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  • 1. A biological inventory is described for Portelet Bay, on the south coast of Jersey in the Channel Islands, which has been selected for the Island's first marine nature reserve.
  • 2. The application of site assessment criteria in justifying the selection of the site is discussed.
  • 3. Conclusions are drawn on the process by which marine reserve status might be achieved.

1. Ponds, as sources of water, are of fundamental importance to man. However what is now regarded as a pond may have been a natural water source exploited by man at different times to meet different needs, or may have been created for a multitude of different purposes—e.g. domestic or agricultural use, for transport, defence, ritual or industrial use, social aggrandizement or the creation of the picturesque. 2. Existing natural or older man-made ponds may hold peat deposits, of great importance for palaeo-environmentalists, or may have preserved archaeological features or artefacts or environmental data which would have perished in a dry environment. 3. Modern ponds, created in suitable locations for water retention, for conservation or recreational purposes, may well be found to overlie ancient water sources. Damage may inadvertently be done to ancient structures or environmental deposits if the scheme does not take archaeological considerations into account at the planning stage. 4. The historical and cultural importance of ponds and their archaeological potential is emphasized. The vulnerability of ponds is discussed, and recommendations made for improved liaison between archaeologists and ecologists. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ORIO  YAMAMURA 《Fisheries Science》2003,69(3):445-455
ABSTRACT:   The species composition of demersal fish was studied in nearshore waters (33–116 m depth) of south-eastern Hokkaido, the coldest area around the Japan Archipelago due to the influence of the cold Oyashio Current, using bottom gillnet samples collected during October 1996, August 1997, May 1998 and September 1999. The water temperature just above the sea bottom in the study area was lowest (< 2°C) during May and then rose through autumn (> 14°C). Cottids were the most abundant family in terms of both overall biomass and number, but their gravimetric dominance decreased from May (84%) through October (14%), whereas pleuronectids and stichaeids increased. Of the 57 fish species sampled, plain sculpin Myoxocephalus jaok was the dominant species in terms of overall biomass, accounting for 29.0% of the total biomass, followed by horned sculpin Enophrys diceraus (19.5%), Kamchatka flounder Atheresthes evermanni (6.5%) and blackline prickleback Acantholumpenus mackayi (4.9%). Plain sculpin dominated during May and September, but its predominance was low during October (9.6%), when witch flounder Glyptocephalus stelleri (22.7%) and blackline prickleback (10.8%) became important. This seasonal change appears to reflect the annual life cycle events of the fish, such as spawning.  相似文献   

石臼湖是长江下游唯一的自然通江湖泊,为掌握其鱼类资源状况,本研究于2017年1月至2018年3月采用多目刺网和定制串联笼壶采集石臼湖渔获物,分析了石臼湖鱼类群落结构及其季节变化.结果显示,共采集到鱼类36种,隶属于6目7科28属,其中鲤科鱼类最多,占总物种数的69.44%;鱼类物种组成以定居性、杂食性、中上层鱼类为主,...  相似文献   

This is a study of vertebral deformities in ornamental koi based on computed radiography and skeletons cleaned by dermestid beetles (Dermestes maculatus). All koi developed gradual onset of swimming abnormalities as adults. Extensive intervertebral osteophyte formation correlated with age of fish and was associated with hindquarter paresis in one koi. Vertebral compression and fusion were the most common spinal deformities occurring at multiple sites, similar to findings in other farmed fish. Site‐specific spinal deformities were thought to develop due to differences in swimming behaviour and rates of vertebral growth. One koi had offspring with spinal deformities. Spinal deformities are significant problems in both European and Australian food fish hatcheries. The heritability of vertebral deformities in farmed fish is reportedly low unless there is concurrent poor husbandry or nutritional deficiencies. The specific aetiologies for vertebral deformities in koi in this study could not be ascertained. Current knowledge on spinal deformities in the better studied European food fish species suggests multifactorial aetiologies. Future research should include prospective longitudinal studies of larger numbers of koi from hatch and consideration of all potential risk factors such as husbandry, nutrition, temperature, photoperiod and genetics.  相似文献   

  • 1. The efficacy of strategies to reduce external nutrient loads to eutrophicated lakes may be evaluated using the example of Slapton Ley, a freshwater Site of Special Scientific Interest in south-west England.
  • 2. The results of this study suggest that, in dealing with eutrophication, a reduction in point-source loads is important, but attention must also be given to non-point, agricultural sources.
  • 3. One measure which would appear to be effective against diffuse nutrient export from farmland involves the creation of woodland buffer zones along the courses of the rivers draining into the Ley.
  • 4. Problems arise in the implementation of strategies since it is concluded that no current EC or UK national legislation addresses the problem of freshwater eutrophication in a comprehensive manner.
  • 5. Forthcoming Statutory Water Quality Objectives may be instrumental in providing the legal means by which such reductions could be achieved, if the importance of diffuse sources from agriculture is acknowledged.

Abstract –  Lake Pamvotis is a tertiary natural shallow lake located in the NW of Greece. For biogeographical reasons, it historically contained only four fish species: two endemics ( Phoxinellus epiroticus , Squalius pamvoticus ), one native to the West Greece ( Barbus albanicus ) and the ubiquitous Anguilla anguilla . These species were almost exclusively present in the lake before 1920, forming remarkable commercially exploited populations. From the 1930s through the 1990s, 20 species were introduced into the lake for purposes of eutrophication control or to enhance the fishery. These introductions, some of them accidental have led to the apparent decline, even loss, of the native species. During the last three decades the fish fauna of the lake has shifted from the native, clear-water species to a predominance of introduced species, mainly those adapted for turbid eutrophic water ( Rutilus panosi , Cyprinus carpio and Carassius gibelio , and several Asian cyprinids). The current fish assemblage in the lake is dominated by introduced species particularly the Mosquitofish ( Gambusia affinis ) and the Lourogobios ( Economidichthys pygmaeus ) in the littoral zone, the benthopelagic allogynogenetic Prussian carp ( C. gibelio) , and the opportunistic Trichonis roach ( R. panosi ), in the pelagic zone.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The life cycle of Dilophus okamurae and the associated benthic invertebrate fauna were studied monthly or bimonthly from June 1998 to September 1999 at a depth of 4–7 m in Onagawa Bay along the Pacific coast of north-eastern Honshu, Japan (38°28'N, 149°29'E). Dry biomass ranged from 230 g/m2 in June to 10 g/m2 in October. Sporophytes with tetrasporangia appeared during July to September 1998. Gametophytes with oogonia or antheridia were observed for the first time in May 1999 during observation. The absence of mature sporophytes in 1999 suggests that the life cycle is completed over two years. The sympatric gastropods Lirularia iridescens , Homalopoma sangrarense, Conotalopia minima and Cantharidus callichroa synchronized with seasonal changes in biomass of this algae. In contrast, Barleeia angustata and B. trifasciata fluctuated independently. The juvenile sea urchin Strongylocentrotus nudus appeared in the algal population starting in October at 0.7 mm mean test diameter at high density, and disappeared after March.  相似文献   

A case of intersexuality in an arabo-haflinger horse is described. The external genitalia consisted of mammary gland, vulva and hypertrophic clitoris; the inner genitalia of rudimental testes. The sexual behaviour was typically male-like. The chromosome analysis showed the female karyotype 64,XX. The presence of testes in a genetically female animal is explained by translocation of an Y-chromosome fragment bearing the gene for the H-Y-antigen.  相似文献   

1. This paper summarizes aspects of the biology and conservation of the grey nurse shark (Carcharias taurus) in south-eastern Australian waters. This species has been a totally protected species in the State of New South Wales since 1984 and, as far as is known, was the first protected shark in the world. 2. Aspects discussed include systematics and taxonomy, distribution and biogeography, morphology and behaviour, reproduction and migrations, feeding habits, fisheries value and claims of attacks on humans, and impacts of protective beach meshing, spearfishing and SCUBA diving. The background to, and history of, moves to protect and conserve the species in New South Wales waters are also covered. 3. Results of surveys of the abundance of this species at Seal Rocks, an area off the mid-north coast of New South Wales where grey nurse sharks are known to aggregate, are reported. Also, a summary of the results of a telephone survey of commercial dive shop operators regarding the occurrence of grey nurse sharks along the New South Wales coastline is presented. 4. Finally, recommendations are made concerning the need for further research on, and management of, this species in Australian waters.  相似文献   

1. A diatom-phosphorus (P) transfer function was applied to fossil diatom assemblages in sediment cores from three Anglesey lakes of conservation importance, in order to reconstruct quantitatively the recent history of total P (TP) concentrations for each lake. The results indicate that all three lakes have been eutrophic throughout the period represented by the cores. 2. The model suggests that Llyn Coron and Llyn Dinam experienced gradual increases in TP concentration (core base to 20 cm), followed by marked, rapid increases from the time represented by a sediment depth of 20 cm (early 1970s for Llyn Coron), most probably associated with agricultural intensification. 3. A recent decline in TP concentration at Llyn Coron and Llyn Dinam, associated with reductions in external P loading, is indicated by the model, although current levels are still considerably higher than those estimated for the base of the cores (Dinam: current=112 μg L−1; base=65 μg L−1, and Coron: current=156 μg L−1; base=70 μg L−1). 4. No clear changes in diatom-inferred TP concentration were observed for Llyn Penrhyn over the 70 year period represented by the core. However, the reconstruction for this lake is inaccurate because: (a) the sediment record appears to be disturbed, and (b) unlike Llyn Coron and Llyn Dinam, diatom preservation and modern analogues are poor, and the present TP concentration (>1 mg L−1) is beyond the TP range of the model. 5. Continued control of the external TP loads from agricultural sources is essential to prevent further increases in lake TP concentrations at Llyn Coron and Llyn Dinam. Given the problems with the Llyn Penrhyn data, it is not possible to draw any firm conclusions regarding future site management. However, the impact of the recent installation of a phosphate stripping plant at the local sewage works should be monitored, to identify whether a reduction in external P loading results in a decrease in epilimnetic TP concentrations, and in turn whether this causes changes to the biological community structure of the lake.  相似文献   

Sympatric populations of the hermaphroditic scallop, Pecten fumatus Reeve, and of the dioecious scallop, Chlamys (Mimachlamys) asperrima (Lamarck), from Jervis Bay, New South Wales, Australia, were sampled between October 1991 and December 1994. Over the first 2 years, 5.1% of adult P. fumatus and 4.5% of adult C. asperrima were infected with a trematode, Bucephalus sp., that causes parasitic castration. A significant increase in the numbers of infected scallops occurred in spring 1993, teaching 63% in P. fumatus and 24% in C asperrima in May and March 1994, respectively. The prevalence of infection increased with scallop size, reaching 66% in P. fumatus greater than 80 mm in shell height and 40% in C. asperrima greater than 75 mm in 1994. Seasonal and interannual variations in parasitism for the P. fumatus recorded over a continuous period of 5 years in Jervis Bay are discussed, as are interspecies differences and the potential impact of the parasitic castration on reproductive potential and marketability of P. fumatus and C. asperrima.  相似文献   

1. This paper gives a comprehensive account of the ecology of Llyn Idwal and Llyn Cwellyn, two nationally well known and internationally important conservation lakes in Snowdonia National Park, North Wales. Idwal has a small but precipitous catchment with relatively large areas of heathland and base rich bare rock. Cwellyn has a larger catchment with a substantial proportion of woodland, including coniferous plantations, and a long history of human activity. 2. The chemistry of the waters in both lakes is indicative of nutrient-poor conditions but Idwal exhibits relatively high alkalinity and pH values. 3. The diatom floras are typical of nutrient-poor upland waters, with species composition reflecting the alkalinity differences. Isoetids form a dominant component of the macrophyte floras, with the most diverse assemblage recorded at Idwal. 4. The zooplankton communities are distinctive, with only a small number of species occurring in both lakes. The macroinvertebrate faunas are dominated by insect taxa typical of stony shores. Supplementary stocking of the Idwal trout population has been reported. 5. The conservation importance of the sites lies primarily in their representation of nutrient-poor mountain lake systems and the macrophyte assemblages which include a number of rare species. In addition, a genetically unique arctic charr population is present in Cwellyn. 6. Impoundment, water abstraction, acidification, eutrophication and the recreational use of the sites are identified as potential environmental impacts. The conservation management of the sites is related to the extent of the reserve boundaries and catchment activities. Aspects of the future management and environmental monitoring of Idwal and Cwellyn as Special Areas of Conservation under the European Community Council Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora are discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1. In intensively operated dog breeding kennels bacterial infections are very significant in perinatal mortality. 2. Staph. aureus, Streptococci (type G) and also beta-haemolytic E. coli were transmitted intra-uterine or by the infected genital tract to the puppies. In many cases they are the cause of septicaemic death of the puppies. 3. A second important cause of infection is subclinical mastitis of the bitch, leading to septicaemic death of newborn puppies. 4. Prophylactic hygienic measures make possible a prognosis concerning the risk of perinatal death. This includes examinations of the dog and the bitch ante coitum, bacteriological examination of the genital tract of the bitch, and a bacteriological examination of the milk before the date of birth. 5. Prophylactic hygienic measures in combination with antibiotic treatment of the bitch or the puppies could reduce the losses of puppies to less than 10%.  相似文献   

Fisheries Science - To elucidate spatial and seasonal variations of radiocesium (134Cs and 137Cs) concentrations in ayu Plecoglossus altivelis, amphidromous fish samples were collected both from...  相似文献   

A scientific observer programme was used to quantify the composition and magnitude of discards in the gillnet fishery for dusky flathead, Platycephalus fuscus (Cuvier), in three barrier estuaries in New South Wales, Australia, during the 2001 fishing season. Regulations only permit the retention of legal‐sized dusky flathead and legal‐sized blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus L., and mud crab, Scylla serrata (Forskål); all other organisms were discarded. Sampling was stratified into two time periods; before and after 1 July 2001 which coincided with the increase in the minimum legal length (MLL) of dusky flathead from 33 to 36 cm total length (TL). Eighty one catches were sampled, yielding 38 finfish species and two portunid crab species. Legal‐sized dusky flathead were the most abundant organism captured, accounting for 23–47% by number and 34–54% by weight of the mean observed catch depending on the estuary and survey period, with a mean catch of 25–59 flathead weighing 13–25 kg per fishing‐night. Species composition and relative abundance of catches differed among estuaries, but not between sampling periods. Predominant bycatch species included legal and undersize blue swimmer crab, sea mullet, Mugil cephalus L., luderick, Girella tricuspidata (Quoy & Gaimard), bream, Acanthopagrus australis (Günther) and yellowfin leatherjacket, Meuschenia trachylepis (Günther). These five species accounted for 82% of total bycatch by number and 71% by weight, pooled across the three estuaries. More crabs were retained than discarded, with retained legal‐size crabs (byproduct) accounting for 16% of total bycatch by number and 13% by weight, with an average of 5–22 crabs weighing 1–6 kg being caught per fishing‐night, depending on the estuary. Overall, 7% of dusky flathead captured (number) were below the MLL of 36 cm and discarded, suggesting the nets as currently configured may be relatively selective in catching legal‐size flathead. However, 41% of dusky flathead were <40 cm TL, indicating that if the MLL for this species is increased to this length as proposed, new nets must be introduced into the fishery. The findings are discussed in terms of making the flathead fishery more sustainable, including alternative management strategies for the fishery.  相似文献   

A pH-stat multienzyme in vitro digestibility assay was investigated for its efficacy in predicting apparent protein digestibility coefficients in abalone diets. Linear regression analysis between in vitro digestibility estimates and in vivo digestibility coefficients obtained from abalone, revealed that the technique could be used to reliably predict apparent protein digestibility. Maximal predictability of the system was obtained when protein sources were analysed according to origin – animal or plant. The technique was used to assess the apparent protein digestibility of 34 potential protein sources for use in formulated feeds for Haliotis midae .  相似文献   

108 mares with a total of 135 oestrous cycles were examined. 30% of the mares showed development of double follicles, found by palpation and ultrasonography. Eight cases of double ovulation, four of them synchronous and four asynchronous, were examined closely. These cases of double ovulation showed different growth and different development of the follicular wall. This occurred at the same time in cases of synchronous double ovulation whereas it differed in case of asynchronous double ovulation. The later ovulating follicle was still growing while the first one had already burst. With both forms of double ovulation an equal concentration of progesterone was detected in peripheral blood. On the day of ovulation the rate of progesterone was low (1 ng/ml blood plasma) and it first started rising from the day +1 on. Double follicles matured slower than single follicles. Mares with synchronous double ovulation showed the typical oestrus behavior. This behavior was less distinct after the first ovulation in mares with asynchronous double ovulation. All four mares with asynchronous and two mares with synchronous double ovulation became pregnant. Twins did not occur. A possible relationship between double ovulation and twin pregnancy is discussed.  相似文献   

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