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旱稻田苗后杂草化学防除技术研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1996~1998年采用不同量的20%敌稗乳油和56%二甲四氯钠盐粉剂混合喷施防除旱稻田中已出苗的杂草。通过分析不同处理杂草防除率、产量及影响产量指标,得出对旱稻田苗后杂草经济、安全、有效的用药范围,即20%敌稗乳油7.5~11.5 kg/hm2,与56%二甲四氯钠盐粉剂0.25~0.75 kg/hm2混合,对水750~900 kg/hm2,在稻苗2~6叶期进行茎叶喷施。它可以达到或超过人工除草效果,对稻株安全,并对稻株有增粗、抗倒伏作用。在安全用药量的范围内,不同用药量对旱稻株高、分蘖数、穗长、穗粒数影响不显著。  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):245-270

Weeds pose a recurrent threat to agricultural productivity in both industrialized and developing countries. Weeds respond dynamically to all cropping practices, and therefore, the design and function of cropping systems plays a central role in the composition of weed communities. The unique and challenging nature of weed communities requires more integrated approaches to weed management than are currently being employed by most growers. Integrating weed management with cropping system design and application may be an effective approach to diversifying weed management systems. Each crop-weed system is a unique mix of genetics and biology and will respond dynamically to changes in management practices. Practices such as crop rotation, tillage, cover crops, and fertility management modify weed populations. The challenge is to integrate these and other practices with the best available control tactics to generate integrated management systems. Cropping system design provides an excellent framework for developing and applying integrated approaches to weed management because it allows for new and creative ways of meeting the challenge of managing weeds. Weed science must integrate the theories and application of weed management into cropping system design based on the unique characteristics of weed communities and the available weed management options.  相似文献   

Varalu is an early maturing rice variety widely grown in the rainfed ecosystem preferred for its grain type and cooking quality. However, the yield of Varalu is substantially low since it is being affected by reproductive drought stress along with the blast disease. The genetic improvement of Varalu was done by introgressing a major yield QTL, qDTY12.1, along with two major blast resistance genes i.e. Pi54 and Pi1 through marker-assisted backcross breeding. Both traits were transferred till BC2 generation and intercrossing was followed to pyramid the two traits. Stringent foreground selection was carried out using linked markers as well as peak markers (RM28099, RM28130, RM511 and RM28163) for the targeted QTL (qDTY12.1), RM206 for Pi54 and RM224 for Pi1. Extensive background selection was done using genome-wide SSR markers. Six best lines (MSM-36, MSM-49, MSM-53, MSM-57, MSM-60 and MSM-63) having qDTY12.1 and two blast resistance genes in homozygous condition with recurrent parent genome of 95.0%-96.5% having minimal linkage drag of about 0.1 to 0.7 Mb were identified. These lines showed yield advantage under drought stress as well as irrigated conditions. MSM-36 showed better performance in the national coordinated trials conducted across India, which indicated that improved lines of Varalu expected to replace Varalu and may have an important role in sustaining rice production. The present study demonstrated the successful marker-assisted pyramiding strategy for introgression of genes/QTLs conferring biotic stress resistance and yield under abiotic stress in rice.  相似文献   

水稻和陆稻籽粒灌浆特性的比较   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:22  
应用Richards方程对水作和旱作水稻与陆稻的籽粒灌浆过程进行拟合,研究两种稻灌浆特性在不同水分管理条件下的差异。结果表明,与水作相比,水稻旱作穗数和粒重明显降低,产量下降;强势粒和弱势粒的灌浆速率降低,活跃灌浆期缩短,强势粒和中势粒的起始生长势减弱,到达最大灌浆速率的时间延迟,强、弱势粒进入灌浆盛期的间距缩短,从而影响弱势粒的灌浆,强、弱势粒灌浆速率的差异增大,最终导致粒重和结实率降低。陆稻旱作与水作相比,除活跃灌浆期略有缩短以及强、弱势粒进入灌浆盛期的间隔略有延长外,整体上灌浆过程变化不大。与水稻相比,陆稻在两种水分条件下灌浆过程和产量及其构成因子的差异较小,表现为籽粒灌浆的起始生长势特别是强、中粒位势的起始生长势低,灌浆前、中期灌浆较强,强、中势籽粒对同化物的激烈竞争使弱势粒灌浆变差,籽粒灌浆期短,特别是灌浆后期持续时间短,导致结实率和粒重低,最终影响产量。旱作条件下,水稻与陆稻相比,籽粒灌浆速率较小,活跃灌浆期较长,强、弱势粒灌浆呈现明显的异步性。  相似文献   

粳型陆稻恢复系资源的筛选及其利用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对不同粳稻不育系与146个粳型陆稻品种测交所得21 7个组合的结实率观测结果表明,测交组合的平均结实率为36.3%,其中24个组合(占11.1%) 的结实率>70%,说明与普通粳稻不同,粳型陆稻品种中存在丰富的恢复系资源.与不同地区的陆稻品种测交,不同质源的不育系的可恢性有一定差别.对7个组合的产量、8个组合的米质(糙米率和垩白粒率)与其相应的父本进行比较的结果表明,测交组合产量优势明显,且米质也得到显著改善.另对2个测交组合进行旱作种植,不仅比大面积应用的杂交粳稻黎优5 7大幅增产(增幅达93.2%),而且比陆稻父本也增产;在旱种和水田条件下产量接近黎优 57的水平.如对亲本进一步筛选和改良,有望育成水旱兼用、在不同栽培条件下均能显著增产的水陆稻杂交种,在旱涝并存地区具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

不同种植方式下磷素营养对陆稻和水稻米质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 以粳型陆稻中旱3号和粳型水稻扬辐粳8号为材料,设置裸地旱作和水作2种种植方式及3个磷素(P2O5  )水平:低磷(LP,45  kg/hm2)、常磷(NP,90  kg/hm2)和高磷(HP,135 kg/hm2),比较了陆稻和水稻米质的差异。旱作条件下,随着施P量的增加,陆稻和水稻产量均随之增加;  水作条件下,HP下陆稻的产量较NP增加,水稻的产量HP较NP减少,但差异均不显著。旱作条件下,中旱3号LP水平下整精米率、外观品质和蒸煮食味品质表现较好,扬辐粳8号(NP水平下外观品质表现较好)与中旱3号基本一致;水作条件下,中旱3号LP水平下整精米率较高,NP水平下蒸煮食味品质较好,扬辐粳8号与中旱3号基本一致,但外观品质表现不一。旱作使陆稻和水稻的整精米率提高,外观品质改善,水稻蒸煮品质和营养品质提高。与水稻相比,陆稻的加工品质、营养品质和食味品质较优。表明陆稻和水稻的米质对种植方式和磷素的互作响应有差异。  相似文献   

简述了辽宁旱稻发展历程,着重介绍丹东农科院通过籼粳亚种间杂交等途径选育成的耐旱、抗病、质优、高产、适应性强的丹粳系列旱稻新品种。并从水资源日益匮乏和低洼地土地资源条件分析,阐明了旱稻生产有一个较大的发展空间。  相似文献   

We investigated how upland and paddy japonica rice responded to phosphorous(P) fertilizer under two cultivation methods.The upland rice Zhonghan 3 and the paddy rice Yangfujing 8 were both grown under moist cultivation(MC,control) and bare dry cultivation(DC) with three P levels,low(LP,45 kg/hm2),normal(NP,90 kg/hm2) and high(HP,135 kg/hm2).As P level increased,grain yields of both upland and paddy rice increased under DC.There were no significant differences in grain yields between HP and NP for either rice,although upland rice slightly increased and paddy rice slightly decreased in grain yield.Under DC at LP,Zhonghan 3 showed a higher head milled rice rate and better appearance,cooking and eating qualities than at HP or NP.Yangfujing 8 was similar to Zhonghan 3 except that Yangfujing 8 had better appearance quality at NP.Under MC,Zhonghan 3 had a higher head milled rice rate at LP and better cooking and eating qualities at NP.Yangfujing 8 was similar to Zhonghan 3 except in appearance quality.DC improved head milled rice rate and appearance quality of both upland and paddy rice,and cooking and nutrient qualities of paddy rice.Compared with paddy rice,upland rice had better processing,nutrient and eating qualities.The results suggest that upland and paddy rice respond differently to cultivation method and phosphorus level.  相似文献   


Aromatic rice variety, Mentikwangi, was crossed with high-yielding upland rice variety, Poso, and the pedigree was selected to obtain lines with high yielding and aromatic characters. The objectives of the research were to study the yield stability of aromatic upland genotypes across different locations and to select aromatic upland rice genotypes having wide adaptability, and or specific location adaptability. Yield stability of genotypes was estimated by using regression lines proposed by Finlay and Wilkinson. Some genotypes showed high yield stability and wide adaptability in different locations, and others showed good adaptability to a specific location. The lines having high yield stability and wide adaptability were G10 (405 g m-2), G19 (400 g m-2), G39 (418 g m-2), and G136 (411 g m-2), which may be considered as candidates of new aromatic upland rice cultivars. Situpatenggang had specific adaptability at the fertile locations; and Poso and G13 at the infertile locations. Genotype x location interactions for the yield and its components performance were observed.  相似文献   

针对吉林省旱稻研究和生产的实际情况,叙述了吉林省旱稻发展的过程,概括了三个发展阶段,从旱稻的优势、需水特点、水分保障、适合洼地种植等方面分析了发展旱稻的有利因素,提出旱稻发展中的问题,探讨旱稻发展的潜力及其应用前景。  相似文献   

研究了12个山栏稻原始种质的主要农艺性状、品质特征及抗旱生理特性,并与水稻不同类型的对照进行比较分析。结果表明,在旱地栽培条件下,山栏稻的穗长、穗粒数、衙粒重及单株产量均显高于对照水稻.但不时也表现高杆、穗颈过长、移片大且披垂等不良性状。在品质方面,山栏稻糙米粗蛋白含量、17种氨基酸含量及2种必需氨基酸含量显高于水稻对照。山栏稻种子在高渗溶液中的发芽率、离体叶片保水率、质膜稳定性和分蘖秆长整齐  相似文献   

Mycorrhizal status of rice under upland conditions was studied using potted seedlings. Percentage of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) root colonization varied between 17.35% and 37.18% over an age series of 7 to 70 days old rice plants. AMF root colonization was increased up to 35-42 days, beyond which the root colonization steadily declined. The vesicles appeared after two weeks and reached their maximum intensity on the 35th day. The arbuscules were formed late on the 42nd day (2.93%) and slightly varied up to the 70th day (3.03%). Higher dosage of urea application suppressed plant growth whereas the superphosphate treatment had no marked impact on plant growth. Generally, application of these agrochemicals registered less influence on the hyphal colonization of AMF in rice plants, whereas arbuscular colonization was adversely affected by higher dosages of fertilizers. There were pronounced decreases in both the plant growth and their AMF colonization due to the application of systemic fungicides, carbendazim and thiophanate methyl. The application of single sprays of fungicides was less deleterious over multiple sprays.  相似文献   

Luang Prabang Province is located within the area recognized as the center of rice(Oryza sativa L.) diversity in Lao PDR. This study reported on grain quality characteristics of 60 upland rice seed samples sharing 49 variety names collected from 6 villages in Luang Prabang in 2015. Most of the samples has non-pigmented pericarp, while red pericarp was found in four samples and purple in five samples. Almost all of the samples were of large grain type, with glutinous endosperm in 70% and non-glutinous endosperm in 30%. The brown(unpolished) rice was found with a wide range of grain nutritional quality, including protein(9.2% ± 0.9%), Fe(15.9 ± 6.9 mg/kg), Zn(19.6 ± 2.1 mg/kg), anthocyanin(0.774 ± 0.880 mg/g), and anti-oxidative capacity(2.071 ± 1.373 mg/g). The varieties sharing similar names had similar morphological characteristics but varied in nutritional concentration, with required confirmation in genetic variation analysis. This study found that some rice varieties with high grain quality may benefit the farmers directly or could be used in varietal improvement programs.  相似文献   

半腐解秸秆覆盖下旱作水稻对15N的吸收和分配   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
 在模拟田间条件下的水泥池(微区)内,用半腐解秸秆覆盖旱作水稻,两个水平的15N标记尿素分别作基肥、分蘖肥和穗肥施用,研究了不同时期施用的15N在水稻各部位的分配、15N的利用率和土壤 植株系统的氮素平衡。结果表明植株氮素含量中来自肥料氮的百分比(Ndff%)、水稻对15N的吸收和利用率以及15N的土壤残留率因标记肥料的施用时期和用量的不同而有很大差异。分蘖肥的15N在水稻各部位中的Ndff%最高,而作为基肥施入的15N在水稻体内的Ndff%最低。植株对氮肥利用率的最低和最高值分别为5.58%和51.53%,氮肥的土壤残留率最低和最高值分别为13.81%和29.87%。  相似文献   

陆稻主要经济性状配合力研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 为有效改良云南陆稻,选用国外半矮秆陆稻良种与云南高秆陆稻配成7×7不完全双列杂交作配合力、遗传力分析。配合力与材料有关,一般配合力(GCA)国外陆稻优于云南陆稻,国外陆稻着重选择有效穗数、结实率,云南陆稻重点选穗粒数。两类品种的特殊配合力(SCA)仅有效穗数、抽穗期、穗粒数达显著或极显著水平。用国外陆稻改良云南陆稻行之有效并得到育种实践证明;总结出低世代重点选株高、抽穗期和组合,高世代选有效穗数、穗粒数、实粒数、结实率和单株的复交、常规育种策略。同时对所用亲本作具体评价,选出一般配合力较好的亲本IRAT216、Tos2300、IRAT104和勐旺谷。就GCA、SCA对不同育种途径的作用、水陆交改良云南陆稻有效穗数的可行性进行了讨论  相似文献   

Genome-wide association study (GWAS) was performed for 16 agronomic traits including nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and yield-related components using a panel of 190 mainly japonica rice varieties and a set of 38 390 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. This panel was evaluated under rainfed upland conditions in Madagascar in two consecutive cropping seasons with two contrasted nitrogen input levels. Using another set of five grain traits, we identified previously known genes (GW5, GS3, Awn1 and Glabrous1), thus validating the pertinence and accuracy of our datasets for GWAS. A total of 369 significant associations were detected between SNPs and agronomic traits, gathered into 46 distinct haplotype groups and 28 isolated markers. Few association signals were identified for the complex quantitative trait NUE, however, larger number of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were detected for its component traits, with 10 and 2 association signals for nitrogen utilization efficiency and nitrogen uptake efficiency, respectively. Several detected association signals co-localized with genes involved in nitrogen transport or nitrogen remobilization within 100 kb. The present study thus confirmed the potential of GWAS to identify candidate genes and new loci associated with agronomic traits. However, because of the quantitative and complex nature of NUE-related traits, GWAS might have not captured a large number of QTLs with limited effects.  相似文献   

利用SSR分子标记分析云南陆稻品种遗传多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 利用24对SSR引物对云南131个陆稻品种进行遗传多样性分析。共检测到195个等位基因。每个位点的等位基因数平均为8.125个,范围在5(RM55)~13(RM218、RM241)之间;平均表观杂合度为0.0014,平均期望杂合度为0.6545;平均Shannon Weaver指数(I)为1.381;Nei基因多样性指数(H)平均为0.6543,变幅为0.2073(RM235)~0.8689(RM218)。不同地区间陆稻种质资源遗传多样性比较分析表明,滇西南和滇南地区存在丰富的遗传变异,是云南陆稻品种遗传多样性的分布中心。藏缅语族和孟 高棉语族所种植的陆稻品种遗传多样性最丰富。AMOVA分析表明陆稻的遗传变异主要存在于地区内品种间(82%),只有3%遗传变异存在于地区间,品种内的遗传变异占15%。聚类分析显示Nei遗传相似系数为0.22时,云南陆稻品种分为籼粳两个类群,主坐标分析与UPGMA聚类结果基本吻合,并将类群Ⅳ的4个偏籼品种从粳稻类群中重新划归到籼稻类群中,校正了UPGMA聚类的误差,但是不能区分地理组。  相似文献   

抗除草剂转基因水稻对稻田杂草种群的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
草铵膦作为抗除草剂转基因水稻的专用除草剂,对千金子、节节菜、陌上菜、丁香蓼、鳢肠、双穗雀稗、四叶萍和水竹叶表现出优良防效,但不能有效防治牛筋草、牛毛毡、矮慈姑、野荸荠和空心莲子草。在田间使用草铵膦可以有效防治早期出苗的无芒稗,但不能防治中后期出苗的莎草科和阔叶类杂草。与常规稻秀水11相比,转基因水稻99 1的每穗实粒数显著高于秀水11,从而获得了更高产量。转基因水稻嘉禾201与亲本丙94 02比较,对稻田主要杂草密度和生物量的影响差异不显著。转基因水稻99 1和嘉禾201对无芒稗的影响因子R显著大于化感潜力品种地谷,但与非化感品种秀水11相当,表明99 1和嘉禾201无化感竞争优势。  相似文献   

 在开花灌浆期对三个水、陆稻品种进行干旱胁迫处理。结果发现,叶片中自由水含量较高的湘粳2号(粳型水稻)在复水后细胞膜透性仍然较高,束缚水含量下降,平均减产幅度最小,表现出明显的耐旱特性。而湘中籼3号(籼型水稻)的表现相反,是不耐旱品种。陆稻品种奉爱的抗旱性明显较强,但产量较低,有待进一步改良。  相似文献   

The grain quality of 100 upland/ahu rice genotypes from Assam,India was assessed.The characteristics measured were grain length,grain width,cooked grain length,cooked grain width,grain elongation ratio after cooking,grain widening ratio after cooking,alkali spreading value,gel consistency,as well as starch,amylose,amylopectin and total soluble sugar contents.Considerable genetic variability among the 100 rice genotypes was observed for the characteristics under study.Analysis of variance revealed highly sig...  相似文献   

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