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Changes in total yellow pigment (TYP) content and carotenoid composition were examined at different stages of pasta processing. Semolina samples were milled from durum genotypes with and without the Lpx‐B1.1 gene deletion and then processed into dry pasta. Significant pigment loss (12.8–15.3%) based on TYP content was observed from semolina to dough in genotypes without the gene deletion. Such loss remained low (2.0–2.8%) for genotypes with the Lpx‐B1.1 gene deletion. Extrusion and drying processes did not result in substantial pigment loss. The overall pigment loss (from semolina to dried pasta) of genotypes with the gene deletion was 9.1–12.8%, in comparison with 19.0–21.7% in genotypes without the deletion. Changes in carotenoids examined by ultra‐performance liquid chromatography showed that lutein decreased gradually from representing 80% of total carotenoids to 70% of total carotenoids during pasta processing. The reduction of lutein was mostly during dough mixing, with a decrease of 16.7% in genotypes with the Lpx‐B1.1 deletion and 27.8% in genotypes without the deletion. Minor carotenoids increased during pasta drying, possibly at the expense of lutein. Results of this study showed that although breeding for elevated yellow pigments is the key, pasta color can be further improved by reducing pigment losses at different stages of pasta processing through selection of genotypes with Lpx‐B1.1 deletion and applying a vacuum during mixing and extrusion processes.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to evaluate gluten structural changes in refined and whole wheat pasta from hard white winter wheat to elucidate the impact of whole wheat components on the formation and structure of the gluten network in pasta. Attenuated total reflectance–FTIR spectroscopy was used to track gluten secondary structure through most of the major steps in pasta processing: raw material, mixing, drying, and cooking. Protein solubility, accessible thiols, and SDS‐PAGE data were also collected to provide additional information on the nature of protein interactions and network composition. Few secondary structural differences were observed between refined and whole wheat flours from hard white wheat. However, mixing induced a significant shift to β‐sheet structures in refined dough that was not equally matched by whole wheat dough. Drying under both high temperature, short time (HT) and low temperature, long time (LT) conditions resulted in a reversion to structural distributions similar to those for flour in both pastas. However, greater protein denaturation in HT samples was indicated by lower protein solubility also in the presence of denaturants and disulfide reducing agents. Cooking generated a substantial increase in β‐sheet structures for both pasta systems. This structure was greatest in refined and LT samples. Thiol accessibility data indicate the presence of a highly aggregated, compact gluten network in refined pasta, mostly driven by hydrophobic association. Conversely, the network in whole wheat pasta was more loosely associated and dependent on disulfide bonding, both of which fit well with the secondary structural data.  相似文献   

Starches from the endosperm of three types of total‐waxy cereals (bread wheat, maize, and barley) were used in reconstitution studies of durum wheat semolinas to investigate the effect of waxy starch on pasta cooking quality. The chemical composition and the pasting and gelatinization properties of the starches used in this study were evaluated to define the functional properties of each waxy starch. The rheological properties of dough semolinas were evaluated by small‐scale mixograph. Spaghetti was prepared using a small‐scale pasta extruder and its cooking quality was assessed using a texture analyzer. Cooked pasta firmness, resilience, and stickiness were measured. The substitution of semolina starch with waxy starches from different sources changed the functional properties of dough and their pasta quality. A decrease in firmness was detected in all the semolinas reconstituted with waxy starches. An increase in stickiness was found when semolinas with waxy starch from wheat were evaluated. No improvement in pasta quality should be expected if the waxy character is introduced in durum wheat.  相似文献   

Semolina from four durum wheat genotypes (cvs. Ben, Munich, Rugby, and Vic) were processed into spaghetti that was dried by low (LT), high (HT), and ultrahigh (UHT) temperature drying cycles. Starch was isolated from dried pasta and unprocessed wheat and semolina references. Pasta-drying cycles had no significant effect on the amylose content of starches. Significant increases in enzyme-resistant starch were observed in HT- and UHT-dried pasta (2.27 and 2.51%, respectively) compared with LT-dried pasta (1.68%). Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) gelatinization characteristics of pasta starches showed a significantly narrow range (Tr), but no changes in onset and peak temperatures (To and Tp, respectively) and gelatinization enthalpy (ΔH1) were observed. When compared with unprocessed reference samples (wheat and semolina), all pasta starches shifted to higher gelatinization To and Tp, with narrow Tr and no changes in δH1. The second endothermic DSC peak indicated no increase in amylose-lipid complexation (δH2) due to drying cycle. Starches isolated from LT and HT pasta exhibited lower peak viscosities than those from UHT-dried pasta. Genotypes Ben and Rugby demonstrated higher pasting temperature and lower peak and breakdown viscosities than Vic and Munich.  相似文献   

It is well known that gluten plays a major role in determining cooking quality in durum wheat pasta. This work is an attempt to systematically elucidate the role of gluten quantity and nature in determining cooking quality as a function of the drying cycle used in the manufacturing process. Gluten and starch were fractionated from two durum wheat cultivars possessing good and poor gluten quality. Either of them were then added back to the original base semolina to alter its protein content and to produce two semolina series with identical protein contents. Semolinas were processed into pasta and dried following three drying programs (low, medium, and high temperature). Cooking quality was determined with sensorial, chemical, and instrumental methods. The results indicate that optimum cooking time is governed by gluten quality. The positive effect on cooking quality of increasing gluten contents and of the application of HT drying is evident in weak gluten samples, but it is not significant in the strong gluten samples.  相似文献   

Changes in starch at the molecular level during high‐temperature (HT) drying of pasta were studied with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Pasta was manufactured from durum wheat semolina into the shape of spaghetti on a pilot‐plant installation. The HT phase (100°C) was applied at relatively high (27 g/100 g, wb), intermediate (20 g/100 g), and low (15 g/100 g) product moisture, respectively. Spaghetti dried at 55°C served as reference samples. The changes in the thermal properties of starch during drying were dependent on the drying conditions. The gelatinization enthalpy of pasta dried at 55°C was reduced by 30% during drying, which indicates a partial melting of the starch crystallites. With the beginning of the HT phase, the gelatinization enthalpy increased to final values that were close to or higher than those of freshly extruded pasta. In general, HT drying of pasta induced a broadening of the gelatinization range. Starch crystallinity remained unchanged during extrusion and drying at HT. Based on a state diagram of starch and on DSC measurements of pasta during drying, it is hypothesized that HT drying favors molecular rearrangements of starch polymers at the double helical level.  相似文献   

Mixing of commercial durum wheat semolina with water was performed under different conditions in a Brabender micromixer equipped with pastamaking shafts. Semolina filling of the mixing chamber was 30.4–42.9% (v/v), shaft speed was 10–110 rpm, temperature was 10–40°C, and hydration level was 47–52.5% (db). The blend of water and semolina evolved from individualized hydrated particles (HP) to a dough product (DP) as a function of these conditions. Torque values (T) and the specific mechanical energies (SME) were recorded during mixing as a function of time. Terms from these curves were defined to characterize the mixing process: to (starting time of dough development), td (time to reach the maximum dough consistency), Tm (mean torque value after dough development), and SMEf (total energy applied to the dough during mixing). Transformation of HP into DP and the mixing temperature were the main parameters affecting to, td, Tm, and SMEf. Protein aggregate distribution was measured by size-exclusion HPLC, protein solubility in 0.01N acetic acid, free -SH content, soluble arabinoxylans, reducing sugars, ferulic acid, carotenoid content, and oxidase activities to characterize the biochemical changes that occurred during pasta dough formation. DP was characterized by lower amounts of insoluble glutenin aggregates, lower protein solubility in dilute acetic acid, lower free -SH content, ferulic acid, carotenoid content, and lower oxidoreductase activities as compared to HP. Once the dough was developed, the effects of mixing speed, temperature, or hydration level on the biochemical composition of the blend were null or low compared to the modifications that were observed when the blends changed from HP to DP. The to and SMEf were the most significant parameters in characterizing the pasta dough mixing process in relation to biochemical changes.  相似文献   

The incidence of moniliformin (MON) producing Fusarium spp. in selected corn (Zea mays L.) samples from Mexico and the United States and the effects of alkaline cooking and the tortilla manufacturing processes on the reduction of MON were determined. The percentage of infected kernels with Fusarium spp. ranged from 0 to 22% in eight foodgrade corn samples, including six from Mexico and two from the United States. Complete (100%) reduction of MON was observed when a naturally contaminated corn sample containing 1.4 μg of MON/g of corn was used in a pilot‐scale alkaline cooking and tortilla manufacturing process. In a companion laboratory‐scale study, using a cultured corn sample containing 17.6 μg of MON/g of corn, a 71% reduction of the toxin was observed during the process. Alkaline cooking appeared to be an effective method for reduction of MON in corn.  相似文献   

Lignans are of increasing interest because of their potential anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, estrogenic, and antiestrogenic activities. In this work, mixed‐cereal pastas manufactured by adding 60% whole‐grain flours of different cereals (wheat, oat, rye, barley, and rice) to durum wheat semolina, a multigrain pasta with different grains (cereals, legumes, and flaxseed), and a traditional industrial durum wheat semolina were analyzed for their lignans content both in the raw and in the cooked state, ready for consumption. For raw mixed‐cereal pastas, total lignans were within the range 94.91–485.62 μg/100 g d.w. After cooking, total lignans losses of about 35.5, 18.31, and 5.46% were observed respectively in oat‐, rye‐, and rice‐added pastas, whereas increases of 5.74 and 13.62% were observed in barley‐added and whole durum wheat pastas. Interesting results were obtained for the multigrain pasta: the raw product exhibited a total lignans content of 9,686.17 ± 287.03 μg/100 g d.w., and the major contribution was given by secoisolariciresinol. This highest total lignans value resulted from its rich and varied composition in seeds of different origin, legumes, and flaxseed in particular. Our findings showed that mixed‐cereal and multigrain pastas can be considered a good source of lignans. The effect of cooking was not the same for each product, and it depended on the different lignans profile of each grain, on the different chemical structure of each lignan, and on the nature of the food matrix.  相似文献   

During storage, the milling, physicochemical properties, and eating quality of rice change, which is generally termed “aging.” Aged rice is preferred by processors because of better processing characteristics, and therefore there are attempts to develop accelerated aging processes. In this study, the effects of various heat treatments and their influences on the milling, physicochemical, and cooking properties of two long‐grain rice cultivars during storage were investigated with a randomized complete block design with an 8 × 5 × 2 full‐factorial treatment design. Two long‐grain rice cultivars, Wells and XP723, were treated with eight different heat treatments, including two levels of UV irradiation, two levels of autoclaving, three levels of convection oven heating, and one control, and then stored for 180 days at room temperature. The heat treatments significantly influenced all properties, including head rice yield (HRY), surface lipid content, peak gelatinization temperature, pasting properties, and cooked rice texture. All properties except HRY exhibited a significant two‐way interaction of cultivar and heat treatment. The severe autoclaving treatment resulted in rice of significantly different protein compositions when compared with the control. Storage impacted all properties except HRY and peak gelatinization temperature. Autoclaving (particularly severe autoclaving) produced samples with more distinct characteristics for most properties. Cooked rice hardness and stickiness exhibited not only significant main effects but also significant two‐ and three‐factor interactions.  相似文献   

An apparatus that allows extraction and enrichment of flavor volatiles of rice during cooking using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) was designed and tested in the Japanese rice cultivar Akitakomachi. Because it is a solvent-free technique, no solvent contaminants were extracted during sampling. This technique enables one to place the fiber of SPME in the effluent of the flavor volatiles of the rice during cooking and it can also be used for simultaneous extraction of those volatiles in the course of the cooking process. Therefore, variations in the composition and amount of volatile compounds of rice during cooking can be determined. The overall flavor volatiles of rice during cooking have been analyzed by using this SPME method. Compounds that have been previously highlighted as flavor volatile markers, such as volatiles from oxidative degradation of lipids, products from thermal decomposition, and fatty acids existing in rice, were extracted directly by SPME in conjunction with this apparatus.  相似文献   

Effect of cooking time on starch retrogradation and water distribution was studied in pasta (spaghetti) and rice (parboiled and arborio) using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) Optimum cooking times (OCT) were 8, 16, and 18.5 min for spaghetti, parboiled, and arborio rice, respectively. Swelling was observed by image analysis. OCT spaghetti and rice showed various starch retrogradation rates at various aging times and temperatures. Based on the classical Avrami function, the retrogradation rate at 5°C followed the order spaghetti > parboiled rice > arborio rice, while extent was in the opposite order. At higher temperature (20°C), the rates decreased by 20× in all cases. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) investigations were undertaken to check the distribution of water within these products and its relationship to starch retrogradation. During heating, water was released in two distinguishable steps at ≈80 and 100°C. Results supported the conclusion that the more tightly bound water might not participate or facilitate starch retrogradation. In this study, the overall water content did not change during storage, and water appeared to migrate from sites of stronger binding to sites of weaker binding. The temperature dependence of the Avrami constant was described with the Vogel‐Tamman‐Fulcher empirical expression.  相似文献   

A modified headspace solid‐phase microextraction (SPME) method in conjunction with gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) has been used for the analysis of the flavor volatiles in three rice cultivars with low levels of digestible protein during cooking. Altogether, 77 volatile compounds were identified, of which 13 components were not previously reported in rice. A total of 61, 71, and 74 peaks, respectively, were assigned to Shunyou, LGC‐katsu, and LGC‐soft. Compounds that have been highlighted previously as flavor molecular markers in rice, including indole, vanillin, (E,E)‐2,4‐decadienal, (E)‐2‐nonenal, 2‐pentylfuran, and 2‐methoxy‐4‐vinylphenol, etc., were on the list of those identified components. Furthermore, similarities and differences of the flavor volatiles among the three rice cultivars were observed. Shunyou was characterized by a relatively higher amount of indole and LGC‐katsu had a very high amount of 4‐vinylphenol while both rice cultivars displayed an absence of vanillin, pentyl hexanoate, and hexyl hexanoate. In contrast, LGC‐soft contained vanillin and had an abundance of fatty acid esters such as pentyl hexanoate and hexyl hexanoate, together with a higher amount of γ‐nonalactone.  相似文献   

Changes in cation exchange capacity (CEC) during composting were evaluated with respect to compost amending, and compost processing. CECdm (CEC on dry matter basis), CECom (CEC on organic matter basis), and CECC (CEC on carbon basis) are parameters used for describing properties of composts. In this study effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) was determined during drum composting; sampling from the infeed (FM) and the outfeed (DC0), and during curing in experimental heaps; sampling when the compost was turned first time (DC1), second time (DC2), and third time (DC3). The ECECdm was 18.1 (cmol+/kg) in FM, 35.5 in DC0 and 70.5 in DC3; this rise in ECECdm being beneficial from compost amendment standpoint. The ECECom was 20.6 (cmol+/kg) in FM, 41.5 in DCO and 89.8 in DC3, whereas ECECC was 39.3 (cmol+/kg) in FM, 77.2 in DCO and 183.1 in DC3. When ECEC was expressed on carbon mole basis (ECECmolC), it was c. 0.5 (cmol+/Cmol) in FM, c. 0.9 in DC0 and c. 2.2 in DC3. These changes in ECECom, ECECC and ECECmolC are valuable from the compost quality standpoint. Because the basis of CECdm, as well as, of CECom and CECC, is affected by composting, they can not be used in determining the effects of composting on the actual number of CEC sites. The amount of ash is not affected by composting, and thus ash basis can be used for determining the effects of composting on the actual number of cation sites. It was shown in this study, that during composting of manure the actual number of effective cation exchange sites increased from DC1 to DC3 by 34 percent, whereas at the same time ECECdm, ECECom and ECECC increased by 99 percent, 116 percent, and 137 percent, respectively. Based on CEC data reported in this paper and in compost literature, it was concluded, that changes in the number of CEC sites due to composting is overemphasized, when unanchored CECdm, CECom or CECC is used.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine the influence of hotplate surface temperature (250, 300, 350, and 400°C), pasta‐to‐water ratio, and beaker material (glass versus stainless steel) on the final quality of cooked spaghetti. In all the experiments, 13, 20, 27, 33, and 48 g of pasta were cooked and its final quality measured as cooking loss, cooked weight, and cooked firmness. Cooking time was greater when cooked at 250 than 400°C, with 48 than 13 g of pasta, and with a glass than with a stainless steel vessel. Cooking loss, cooked weight, and cooked firmness were greater when cooked at 400 than 250°C, with 13 than 48 g of pasta, and with a stainless steel than with a glass vessel. Evidence of the effects of hotplate surface temperature, pasta‐to‐water ratio, and beaker material on pasta cooking time and cooked quality suggests that these parameters should be addressed in AACC International Approved Method 66‐50.01.  相似文献   

糙米储藏理化学特性变化的品种间差异研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
研究了香米、黑米、长粒米等12个品种的糙米,用塑料袋密封包装,在30 ℃下储藏3个月,其有关理化学特性的变化情况。结果显示,它们的理化学特性变化具有明显的品种间差异。  相似文献   

为探明贵州百里杜鹃国家森林公园内杜鹃林凋落物层和土壤表层中的糖类物质和理化性质含量变化规律,揭示不同土壤层次物质的分布特点及差异。本研究采用常规方法测定土壤理化指标,通过衍生化处理气相色谱质谱联用(GC-MS)分析土壤中5种糖类物质及含量。结果表明:在所鉴定的5种糖类物质中,质谱匹配度平均为92.6%,其中有4种化合物的匹配度超过90%,平均相对标准偏差为9.6%。糖类物质垂直分布表现为凋落物层土壤表层腐殖质层,其中d-葡萄糖和蔗糖是土壤糖类组成的主要组分。土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷、全钾含量及p H值随土壤深度增加而逐渐递减,杜鹃林土壤糖类物质与土壤理化因子具有明显的相关性。  相似文献   

Rice quality can vary inexplicably from one lot to another and from year to year. One cause could be the variable temperatures experienced during the nighttime hours of rice kernel development. During the fall of 2004, a controlled temperature study was conducted using large growth chambers, testing nighttime temperatures of 18, 22, 26, and 30°C from 12 a.m. until 5 a.m. throughout kernel development, using rice cultivars Cypress, LaGrue, XP710, XL8, M204, and Bengal. As nighttime temperature increased, head rice yields (HRY) significantly decreased for all cultivars except Cypress and Bengal, for which HRY did not vary among nighttime temperature treatments. Kernel mass did not vary among temperature treatments for any cultivar. Grain dimensions generally decreased as nighttime temperature increased. The number of chalky kernels increased with an increase in nighttime temperature for all cultivars but Cypress. The amylose content of Cypress and LaGrue was significantly lower at the nighttime temperature of 30°C, while total brown rice lipid and protein contents did not vary among temperature treatments for all cultivars.  相似文献   

蒸煮过程中稻米水分状态的质子核磁共振谱测定   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对3种稻米蒸煮过程中水分的状态进行了1H-NMR测定。结果表明, 不同品种的原料稻米具有相近的弛豫特征。但在蒸煮过程中,纵弛豫时间会因品种的不同而呈现出显著的差异。分析结果认为,稻米中水分的存在状态有自由水、构造水和结合水等3种形式。蒸煮过程中各种稻米水分状态的差异与谷粒中有机物的理化特性密切相关,并可能是导致米饭具有不同食味特性的重要原因。  相似文献   

A study of the influence of raw materials and processing conditions on the hydration kinetic during cooking and overcooking of spaghetti is presented. Water sorption tests on commercially available spaghetti and on three different types of homemade spaghetti were run at 100°C. In particular, the weight, diameter, and length of spaghetti strands were monitored over time for ≈200 min. The spaghetti hydration process was quantitatively resolved into the controlling phenomena (i.e., water diffusion, macromolecular matrix relaxation kinetic, and residual deformation release kinetic) by fitting a novel mathematical model to the experimental data. The different behavior of spaghetti was analyzed for each of the phenomena involved during hydration. Results suggest that processing conditions highly influence the quality of spaghetti with respect to raw materials.  相似文献   

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