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《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(5):811-819
This study systematically examined hydrothermal effects of antioxidant substances, such as total phenolic (TPC), flavonoid (TFC), and proanthocyanidin (TPAC) contents, cyanidin‐3‐O‐glucoside (C3G), peonidin‐3‐O‐glucoside (P3G), α‐, γ‐, and δ‐tocopherols, and α‐, γ‐, and δ‐tocotrienols, as well as antioxidant activities, color parameters, and soluble sugar compositions in red and black rice. It showed that color differences (ΔE ) of black rice were higher than those of red rice caused by boiling. The processed red and black rice exhibited significantly (P < 0.05) lower TPC, TFC, TPAC, C3G, P3G, and antioxidant activities compared with the raw rice except bound TPC and bound antioxidant activity. Interestingly, soluble free p‐coumaric and ferulic acids had higher contents in cooked red rice, and soluble free protocatechuic, vanillic, and sinapic acids had higher contents in cooked black rice. Boiling caused significant decreases of soluble conjugated phenolic acids and significant increases of insoluble bound phenolic acids in both red and black rice. Increases of total free tocol, glucose, and fructose contents were observed in most red and black rice. To increase the contents of some soluble free and insoluble bound phenolic acids, free vitamin E, and monosaccharides in red and black rice, boiled rice might be a good choice.  相似文献   

三种类型阻控剂对不同品种水稻富集镉的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
如何降低水稻中镉(Cd)的含量已经成为一个研究热点。在湖南省衡阳县某地受轻度镉污染的农田上种植两季水稻(早稻、晚稻),随机采购市场上销售的阻控剂(石灰、硅肥和叶面锌肥),研究这3种类型阻控剂对水稻富集镉及稻谷中镉含量的影响,这3种类型的阻控剂的施用方式是石灰和硅肥作为基肥施于土壤,叶面锌肥通过叶面喷施。结果表明:与没有施加阻控剂相比,除石灰和晚稻锌处理之外,其他处理增产效果显著。在3种类型的阻控剂中,叶面锌肥对籽实富集镉的阻控效果最佳,分别使早稻Y俩优792和晚稻农香130降低了51.28%和50.92%,基施硅肥阻镉效果次之。田间试验结果进一步表明施硅肥和喷施叶面锌肥可作为当地的水稻镉污染阻控剂,但叶面锌肥与稻谷中镉的交互作用需要更深入的探讨。  相似文献   

不同作物管理技术对水稻氮素吸收和利用的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过2年田间试验,以杂交粳稻甬优1号为材料,研究不同作物管理技术对稻株氮素吸收利用和产量形成的影响。结果表明,水稻超高产集成技术产量提高21.2%,在分蘖期和抽穗期总氮量低于高产管理,但在成熟期总氮量与高产管理相近;在成熟期叶片、茎鞘中氮滞留量及其占总吸氮量的比例减少;穗部吸氮量提高,其占总吸氮量的比例增加。因此,水稻超高产集成技术能促进水稻叶片和茎鞘中的贮藏性氮向穗部转运,在总氮吸收量变化不大情况下,氮素的吸收利用率、氮素的农学利用率、氮素的生理利用率和氮肥偏生产力等均显著提高。  相似文献   

The main objective of the present study is to measure the levels of heavy metals in important fruit species such as apple, apricot, and nectarine and their nine, five, and six cultivars, respectively. This work investigates the accumulation of Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cd, Pb, and Cr in flowers of above species, to measure the levels of heavy metal contamination. The obtained results revealed that amounts of heavy metals significantly varied among cultivars at the same species and were within the permissible amounts in general. The Cd was not detected in apricot, nectarine, and the most of apple cultivars. Results for floral Fe, and also for Cu and Zn, which are the most important micronutrients for fruit production, suggest that levels of these elements might be used for assessing the storage of these elements during the previous season. We assume that the production of apple, apricot, and nectarine is safe, and there is no risk of contamination with heavy metals.  相似文献   

Integrated effects of fly ash (FA), farmyard manure (FYM), and chemical fertilizers recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) on the performance of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and their residual effect on rapeseed (Brassica camprestris L. vartoria) were studied for two years in loamy acidic inceptisol of Assam, India.

The FA was generated from a bituminous and lignite coal-based captive thermal power plant of Hindustan Paper Corporation Ltd (HPCL), Assam. Rice yields were higher when FA, FYM, and RDF were used collectively vis-à-vis sole application of RDF reflected also in rapeseed under residual effect . FA effect on mean rice equivalent yield of the rice–rapeseed system was the highest (24.4%) under integrated application. Nickel (Ni) and cadmium (Cd) contents in rice decreased with increasing FA, while arsenic (As) was just the opposite. Integration of FA, FYM, and RDF was effective in lowering Ni, Cd, and As in rice compared to 100% RDF alone or together with FA. The residual effect on rapeseed was similar for Ni and As while the Cd content increased. Blending of FA, FYM, and RDF also positively altered the residual soil pH, organic carbon (C), and nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK). Thus, FA can be an integral component of integrated plant nutrition system (IPNS) in augmenting crop yield and residual benefits in loamy acid inceptisol.  相似文献   

Policosanols (PCs) are a group of long‐chain alcohols that have been reported to have many beneficial physiological activities. In this study, the total content and composition of PCs in 15 rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars from Korea were characterized by gas chromatography–time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry. This method proved to be sufficiently precise and accurate with respect to the degree of endogenous biological variability found in the rice samples. Octacosanol (C28) and triacontanol (C30) were the major components of PCs in all cultivars. In addition, there were positive correlations among the determined PC contents. Given its high PC content, the Heughyangbyeo cultivar may appear to be a good candidate for future breeding programs.  相似文献   

基因枪介导转化水稻花粉获得转基因植株   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物花粉是一种理想的植物遗传转化材料,利用转化后的花粉授粉,借助于植物胚胎的自然发育获得转基因种子,从而简化转化过程.大量研究表明基因枪是花粉转化的较理想工具,目前基因枪介导的花粉转化只在烟草、油菜等少数作物中获得成功.水稻是世界主要粮食作物,建立一个高效的水稻遗传转化体系对于水稻的遗传改良具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

Mn and Fe are two important micronutrients of paddy soils derived from red earths.Rice(Oryza sativa L.)oranging physiological diease in newly reclaimed red rarths is related to Fe toxicity.There have been considerable studies on Mn and Fe counteraction,but influence of Mn and Fe counteration on rice oranging physiological disease still remains unknown.This paper is to study,using two soils from USA and China respectively,the relationship between Nn and Fe counteraction and the physiological disease.Analysis for water soluble and extractable Fe and Mn showed that Mn/Fe ratios of the red earths were lower than those of the paddy soils.Fertilizing with Mn raised Mn/Fe and reduced oranging leaves,improved growth and increased yields.Analysis with electron probe showed that Mn treatment had less Fe deposit in root epidermis and more Ca and Si in roots.The results indicated that fertilizing with Mn could correct Fe toxicity.How to apply Mn and Fe counteraction in practice is worth further studying.  相似文献   

直接产生抗除草剂转基因水稻纯系的新方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种提高转基因杂交后代育种选择效率的新途径,即在花药培养过程中添加抗性筛选物质,直接筛选含有目的基因的纯合体。以转bar基因水稻植株和非转基因植株杂交F1为试格进行花药培养,并对分化的绿苗进行PCR检测和田间抗性检测。结果表明,在愈伤组织诱导培养基和分化培养基中分别添加PPT0.05mg/L与未添加PPT的对照,均产生较多的愈伤组织和绿苗,并有较高比例不抗除草剂的假阳性株。当PPT浓度增至0.1mg/L时,所得花培苗全部抗除草剂,显示很好的筛选作用。PPT浓度继续增加,愈伤组织诱导率和绿苗分化率急剧下降。当PPT的浓度增至5mg/L时,愈伤组织的诱导和幼苗分化完全被抑制。对30个加倍单倍体系作连续两代农艺性状考察,约73%以上的株系在遗传率较高的性状中,变异系数很小(<10%),说明这些株系的基因型已经纯合,证实了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Opaque endosperm is the main phenotypic indicator for waxy rice, but other phenotypic and genotypic variation among waxy rice accessions has largely been ignored. Previous studies showed that wide diversity in starch physiochemical properties exists in both indica and japonica waxy rices, especially for starch gelatinization temperature (GT) which could be divided into a high- and a low-GT group. In the present study, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) molecular markers were employed to examine genetic diversity and relationships of 56 waxy rice accessions. A total of 358 AFLP fragments were amplified with five primer combinations, showing a high level of polymorphism (78.3%). A total of 190 ISSR bands were generated with a single primer and a primer pair, showing a very high level of polymorphism (92.2%). The genetic distance matrices obtained from the two sets of markers were significantly correlated (r = 0.731, P = 0.004). The dendrogram generated with combined AFLP and ISSR markers could clearly differentiate the indica and japonica groups. Newly released varieties and breeding lines within each subspecies tended to be clustered together, whereas landraces were more distantly placed in the dendrogram. Only one AFLP band was found specific to the indica type, while no specific bands were found for starch GT. The implications for the conservation and breeding of waxy rice are discussed.  相似文献   

A five-step sequential extraction procedure was used for the fractionation of selenium (Se) in rhizosphere and nonrhizosphere soils with rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings. Results showed that in rhizosphere soils without the addition of Se, the soluble Se (Sol-Se), exchangeable Se and Se bound to carbonates (Exc-Se), Se bound to organic-sulfide matter and elemental Se (OM-Se), and total Se contents were significantly greater than those in nonrhizosphere soils, whereas the residual Se (Res-Se) was less than that in the nonrhizosphere soils. After the addition of Se, the Sol-Se and OM-Se contents in the rhizosphere soils were still evidently greater than those in nonrhizosphere soils, but the Exc-Se was significantly less in rhizosphere soils than in nonrhizosphere soils. Our overall results suggest that the Se bioavailability in rice rhizosphere soils is greater than that in nonrhizosphere soils. Selenium bioavailability in the rhizosphere soil is not correlated with Se accumulation in rice seedlings.  相似文献   

傅友强  吴道铭  申守营  李玥  沈宏 《土壤》2013,45(6):1133-1136
根系氧化力大小与根表铁膜数量密切相关,铁膜以Fe3+ 形态为主。本文根据水稻根表铁膜数量,探讨了一种测定水稻根系氧化力的新方法。首先,在水稻根系所在溶液中加入定量硫酸亚铁(Fe2+),处理1天后,水稻根系将一部分Fe2+ 氧化成Fe3+,剩余Fe2+ 用H2O2滴定,得滴定值A。然后,用H2O2滴定没有种植水稻的硫酸亚铁溶液,得滴定值B。根据不种植与种植水稻H2O2的消耗量,滴定值之差(B-A),即为水稻根系氧化力。该方法要求Fe2+ 浓度大于0.8 mmol/L,过氧化氢消耗量与Fe2+ 浓度成正比(R2 = 0.999 2)。测定过程中,应先加显色剂邻菲罗啉,然后加入磷酸。该方法在不损伤水稻根系情况下可定量测定水稻根系氧化力。  相似文献   

侧根是水稻胚后发育的重要器官,具有吸收养分和稳固植株的作用.本研究从甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变的水稻Kasalath突变体库中筛选得到一个水稻侧根突变体Oslrd2,对其进行了表型和遗传分析、图位克隆、候选基因测序及转基因互补验证.结果表明,与野生型相比,Oslrd2幼苗期的苗高和根系伸长都受到明显抑制,侧根短且数量少...  相似文献   

本研究前期由籼稻品种Kasalath经EMS诱变获得一个短根突变体ksr8,为揭示该突变体根系发育的分子机制,对其进行了表型鉴定、遗传分析、基因定位、转基因互补验证以及外源精氨酸处理。表型分析表明,ksr8幼苗的株高、主根、侧根和不定根长度均变短,成熟期植株较野生型矮小、分蘖数与每穗实粒数都减少。根尖树脂半超薄切片及醋酸洋红染色显示,ksr8的短根表型与伸长区细胞变短和根尖细胞分裂有关。遗传分析结果表明,ksr8的突变表型受隐性单基因控制,利用图位克隆技术将突变基因定位于3号染色体的分子标记InD3和RM3280之间,物理距离约106 kb,在该定位区间内包含一个编码催化精氨酸合成通路最后一个步骤的精氨酰琥珀酸裂解酶基因OsASL1(LOCOs03g19280)。测序结果表明,突变体ksr8中OsASL1基因第3外显子内(CDS 653 bp处)的G突变成A,导致编码的218位精氨酸(R)突变为赖氨酸(K);转基因互补试验证实ksr8的表型是由该基因突变引起;进一步分析发现,外源精氨酸添加可以恢复ksr8的根系缺陷表型。本研究结果证明了突变基因ksr8是OsASL...  相似文献   

水稻农艺性状QTL定位精确性及其影响因素的分析(综述)   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
随着分子票房的产生,运用分子标记进行QTL研究已经作了很多的报道。近几年来,水稻农艺性状QTL定位也已经作了许多研究,但各研究结果一致。本研究通过总结前人有关水稻QTL定位的结果,分析了引起这些差异的原因,探讨QTL的作用模式。认为已检出的各必状QTL数目仍是较少的,当前QTL定位结果并不精确,特别是对一些遗传率较低,贡献率较小的QTL的检测是很不可靠的。另外,还提出一因多效性和基因连锁相结合方能  相似文献   

Cells of two indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties, one aluminum-tolerant (IAC3), and the other aluminum-sensitive (IR45), were grown in suspension culture in a medium with or without Al (0-800 µM), Si (0-2,000 µM), or Al and Si in combination as well as in R2 medium as control. The influence of Al or Si on cell growth was evaluated based on the growth of the cells in the treatment medium as well as in the R2 medium and compared with the effect on rice seedlings. Similar responses were observed for the cells and the seedlings; Al treatment resulted in a significant reduction of cell growth in both varieties, and the growth was reduced with the increase of the Al uptake by the cells. IAC3 was more tolerant to Al and it absorbed more Al than IR45. On the contrary, Si alone had almost no effect or exerted a negligible effect on the cell growth in both varieties and Si was hardly absorbed by the cells. There was a slight alleviative effect of Si on Al toxicity in the suspension cells of IR45, whereas, a considerable ameliorative effect in the seedlings. The content of total Al and of AI insoluble in citric acid in the cells were higher in the sole Al (800 µM) treatment than in the Al-Si combination treatment. This tendency was also observed in aluminon staining. The differences in the alleviative effects of Si and the uptake of Al and Si between the suspension cells and seedlings may have resulted from the presence of roots and morphological differences in the apoplastic tissues.  相似文献   

为了建立河南粳稻品种的DNA指纹图谱,了解河南粳稻种植品种的遗传多样性,本研究利用均匀分布于水稻(Oryza sativaL.)12条染色体的37对SSR引物,以河南1963~2010年间主要推广种植的37个粳稻(O.sativaL.ssp.japonica)品种为材料,进行简单序列重复(SSR)指纹图谱构建和遗传多样性分析。结果表明,33对引物具有特异多态性片段,共检测到114个等位基因,平均每位点3.53个等位基因;引物多态性频率为0.054~0.739。37个品种的遗传相似系数为0.627~0.992,平均为0.812。17个品种都至少具有1对SSR特征引物,其余20个品种的鉴定需要结合不同的SSR引物。利用19对核心SSR引物构建的指纹图谱能逐一区分出36个粳稻品种。采用非加权类平均法(UPGMA)进行聚类分析,在遗传相似系数0.710处可将37个品种分为2大类,河南选育品种基本都聚到同一大类群,表明河南推广的粳稻品种遗传基础狭窄。  相似文献   

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