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In 1984, 40 mature and 100 immature signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana), were introduced into the River Great Ouse, England. By 1994, the population had spread up and down stream to occupy an 11.4 km river section. The estimated density and biomass (wet weight) of the population in 1993 were highest in summer at 4.0 m–2 and 133 g m–2 respectively, with annual means of 2.2 m–2 and 82 g m–2 for crayfish of >30 mm carapace length (CL) in the pool (P2) where the crayfish were originally introduced. Density and biomass were 15 m–2 and 78 g m–2, with annual means of 6.1 m–2 and 33 g m–2 for crayfish of all sizes in a riffle 300 m downstream from P2. An annual survival rate of 14% was estimated for crayfish >30 mm CL in P2 in 1993. The relative abundance estimated for six riffles and six pools in 1994 showed that crayfish abundance decreased gradually from the original site of introduction both up and down the river. Estimated annual production of crayfish >35 mm CL in P2 for 1993 was 52.58 g m–2 WW, with a turnover ratio (production/biomass) of 0.44.  相似文献   

Juvenile Cherax destructor (commonly called theyabby) were cultured in earthen-based ponds and tanks for 70–105d, and were fed pellets and/or a forage crop of the perennialwhiteclover, Trifolium repens. Three supplementary feedingstrategies were evaluated. Yabby growth on pellets consistently exceeded (by67–159%) that obtained on clover. Base-line yields for extensiveproduction systems are around 400 kg ha–1. Thesupplementary addition of T. repens produced yields of 635kg ha–1 (in ponds) to 1086 kgha–1 (in tanks). The sequential addition of cut-cloverto tanks stimulated growth to levels approaching those achieved on pellets.Yabbies stocked into ponds at 17 m–2 and fed 33%protein pellets for 100 d, resulted in a yield of 1117 kgha–1.Pellet inputs at a rate of 129–249 g m–2(dry matter) and 38–83 g m–2 (protein) over70–100 d resulted in acceptable growth and feed utilisationindices. Clover inputs of 534–682 g m–2 (asdry matter) or 84–177 g m–2 (as protein)produced reasonable growth rates but poor feed utilisation indices. Aconsiderable quantity of the dry matter and protein content of clover waseitherinefficiently utilised or directed into other production pathways. In tanks,clover inputs from 113–296 g m–2 (drymatter) and 24–54 g m–2 (protein) weresufficient to maintain high growth rates for 4 weeks, while in ponds, inputs of21 g m–2 (dry matter) and 4.3 gm–2 (protein) were sufficient for 3 weeks. During theearly weeks of production no growth advantage was gained by providing pelletstoanimals cultured in forage-based systems. Forage depletion occurred after3–4 weeks and was probably a major growth limiting factor.  相似文献   

Experimental culture of the native Amazonian fish tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum, in fixed cages was carried out over a period of 8 months, in Lake Urubu (Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil), to assess the viability of fixed cage culture of tambaqui and to test the influence of diet on growth rates. Nine synthetic net cages (1 m3) were each stocked with 45-day-old fish (mean weight 3 g; mean total body length 51 mm) at a density of 34 fry m–3. During the first 2 months of culture, fish were fed a balanced formulated feed on an as-fed basis at the rate of 5% body weight day–1. During months 3–8 this continued for fish in treatment 1 while those in treatment 2 were fed tropical regional fruits, on a wet weight basis at the rate of 5% body wt day–1. Fish in treatment 3 were given no supplementary feed. Monthly biometric measurements were made on all fish. Fixed cage fish culture was shown to be a viable and simple technique. Survival in all treatments was 100%. With balanced supplementary feed, production was 14.4 kg m–3, compared with 4.9 kg m–3 and 2.1 kg m–3, respectively, in the treatments where fish were fed with fruits and were not given any supplementary feed.  相似文献   

Tapes decussatus, a highly-prized Italian clam, retailing at US$6-12/kg, was cultured in Venice Lagoon for two years. Wild seed, 21 mm (1.4 g) in size, sown in the lagoon sediment at a density of about 1000 individuals/m2, grew to 32 mm (5.5 g) in the first year and to 40 mm (11.5 g) in the second. Mortality was 10% in the first year and 25% in the second. Deaths were mostly caused by the pathogens Perkinsus marinus and Bacciger bacciger. Predation was low and no protection was needed. Potential clam culture in Venice Lagoon is limited by the great summer growths of the macroalgae, Ulva rigida and Gracilaria sp., which must be raked off at least once a week to stop the clams being smothered. Although there are certain areas that are too soft and boggy for farming, Venice Lagoon still has hundreds of hectares available for the potential cultivation of T. decussatus.  相似文献   

In two separate experiments, haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) larvae were raised under different photoperiods (24L : 0D or 15L : 9D), or different combinations of tank colour (black or white) and light intensity (1.1 mol s–1 m–2 or 18 mol s–1 m–2). Growth (0.8% day–1 in standard length; 2.9% day–1 in body area) and survival (2%) were not significantly different between photoperiod treatments after 35 days. Larval survival was greater in white versus black tanks after 41 days (2% versus l%, respectively). Growth of larvae was impaired in black tanks at low (1.1 mol s–1 m–2) light intensity (0.8% day–1 in standard length and 2.2% day–1 in body area versus 1.1% day 21 in standard length and 3.1% day–1 in body area, for all other treatments). Transmission and reflection of light was low in black tanks at low incident light, and there was very little upwelling light. The resultant poor prey to background contrast probably resulted in larvae being unable to consume sufficient food to sustain a level of growth comparable to that in other treatments.  相似文献   

Thisstudy investigated the effects of shelter surface area (SSA) on the feeding,growth and survival of the donkey-ear abalone, Haliotisasinina reared in mesh cages (0.38×0.38×0.28m) suspended in flow-through tanks (water volume = 6m3). Cages had sections of polyvinylchloride (PVC) thatprovided shelters with surface area of 0.22 m2, 0.44m2 and 0.66 m2.Hatchery-produced abalone with initial shell length of 32 ± 1mm and wet weight of 7.5 g were stocked at 50individuals cage–1 that corresponded to stocking densities ofca. 227, 113 and 75 abalone m–2 of SSA. The ratios of sheltersurface area to cage volume (SSA:CV) were 5.5, 11 and 16.5. Abalones wereprovided an excess red seaweed Gracilariopsis bailinae(= Gracilaria heteroclada) at weekly intervals overa 270-day culture period. Feeding rates (18–20% of wet weight), foodconversion ratio (26–27) and percent survival (88–92%) did notdiffer significantly among treatments (p > 0.05). Body size at harvest rangedfrom 56 to 59 mm SL and 52 to 57 g wet body weightwith significant differences between abalone reared at SSA 0.22m2 and 0.66 m2 (p < 0.05).Abalone reared in cages with 0.66 m2 SSA grewsignificantly faster at average daily growth rates of 132 m and188 mg day–1. Stocking densities of 75–113m–2 SSA in mesh cages suspended in flow-throughtanks resulted in better growth of abalone fed red seaweed.  相似文献   

The physiological condition in fishes required for their selection as broodfish can be determined by hematological studies. The present study aims at examining the hematological indices in juvenile sturgeons at different stages of growth. The main blood features, such as total albumin content in blood, hemoglobin concentration and the erythrocyte and leukocyte count, were measured in a total of 54 specimens of 1-, 2- and 6-year old sturgeon (Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus and beluga Huso huso), artificially produced at the Shahid Dr. Beheshti Fish Breeding and Rearing Center located in the Gilan Province.In the Persian sturgeon specimens studied, the total albumin concentration in the blood increased from 26.05 to 52.50 g l–1, the hemoglobin concentration increased from 42.2 to 65.8 g l–1, the erythrocyte count increased from 240 to 452.5 thousand cell ml–1 and the leukocyte count increased from 13.43 to 46.48 thousand cells ml–1. The total leukocyte was composed of 73.25 to 82.70% lymphocytes, 12.3 to 20% neutrophils, 2.25 to 6.50% eosinophils and 0.2 to 2.5% monocytes.In the beluga specimens studied, the total albumin concentration in the blood increased from 20.05 to 42.20 g l–1, the hemoglobin concentration increased from 46.3 to 78.6 g l–1, the erythrocyte count increased from 495 to 735 thousand cells ml–1 and the leukocyte count increased from 31.6 to 57.7 thousand cells ml–1. The total leukocyte was composed of 54.5 to 67.5% lymphocytes, 22.63 to 33.86% neutrophils, 6.60 to 13.7% eosinophils and 0.6 to 2.25% monocytes.This research reveals the trends of some hematological features during the growth and development of sturgeons in the South Caspian Sea, reared in artificial conditions. It shows that with the increase in age, the hematological indices also increased.  相似文献   

European countries are probably the greatest consumers of frogs' legs, although this is occurring in a context of amphibian decline. Imports of frogs' legs have been increasing over the last few decades in relation to the development of deep-frozen products. This demand has stimulated farming with neotropical species for international trade. Today, in spite of some trials on European species, no production is effective. From the early 1990s, small-scale experimental rearing trials have been undertaken in Brittany (France) with a local green frog belonging to the esculenta complex (Rana ridibunda) which accepts granulated feed. This complex comprises two Mendelian species R. lessonae (LL) and R. ridibunda (RR) as well as their hybridogenetic hybrid Rana esculenta, which can be either diploid (RL) or triploid (RLL, RRL).The purpose of this study is to analyse the ability of each taxon to be reared. During the two months following metamorphosis, froglets were trained to eat pellets. The surviving individuals were reared for one year under regulated conditions to estimate the survival rate, growth and production of each frog type.The results show low survival rates (14.8 to 26.2%) for LL and RLL, higher rates (39–46.4%) for F1 and F2 from wild RR and RLL, with the highest rates (63.0 to 77.4%) for RL, RRL and all RR, using data from several years of rearing. After three years under rearing conditions, the adult survival rate is highest for rearing strain RR-Rivan 92* (53.7%). The growth rate varies greatly according to phenotype, and only frogs with an RR phenotype reach marketable size. In the wild, LL exhibits some difficulty in reaching this limit. As a result, production increases from 1.5–8.7 kg/m2 for individuals with an L hemiclone to 22.9–35.7 kg/m2 for each cohort of phenotype RR from at least two generations under rearing conditions.In relation to hybridogenesis processes, hybrids with diploid or triploid genomes do not seem to offer any advantage for production purposes. However, R. lessonae individuals from intensive rearing can produce fertile eggs and tadpoles, which could enable production for restocking to preserve wild diversity or build up new populations in suitable habitats.  相似文献   

The effect of an abrupt change in the live diet of shrimp larvae was investigated by replacing Artemia with Moina micrura. The control treatment consisted of feeding Artemia throughout the rearing period (regime A), while in the other treatments the onset of Moina feeding was arbitrarily chosen at larval stages iv (A3M), vi (A5M), viii (A7M) and x (A9M). No significant differences ( = 0.05) were observed among the treatments during larval production, mean stage development (MSD) and growth of postlarvae. The mean (SD) yields of postlarvae (PL) were 11.97 (1.98), 15.10 (2.92), 14.72(1.56), 13.51 (1.74) and 12.70 (1.40) PL l–1 respectively for the feeding regimes A3M, A5M, A7M, A9M and A. Up to stage v, the ingestion rate in the Moina treatment was as low as 0.01–0.47 larva–1 h–1 compared with that in the Artemia treatment (0.29–1.77 larva–1 h–1). However, the ingestion of Moina increased from stage vi–vii onwards.  相似文献   

Gastric evacuation rates of the gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata, fed with commercial pelleted food and polychaetes (Nereis diversicolor) were determined under experimental conditions. The estimated gastric evacuation rate for pelleted food was 7.97% h–1, with a total time of digestion of approximately 9 h. The respective values for the natural food were 6.24% h–1, with a total digestion time of approximately 12 h. The daily consumption of fish reared in earth ponds in a semi-intensive aquaculture facility was estimated through 24 h cycles performed between April and August. The daily consumption varied from 18.58 to 31.98 mg g–1. There was a constant increase in the average daily consumption per individual of 1.8–4.6 g (dry weight). During these cycles, samples of stomachs were taken and the contents preserved for further observation. The feeding behaviour of the reared fish was compared with a fish sample caught in the Ria Formosa lagoon. No common species were found between samples. A total of 38 prey were identified, which suggests that the gilthead sea bream is a non-specific predator. Despite the high abundance of natural prey in the ponds, the dependence of sea bream on pelleted food was high.  相似文献   

The compatibility of olive barb, Puntius sarana (Hamilton) with major carps was studied in grow-out carp polyculture system for one year in a set of nine earthen ponds of 0.08 ha each. Three different species combinations evaluated were Control: catla (Catla catla Ham.), silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Valenciennes), rohu (Labeo rohita Hamilton) and mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala Hamilton) at 0.5:0.5:1:1; T1: catla, silver carp, rohu and olive barb at 0.5:0.5:1:1 and T2: catla, silver carp, mrigal and olive barb at 0.5:0.5:1:1 at combined density of 7500 fingerlings/ha. While survival levels of the carps did not differ significantly in treatments (P > 0.05), silver carp recorded highest survival levels (94–96%) followed by olive barb (87–90%), mrigal (72–74%), rohu (72–73%) and catla (67–69%). The specific growth rate (SGR) and average harvested body weight (ABW) of catla and silver carp did not differ significantly among the treatments revealing their competition with mrigal or olive barb to be minimum. In absence of rohu in T2, both mrigal and olive barb showed higher SGR and ABW revealing minimal competition between these two species, while their lower performance in presence of rohu in Control and T1 indicated inter-specific competition with the latter. Such olive barb–rohu inter-specific competition, however, failed to yield significant effect on growth of rohu as revealed from its non-significant SGR difference in presence and absence of olive barb. The lower FCR (2.54 ± 0.06) and higher treatment biomass production (3418.4 ± 95.0 kg ha− 1 year− 1) in T1 with rohu–olive barb combination compared to T2 with mrigal–olive barb (2.84 ± 0.11; 3155.1 ± 104.7 kg ha− 1 year− 1) indicated feasibility and advantage of culturing rohu with olive barb rather than mrigal in carp polyculture. Further, similar biomass production in Control and T1 also indicated feasibility of replacing mrigal with olive barb in the grow-out carp polyculture system.  相似文献   

The growth rate of disk abalone, Haliotis discus hannai, energy consumption and changes in water quality were monitored in a pilot-scale recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) for 155 days. Baffles were installed in the RAS culture tanks to enlarge the attachment area and clean out solid waste materials automatically by hydraulic force only. The experimental disk abalones, of shell length 24.5 ± 0.5 mm, were cultured at three stocking densities, 700, 1300 and 1910 individuals/m2 bottom area, in triplicate. The abalones were fed with sea mustard, Undaria pinnatifida, once a week. The abalone feed conversion rates and daily growth rates ranged from 24.5 to 25.9 and 0.32 to 0.36%, respectively. Their daily shell increments and survival rates ranged from 67.7 to 78.6 μm/day and 87.6–92.2%, respectively. The growth in weight tended to decrease at a culture density of 1300 individuals/m2 bottom area, while shell increments and survival rates were acceptable at this density. The total power consumption for heating was 1185.4 kW, comprising 30.2% of the total power consumption, while the average water exchange rate was only 2.9% per day. The total ammonia nitrogen stabilized below 0.07 mg/L, after conditioning of the biofilter. The NO2–N, NO3–N and total suspended solid concentrations were also maintained within acceptable ranges for the normal growth of disk abalone. The use of the RAS with these newly designed culture tanks for disk abalone culture produced 1300 individuals/m2 bottom area with a water exchange rate of only 2.9% per day and used about one-tenth of the heat energy of a conventional flow-through system.  相似文献   

An experimental study was done to evaluate the biodeposition dynamics associated with mussels and two fouling tunicates, Ciona intestinalis and Styela clava, in mussel aquaculture in Prince Edward Island (PEI), eastern Canada. The presence of C. intestinalis on small constructed mussel socks increased biodeposition by a factor of about 2 relative to mussel socks without tunicates. S. clava were small and had a negligible effect on total biodeposition from mussel socks although they increased sedimentation rates relative to that of abiotic control socks. Sinking rates of faecal pellets from large C. intestinalis varied between 1.39 and 6.54 cm s− 1 (LSMean = 2.35 cm s− 1). Using biodeposit production and sinking rates and hydrological data obtained in the present study, footprints of benthic loading due to mussel and tunicate biodeposition for a typical mussel farm in PEI were modelled using Shellfish-DEPOMOD. The results show benthic loading below longlines with C. intestinalis to be ca. 2 times greater than those from lines with only mussels with rates of up to 15.2 g m− 2 d− 1. However, given the greater settling rate of C. intestinalis biodeposits relative to mussel biodeposits, the extent of the footprint (≥ 1 g m− 2 d− 1) is similar or even more restrained.  相似文献   

The cultivation of scallops Nodipecten nodosus is a promising activity emerging in Brazil. The purpose of this study was to characterize the immune system of N. nodosus and evaluate the modulation of some hemato-immunological parameters during the reproductive cycle, in association with an astaxanthin-enriched diet. It was hypothesized that a supplementation on astaxanthin could enhance scallop immune system and minimize stress of reproduction. Scallops were separated in different groups: juveniles (J), adults (A), sexually mature (M), and recently spawned (S) animals. The last two groups were fed standard (M and S) or astaxanthin-enriched (Ma and Sa) diets. Scallop hemolymph contained two hemocyte populations: hyaline (HH) and granular hemocytes (GH). Antimicrobial peptides, similar to mussel defensins and mytilins, were found by immunodetection within the GH granules, even though the scallop hemolymph did not exhibit significant antimicrobial activity against different bacteria, including marine vibrios. Scallop hemocytes were able to phagocytose zymosan and produce reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI–NBT reduction). The number of circulating hemocytes (Neubauer chamber) varied from 12 to 26.106 cells mL− 1, and the GH was always the predominant cell type (67–99%). The plasma of N. nodosus contained lectins, specific to galactose and sialoconjugates, and their agglutinating activity was partially calcium-dependent. A phenoloxidase (PO) activity (146–446 U min− 1 mg− 1) was observed in the scallop hemolymph. However, this activity was not induced by trypsin or components of microorganism surface, and was strongly enhanced by alkaline pH (≥ 8.5). The total protein concentration of the plasma varied from 240 to 660 μg mL− 1. In general terms, all examined hemato-immunological parameters (hemograms, superoxide anion production, PO activity, lectin titers and total protein concentration) had a similar profile during all the scallop reproductive cycle. Their levels increased significantly from juveniles to adults (except PO activity), and declined markedly (immune depletion) in the sexually mature scallops. After spawning, the animals had a tendency to recover the standard levels of their immune parameters. Apparently, the astaxanthin-enriched diet had no effect on the tested immune parameters except for a slight influence on the scallop immune-oxidative reactions (ROI production). The results obtained in this study suggested the occurrence of a general immune depletion in the sexually mature scallops, confirming that the reproductive stage is a critical period in scallop life.  相似文献   

The impact of feeding, fish size (body weight from 18.5 to 56.5 g) and water temperature (20 and 23 °C) on oxygen consumption (OC, mg O2 kg–1 h–1) and ammonia excretion (AE, mg TAN kg–1 h–1) was studied in Eurasian perch held in recirculation systems. OC for both fed and feed-deprived (3 days) fish was higher at 23 °C (278.5 and 150.1 mg O2 kg–1 h–1) than at 20 °C (249.3 and 135.0 mg O2 kg–1 h–1; P < 0.01). AEs for both fed and feed-deprived fish were also significantly higher at 23 °C than at 20 °C (P < 0.001). Water temperature and fish size had a significant impact on the oxygen:feed ratio (OFR, kg O2 kg–1 feed fed day–1) and ammonia:feed ratio (AFR, kg TAN kg–1 feed fed day–1; P < 0.001). Their average values at temperatures of 20 and 23 °C were 0.17 and 0.19 kg O2 kg–1 feed fed day–1 and 0.009 and 0.011 kg TAN kg–1 feed fed day–1, respectively.  相似文献   

Pikeperch were induced to spawn 3 months prior to the natural spawning period through photothermal and hormonal stimulation. Females (five specimens in each group) were stimulated with injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) once (200 IU kg–1), twice (200 IU kg–1, second dose after 48 h–400 IU kg–1) or three times (200 IU kg–1, after 24 h–200 IU kg–1 and after another 24 h–200 IU kg–1). The control group was injected once with 0.9% NaCl. The males were stimulated with a single hormone dose of 200 IU kg–1. Eggs were obtained from all the hormonally treated fish. None of the control group females, which were only stimulated photothermally, ovulated any eggs. The time of ovulation was 66–71 h following the first injection, and the eggs viability until the eyed stage (from 71.5 to 77.5%) did not depend on the number of hormone doses (P > 0.05). The out-of-season spawning method described in this paper could be used to provide pikeperch larvae for intensive culture systems (recirculating water systems) before natural spawning season and to produce larger-sized pikeperch fingerlings for stocking.  相似文献   

Hatchery reared juvenile spotted babylon, Babylonia areolata, were raised in canvas rearing tanks at four stocking densities (100, 200, 300 and 400 ind. m–2) in flow-through and recirculating seawater systems until they reached the marketable sizes of 100–140 snails/kg. At all stocking densities, final increments in mean length and weight of snails held in flow-through systems were higher than those in recirculating systems, there was a significant effect (p < 0.05) of culture system on final length and weight. Mean (±SE) survival of snails held at 100 ind. m–2 in the flow-through system was 100.0 ± 0.1% but was not significantly higher than survival in any other treatment (p > 0.05). Mean survival of snails held in the recirculating system was not significantly lower than at any stocking density in the flow-through system (p > 0.05).  相似文献   

Three different types of anaerobic fermentations were used for the mass production of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris as diet for aquaculture. The optimum agitation speed and malate concentration were 300 r.p.m. and 0.2% in the modified MYC medium, respectively. In batch fermentations of R. palustris, the maximum number of viable cells was 1.1×1010 c.f.u. ml−1 with 2.65 g l−1 of DCW, and the maximum specific growth rate and biomass productivity were estimated to be 0.12 h−1 and 55 mg l−1 h−1, respectively. Crude protein content of R. palustris was about 72–74%. The composition of stearic acid and oleic acid of R. palustris was superior to those of Chlorella and yeasts, while that of other fatty acids tested was not. The amino acid profiles of the protein hydrolysate compared favorably with Food Agricultural Organization (FAO) guidelines. The biomass productivities from fed-batch experiments were found to be 50, 47 and 49 mg l−1 h−1 for linear, exponential, and sigmoidal feeding strategy, respectively. The maximum biomass productivity was found to be 112 mg l−1 h−1 in chemostat. Compared to growth in batch cultures, continuous fermentation yielded two times higher biomass productivity.  相似文献   

Growth of the natural European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis L.) spat from the Mar Menor (Murcia, Spain) was studied in the Mediterranean Sea over 18 months. The oysters were cultured in two types of containers, stackable plastic Galician trays and plastic mesh pots, deployed at a depth of 15 m hung from a long-line. Two size classes of spat were used, Class I spat (initially 53 mm in size and 19 g in weight) and class II spat (initially 31 mm, 4 g). The best results were observed in the class I oysters grown in the trays, which yielded a substantial biomass (24.77 kg m–2), the survival rate was 69% and commercial size (60 mm) was attained by all the oysters within 9 months of the start of the experiment. The observed growth of the class II oysters was poor, attaining a mean of not more than 50 mm and 18 g; the survival rate ranged between 25–74% and only between 8–13% of the class II spat attained commercial size.  相似文献   

A high rate of sibling cannibalism is one of the principal obstacles in the rearing of larvae and juveniles of the African catfish Clarias gariepinus. This paper examines the underlying behavioural components of agonistic behaviour under culture conditions. Ten day old catfish larvae were stocked at 30 larvae l–1 in three tank designs with different surface areas and equal volumes. Stocking densities were 1.2, 0.6 and 0.3 fish cm–2 bottom surface. Growth did not differ between treatments. The highest mortality over 30 days was recorded at the medium density (0.6 larvae l–1). Fish stocked at this density showed the highest rate of aggression, while there was no difference in aggression between the highest and the lowest stocking densities. The results indicate that stocking density should be at least as high as 1.2 larvae cm–2 bottom surface area to obtain high production at best survival rates.  相似文献   

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