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Live transport of hatchery‐produced juvenile donkey's ear abalone Haliotis asinina Linne was examined to evaluate the effect of transportation on the survival of juvenile abalone. Simulated transport experiments were conducted to determine the appropriate temperature using 5, 10 and 20 g L?1 of ice to air volume for 8 h and the appropriate size using two size groups (Size A, 15–20 mm, 0.5–1.3 g, and Size B, 30–35 mm, 5.3–8.5 g) up to 24‐h out‐of‐water live transport. Survival was significantly higher (P<0.001) when 10 g L?1 of ice was used to decrease the temperature to the range of 17–23 °C. At this temperature, both size groups subjected to simulated transport for 8 and 10 h had 100% survival after 48 h, while mortality occurred in abalones subjected to 16 and 24 h of simulated transport. The Size B abalone subjected to 24 h of transport had significantly higher survival (64.4 ± 2.9%) (P<0.001) than the Size A abalone (5.5 ± 1.6%) after 48 h. Live juvenile abalone were successfully transported to the field applying the protocols developed in the lab experiment. This study serves as a guide for handling and shipping live juvenile abalone.  相似文献   

Many kinds of chemical and biological materials have been used as inducers of settlement of abalone larvae, as well as other species of marine gastropods, with responses being highly variable, even to the same chemical cue. The present study tested chemical inducers, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), δ-aminovaleric acid (5-AVA) and l -glutamic acid (GA) and the effects they have on larval settlement of Haliotis asinina . Additionally, a relatively inexpensive commercial substance, monosodium glutamate (MSG), was trialed. The datum provided shows all chemicals to be active inducers of settlement in this study, in order of effectiveness of 5-AVA, GABA, MSG to GA. Induction as adjudged from larval numbers settled was best at 6 h 62%, with 10−1 mM 5-AVA. At 24 h, induction was the highest at 78% when exposed to 10−2 mM 5-AVA. Larvae that were allowed to settle up to 72 h showed the highest numbers of settled larvae, and declined back to 60% when exposed to 10−2 5-AVA and 10−1 mM GABA respectively. Monosodium glutamate, although third in settlement standings would bypass the other chemicals, with regard to cost versus yield. The assessment of settlement surface, rough or smooth proved to be irrelevant, which had no significant impact on larval settlement.  相似文献   

The effects of alternate starvation and refeeding on food consumption and compensatory growth of hatchery‐bred abalone, Haliotis asinina (Linnaeus), were determined. Two groups of abalone juveniles (mean shell length = 29 mm, body weight = 5 g) were alternately starved and refed a macro‐alga, Gracilariopsis bailinae at equal duration (5/5 or 10/10) over 140 days. A control group (FR) was fed the seaweed ad libitum throughout a 200‐day experimental period. Starved and refed abalone showed slower growth rates (DGR, 63 and 70 mg/day in the 5/5 and 10/10 groups respectively), as a result of reduced food intake (DFI 15% and 16% day?1 respectively), after repeated starvation and refeeding cycles. Percentage weight gains (5/5 = 196%, 10/10 = 177%) were significantly lower than that of the control (397%). When refed continuously over 60 days, the starved groups exhibited increased DFI and fed at the rate of 24% and 25% day?1, which were not significantly different from that of the control at 26% day?1. At the end of the experiment, no significant differences were observed among three treatments in terms of shell length (range: 46–48 mm), body weight (range 25–28 g), % weight gain (392–465%) and per cent survival (range 87–98%). The results indicated that H. asinina had a complete compensatory growth following a return to full rations after a series of intermittent starvation and refeeding cycles.  相似文献   

Growth and feeding of juvenile triploid and diploid blacklip abalone Haliotis rubra (Leach, 1814) were investigated at two temperatures of 17 and 21 °C over a 50‐day period. There were no differences in growth between triploid and diploid abalone as measured by shell length and body weight. Both triploid and diploid abalone increased in length but not in weight at 21 °C. Condition indices were similar for triploid abalone maintained at both temperatures; however, those for diploid abalone were significantly higher at 17 °C than at 21 °C. Food intake was significantly greater yet feed conversion efficiency was significantly lower in triploid than in diploid abalone. Both the feeding variables were independent of temperature. On average, diploid abalone were able to convert 1 g of dry food ingested to 0.58 g of body weight, but triploid abalone only 0.44 g.  相似文献   

Thisstudy investigated the effects of shelter surface area (SSA) on the feeding,growth and survival of the donkey-ear abalone, Haliotisasinina reared in mesh cages (0.38×0.38×0.28m) suspended in flow-through tanks (water volume = 6m3). Cages had sections of polyvinylchloride (PVC) thatprovided shelters with surface area of 0.22 m2, 0.44m2 and 0.66 m2.Hatchery-produced abalone with initial shell length of 32 ± 1mm and wet weight of 7.5 g were stocked at 50individuals cage–1 that corresponded to stocking densities ofca. 227, 113 and 75 abalone m–2 of SSA. The ratios of sheltersurface area to cage volume (SSA:CV) were 5.5, 11 and 16.5. Abalones wereprovided an excess red seaweed Gracilariopsis bailinae(= Gracilaria heteroclada) at weekly intervals overa 270-day culture period. Feeding rates (18–20% of wet weight), foodconversion ratio (26–27) and percent survival (88–92%) did notdiffer significantly among treatments (p > 0.05). Body size at harvest rangedfrom 56 to 59 mm SL and 52 to 57 g wet body weightwith significant differences between abalone reared at SSA 0.22m2 and 0.66 m2 (p < 0.05).Abalone reared in cages with 0.66 m2 SSA grewsignificantly faster at average daily growth rates of 132 m and188 mg day–1. Stocking densities of 75–113m–2 SSA in mesh cages suspended in flow-throughtanks resulted in better growth of abalone fed red seaweed.  相似文献   

Dietary substitution effect of sea tangle (ST) with rice bran (RB) on growth and carcass composition of juvenile abalone (Haliotis discus) was determined. Juvenile abalone was acclimated to the experimental conditions for 4 weeks. Seventy juvenile abalone averaging 0.43 g were randomly distributed into each of the 18, 70 L plastic rectangular containers. The experimental diets were fed to abalone once a day at a satiation level with a little leftover. The feeding trial lasted for 16 weeks. Survival of abalone was not affected by dietary substitution of ST with RB. However, weight gain of abalone fed the RB40 diet was higher than that of abalone fed the all other diets except for the RB0 diet. No significant difference in weight gain was found in abalone fed between the RB0 and RB100 diets. SGR of abalone fed the RB40 diet was higher than that of abalone fed the all other diets. Also SGR of abalone fed the RB0 diet was higher than that of abalone fed the RB100 diet, but not different from that of abalone fed the RB20, RB60 and RB80 diets. Moisture, crude protein and ash content of the soft body of abalone were affected by dietary substitution of ST with RB. In conclusion, the 100% ST could be substituted with RB without a retardation of weight gain of abalone when the 20% ST was included into the experimental diet. However, the best growth performance was obtained in abalone fed the RB40 diet substituting 40% ST with RB.  相似文献   

Commercial abalone culture is carried out using flow‐through systems with a high water volume exchange in Baja California, Mexico. The objective of this work was to compare the growth rate and survival of red abalone cultured in two systems. Flow through (daily water exchange rate of 800%) and recirculating systems consisted of a 250 L fibreglass tank and constant aeration, but biofiltration in the recirculating system was provided with a 28 L (1 ft3) bubble‐washed bead filter. Water variables were measured either daily (dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH and salinity) or three times a week (total ammonia nitrogen, nitrate‐nitrogen, nitrite‐nitrogen and alkalinity). Shell length was measured every 2 weeks for 18 weeks. Only the alkalinity and pH were significantly different due to the addition of sodium bicarbonate to the recirculating system. Abalone growth rate was 26.1 ± 15.96 μm day?1 in the recirculating systems and 22.21 ± 18.69 μm day–1 in the flow‐through systems. The final survival was 78.74% in the recirculating systems and 71.82% in the flow‐through systems. Significant differences in the final size and survival of the abalones were found between systems (P<0.05). Therefore, recirculating aquaculture systems is a feasible alternative for juvenile red abalone culture.  相似文献   

A pH-stat multienzyme in vitro digestibility assay was investigated for its efficacy in predicting apparent protein digestibility coefficients in abalone diets. Linear regression analysis between in vitro digestibility estimates and in vivo digestibility coefficients obtained from abalone, revealed that the technique could be used to reliably predict apparent protein digestibility. Maximal predictability of the system was obtained when protein sources were analysed according to origin – animal or plant. The technique was used to assess the apparent protein digestibility of 34 potential protein sources for use in formulated feeds for Haliotis midae .  相似文献   

The effectiveness of cytochalasin B (CB) treatments for inducing triploidy was evaluated in the blacklip abalone Haliotis rubra (Leach, 1814) in two orthogonal design experiments. The first experiment employed three dosages (DSs) of 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 mg CB L?1, three starting times (STs) of 5, 15 and25 min post fertilization and three treatment durations (TDs) of 10, 20 and 40 min, for a total of 27 treatments. The second experiment comprised of two DSs of 0.25 and 0.5 mg CB L?1, five STs of 5, 15, 20, 25and 30 min post fertilization, and three TDs of 10, 20 and 40 min, for a total of 30 treatments. Water temperature was held at 17.5–18.5°C. Day 3 larvae were sampled for triploidy using flow cytometry (FCM) and survival. Optimal inductions were treatments starting at 15 or 20 min post fertilization and continuing for 40 min, and those initiated 25 or 30 min post fertilization for 20 or 40 min, using 0.5 mg CB L?1. These treatments were all targeted at inhibition of the second polar body (PB2) formation and yielded triploidy rates of 84.8–89.5% coupled with (relative) survival rates of 20.1–52.1% in the first experiment, and corresponding rates of 86.5–96.5% and 33.0–74.1%, respectively, in the second experiment. A common and essential feature of these optimal conditions is that treatment must fully span the period of time for most of the eggs to extrude PB2. Treatments that resulted in suppression of the first polar body (PB1) formation induced triploidy levels below 71.5% and 57.6% in experiments 1 and 2 respectively. Treatments that had overlapping effects on both PB1 and PB2 extrusion led to triploidy rates above 80% but very low survival rates of 1.8% and 5.4% in experiments 1 and 2 respectively.  相似文献   

The abalone Haliotis diversicolor (Reeve) or ‘tokobushi’ is being cultured in Kagoshima, southern Japan for stock enhancement of fishing grounds. However, with decreasing catches from the wild some fishermen's group may eventually resort to rearing tokobushi until of marketable size. Growth experiments of tokobushi fed macroalgae in floating net cage and plastic tanks were conducted to evaluate the influence of culture system, macroalgal food, age and water temperature on their culture. In floating net cage, marketable sizes were obtained at the age of 457–822‐day old (15–27‐month old) with highest growth rate of 2.36% g day?1 and 0.21 mm day?1. One advantage of the plastic tank culture system was that the tokobushi shell remained clean throughout the culture period. Macroalgal food affected the growth rate; Sargassum fusiforme (Setchell)‐ and Ulva pertusa (Kjellman)‐fed tokobushi were better than Meristotheca papulosa (Montagne)‐fed. Further, 1‐year‐old tokobushi had better growth performance and condition index than the 2‐year‐old cohort, and growth rates were higher at 17°C than at 12°C. These findings should help tokobushi farmers design their mariculture scheme considering both economic and environmental aspects.  相似文献   

Particle size distribution, organic content and the sinking velocity of bio‐deposits of abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino were evaluated. The abalone was divided into three size classes according to shell length: Group B: 68.8 ± 2.8 mm, group M: 56.1 ± 2.3 mm and group S: 42.4 ± 2.8 mm. The faecal pellets had an amorphous shape, with a cross‐sectional area ranging from 0.01 to 2.64 mm2. The mean cross‐sectional area varied among the size classes: 0.59 (B), 0.21 (M) and 0.12 (S) mm2. The bio‐deposit organic content was similar among the groups (B: 18.3 ± 1.1%; M: 19.9 ± 0.9%; S: 19.3 ± 1.0%). Sinking velocity ranged from 0.5 to 2.3 cm s?1. Larger abalone tended to have larger and thus faster‐sinking faecal pellets. The median sinking velocity for groups B, M and S was 0.9, 0.5 and 0.7 cm s?1 respectively. The mean daily production rates for groups S, M and B were 2.8 ± 1.2, 3.4 ± 1.3 and 4.3 ± 1.8 g ind.?1 respectively. Bio‐deposit production rate estimated to be between 134.4 and 206.4 mg m?2 day?1 in the bay. Our results suggest that the pellet size was within the appropriate size range for filter‐feeding bivalves.  相似文献   

One of the bottlenecks in cultivating juvenile green abalone Haliotis fulgens is the lack of well‐adapted natural or formulated food for optimal growth. The goal of this study was to analyse the digestive gland structure of juvenile green abalone fed rehydrated natural feed, Ulva sp. (Chlorophyta), Eisenia arborea, Macrocystis pyrifera, Egregia menziesii (Phaeophyta) and Porphyra perforata (Rhodophyta), using histochemical techniques. Structure of the digestive gland was described, and proteoglycan granules were detected in the digestive cells. The abundance of granules was variable, depending on the feed provided to the abalone, and this was reflected in their growth. Granular content in digestive cells fed Ulva sp. was scarce, leading to low growth rate and high feed conversion ratio (FCR). Digestive cells of juveniles fed E. menziesii led to the best nutritional condition, including many proteoglycans cellular granules, best weight growth rate and a low FCR. Histochemical analysis of the digestive gland, differentiated by a modified Goldner trichrome method that included Alcian blue, was a useful tool for determining the nutritional status of farmed abalone, therefore recommended for assessing adjustments to the natural feed or formulation to meet the nutritional needs of abalone.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The feeding behavior and growth of post-larval Haliotis diversicolor with initial shell lengths (SL) of approximately 500 μm (Exp. 1-1 and 1-2), 800 μm (Exp. 2), and 1200 μm (Exp. 3) were studied in a laboratory setting while they fed on four species of benthic diatom Achnanthes longipes , Cocconeis sublittoralis , Cylindrotheca closterium , and Navicula ramosissima . Exp. 1-1 and 1-2 revealed no marked differences in post-larval growth rates (mean 24–39 μm SL/day) among the diatom species. However, marked differences in growth rates among the species were revealed in Exp. 2 and 3. Three species, A. longipes , Co. sublittoralis, and Cy. closterium , produced faster growth (Exp. 2 mean 29–51 μm/day, Exp. 3 mean 36–44 μm/day) than N. ramosissima (Exp. 2 mean 18 μm/day, Exp. 3 mean 23 μm/day). Post-larvae fed N. ramosissima had lower digestion efficiency (42.8%) than those fed other diatom species (90.7–100%). Diatom extracellular substances appeared to be principally used from post-settlement to 800 μm SL, and diatom cell contents were required to produce rapid growth of larger post-larvae (>800 μm SL). It is likely that the availability of each diatom for post-larvae was affected by diatom morphology, attachment strength, frustule strength, and post-larval size.  相似文献   

Substitution effect of sea tangle (ST) with tunic of sea squirt (SS) in diet on growth and carcass composition of juvenile abalone was determined. One thousand four hundred and seventy abalones were distributed into 21 containers. Six formulated diets in triplicate were prepared. A 200 g/kg ST was included into the ST0 diet. The 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 g/kg of ST were substituted with the same amount of tunic of SS, referred to as the ST200, ST400, ST600, ST800 and ST1000 diets, respectively. Finally, Undaria was prepared to compare effect of the formulated diets on performance of abalone. The experimental diets were fed to abalone for 16 weeks. Weight gain of abalone fed the ST400 diet was higher than that of abalone fed the ST0, ST600, ST800 and ST1000 diets and Undaria. Weight gain of abalone fed the formulated diets was higher than that of abalone fed the Undaria. The chemical composition of the carcass of abalone was affected by dietary substitution of ST with tunic of SS. In conclusion, ST could be completely substituted with tunic of SS without retardation in performance of abalone. Abalone fed the ST400 diet substituting 400 g/kg ST with tunic of SS achieved the best growth.  相似文献   

光照强度对九孔鲍幼虫及幼鲍生长存活的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
严正凛 《水产学报》2001,25(4):336-341
在自然光周期下,分别在高温长光照和低温短光照的两个节季节,采用控制光照强度的方法进行对九孔鲍幼虫及幼鲍50d左右培育的小型试验。结果表明,光照强度对附着基上摄食微藻的幼虫及幼鲍生长和存活等有重要的影响。对幼虫及幼鲍最适宜的光照强度,在高温长光照下为700-1200lx,在低温短光照下为1300-2000lx。选用适宜的光照强度在高温长光照和低温短光照下先后进行了3次经量育苗试验,获得了与小型试验相同的结果。  相似文献   

Growth performance and the soft body composition of juvenile abalone fed the extruded pellets (EPs) substituting fish meal (FM) and macroalgae (MA) with tunic meal of sea squirt (SS) was investigated. A total of 1,260 abalone were distributed into 18 containers. Six experimental diets were prepared in triplicate. Five diets were pelletized by an extruder pelleter. The 140 g/kg FM and 250 g/kg mixture of MA were included into the control (Con) diet. Five hundred and 1,000 g/kg of each FM and MA were substituted with an equal amount of tunic meal of SS, referred to as the FM50, FM0, MA50 and MA0 diets, respectively. Finally, dry Undaria pinnatifida was prepared. Weight gain and specific growth rate of abalone fed all EPs were greater than those fed U. pinnatifida. Weight gain of abalone fed MA50 and FM50 diets was greater than Con and FM0 diets, but not different from MA0 diet. Higher crude protein and lipid contents were observed in soft body of abalone fed all EPs compared to U. pinnatifida. In conclusion, FM and MA up to 500 and 1,000 g/kg, respectively, could be replaced with tunic meal of SS in EPs without retardation in growth of abalone.  相似文献   

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