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With the continued popularity of fish as pets, a market can be established for veterinarians with experience with aquatic animals. Fish owners often form a strong and significant emotional, as well as economic, bond with their aquariums or ponds. With proper husbandry, common mistakes made by fish owners can be treated, if not avoided. Diagnosis and treatment of a majority of common fish problems can be facilitated through an understanding of proper saltwater and freshwater fish husbandry.  相似文献   

The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) and the striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) are often kept as pets, although they are both wild animals. The opossum and striped skunk are usually docile and sociable when raised from infancy. Many states and municipalities restrict ownership, and veterinarians should familiarize themselves with local laws and regulations pertaining to these animals. The biology, husbandry, diet, and general disease information is available for both species. Vaccination recommendations are included for skunks.  相似文献   

The primary health risk for veterinary staff and companion pet owners is exposure to ticks in the wooded/pasture areas or to ticks brought indoors by their pets. There are no proven cases of direct animal to human transmission for Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, or Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Direct inoculation of blood from a bacteremic animal, eg, by needle stick is a theoretical, but, so far, undocumented health risk. However, veterinarians should record needle sticks or other inoculation-type injuries that occur in their practices. Prevention of Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and other tick-borne diseases depends on the avoidance of tick-infested areas and proper use of repellents and acaricides.  相似文献   

Questions regarding pet animal nutrition are probably among the most frequent queries encountered by companion animal veterinarians. Given the plethora of pet food products available and the amount of advertising used to promote them, it is not surprising that pet owners have concerns as to what they should feed their pets. This "practical" review of pet foods and feeding is designed to assist veterinarians in making nutritional recommendations to their clients, with respect to feeding normal adult pets at maintenance.  相似文献   

Small exotic mammals have been companions to people for almost as long as dogs and cats have been. The challenge for veterinary medicine today is to decipher the tea leaves and determine whether small mammals are fad or transient pets or whether they will still be popular in 20 years. This article focuses on pet small-mammal medicine, as the concerns of the laboratory animal are better known and may differ profoundly from those of a pet. Dozens of species of small exotic mammals are kept as pets. These pet small-mammal species have historically served human purposes other than companionship: for hunting, for their pelts, or for meat. Now, they are common pets. At present, most veterinary schools lack courses in the medical care of these animals. Veterinary students need at least one required class to introduce them to these pets. Currently, there are no small-mammal-only residency programs. This does not correspond with current needs. The only way to judge current needs is by assessing what employers are looking for. In a recent JAVMA classified section, almost 30% of small-animal practices in suburban/urban areas were hiring veterinarians with knowledge of exotic pets. All veterinarians must recognize that pet exotic small mammals have changed the landscape of small-animal medicine. It is a reality that, today, many small-animal practices see pet exotic small mammals on a daily basis.  相似文献   

Feeding of raw meat-based diets to pets has become an increasingly popular trend amongst pet owners. Owners, who desire to provide the best for their pets, seek veterinary opinions about food options. This paper reviews and applies standards of evidence-based medicine to grade the available scientific literature that addresses the nutritional benefits or risks, infectious disease risks, and public health implications of raw, meat-based pet diets. Although there is a lack of large cohort studies to evaluate risk or benefit of raw meat diets fed to pets, there is enough evidence to compel veterinarians to discuss human health implications of these diets with owners.  相似文献   

The clinical examination of small rodents is like that of more conventional pets in that the same systematic approach is used to arrive at a problem list. The difference with these species is that their diminutive size, high metabolic rate, and lack of patience may be problematic for the clinician. With continued practice and patience, veterinarians can begin to feel comfortable in adding small rodents to the growing components of their practices.  相似文献   

Veterinarians in small animal practice are being presented with an ever-increasing number of exotic species. It has become critical that veterinarians expand their professional knowledge to include the basic procedures necessary for the proper diagnosis and therapy of these animals. Yet the husbandry, temperaments, physiology, and anatomy of many of these species make extrapolation from our well-developed techniques in dog and cat medicine inadequate. This article discusses some of the major species concerns and clinical findings of chinchillas, hedgehogs, prairie dogs, and sugar gliders presented to the veterinary practitioner. Practical techniques for evaluation of these animals with minimal stress (to the animal, the practitioner, and the client) and maximum efficiency are addressed.  相似文献   

Management solutions offer a useful tool for owners faced with behavior issues in their pets. In some cases management will improve the behavior and allow control. In other situations it may be only the first step in treatment. By offering management solutions, veterinarians can help owners with problem pets and begin the road to recovery.  相似文献   

Many families seeking assistance from domestic violence agencies are known to local humane societies or animal control officials because of previous incidents of animal abuse. This is because pets are often the first victims of family disputes that erupt into violence. Analysis of domestic violence statistics indicates that veterinarians potentially treat hundreds of thousands of abused pets each year. Because veterinarians may be the first or only individuals to have access to abusive family situations, it is it important for veterinarians to be aware of potential signs of abuse of pets and their owners and to be familiar with the mechanisms for reporting suspected incidents of abuse. Thirty-one North American veterinary schools and a sample of large and small animal practitioners in Indiana were surveyed to understand to what degree current veterinary curricula prepare students to recognize abuse of animal patients and human clients and to what extent practitioners recognize and report their suspicions of abuse to appropriate authorities. The data indicate a discrepancy between beliefs about prevalence of abuse and the amount of time spent educating veterinary students to recognize and report that abuse. I hypothesize that: 1) practicing veterinarians are reluctant to report suspicions of domestic family violence directed against animals, children, or spouses for various reasons (e.g., lack of adequate training, fear of litigation, time constraints, fear that violence will escalate, belief that it is not their place to intervene, lack of contact information, fear of losing a client's business); 2) practicing veterinarians (in large and small animal practices) may not be aware that animal patients and human clients may have been abused and being unfamiliar with this diagnosis, are unfamiliar with the mechanism for reporting the abuse, especially when it involves human victims; and 3) veterinary school curricula could be modified so that veterinary students are trained to recognize human and animal abuse, thereby reducing risks to animal patients, other animals in the household, and human clients. I believe that recognition of animal and human abuse is in line with veterinarians' responsibilities to protect animal health, relieve animal suffering, and promote public health.  相似文献   

A short–term drug compliance study, using ampicillin in dogs, was carried out. The results indicated that three out of four owners do not follow the instructions of veterinarians relating to the oral administration of ampicillin at home. This study also showed that owners of pets wish to treat their animals according to the instructions issued by the veterinarians. The causes of non–compliance do not appear to involve factors such as the animal getting better or the owner's inability to give the antibiotic orally.  相似文献   

Adapting family life cycle theory to include pets provides veterinarians with a framework for understanding and reinforcing the human-animal bond. The family genogram with pets is a practice tool that identifies all people and pets in the family, enhancing the practice of One Health at the community level.  相似文献   

附红细胞体病是由附红细胞体引起的一种急性传染病,近几年在国内部分地区呈暴发性流行趋势,给我国的养殖业造成严重的经济损失.并且该病临床上常与其他疾病混合感染,给诊断造成困难.现将近年来附红细胞体的各种实验室检测方法进行综述,以期为广大兽医工作者迅速确诊本病提供一定的帮助,以减少该病对我国养殖业的危害.  相似文献   

The opinions of animal owners and practising veterinarians concerning a new restraint-reversal medication (medetomidine-atipamezole) for dogs were obtained by two questionnaires in connection with a clinical study. Four alternative answers to each statement question scored as "completely agree", "somewhat agree", "somewhat disagree" and "completely disagree". The questionnaires were completed by 21 veterinarians and 245 dog owners. The overall response to the treatment was clearly positive. Both groups had a favourable attitude towards drug use with mean combined scores (from 1 to 4; 4 = most favourable) of 48.1 (max 56) for the dog owners and 39.2 (max 52) for the veterinarians. Only a little information was gained about the background of negative sentiments. Some pet owners (19%) opposed to medication on a priori grounds, some (26%) reacted strongly to the dizziness of their animals and some owners (21%) complained because of general anxiety before, during and after their pets were treated.  相似文献   

Pets are not a major source of human infections but they can transmit certain diseases to man. This transmission usually is complex, requiring close contact with pets or their excretions and frequently involves a breach of sound hygienic practice. In some instances, pathogens of animal origin are acquired inadvertently because infectivity can persist after evidence of gross contamination has gone. Veterinarians participate in controlling zoonotic diseases by encouraging rabies vaccination and hygienic treatment of pet feces and urine, by supporting community efforts toward responsible pet ownership and by advising on precautions for handling sick animals. It is recommended that veterinarians discourage the keeping of wild or exotic animals as pets and excess fondling of pets (particularly by children and pregnant women). Clients and kennel workers should be advised to use caution with animals that have aborted.  相似文献   

Chelonians (turtles, tortoises, and terrapins) are not as well represented in private reptile collections as are snakes and lizards. Thismay be due in part to the fact that they often require more space and time for proper care. Nonetheless, they are still popular pets.Unfortunately, many people are not aware of what constitutes proper care for these animals. This article will discuss basic captive husbandry and nutrition issues of common chelonians, as well as recognizing illness, capture and restraint, sample collection, medication administration, and preventive care.  相似文献   

Once clients make a decision to expand their family with children or pets, veterinarians can be instrumental in providing education and support to make the additions successful. Veterinarians should remind clients to make changes in the household well in advance of the new addition's arrival, to be patient, to make all introductions safe and controlled, and to reward good behavior. If problems arise, owners should be advised to separate those involved and get behavioral treatment as soon as possible. Through these simple steps, veterinarians can increase the likelihood that clients will be able to integrate new family members successfully.  相似文献   

微量元素锰在蛋鸡养殖生产中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锰缺乏或过量会引起代谢紊乱等疾病,给蛋鸡养殖业造成困扰和巨大的经济损失,因此在蛋鸡生产中越来越受到重视。作者主要介绍微量元素锰的生物学功能及其在蛋鸡养殖生产中的应用,阐述蛋鸡锰缺乏和中毒病的发病原因、临床特征及防治措施,为广大兽医工作者和养殖户提供参考。  相似文献   

Ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) show up with increasing frequency in veterinary practice. Originally domesticated for hunting of rodents and rabbits, they became very popular pets which require legal permission though and the further fulfillment of various husbandry needs. Ferrets have to be maintained on a high protein diet which in practice is often done with commercial feline products. Physical examination is similar to dogs and cats whereas the frequent occurrence of non-specific symptoms require further diagnostic investigation including blood sampling, radiology, ultrasound or exploratory laparatomy. The preferred anaesthetic method is the direct face mask induction and maintenance using isoflurane without pr?medication. Special attention of veterinarians has to be paid to canine distemper vaccination, the specialized reproduction physiology of the females (jills) which can develop, if unmated, a persistent oestrus with fatal consequences of hyperestrogenism, as well as the frequent occurrence of further endocrine disorders, congestive cardiomyopathy and gastrointestinal diseases.  相似文献   

This thematic review examines the literature regarding the relationship between domestic violence (DV) and pet abuse (PA) particularly in the veterinary clinical and educational contexts. It examines the significance of this relationship for the veterinary profession including the veterinarian’s role and associated legal and ethical obligations, and relevant current veterinary education standards, to identify future clinical and educational directions. Articles were sourced from online databases by searching the keywords without date restrictions. Overall, 70 articles were retrieved and reviewed.

Pet abuse has been identified as a potential risk factor for DV, and DV perpetrators may harm or kill a pet to exert physical, psychological or emotional control over an intimate partner. Given that victims of DV often seek veterinary aid for their pets, veterinarians may act as frontline professionals in the recognition of the link between PA and DV. Veterinarians must assess individual cases for diagnostic indicators of non-accidental injury and consider demographic factors to identify suspected PA and DV. Despite existing legal and ethical obligations of the veterinarian relating to suspected PA and victims of DV, veterinarians have uncertainty and unpreparedness in addressing PA and DV in a clinical context. Many factors may contribute to the lack of veterinary intervention in suspected cases of PA and DV including concern for animal welfare, confusion about the reporting process and uncertainty in differentiating accidental versus non-accidental injuries in pets. Specific published guidelines regarding the recognition and reporting of PA and DV in the veterinary clinical context are required. Limited published evidence exists examining the implementation and success of veterinary training regarding the relationship between DV and PA. Ultimately, veterinary student education is needed to prepare veterinarians for their response to PA and DV in practice. Further research is required to examine the effects of the delivery of content regarding the link between PA and DV in the veterinary curriculum on veterinary student knowledge and attitudes.  相似文献   

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