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淹水厌氧培养对水稻土中酶活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
WANG Xiao-Chang  LU Qin 《土壤圈》2006,16(4):532-539
An incubation experiment with soil water content treatments of 0.15 (W1), 0.20 (W2), and 0.40 (W3) g g^-1 soil was carried out for two months to investigate the activities of important enzymes involved in C, N, P, and S cycling in a paddy soil from the Taihu Lake region, China, under waterlogged and aerobic conditions. Compared with air-dried soil, waterlogging resulted in a significant decrease (P ≤ 0.05) of fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and /3-D-glucosidase activities, and this effect was enhanced with increasing waterlogging time. Waterlogging also significantly inhibited (P ≤ 0.05) arylsulfatase as well as alkaline and acid phosphatase activities, but did not decrease the activities with the increase in waterlogging time. Short-term waterlogging did not affect urease activity, but prolonged waterlogging decreased it markedly. In contrast, the aerobic incubation (W1 and W2 treatments) significantly increased (P ≤ 0.05) FDA, alkaline phosphatase, and /3-D-glucosidase activities. With aerobic treatments the activities of FDA and alkaline phosphatase increased with incubation time, whereas /3-D-glucosidase activity decreased. A significant difference (P ≤ 0.05) was usually observed between the W1 and W2 treatments for the activities of FDA as well as alkaline and acid phosphatase; however,/3-D-glucosidase and urease were usually not significant (P ≤ 0.05). No activity differences were observed between waterlogging and aerobic incubation for arylsulfatase and urease.  相似文献   

起垄和施肥对冷浸田土壤氧化还原状况的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过起垄和施肥试验, 研究不同措施对冷浸田土壤氧化还原状况的影响, 以期为冷浸田改良提供数据参考。结果表明, 冷浸田土壤氧化还原电位介于 48.5~ 198.0 mV之间, 远低于正常稻田(450~700 mV)。起垄使0~5 cm土层氧化还原电位有升高趋势, 但使>5 cm土层土壤氧化还原电位降低。冷浸田还原性物质总量变化范围为5.7~15.6 cmol·kg-1(起垄试验)和7.7~16.0 cmol·kg-1(施肥试验), 起垄在短期内会提高土壤还原性物质总量, 增施钾肥、锌肥和硅肥会降低土壤还原性物质总量, 而磷肥用量对土壤还原性物质基本无影响。0~25 cm和25~50 cm土层土壤Fe2+含量平均为3 388.92 mg·kg-1和3 356.39 mg·kg-1; 起垄60 d后, 土壤Fe2+含量随着起垄高度增加而逐渐降低; 与不施肥(CK)、氮磷钾(NPK)处理相比, 施钾量增加20%(NPK2)、增加硅肥(NPK+Si)和增加锌肥(NPK+Zn)可以大幅度降低土壤Fe2+含量; 0~25 cm土层土壤Fe2+含量高于25~50 cm土层。 起垄和施肥使冷浸田土壤Mn2+含量先降低后升高。  相似文献   

土壤改良剂对冷浸田土壤特性和水稻群体质量的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以南方典型冷浸田为研究对象, 在明沟排水的基础上, 通过田间定位试验, 以不施土壤改良剂为对照, 研究了施用不同土壤改良剂(自研的脱硫灰改良剂、生物活性炭, 市售的土壤改良剂石灰、硅钙肥、腐植酸)对冷浸田氧化还原电位、土壤呼吸强度、土壤微生物数量、水稻群体构建及产量构成因素的影响。结果表明, 施用改良剂能够改善土壤理化性状, 提升土壤速效养分和pH,但除脱硫灰处理外, 其他改良剂处理对土壤Eh未产生显著影响。施用不同土壤改良剂在水稻各生育期均能有效增强土壤微生物呼吸强度和放线菌数量, 并且放线菌数量达到差异性显著水平(P<0.05), 生物活性炭处理下土壤呼吸强度和放线菌数量分别较对照增加67.6%和127.6%。各土壤改良剂处理与CK相比较均有助于提高叶片SPAD、茎蘖数、水稻干物质积累量、成穗数、穗粒数、产量结实率和根系伤流速率。其中以脱硫灰和生物活性炭处理改良效果最佳, 抽穗后29 d时,根系伤流速率较CK分别提高45.4%和39.1%, 叶片SPAD分别增加27.4%和22.5%; 成熟期水稻成穗数较对照提高12.1%和10.7%,干物质积累量增加68.8%和50.5%,产量分别增加12.8%和10.3%。综上所述, 土壤改良剂可有效改善冷浸田土壤特性及水稻群体质量, 脱硫灰和生物活性炭处理的改良效果最明显, 增产幅度最大。  相似文献   

耕作模式对冷浸田水稻产量和土壤特性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探明不同耕作模式对冷浸田的影响机制,挖掘冷浸田的生产潜力,以冷浸田为研究对象,通过田间试验,以常规平作模式为对照,研究了垄作和稻鱼共作模式对冷浸田水稻产量以及土壤团聚体、温度、pH及有机质和还原性物质含量以及酶活性的影响。结果表明:相比对照(CK),垄作模式(T1)能显著降低土壤微团聚体(0.25 mm)含量,促进大团聚体的形成,提高土壤温度,增加土壤有机质含量,提高土壤pH,抑制水稻分蘖期后土壤亚铁含量的上升,降低土壤亚锰含量,减轻其对水稻根系的毒害作用,提高土壤酶活性,增加土壤速效养分含量。稻鱼共作模式(T2)对冷浸田土壤理化性状影响不显著,但能显著增加土壤速效养分含量,土壤速效钾含量在水稻孕穗期和成熟期分别较对照(CK)增加18.2%和69.2%,从而为水稻生长提供良好的土壤环境和营养,促进水稻生长发育,提高水稻产量。研究表明T1和T2模式能显著提高冷浸田水稻产量,增产范围为8.8%~25.8%,T1模式增产效果最显著,实际产量达到7 623 kg·hm-2。综上所述,垄作模式可以有效地改善冷浸田土壤特性,提高水稻产量,而稻鱼共作模式增产效果主要体现在增加冷浸田水体和土壤的速效养分。  相似文献   

稻虾共作模式对涝渍稻田土壤理化性状的影响   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
稻虾共作模式是一种以涝渍水田为基础,以种稻为中心,稻草还田养虾为特点的复合生态系统。本文通过10年(2005—2015年)定位试验,以中稻单作模式为对照,研究了稻虾共作模式对0~10 cm、10~20 cm、20~30 cm和30~40 cm土层土壤理化性状以及水稻产量的影响;采用投入产出法,评估了稻虾共作模式的经济效益。结果表明,长期稻虾共作模式显著降低了15~30 cm土层的土壤紧实度,其在15 cm、20 cm、25 cm和30 cm处的土壤紧实度较中稻单作模式分别降低了20.9%、29.9%、24.8%和14.7%。长期稻虾共作模式提高了0~40 cm土层中0.25 mm水稳性团聚体数量、平均质量直径和几何平均直径,但降低了0~20 cm土层的团聚体分形维数。相对于中稻单作模式,长期稻虾共作模式显著提高了0~40 cm土层有机碳、全钾和碱解氮含量,0~30 cm土层全氮含量,0~10 cm土层全磷和速效磷含量以及20~40 cm土层速效钾含量。稻虾共作模式显著降低了0~10 cm土层还原性物质总量,但提高了20~30 cm土层土壤还原性物质总量。稻虾共作模式的水稻产量较中稻单作模式显著提高,增幅为9.5%,其总产值、利润和产投比较中稻单作模式分别增加了46 818.0元?hm-2、40 188.0元?hm-2和100.0%。可见稻虾共作模式改善了土壤结构,增加了土壤养分,提高了水稻产量以及经济效益,但增加了10 cm以下土层潜育化的风险。  相似文献   

施肥结构对冷浸田土壤肥力及水稻生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冷浸田因长期受冷泉水浸渍,土体封闭,难以通气与氧化,土壤溶液Eh下降,有效养分低,水稻产量低。本研究通过田间小区试验和动态取样与室内测定,探求了单质化肥、稳定性肥、复合肥配施生鸡粪和熟鸡粪等施肥方式对冷浸田土壤肥力及水稻生长的影响。结果表明:与单质化肥处理比较,复合肥与熟鸡粪配施处理土壤松结态腐殖质占重组腐殖质的比例提高10.8%,紧结态腐殖质占重组腐殖质的比例降低15.5%,土壤有机质和活性有机质含量分别提高8.9%和4.0%,土壤阳离子交换量提高10.2%,早稻土壤细菌数和微生物活性分别提高390.0%和13.0%;同时土壤磷酸铝盐和磷酸钙盐含量分别提高40.0%和28.0%,且磷酸铝盐和磷酸钙盐占无机磷总量的比例提高,闭蓄态磷占无机磷总量的比例降低,促使土壤中难溶性磷向易溶性磷转化,提高土壤有效磷含量;最终早稻磷、钾吸收量分别提高14.0%和127.0%,早、晚稻产量分别增加11.0%和8.0%。由此得出,有机无机平衡施肥是适合于冷浸田土壤培肥、水稻增产的施肥方式。  相似文献   

冷浸稻田是长江流域重要的低产稻田类型之一,近年来抛荒严重,而抛荒对冷浸稻田土壤团聚体的影响并不清楚。本研究以连年种植的冷浸稻田(CWC)、抛荒3年的冷浸稻田(CWA3)和抛荒6年的冷浸稻田(CWA6)为对象,分析抛荒后冷浸稻田土壤团聚体特征以及有机碳稳定性,以期为准确评估抛荒对长期淹水土壤的结构和有机碳的影响提供数据支持。结果表明,不论是0~25 cm土层还是25~50 cm土层,冷浸稻田土壤53μm粒级团聚体占总团聚体比例均超过40%;0~25 cm土层土壤250μm团聚体比例超过35%;53~250μm粒级团聚体比例低于20%。抛荒使0~25 cm土层53μm粒级团聚体占总团聚体比例显著增加,53~250μm粒级比例显著降低。在0~25 cm土层,抛荒使有机碳活性指数Ⅰ(LIc-Ⅰ)在53μm粒级和250μm粒级上升高,有机碳活性指数Ⅱ(LIc-Ⅱ)在53~250μm和250μm粒级上降低;而有机碳难降解指数(RIc)在53μm和53~250μm粒级上降低。土壤总有机碳随抛荒时间延长而增加。  相似文献   


Recent investigations in soil science have shown that physical properties of paddy soils are of great importance to rice-production. There is extensive literature on the chemical property of paddy soils, but little information on the physical property of paddy soils, especially under waterlogged condition. For studying the physical property of flooded paddy soils, it is necessary to collect the soil cores under an undisturbed condition.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - Soil microbial fuel cells (sMFC) are novel technique that uses organic matters in soils as an alternative energy source. External resistance (ER) is a key factor...  相似文献   

【目的】西南地区冷泥田的水稻生长不良可归因于多种障碍因子,包括土壤物理、化学和生物因子。本文针对冷泥田影响水稻生长的土壤化学障碍因子,研究了不同肥料或改良剂对冷泥田水稻生长、养分吸收和土壤性质的影响,旨在为这类土壤的培肥、改良利用和水稻高产提供科学依据和实用技术。【方法】试验地点选在四川省东南地区冷泥田集中的泸县,试验历时2年。试验设无肥对照(CK)、全量化肥(NPK)、NPK+泥炭(NPK+Pe)、NPK+商品有机肥(NPK+COF)、NPK+鸡粪(NPK+CM)、NPK+硅肥(NPK+Si)、NPK+石灰(NPK+L)、NPK+硅钙肥(NPK+Si Ca),NPK+锌肥(NPK+Zn)9个处理。在水稻收获前采集代表性植株样,调查水稻农艺性状,分析水稻对氮、磷和钾的吸收量;水稻收获后采集土壤样品,测定不同处理的土壤p H、全氮、有效磷、速效钾、有机质、还原性物质总量、活性还原物质以及亚铁和亚锰含量。【结果】结果表明,在所有处理中,NPK+L和NPK+Si Ca处理可改善水稻的产量构成因子,稻谷产量比NPK处理显著提高15.40%和10.64%;而其他处理的增产效果则均不显著。NPK+L和NPK+Si Ca处理的土壤p H明显高于其他处理,土壤还原性物质总量和活性还原物质(含Fe2+和Mn2+)含量显著降低;NPK+L和NPK+Si Ca处理可增加土壤养分的有效性,促进水稻对氮、磷、钾养分的吸收,改善土壤的化学性质。同时,土壤分析结果表明,该试验土壤的有效钙和有效硅均缺乏,而NPK+L和NPK+Si Ca处理增加了土壤的有效钙和有效硅,对提高水稻产量有重要贡献。有机肥对土壤相关性质的影响与石灰和硅钙肥相反,特别是鸡粪。施用锌肥对水稻有一定的增产效果,但差异不显著。水稻收获后土壤中氮、磷、钾养分残留量与施肥量和水稻吸收携出量密切相关。【结论】对长期淹水地势低洼的酸性冷泥田来说,石灰和硅钙肥是比较理想的土壤改良剂,能同时起到改善土壤性质和提高作物产量的效果;而有机肥,特别是未腐熟的有机肥或有机物料,则不宜在冷泥田中施用或大量施用。  相似文献   

针对冬水田影响水稻生长的土壤障碍因子,研究了不同土壤改良剂对冬水田水稻产量、养分吸收和土壤还原性物质总量的影响。两年试验结果表明:所有处理中鸡粪和硅钙肥增产效果较好,2011年较对照分别增产11.3%和10.7%,2012年较对照分别增产9.4%和13.0%;在还原性物质总量上,鸡粪处理较对照增加5.7%,在一定程度上提高了土壤有害物质增加的风险,不宜长期在冬水田中施用,而硅钙肥处理则比对照降低19.6%。石灰的效果不稳定,可能与两年遇到的极端天气(第一年严重干旱,第二年涝灾)有关,其效果还需要继续验证;锌肥的效果较差。因此,对长期淹水、地势较低的冬水田来说,硅钙肥是比较理想的土壤改良剂,施用后能保证水稻健壮生长和获得高产。  相似文献   

A study was made of the formation of anaerobiosis in a waterlogged soil. A dilute soil suspension containing NO?3, Fe3+, sodium citrate, a limited amount of O2, and trace elements was used as a model of waterlogged soil. Polarography was used to detect dissolved O2, Fe3+ and Fe2+. The fates of the NO?3 and Fe3+ during and after O2 consumption by the microorganisms were studied in a specially designed vessel. A close correspondence was obtained between the reduction of NO?3, NO?2 and Fe3+ and the growth of denitrifying bacteria in the closed system employed. From the experimental results we presume that microorganisms which respire NO?3 are also capable of utilising Fe3+ in their respiration. The mechanisms of reduction of these chemical species by the microorganisms are also discussed, emphasising the possibility of the participation of chemical reduction of NO?2 by Fe2+ in the over-all reduction process.  相似文献   

【目的】 以南方典型冷浸田为对象,研究化肥配施不同有机肥对冷浸田水稻产量以及土壤氮相关功能微生物群落丰度的影响,旨在为冷浸田土壤氮素活化和转化过程的定向调控,氮素利用效率提高及水稻高产施肥提供科学依据。 【方法】 通过连续 3 年 6 季的定位试验,采用土壤理化分析、酶学分析和荧光实时定量 PCR 技术深入探讨化肥配施不同堆肥原料有机肥对冷浸田养分活化、水稻产量提升及土壤氮相关功能微生物群落丰度的效应。本试验设 4 个处理,分别为单施化肥 (CK)、化肥配施猪粪 (PIM)、化肥配施牛粪 (CAM)、化肥配施鸡粪 (CHM)。 【结果】 CHM、CAM 处理水稻产量显著高于化肥处理( P < 0.05),较 CK 平均增产 10.23%、7.62%。连续施用 CHM、CAM 显著提高了土壤 pH,增加了土壤有机碳、全氮和铵态氮含量。三种堆肥原料的有机无机配施均能够提高土壤氮素循环相关功能微生物基因丰度,其中细菌、古细菌总群落 16s rDNA 丰度和氨氧化古菌 (AOA) 和氨氧化细菌 (AOB) 的氨单加氧酶 ( amoA) 基因丰度提高趋势一致,以 CHM 处理最高,但细菌总群落 16s rDNA 丰度增幅较小。亚硝酸盐还原酶 ( nirK、 nirS) 基因和一氧化二氮还原酶 ( nosZ) 基因丰度对不同处理的响应并不一致。相关性分析表明,土壤有机碳和全氮含量是影响 AOA、AOB、 nirK、 nirS 型反硝化细菌的重要因子。 【结论】 化肥配施鸡粪有机肥能显著提高冷浸田土壤铵态氮、速效磷含量,增加细菌、古菌、AOA 和 AOB 氨单加氧酶 ( amoA) 的基因丰度,增强土壤脲酶、蛋白酶和磷酸酶的活性,提升冷浸田土壤生产力。   相似文献   

不同离子对水稻田土壤甲烷氧化活性影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了矿质元素不同的阴离子和阳离子与黄松泥田水稻土壤氧化甲烷活性之间的相关性。结果表明 ,不同的阴离子和阳离子对甲烷氧化活性的影响有显著性差异 ,不同浓度的同一种阴离子或阳离子对甲烷氧化活性的影响也有显著性差异。Na+较K+对土壤甲烷氧化活性具有更强的抑制作用。NH4+和NO2-可与甲烷氧化竞争土壤中的分子氧而有明显的抑制作用。Cr3+对微生物具毒性而影响土壤的甲烷氧化。阴离子PO43-和CO32-无明显影响。这种影响的差异性不仅与阴离子和阳离子本身的理化特征有关 ,而且与土壤对阳离子的吸附力及阴离子与土壤的相互作用强度有关。土壤理化特性同样影响阴离子和阳离子对甲烷氧化活性影响的强弱  相似文献   


Growth of the weed Monochoria vaginalis (Burm. f.) Kunth under the conditions of organic rice production is a serious problem. The reason for the growth of M. vaginalis being dominant, especially in organic rice production, is not fully understood. In this study, laboratory experiments were conducted to analyze soil and seed factors in relation to the promotion of germination. (1) After incubation of flooded soil with or without the addition of rice bran (0.3%, 0.6%, and 0.9% in an air-dried soil basis), soil solutions were recovered and seeds of M. vaginalis were incubated in the soil solutions. Germination in the soils solutions without and with 0.3% rice bran was greater than that in distilled water. However, germination was suppressed in the presence of 0.6% and 0.9% of rice bran. These findings indicate that the solution from the soils with rice bran has different effects that may either increase or decrease germination. (2) A mixture of air-dried soil and distilled water was filtered to obtain a soil solution. Seeds were incubated in the soil solution (same as above). Environmental and physiological factors affected germination: exposure of seeds to light was an environmental factor and high germination activity and shallow dormancy of seed were physiological. The recovered soil solution promoted germination when these factors were not optimized. (3) There was a negative and significant correlation between dissolved oxygen (DO) in the soil solution and germination, indicating that a low content of DO was a promotive factor for germination. (4) Based on an experiment using pH buffers, germination increased with decrease in pH of soil solution, as long as the pH ranged from 4.0 to 7.0. This finding indicates that pH is also a factor that promotes germination.  相似文献   

The long-term effects of intermittent flooding on soil properties were studied in field experiments on a Vertisol cropped with rice in Senegal. The dominant clay minerals were smectite and kaolinite. When the soil was reduced after flooding, its cation exchange capacity (CEC) increased to twice that of its oxidized, unflooded state. Mössbauer spectroscopy showed an increase in smectite structural FeII upon reduction, which explained a part of the increase in CEC. The rest of the increase was attributed to the removal of iron oxyhydroxide coatings by reductive dissolution. The reduction and dissolution of oxides under the field conditions were substantiated by analysis of the surfaces of vermiculites buried in the Ap horizons of the cropped and the non-cropped soils. The redox-induced CEC changes were found to be reversible after 22 cycles of rice cropping. Nevertheless, the structural Fe and free Fe contents of the rice field Ap horizon were less than those of soil in uncropped neighbouring land, suggesting that inundation induced weathering and eluviation of the minerals. The observed changes in CEC and related redox reactions may substantially modify proton, anion and cation balances in intermittently flooded soils.  相似文献   

Summary The development of a microbial community on cellulose (cellophane film and filter paper) buried in waterlogged soil was observed under a microscope. Throughout the decomposition of the cellulose, the biomass, immobilized N, ATP and gas metabolism of the microbial community were examined. As cellulose decomposition progressed, a microbial succession was recognized. This succession was divided into two stages. In the first stage, a few types of cellulolytic microorganisms predominated on the cellulose. Vigorous decomposition of the cellulose was accompanied by a rapid increase in microbial biomass, and H2 was evolved from the microbial community on the cellulose. In the second stage, the rate of cellulose decomposition was slow. The cellulose remaining was thickly covered with various types of microoganisms. The H2 produced was consumed by the microorganisms closely adhering to the remaining cellulose. In addition, non-cellular organic N accumulated on the remaining cellulose. A large part of the microorganisms seemed to be dormant in this stage. The trends in this microbial succession were similar to those found in ecosystem successions.  相似文献   

不同溶质及矿化度对土壤溶液盐离子的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国西北旱区水源短缺已成为农业生产的重要限制因素,如何科学有效地利用微咸水资源对于提高灌区水资源利用效率和保障粮食安全生产具有十分重要的意义。该研究以甘肃省秦安县果园粉砂质黏壤土为研究对象,基于土壤水分特征曲线的测定方法,采用蒸馏水(CK)和不同矿化度(1, 3, 5, 10 g/L)的NaCl、Na2SO4两种类型的盐溶液对土壤饱和浸泡8~12 h后离心,收集不同转速下的释水溶液,研究不同吸力(pF分别为1.0,1.49,2.01,2.71,3.49,4.09)条件下土壤释水溶液盐分离子的组成。结果表明:不同矿化度的NaCl和Na2SO4对释水溶液电导率、HCO3-、Cl-、SO42-、Ca2+、Mg2+、Na+的影响差异均达极显著(p0.01)或显著水平(p0.05)。相同矿化度的NaCl和Na2SO4在土壤释水过程中对不同盐分离子的影响不同。同为1g/L的NaCl和Na2SO4,NaCl中的Cl-置换土壤中HCO3-的能力要强于Na2SO4中的SO42-。在土壤水吸力(pF)小于2.01时,高矿化度(3 g/L)的NaCl对于土壤溶液中Ca2+的解离具有促进作用,且促进能力随着矿化度的增大而增大;在土壤水吸力(pF)大于2.01时,加入溶液中的Cl-和SO42-均具有抑制土壤中HCO3-的解离,加入溶液中的Cl-具有抑制土壤中SO42-的解离,加入溶液中的SO42-具有抑制土壤溶液中Cl-的解离,低矿化度(1 g/L)的NaCl对于土壤溶液中Ca2+的解离具有抑制作用。不同矿化度的NaCl和Na2SO4,对土壤溶液中Mg2+的解离具有促进作用。因此,从微咸水利用于盐渍化土壤改良的角度来看,对于苏打型盐土,可尝试用含Cl-和SO42-的盐水灌溉;对于硫酸盐型盐土,可尝试用含Cl-的盐水灌溉;对于氯化物型盐土,可尝试用含SO42-的盐水灌溉。  相似文献   

The influence of six pesticides, applied singly or in combination, on 15N2 incorporation and C2H2 reduction in a submerged paddy soil was studied under laboratory conditions. While the application of diazinon had no marked effect, benomyl, carbofuran, parathion, nitrofen and γ-HCH, at concentrations close to recommended field application rates (5μg ?1) significantly stimulated N2 fixation. Synergistic stimulatory effects of the pesticides on N2 fixation were evident particularly in combinations of carbofuran with benomyl, nitrofen and γ-HCH. On the contrary, diazinon slightly retarded the stimulatory effect of benomyl and carbofuran. Results indicated that the differential effects of pesticides on N2 fixation could be attributed partly to fluctuations in the population of certain groups of N2 fixers in submerged soil.  相似文献   

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