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For many vector-transmitted protozoal parasites, immunological control of acute infection leads to a state of persistent infection during which parasitemias may cycle unnoticed in infected but otherwise clinically healthy animals. Achieving persistent infection is a strategy that favors parasitism, since both host and, therefore, parasite survive, and endemically infected animal populations provide a reservoir of parasites continually available for subsequent transmission. Examples of the major economically important protozoan pathogens that cause persistent infection in mammals include the related Theileria and Babesia parasites as well as Trypanosoma species. Control of acute infection and maintenance of clinical immunity against subsequent infection are determined by the interplay of innate and acquired immune responses. This review will focus on approaches taken to gain an understanding of the molecular basis for innate and acquired immunity against the hemoprotozoan parasite of cattle, Babesia bovis. Knowledge of mechanisms used by the parasite to survive within infected cattle from acute to persistent infection combined with definition of the correlates of protective immunity in cattle should be applicable to designing effective vaccines.  相似文献   

Studies in New Zealand and the UK have shown that lambs grazing birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) or chicory (Cichorium intybus) have reduced parasite intensities compared to lambs grazing ryegrass swards. However, data in the literature on the influence of forages on helminth parasites is equivocal and the underlying mechanisms by which different forage diets may affect these parasites have not been fully determined. The aim of the experiments reported here was to investigate the hypothesis that the consumption of these forages does not affect the hatching and development of helminth eggs in the faeces subsequently produced by the host animal. Lambs grazed monoculture swards of birdsfoot trefoil, chicory, Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum)/red clover (Trifolium pratense) or perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)/white clover (Trifolium repens) for 5 weeks and faecal samples collected on days 14, 21, 28 and 35 directly from the rectum of each lamb were used to prepare replicate cultures for each forage type on each occasion. The experiment was repeated over two consecutive years but ryegrass/red clover was not included in Year 2. The dry matter of all faeces was made constant and the faeces were cultured at 27 degrees C for 7 days, before larvae were extracted, counted and identified according to genus or, where possible, species. Overall, the results showed that forage diet had no effect on egg hatchability but significantly affected the development/survival of infective helminth larvae in the faeces of the host animal. Furthermore, feeding birdsfoot trefoil to lambs was found to increase the percentage of helminth parasites that reached the infective stage in the subsequent faeces compared to other forages. Further work is needed to assess whether this would increase the number of larvae on birdsfoot trefoil swards overall under field conditions and to understand the implications of these findings in an applied farming system.  相似文献   

In grazing systems, heterogeneous distributions of forage resources and faeces result in localised accumulations of nutrients and parasites (both macroparasites and microparasites), creating trade-offs between the costs of exposure to infestation or infection and the benefits of nutrient intake. Each contact between livestock and faeces in the environment is a potential parasite/pathogen transmission event. Thus, herbivores must make foraging decisions in complex environments which will affect their intake of both nutrients and parasites. However, the pattern of forage and faecal resources in agricultural environments will also be affected by the grazing management system in place. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of grazing management on the risk of infection/infestation to livestock. We used a spatially explicit individual based stochastic foraging model to simulate livestock contact (both grazing and investigative) with faeces in the environment. The model was parameterised to simulate cattle grazing under three types of grazing management: set stock (i.e. where sward growth and cattle intake are in equilibrium in a single field); a two pasture rotation grazing system with increasing number of rotations; and a rotational grazing system with two rotations and increasing subdivisions of the pasture. Overall the amount of cattle contact with faecal-contaminated patches was similar in both set stocking and rotational grazing scenarios, suggesting no difference in the risk of infection or infestation between the different systems. However, the timing and absolute amounts of peak contact varied greatly indicating that different grazing management systems expose livestock to risks of different types of parasites at different times of the grazing season. Intensive rotational systems with small pasture blocks (especially the first grazing period) maximised livestock contact with fresh faeces, and thus exposure to microparasites (e.g. bacterial pathogens). Livestock re-entering pasture blocks in rotational systems and set stocked livestock had the highest contact with old faeces and thus have a greater risk of macroparasite transmission (gastrointestinal nematodes). This study highlights how livestock management affects the highly dynamic interaction between livestock and distributions of parasites in the environment and thus the levels of livestock exposure to parasites and pathogens via the faecal–oral route.  相似文献   

In the studies previously reported, the tick-borne protozoan parasites Theileria lestoquardi and Theileria annulata were shown to differ in their capacity to infect sheep and cattle. In the studies presented here, these findings were further supported. In vitro infectivity of T. lestoquardi and T. annulata sporozoites for peripheral blood mononuclear cells of sheep and cattle were determined by analysis of cell cultures for cell proliferation, the detection of parasites in Giemsa-stained cytospin smears and the establishment of continuously growing schizont-infected cell lines. In the same way, the development of schizont-infected cells into continuously growing cell lines was studied with material isolated ex vivo from the sheep and cattle undergoing primary infections described elsewhere. Comparisons were also made between development of ex vivo cell lines from animals undergoing primary infections with those of the animals undergoing challenge infection with the other parasite species. Theileria species specific primers were used in a PCR to determine the identity of the parasites in the cell lines. These in vitro studies confirmed earlier observations that T. lestoquardi was unable to infect cattle, whereas infection of all sheep with T. annulata was proven. Moreover, earlier indications of the development of partial cross-immunity in sheep of T. annulata to T. lestoquardi and vice versa were strengthened. These findings may thus have consequences for the understanding of the epidemiology of T. lestoquardi infections of sheep. On the other hand. since piroplasms were not demonstrated in sheep infected with T. annulata, such sheep will not be infective to ticks and will consequently be unlikely to play a role in the maintenance and transmission of T. annulata to cattle.  相似文献   

对分离自我甘肃中部地区土种黄牛体的泰勒虫未定种作了鉴定。与环形泰勒虫(T.annulata)、瑟氏泰勒虫(T.sergenti)、小泰勒虫(T.parva)、突变泰勒虫(T.mutans)、斑羚泰勒虫(T.tautotragi)、附膜泰勒虫(T.velifera)、水牛泰勒虫(T.buffeli)作了形态学上的比较研究,观察到该未定种除了泰勒虫所共有形态外,还有其它泰勒虫所没有的且难以描述的特异形态,尤其对染虫率高峰期,特异形态占虫体总数的20%左右。该种还具有出芽增殖的特性,可在除脾牛体内大量繁殖,染虫率可达52.69%的高峰,试验感染牛出现高烧、极度贫血、精神沉郁、食欲不振等临床症状,导致个别牛只死亡,剖检观察到某些脏器有严重病变,表明具有一定的致病力。媒介蜱尚不清楚,但已证实,在我国传播家畜泰勒虫和巴贝斯虫的7种媒介蜱对该种无传播能力。传统分类学研究结果表明,该种不同于已知牛泰勒虫有效种,系一新种。由于这一新种首次在中国分离到,因而被命名为中华泰勒虫(Theileria sinensis sp.nov.)(梨形虫亚目:泰勒虫科)。  相似文献   

放牧家畜的采食量和对不同牧草的选食性是制定草地放牧管理的基本参数。本研究选取内蒙古典型草原,在相同放牧强度下比较绵羊、山羊和牛的采食量及牧草选择性。结果表明:在相同放牧强度下,夏秋季节放牧牛的平均日采食量为9.64 kg·(头·天)-1,喜食大针茅、黄囊苔草和一些非优势种牧草(选食系数1 < SI≤1.5),而对羊草和糙隐子草表现为可食(0.5 < SI≤1);绵羊的平均日采食量为1.87 kg·(头·天)-1,喜食羊草、黄囊苔草和其它非优势种牧草(1 < SI≤1.5),而对大针茅和糙隐子草表现为可食(0.5 < SI≤1);山羊的日均采食量为1.65 kg·(头·天)-1,嗜食其它非优势种牧草(SI>1.5),喜食黄囊苔草和糙隐子草(1 < SI≤1.5),而对羊草和大针茅表现为可食(0.5 < SI≤1)。本研究意味着不同家畜或多种家畜混牧可更高效的利用草地资源,如放牧绵羊和牛可能分别减少羊草和针茅在草地中的丰度,因而采用不同家畜放牧或多种家畜混牧有利于草地的可持续利用。  相似文献   

The Leliefontein communal area in Namaqualand is grazed by mixed species herds that have multiple benefits for pastoralists. This study assessed how the management (herding and free-ranging) of different livestock herds affects their feeding ecology during the wet and dry seasons in a semi-arid shrubland. By using direct observations of livestock grazing in the field, we established their habitat preferences, diet selection and resources overlap. Results indicate that all free-ranging livestock can be considered grazers with cattle being selective. When sheep are herded, they tend to be more generalist feeders and herded goats are browsers. Livestock diet selection and forage preferences are largely linked to the habitats in which they graze and browse. Dietary overlap is highest between free-ranging livestock irrespective of season, whereas herded livestock are able to consume a food source with little potential competition from other livestock. Although the wet-season annual forage resources are able to sustain the livestock population in Leliefontein, this study concludes that the overdependence on annual vegetation would make livestock vulnerable during drought periods when forage production is low.  相似文献   

The complete diet system involves processing the ingredients of cattle diets into a well-mixed blend to which the cattle are given free access. Mixing the diet in this way has often been shown to increase daily intake and to increase the solids content of the milk of cows, although total milk production may not be increased.The necessity for varying forage:concentrate ratio with stage of production in cows is examined in relation to complete diets and for the feeding of separate ingredients. The evidence so far suggests that, where the basic forage is of good quality, there seems little justification for varying diet composition with the consequent necessity for grouping the cows.Specifications are outlined for computer formulation of complete diets showing the main aspects which require further clarification, notably roughage characteristics, protein degradability, amino acid composition of rumen undegradable protein and intake characteristics of mixed feeds.Advantages for complete diets appear to be simplicity of management and full mechanisation, coupled with economy of feeding space, safety and flexibility for inclusion of a wide range of ingredients. Disadvantages, as with most mechanisation, include high capital cost and risks of mechanical breakdown.Future developments envisaged include the use of low forage, straw-based diets for arid areas where the provision of conventional forage is costly.  相似文献   



Methane (CH4) emissions in cattle are an undesirable end product of rumen methanogenic fermentative activity as they are associated not only with negative environmental impacts but also with reduced host feed efficiency. The aim of this study was to quantify total and specific rumen microbial methanogenic populations in beef cattle divergently selected for residual feed intake (RFI) while offered (i) a low energy high forage (HF) diet followed by (ii) a high energy low forage (LF) diet. Ruminal fluid was collected from 14 high (H) and 14 low (L) RFI animals across both dietary periods. Quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis was conducted to quantify the abundance of total and specific rumen methanogenic microbes. Spearman correlation analysis was used to investigate the association between the relative abundance of methanogens and animal performance, rumen fermentation variables and diet digestibility.


Abundance of methanogens, did not differ between RFI phenotypes. However, relative abundance of total and specific methanogen species was affected (P < 0.05) by diet type, with greater abundance observed while animals were offered the LF compared to the HF diet.


These findings suggest that differences in abundance of specific rumen methanogen species may not contribute to variation in CH4 emissions between efficient and inefficient animals, however dietary manipulation can influence the abundance of total and specific methanogen species.  相似文献   

Organic and other non-intensive animal production systems are of growing importance in several countries worldwide. In contrast to conventional farms, parasite control on organic farms is affected by several of the prescribed changes in management e.g. access to the outdoors in the summer and in most countries, a ban on preventive medication, including use of anti-parasiticides. Organic animal production relies heavily on grazing, and pasture or soil related parasites are thus of major importance. Several studies in northern temperate climate have indicated that outdoor production of pigs, primarily sows, and laying hens results in heavier and more prevalent helminth infections compared to conventional intensive production under indoor conditions. In organic dairy cattle, parasitic gastroenteritis in heifers may be more prevalent. In a short to medium term perspective, integrated control may combine grazing management with biological control using nematophagous micro-fungi, selected crops like tanniferous plants and on conventional farms, limited use of anti-parasiticides. At present, the non-chemotherapeutic control of pasture related infections is based mainly on grazing management strategies. Preventive strategies, where young, previously unexposed stock, are turned out on parasite-free pastures, can be used for grazing first season dairy heifers and in all-in-all-out poultry production. Evasive strategies aim at avoiding disease producing infections of a contaminated area by moving to a clean area and may be relevant for ruminants and pigs. In cattle, effective control of nematodes can be achieved by repeated moves of the herd or alternate grazing with other species. High stocking rates seem to be an important risk factor. In pig production, the effect of paddock rotation on parasite infections is largely unknown and studies are warranted. Control of nematodes by larvae-trapping fungi, or perhaps in the future by egg-destroying fungi, looks promising for ruminants and certain monogastric animals but delivery systems and practical dosing regimes integrated with grazing management have to be developed. In conclusion, good prospects are expected for acceptable parasite control without a heavy reliance on anti-parasiticides through integration of the above mentioned procedures but future studies are needed to confirm their efficacy under practical farming conditions.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the cattle industry has experienced practically a full circle. With the promising beef prices in the early 1970s, with the glut of grain and a generous assist from government incentive programs, the forage acreage and cattle population have increased at a record rate. By 1974, the tide began to turn — grain prices went up sharply and beef prices became sluggish — and by 1976 a major crisis faced the producers. The cattle industry which had been developing on a cheap grain economy was now obliged to rely more on forage for its survival. Unfortunately, the forage was not existent and the only salvation of the industry was the gift of Providence — weather patterns that provided ample moisture conditions and above normal forage crops, the utilization of cereals and the intervention of government cow-calf support programs.Over the past year, the cycle was completed and record beef prices again prevail. The barley bins are full again and the cattlemen are gearing up for a few fat years. Demands for forage seed are brisk and the seeding down of forage acreage is bound to increase substantially over the next few years. And with this increase, cattle population expansion is bound to follow: how much expansion can the economy support? The production cost factors will determine the extent, but one can almost be certain that any expansion will either be modest or of short duration. At least, it should be.If the cattle industry is to establish solid foundations, it cannot be dependent upon the instability of a grain surplus-shortage position. With the present resources and the potential for developing it in direct competition with other crops, one can only expect a small and steady expansion over a long time span. One must agree with the range researchers and specialists of the Canada Research Stations at Lethbridge and Swift Current that pasture and range will continue to be the limiting factors of cattle expansion as they have been for the past 50 years. It is interesting to note that in the Prairie Provinces at least, the number of livestock raised each year has not changed since 1930 although cattle have largely replaced the horses.It is easy to speculate on paper that Canada can double in the next 20 years its forage and cattle production on its large expanses of land on the fringes of the agriculturally settled areas. It is true that these lands, while marginal for cash crops, could produce excellent forage. But at what cost? And what kind of pasture could we grow on them?It is easy to speculate that our livestock geneticists can breed a ruminant-type animal that will feed on poplar saplings and poplar leaves, or develop a new breed of cattle with buffalo vigor that will thrive in the extreme north. But looking at the musk-ox experience in the Northwest Territories and the history of the Wood Buffalo National Park leaves little room for optimism.The present generation is not likely to see in its lifetime the cattle population go beyond the 20 million mark. We can look, however, with good assurance on the present cattle numbers remaining stable and can look forward to gradual increase brought about by normal improvement in both forage and cattle management.Hopefully, both the cattle producer and the veterinarian will be able to reap the benefits of this most important segment of Canada''s agricultural industry.  相似文献   

It is increasingly being recognized that non-chemical parasite control strategies may need to be combined to control more effectively gastrointestinal parasitism, result in resilient production systems and reduce reliance on anthelmintics. Here, we consider if and how metabolizable protein (MP) supplementation and anti-parasitic plant secondary metabolites (PSM) may modulate parasite epidemiology through intervention in pasture contamination, development of infection on pasture and larval challenge as target processes. We then propose that combining two or more non-chemical parasite control strategies may have additive effects on host resistance, especially if the individual strategies target different drivers of parasite epidemiology, different processes in the parasite life cycle or different phases of acquired immunity to parasites. This epidemiological framework is used to review recent findings on combining maternal MP supplementation and grazing the PSM-rich bioactive forage chicory as an example of combining nutritional treatments to manipulate parasite epidemiology in a temperate production system. In the absence of available data for combined nutritional strategies in tropical production systems, we make predictions on the consequences of combining such strategies in these systems. We conclude that currently published studies on combining nutritional strategies under temperate conditions show potential to improve additively host resilience and reduce reliance on anthelmintics; however, effects on epidemiology have to date not shown the additive results hypothesized. The framework developed may assist further in evaluating combined (nutritional) strategies to manipulate parasite epidemiology.  相似文献   

Management strategies designed to improve grazing animal performance can influence feedlot performance and carcass traits both positively and negatively. In spite of the economic relevance of potential interactions between grazing and finishing performance, controlled experiments evaluating integrated production systems are limited in number. Effects of grazing treatments can result from, or be overshadowed by, changes in gut fill, thus making it difficult to assign precise costs to different phases of production. Published reports have considered the effects of stocking rate, duration of grazing, forage characteristics, supplementation, and growth-promoting implants on subsequent finishing performance. Improvements in cattle performance attributed to changes in stocking rate generally have been neutral to positive with respect to effects on finishing performance. Comparisons among forages have led to the suggestion that forage species may contribute to differences in gastrointestinal fill of grazing cattle, thereby influencing gain and efficiency during the subsequent finishing phase. Creep-feeding suckling calves generally has increased preweaning performance but has had relatively little influence on performance during the subsequent finishing phase. Grain supplementation of stocker cattle during the grazing period has improved grazing performance, but effects on subsequent feedlot performance have been inconsistent. Potential carryover effects from protein and mineral supplementation also have been inconclusive. Lack of congruence among studies is puzzling but may be the consequence of highly varied production systems, differences in experimental procedures, and changes in gut fill or mass of internal organs. Based on the studies reviewed, the expression or absence of compensatory growth during the finishing phase appears to be related to the nutritional quality of forages utilized in the grazing period, with higher quality forages tending to yield greater compensatory effects. The bulk of evidence with suckling cattle and stocker implants suggests that effects on subsequent finishing performance are minimal. Attention is drawn to the noticeable lack of research pertaining to integrated production systems. A more thorough understanding of the interactions among grazing nutrition and management, finishing performance, and carcass traits is needed to facilitate greater economic exploitation of these relationships.  相似文献   

Infection with the protozoan parasite Neospora caninum is thought to be a major cause of reproductive failure in cattle worldwide. Cattle infected with the parasite are three to seven times more likely to abort compared to uninfected cattle. The parasite may be transmitted to cattle through the ingestion of oocysts that are shed in the faeces of acutely infected dogs (definitive host of N. caninum) or by congenital infection from mother to foetus via the placenta. Interestingly, transplacental transmission can occur over consecutive pregnancies and congenitally infected heifers can transmit the parasite to their own offspring. This repeated vertical transmission observed in naturally infected cattle suggests that cattle do not easily develop effective immunity to the parasite, presenting a significant challenge to the development of a control strategy based on vaccination. Neosporosis is a disease of pregnancy and studying the bovine maternal and foetal immune responses during pregnancy will help us to understand the change in the balance between the parasite and the host that may result in disease of the foetus. Studies in non-pregnant cattle and in murine models of infection have shown the importance of T-helper 1-type immune responses involving pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IFNgamma and IL-12, in limiting intracellular multiplication of the parasite. During pregnancy, changes occur in the immune system allowing the mother to accept the foetal allograft. Research in other species has stressed the crucial role of T-helper 2-type cytokines at the materno-foetal interface in maintaining the pregnancy and regulating the potentially damaging effect of Th-1 responses. Studies in cattle have shown that cell proliferation and IFNgamma responses may be significantly down-regulated around mid-gestation. This may mean that cattle are less able to cope with N. caninum infection at this time and are more likely to transmit the parasite to the foetus. Another important factor is the gestational age and hence immuno-competence of the foetus at the time of infection. Early in gestation, N. caninum infection of the placenta and subsequently the foetus usually proves fatal, whereas infection occurring in mid to late pregnancy may result in the birth of a congenitally infected but otherwise healthy calf. Studies of foetal immune responses have shown that at 14 weeks of gestation, lymphocytes only respond to mitogen, while by 24 weeks (mid-gestation), they respond to antigen by proliferating and releasing IFNgamma. Clearly, there are several factors influencing the outcome of N. caninum infection in pregnancy: the timing, quantity and duration of parasitaemia, the effectiveness of the maternal immune response and the ability of the foetus to mount an immune response against the parasite. The challenge is to design a vaccine that will prevent foetal infection by N. caninum. This is likely to involve a fine balancing act with the immune system that will allow intervention in a manner that will tip the host-parasite balance in favour of the host without compromising the pregnancy.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, sporozoite stabilates of a Theileria lestoquardi (Lahr) and a T. annulata (Ankara) stock prepared from Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum ticks, were used to examine the infectivity of both parasite species for sheep and cattle and to study the development of cross-immunity between these parasite species. In the first experiment sheep and cattle were inoculated with T. lestoquardi sporozoites. Surviving animals and naive sheep and cattle were, in the second experiment, inoculated with T. annulata. In the third experiment, naive sheep and sheep previously infected with T. annulata, were inoculated with T. lestoquardi. The following responses to inoculations were monitored: clinical and haematological signs of infection, appearance of parasitic stages of the parasites in lymph node biopsies and in peripheral blood and serological response to T. lestoquardi and T. annulata schizont antigens. While T. lestoquardi readily infected sheep and caused severe disease, it did not infect cattle. On the other hand, T. annulata infected both cattle and sheep. However, whereas cattle became severely affected, infected sheep showed mild clinical symptoms only and piroplasms did not develop. Despite their different behaviour in the host species examined, cross-immunity studies suggested that the parasite species are very closely related. Experiments in sheep indicated that T. lestoquardi infection protected against subsequent T. annulata infection. On the other hand, recovery from T. annulata infection did not prevent infection by sporozoites of T. lestoquardi, resulting in the establishment of schizonts and their subsequent development into piroplasms, although it protected against the major clinical effects of T. lestoquardi infection.  相似文献   

Parasite-free pastures would improve cattle health and performance, resulting in possible economic return to producers. Our objective was to determine the effect of a single series of anthelmintic treatment of steers prior to stocking on Coastal bermudagrass pastures, during five consecutive summers, on the parasite burden in cattle. The site for this experiment had been conventionally cropped for several decades, with no exposure to cattle, and would be expected to be relatively free of nematode larvae. The experimental design was a randomized complete block (landscape features) with a split plot arrangement of treatments where main plots were pasture fertilization treatments (mineral, clover plus mineral, and broiler litter) and split plots were low and high forage mass. Anthelmintic treatment included pour-on ivermectin on day -21, albendazole on day -7, and injectable ivermectin 48 h prior to stocking of pastures, with the cattle remaining in drylot during the 48-h period prior to being placed on the experimental paddocks. All steers received only one series of treatments during any given year. Yearling Angus steers (Bos taurus) were managed in a put-and-take grazing system with three "tester" steers assigned to each paddock and "grazer" steers added or removed at 28-day intervals. From 1994 to 1998, steers grazed the paddocks for a 140-day period from mid May until early October each year. Fecal samples for worm egg counts were obtained on day 0 and at 28-day intervals, thereafter. On all sampling days after day 0, samples were obtained only from tester animals. Over the 5-year period, the mean eggs per gram of feces (epg) gradually increased from 0 (following treatment) to a mean of 2.2 (range from 0.7 to 3.0) by the end of the grazing season (the last sampling date) in October. Although the epg were not zero, they were below threshold levels that would allow development of a parasite burden in cattle. In traditional management systems, cattle graze parasite-contaminated pastures; therefore, parasites negatively impact growth and productivity throughout the entire grazing period. Periodic anthelmintic treatments simply give a temporary reprieve from those parasitic infections. Conceptually, using the current grazing system, it should be possible to maintain these pastures in a parasite-free status indefinitely; however, from a drug resistance perspective, it would be most applicable in sod-based rotation systems where cattle graze from two to five years before land is returned to row-crops. By removing the effect of parasites, cattle can grow without the physiological constraints that gastrointestinal parasites place on appetite, digestion, nutrient utilization, and general well being.  相似文献   

The effects of management practices on the spread and impact of parasites and infectious diseases in wildlife and domestic animals are of increasing concern worldwide, particularly in cases where management of wild species can influence disease spill-over into domestic animals. In the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, USA, winter supplemental feeding of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) may enhance parasite and disease transmission by aggregating elk on feedgrounds. In this study, we tested the effect of supplemental feeding on gastrointestinal parasite infection in elk by comparing fecal egg/oocyst counts of fed and unfed elk. We collected fecal samples from fed and unfed elk at feedground and control sites from January to April 2006, and screened all samples for parasites. Six different parasite types were identified, and 48.7% of samples were infected with at least one parasite. Gastrointestinal (GI) nematodes (Nematoda: Strongylida), Trichuris spp., and coccidia were the most common parasites observed. For all three of these parasites, fecal egg/oocyst counts increased from January to April. Supplementally fed elk had significantly higher GI nematode egg counts than unfed elk in January and February, but significantly lower counts in April. These patterns suggest that supplemental feeding may both increase exposure and decrease susceptibility of elk to GI nematodes, resulting in differences in temporal patterns of egg shedding between fed and unfed elk.  相似文献   

The larval stage (syn Cysticercus bovis) of the human tapeworm Taenia saginata causes cysticercosis in cattle, which has both aesthetic and food safety implications to consumers of beef. A monoclonal antibody-based immunohistochemical (IHC) assay developed to improve postmortem diagnosis of this parasite and a standard histological method were assessed to determine their fitness for intended use. Sections from 169 known-positive specimens of T. saginata from experimentally or naturally infected cattle, and from 30 known-negative specimens and lesions of various etiologies from non-infected cattle, were tested. The IHC assay identified significantly more known positive bovine cysticerci than the histological method (91.7% and 38.5%, respectively). Positive IHC staining occurred on sections from other cestode species, but should not affect the diagnostic specificity of this assay for bovine cysticercosis, due to the different host and/or tissue preferences amongst these parasites. Use of the IHC assay should improve the reliability of diagnosing lesions caused by degenerated cysticerci, facilitating more effective and efficient control of bovine cysticercosis.  相似文献   

Feeding trials were conducted with 428 forages in three forage classes (C3 grasses, legumes, C4 grasses) fed ad libitum to sheep and with 170 forages fed to cattle over a 20-yr period. Of this total, 153 forages were fed concurrently to sheep and cattle. Where the same forages were fed, mean dry matter digestibility (DMD) and dry matter intake (DMI) were lower (P less than .01) for sheep than for cattle, with significant effects of forage class. With the main population of forages, the regression of DMI on DMD was positive and curvilinear (P less than .01) for sheep, with no effect of forage class, and positive and linear (P less than .0001) for cattle, with a significant effect of class. For all forages, correlations between DMI and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) concentration were -.57 for sheep and -.41 for cattle; regressions differed (P less than .05) with class and animal species. Correlations of DMD with NDF and acid detergent fiber (ADF) concentrations were -.45 and -.59 (P less than .01), respectively, for sheep, and -.32 and -.39 (P less than .01) for cattle; again, regressions differed significantly with class and animal species. Within forage class, regressions of DMD and DMI on fiber components generally were linear. Intake of NDF (NDFI) was related to NDF percentage for all forages by a quadratic regression, with significant differences due to animal species and forage class. Results indicate that relationships between DMD, DMI and fiber fractions differ between forage classes and animal species, that C4 grasses are consumed at levels higher than would be expected from their DMD and fiber concentrations and that ruminants increase NDFI in response to higher NDF concentrations in the forage.  相似文献   

Nematode parasites have been a major factor limiting sheep production in New Zealand for more than 100 years. Twenty-nine species of nematodes were unintentionally introduced with sheep into New Zealand, but it is principally species of Haemonchus, Ostertagia, Trichostrongylus, Nematodirus and Cooperia that are associated with production losses and clinical disease. The seasonal dynamics of nematode infection are the consequence of complex inter-relationships between the sheep, their husbandry and the prevailing climate. The patterns of pasture contamination by nematode eggs and then larvae and the subsequent levels of infection in ewes and lambs are broadly similar throughout New Zealand. Numbers of infective larvae on pasture build up over summer to a peak in autumn/early winter with, in some years, a spring peak derived from the parturient rise in faecal nematode egg counts (FEC), expressed in eggs per gram of faeces (epg), in lactating ewes. The immune capability of lambs is initially low but increases with the magnitude and duration of exposure to infection. Once significant immunity has developed (usually by 10-12 months of age), sheep are capable of markedly restricting parasite infection, except during times of disease, malnutrition or stress. For the effective control of nematode parasites, farmers have come to rely almost exclusively on broad-spectrum anthelmintics. However, issues relating to resistance, residues and eco-toxicity increasingly threaten the sustainability of chemotherapy. In order to maintain present levels of parasite control and productivity in the long term, farmers need to integrate management practices aimed at minimising animal exposure to parasites with reduced reliance on anthelmintics.  相似文献   

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