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防治竹缕舟蛾、竹篦舟蛾的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
最近几年,桂林地区的灵川、兴安、资源县的毛竹林区大面积发生竹缕舟蛾、竹篦舟蛾的严重危害,严重为害的程度不下于本地的黄脊竹蝗。能使成片竹林枯黄,影响下年出笋和竹材质量。据不完全统计,1988年灵川、兴安、资源三县三代累计发生总面积6万多亩,严重吃光竹叶面积0.9万亩。造成经济损失数百万元。预计这些地区虫害发生面积将进一步扩大。  相似文献   

榆掌舟蛾Phaler fuscescens Bulter能严重危害榆树,在河北省邯郸地区一年发生1代,8月中下旬为危害盛期。灰喜鹊、青蛙、竹缕舟蛾啮小蜂等天敌对该虫有一定的控制作用,用40%的氧化乐果、50%的甲胺磷、磷胺200倍液喷雾防治,效果显著。  相似文献   

竹篦舟蛾是危害竹林的主要害虫之一,2008年在株洲县首次暴发成灾。本文对竹篦舟蛾的生活习性、发生发展规律和防治方法进行了试验研究。结果表明,竹篦舟蛾在株洲县1年发生3代;危害以7—8月最为严重;在防治中,应以营林措施和生物防治为主。在成虫高发期内,用频振式杀虫灯诱杀成虫,可减少下代幼虫密度;危害严重时,用药剂防治。  相似文献   

对杨扇舟蛾人工饲养进行了观察及野外调查,分析了杨扇舟蛾的形态特征、危害症状以及发生规律,摸清了杨扇舟蛾各代、各虫态的发育周期、越冬代成虫的平均产卵量、平均遗孵卵及平均孵化率等重要数据,为准确做好预测预报,更好地制定科学防治措施提供参考。  相似文献   

1993年桃江县等地大面积爆发了以竹镂舟蛾(竹青虫)为主,兼有竹篦舟蛾、竹箩舟蛾、竹拟皮舟蛾等竹舟蛾害虫发生。我们采用烟剂熏烟、烟雾机放烟、竹胶注射化学农药防治竹舟蛾幼虫,有效控制了竹青虫的危害。其防治技术介绍如下:1、采用烟剂黑烟法。竹林密度每亩120株以上的山窝、山谷处,每亩用林丹烟剂1公斤加敌敌畏50克。或敌杀死8毫升,在气温逆增的傍晚或清晨熏烟,12小时后的防治效果可达81%,3龄以下幼虫死亡率达97%。2、采用烟雾机放烟法。成片竹林用10公斤柴油配4.5公斤甲胺磷、1900毫升敌杀死,防治100亩。在晴天无风晚上放…  相似文献   

通过对绥宁县楠竹虫害的持续调查与分析,并对发生状况作了简要阐述,总结出了相应的防治对策与措施,以期对防治楠竹虫害有理论与现实的指导意义。结果表明:绥宁县楠竹虫害主要有黄脊竹蝗、竹异缕舟蛾、灰顶竹毒蛾、竹长尾小蜂、竹笋禾夜蛾五种,其中黄脊竹蝗、竹异缕舟蛾、灰顶竹毒蛾危害严重,竹长尾小蜂、竹笋禾夜蛾存在潜在危害;需要政府加大扶持力度和建立科学的防治体系。  相似文献   

以桃江县武潭镇2014年放烟防治竹镂舟蛾为例,从施药前的虫情调查、施药前的准备、放烟施药、烟雾机故障排除和保养以及放烟施药的速度与效果等方面对丘陵区竹镂舟蛾烟雾机放烟防治技术进行了阐述。  相似文献   

文章依据FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization)规定的有害生物风险性分析方法,对竹蓖舟蛾(Besaia goddrica)在广东省的分布、潜在危害性、受害寄主的经济重要性、传播扩散的可能性及危险性管理难度5个方面进行了定性、定量分析,并对竹蓖舟蛾在广东省的危险性作出综合评价.结果表明,竹蓖舟蛾在广东省的综合风险值R为1.74,属于中度危险的林业有害生物.  相似文献   

正竹篦舟蛾与刚竹毒蛾是竹林主要的食叶害虫。它们经常把竹子的叶片吃光,影响竹子生长。竹篦舟蛾竹篦舟蛾是竹林常见的一种害虫。它主要危害毛竹、刚竹、水竹、青皮竹、撑篙竹等20多种竹子。幼虫一生可取食竹叶340~450平方厘米,大龄幼虫取食叶量约占一生总食量的80%。竹篦舟蛾虫幼小时的危害难以发现,一经发现已是虫口密度很高时,一个星期之内可以把整片竹林吃光,可谓防不胜防。竹林严重被害后,重者竹株枯死,轻者下年新竹数量减少,眉径降低。  相似文献   

竹镂舟蛾无公害防治技术研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了探索竹镂舟蛾的无公害防治方法和措施,使用森得保粉剂、苦参.烟碱烟剂和高渗苯氧威烟雾剂进行防治试验,防治效果均可达80%以上,可在竹镂舟蛾危害时应用。  相似文献   

本文以湖南省常德市36年来黄脊竹蝗的发生面积为依据,先运用波谱分析法确定了其发生周期,再用马尔柯夫链法预测了其未来的发生状态。结果表明,黄脊竹蝗的大、小发生周期分别为17年和9年,与实际情况基本相符;1989年发生状态为较重灾害,也与实际情况相吻合。说明此种方法基本可靠,可作为制定防治决策的依据。  相似文献   

Historical data of defoliation and population density were examined to determine whether a sustained outbreak of balsam fir sawfly (Neodiprion abietis Harris) in western Newfoundland, Canada is unprecedented in severity and duration. Results indicate that the current outbreak departs substantially from historical trends, covering a surface area twice the sum of all infestations occurring in the preceding 50 years. The current outbreak is also of longer duration due to a northward expansion of the range usually subjected to severe defoliation by this insect. Time-series analysis indicates that balsam fir sawfly dynamics have a strong second-order component, providing testable hypotheses for future studies investigating the factors responsible for population fluctuations.  相似文献   

介绍了泥石流爆发的各种影响因素和泥石流预测基本原理,为提高预测的准确性与快速性,将免疫骤类算法与径向基函数结合,建立了泥石流预测的IRBF神经网络模型,并与BP网络预测模型和常规RBF网络预测模型进行了对比模拟实验。实验表明IRBF神经网络具有更高的预测准确性和更短的训练时间,该方法用于泥石流预测有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

杉木炭疽病发生的预测模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用数量化理论I原理建立杉木炭疽病发生的预测模型,结果表明,杉木炭疽病发病率同海拔、坡向、坡位、土层厚度、林龄和质地有大或较大的相关;杉木炭疽病感染指数同坡向、坡位、海拔、质地、紧密度和土层厚度有大或较大的相关。  相似文献   

本文探讨将拓扑预测方法应用于害虫种群动态的长期预报中,以马尾松毛虫为实例,进行了研究。研究结果表明:拓扑预测不仅能得出害虫种群的长期动态趋势,进行长期预报,而且拓扑预测图显示了未来的害虫猖獗周期及发展过程,具有一定的理论意义和实际应用价值。  相似文献   

日本松干蚧发生期预测预报方法的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过5年的日本松干蚧发生期系统观测资料,运用数理统计方法,计算出日本松干蚧同一虫态和不同虫态的理论期距值和平均数标准差。结合生产防治,建立了固定若虫期一元回归预测式。方法简便,可操作性强  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):155-164
Over recent years the application of near infra-red (NIR) spectroscopy to the prediction of wood properties has been demonstrated in many proof-of-concept studies. Previous work has demonstrated that NIR measurements can be used to predict basic density from woodmeal, chainsaw dust and solid wood, as well as microfibril angle and modulus of elasticity in solid samples. For over a decade, the prediction of Kraft pulp yield (KPY) has been a constant research focus, and numerous small studies have demonstrated this potential. However, because of the cost of obtaining calibration samples with known KPY, sample numbers are typically less than 100. While the potential for NIR prediction of KPY is well recognised, the shift to routine commercial use has not occurred. There still remains considerable scepticism in the research and industry communities about the use of NIR. Concern is typically expressed in two areas: (1) the consistency, accuracy and precision of predictions and (2) the need to prepare a separate calibration for each site and/or species group. To elevate NIR from proof-of-concept to a pilot scale, a large multisite, multispecies calibration was developed over iterative cycles to: (1) determine whether KPY in eucalypts can be predicted from a single calibration independent of site and species, and (2) identify the potential limits of accuracy and precision. This paper reports the results of the first seven testing cycles. The NIR calibration was expanded from an initial sample set of 104 mixed eucalypt samples to over 720 samples covering more than 40 species from predominantly temperate sites across Australia. The performance of the final calibration using two independent and contrasting data sets showed that a multisite and multispecies calibration is feasible. The expected potential accuracy and precision that can be expected from NIR predictions is discussed.  相似文献   

In 1991, in Daxingan Mountain, an outbreak of larch caterpillar (Dendrolimus superans Butler) happened on large areas of more than one million hectares, where stands of larch were seriously damaged because needles on the trees were almost eaten up by the pest, causing enormous economic losses. Analysis of data collected indicated that the main cause of the outbreak of larch caterpillar on large areas was that, after thirty years of exploitation, mature and overmature forests decreased rapidly, middle-aged and young forests incresed in large amount, significant changes occurred in individual ecological conditions of stands, especially those tended, with decreasing canopy density and better light condition in the forest, and all these were adventageous to the outbreak of the pest. In addition, in recent years, the climatic condition in Daxingan Mountain changed significantly. The yearly average temperature raised gradually and the soil surface temperature in April and October increased year by year, which were advantageous to the outbreak of larch caterpillars. In short, the significant changes in the ecological conditions in Daxingan Mountain provided suitable conditions for the outbreak of the larch caberpillar, and after several years of increase in population number, the larch caterpillar outbroke into a serious disaster on vast areas. In the paper, composite control strategy was also discussed.  相似文献   

Inl99o,intheDaxinganMountainfOrestregion,anoutbreakoflarchcaterpil1aroccurredona1argeareaofmorethanonemillionh.2,mainlydistributinginEighteenthStationForestryService,HumaCounty,HanjiayuanForestryServiceandotherForestryServices'Song1ing,Tahe,andAmuer.Duringl99o-l992,wesystematicallysurveyedthesituationoftheoutbreakofthelarchcaterpil1arandc0ntr0llingmeasuresweretaken,sothatitsdamagewaseffective1yc0ntrol1ed.THESITUATIONOFTHE0UTBREAK0FLARCHCATERPILLARINDAXINGANM0UNTAIN…  相似文献   

Compression wood is formed by the living tree to compensate for external loads. It creates wood fibers with properties undesirable in sawn products. Automatic detection of compression wood can lead to production advantages. A wood surface was scanned with a spectrometer, and compression wood was detected by analyzing the spectral composition of light reflected from the wood surface within the visible spectrum. Linear prediction models for compression wood in Norway spruce (Picea abies) were produced using multivariate analysis and regression methods. The resulting prediction coefficients were implemented in a scanning system using the MAPP2200 smart image sensor combined with an imaging spectrograph. This scanning system is capable of making a pixelwise classification of a wood surface in real time. Classification of one spruce plank was compared with analysis by scanning electron microscopy, showing that the automatic classification was correct in 11 of 14 cases.  相似文献   

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