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Adult females of the tick Boophilus decoloratus were removed from 6 breeds of cattle on 2 farms in the Northern Transvaal. Highest numbers of female ticks were collected from Simmentaler, followed by Santa Gertrudis, Bonsmara, Afrikaner, Brahman and Nguni. Resistance levels of each breed to B. decoloratus was positively correlated with the amount of Bos indicus genes in the breed, with the exception of Nguni, which is a sanga type but not pure B. indicus.  相似文献   

A case control study was carried out within a cross-sectional survey designed to investigate the management by Queensland dairy farmers of the cattle tick Boophilus microplus. Although 199 farmers were surveyed, data on acaricide resistance were only obtained from 66 farms. Multiple models were used to predict the probability of acaricide resistance associated with 30 putative risk factors. The region of the state in which the farm was located and the frequency of acaricide application were consistently associated with acaricide resistance. The risk of resistance to all synthetic pyrethroids (Parkhurst strain) was highest in Central Queensland and increased when more than five applications of acaricide were made in the previous year, when spray races were used and when buffalo fly treatments with a synthetic pyrethroid were applied frequently. The probability of resistance to amitraz (Ulam strain) was highest in Central Queensland, increased when more than five applications of acaricide were made in the previous year, and decreased on farms when a hand-spray apparatus was used to apply acaricides to cattle. The probability of resistance to flumethrin (Lamington strain) was highest in the Wide Bay-Burnett region.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine certain aspects of the biology of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) decoloratus larvae under laboratory and field conditions. Larvae allowed 48 h to select a vertical questing substrate preferred 90 cm rods in length to those of 60 or 30 cm, while in a separate experiment migration from rods 5 cm or 25 cm in length to rods 45 cm in length continued between 48 h and 72 h after larval release. Hatching of the larval progeny of engorged female ticks exposed to ambient field temperatures during the period June to August, occurred synchronously during the third or fourth week of November. With a single exception, larvae that hatched during November and between April and July survived for 38 days or longer, while those that hatched from December to March survived for 31 days or less. Questing larvae were present on vegetation throughout the year, with most being recovered during January and February. Parasitic larvae were present on cattle from October to May with most being collected during January and February.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the species composition and geographic distribution of ixodid ticks infesting domestic dogs in the eastern region of the Eastern Cape Province. Seventy-two communal cattle dip-tanks within this region were randomly selected as survey localities and their geographic coordinates recorded. In addition to ticks that were collected from five cattle and five goats at each of the dip-tanks, ticks were also collected from five dogs whenever possible. No dogs were available at 19 dip-tanks and no ticks were collected from dogs at 13 dip-tanks, while ticks were collected from 132 of 200 dogs at 40 dip-tanks. Eight ixodid tick species were collected from these dogs, and Haemaphysalis leachi followed by Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and Rhipicephalus simus were present on dogs at the largest number of dip-tanks. Seven dogs were simultaneously infested with three tick species and one with four species. The geographic distributions of Amblyomma hebraeum, H. leachi, R. appendiculatus and R. simus recovered from the dogs lay within the ranges previously reported for these ticks.  相似文献   

Summary The performance of alphamethrin and flumethrin treated and untreated Bonsmara cows and calves grazing in the thornveld of the Eastern Cape Province was compared over a 2 year period. The economically important tick species occurred seasonally but in insufficient numbers to achieve enzootic stability with respect to babesiosis and anaplasmosis. No differences in live mass were observed for the cows, but the untreated calves were heavier at weaning than the acaricide treated group. Markedly lower numbers of ticks occurred on the calves than on the cows. The implications of the findings are discussed in relation to planning alternative tick control strategies for the region.
Hacia El Control Estrategico De Garrapatas En La Provincia Oriental Del Cabo En Sudafrica
Resumen Se comparó durante 2 años la efectividad de alfametrin y flumetrin contra la infestación de garrapatas en vacas Bonsmara y terneros pastoreando en la thornveld de la Provincia Oriental del Cabo en Sudafrica. Las especies de garrapatas importantes económicamente ocurrieron estacionalmente, pero en número insuficiente para alcanzar estabilidad enzoótica con respecto a la anaplasmosis y la babesiosis. No se encontraron diferencias con respecto a la masa viva en las vacas, pero los terneros no tratados fueron más pesados al destete que los tratados con acaricidas. Un marcado menor número de garrapatas se encontró en los terneros que en las vacas. Se discuten las implicaciones de los hallazgos en relación a la planificación de alternativas para el control estratégico de garrapatas en la región.

Vers Une Lutte Strategique Contre Les Tiques A L'est De La Province Du Cap, En Afrique Du Sud
Résumé La performance de vaches et de veaux Bonsmar a traités ou non avec de la fluméthrine et de l'alphamétrine et paturant sur le veld épineux de la province est du Cap a été comparée sur une période de deux ans. Les espèces de tiques d'importance économique apparaissaient de façon saisonnière mais en nombres insuffisants pour entraîner à une stabilité enzootique vis-à-vis de la babésiose et de l'anaplasmose. Aucune différence dans le poids vif n'a été observée chez les vaches, mais les veaux non traités étaient plus lourds au sevraque que ceux du groupe traité à l'acaricide. Le nombre des tiques était nettement moins important sur les veaux que sur les vaches. Les implications de ces observations sont discutées par rapport aux stratégies de lutte contre les tiques.

Ingestion of man-made items by birds can reduce stomach volume and block the digestive track. In southern Africa, microtrash within the regurgitation of Cape Vulture nestlings was last documented in 1983. We present evidence of nestling microtrash ingestion after a 30-year gap. Vulture nestlings were captured at a breeding colony in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. One nestling regurgitated three microtrash fragments. Two pieces of microtrash were collected from the nest of another nestling. Neither nestling appeared to have skeletal deformities or feather stress bars. Our results highlight the persistence of microtrash ingestion by Cape Vulture nestlings, which could impact the species negatively.  相似文献   

At monthly intervals for periods ranging from 9 to 25 consecutive months between three and four Merino yearling-sheep and two Merino lambs on three farms in Eastern Cape Thornveld, and two Dorper yearling-sheep on a farm in Valley Bushveld were slaughtered and examined for helminths. The Merino sheep were infected with 15 nematode species, of which Haemonchus contortus, Nematodirus spathiger and Trichostrongylus spp. were the most numerous, and with four cestode species. The Dorper sheep were infected with 17 nematode species, of which Trichostrongylus rugafus and N. spathiger were the most numerous, and with two cestode species. Haemonchus contortus was most numerous in older sheep during the summer months and exhibited no tendency to over-winter as arrested fourth stage larvae. The largest numbers of N. spathiger were present in sheep on the most coastally located of the farms during autumn and winter; on a farm further inland during spring; and on an inland farm in Valley Bushveld during spring and summer. As Merino lambs progressed from birth to 9 months of age a larger proportion of their dwindling burdens of N. spathiger was present as fourth stage larvae. Dorper sheep in Valley Bushveld harboured most Teladorsagia circumcincta in May and from October to January. Trichostrongylus rugatus was most numerous in Merino sheep on one of the Thornveld farms during September, whereas all Trichostrongylus spp., including T. rugatus, were most numerous in Dorper sheep on the Valley Bushveld farm during January.  相似文献   

In a 2005 serological survey, carried out in response to an outbreak of H5N2 avian influenza (AI) in ostriches in the Eastern Cape Province, 16.3% of ostrich farms in the Western Cape Province of South Africa were found to be seropositive to H5 AI virus. We subsequently carried out a questionnaire-based census survey on all available registered Western Cape ostrich farms that still existed at the end of 2005 (367 farms, of which 82 were seropositive), in order to identify risk factors associated with farm-level seropositivity. A farm was classified as seropositive for H5 AI virus if one or more birds had tested positive (haemagglutination inhibition titre >1:16) in the 2005 survey, which had been designed to detect a minimum within-group seroprevalence of 10%. For each farm, risk factor information was collected using a questionnaire administered during a face-to-face interview with each farm owner or manager. Information was obtained on the ostrich population, movements of birds, environmental factors, management practices, and frequency of contact between ostriches and various wild bird species. Multiple logistic regression models were developed for the whole Western Cape Province and also for the two largest ostrich farming regions, "Klein Karoo" and "Southern Cape". Seroprevalence differed between regions, being highest in the Klein Karoo (31.6%). In all three models, increased risk of farm-level H5 AI virus seropositivity was associated with increasing numbers of ostriches, excluding chicks, present on the farm. Increased risk of seropositivity was associated with reduced frequency of cleaning of feed troughs (<1x/week vs. >1x/week), both overall (odds ratio (OR)=4.5; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.5, 13.3) and in the Southern Cape (OR=53.6; 95% CI: 3.3, 864), and with failure to clean and disinfect transport vehicles, both overall (OR=2.3; 95% CI: 1.1, 4.8) and in the Klein Karoo (OR=2.6; 95% CI: 1.1, 6.5). Increased risk of seropositivity was also associated with increasing frequency of contact of ostriches with certain wild bird species: overall with white storks (Ciconia ciconia), in the Southern Cape with gulls (Larus spp.), and in the Klein Karoo with Egyptian geese (Alopochen aegyptiaca).  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The present study was conducted to determine the prevalence and distribution of gastrointestinal helminths, to detect the presence of anthelmintic resistance...  相似文献   

The use of herbal remedies by African farmers in the treatment of livestock diseases was investigated using a range of methods, including group interviews, structured interviews, semi-structured interviews and participant observation. The study was concerned mainly with the 'why' and 'how' of herbal remedy use among African livestock holders farming on communally-owned land in central Eastern Cape Province. We found that the use of herbal remedies was still widespread because these remedies were cheap, locally available and convenient to administer. Farmers also used herbal remedies because they did not have knowledge of conventional remedies or found these too expensive and therefore used herbal remedies as a last resort. Most of the farmers interviewed (73%) had used some form of herbal remedy. A small number of farmers did not use herbal remedies at all. They rejected them because they had bad experiences in the past or because they considered the practice outdated and socially inferior. Often farmers used herbal remedies in combination with conventional ones, but a substantial number relied on herbal remedies only. Farmers obtained herbal remedies principally by preparing their own or by purchasing from herbalists. Different plant parts were used to prepare herbal remedies in the form of infusions, decoctions, powders, pastes, and juices from fresh plant material. Preparations were made from a single plant or from a range of plants. Application of a remedy was by different routes and methods, depending on the perceived cause of the disease condition. Topical applications were used for skin conditions, powders were rubbed into incisions, drenches were common in the treatment of systemic conditions, and drops to treat ears and eyes. We identified several aspects of herbal remedy utilisation that could be subject to improvement, which included the absence of standard dose regimes, the potential toxicity of certain compounds present in plants used, over-exploitation of the plant resource and a lack of interest by the youth to learn the art.  相似文献   

Successive pairs of approximately 4-month-old Friesland bull calves, raised under worm-free conditions, were exposed to helminth infection for 14 days on dry-land Kikuyu grass pastures at 28-day to monthly intervals, on a coastal farm in a non-seasonal rainfall region of the Eastern Cape Province. With the exception of one pair of calves exposed for 28 days, this procedure was repeated for 28 consecutive months from December 1982 to March 1985. The day after removal from the pastures one calf of each pair was slaughtered and processed for helminth recovery and the other 21 days later. Both members of the last four pairs of calves were killed 21 days after removal from the pastures. Sixteen nematode species were recovered from the calves, and infection with Ostertagia ostertagi was the most intense and prevalent, followed by Cooperia oncophora. The calves acquired the greatest number of nematodes from the pastures from June to October of the first year and from June to August of the second year of the survey. Few worms were recovered from the tracer calves examined from November or December to March or April in each year of the survey. The seasonal patterns of infection with Cooperia spp., Haemonchus placei, Nematodirus helvetianus, Oesophagostomum spp., O. ostertagi and Trichostrongylus axei were all similar and were negatively correlated to atmospheric temperature and evaporation. Slight to moderate arrest in the development of fourth stage larvae occurred from July to September in Cooperia spp., April to July in H. placei, and August to October in O. ostertagi and Trichostrongylus spp. during the first year of the survey. Too few worms were present in the second year to determine a seasonal pattern of arrest. Species survival during the hot and windy summer months appeared to be achieved via a combination of arrested larval development and an ageing residual population of adult worms in the host, and a small extant population of infective larvae on the pastures.  相似文献   

Farmer perceptions on milk production and calf rearing practices on communal rangelands in the smallholder areas of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa were evaluated on a total of 218 cattle farmers using structured questionnaires, semi-structured interviews with key informants and personal observations. Nearly 70% of the households in the small-scale areas milked twice a day compared to 60% in the communal areas. About 62% of the interviewees weaned calves between 6 and 12 months of age. Milk yield/cow/day (7.5 ± 0.5 litres), fresh milk consumption/household/day (3.2 ± 0.5 litres) and sales/household/day (3.1 ± 1.1 litres) were highest in the sour-veld, small-scale farms (P < 0.05). Sour milk consumption/household/day (2.6 ± 0.2 litres) and sales/household/day (0.8 ± 0.2 litres) were significantly high in communal farms with a sour-veld. It was concluded that, calf rearing practices were poor and milk yield, consumption and sales were generally low and varied with production system and rangeland type. Further research is required to improve calf management practices, cow nutrition, milk yield and quality and how milk production can be used as a toll for rural development in the smallholder areas of South Africa.  相似文献   

A questionnaire survey was carried out to document traditional remedies used in the treatment of cattle wounds and myiasis in Amatola Basin. Eighty-three cattle farmers from nine villages were interviewed. The majority of respondents (67.9%) use traditional remedies for treatment of these conditions. However, 25.9% of them use a combination of traditional remedies with conventional medicines. The survey revealed that 13 medicinal plants belonging to 11 families were used. Aloe ferox, Prunus persica and Phytolacca heptandra were, however, the most commonly used. Leaves are the most frequently used plant part, often prepared as an infusion. Other non-plant remedies used include disinfectants, antiseptics as well as diesel and petrol. Manual removal of maggots from wounds was also practise and treatment is usually continued until the wound heals.  相似文献   

The pork tapeworm, Taenia solium, causative organism of porcine cysticercosis and human neurocysticercosis is known to occur in areas of South Africa including Eastern Cape Province but, despite increasing reports of its occurrence throughout the subregion, the prevalence is yet to be clearly established. The parasite presents a potentially serious agricultural problem and public health risk in endemic areas. The human populations considered to be at highest risk of infection with this zoonotic helminth are people living in rural areas most of whom earn their livelihood wholly or partially through livestock rearing. Here we report on initial results of a community-based study of pigs owned by resource-poor, emerging pig producers from 21 villages in the Eastern Cape Province. Lingual examination (tongue palpation) in live pigs, two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), which detect parasite antigen (B158/B60 Ag-ELISA and HP10 Ag-ELISA) and an enzyme immunotransfer blot (EITB) assay, which detects antiparasite antibody, were used to verify endemicity and estimate apparent prevalence. In the absence of a gold standard true prevalence was obtained, using a Bayesian approach, with a model that uses both available data and prior information. Results indicate that the parasite is indeed present in the study villages and that true prevalence was 64.6%. The apparent prevalences as measured by each of the four tests were: 11.9% for lingual examination, 54.8% for B158/B60 Ag-ELISA, 40.6% for HP10 Ag-ELISA and 33.3% for EITB. This base-line knowledge of the prevalence of T. solium in pigs provides information essential to the design and monitoring of sustainable and appropriate interventions for cysticercosis prevention and control.  相似文献   

It is often inappropriately assumed that the contributions of goats to household economies are similar across flock sizes. A monthly questionnaire was administered to 19, 21, and 13 farmers in Matatiele and Qawukeni and Mankone. Entries and exits to and from each flock were assessed. Most (P < 0.05) kids were born in August (4.92 ± 0.362 and 2.03 ± 0.329 for large and small flocks, respectively). Total entries were higher (P < 0.05) in August, September, and October than in the other months. Kid mortality peaked in May and September at 21%. Most (P < 0.05) goats were sold in December (1.06 ± 0.127 for large flocks and 0.23 ± 0.135 for small flocks). Goat production efficiency (GPE) was affected (P < 0.05) by month and flock size. The GPE was higher (P < 0.05) in small than in large flocks. The low GPE values obtained in this study indicates the need to devise other indices that factor in the neglected functions of goats when measuring goat production efficiency in communities where the main function of goats is not for sale or consumption.  相似文献   

Corridor disease, transmitted by the brown ear tick (Rhipicephalus appendiculatus), is one of Africa's most pathogenic tick-borne diseases for cattle. With a focus on this species, we investigated the community parameters (richness, diversity and abundance) of ticks in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, and how this may be linked to the increasing wildlife/cattle interface in the region. There were significantly more ticks of a greater diversity and richness at sites positioned at the wildlife/cattle interface ('treatment sites') compared to sites where wildlife was absent (controls). Significantly, R. appendiculatus was only found at the treatment sites. Therefore, it is believed that the wildlife/cattle interface may be playing a crucial role in increasing the occurrence, abundance and distribution of R. appendiculatus in the Eastern Cape. The implications of a Corridor disease outbreak in the region are discussed.  相似文献   

Though important, CO2 effluxes from non-agricultural ecosystems are poorly characterised. Given that thicket vegetation is prevalent in Eastern Cape, South Africa, we monitored soil CO2 effluxes from an intact thicket, degraded thicket (DT) and grassland (G) over 10 months, as affected by temperature, moisture and penetration resistance (PR). High soil moisture (16%) reduced PR (4?kg cm?2), which raised winter effluxes (1.2 µmol m?2 s?1), while low moisture (2%) resulted in hard dry soil (14?kg cm?2) that suppressed spring effluxes (0.2 µmol m?2 s?1). There was good interaction between PR and moisture (r = ?0.53), with seasonal effluxes increasing with increasing moisture (r = 0.9, p = 0.0001) and decreasing PR (r = ?0.66, p = 0.02). Temperature effects were significant under unlimited moisture supply. Thus high summer temperature (40 °C) gave lower effluxes in DT and G (<1 µmol m?2 s?1) due to limited moisture (<10%), whereas high autumn temperature (48 °C) and good moisture (16%) accelerated CO2 emissions (averaging 2 µmol m?2 s?1) from all covers. Although semi-arid ecosystems are limited by low moisture and sandy soils, they contribute to CO2 emissions under high moisture and increasing temperature. Keywords: Eastern Cape, grassland, soil carbon dioxide effluxes, soil organic carbon, thicket  相似文献   

A survey to document tick control methods used by resource-limited farmers in the control of cattle ticks in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa was conducted by interviewing 59 cattle farmers using structured questionnaires and general conversation. Information collected was on external parasites of cattle, their effects and their control methods. Ticks were reported to be a major problem causing diseases like anaplasmosis (89.8%), babesiosis (55.9%) and ehrlichiosis (16.9%), as well as wounds that predispose to screwworm infestation, tick worry and teat damage to cows troubling farmers in their farming enterprises. The main tick control methods were; acaricides provided by government, however 94.9% of the farmers interviewed were of the opinion that the dip wash is not effective in killing the ticks. As a result, farmers complement the government dipping service with their own initiatives like spraying with conventional acaricides (22%), household disinfectants such as Jeyes fluid (18.6%), used engine oil (10.2%), chickens (5.1%), manual removal (5.1%), and pouricides (1.7%). In addition, some farmers also use plants (6.8%), mainly the leaf of Aloe ferox and the bark of Ptaeroxylon obliquum. The study revealed ticks to be a major problem in the study area.  相似文献   

The prevalence and geographic distribution of the fowl tampan, Argas walkerae Kaiser & Hoogstraal, 1969 was determined in the eastern region of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa by inspecting two fowl houses in the vicinity of each of 72 randomly selected communal cattle dip-tanks. Tampans were collected from 102 (70.8%) of the 144 fowl houses in the neighbourhood of 57 (79.2%) of the 72 selected dip-tanks, and the localities of the collections were mapped. Argas walkerae was present in fowl houses from the warm coastal regions of the Indian Ocean in the south to the cold and mountainous Drakensberg in the north-east of the Province. Taking into account the probable sensitivity of the sampling method, it is estimated that A. walkerae is likely to be present in fowl houses belonging to between 74 and 84% of communities making use of cattle dip-tanks in the eastern region of the Eastern Cape Province, and that when it is present, between 64 and 75% of fowl houses will be infested. The geographic distribution of A. walkerae seemed to be more strongly associated with the presence of fowls and fowl houses containing raw or processed wood in their structure than with climate.  相似文献   

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