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稻麦生产体系的制约因素来自于两种作物对不同土壤结构状态的要求,提升其系统产出需要有效的手段实现不同土壤结构状态的转化,而对耕后土壤结构状态的准确描述又是其基本问题。尺度划分是描述土壤结构的基础,耕作力学的土壤结构起点尺度为2mm,且以2倍频的尺度分割规则有利于土壤结构的模型表达。实验表明,粘性水稻土耕后的土壤破碎体主要以大于2mm结构体为主,平均土块径在50mm以下,分形维数为2。不过,平均土块径无法提供准确的土壤破碎体尺度分布信息。而模型描述可以直观且准确反映耕作生成的土壤破碎体尺度分布状况。但是,模型描述仍然不利于提供基于土壤破碎体尺度分布信息的土壤功能及作物生长模型,因此对分布模型进一步参数化是提供高阶土壤结构——作物生长模型的基础。结果分析发现,分形维数D能够将耕后土壤结构参量化,从而这一携带尺度分布信息的单一参量有利于建立高阶模型。  相似文献   

土壤结构定量化研究进展   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
周虎  吕贻忠  李保国 《土壤学报》2009,46(3):501-506
土壤结构是土壤中各种过程进行的物理框架,土壤结构的定量化对土壤水、气、热和土壤生物、化学过程定量化研究具有重要意义。本文主要讨论了土壤结构研究的内容,介绍了土壤结构研究的主要方法,对分形理论、布尔模型和孔隙网络模型等在土壤结构中的应用作了简要的介绍,并且对未来土壤结构定量化研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

金沙江干热河谷区退化土壤结构的分形特征研究   总被引:25,自引:5,他引:25  
分形理论是近年来兴起的一种新的研究工具。分析结果表明 :土壤粒径分布的分形维数能客观地反映退化土壤的结构状况和退化程度 ,可作为退化土壤结构评价的一项综合性定量指标。退化土壤的分形维数与土壤颗粒组成和微团聚体组成之间存在着明显的相关性。土壤中 <0 .0 0 1mm粘粒含量越高 ,>0 .2 5 mm团粒含量越低 ,则分形维数越高 ,结构性越差。对于同一土壤退化系列 ,分形维数越高 ,土壤退化越严重。  相似文献   

多尺度多分辨率破碎方法评价土壤结构的原理及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在数学描述上,应力小波破碎分析具有小波分析相同的形式,因此,能够将小波分析的理论进行重新阐释,以使其适用于破碎研究。结果发现,应力小波方法在描述破碎体结合面的结合强度方面具有特殊性。同时表明土壤破碎体分形维数是土壤结构的宏观统计学指标,而土壤破碎体的单粒能量消耗值是土壤结构的微观应力小波指标,只有综合使用这两个指标才能够全面地评价土壤的结构状态。在不同季节进行相同的机械耕作处理下,南京水田农地的耕作层土壤结构表现差异明显。秋季耕作土壤的应力小波指标明显优于春季耕作的土壤,同时,秋季耕作土壤的分形维数也远大于春季耕作的土壤。  相似文献   

土壤粒径分布单重分形与孔隙单重分形   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
土壤颗粒大小的分布是重要的土壤物理性质,对土壤水、气、热传导特性有着显著的影响。鉴于土壤颗粒分形在分析和描述岩土介质多孔结构的优势,本文通过对5种不同质地的土样进行颗粒分析与水分特征曲线的测试。结果表明:土壤结构定量化表征的方法就是确定土壤结构的分形维数,针对不同地区的土壤,可以通过土壤粒径分布分形维数体现土壤粒径分布的情况,分形维数越大,颗粒粒径越小,细粒含量越高,质地越发呈现不均匀性;且可利用土壤粒径分形维数估算土壤孔隙分形维数。为建立土壤粒径分布模型提供数据支持,同时也为推进土壤结构的研究进展提供了新的方向。  相似文献   

运用分形模型对滨海沙地木麻黄防护林10种更新模式土壤结构进行研究,探讨了分形维数与土壤肥力的关系。结果表明,沙质土壤小径级沙粒含量越大,土壤结构分形维数越大,土壤肥力越高,保水能力越强。土壤结构分形维数与土壤小径级颗粒含量及其他理化性质指标均存在显著回归关系。木麻黄、刚果12#桉、厚荚相思和湿地松顺序排列多行混交模式土壤结构分形维数最大,其改土效果最明显,为最优更新模式。分形模型在沙质土壤肥力研究上应用为木麻黄防护林更新模式选择提供了新思路。  相似文献   

针对采用客土喷播人工土壤进行植被恢复的铁路边坡,对铁路边坡岩石创面人工土壤植被的盖度、高度、根深、根幅、地上生物量、地下生物量和多样性指数在不同坡位、坡向的空间变异性进行了观测研究.结果表明,铁路边坡植被盖度在不同坡位之间存在明显差异,表现为坡下(87%)>坡上(31%)>坡中(19%).铁路边坡坡位对植被的盖度、高度、Pielou均匀度指数有显著影响,但对根深、根幅、地上生物量、地下生物量、Marglef丰富度指数和Simpson多样性指数的影响不显著.铁路边坡坡向对植物群落的Pielou均匀度指数有显著影响,表现为西坡>北坡>南坡>东坡,但对Simpson多样性指数、Marglef丰富度指数以及植被的盖度、高度、平均根深、根幅、地上生物量、地下生物量的影响均不显著.  相似文献   

重庆缙云山典型林分土壤结构分形特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
 为了解长江三峡库区森林土壤的物理性质,运用分形原理,研究重庆缙云山4种典型林分林地土壤分形特征,建立土壤结构分维与土壤性质预测模型,运用弹性分析与边际分析,探讨土壤结构分形变化与土壤性质变化的关系。研究表明:土壤机械组成分维、微团聚体组成分维和孔隙组成分维可作为评价土壤结构的指标。不同林分林地土壤颗粒机械组成分维值为2.7~2.9,土壤微团聚体组成分维为2.5~2.8,土壤孔隙组成分维为2.3~2.8。从质地、微团聚体组成和孔隙组成来看,常绿阔叶灌丛土壤结构要明显优于其他林地土壤,而楠竹林最差。不同林分及农地土壤的微团聚体组成、机械颗粒组成和孔隙组成分维与土壤性质存在较明显相关关系,相关系数都在0.5以上。由弹性系数和边际量可以看出,机械分维的影响要大于微团聚体分维和孔隙组分维。这对进一步探讨分形学在土壤结构与土壤性质的应用方面有重要的意义。  相似文献   

石灰岩区土壤分形特征及其与土壤性质的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了岩溶坡地不同生态系统土壤颗粒组成和团粒结构的分形特征.结果表明,土壤颗粒组成分形维数与黏粒及物理性黏粒含量显著正相关,与砂砾含量显著负相关.团粒结构分形维数与水稳性团聚体含量显著负相关,与团聚体湿筛后的破坏率显著正相关,即分形维数愈高,>0.25 mm水稳性团聚体和水稳性大团聚体含量愈低;团粒结构的分形维数与土壤有机质有负相关趋势,与土壤阳离子交换量显著负相关,与土壤体积质量(容重)呈正相关趋势.次生灌丛岩溶生态系统退化后,土壤黏粒减少,体积质量上升,土壤水稳性团聚体含量及其稳定性下降,土壤颗粒组成分形维数降低,土壤团粒结构分形维数则呈上升趋势.颗粒组成分形维数与团粒结构分形维数对土壤质量和岩溶生态环境状况的反映是一致的.  相似文献   

通过保水剂、秸秆覆盖、灌水等措施的实施,对冬小麦收获后各相应处理土壤样品的土壤结构特征、蒸发及入渗过程机制进行研究。结果表明:不同保水措施增加了土壤有机质含量,降低了土壤密度,提高了土壤结构的稳定性,降低了土壤团聚体的分形维数,减少了土壤水分无效蒸发,提高了土壤入渗能力;土壤入渗过程曲线拟合方程符合函数y=a+be-cx,稳定入渗速率变化基本和a值的变化一致,c值决定了入渗速率降低的速度;经过小麦生命周期后,与灌水处理相比,施用保水剂后不进行灌水,土壤结构稳定性相对提高,土壤累计入渗量增加,土壤无效蒸发降低;玉米收获后未翻耕的样地提高了土壤有机质含量、土壤水稳性团聚体含量和土壤入渗性能。  相似文献   

Soil physical properties related to soil structure   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The aim of this paper is to clarify the effect of soil aggregation on soil physical and chemical properties of structured soils both on a bulk soil scale, for single aggregates, as well as for homogenized material. Aggregate formation and aggregate strength depend on swelling and shrinkage processes and on biological activity and kinds of organic exudates as well as on the intensity, number and time of swelling and drying events. Such aggregates are, most of all, more dense than the aggregated bulk soil. The intra-aggregate pore distribution consists not only of finer pores but these are also more tortuous. Thus, water fluxes in aggregated soils are mostly multidimensional and the corresponding water fluxes in the intra-aggregate pore system are much smaller. Furthermore, ion transport by mass flow as well as by diffusion are delayed, whereby the length of the flow path in such tortuous finer pores further retards chemical exchange processes. The chemical composition of the percolating soil solution differs even more from that of the corresponding homogenized material the stronger and denser the aggregates are.

The rearrangement of particles by aggregate formation also induces an increased apparent thermal diffusivity as compared with the homogenized material. The aggregate formation also affects the aeration and the gaseous composition of the intra-aggregate pore space. Depending on the kind and intensity of aggregation, the intra-aggregate pores can be completely anoxic, while the inter-aggregate pores are already completely aerated. The higher the amount of dissolved organic carbon in the percolating soil solution, the more pronounced is the difference between the gaseous composition in the inter- and in the intra-aggregate pore system.

From the mechanical point of view, the strength single aggregates, determined as the angle of internal friction and cohesion, depends on the number of contact points or the forces, which can be transmitted at each single contact point. The more structured soils are, the higher the proportion of the effective stress on the total stress is, but even in single aggregates positive pore water pressure values can be revealed. Dynamic forces e.g. due to wheeling and/or slip processes can affect the pore system as well as the composition of the soil by: (1) a rearrangement of single aggregates in the existing inter-aggregate pore system resulting in an increased bulk density and a less aerated and less rootable soil volume, (2) a complete homogenization, i.e. aggregate deterioration due to shearing. Thus, the smaller texture dependent soil strength coincides with a more intensive soil compaction due to loading. (3) Aggregate deterioration due to shearing results in a complete homogenization, if excess soil water is available owing to kneading as soon as the octahedral shear stresses and the mean normal stresses exceed the stress state defined by the Mohr-Coulomb failure line. Consequently, normal shrinkage processes start again.

Thus, the rearrangement of particles and the formation of well defined single aggregates even at the same bulk density of the bulk soil both affect, to a great extent, various ecological parameters. Environmental aspects can also be correlated, or at least explained with the processes in soils, as a major compartment of terrestial ecosystems, if the physical and chemical properties of the structure elements and their composition in the bulk soil are understood.  相似文献   

红壤干旱过程中剖面水分特征与土层干旱指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农田水分管理以及产量评估都需要对土壤作物受旱状况定量化和指标化。干旱强度和干旱程度结合才能完整地描述土壤作物干旱状况,土壤干旱强度I是土壤剖面失水速率的函数,干旱影响逐渐累积并增强就构成干旱程度D,据此提出了包含ID二个指数的土层干旱指标表达模式。通过红壤小区种植玉米并在抽穗期开始设置连续干旱12~36 d等6个不同的处理,研究了红壤干旱过程中剖面水分特征和干旱指标。结果表明:供试红壤干旱过程中剖面40 cm以下含水率下降幅度很小,玉米主要利用了0~40 cm土层的水分,监测30~40 cm土层含水率的变化情况可以指示玉米受到干旱胁迫的程度。连续干旱25 d后40 cm以下土层含水率明显降低,玉米产量也显著下降,此时0~60 cm土层和30~40 cm土层的干旱程度D均为0.55,可用此指标作为灌溉的依据。  相似文献   

Soil hydraulic properties as related to soil structure   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

The aim of this trial was to quantify and compare the responses of soil microbial communities during the phytoremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a laboratory trial. The experiment was conducted in 1-kg pots and planted treatments consisted of a mixed ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and white clover (Trifolium repens) sward together with a rhizobial inoculum (Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii). Throughout the 180-d experiment soil microbial biomass and communities of PAH degraders were monitored. PAH degradation was enhanced in planted treatments that received a rhizobial inoculum. Microbial biomass was enhanced in planted treatments, but there were no significant differences between treatments that had received a rhizobial inoculum and those that had not. However, numbers of PAH degraders were greater in the treatment that had received a rhizobial inoculum.  相似文献   

High soil tare of sugar beet on wet clay soil after uprooting with share lifters is usually attributed to the fact that the soil becomes sticky due to mechanical impact during uprooting. Results of field experiments have shown good potential for obtaining low soil tare of sugar beet on wet clay soil by beet extraction with a high average vertical acceleration and a spiral extraction path with a small pitch. The objective of this research was to provide models for soil–beet–lifter systems used in these experiments, and to simulate some of the observed effects of the uprooting method on soil tare and soil adherence. As the rootlet system plays an important role in the origination of soil tare, the rootlet system was also modelled. A constitutive soil model, assuming elastic–perfectly-plastic soil behaviour, was used as a basis for modelling soil–beet–lifter system variants, including beet with and without rootlets, uprooting by extraction, rotation and extrusion, and uprooting with low and high vertical acceleration. The origination of soil tare is presented on the basis of the calculated zone of initial soil failure during extraction. Expected soil adherence is discussed in relation to the stress state of the soil. The simulated initial soil failure and stress state of the soil agreed well with experimental results on soil tare and soil adherence.  相似文献   

Surface horizons of two Australian alfisols which had been cropped for 3 years to wheat by zero, minimum and ploughed tillage were compared for differences in structure. Total porosities and pore size distributions differed between treatments, but values for water and air permeability, sorptivity, diffusivity and evaporation rate were not necessarily ranked in the same order. The stability of soil structure was usefully described by the ratio of water to air permeability (kw/ka), which indicated the relatively fragile nature of the ploughed structures, despite their initially greater proportion of coarse porosity. Time of sampling after seeding also influenced hydraulic properties which were found to vary significantly over a 10-week period. Variations in vertical distribution of organic matter between tillage treatments is postulated as influencing the differences in structural stability.  相似文献   

Modern concepts of the morphology and geometry of soil structure are discussed. It is shown that the geometry of soil pores can serve as an indispensable indicator of the structural state of soils. The structural-functional significance of the shape and orientation of soil pores in addition to the total soil porosity is demonstrated by the example of agrogray and alluvial soils of the forest-steppe zone. Theoretical concepts and factual materials discussed in this paper can be considered the first stage of formalization of existing notions about the geometrical aspects of soil structure in the context of the systems arrangement of soils.  相似文献   

The culturable bacterial population and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profile of casing soil were investigated at different mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) cropping stages. The change in soil bacterial PLFAs was always accompanied by a change in the soil culturable bacterial population in the first flush. Comparatively higher culturable bacterial population and bacterial PLFAs were found in the casing soil at the primordia formation stage of the first flush. There was a significant increase in the ratio of fungal to bacterial PLFAs during mushroom growth. Multivariate analysis of PLFA data demonstrated that the mushroom cropping stage could considerably affect the microbial community structure of the casing soil. The bacterial population increased significantly from casing soil application to the primordia formation stage of the first flush. Casing soil application resulted in an increase in the ratio of gram-negative bacterial PLFAs to gram-positive bacterial PLFAs, suggesting that some gram-negative bacteria might play an important role in mushroom sporophore initiation.  相似文献   

高速公路建设中不同类型弃土场的土壤流失特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 以沪蓉西高速公路(上海至成都高速公路西段)湖北宜长段(宜昌至长阳县)弃土场为研究对象,通过观测天然降雨、土壤、植物和土壤流失量等因子,探讨不同类型弃土场的土壤流失特性。结果表明:1)降雨量与降雨强度的乘积(PI)和次降雨造成的单位面积土壤流失量(E)之间,表现出较好的一元正线性相关关系。在不考虑影响坡面土壤流失的其他因素的前提下,随着降雨量和降雨强度乘积的增加,土壤流失量逐渐加大。2)采取工程措施和生物措施综合防护,可以有效减少弃土场的土壤流失量。3)弃土场表土物质组成对土壤流失起着重要作用,表土受雨水冲刷,砾石含量会逐渐增大,土壤流失量逐渐减小。  相似文献   

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