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病虫电视预报具有发布病虫预报信息广泛、快捷、形象生动的特点。但在实际运用中存在资金投入较高,操作复杂等问题,一定程度上限制了其运用。如何降低病虫电视预报的制作成本,使病虫电视预报这种病虫信息发布手段能让植保部门用得起、做得到。荆门市植保站自1997年6月开播病虫电视预报以来,一直进行着不断地探索。现就我们在降低节目制作、播出成本、简化节目制作等方面的一些经验和做法介绍如下。1简化节目制作141制作设备以前本站使用以HVHS录像机为核心的非线性编辑系统,要依靠视频采集卡、专业级录像机、摄像机等设备,投入4万元以上。…  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,农业部把病虫电视预报作为一项重要技术在全国范围内加以推广。1999年安徽省植保总站制作了第1期病虫电视预报节目,在省电视台播出。目前全省各市、县均能开展病虫电视预报,节目制作质量逐步提高,播出期次明显增多,在农作物病虫预报信息和防治技术宣传中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代末,湖南省开始开展病虫电视预报工作,从2004年起,工作进入迅速发展期,2007年,全省开展电视预报工作的单位达92个,播出节目910期.经过几年的节目开发与制作,我们在工作中积累了一些经验.现将有关节目制作体会介绍如下.  相似文献   

为提高农作物病虫害监测预警的准确性和时效性,扩大病虫信息的覆盖面和入户率。更有效地指导科学防控,保障农业生产安全,本项目综合了农作物病虫害监测预警、计算机和视频等技术,集成研发和推广应用农作物病虫电视预报技术这一新技术。主要包含以下科技内容:1.探索出钻蛀性害虫、食叶性害虫、地下害虫、迁飞性和小型害虫,病害,草害,鼠害及其生存环境的视频素材采集技术;2.开发了病虫草鼠视频素材数据库、电子数字地理基图库和病虫信息输出图形库等病虫电视预报素材管理系统软件;  相似文献   

病虫电视预报实现了病虫害预报的可视化,具有发布病虫害预报信息广泛、快捷、形象生动的特点。病虫害电视预报已成为当前西安市大多数农民朋友获取农作物病虫害防治信息的主要途经之一。根据多年从事病虫害电视预报的经验,介绍病虫电视预报制作的选材、拍摄、撰稿、配音、播放等步骤的相关技术细节,以期更好地做好病虫害电视预报制作工作。  相似文献   

长期以来,四川省农作物病虫预报的发布主要采用印发情报以“接力棒”的方式传递。由于环节多,历时长,传播范围有限,对一些迁飞性、流行性、暴发性病虫防治的指导作用收效较小,常常成了“马后炮”,使病虫预报难以发挥其应有的作用。为此,四川全省植保系统从1999年起,大力推广病虫电视预报。目前全省60个重点测报站有58个开展了病虫电视预报。为了真实反映现阶段四川省病虫电视预报工作的开展效应,了解广大农户对节目的态度和意见,我们在全省选择了仁寿、达县、高县、苍溪、乐至、射洪、通江、龙泉驿等8个病虫电视预报开展…  相似文献   

病虫害预测预报是综合防治的基础,是实现及时、有效地控制病虫危害,减轻损失,夺取丰收的重要前提。但是,由于预测预报既受病虫本身特性及作物栽培条件的影响,又受气象因素的制约,所以目前我们对一些突发性重大病虫的监测能力还较低,预报水平也不够高,因而常使局部地区的粮棉生产受到严重危害。为了更好地总结和积累经验,现将1989年和1990年主要农作物的病虫发生及预报情况进行总结和评估,以便找出差距,不断提高对病虫  相似文献   

20 0 2年 ,嘉鱼县植保站把农作物病虫害电视预报 (以下简称“电视预报”)作为学习“三个代表”、为农民办实事的任务来抓 ,抓出了特色、抓出了成效 ,促进了植保工作发展 ,推动了植保工作的“四个转变” ,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。现将病虫电视预报工作总结如下 :1 农作物病虫电视预报成效显著电视预报在我县进行偿试 ,1a来的实践证明 ,有以下几个方面效果。成效之 1;病虫信息传播快捷 ,覆盖面广。嘉鱼台电视信号可覆盖全县 8镇 179个村 ,其收视率可达 70 %左右。病虫电视预报及时、形象、直观 ,便于理解和记忆 ,深受农民欢迎。据对…  相似文献   

农作物病虫电视预报是利用电视覆盖面广、传播速度快的优势,进行病虫信息传递的有效方式。1999年洛阳市植保站在市电视台开展了农作物病虫电视预报工作,至今已免费播出了200期以上。优美的画面、清晰的图像、固定的收视时间,赢得了农民群众的赞誉,提升了植保系统的形象。  相似文献   

农作物病虫电视预报中硬软件配置及其应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
以湖北省农作物病虫电视预报系统为例,对农作物病虫电视预报制作的基本硬件配置及常用软件组合作了较为详细的介绍。并介绍了电视预报各部分的制作经验及体会,并对电视预报的送播形式作了介绍。  相似文献   

There is increasing use of networks in ecology and epidemiology, but still relatively little application in phytopathology. Networks are sets of elements (nodes) connected in various ways by links (edges). Network analysis aims to understand system dynamics and outcomes in relation to network characteristics. Many existing natural, social, and technological networks have been shown to have small-world (local connectivity with short-cuts) and scale-free (presence of super-connected nodes) properties. In this review, we discuss how network concepts can be applied in plant pathology from the molecular to the landscape and global level. Wherever disease spread occurs not just because of passive/natural dispersion but also due to artificial movements, it makes sense to superimpose realistic models of the trade in plants on spatially explicit models of epidemic development. We provide an example of an emerging pathosystem (Phytophthora ramorum) where a theoretical network approach has proven particularly fruitful in analyzing the spread of disease in the UK plant trade. These studies can help in assessing the future threat posed by similar emerging pathogens. Networks have much potential in plant epidemiology and should become part of the standard curriculum.  相似文献   

The hemibiotrophic fungus Colletotrichum orbiculare forms appressoria as infection structures and primarily establishes biotrophic infection in cucumber epidermal cells. Subsequently, it develops necrotrophic infection. In the pre-invasion stage, morphogenesis of appressoria of C. orbiculare is triggered by signals from the plant surface. We found that C. orbiculare PAG1 (Perish-in-the-Absence-of-GYP1), a component of MOR [morphogenesis-related NDR (nuclear Dbf2-related) kinase network] plays an essential role as a key component of the plant-specific signaling pathway and that hydrolysis of cutin by a spore surface esterase creates a cutin monomer that constitutes a key plant-derived signal. Development of the infection structure of C. orbiculare is strictly regulated by the cell cycle and we found that proper regulation of G1/S progression via two-component GAP genes, consisting of BUB2 (Budding-Uninhibited-by-Benomyl-2) and BFA1 (Byr-Four-Alike-1) is essential for the establishment of successful infection. In the post-invasion stage, the establishment of the biotrophic phase of hemibiotrophic fungi is crucial for successful infection. We found that C. orbiculare WHI2 (WHIsky-2), an Saccharomyces cerevisiae stress regulator homolog, is involved in the phase transition from biotrophy to necrotrophy through TOR (Target of Rapamycin) signaling, and is thus essential for full pathogenesis.  相似文献   

 卵菌是多分枝的群体,包括60多种疫霉菌、多个活体营养的霜霉菌和100多种腐霉菌,其中许多是植物病原菌。  相似文献   

This bibliography includes literature on plant resistance to insects and mites in vegetables from 1977 to 1991. It is arranged by plant family and crop plant, and has references to onions, garlic, cabbage and other crucifers, carrot, parsnip, celery, sweet potato, tomato, potato, eggplant, peppers, cucumber, melons, other cucurbits, spinach, lettuce, and various peas and beans. There is an index by arthropod species, a review of the literature, and tables listing references by subject area within plant resistance: screening; mechanisms; plant characteristics correlated with resistance; inheritance and traditional breeding programs; use of biotechnology; releases of resistant germplasm; comparisons of marketable yield; stability of resistance over different locations and insect populations; interactions with cultural methods and plant phenology, insecticide efficacy, and biological control; and effect on plant disease vectored by insects.  相似文献   

Samenvatting Bij het aaltjesonderzoek van grondmonsters afkomstig uit een koude kas te Wageningen troffen wij een aantal larven aan van een tot nu toe in ons land onbekend aaltjesgeslacht. Het aaltje bleek te behoren tot de in Engeland op de wortels van kastomaten gevonden, gallenvormende, soortNacobbus serendipiticus Franklin, 1959. Dit is de eerste melding van eenNacobbus-soort op het vasteland van Europa.Een inoculatieproef toonde de pathogenitiet van dit aaltje aan voor tomaten.  相似文献   

This paper examines the hypothesis that non-native plant invasions are related to fluctuating resource availability as proposed by Davis et al.(2000).I measured relative functional responses of both invasive and native plants to changed resource availability due to nutrient enrichment and rainfall,and to increased disturbance.Data are presented from studies in two contrasting ecosystems.First is a series of glasshouse and field experiments on the invader Hieracium lepidulum and associated invasive and native species in subalpine temperate New Zealand.Second is a field study of invasive and native plant responses to altered disturbance regimes and rainfall from tropical savannas of north eastern Australia.Invaders responded differently from native species to changes in resource availability in both subalpine and tropical studies.However,invaders differed among themselves showing that different species exploit different functional niches to invade their respective habitats.These findings contribute to the contention that the fluctuating resource hypothesis does not provide a universal explanation for plant invasions.The diverse functional responses to increased resource availability among invaders in this and previous studies suggest that the cause of invasion depends on unique combinations of habitat and functional attributes of invaders and native assemblages.Such findings imply that universal predictions of what will happen under climate change scenarios across the globe will be difficult to make.  相似文献   

Fungi isolated from the cortical tissue of surface sterilized tomato roots collected from field plots produced secondary metabolites in nutrition broth that were highly toxic toMeloidogyne incognita. Especially strains ofFusarium oxysporum were highly active with 13 of 15 strains producing culture filtrates toxic to nematodes. The mechanism of action of the toxic metabolites produced by the non-pathogenicF. oxysporum strain 162 with proven biological control ofM. incognita in pot experiments was investigated. These metabolites reducedM. incognita mobility within 10 min of exposure. After 60 min, 98% of juveniles were inactivated. Juveniles were initially inactivated within a few minutes of exposure, but with exposure of 5 h 50% of the juveniles were dead and 24 h exposure resulted in 100% mortality. In a bioassay with lettuce seedlings metabolite concentrations > 100 mg/l reduced the number ofM. incognita juveniles on the roots comparing to the water control. TheF. oxysporum toxins were highly effective towards sedentary parasites and less effective towards migratory endoparasites. Nonparasitic nematodes were not influenced at all. Metabolites of strain 162 also reduced significantly the growth ofPhytophthora cactorum, Pythium ultimum andRhizoctonia solani in vitro. Secondary metabolites of endophytic fungi on plant-parasitic nematodes and soil-borne fungi should be considered for control of plant parasitic nematodes and plant pathogenic fungi. The results also show the need for proper selection of target nematodes inin vitro bioassays.  相似文献   

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