 x 10(16) grams of carbon dioxide. As much as 2 x 10(14) grams of molecular hydrogen may also be produced. Field measurements of methane emissions from two termite nests in Guatemala corroborated the laboratory results. The largest emissions should occur in tropical areas disturbed by human activities.  相似文献   

重迎茬大豆根区土壤有机化合物的GCM/S分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用GC M/S分析法,鉴定了重迎茬大豆成熟期根区土壤有机化合物。结果表明,在重迎茬土壤中存在有机酸、醇、酯、酮、醛、苯、酚和烃类等有机化合物,其中很多被报道是化感物质,重茬化感物质种类远多于迎茬。重迎茬土壤中的化感物质种类多与大豆根系分泌物、根茬腐解产物、地上部水浸物中的化感物质相同。  相似文献   

Photochemically generated hot hydrogen atoms initiate reactions with simple molecular substrates including methane to produce organic alcohols, amines, acids, amino acids, and other compounds. The typical quantum yields for the formation of amino acids are 2 x 10(-5) to 4 x 10(-5). Hot hydrogen atoms may be important initiators of reactions in interstellar space and in planetary atmospheres.  相似文献   

选择长江三角洲地区一处长期受到有机农药污染的浅层含水层,采集水样,采用不依赖于培养的16S rDNA序列分析方法,埘该污染地下水中的微生物群落特征进行了分析和鉴定.结果表明,这种分析方法完全可行,该有机污染含水层具有较好的微生物多样性,且可能有一种未经鉴定的新菌种.  相似文献   

Natural climatic fluctuations, even those of recent years, cover a considerable range. They can be characterized as a "noise" spectrum which masks possible global effects of man-caused increases of atmospheric CO(2) and particulates. Local modifications, either deliberate or inadvertent, measurably affect the microclimate. Some artificial alterations of the microlimate are beneficial in agriculture. Among the unplanned effects, those produced by urbanization on local temperature and on wind field are quite pronounced. The influences on rainfall are still somewhat controversial, but effects may extend considerably beyond the confines of metropolitan areas. They are the result of water vapor released by human activity and of the influence of condensation and freezing nuclei produced in overabundance by motor vehicles and other combustion processes. Therefore it appears that on the local scale man-made influences on climate are substantial but that on the global scale natural forces still prevail. Obviously this should not lead to complacency. The potential for anthropogenic changes of climate on a larger and even a global scale is real. At this stage activation of an adequate worldwide monitoring system to permit early assessment of these changes is urgent. This statement applies particularly to the surveillance of atmospheric composition and radiation balance at sites remote from concentrations of population, which is now entirely inadequate. In my opinion, man-made aerosols, because of their optical properties and possible influences on cloud and precipitation processes, constitute a more acute problem than CO(2). Many of their effects are promptly reversible; hence, one should strive for elimination at the source. Over longer intervals, energy added to the atmosphere by heat rejection and CO(2) absorption remain matters of concern.  相似文献   

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