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不同杀菌剂对马铃薯疮痂病的防效试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
马铃薯疮痂病(Streptomyces spp.)是目前内蒙古马铃薯生产的重要病害之一,更是影响微型薯生产的主要病害。缺少有效杀菌剂是病害严重的主要原因,2012年选用10种杀菌剂进行了网棚蛭石消毒防治该病害试验。结果表明:疮痂治200倍液防效86.8%,99%硫酸铜40倍液防效55.1%、50%克菌丹可湿性粉剂500倍液防效50.9%、77%冠菌铜可湿性粉剂500倍液防效42.9%、80%代森锰锌可湿性粉剂500倍液防效41.2%。疮痂治对防治马铃薯疮痂病具有优越效果。  相似文献   

为了提高马铃薯微型薯生产中对疮痴病的防治效果,采用不同原料配制基质组合,结果表明:各配比组合对马铃薯疮痂病均有一定的防治效果,降低微型薯疮痂病感病率和病情指数,尤其添加一定比例的糠醛渣可有效抑制马铃薯疮痂病的发生,以糠醛渣:原网棚内的土=1:1配比的基质效果最佳,感病率为5.37%,病情指数为2.33%。  相似文献   

不同比例氟啶胺对马铃薯块茎疮痂病防治效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为减轻疮痂病对马铃薯生产造成的损失,采取对播种垄沟中的薯块喷施氟啶胺药剂的方法,测定了不同比例氟啶胺对马铃薯生长、产量、品质及块茎疮痂病的防治效果。结果表明:和对照相比,不同比例氟啶胺对马铃薯的出苗率、产量以及防病效果都有不同程度的提高,300倍液可显著提高块茎的维生素C含量。1000倍液的防病效果最佳。  相似文献   

Common scab caused by the soil-borne bacterium Streptomyces scabies is a serious disease for the potato industry. We have identified a strong source of resistance in the diploid wild relative Solanum chacoense. This resistance has been introgressed into tetraploid cultivated potato via unilateral sexual polyploidization. This paper describes three hybrid clones (M8, M16, M17) for use by potato breeding programs to enhance resistance to common scab. They were created by crossing a diploid clone (50% S. tuberosum, 50% S. chacoense) to tetraploid cultivars, producing hybrids with 75% cultivated and 25% wild germplasm. The clones are male and female fertile, and are adapted to temperate zone production environments.  相似文献   

不同药剂及施用方式对马铃薯疮痂病的防效   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
马铃薯疮痂病被视为马铃薯生产中的第四大病害,严重影响马铃薯的外观、等级和品质。为求得防效好的马铃薯疮痂病防治方法,试验采用种薯处理与土壤处理相结合的方法进行田间比较试验。试验品种为‘尤金’,供试微生物制剂有5种,化学药剂1种。对照为常规处理,即不采取任何拌种与沟施。结果表明,防治效果以处理5最好,达到55.17%,处理5是在常规药剂(滑石粉+甲托+链霉素)拌种下,微生物肥料2(薯益生)沟施;其次为处理6防治效果达50.08%,处理6是在常规药剂拌种下,化学药剂爱可(化学药剂1)沟施。处理5、6的发病率及病情指数均显著低于对照。处理5的产量为1 767 kg/667m2,处理6的产量为1 740 kg/667m2,但与对照产量(1 646 kg/667m2)差异不显著。  相似文献   

内蒙古马铃薯疮痂病发生与防治途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011~2012年对内蒙古自治区18个种薯生产单位和11个马铃薯县(旗、市)进行了马铃薯疮痂病(Streptomyces spp.)实地访问和调查。结果被调查的18个种薯生产单位有疮痂病率83.0%,病薯率0.0%~100.0%,11个县(旗、市)商品薯有疮痂病率100.0%,病薯率0.1%~38.0%。重复使用蛭石生产种薯、商品薯生产田轮作少、发病重。种薯较商品薯疮痂病问题更为严重。品种感病、条件适宜、重复使用蛭石、轮作少和缺乏有效杀菌剂是病害严重的主要因素。分析认为,使用效果显著的蛭石消毒剂或种薯处理剂是内蒙古马铃薯疮痂病防治的最佳途径。  相似文献   

Potato common scab is a widespread disease in which scab-like lesions develop on tubers. The disease is caused by pathogenic Streptomyces species, which synthesize the phytotoxin thaxtomin. The txtAB operon, responsible for thaxtomin production, can be used as a marker to identify pathogenic strains of the bacterium. Screening methods to assess scab susceptibility in breeding programs are time-consuming and can produce variable results. Management practices to control the disease vary and include crop rotation, tolerant varieties, monitoring soil pH, avoiding low soil moisture at tuber initiation, and application of soil- and/or seed-applied pesticides. There is a wide range in levels of tolerance among potato varieties. Many public research programs are committed to breeding for scab-tolerant varieties and evaluating management methods. Topics reviewed target readers focused on breeding and disease management objectives to reduce the incidence and severity of potato common scab.  相似文献   

几种化学药剂处理对马铃薯粉痂病的防治效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,粉痂病已成为内蒙古自治区马铃薯生产上的主要病害之一,目前针对该病害没有有效的防治药剂和措施。为筛选出有效的药剂防治马铃薯粉痂病,于2015年在阴山北麓地区开展马铃薯粉痂病大田防治药剂筛选试验,并采集带菌土样进行室内盆栽药剂筛选试验。室内试验结果表明,土壤带菌是主要的初侵染源,带菌薯次之;4.5 L/hm2氟啶胺拌土、120倍或150倍液氟啶胺浸种处理对粉痂病的防治有较好效果,发病率和病情指数显著下降。大田试验结果表明,120倍液氟啶胺浸种结合3 L/hm2沟施和4.5 L/hm2块茎形成期灌根处理对粉痂病的防治有一定效果,病指防效为36.4%。  相似文献   

通过药剂熏蒸处理生产马铃薯脱毒微型薯的土壤和药剂处理带有疮痂病的微型小薯,防止在温(网)室生产马铃薯脱毒微型薯过程中,基质连作后疮痂病的发生,解决每年更换基质造成的人力、财力方面的损失。试验结果表明:基质用氯化苦(三氯硝基甲烷)熏蒸处理,带病种薯播前用0.1%对苯二酚处理30min防治疮痂病效果最佳。  相似文献   

TerraRossa (POR01PG20–12) is a mid-season specialty potato, released by Oregon State University, and is a product of the Northwest Potato Variety (Tri-State) Development Program. This cultivar is unique among commercially available potato cultivars in that plants produce small- to medium-sized smooth, oblong- to long-shaped tubers with red skin and red flesh. Total tuber yields of TerraRossa are similar to Dark Red Norland and less than Red La Soda. Average tuber size (136 g) is less than both of the comparison cultivars, reflecting inherent differences in tuber size distribution. TerraRossa tubers have total antioxidant levels higher than traditional white fresh varieties and comparable to the All Blue purple potato, known for its high antioxidant levels. Sensory evaluations of TerraRossa tubers indicated that it has good culinary attributes following boiling, baking, and microwaving. Potato chips made from TerraRossa tubers retained their unique red color, which represents a novelty in the chipping industry. TerraRossa could be a good candidate for the organic sector due to its tolerance to common scab (Streptomyces scabies) and tuber late blight (Phytophthora infestans) and its resistance to golden cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis). Due to its high yields, high chipping quality, good culinary properties, high antioxidant content and disease resistance, TerraRossa is a good candidate for opening new specialty type markets, adding diversity to the marketplace.  相似文献   

Resistance to common scab continues to be a high priority trait for potato breeders. We have identified a source of resistance in the diploid wild potato relative Solanum chacoense and have introgressed it into cultivated potato by crossing it to a dihaploid. A clone generated by crossing two full-sib hybrids is highly resistant and produces both 2n pollen and 2n eggs. This clone, named 4–48, is homozygous for a major QTL for scab resistance derived from S. chacoense. Clone 4–48 was reciprocally crossed to three round white cultivars Megachip, Pike, and White Pearl. Common scab resistance was transferred to tetraploid offspring, with transmission through the male parent generally more effective than through the female parent. The majority of progeny (70%) exhibited stability for resistance to common scab across environments. This germplasm will be useful for breeding new resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

在大同高寒所的温室微型薯规模生产中,每年约有10%以上的微型薯受到疮痂病侵染,使微型薯的生产受到不同程度的影响。微型薯感染疮痂病的程度与温室内温度、湿度、品种抗性等因素密切相关。因此在温室的大规模微型薯生产过程中,选用良好的基质、适宜的温度、适宜的喷水时期及次数等防治措施,有效抑制疮痂病的发生。  相似文献   

The potato genotypes (Solanum tuberosum L.) with russet tuber skin are generally resistant to powdery scab (Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea or Sss). Lipoxygenase (LOX; EC and patatin are two key storage proteins that are known to offer resistance to several diseases and insects. The objective of this study was to find out the relationship of these proteins in stored tubers with potato tuber powdery scab resistance, especially in russet skinned potatoes. An evaluation of potato germplasm with different tuber characteristics in a greenhouse environment over several years (2006–’11) suggests that russet skinned tuber genotypes (Mesa Russet, Centennial Russet and Russet Nugget) with negligible tuber disease severity index (DSI) and 100 % marketability were resistant to powdery scab. Higher physiological levels of LOX protein (on a dry weight basis) were negatively correlated with tuber DSI and positively correlated with tuber russet skin. Tuber total protein and patatin-lipase levels did not have a significant relationship with tuber powdery scab resistance. The proposed role of LOX protein in suberin- and/or non-suberin-mediated mechanisms of powdery scab resistance in russet skinned tubers are discussed here. The physiological levels of LOX protein can be considered as a useful marker for powdery scab resistance in potato breeding programs.  相似文献   

必速灭防治马铃薯疮痂病效果试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在网棚条件下,进行了必速灭防治马铃薯疮痂病的试验。结果表明必速灭可以显著地降低微型薯疮痂病感病率,降低病情指数,减轻疮痂病在马铃薯微型薯生产中的危害,而且促进了马铃薯扦插苗苗期的生长,提高了扦插苗的存活率、单株产量、小区收获产量和单株薯重。  相似文献   

A survey of the prevalence of skin blemish diseases in potatoes after the growing seasons of 2008 and 2009 was carried out on 247 potato lots representing different cultivars and production regions in Norway. The results showed the presence of silver scurf (Helminthosporium solani) in all lots. Skin spot (Polyscytalum pustulans) and black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani) were found in 80% of the lots, and black dot (Colletotrichum coccodes) and common scab caused by Streptomyces spp. were present in 50–70%. Also, powdery scab (Spongospora subterranea) occurred in 65–80% of the lots, and root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.) were detected in 60% of the sub-samples that exhibited symptoms of common scab.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of 10 bacterial isolates was investigated on potato, radish, carrot and beet, including sensitivity and pathogen control efficacy. The isolates were identified by morphological, biochemical and molecular methods. All isolates were pathogenic on radish, carrot, and beet, and were highly virulent on potato. Although the isolates were obtained from different locations in the El Fuerte Valley (Sinaloa, Mexico), they were similar in their morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics. Sequences of the 16S rRNA gene obtained by PCR were identical for all isolates. These results indicate that the bacterial isolates from potato scabby tissue belong to S. acidiscabies. Furthermore, the effectiveness of fluazinam, both in vitro and under greenhouse and field conditions, represents a possibleoption for chemical control of potato common scab disease. While our results suggest that spraying at seeding is effective in controlling common scab, future studies to combine this treatment with seed dressing before planting will be conducted to determine if there is an increase in disease control.  相似文献   

目前常用马铃薯病毒检测的方法,主要包括寄主生物学检测法、抗血清检测法、电子显微镜检测法、酶联免疫检测法和分子生物学检测法。重点讨论了分子生物学方法中的各种RT-PCR方法。同时对各种方法的优缺点进行了比较,并总结出将传统生物学检测技术、免疫学检测技术和分子生物学检测技术相结合必将成为检测植物病毒最经济有效的手段。  相似文献   

通过筛选获得土壤中马铃薯粉痂菌的诱饵植物,明确不同地区土样的含菌量以及马铃薯栽培品种对土壤含菌量的影响;同时,研究温度和土壤含水量对马铃薯粉痂病发病情况的影响。采用带菌土壤诱导和带菌薯块诱导两种活体诱导的方法进行马铃薯粉痂菌的诱导;在温室条件下设计不同的处理来研究温度和土壤含水量对马铃薯粉痂病发病的影响。筛选得到诱饵植物为番茄品种‘3-375’,不同地区和种植不同马铃薯品种的土壤中粉痂菌的含量存在差异。温度和土壤含水量对粉痂病发病情况有一定影响。土壤中存在马铃薯粉痂菌,该病原菌可以通过土壤和种薯传播;温度和土壤含水量等环境因素对该病害的发生有影响。  相似文献   

以马铃薯‘晋薯16号’为试验材料,以节间作为外植体,进行了种质资源缓慢生长保存研究。结果表明,以MS+IAA 0.5 mg/L+KT 0.1 mg/L为基本培养基,通过调节蔗糖浓度进行马铃薯种质离体保存,在常温条件下最佳蔗糖浓度为90 g/L;以MS+蔗糖30 g/L+IAA 0.5 mg/L+KT 0.1 mg/L为基本培养基,通过调节多效唑(PP33)3浓度进行马铃薯种质离体保存,在常温条件下最佳PP333浓度为1.0 mg/L,在低温4℃条件下最佳PP333浓度为0.5 mg/L。离体保存后的试管苗转入继代培养基中进行恢复培养,其生长情况与正常继代苗无显著差异。  相似文献   

通过筛选获得土壤中马铃薯粉痂菌的诱饵植物,明确不同地区土样的含菌量以及马铃薯栽培品种对土壤含菌量的影响;同时,研究温度和土壤含水量对马铃薯粉痂病发病情况的影响。采用带菌土壤诱导和带菌薯块诱导两种活体诱导的方法进行马铃薯粉痂菌的诱导;在温室条件下设计不同的处理来研究温度和土壤含水量对马铃薯粉痂病发病的影响。筛选得到诱饵植物为番茄品种‘3-375’,不同地区和种植不同马铃薯品种的土壤中粉痂菌的含量存在差异。温度和土壤含水量对粉痂病发病情况有一定影响。土壤中存在马铃薯粉痂菌,该病原菌可以通过土壤和种薯传播;温度和土壤含水量等环境因素对该病害的发生有影响。  相似文献   

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