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机械驱动式精密变量施肥播种机的研制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据精准农业变量投入的技术要求,研制成功国产变量施肥播种机。该播种机由变量控制器控制机械式无级变速器,根据GPS的位置信号,完成处方图设计的播种施肥作业。通过对播种机的静止和地块工作试验可知,变量施肥控制可靠,变量数据记录正常,播种作业效果良好。  相似文献   

精确农业导论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不管农田固有的空间差异,采用单一方法进行管理,是当前普遍采用的一种传统管理方式。由于农业机械化的需要,地块越来越大,这就使这种管理方式的弊端日趋严重。精确农业(precision farming)是在信息技术支撑下的一种新型管理方式,它可以使经营者更深刻地理解和精确地控制农场的生产状况。精确农业的核心是对变化因素进行管理。最明显的变化因素有三个:空间(spatial)、时间(temporal)和预  相似文献   

河西绿洲灌区春小麦精确灌溉预报系统参数模型的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据河西绿洲灌区春小麦全生育期(3—7月)的水文、气象、作物生长等资料,采用彭曼法PenmanMethod的ET0i值预报模型,运用多元线性回归进行参考作物的腾发量预测,以及其它参数模型及公式的确定,建立了河西绿洲灌区春小麦精确灌溉预报参数模型。  相似文献   

平移喷灌机变量灌溉决策支持系统研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
依据农田内土壤含水量的差异性,有针对性地进行变量灌溉,既可节约用水又可提高经济效益。该变量灌溉决策支持系统由不同采样点实测量土壤含水量,利用土壤水分预报模型,可预测田块实时的土壤含水量,然后与作物的轻旱指标、重旱指标比较可决定是否灌溉。灌溉量可以根据耗水—产量模型,通过经济效益分析来决定,进而可生成冬小麦的灌溉处方图,用以指挥喷灌机的运行。系统利用GIS组件MapObjects在VC 平台上开发,可以实现地块信息的查询、数据存储、管理和分析等功能。  相似文献   

研究了污灌时,挥发酚、氰化物和有机氯农药在土壤和山桃、榆树及苹果树等植物中的迁移富集状况。结果表明,污水、植物和土壤样品中含有挥发酚、氰化物和α-666、γ-666、δ-666 3种有机氯农药。各污染物主要来自污水灌溉,富集程度与污水中的各污染物含量相一致。在土壤中,挥发酚有一定的积累,氰化物几乎没有积累。有机氯农药在土壤表层中积累最多。在植物中,挥发酚和氰化物有一定的积累,且山桃中的富集倍数最高。有机氯农药无论是清灌还是污灌,山桃中δ-666>γ-666>α-666,榆树和苹果树中则γ-666>δ-666>α-666。除了少数情况外,无论是清灌和污灌的土壤中,还是山桃、榆树、苹果树等树木中,有机氯残留量和挥发酚、氰化物残留量基本上显示显著性差异,表明污染物存在一定的积累。  相似文献   

在调查甘肃引黄灌区玉米产量、施肥量和土壤理化性状基础上,2015年确定60个地块作为研究对象,分层采集0~40 cm土层土壤样品,研究土壤三相比、紧实度、水稳性团聚体含量和有机质含量的变异规律及其与玉米产量、化肥偏生产力的关系.结果表明,0~40 cm土层土壤三相比δ值、土壤紧实度、土壤>0.25 mm水稳性团聚体含量...  相似文献   

吉林省黑土区玉米精准施肥技术研究与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用地统计学、专家系统、地理信息系统和智能农机等技术,研究了吉林省黑土区土壤养分变异规律,提出了适于黑土区的玉米精准施肥模型,开发了玉米精准施肥专家系统,并通过变量施肥机进行了精准施肥的应用.与传统施肥方案相比,精准施肥使玉米增产10%以上,节肥率达到15%.  相似文献   

Simulation of Cotton Production for Precision Farming   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most crop simulation models do not directly consider the spatial variability of inputs nor do they produce outputs that show the expected spatial variability of yield across a field. If such models were available for precision farming, then researchers could much better evaluate the effects of soil sampling densities to determine the number of samples necessary to adequately model a particular field. The objectives of this study were: (1) to design and implement a spatial simulation methodology for examining details of precision farming and (2) use this to evaluate the effects of different soil sampling resolutions on predicted yield and residual nitrates through spatially variable nitrogen applications. The GOSSYM/COMAX cotton growth model/expert system and the GRASS geographic information system were used to develop a spatial simulation that produces spatially variable outputs. Inputs to the model were collected from a 3.9-ha cotton field. Soil nitrate, a primary driver in fertilizer recommendations, was sampled on a 15.2-m regular grid for depths to 15 cm and on a 30.5-m regular grid at six 15-cm depth intervals (down to 90 cm). COMAX was used to determine spatially variable fertilizer recommendations. GOSSYM was used to simulate perfect application of these recommendations and predicted spatially variable yield and residual nitrates. Reductions in sampling density or resolution were simulated by systematically reducing the amount of data available to COMAX for calculating spatially variable fertilizer recommendations. GOSSYM subsequently used these recommendations (based upon less and less knowledge of soil nitrates) to simulate the effects of differing sampling resolutions on predicted yield and residual nitrates. For recommendations based upon a 15.2-m grid of inputs, 41.4 kg/ha of nitrate fertilizer produced 801.7 kg/ha of cotton and left an average of 9.4 ppm of nitrate in the soil profile. For a 30.5-m grid, 42.8 kg/ha of nitrate fertilizer resulted in a yield of 811.2 kg/ha and residual soil nitrate of 8.3 ppm. For 45.7-m and 61.0-m grids, the results were 43.3 kg/ha and 41.2 kg/ha of nitrate fertilizer, 755.3 kg/ha and 794.3 kg/ha of cotton, and 11.5 ppm and 8.1 ppm of residual soil nitrate, respectively. This study concluded that crop simulations and geographic information systems are a valuable combination for modeling the effects of precision farming and planning variable rate treatments. Simulation results indicate that excessive fertilization, while potentially damaging to the environment, may also have a negative impact on yield.  相似文献   

灌溉稻田水稻旱作法研究——水稻的生育与生理特性   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
 以亚种间杂交稻两优培九(两系)及协优9308(三系)为材料,比较研究灌溉稻田旱作法与常规灌溉法水稻的生育与生理持性。结果表明,两杂交组合不因旱作改变全生育总叶片数,但播种至齐穗期因旱作缩短4~8 d,幼穗发育(拔节期)未见明显差别,说明旱作水稻生殖生长期相对缩短。旱作法水稻单丛叶面积大于常规灌溉稻,叶面积指数小于常规灌溉稻。水稻根系单丛干重因旱作比常规灌溉法水稻有明显增加,并营造了比常规灌溉法水稻根重根深的土壤环境。结果还表明,水稻旱作法有益于构建由大个体构成的高生物产量的群体,抽穗后生物产量占全生育期生物产量近40%;但是,旱作法对水稻也有诸多不利的生理影响,其一是比常规灌溉法水稻根系生理活性下降,表现在单茎根系伤流量、根系伤流液中玉米素含量、根系呼吸强度均较低;其二是灌浆-成熟期稻株剑叶光合速率低于常规灌溉法水稻,叶片气孔阻抗高于常规灌溉法水稻。因此,进一步提高灌溉稻田水稻旱作法的产量水平,其技术的主攻方向似应为提高稻株籽粒灌浆期间的生理素质,以提高成熟期的光合生产能力。  相似文献   

通过对昭通生猪养殖的规模、发展生猪产业的政策优势、地理优势等方面进行叙述,为生猪养殖信息服务体系的建设奠定基础,在对昭通现有的通信基础设施、信息服务机构、信息员队伍、信息网站等调查了解后,找出现有生猪养殖信息服务体系中存在的问题,并提出了构建昭通生猪养殖信息服务体系的思路和建议。  相似文献   

干旱荒漠区污水灌溉山地园林土壤养分的空间变异特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以乌鲁木齐市雅玛里克山污水灌溉区为例,采用地统计学方法研究了干旱荒漠区山地园林污灌区土壤中的6种土壤养分指标全N、全P、全K、速效N、速效P、速效K的空间变异特征.结果表明,6种土壤养分指标的变异系数在8.34%~39.68%之间,全N、全P、速效P服从正态分布,全K、速效N、速效K服从对数正态分布.所有养分的块金值与基台值之比都在25%以下,说明结构性因素控制这些养分的含量分布,导致样点之间的空间自相关作用强.土壤养分的相关距变化范围为19.1~116.7 m.因为灌溉污水的影响,强矿化作用使得全N、速效N在质地粗轻的山坡含量较高,而氨挥发则造成全N、速效N在质地细重的谷地含量较低,偏弱碱性的污水加剧了 P的固定,使研究区内全P、速效P含最整体偏低,但同时偏弱碱性的污水促进了K的释放,使速效K含量明显提高.污灌能促进速效养分的释放,使养分之间具有一定相关关系.  相似文献   

As site-specific management evolved into precision agriculture and began to be adopted by producers in the late 1980s and early 1990s, information about precision agriculture emerged in a variety of forms. Much of the information was initially available only in industry guides and popular press articles, such as Successful Farming and Farm Journal. Today, a variety of educational resources for both producers and advisors on precision agriculture has emerged, including books, proceedings of conferences, Extension bulletins, newsletters, industry guides, and multimedia modules. Recently, the Internet has had a significant influence on the production and dissemination of information on precision agriculture. The Internet has been a particularly valuable mode of information exchange due to the rapid evolution of technology and practices associated with precision agriculture, and because many of the early adopters of precision agriculture technologies were also early adopters of electronic communication technologies.  相似文献   

精准农业变量施肥GIS系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高我国农业的科技含量和现代化水平,研究设计了精准农业变量施肥GIS系统,该系统在GPS的定位下,可实现控制大豆变量施肥播种机进行变量施肥播种作业。该软件由VisualBasic6.0语言、地理信息系统MapObjects控件和Microsoft公司串行通信MSComm控件进行编程,通过机载计算机对变量施肥机构进行控制。大豆大面积试验表明,可显著提高单位面积产量。  相似文献   

蜻蛉河大型灌区水资源优化配置模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 根据非充分灌溉理论,按大系统分解协调原理,建立了以总效益最大为目标的灌区灌溉水资源递阶控制优化模型,对灌区多水源进行优化配水研究。应用上述数学模型,对蜻蛉河大型灌区进行水资源优化配置研究。对于每个层次子系统,采用适宜于解决多阶段过程或能转化成多阶段决策过程的动态规划方法来求其最优解。计算结果表明:本文引用和提出的理论与方法是正确的。同时也使我们看到,经过水资源的合理优化分配,采用非充分灌溉方法将具有较大的节水潜力,此研究成果为灌区水资源合理利用提供了一种新途径。  相似文献   

In recent years, precision agriculture has received attention from producers, agribusiness, and governmental agencies in an effort to increase profitability and protect the environment. Many aspects of precision agriculture, such as soil fertility, application technology, and economic factors, have received substantial research attention; however, other aspects of precision agriculture have not been well documented. One important issue that warrants increased attention is water quality. Because of precision application technology, variable rate fertilizer application based on within-field heterogeneity has the potential to decrease negative water quality impacts. Therefore, the objective of this paired watershed study was to evaluate the impact of variable rate nitrogen (N) fertilizer application on surface water quality. The variable rate field was divided into management units designated as poor, moderate, and high based on measured yield potential and received 100–160 kg/ha of N fertilizer. A portion of the N application was uniformly applied pre-plant or at planting, and rest was sidedressed at variable rates. The uniform rate field received uniform N application at 135 kg/ha. Surface water runoff and water quality were monitored for each field, and collected samples were analyzed for N and phosphorus (P) constituents. During the 2-year monitoring period with 22 storm sampling events, variable rate N application resulted in few water quality differences compared to uniform rate application, but overall median NO3 + NO2–N concentrations were significantly lower for the variable rate field in the second year of variable rate N application. Overall and event mean NO3 + NO2–N concentrations from the variable rate field tended to be higher, but median concentrations from the uniform rate field tended to be higher.  相似文献   

论大学中的跨学科研究组织及其管理创新   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
20世纪交叉学科的蓬勃发展,导致了大学中跨学科研究组织的出现。本文在论述了大学、跨学科研究与跨学科研究组织的关系以及跨学科研究组织出现的原因之后,在对比的基础上,论述了跨学科研究组织与大学传统的学术组织的不同以及跨学科研究组织的管理创新。  相似文献   

阐述了精确农业的内涵, 采用的基本技术及其功能, 介绍了国外精确农业研究进展及国内在精确农业应用方面的研究及运用概况, 提出了立足于我国国情的精确农业发展策略。  相似文献   

Chang  Jiyul  Clay  David E.  Carlson  C. Greg  Malo  Doug  Clay  Sharon A.  Lee  John  Ellsbury  Mike 《Precision Agriculture》1999,1(3):277-289
To determine temporal changes in soil nutrient status, reproducible results must be obtained at each time step. The objective of this paper was to determine the impact of grid distance on the reproducibility of spatial variability measurements. Soil samples from the 0 to 15 cm depth were collected from a 30 by 30 m grid in May 1995 in a 65 ha notill corn (Zea mays L.) field. Each bulk sample contained 15 individual cores, collected at sample points located every 11.4 cm along a transect that transversed 3 corn rows (57 cm). At each sampling point latitude, longitude, elevation, landscape position, and soil series were determined. The 30 m grid was used to develop 4 and 9 independent data sets having a 60 and 90 m, grids, respectively. Semivariograms, nugget to sill ratios, and mean squared errors were calculated for each data set. At 60 m: (i) the total N, total C, and pH semivariograms, of different start points, were similar, while semivariograms for Olsen P, K, and Zn were different; (ii) the spatial dependence ratings, based on the nugget to sill ratio, for total N, total C, and pH semivariograms were consistent and suggested moderate spatial dependence; (iii) the spatial dependence rating for Olsen P, K, and Zn for the 4 semivariograms were not consistent and ranged from weak to moderate spatial dependence. At 90 m all soil nutrients had different semivariograms for each start point, while the spatial dependence rating for each total N, total C, and pH start point were consistent and showed moderate spatial dependence. The total C, P, K, Zn, and pH MSE values at 60 m, were 30, 30, 41, 28, and 72% lower than the variance, respectively. This study showed that semivariogram, semivariance, MSE, and nugget to sill ratios reproducibility were dependent on soil nutrient and grid distance.  相似文献   

精准农业研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
阐述了精准农业的内涵、技术组成 ,介绍了国外精准农业研究进展及国内在精准农业应用方面的成就 ,并提出了我国精准农业的发展策略。  相似文献   

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