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A captive Malayan tapir was observed to have inappetence, weight loss, signs of depression, mild dehydration and diar rhoea. Haematological and serum biochemical tests showed anaemia, hypoproteinaemia, hyperfibrinogenaemia and neu-trophilia with a left shift. Ultrasonic examination of the abdomen under anaesthesia revealed a well-encapsulated abscess. The abscess was marsupialised to the ventral body wall. Culture of the pus produced a mixed bacterial growth. Antimicrobial therapy was based on bacterial sensitivity results. Follow-up ultrasonic examinations showed resolution of the abscess. Ninety-one days after surgery the tapir began regurgitating food and water. An abscess originating from the stomach and occluding the lumen of the duodenum was identified at surgery. The abscess ruptured during surgical manipulations and the tapir was euthanased.  相似文献   

Surgical management of urolithiasis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A review of equine urolithiasis is presented. Special emphasis is placed on clinical diagnosis and management. Although somewhat uncommon, urolithiasis is a potentially serious condition with an apparent predilection for male horses. Although the entire urinary tract is at risk for urolith formation, the bladder and urethra are most commonly affected. The principal signs include stranguria, hematuria, and dysuria. Severe abdominal discomfort is often observed in patients suffering from distal urinary tract obstructions. If urolithiasis is promptly identified, a variety of surgical techniques may be applied to resolve and treat this condition.  相似文献   

There are many recognised causes of constipation in the cat and the management of the condition depends on the clinician's ability to recognise the appropriate aetiology in each case. Most surgery therapies for constipation in the cat are related to the management of idiopathic megacolon, although causes such as pelvic outlet obstruction, complications of neutering surgery, perineal herniation, and malunion pelvic fractures may also require surgical intervention. Currently, the surgical management of megacolon consists of subtotal colectomy with the recommendation that the ileocolic junction be preserved. The procedure, in general, is associated with few life-threatening complications although the majority of individuals will experience a transient period of loose stool formation in the immediate post-operative period. In the majority of cases, the long-term outcome following subtotal colectomy is considered excellent.  相似文献   

The surgical management of otitis externa is discussed in conjunction with failed medical management, primary causes, and proper case selection. The techniques of lateral ear canal resection and vertical ear canal ablation are described in detail.  相似文献   

A 3½-month-old female Wirehaired Fox Terrier was referred for diagnosis and treatment of a congenital heart disease. Examination revealed a pan-systolic murmur and cyanotic mucous membranes. A tentative diagnosis of tetralogy of Fallot was confirmed by radiographs, ECG, cardiac catheteriza-tion, and angiograms. End-to-side anastomosis of the left subclavian artery to the pulmonary artery (the palliative Blalock shunt), performed when the patient was 7 months old, provided remission of the clinical signs for 1 ½ years. Physical stress then recurred and the animal died. Post-mortem examination revealed the classic anatomy of tetralogy of Fallot and evidence that the Blalock shunt, which had remained patent for 1½ years, had closed, causing the death of the animal.  相似文献   

Urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence and ureteral ectopia are the two most common causes of urinary incontinence in dogs and cats. Surgical treatments for both disorders have been described.Once a diagnosis is made, surgical intervention may lead to improved outcomes with resolution of incontinence in many patients. Proper case selection and surgical technique are critical in achieving clinical success when managing these difficult cases.  相似文献   

Recurrent laryngeal neuropathy (RLN, laryngeal hemiplegia, laryngeal paralysis, ‘roaring’) is common in the equine industry with a prevalence ranging from 2.6–11% in light breeds ( Raphel 1982 ; Lane 1987 ; Morris and Seeherman 1990 ) up to 38% in draught breeds ( Brakenhoff et al. 2006 ; Perkins et al. 2009 ). There are a number of different surgical treatments currently available and more being developed. This article aims to discuss factors affecting choice of treatment and then provide an evidence‐based approach to describe surgical approaches, success rates and morbidity. Specific details of surgical methods are not given as they are readily available in surgical textbooks ( Stick 2006 ; McGorum et al. 2007 ).  相似文献   

With careful surgical technique and attention to underlying medical problems, most cases of advanced ear disease in small animals can be managed successfully. Specific techniques and therapy are described.  相似文献   

Considerable investigation has been devoted to the gastric dilatation-torsion complex. An adequate explanation of its cause has yet to be made, or a means of prevention described. We do know of its highly lethal nature, especially if not aggressively treated, of the high incidence of recurrence, and of the associated pathophysiology. As surgeons, we must approach the patient in an aggressive systematic manner. Decompression and patient stabilization must be achieved prior to definitive surgical management. The surgery planned must correct the obvious pathologic state and include procedures designed to prevent recurrence of this condition. The tube gastrostomy technique promotes gastric fixation by dense adhesion bands exceeding that attainable by gastropexy alone. The procedure is easy to perform, requires little surgical time, and does not appear to be discomforting to the patient. In addition, the tube gastrostomy acts as a convenient decompressive pathway during the postoperative period, circumventing gastric intubation or pharyngostomy tube placement should distention occur.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the surgical outcomes of 28 dogs with generalized septic peritonitis treated without postoperative abdominal drainage. The overall mortality rate was 46%, with most cases of peritonitis being caused by leakage of the gastrointestinal tract (75%). Etiology of peritonitis, abdominal cytopathology, total white blood cell count, packed cell volume, total protein, and results of serum biochemistries were not statistically different between survivors and nonsurvivors. The mortality rate of 46% is similar to other studies in which the abdomen was left open postoperatively for the management of septic peritonitis, although more advanced medical treatment than that used in earlier studies may have positively affected the outcome. The results of this study show that closure of the abdomen after the source of contamination has been successfully corrected, in combination with thorough intraoperative peritoneal lavage and appropriate postoperative medical management, may be an acceptable alternative method for the management of septic peritonitis.  相似文献   

During a 14 year period, 27 of 310 horses undergoing laparotomy because of abdominal pain were found to have an intussusception involving the small intestine (16 cases) or caecum (11 cases). The clinical signs, operative findings and techniques adopted to overcome the obstruction are described. An evaluation of possible predisposing factors provided further evidence of the important role of the tapeworm Anoplocephala perfoliata in initiating intussusception involving the ileum and caecum.  相似文献   

Nasal adenocarcinoma was diagnosed in 5 sheep from a flock over 6 years. Surgical treatment, using a nasal flap approach, was completed in 3 ewes, 2 of which survived a year or more. In these 2 ewes, the mass was present at necropsy, but was not confirmed as the cause of death. The surgical procedure and care after surgery are described. Surgical resection of the mass was considered to be an acceptable procedure for salvage of an additional breeding season and lamb crop in valuable ewes.  相似文献   

As a guide to the surgical management of malignant neoplasms some aspects of the incidence and behaviour of canine and feline neoplasms are reviewed. Résumé. Afin de guider le traitement chirurgical de néoplasmes malins, l'auteur passe en revue certains aspects de la fréquence et du comportement de néoplasmes chez les canins et les félins. Zusammenfassung. Als Anhalt für die chirurgische Behandlung maligner Neoplasmen werden einige Aspekte der Häufigkeit und des Verhaltens von Neoplasmen bei Hund und Katze betrachtet.  相似文献   

Cancer can lead to emergencies either due to the primary disease, or as a result of therapy. Appropriate diagnosis and rapid treatment of these conditions can result in survival of the patient. Whether chemotherapy is implemented or not, the clinician may be presented with a patient in need of emergency stabilization. Common occurring emergencies are related to effects of the cancer, ranging from immune dysfunction due to marrow infiltration to brain herniation due to increased intracranial pressure from neoplasia. Often adverse effects secondary to chemotherapy can cause emergency situations such as sepsis. Prompt diagnosis and treatment may result in a favorable outcome. Addressed in this chapter are commonly occurring emergencies and specific stabilizing treatments.  相似文献   

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