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Bru1 is currently the major gene conferring brown rust resistance in sugarcane, and diagnostic markers are available. A survey for the presence of this gene was conducted on 391 genotypes including Brazilian cultivars, clones and basic germplasm. The efficiency of these markers for identifying resistant cultivars and artificially inoculated basic germplasm was also evaluated. The Bru1 frequency among cultivars (73.5%) suggests this gene is the prevalent source of brown rust resistance in Brazilian sugarcane breeding programmes. Most of the cultivars known to be resistant were positive for Bru1, although other genes for resistance could be present in lines not having Bru1. Only 17.8% of the basic germplasm accessions were positive for the Bru1 gene, and a low correlation between Bru1 diagnostic markers and brown rust severity was observed for basic germplasm accessions. Overall, Bru1 diagnostic markers proved to be efficient identifying resistant cultivars and clones and have potential to be in screening brown rust resistance in Brazilian breeding programmes.  相似文献   

为明确近年我国各甘蔗育种单位育成的新品种及各蔗区主栽品种对甘蔗褐锈病的抗性,筛选抗褐锈病优良新品种供生产上推广应用,本研究结合全国甘蔗新品种联合区域试验,选择甘蔗褐锈病高发的云南临沧、云南普洱、云南玉溪和广西宜州蔗区,在田间自然发病下,对我国近年来选育的60个新品种和34个主栽品种进行抗性评价,并对抗褐锈病基因Bru1进行分子检测。结果表明,94个新品种及主栽品种中,66个表现高抗到中抗,占70.21%;28个表现为感病到高感,占29.79%。分子检测结果显示,共54个抗病新品种及主栽品种含有抗褐锈病基因Bru1,频率为57.45%。目前大面积种植的桂糖29号、桂糖44号、德蔗03-83、柳城03-1137、粤糖60号、桂糖46号等主栽品种高度感病,而粤甘48号、福农09-2201、桂糖08-120、柳城09-15、中蔗1号、云蔗08-1609、云瑞10-187、中糖1201等31个新品种抗病性强。建议多雨湿润褐锈病高发蔗区,应加大淘汰感病主栽品种和推广应用抗病新品种力度,以期达到品种合理布局,从根本上控制褐锈病暴发流行,为甘蔗产业高质量发展提供安全保障。  相似文献   

Brown rust, caused by Puccinia melanocephala, is an important disease of sugarcane worldwide. Molecular markers for a major brown rust resistance gene, Bru1, were used to screen a total of 1,282 clones in the World Collection of Sugarcane and Related Grasses (WCSRG) to determine the distribution and frequency of the gene in Saccharum species and related genera. Bru1 was found across all species within the Saccharum complex, but the frequency varied among species. Bru1 was more prevalent in S. robustum clones (59.1%), whereas it occurred in low frequency and exhibited the highest level of variability as determined by the presence of one or both markers (18.8%) in clones of S. spontaneum. Bru1 frequency was highest in the two secondary cultivated species, S. barberi (79.3%) and S. sinense (71.8%). The frequency of Bru1 was 26.4% and 21.0% in S. officinarum and interspecific hybrid clones, respectively. Knowledge of the distribution and frequency of Bru1 in the WCSRG will complement efforts to characterize diversity in the Saccharum complex for the expected expanded use of marker‐assisted selection in the future.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess brown rust resistance of new sugarcane varieties bred in China and main cultivated varieties in sugarcane planting area, and screen the elite new brown rust resistant varieties for popularization and application in production. In total, 60 new varieties in the national regional test of new sugarcane varieties were tested in Kaiyuan and Lincang, and 34 main cultivated varieties were studied in Lincang, Puer, and Yuxi, Yunnan province, and Yizhou, Guangxi province, China, where the incidence of brown rust was particularly high. The resistance of these sugarcane varieties to brown rust was investigated under natural inoculation and molecular marker-assisted identification was used to detect the brown rust resistance gene Bru1. The results of field survey showed that 66 (70.21%) of the 94 new and main cultivated varieties were highly resistant to moderately resistant, and 28 (29.79%) were susceptible to highly susceptible. Molecular detection indicated that Bru1 gene was found among 54 (57.45%) of the 94 new and main cultivated varieties. Some main cultivated varieties that were currently planted across large areas such as Guitang 29, Guitang 44, Dezhe 03-83, Liucheng 03-1137, Yuetang 60, and Guitang 46 were highly susceptible to brown rust, and 31 new varieties such as Yuegan 48, Funong 09-2201, Guitang 08-120, Liucheng 09-15, Zhongzhe 1, Yunzhe 08-1609, Yunrui 10-187, and Zhongtang 1201 were resistant. Therefore, in the sugarcane planting areas with high incidence of brown rust and wet and rainy climates, more effort should be eliminated the main susceptible varieties and promoted the application of new resistant varieties. This will help to achieve a reasonable distribution of varieties, fundamentally control the outbreak of disease in sugarcane planting areas, and provide security for the high-quality development of sugarcane industry in China in the future.  相似文献   

Brown rust, caused by the fungus Puccinia melanocephala, poses an increasing threat to sugarcane industries worldwide. Recently, markers R12H16 and 9020‐F4 were developed for a major resistance gene Bru1 that contributes to a significant proportion of brown rust resistance in multiple sugarcane industries. Marker‐assisted screening of Louisiana sugarcane germplasm showed a low frequency (4.3%, five out of 117 clones) of Bru1 among sugarcane cultivars and elite breeding clones. Likewise, among progeny of crosses involving wild/exotic germplasm, only 14 of 208 clones (6.7%) tested Bru1 positive. However, Bru1 frequency was higher (28.7%, 52 of 181 clones) in wild/exotic germplasm, which indicated that diverse genetic resources are available for Bru1 introgression. Commercial Bru1‐positive cultivar, ‘L 01‐299', was resistant to brown rust. However, Bru1‐positive cultivar, ‘L 10‐146’, was susceptible while Bru1‐negative cultivars, such as ‘L 99‐233’, showed resistance to brown rust. Bru1‐negative clones with brown rust resistance offer an opportunity to identify alternate sources of resistance, which can be pyramided with Bru1 for effective and durable resistance in sugarcane against the changing pathogen.  相似文献   

甘蔗黄锈病是屈恩柄锈菌(Puccinia kuehnii Butler)引起的一种世界性真菌病害,导致产量减少和糖分降低,给甘蔗产业造成严重损失。本研究采用抗黄锈病分子标记G1,检测我国和世界上重要的甘蔗栽培品种、野生种和近缘属的抗黄锈病基因,并对扩增的代表性特异条带进行克隆测序、功能注释和聚类分析,推测其抗性基因的起源和进化。G1检测结果表明,国内124份甘蔗栽培品种检测到G1标记的有83份,占66.9%;国外46份甘蔗栽培品种检测到G1标记的有31份,占67.4%。34份甘蔗野生种和近缘属中检测到G1标记的有17份,占50%,其中割手密种含有该基因比例最高,为100%。功能注释揭示,G1标记的候选基因编码一种细胞壁连接的类受体激酶,并在甘蔗栽培品种的单倍体蛋白组数据库中鉴定到3个相似度较高的蛋白,这些蛋白都有细胞壁受体激酶结构的胞外域、跨膜域和激酶活性的胞内域。聚类结果则清晰展示了抗病候选基因的起源及进化关系,具体可分为3组,第1组来源于割手密种和大茎野生种;第2组来源于大茎野生种、热带种和河八王属;第3组来源于割手密种、大茎野生种、中国种和栽培品种。研究结果为抗黄锈病甘蔗品种的选育提供重要的抗源支撑,并为抗性分子机制的解析奠定基础。  相似文献   

In most sugarcane cultivation areas, sugarcane brown rust (SBR), caused by Puccinia melanocephala, is an economically important fungal disease that leads to severe yield loss in susceptible cultivars. Bru1, which is the major dominant SBR resistance gene, has been widely used in the prediction of brown rust resistance in sugarcane. In this study, three panels of sugarcane germplasms, the major varieties approved over the past 10 years and new elite clones in the current national regional trial, together with one panel of Saccharum spontaneum, were employed in estimating the possibility of SBR epidemic and to assess the efficiency of 9O20-F4-HaeIII in eliminating false positives. Among the current top five varieties used as sucrose feedstock, accounting for more than 68.9% of the total cultivated area, all were highly resistant to SBR, although only three harboring Bru1. Two major varieties Yuetang60 and Guitang46 without harboring Bru1 were highly susceptible to SBR, together with highly susceptible Funong41, which need prudent promotion. Approximately 60.5% of the 38 new elite clones were Bru1 positive. Considering the susceptibility of Liucheng03-1137, which exhibits a strong promotion momentum, together with Funong41, Guitang46, Yuetang60, and Yunzhe06-47, four were favored by the enterprise due to their superior sucrose content and good stalk yield, despite their high susceptibility to SBR, and additional Yuetang93-159, one current top five varieties with declining resistance, which results in a potential risk for brown rust epidemic. Furthermore, low frequency of the wild germplasm of S. spontaneum from five different countries was Bru1 positive. In addition, a perfect molecular diagnostic result was observed in all modern sugarcane clones using two dominant markers, and HaeIII can prevent the occurrence of false positive results when the 9O20-F4 PCR products of S. spontaneum are digested by RsaI. The prevalent chewing cane Badila without Bru1 is highly resistant to SBR. Our results provide valuable information for the extension of sugarcane varieties and a batch of novel SBR resistance sources with superior comprehensive characters for crossbreeding, and for SBR-resistant gene pyramiding by crossing or through mining and using of new SBR-resistant genes.  相似文献   

Summary Hexaploid and octoploid tritordeum and their Triticum spp. parents were studied in the seedling stage to compare their components of partial resistance to Puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici. The components studied were infection frequency, latency period and size of uredia. The non-host Hordeum chilense parent does not confer any increase of partial resistance to wheat brown rust to its amphiploids with wheat.  相似文献   

Eight spring barley accessions from the gene bank in Gatersleben, Germany, and 10 cultivars were tested for stripe rust resistance. Tests were performed at the seedling stage in the growth chamber and as adult plants in the field. All accessions and six cultivars were scored as resistant against race 24 under all test conditions, with very few plants as exceptions, while the susceptible control cultivars ‘Karat’ and ‘Certina’, and four other cultivars were attacked in all cases. Differences between accessions and between cultivars were detected after infection with isolates from ‘Trumpf’ and ‘Bigo’ (seedling tests only). Infection structures within seedling leaves without pustules and for the first time within leaves of adult plants from the field were analysed by fluorescence microscopy. With this method additional genetic Differences in the resistance reaction could be detected which could not to be seen in the resistance test. Crosses between the accessions and the susceptible cultivar ‘Karat’ led to segregating F2 progenies. The percentage of resistant plants varied between the accessions. This also indicates a different genetic basis of resistance in the accessions. The infection structures observed by fluorescence microscopy stopped earlier in leaves of the two accessions HOR 8979 and HOR 8991 than in leaves of other accessions in all the tests. These accessions were the only ones with more than 50% resistant plants in all F2 tests. In general, the accessions from the gene bank can be used as new resistance sources against stripe rust.  相似文献   

Summary Inheritance of resistance of five melon lines to two strains of Sphaerotheca fuliginea belonging to races 1 (Sf1) and 2 (Sf2) and to one strain of Erysiphe cichoracearum (Ec) have been studied. PMR 45 possesses one dominant gene controlling only Sf1. WMR 29 has one dominant gene for resistance to Sf1 and another for Sf2 and these genes seem to be linked. In line PMR 5, one dominant gene (or a group of three closely linked genes) is involved in the control of the three strains with one complementary gene for Sf1 and another one for Ec. PI 124112 has one dominant gene or two closely linked loci controlling Sf1 and Sf2 and two complementary different genes controlling Ec. Nantais Oblong has one dominant gene controlling only Ec. A nomenclature of the genes described is proposed.  相似文献   

The most important disease of Coffea arabica is coffee leaf rust caused by the fungus Hemileia vastatrix. The purpose of this study was to characterize the inheritance of coffee resistance gene(s) to race II of this pathogen and to identify and map molecular markers linked to this trait. Different populations were used: F2 (160 plants), BCr (20), and BCs (135), derived from a cross between the resistant genotype Híbrido de Timor UFV 427-15 and the susceptible cultivar Catuaí Amarelo UFV 2143-236 (IAC 30). The segregation analysis showed that the resistance of Híbrido de Timor to race II of the H. vastatrix is conferred by a single dominant gene. The amplification of 176 AFLP (Amplified fragment length polymorphism) primer combinations using bulked segregant analysis (BSA) allowed the identification of three molecular markers linked to the resistance gene. Genetic mapping of these three markers in the F2 population indicated that they are distributed on both sides, flanking the resistance gene. The markers E.CTC/M.TTT405 and E.CGT/M.TGT300 were found linked to the resistance gene at 8.69 cM (LOD 18.91) and 25.10 cM (LOD 5.37), respectively, while E.CCT/M.TTC230 was localized on the other side of the gene, at 20.50 cM (LOD 6.15). These markers are the first rust resistance markers identified in Híbrido de Timor and can be useful for marker assisted selection in coffee breeding programs.  相似文献   

M. Ramos  Leal  R. H. Maribona    A. Ruiz    S. Korneva    E. Canales    T. D. Dinkova    F. Izquierdo    O. Goto  D. Rizo 《Plant Breeding》1996,115(1):37-42
After 10 years of evaluation in different locations with high levels of incidence of disease, a group of sugarcane somaclones derived from callus tissues was selected for eyespot resistance. Resistance evaluations of four somaclones were performed under field and laboratory conditions. The results confirmed the superiority of two somaclones, one resistant and one tolerant to eyespot disease. Restriction analysis of mitochondrial DN A revealed that the two somaclones had a different DNA organization which distinguished them both from each other and from the donor plant; the restriction profile was similar however to that of the resistant control done. Restriction patterns of a third somaclone, also resistant, were similar to those of the donor plant. Differences among the somaclones were also evident when using a maize ribosomal DNA probe.  相似文献   

S. B. Thomsen    H. P. Jensen    J. Jensen    J. P. Skou  J. H. Jørgensen   《Plant Breeding》1997,116(5):455-459
In order to determine more precisely the location of the barley leaf stripe gene, called the ‘Vada-resistance gene’, on barley chromosome 2, 63 chromosome-doubled barley lines were tested. Using data on known chromosome 2 genetic markers, the ‘Vada-resistance gene’ was estimated to be located between the markers MSU21 and Xris45b, and at a distance of about 20% recombination from the powdery mildew resistance gene MILa. We suggest that the ‘Vada-resistance gene’ is designated Rdg1a and that all former leaf stripe resistance gene designations should be rejected. To identify possible new sources of resistance, 11 barley cultivars/lines known to possess leaf stripe resistance and originating from different parts of the world, were tested with one Danish and two Syrian isolates of the leaf stripe fungus. Three apparently genetically different sources of race-specific resistance were found. The ‘Vada-resistance’ in the cultivar ‘Golf was effective against seven out of eight isolates’ populations of the leaf stripe fungus differing in geographical origin.  相似文献   

Many stem rust resistance genes have been formally named in wheat. Adult plant stem rust resistance gene Sr2 was mapped in the short‐arm of chromosome 3B. Stripe rust resistance gene Yr57, identified in Aus91463, was mapped about 5 cM away from Sr2 based on its linkage with Sr2‐linked marker gwm533. The objective of this study was to combine Sr2 and Yr57 in a single genotype. A mapping population containing 107 recombinant inbred lines was developed from a cross between Aus91463‐Yr57 and Hartog‐Sr2. This population was tested at the seedling stage in the glasshouse for variation in stripe rust response, and high temperature induced Sr2‐linked seedling chlorosis. The RIL population was screened for Sr2‐linked pseudo black chaff phenotype at the adult plant stage in field. Five recombinants carrying Sr2 and Yr57 in coupling were detected using phenotypic and marker data. Four recombinants also carried leaf rust resistance gene Lr23 from Aus91463. These recombinants are being used as triple rust resistance source in the Australian Cereal Rust Control Program.  相似文献   

钙网蛋白(calreticulin,CRT)在真核生物中广泛表达,是重要的分子伴侣和钙离子结合蛋白,参与调控Ca2+稳态、钙依赖信号、内质网质量控制、植物生长发育、免疫反应和逆境应答等多种生物学过程。甘蔗(Saccharum spp.hybrid)中CRT应答甘蔗花叶病毒(Sugarcane mosaic virus,SCMV)侵染尚未见报道。本研究从热带种Badila(S.officinarum)中克隆了1个CRT1/CRT2亚型的CRT编码基因,命名为ScCRT1。该基因开放读码框(open reading frame,ORF)长度为1281bp,编码长度为426aa的蛋白。生物信息学分析表明,ScCRT1具有典型的CRT蛋白结构域,为稳定的亲水性蛋白,其N端有一个信号肽,具有典型的跨膜结构域,C端有典型的内质网定位信号;二级结构多为无规则卷曲;系统进化树分析表明,该蛋白是典型的CRT蛋白,在单子叶和双子叶植物中具有明显的分化。亚细胞定位表明ScCRT1定位于内质网。实时荧光定量PCR分析发现,ScCRT1基因在甘蔗各组织中都有表达,在第8节间中的表达量最低,在心叶中的表达量较高;该基因在SCMV侵染早期表达量上调,后期下调表达。酵母双杂交(yeast two hybrid,Y2H)和双分子荧光互补(bimolecular fluorescence complementation,BiFC)试验表明,ScCRT1与SCMV-6K2蛋白互作。推测SCMV-6K2通过与ScCRT1互作调控钙离子稳态进而便于SCMV侵染。  相似文献   

Calreticulin (CRT) is widely expressed in eukaryotes. As a molecular chaperone and a Ca2+ binding protein, CRT is involved in many biological pathways such as the regulation of calcium homeostasis, calcium-dependent signaling, endoplasmic reticulum quality control, plant growth and development, immunity and response to stress. However, the response of CRT of sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid) challenged by Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) has not been reported. In this study, a CRT gene was cloned from the noble cane cultivar Badila (S. officinarum) and designed as ScCRT1. ScCRT1 had an open reading frame (ORF) length of 1281 bp and encoded 426 amino acids. Bioinformatics analysis showed that ScCRT1 was a stable hydrophilic protein and possesses a signal peptide at the N-terminal, a typical transmembrane domain, and a typical endoplasmic reticulum location signal at the C-terminal. The secondary structure of ScCRT1 was composed of mostly random coils. Phylogenetic tree analysis indicated that ScCRT1 belonged to the CRT1/CRT2 subtype and was divergent between monocotyledons and dicotyledons. Subcellular location assays showed that ScCRT1 was mainly located in the endoplasmic reticulum. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis showed that ScCRT1 gene was extensively expressed in different tissues of sugarcane, with the highest expression in leaf roll and the lowest expression in the 8th internode. ScCRT1 gene was up regulated in the early stage of SCMV infection, but down regulated with time going. ScCRT1 interacted with the 6K2 from SCMV as confirmed by yeast two hybrid and bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays. Based on these foundlings, we speculated SCMV interfered the calcium homeostasis by the interaction of 6K2 with ScCRT1, thereby facilitating viral infection of sugarcane.  相似文献   

Summary A total of 1789 accessions of several lettuce collections was screened to find new major gene resistance to the downy mildew fungus Bremia lactucae Regel. The accessions belonged to the species Lactuca sativa (N=1288), L. serriola (N=399), L. saligna (N=52) and L. virosa (N=50). A total of 20 races of B. lactucae were used, 14 of which were NL-races, isolated from cultivated lettuce in the Netherlands. The other six races were isolated from wild L. serriola in Czechoslovakia. The accessions were initially screened with two races: NL1 and NL3. Accessions with resistance to one or both of these races were tested with the other races. Phenotypes with new resistance were found in accessions of all four Lactuca species. Of L. sativa, four accessions were found with resistance phenotypes that could not be explained by combinations of known major genes. Many accessions of L. serriola had resistance phenotypes that indicated the presence of unknown resistance genes. All interactions between accessions of L. saligna and races of B. lactucae were incompatible in leaf disc tests, except for four accessions, which showed some sporulation with race NL6. Several accessions of L. virosa were resistant to all races used. Other accessions of L. virosa gave a race-specific interaction with B. lactucae.  相似文献   

The slow‐rusting and mildewing gene Yr18/Lr34/Pm38/Sr57 confers partial, durable resistance to multiple fungal pathogens and has its origins in China. A number of diagnostic markers were developed for this gene based on the gene sequence, but these markers do not always predict the presence of the resistant phenotype as some wheat varieties with the gene are susceptible to stripe rust in China. We hypothesized that these varieties have a suppressor of Yr18. This study was undertaken to determine the presence of Yr18, the suppressor and/or another resistance gene in 144 Chinese wheat landraces using molecular markers and stripe rust field data. Forty‐three landraces were predicted to have Yr18 based on the presence of the markers, but had final disease severities higher than 70%, indicating that this gene may be under the influence of a suppressor. Four of these landraces, ‘Sichuanyonggang 2’, ‘Baikemai’, ‘Youmai’ and ‘Zhangsihuang’, were chosen for genetic studies. Crosses were made between the lines and ‘Avocet S’, with further crosses of Sichuanyonggang 2 ×  ‘Huixianhong’ and Sichuanyonggang 2 ×  ‘Chinese Spring’. The F1 plants of Sichuanyonggang 2/Chinese Spring was susceptible indicating the presence of a dominant suppressor gene. The results of genetic analyses of F2:3 and BC1F2 families derived from these crosses indicated the presence of Yr18, a Yr18 suppressor and another additive resistance gene. The Yr18 region in Sichuanyonggang 2 was sequenced to ensure that it contained the functional allele. This is the first report of a suppressor of Yr18/Lr34/Pm38/Sr57 gene with respect to stripe rust response.  相似文献   

Linked leaf rust and stripe rust resistance genes introduced from Triticum dicoccoides protected common wheat seedlings against a range of pathotypes of the respective pathogens. The genes were chromosomally mapped using monosomic and telosomic analyses, C-banding and RFLPs. The data indicated that an introgressed region is located on wheat chromosome arm 6BS. The introgressed region did not pair with the ‘Chinese Spring’ 6BS arm during meiosis possibly as a result of reduced homology, but appeared to pair with 6BS of W84-17 (57% of pollen mother cells) and ‘Avocet S’. The introgressed region had a very strong preferential pollen transmission (0.96–0.98) whereas its transmission through egg cells (0.41–0.66) varied with the genetic background of the heterozygote. Homozygous resistant plants had a normal phenotype, were fertile and produced plump seeds. Symbols Lr53 and Yr35 are proposed to designate the respective genes.  相似文献   

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