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Sentinel (FV8957-10) is a new yellow-fleshed potato cultivar that produces a high yield of attractive round to oval tubers at early harvest. Sentinel is suitable for fresh market use and chip processing. It was selected at the Lethbridge Research Centre of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, AB from a cross made at the Potato Research Centre of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, NB between breeding clones F72218 and F47024. Sentinel has erect medium-height vines and produces uniform tubers of medium-size with a light buff skin, light yellow flesh and shallow eyes. In multi-date-harvest trials, Sentinel produced similar or higher marketable yield compared to Atlantic and NorValley in southern Alberta. When harvested at 80 days after planting, Sentinel produced similar or greater yield than Superior and Conestoga at test sites across western Canada. Specific gravity of Sentinel was less than Atlantic and Conestoga but higher than NorValley and Superior, whereas chip colour was similar to Atlantic and lighter than NorValley or Superior. Sentinel showed little tendency to slough or to darken after cooking. It showed clear foliar and tuber symptoms when infected with bacterial ring rot. Sentinel is moderately susceptible to verticillium wilt, early blight, fusarium wilt and common scab and susceptible to late blight.  相似文献   

Sage Russet was released in 2009 by Oregon State University, in cooperation with the USDA-ARS and the Agricultural Experiment Stations of Idaho and Washington. It is a product of the Northwest Potato Variety (Tri-State) Development Program. Sage Russet has a medium-early maturity and produces long, somewhat flattened tubers with medium russeting of the skin. Total yields of Sage Russet are similar to those of Russet Burbank and Ranger Russet, but are significantly higher than those of Russet Norkotah. Sage Russet has significantly higher U.S. No.1 yields than Russet Burbank, Russet Norkotah, and Ranger Russet. It can be grown as an early or late crop with high U.S. No.1 yields and minimal internal defects. It achieved very high merit scores in processing and fresh market in Western Regional trials and can be considered for both markets. Sage Russet has a medium to high fertility requirements with high nitrogen use efficiency and medium storage capability. Sage Russet has moderate specific gravity and produces lighter fry color than the industry standard varieties. The color of fried strips following tuber storage at 4.4 °C and 7.2 °C is significantly lighter for Sage Russet than the control varieties, indicating good cold sweetening resistance. Chemical analyses have shown that Sage Russet has higher protein and vitamin C content than control varieties. Sage Russet is moderately resistant to early dying, early blight, and common scab, is resistant to tuber late blight, but susceptible to Fusarium wilt and is prone to shatter bruise.  相似文献   

晋阳1号是山西省农业科学院作物遗传研究所以MP1251作母本,JD101作父本杂交组配育成的杂交种.该品种在太原地区春播生育期88~90 d,山西北部特早熟区春播生育期121 d.高产稳产,一般产量7 977kg/hm2,最高可达11 092.5 kg/hm2.具有商品品质优、结实率高、植株矮、穗位低、淀粉含量高等特点.适宜于山西北部、内蒙以及与其类似的生态区种植.  相似文献   

晋阳1号是山西省农业科学院作物遗传研究所以MP1251作母本,JD101作父本杂交组配育成的杂交种。该品种在太原地区春播生育期88~90d,山西北部特早熟区春播生育期121d。高产稳产,一般产量7977kg/hm^2,最高可达11092.5kg/hm^2具有商品品质优、结实率高、植株矮、穗位低、淀粉含量高等特点。适宜于山西北部、内蒙以及与其类似的生态区种植。  相似文献   

Three studies provided additional knowledge of beneficial effects of sudangrass for yield and quality increases of the Russet Burbank potato. Two of these studies showed significant increases of both U.S. #1 and smooth tubers > 280 g following green manures of sudangrass. These sudangrass (HS-33) effects did not differ from a sorghum-sudan hybrid (Trudan-8). When a sudangrass green manure was compared with a fallow treatment, results of the first study showed mean yield increases of 36% for U.S. #1 tubers > 280 g and yields of a second study by 34% for U.S. #1 tubers. This same sudangrass treatment outperformed green manures of either Austrian winter pea, barley, or sweet corn by increased U.S. #1 yields that ranged from 27% to 61%. By several lines of evidence, these benefits were found to extend beyond the effect of Verticillium suppression. Soil N was significantly increased following green manures of sudangrass, and these increases were in turn negatively correlated with wilt incidence and positively correlated with yields of both U.S. #1 tubers and tubers > 280 g. Additional benefits also included significant increases of tuber grade percentages for marketable tubers and of smooth tubers > 280 g. Benefits from sudangrass green manures beyond the effects of Verticillium suppression became further evident following a greenhouse study that involved field soil and sudangrass that had been grown in the same field. This study corroborated both field experiments by showing increased yields with green manures of sudangrass that approximated 5.5 t ha-1 dry wt. As with the field studies, these yield benefits also extended beyond the effects of Verticillium suppression and were closely associated with significant increases ofFusarium equiseti, F. oxysporum, andF. solani. Throughout all studies, sudangrass green manures significantly increased microbial activities with increased populations ofFusarium spp. and increased concentrations in soil of mineralizable N, organic P, K, Mn, along with the percent soil organic matter -all factors that could have contributed to significant increases of yield and quality.  相似文献   

季良  彭琳 《杂粮作物》2006,26(6):399-401
早熟高油大豆新品种阿豆1号是新疆农业科学院粮食作物研究所在黑河5号的基础上,采用异地选择方法培育的优良大豆新品种;籽粒蛋白质含量37.4%(干基),脂肪含量23.4%(干基),且蛋白质含量受环境影响较大,脂肪含量与蛋白质和脂肪总量受环境影响较小。2004~2005年参加新疆大豆品种(早熟组)区域试验,平均产量3 128.55 kg/hm2,居参试品种第3位。2005年参加新疆大豆品种(早熟组)生产试验,平均产量2 884.95 kg/hm2,居参试品种第3位。该品种适宜新疆北部冷凉大豆产区春播和南部阿克苏地区复播。  相似文献   

优质高产大麻新品种皖大麻1号的选育研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
"皖大麻1号"(原名01-68)是以安徽大麻地方品种"六安寒麻"的优良变异株系后代,经过2000-2005年的连续系统选育.形成稳定的品系01-68.2006-2007年参加2年的新品系比较试验,结果表明,纤维产量3028-3258 kg/hm2,种子产量1021-1042 kg/hm2,分别比对照品种六安寒麻增产13.12-14.84%和5.92-7.09%.2008年5月31日通过安徽省非主要农作物品种审定委员会鉴定认证,命名为"皖大麻1号".  相似文献   

对广石绿大豆1号绿大豆新品种的选育经过、品种特征特性及栽培技术做以介绍。  相似文献   

Bannock Russet, a late-maturing, long russet potato cultivar, was released in 1999 by the USDA-ARS and the experiment stations of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. It is suitable for processing into french fries and other frozen products. Its attractive russeted skin and excellent culinary qualities also make it suitable for fresh market. Bannock Russet, in comparisons with Russet Burbank, has consistently produced greater U.S. No. 1 yields in trials conducted throughout southern Idaho. In other western trial sites, total yields of Bannock Russet have been comparable to or smaller than that of Russet Burbank, but its percentage of undersize and cull potatoes is consistently less. Bannock Russet is resistant to potato virus Y (PVY), Verticillium wilt, common scab, and leafroll net necrosis. It also has moderate resistance to early blight (foliar and tuber) andErwinia soft rot. With respect to other potato diseases/disorders, Bannock Russet’s level of susceptibility is similar to that of Russet Burbank; the exception being shatter bruise, with Bannock Russet displaying a greater susceptibility. Cultural management guidelines have been developed to minimize shatter bruise in Bannock Russet. Bannock Russet’s multiple disease resistances coupled with its low nitrogen requirement, make it a low-input cultivar that could significantly reduce growers’ production costs.  相似文献   

Huckleberry Gold is a purple-skin, yellow-flesh fresh market cultivar with similar culinary qualities to the market standard Yukon Gold. It has lower specific gravity, sucrose and vitamin C content, but a significantly higher level of tuber antioxidants than Yukon Gold. Notable disease resistant characteristics are Potato virus X resistance based on the presence of molecular markers for the PVX resistance genes, Nb and Rx1. In addition it also has the H1 gene present which confers resistance to the potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, which has been confirmed by bioassay to pathotype Ro1. The size profile of Huckleberry Gold is smaller than Yukon Gold, allowing a better fit into specialty markets that are geared to smaller size for fresh use. Huckleberry Gold represents the first purple-skin, yellow-flesh cultivar to come from the Northwest (Tri-State) Potato Variety Development program.  相似文献   

Elkton is a medium to medium-late maturing potato variety with tan netted-skin, round-oval tubers, and white-flesh. Average marketable yields ranged from 76 % to 113 % of Atlantic and average specific gravities ranged from ?0.002 to ?0.006 less than Atlantic depending on location. Chip color processed directly from the field in southern locations or from storage in the northern locations is equivalent to Atlantic. Elkton is resistant to internal heat necrosis and hollow heart. Color and texture ratings of Elkton following baking, boiling and microwaving have been similar to Atlantic. Elkton is moderately resistant to early blight and Verticillium wilt; moderately susceptible to foliar late blight and susceptible to tuber late blight; moderately susceptible to powdery scab; and, susceptible to potato virus Y and potato virus S. Its reaction to common scab has been inconsistent. Plant Variety Protection has been requested for Elkton.  相似文献   

川农啤麦1号原代号F0635,是四川农业大学和成都农业科技职业学院以川农大3号为母本、浙农大5号为父本进行杂交,并经系谱法选育的啤酒大麦新品种。该品种于2011年通过了四川省农作物品种审定委员会审定,审定编号为川审麦2011006,定名为川农啤麦1号。该品种具有丰产性好、品质优、抗性强、适宜机械化耕作等优点。  相似文献   

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