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There are 16 species of fleshy-fruit cating birds in Autumn in Maoer Mt. NE China. According to their feeding strategies. we can divide them into 3 groups: 1. Pulp-cating birds, they get nutrition from pulp. so. their seeds are defecated completely. These birds have a great effect on seed dispersal. 2. Seed-cating birds, they obtain nutrition from the seed but pulp. Seeds are digested totally. They don’t disperse seeds at all. 3. Whole-fruit-eating birds, both seed and pulp are digested when passing through gut. They don’t have any effect on seed dispersal either. Supported by NSFC 39370137 (Responsible Editor: Sun Yueqi)  相似文献   

IntroductionMongoliangazelle(PrOCSPraguttuross)isaspecialruminantspeciesthathasnumerouspopulationsintheeasternpaFtofNetMonggolGrasslandandasignificantcomponentofthegrasslandecosystem.Thisspecieshasthehabittoselectspeciesandqualityofplantstograze.However,thepopulationhasdecreaseddramaticallyandfacesextinctioninChina(JiangetSI.1998).Therefore,itisveryimportanttostudythefoodhabitsandfoodchoicebyMongoliangazelleforpromotingtheprotectionandmanagementofremainingpopulation.Inapreviouspaper(Gao…  相似文献   

Sustained management of natural forest depends on their ability to regenerate. The pace at which older trees are replaced by younger ones is important in this respect. This study was conducted to assess the demographic details of natural regeneration dynamics of south Indian moist deciduous forests. The status of natural regeneration has been assessed in eight localities of varying levels of disturbance in Thrissur Forest Division of Kerala State of southwest India. Enumeration of trees and their regeneration were analyzed at three levels of organization; whole-stand, stratum, and species.The trees of the forest were grouped into upper, middle and lower vertical strata. Species richness was highest in the middle stratum. Upper stratum species were commercially important. The mean basal area for the Forest Division was 12.83 m2/ha. and average number of trees per hectare (>=20 cm dbh) was 150. Regeneration of the upper stratum species was higher at about 10% gap in the canopy.The growing stock of established seedlings and saplings (height > 100 cm and dbh <=10cm) was very low compared to unestablished seedlings (height <=100 cm). Owing to very low survival probability in the sapling stage (dbh >=1 cm to <=10 cm), a low numbers of poles (dbh >=10 cm to <=20 cm) in the upper stratum was observed. Presence of fire, grazing, browsing and over expoitation by humans are the major constraints of natural regeneration recognized in these forests.  相似文献   

We investigated soil physical properties in three forest types in tropical lowland monsoon forests in central Cambodia under the same climatic conditions, i.e., Kanhaplic Haplustults in dry evergreen forest (KH-E), Arenic Haplustults in dry deciduous forest (AH-D), and Arenic Ultic Alorthods in mixed evergreen–deciduous forest (AA-M), to clarify the relationship between forest types and soil physical properties. The clay content was correlated with water content at ψ = −9.8 and −1500 kPa (WC10 and WC1500), available water capacity (AWC), and the van Genuchten (vG) parameter N (P < 0.01). vG parameter N was in the order AH-D > AA-M > KH-E whereas vG parameter α had a high value in KH-E soil at 0–100 cm in depth. The cumulative AWC (AWCcl, mm) at a soil depth of 0–200 cm was higher in the AH-D than in the KH-E, and was not considered a major factor affecting the distribution of different forest types under the same climatic conditions. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (K) at 0–100 cm in depth, estimated by use of models, was higher in AH-D than in KH-E mostly at matric potential ψ > −10 kPa. The low K in KH-E at ψ > −10 kPa was considered favorable for evergreen trees to retain the soil water for the transpiration in the dry season, and the matric potential in KH-E showed more gentle decreases in the early dry seasons than AH-D. Thus the differences in K among generally sandy soil types could possibly affect the establishment of different forest types in the study area with the same climate.  相似文献   

蚂蚁在舞草种子传播及避免其被啮齿类取食中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张智英 《林业科学》2006,42(11):58-62
选择云南思茅地区景谷县和西双版纳勐仑镇,研究蚂蚁传播舞草种子及避免啮齿类取食种子的影响,以探讨蚂蚁在舞草种群发生发展中的作用.结果显示:蚂蚁传播舞草种子的距离一般较近,但均超过种子自身的扩散距离.几种主要蚂蚁的传播曲线显示:传播的距离各自都有一高峰,平均传播距离为0.93~2.53 m.阻止蚂蚁搬运,景谷和勐仑实验点啮齿类对舞草种子的取食率分别为28.3% 和16.5%;而阻止啮齿类取食,蚂蚁搬运的舞草种子率白天可达77%,晚上为35.7%.成熟的舞草种子日释放时间与蚂蚁活动的时间吻合,蚂蚁可先于啮齿类将种子搬走.这表明舞草与蚂蚁互惠共生,使其种子既得以扩散,又减少了啮齿类的取食,从而促进种群的繁衍.  相似文献   

The food availability, composition of the diets and selective grazing of the Mongolian gazelle (Procapra gutturosa) were studied in Hulunber Grassland in Nei Monggol. The food availability of Mongolian gazelle showed seasonal changes. The plant biomass was higher in spring and summer than that in autumn and winter. The fecal compositions of the gazelle demonstrated that fibrous parts occupied 62.4%, 74.8%, and 66.0% in spring, autumn, and winter, respectively. The Mongolian gazelle preferred to grazeCompositeae, Leguminosae, Allium spp. and other forbs in spring and autumn, while the grasses, such asAneurolepidium chinense andStipa spp. were selectively feeding in winter. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

Deposition of N and S has increased since the 1950s in most European countries and N accumulates in ecosystems that are not N saturated. This study shows long-term effects of a (modelled) N deposition of 7–17 kg N ha−1 per year on biological and chemical processes in soil, vegetation composition, and functional types of field-layer plant species in deciduous forests. Soil pH largely determined the response of the soil processes, emphasising the importance to compare soils of similar acidity regarding the effects of N deposition. The most pronounced effects were demonstrated for the most acid study plots. When we compared regions with a deposition of 7 and 17 kg N ha−1 per year we found a 40–80% higher soil N mineralisation rate, 2–90% higher nitrification rate and 10–25% lower C:N ratio in the region with the highest deposition. Similar but smaller differences were indicated when regions with a deposition of 7 and 10 kg N ha−1 per year were compared. Number of species was lower in the regions with the highest deposition. Literature data for plants on N concentration, nitrate reductase activity (NRA), growth rates, morphology and height were calculated on a site basis. They varied to different extent between the regions. The N concentration was 7–24% higher in the regions with the highest N deposition. We argue that the effect-related critical load based on our results should be set to a N deposition of 7–10 kg N ha−1 per year. Critical loads for a subdivision of deciduous forests would give lower critical loads for the most acid soils compared to less acid soil.  相似文献   

The advent of modern forces and the changes in socioeconomic patterns of forest dwellers have increased the pressures on the forests. In order to mitigate such pressures and also to protect the forests and wildlife the model of protected areas networks has shifted and enhanced such pressures in the unprotected natural forests due to several reasons. Being a low profile category of protected status and continuous human settlements, the present study highlights the case of dry deciduous forests of Sarguja district of Chhattisgarh state of India. The major objectives of this study were to quantify the status of forests and wildlife and also to determine the extent of anthropogenic disturbances faced by the dry deciduous forests of central India. Transect and silent drive count methods were used for sampling wildlife and quadrat method was used for sampling vegetation. Besides, the local uses of various forest produces were also studied in view of understanding the people dependency on forests. The forest vegetation, in the study area, was pre-dominated by Shorea robusta, which had Madhuca indica, Diospyrus melanoxylon and Buchnania lanzan as the major companion species. The forest had either the high girth class mature tree species or the saplings. The low vegetation cover and density were due to the high anthropogenic pressures mainly in the form of heavy livestock grazing and collection of ethnobotanically important species. The study though reveals that the area is not rich in wildlife and the forest is fragmented, the area still supports some important species, which include many rare and endangered plants and animals. The findings of this study have been discussed in view of the management and conservation of the forest and wildlife in the dry deciduous forests.  相似文献   

选择四川省沐川县凉风坳亚热带次生常绿阔叶林为研究对象,在2004年5月、2004年12月和2005年5月对其林下土壤种子库、种子雨以及种子天然萌发状况等方面进行系统调查及分析研究。结果显示,种子下落前后土壤种子库储量,变动为643.2~889.2粒.m-2,物种和种子密度多年生草本物种均占优势。天然林土壤种子库Shannon-Wiener指数均在2004年5月最大,2004年12月次之,2005年5月最小;Simpson指数却和Shannon-Wiener指数H'的变化趋势相反;Pielou均匀度指数在2004年12月有所降低,此后又升高。种子均呈明显垂直分布,其中0~2 cm土层种子数量最多,其次是枯枝落叶层,其数量随着土层加深而降低。土壤种子库年输入活力种子142.3粒.m-2,年输出活力种子268.9粒.m-2,动物取食是造成种子损失的主要原因。对照人工林土壤种子库物种和密度均低于天然林地;种子库与地上植被物种相似性系数,人工林较高,而天然次生常绿阔叶林较低。  相似文献   

One of the prominent compositional features of thermophilous deciduous forests of southern Europe is their richness in secondary woody species (AWS). To date, no studies have focused on the diversity and contribution to the ecosystem functions and socio-economic benefits provided by these species. Here, we first characterized species richness and diversity for three main functional groups of AWS, sporadic trees, shrubs and vines, in 53 representative stands of central Italy. Secondly, we explored variations in AWS diversity and composition along a four-level gradient of species richness of dominant trees under comparable site conditions. The 40 AWS taxa recorded showed a remarkable taxonomic singularity at both the genus and the family rank. Dominant tree species richness had no significant effect on AWS species richness and composition, while Shannon diversity of AWS, especially shrubs, was associated with cover of the dominant trees. Each AWS possessed, on average, ca. five ability traits over a total of 13 considered that contributed to important ecosystem functions or expected socio-economic benefits such as wood and food production, conservation of genetic resources (wild crop relatives) and ornamentals. This highlights the key role of AWS, and in particular of sporadic trees, for enhancing multifunctionality of thermophilous deciduous forests.  相似文献   

How tree species diversity affects ecosystem functioning is a topic of intensive research. This study compares monospecific and species-rich broad-leaved forests under similar bedrock and climate conditions for the size and composition of their seed bank. We tested the hypotheses that (i) the actual herb-layer vegetation has an only weak influence on the composition of the seed bank, (ii) the species diversity of the seed bank increases with tree-layer diversity, and (iii) tree species forming a more persistent litter layer reduce the number of germinating seeds. The number of seeds and their species composition were investigated in soil cores taken from three soil depths (0–5, 5–10 and 10–20 cm; n = 4, with each 6 sub-samples) in 9 study plots differing in tree species diversity (3 monospecific Fagus plots, 3 plots with Fagus, Fraxinus and Tilia, and 3 plots with Fagus, Fraxinus, Tilia, Carpinus and Acer). Tree species diversity had a much stronger influence on the size and composition of the seed bank than herb-layer diversity or composition, the latter revealing only a low similarity to the corresponding seed bank. The number and species diversity of emerging seedlings decreased significantly with the amount of acidifying Fagus litter, but increased with litter mass of Tilia and other trees with nutrient-rich, rapidly decomposing litter. We conclude that tree species diversity does not influence the seed bank through effects on herb-layer composition, but mostly through differential disturbance histories of the stands and litter quality effects on germination and soil chemistry. From the contrasting effects of Fagus and Tilia leaf litter, it appears that effects of tree species identity are more relevant than influences of tree species diversity itself.  相似文献   

Selection harvesting, by mimicking natural disturbance regimes of eastern deciduous hardwood forests, has been applied as a sustainable management practice that combines wood production with biodiversity conservation. However, the effects of this technique on understory herbs are unclear, particularly for spring ephemerals which have been suggested as sensitive to disturbance. Here, we experimentally assess the immediate effects of single-tree and group selection harvesting on spring ephemeral richness, diversity and abundance in deciduous forests of southwestern Ontario, Canada. Spring herbs were quantified in 4 m2 plots before and one growing season after harvesting and compared to similar uncut, reference stands. The percent of species lost was significantly higher in reference than harvested plots. Mean species richness significantly increased after harvesting, predominately due to an increase in spring–summer species. Increases in the diversity of early spring flowering species were significantly greater in the group selection plots than reference plots. At the community level, no species appeared to be vulnerable to harvesting, and ordination analysis indicated that post-harvest communities were primarily determined by pre-harvest community composition. Furthermore, no species declined in abundance in response to harvesting, and overall percent cover increased proportionately more in single-tree selection plots than in group selection or reference plots. While harvesting appears to have negligible effects on spring ephemerals immediately following harvest, we recommend additional studies over longer time frames to assess possible successional effects and to discriminate treatment induced changes from naturally high yearly variation in species composition.  相似文献   

The destruction of natural ecosystems is an important issue in many parts of the world. In the west of Iran, a vast area of the Zagros Mountain range is covered by typical vegetation including several rare plant species, of which many are currently considered endangered by anthropogenic activities. Despite the important role of soil seed banks to help conserve these degraded plant communities, the floristic studies in the Zagros forests have only focused on above- ground vegetation. In this study, the characteristics of soil seed banks and above-ground vegetation were examined at two forest sites: an undisturbed control (Un) and a disturbed (D) site. The objectives of this study were 1) to investigate the diversity of above-ground vegetation and soil seed banks in disturbed and undisturbed forests, 2) to examine the soil properties and the germination characteristics of the soil seed bank in disturbed and undisturbed oak forests and 3) to estimate the potential of soil seed banks in the restoration of disturbed sites. The results show that soil properties between Un and D sites were significantly different with higher values of pH, NH4-N, N~o,, CEC, OC, clay and canopy percentage in the Un site than in the D site. The Simpson diversity, Margalef richness and evenness indices differed significantly between sites, either for the soil seed banks or the above-ground vegetation. After a period of 26 weeks, the germination speed and the mean daily number of germinants were significantly different between Un and D sites. Without other conservation measures, soil seed banks alone cannot result in a full recovery after severe disturbances in the oak forests of Zagros.  相似文献   

Key factors causing the difference of wildlife populations in natural and managed forests are an important field of ecosystem and biodiversity research. To explore the factors contributing to bird-community features in the poorly studied European natural hemiboreal forests, we carried out a comparative study in old-growth and mature stands of five site types in Estonia. The mature stands were of clear-cut origin and managed for timber production. Old-growth hosted both more diverse and more abundant bird communities than mature stands, which does not support the putative ‘old-growth syndrome’ (high diversity at a low density) described previously in temperate Europe. Site-type specificity of bird communities was also more pronounced in old-growth, indicating a timber-harvesting induced process of biotic homogenization. In particular, natural swamp forests had characteristic bird species and those communities may be additionally sensitive to artificial drainage. In terms of invertebrate food supply, the availability of snails, rather than of insects, was related to bird-community characteristics; however, the influence of snails was due to one snail-poor forest type (Vaccinium type pine stands), not management. The abundance of coarse woody debris was the main structural feature affecting bird communities; tree-size variation was additionally important for species richness. A significant unexplained ‘old-growth’ effect remained even after the variables describing food supply and stand structure were taken into account. Our results imply the distinct importance of old-growth of different site types for hemiboreal bird communities. However, we did not obtain any evidence of different key factors structuring the bird communities in old-growth and mature stands.  相似文献   

The Bia owie a Primeval Forest, Poland, is the only forest area in temperate Europe where large tracts of natural forest communities have been conserved. The concept of silvatic mosaic [Oldeman, R.A.A., 1990. Forests: Elements of Silvology. Springer, Berlin] was applied in order to characterise the structure of stands representing oak–lime–hornbeam forest in both, the restricted area of Bia owie a National Park (BNP) and the commercial forests (CF), as well as to indicate a holistic approach towards protection and restoration of natural areas.Six developmental phases of stands were distinguished and defined: regeneration, young, pole, late pole, optimal, and terminal. Compositional and structural differences between the first five phases were also evaluated and visualised. Moreover, the considerable differences between analogous phases in BNP and CF were found. The uniform stand patches were mapped into two plots in BNP (25 ha each) and two in CF (25 and 20 ha), with a resolution of 10 m× 10 m pixels.The mosaic composition of natural communities indicates close-to-the equilibrium stage: the biostatic optimal phase occupies 33–40% of the area, while aggradational younger phases share nearly the same portion of the area as the senescent phase does. Although small, 0.01–0.04 ha eco-units dominate in BNP, there is a considerable portion of intermediate and large patches, indicating a complex character of factors responsible for the mosaic structure of natural stands in BNP. Both, composition and texture analyses indicate that the area of 25 ha is close to the minimum structure area specific for the communities studied.The comparison of natural and managed stands revealed large deficits of the optimal phase (only 19%) and a total absence of the terminal one in the managed area (20–35% in natural forest). Also the mosaic texture of CF plots was simplified because of standardisation of the management unit size. The modification of developmental phases, mosaic composition, and structure must lead to changes in the dynamics of the entire community. The present study demonstrates that the natural forest should be considered as a dynamic supersystem, covering a sufficient area to allow the developmental phases to perform in correct proportions. Because of differences in the durability of various phases, the natural cycle of forest development has an asynchronous and highly unpredictable character. Indeed, the applicability of multipurpose forestry rules as a tool of nature conservation has been questioned. An absolute ban on cutting in the remaining old-growth stands should be a basic rule for the restoration management.  相似文献   

To document the spatial and temporal variation of environmental signals inducing seed germination in temperate forests, we measured temporal patterns of environmental signals and seed germination of six pioneer tree species in unthinned and thinned stands of conifer forests (Cryptomeria japonica plantations) and in the understory and gaps of hardwood forests in Japan. We also conducted germination experiment in laboratory for the six pioneer species to test the effects of red:far-red (R:FR) light ratio and temperature fluctuations on the seed germination. In conifer forests, the photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), the R:FR ratio, and the amplitude of temperature fluctuations in thinned stands were 2, 1.5, and 3 times higher, respectively, than those of unthinned stands. The PPFD and R:FR ratios just above forest floor also increased after the removal of thick litter accumulation. As a result, higher seed germination was observed in thinned compared to unthinned stands for three photoblastic species, whereas little differences were observed for three non-photoblastic species. These findings suggest that thinning, which frequently reduces litter accumulation, can substantially affect the regeneration of pioneer species and the resultant species diversity in conifer plantations. None of the measured environmental signals changed seasonally in unthinned stands of conifer forests, but they all changed remarkably in the understory of the hardwood forests. In this system, all signals were high and nearly identical to those in the gaps in early spring prior to canopy closure. Thus, the percent germination of the three photoblastic species was enhanced by high R:FR ratios and/or large temperature fluctuations even beneath the canopy and was nearly equal to that in the thinned conifer stands where the environmental conditions were nearly identical to those in the gaps. However, all of the environmental signals decreased with the expansion of canopy leaves and reached minimums at canopy closure. Even in the thinned stands and the gaps, the PPFD and magnitude of temperature fluctuations decreased over time due to shading by growing herbs and/or emerging canopy leaves. In these temporally changing environments, the germination of all photoblastic species ceased simultaneously. This study clearly demonstrated that the environmental signals inducing seed germination of photoblastic pioneer species spatially and temporally change in temperate forests, particularly in deciduous hardwood forests. Furthermore, these signals, PPFD, R:FR ratio, and the amplitude of temperature fluctuations, appear to play a very important role in tree regeneration and subsequent species diversity.  相似文献   

为给栀子种质资源评价及其活性成分的开发利用提供参考依据,对6种叶果型栀子植株(共60株)的叶片、果实形态参数,果实内部栀子苷、西红花苷含量进行了观测和分析。测定结果表明:同一栽培群体下栀子植株果实中的栀子苷、西红花苷含量间差异显著,其含量范围分别为1.75%~5.60%、0.33%~4.05%,大果型和中、小果型其栀子苷含量间存在显著差异。相关性分析结果表明,栀子苷与果实纵径间具有显著的正相关性(r=0.280),而与西红花苷含量间有极显著的正相关性(r=0.482),其它形态参数与栀子苷、西红花苷含量间均无显著相关性。稳定性试验结果表明:多数植株样本两年内果实中的栀子苷、西红花苷含量均稳定,而少数植株的含量却突增。同一栽培群体中的栀子植株存在着丰富的遗传多样性,果实内部栀子苷、西红花苷含量受遗传分化的影响均较大。  相似文献   

The comparison between estimates of historical gene flow, using variance in allelic frequencies, and estimates of contemporary gene flow, using parentage assignment, is expected to provide insights into ecological and evolutionary processes at work within and among populations. Genetic variation at microsatellite loci was used to quantify genetic structure in two wind pollinated, gravity and animal-dispersed tree species (Fagus sylvatica L. and Fagus crenata Blum.) and to derive historical estimates of gene flow. The gene dispersal distances estimated assuming effective population density to be 1/4 of the observed density were ∼77 m in European beech and ∼40 m in Japanese beech. Parentage analyses and a neighbourhood model approach were used to estimate contemporary patterns of seed and pollen dispersal. Our results suggest restricted seed dispersal abilities in both European beech (δs = 10.5 m) and Japanese beech (δs = 12.4 m), with an exponential shaped seed dispersal kernel. A non-negligible rate of seed immigration (ms = 27%) was detected in European beech sites but not in Japanese beech site. Pollen dispersal within studied sites also appeared limited (δp = 41.63 m in European beech and δp = 79.4 m in Japanese beech), despite high rate of pollen immigration (mp = 68% in European beech and mp = 40% m in Japanese beech). Interestingly, contemporary and historical estimates of gene flow were within the same order of magnitude (a few tens of meters).  相似文献   

Natural regeneration is an important process to reverse the loss of forests. Understanding the process of natural regeneration is crucial for achieving sustainable forest management. In this study, we examined the effects of seed and pollen dispersal in naturally regenerated populations of Castanopsis fargesii. Genetic variation in six populations along two successional series (three successional stages in each series: early, pre-climax, and climax) was assayed using RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers. High genetic variability was observed as measured with Shannon's information index. A majority of genetic variation was distributed within populations (Φst = 0.1271) and significant isolation by distance existed among populations. A contrasting pattern of genetic variation along these two series was observed, representing different scenarios of natural regeneration processes. The ratio of the number of migrants between the mature populations to the number of migrants from the mature to immature populations was estimated as 1.146 ± 0.099 to 1.981 ± 0.164, implying that comparable seed and pollen dispersal might exist at a fine spatial scale (∼2 km2). The results suggest the critical role of seed dispersal in shaping genetic composition and diversity in the second-growth forests. Barriers to seed dispersal from a variety of genetic sources could result in low genetic diversity in naturally regenerated populations. Management that facilitates the connectivity of newly regenerated stands with mature forests could be effective for natural regeneration given the predominant role of short-distance dispersal of seeds in this species.  相似文献   

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