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1. Conventional or gnotobiotic chicks, when injected from 1 d to 3 weeks of age with adrenocorticotrophic hormone (120IU/kg, three times weekly), showed a depressed growth rate, adrenal hypertrophy and depletion of cholesterol form the adrenal glands. 2. Feeding a diet supplemented with aureomycin (10 mg/kg) did not have any consistent ameliorating effect on the response of the stressed bird as judged by the above parameters. 3. It was found that treating germfree chicks with five daily injections of sterile milk on days 3 to 7 did not depress growth rate at any time, nor could differences in adrenal size or cholesterol stores be detected at the end of the 21-d experimental period. The responses were not modified by feeding an aureomycin-supplemented diet.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the pharmacokinetics of penicillin G and procaine in racehorses following i.m. administration of penicillin G procaine (PGP) with pharmacokinetics following i.m. administration of penicillin G potassium and procaine hydrochloride (PH). ANIMALS: 6 healthy adult mares. PROCEDURE: Horses were treated with PGP (22,000 units of penicillin G/kg of body weight, i.m.) and with penicillin G potassium (22,000 U/kg, i.m.) and PH (1.55 mg/kg, i.m.). A minimum of 3 weeks was allowed to elapse between drug treatments. Plasma and urine penicillin G and procaine concentrations were measured by use of high-pressure liquid chromatography. RESULTS: Median elimination phase half-lives of penicillin G were 24.7 and 12.9 hours, respectively, after administration of PGP and penicillin G potassium. Plasma penicillin G concentration 24 hours after administration of penicillin G potassium and PH was not significantly different from concentration 24 hours after administration of PGP. Median elimination phase half-life of procaine following administration of PGP (15.6 hours) was significantly longer than value obtained after administration of penicillin G potassium and PH (1 hour). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that i.m. administration of penicillin G potassium will result in plasma penicillin G concentrations for 24 hours after drug administration comparable to those obtained with administration of PGP Clearance of procaine from plasma following administration of penicillin G potassium and PH was rapid, compared with clearance following administration of PGP.  相似文献   

Procaine penicillin is a commonly used antibiotic in equine medicine but its use is associated with a substantial incidence of adverse reactions. Soluble procaine concentrations were determined by HPLC in several commercially available procaine penicillin preparations, including some that were involved in adverse reactions. The mean (+/- SEM) soluble procaine concentrations in the veterinary preparations was 20.18 +/- 5.07 mg/ml, which was higher than the concentration in the only procaine penicillin preparation for use in humans in Australia of 7.3 mg/ml. Heating the veterinary procaine penicillin preparations to 50 degrees C for 1 day led to a significant (P less than 0.01) increase in the amount of soluble procaine. Heating to 50 degrees C for 7 days also produced a significant (P less than 0.02) increase. Soluble procaine tended to return to baseline concentrations when veterinary procaine penicillin preparations were heated to 50 degrees C for 2 days then stored for 7 days at room temperature. Administration of procaine HCl intravenously (IV) at 2, 5, and 10 mg/kg produced behavioural, locomotor and vascular reactions, which were clinically similar to those reported in adverse reactions to procaine penicillin. The more severe reactions occurred at higher doses, although different horses responded variably at the same dose. Some adverse reactions lead to recumbency but none were fatal. The blood procaine concentrations 1 min after IV administration averaged 19.0 +/- 12.6 and 25.3 +/- 16 micrograms/ml at 2.5 mg/kg and 5 mg/kg, respectively. Ten min after administration, blood procaine concentrations were significantly higher (P less than 0.001) in the 5 mg/kg group than in the 2.5 mg/kg group. Intramuscular (IM) procaine HCl at 5 mg/kg produced significantly lower (P less than 0.001) blood concentrations than similar IV doses, and, in contrast to the IV doses, the amount of procaine in the blood was significantly higher 5 and 10 min after administration than it was after 1 min. Mild excitatory reactions in 4/5 horses were noted 5 to 10 min after IM administration. Administration of diazepam 20 s before procaine HCl prevented the excitatory adverse reaction in 2/2 horses, but administration after the procaine did not influence the outcome.  相似文献   

Chicks were injected, from one to 21 days of age, with either L-adrenaline (500 mug/kg) or the solvent three times a week. Birds treated with adrenaline showed an imparied growth rate. Relative (mg/kg0.75), but not absolute (mg) adrenal weight was significantly increased. No changes in adrenal cholesterol content or concentration were noted.  相似文献   

杆菌肽锌在畜禽中的应用及其安全性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杆菌肽锌是一种应用广泛的饲料添加剂,可在动物初生至上市各生长阶段使用,没有上市前、产蛋和泌乳期的停药要求,也没有用药的使用期限。1 杆菌肽锌的理化性质杆菌肽锌(ZincBacitracin)由于其高效、无毒副作用、无残留、不产生抗药性及交叉耐药性等优点被广泛应用于畜禽养殖业。1 960年美国批准将杆菌肽锌用作饲料添加剂,使杆菌肽锌得到迅速发展。目前在生产中杆菌肽锌是由地衣芽孢杆菌发酵而制成。杆菌肽锌是一种多肽类畜禽专用抗生素,为淡褐色至褐色粉末,具有特殊气味,易溶于吡啶,难溶于乙醚、甲醇、丙酮和氯仿,不溶于水。杆菌肽锌可在室…  相似文献   

1. In eggs turned about 12 times daily, around the long axis of the egg and through about 180 degrees, significant increases in heart rate occurred during turning on the 15th and 17th, although not on the 16th, d of incubation. 2. On and after the 18th d heart rate increases were more marked and occurred both during and after turning. 3. When a single group of embryos was turned every day for the last 4 d of incubation there were significant increases in heart rate on the last 3 d: this repeated retesting had no effect on the response to turning.  相似文献   

1. Treating chicks, from 1 d or 5 weeks of age with ACTH three times weekly for 3 weeks depresses growth and causes adrenal hypertrophy at dose rates of 30 IU/kg or more, and depletion of adrenal cholesterol (greater than 10 IU/kg). 2. Treating chicks five times weekly at a dose rate of 30 IU/kg was as effective as a dose of 120 IU/kg three times weekly. 3. Plasma glucose and FFA concentrations of chicks treated thrice weekly with 120 IU ACTH/kg for 3 weeks were within the normal range. 4. Rhode Island Reds were more sensitive to ACTH than Light Sussex. 5. Adrenal cholesterol stores in normal chicks show significant variations with season.  相似文献   

The influence of Lactobacillus acidophilus and zinc bacitracin alone, or in combination, on the growth of broiler chickens was monitored over a period of 8 weeks. 2. The maximum improvement in body weight over the controls was 10.8% with both additives in the diet but the use of bacitracin alone induced a 9.1% improvement. 3. Food conversion was reduced by zinc bacitracin alone but was improved by the use of L. acidophilus and bacitracin in combination. 4. The combination treatment increased abdominal fat deposition in the female chickens by 31%.  相似文献   

Four concentrations of Zn bacitracin (0, 50, 100 and 150 mg/kg) added to diets of two different planes of nutrition were fed to male broiler chicks for 7 weeks. Feeding broilers Zn bacitracin significantly improved growth rate and food conversion, and increased shank pigmentation. The effects of Zn bacitracin were independent of the plane of nutrition. Regression analyses revealed that the responses of birds were linear.  相似文献   

1. Immature birds treated for 7 d with corticotrophin (30 IU/kg, one injection per day) had significantly poorer growth rates and decreased adrenal cholesterol concentrations. Plasma glucose, corticosterone and cholesterol concentrations and adrenal weight were within the normal range 24 h after the last injection.

2. The responses of birds pretreated as described above to a single injection of corticotrophin (30 IU/kg) were determined.

3. A similar degree of hyperglycaemia had developed in both groups after 2 h but thereafter the responses differed: the concentration of plasma glucose did not increase further in those pretreated with corticotrophin and had begun to decrease at 6 h, whereas that of the birds pretreated with saline increased progressively.

4. The concentrations of plasma corticosterone had increased similarly in the two groups to a peak at 2 h but there was a significantly more rapid decrease in the birds pretreated with corticotrophin.

5. Both groups showed a transient hypercholesteraemia but the increase was significant only in the group that had previously received saline.

6. There were decreases in the concentrations of adrenal cholesterol in both groups. The decrease, in absolute terms, was 2–4 times greater in the group receiving corticotrophin for the first time: percentage changes were similar, however.  相似文献   

The efficacy of intramammary treatments containing procaine penicillin G alone (treatment A) or a combination of procaine penicillin G and neomycin (treatment B) was compared in treating clinical bovine mastitis caused by gram-positive bacteria susceptible in vitro to penicillin G. Both treatments were supplemented with a single intramuscular injection of procaine penicillin G on the first day of treatment. The study was carried out using a double blind design on commercial dairy farms in Southern Finland. A total of 56 quarters were treated with treatment A and 61 with treatment B. The cure rates for both treatments were equal, which suggests that the use of the penicillin G-aminoglycoside combination does not increase the efficacy of the treatment over that achieved by using penicillin G alone in bovine clinical mastitis caused by penicillin-susceptible, gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

1. The influence of zinc bacitracin, an antibiotic growth promoter, and the combined influence of two environmental factors (8 h of darkness and access to sand) on health and welfare variables were studied in 96 broiler chickens (kept as pairs). 2. Chickens fed with zinc bacitracin (ZB) had a higher frequency of tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) and a higher frequency of dustbathing than chickens fed without zinc bacitracin. 3. When 42 d old, chickens exposed to 8 h of darkness and access to sand were heavier than chickens reared under continuous light and with no access to sand. 4. Fluctuating asymmetry was higher in the 'light/no sand' groups than in the 'night/sand + ZB' group. 5. There was a negative correlation between tonic immobility and weight and a positive correlation between weight and TD.  相似文献   

杆菌肽锌生产中杂菌污染的控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杆菌肽锌是我国近几年才开发的新型广谱抗菌素,其性能与青霉素相同。它能有效的抑制革兰氏阳性菌,如梭杆菌、葡萄球菌、链球菌等病菌,同时对部分革兰氏阴性菌也有效。杆菌肽锌主要用作畜禽饲料添加剂。用含这种添加剂的饲料喂养的畜禽可以免受疫病侵害,增重明显。杆菌肽锌这种生物抗生素的最大优点是在禽畜体内不吸收、不残留,人食用以含杆菌肽锌饲料喂养的动物肉无害,被欧美、日本等发达国家列为添加剂的首选药物,对环境无污染。   杆菌肽锌是以芽孢杆菌为菌种,玉米和豆粕为主要原料,通过生物发酵、锌络合制备的。其生产工艺…  相似文献   

The plasma penicillin concentrations were determined in 5 horses given an IV injection of sodium penicillin G; plasma penicillin concentrations were also determined in a crossover experiment, where animals were given procaine penicillin G subcutaneously at 1 site and IM at 4 sites. The mean penicillin plasma peak concentration and bioavailability were highest after the drug was injected in the neck and biceps musculature. Injections in the gluteal muscle and in the subcutaneous sites resulted in similar, but lower, more persistent penicillin plasma concentrations and a lower bioavailability than were obtained with injection in the neck and biceps musculature. The pharmacokinetic data obtained after penicillin was administered via the pectoral muscle route exhibited an intermediate position. Therapeutic implications of the routes of administration with respect to hemolytic streptococcal infections are discussed.  相似文献   

Withdrawal periods required when doses of 24,000 IU and 66,000 IU of procaine penicillin G/kg body weight were administered to yearling beef steers by intramuscular injection daily for five consecutive days were investigated. These dosages are in excess of product label recommendations, but are in the range of procaine penicillin G dosages that have been administered for the treatment of some feedlot bacterial diseases. The approved dose in Canada is 7,500 IU/kg body weight intramuscularly, once daily, with a withdrawal period of five days. Based on the tissue residue data from this study, the appropriate withdrawal period is ten days for the 24,000 IU/kg body weight dose and 21 days for the 66,000 IU/kg body weight dose when administered intramuscularly to yearling beef steers. In a related study, 18 yearling beef steers received 66,000 IU of procaine penicillin G/kg body weight administered by subcutaneous injection, an extra-label treatment in terms of both dose and route of administration, typical of current practice in some circumstances. Deposits of the drug were visible at subcutaneous injection sites up to ten days after injection, with more inflammation and hemorrhage observed than for intramuscular injections of the same dose. These results suggest that procaine penicillin G should not be administered subcutaneously at high doses; and therefore a withdrawal period was not established for subcutaneous injection.  相似文献   

Mastitis in primiparous heifers immediately postpartum can be both a significant welfare concern and a heavy economic loss. Interventions successfully researched include intramammary therapies. This study considered the clinical and practical effects of a parenteral approach to controlling clinical mastitis in heifers immediately postpartum. The objective of this field trial was to determine whether preventative treatment of heifers with a single parenteral treatment of 15 million iu micronised procaine penicillin within 12h after calving would reduce the incidence of clinical mastitis in early lactation as detected by farmers. All heifers (n=609) calving on three commercial dairy farms in New Zealand during the spring of 2006 were randomly allocated to either treatment or no treatment. Treatment (15 million iu micronised procaine penicillin) was given at the first milking following calving. All clinical mastitis was recorded. Treatment reduced the odds of having clinical mastitis within the first 7 days in milk by over half (Mantel-Haenszel adjusted OR=0.456; p=0.044); and reduced the odds of having mastitis within the first 100 days in milk by just under half (Mantel-Haenszel adjusted OR=0.518; p=0.027). Treatment had a significant effect on increasing the median days to clinical mastitis (p=0.019; beta=1.961, LCI 1.117, UCI 3.445). Preventative treatment of heifers immediately following calving with 15 million iu micronised procaine penicillin parenterally could be of benefit as part of a control programme aimed at reducing the incidence of clinical mastitis in heifers in their first lactation.  相似文献   

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