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An estimated 4.2 million seasonal and migrant farmworkers and their dependents live in the U.S. Most of these farmworkers are Latino. These workers are exposed to numerous occupational and environmental risk factors that can result in skin disease. Few data exist on the prevalence of skin disease in this population. The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence and predictors of skin disease in a sample of Latino farmworkers in North Carolina. A sample of 59 farmworkers was recruited and interviewed at two camps during the 2004 agricultural season. A dermatologist completed a skin exam of each worker and recorded any skin disease present. Forty-two (77.7%) of the 54 men, and all five of the women examined had a diagnosed skin disease. For the men, onychomycosis (nail fungus, 31.5%), tinea pedis (foot fungus, 27.8%), and acne (24.1 %) were the most commonly diagnosed skin diseases, with contact dermatitis diagnosed in 5.6% of the sample. Other diagnoses included scars, sunburn, and atopic dermatitis. Among the women, diagnoses included melasma (dark patches on the face, 2 cases), xerosis (excessively dry skin, 1 case), tinea pedis (2 cases), onychomycosis (1 case), acne (1 case), and insect bites (1 case). There were no statistically significant differences between workers in the two camps despite different growing seasons and different crops harvested. Skin disease is prevalent among the North Carolina Latino farmworkers who participated in this study, with fungal disease being the most prevalent.  相似文献   

Skin diseases are common among farmworkers, yet little research documents their prevalence and risk factors. This analysis documents the prevalence of skin diseases among farmworkers in North Carolina, examines variation in the prevalence across the agricultural season, and delineates factors associated with skin disease. Data are from a longitudinal surveillance study with assessments at approximately three-week intervals from May through October 2005. The sample included 304 farmworkers from 45 camps with 1048 data points. Data collection included a structured interview and a standard set often digital photographs. A board-certified dermatologist reviewed the photographs and made specific diagnoses in five categories: inflammatory disease, infection, pigmentary disorder, tumor, and trauma. The prevalences of the five skin disease categories and specific diagnoses are described with counts and frequencies for the entire season and for six time periods. The inflammatory disease and infectious disease categories are modeled with an extension of logistic regression that accounts for repeated measures and clustering of farmworkers within camps. Farmworkers experience high levels of inflammatory skin disease (57.2%) including acne, folliculitis, and contact dermatitis; infectious skin disease (73.8%) including tinea pedis, onychomycosis, and warts; pigmentary disorders (19.1%); and trauma (34.5%). The odds of inflammatory skin disease decreased with age, while those for infectious skin disease increased with age. The odds of inflammatory skin disease increased with pesticide exposure and decreasing housing quality. Skin diseases are highly prevalent among farmworkers. Research is needed to delineate specific factors causing high levels of infection and inflammation in this population.  相似文献   

Oral health deficits can have a significant effect on workers' general health and their ability to carry out normal activities. Although farmworkers have been found to lack access to dental care, few studies have documented their oral health status or its impact on quality of life (QOL). This research (1) describes the oral health problems experienced and oral health care received by Latino farmworkers in North Carolina, and (2) explores the association between oral health and QOL. Data were collected using face-to-face interviews from a representative sample of 151 farmworkers; data included oral health-related QOL (OHIP-14) and general health-related QOL (SF-12 Health Survey). Workers reported a high number of unmet needs: 52% reported caries, and 33% reported missing teeth. Only 21% had received dental services in the past year, almost all in Mexico rather than the U.S. The dimensions of oral health-related QOL most impaired were psychological discomfort and physical pain caused by dental problems. Number of functional oral health problems was the strongest predictor of oral health-related QOL (p < 0.001) and physical health-related QOL (p < 0.05), but was unrelated to mental health-related QOL. These findings indicate that the high rate of unmet oral health needs is associated with poorer farmworker QOL. The consequences of suffering on-going dental pain for work performance, sleep, and nutritional status are unknown. Because national data indicate that fewer farmworkers are returning to their countries of origin, communities with large farmworker populations need to address their unmet needs for dental care.  相似文献   

A substantial proportion of the agricultural production in the U.S. is dependent on the labor of Latino farmworkers. While exact figures are not known, it is estimated that adolescents make up 7% of this valuable workforce. These young workers may be at increased risk for the toxic effects of environmental exposures encountered during their work. Furthermore, language barriers and health beliefs may influence the risk perceptions of this population. We conducted a cross-sectional survey of migrant adolescent farmworkers in 1998 to investigate their work practices, health beliefs, and pesticide knowledge. The large majority of the adolescents in our sample were from Mexico, and 36.3% spoke primarily indigenous languages. Many of the adolescents (64.7%) were traveling and working in the U.S. independent of their parents. Few of the adolescents reported having received pesticide training; however, 21.6% of the sample reported that their current work involved mixing and/or applying agricultural chemicals. The scores on the pesticide knowledge questionnaire were found to significantly predict self-reported use of protection for adolescent farmworkers. The results of this study point to a need for improved pesticide training in youth agricultural workers and specialized education efforts directed toward minorities who speak indigenous dialects. Special attention is merited toward adolescent farmworkers who report that their work includes mixing or applying agricultural chemicals. As the number of adolescent farmworkers increases in the U.S. and the characteristics of the migrant stream continue to change, culturally and developmentally appropriate instruments are needed to adequately assess the health beliefs and protective practices of this population.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to report on the development and initial use of a pesticide knowledge test (PKT) specifically designed to evaluate agricultural workers' knowledge of the content mandated by the federal Worker Protection Standard (WPS). The PKT is a 20-item, true-false test, used in a sample of 414 adult and adolescent migrant farmworkers in Oregon. The overall mean score, i.e., number correct, was 15.67(78.4%), with both adults and adolescents demonstrating the most difficulty with questions related to the overall health effects of pesticides. The internal consistency was 0.73, when estimated using a method to correct for small sample sizes. Only six items had less than 70% correct answers. Content validity was achieved by basing the items directly on the Worker Protection Standard; face validity was obtained by having the final version of the test reviewed by a bilingual (English-Spanish) educator familiar with the requirements of the WPS. Overall, adult participants scored better than adolescents, and those with previous pesticide training scored better than those without. There were no differences in scores based on gender or whether the test was taken in English or Spanish; however, participants who spoke indigenous languages scored significantly lower than those who did not. These results indicate that the PKT is a valid, reliable measure of worker knowledge of the content of the WPS, although it does not measure the extent to which that knowledge is actually used in the work setting.  相似文献   

We report on the construction and psychometrics of a survey measure of musculoskeletal symptomatology for use with Spanish-speaking immigrant farmworkers. Survey development included focus groups with workers, forward and backward translations, and pilot testing. The final survey includes a body diagram and items about symptom severity, frequency, and duration and about self-treatment, medical care, and job tasks. We report on the initial test of the survey with 213 commercial nursery workers in Southern California. Fifty-five percent of the workers reported pain, with 30% reporting back pain, 21% reporting upper extremity pain, 19% reporting lower extremity pain, and 10% reporting neck and shoulder pain. A composite symptom score exhibited acceptable test-retest reliability (r = 0.41, p < 0.01) over the annual agricultural cycle. Greater symptomatology was associated with greater frequency of self-treatment (r = 0.42, p < 0.01), seeking professional health care (t = 2.49, p < 0.05), and exposure to high-risk jobs (OR = 2.1, p < 0.05, CI = 1.0 to 4.4), supporting the validity of composite score.  相似文献   

Wetlands provide structurally diverse habitats attractive to varied wildlife, both generalist and wetland specialist species. Wetlands in western North Carolina occupy a minor portion of the landscape, yet provide essential habitat for rare wildlife species. Structural features of western North Carolina wetlands that influence wildlife occurrence include meadows interspersed with shrub thickets, snags and hollow trees, fallen logs, deep mud and rivulets, and pools. Species lists keyed to structural features are presented.  相似文献   

Summary The diversity of Bradyrhizobium japonicum in agricultural fields has not been well characterized. Therefore a study was conducted to determine the serotypic diversity of B. japonicum both within and among six fields in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont of North Carolina where soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] are grown. Nodule samples were collected from non-inoculated standing soybean crops. Both nodules and isolates were typed by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique. Serotypes and their proportions varied both within and among locations. Common serotypes in order of abundance across all sites were 76, M1 (multiple reaction beyween 31 and 94), 94, 24, and 122, and together accounted for over 66% of the typable reactions. No cultivar effect on serotype distribution was observed. Unknown types ranged from 4 to 24%. Based on the total number of serotypes identified and the Shannon diversity index (H), the mean population diversity was 0.76 for the Piedmont sites and 0.91 for the Coastal Plain sites.Paper no. 12315 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC 27695-7643. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of the products named or criticism of similar ones not mentioned  相似文献   

In North Carolina, responsibility for providing training and enforcing various regulations related to pesticide use and agricultural worker safety rests with three state agencies. This article summarizes an 11-year history of enforcement procedures concerning agricultural pesticide use, the Worker Protection Standard, the Hazard Communication Standard, the Migrant Housing Act of North Carolina, and field sanitation standards. The difficulty of linking specific types of violations with worker safety is discussed.  相似文献   

Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) production is a rapidly growing industry in North Carolina; however, no local-research-based information is available to support nutrient-management decisions. Field studies were initiated to survey soil and plant nutrient status over a wide range in geography and management conditions in the dominant V. vinifera regions in North Carolina. While the survey data are still being analyzed, significant information was initially obtained to identify aluminum toxicity and phosphorus and potassium deficiency as potential limiting factors to vine health and productivity. Field studies were initiated to quantify soil test and plant nutrient responses to lime, phosphorus, and potassium rates. Responses to phosphorus and potassium application were observed at most sites predicted by soil tests. However, lime responses were not observed in either petiole or blade samples collected at full bloom or veraison. These studies will be continued until sufficient response data are collected to establish soil test and plant nutrient diagnostic criteria for efficient nutrient management of V. vinifera in North Carolina.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine associations of the frequency of eating at fast-food restaurants with demographic, behavioural and psychosocial factors and dietary intake in African American adults. METHODS: Self-reported data from a population-based cross-sectional survey of 658 African Americans, aged 20-70 years, in North Carolina. An 11-page questionnaire assessed eating at fast-food restaurants, demographic, behavioural and diet-related psychosocial factors, and dietary intake (fruit, vegetable, total fat and saturated fat intakes, and fat-related dietary behaviours). RESULTS: The participants were aged 43.9+/-11.6 years (mean+/-standard deviation), 41% were male, 37% were college graduates and 75% were overweight or obese. Seventy-six per cent reported eating at fast-food restaurants during the previous 3 months: 4% usually, 22% often and 50% sometimes. Frequency of eating at fast-food restaurants was positively associated with total fat and saturated fat intakes and fat-related dietary behaviours (P<0.0001) and inversely associated with vegetable intake (P<0.05). For example, mean daily fat intake was 39.0 g for usually/often respondents and 28.3 g for those reporting rare/never eating at fast-food restaurants. Participants who reported usual/often eating at fast-food restaurants were younger, never married, obese, physically inactive and multivitamin non-users (all P<0.01). Frequency of eating at fast-food restaurants was positively associated with fair/poor self-rated health, weak belief in a diet-cancer relationship, low self-efficacy for healthy eating, weight dissatisfaction, and perceived difficulties of preparing healthy meals and ordering healthy foods in restaurants (all P<0.05). Frequency of eating at fast-food restaurants did not differ significantly by sex, education, smoking, ability to purchase healthy foods or knowledge of the Food Guide Pyramid. CONCLUSIONS: Eating at fast-food restaurants is associated with higher fat and lower vegetable intakes in African Americans. Interventions to reduce fast-food consumption and obesity in African Americans should consider demographic and behavioural characteristics and address attitudes about diet-disease relationships and convenience barriers to healthy eating.  相似文献   

Mercury concentrations were measured in samples of peat soils, sediments and clams (Rangia cuneata) from a peatland region of the Albemarle-Panlico Peninsula of North Carolina. Total Hg concentrations in peat cores ranged from 40 to 193 ng g?1 (dw); no depth-related trends were noted. Mercury concentrations in surface sediments from canals draining the peatlands and from the Pungo River that receives this drainage ranged from 8 to 20 ng g?1 (dw). Selective extractions of these peat and sediment samples revealed that the bulk of the Hg was associated with organic matter-associated fractions (particularly humic/fulvic acid bound and organic-sulfide bound fractions). No Hg was detected in the relatively mobile and bioavailable water-soluble or ion-exchangeable fractions. Total Hg concentrations in the soft tissues of clams from the Pungo River ranged from 25 to 32 ng g?1 (ww). No concentrations of methyl Hg above the detection limit of a 25 ng g?1 were measured in soils, sediments, or clams. These data indicate that Hg concentrations in this region are at the low end of the distribution of levels reported for uncontaminated systems and that mining of these peatlands is unlikely to significantly elevate Hg concentrations in the receiving estuarine system.  相似文献   

In North America, lawns are the most widely used plantings in urban areas. However, despite the ubiquity and ecological roles of turfgrass soil arthropods, many aspects of their composition and diversity have been neglected. We investigated assemblages of Collembola and their seasonal fluctuations in a newly established lawn and a 10-year old lawn located in Québec City, Canada. Collembola were sampled every month from May to October in 2003 and 2004 by extracting individuals from soil cores using a modified Berlese funnel. A total of 21 species representing 17 genera and nine families were identified. Four species are new records for the province of Quebec: Brachystomella parvula, Mesaphorura simplex, Isotomodes productus, and Sphaeridia pumilis. Turfgrass supports mainly three cosmopolitan species from the Isotomidae family, which represent 73.5% of all Collembola collected during the survey: Parisotoma notabilis, Isotoma viridis, and Cryptopygus thermophilus. Collembola were twice more abundant at the newly established site, but there were minor differences in species diversity between sites and years. No clear patterns of seasonal relative abundance were observed for the whole Collembola populations, as well as for the three dominant species. Turfgrass ecosystem provides a suitable habitat for epedaphic and hemiedaphic Collembola, such as the Isotomidae, most likely because turfgrass mowing and natural leaf, stem and root replacement produces large amounts of decaying organic matter.  相似文献   

Aerial surveys of the beaches of North Carolina were performed during two consecutive summers. From these surveys the first comprehensive picture of the relative density and distribution of loggerhead sea turtle nesting efforts in North Carolina was developed. The results of the 1981 survey were compared with those of concurrent ground surveys on several beaches in an attempt to obtain an accurate conversion factor for estimating total seasonal nesting activity from the aerial samples. It was concluded that an aerial survey is useful for determining relative density and distribution of nesting attempts. However, differential retention of crawl tracks on individual beaches precluded using aerial crawl surveys for total population estimates.  相似文献   

The role of soil colloids and their potential to co-transport agrochemicals in subsurface soil environments was evaluated in aleaching experiment utilizing large soil monoliths. The monolithswere created by hydraulically driving steel pipe sections (50 cm diameter × 50 cm length) into Maury silt loam (fine, mixed, mesic Typic Paleudalf) and Loradale silt loam (fine, silty, mixed mesic Typic Argiudoll) soils. Water dispersible colloids fractionated from the Bt horizons of the above soilswere spiked with 3 mg L-1 atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamine-s-triazine) and 10 mg L-1 zinc (Zn), and after a twenty-four hour equilibration were applied into the monoliths at eight hour intervals using 500 mL pulse applications. Solutions containing atrazine and Znwithout added colloids were applied to separate monoliths from each soil to represent control treatments. Colloid, atrazine, andZn recoveries in the eluent varied greatly with respect to soiltype. Colloid recovery in the Loradale monoliths averaged 65.1 ± 26.5%, with maxima approaching the input level, while in the Maury monoliths the average recovery was low (5.7 ± 6.2%) and never exceeded 25% of the input level. Atrazine eluted from the two monoliths averaged 40.3 ± 12.5% (Loradale) and 29.0 ± 20.0% (Maury), with considerable enhancement in the presence of colloids, especially in the Loradale soil. In contrast, the elution of Zn averaged 3.0 ±3.2%, in the Loradale monoliths and rarely exceeded control concentrations in the Maury monoliths, suggesting a stronger retardation of Zn over atrazine within the soil matrix, especially when colloid transport was deterred. Settling-rateexperiments at varying pH and electrical conductivity (EC) valuessuggested that the transport of Maury colloids may have been hindered due to flocculation within the monoliths, while the Loradale colloids remained stable throughout the leaching experiment. Although the presence of colloids enhanced atrazineelution in all monoliths, the actual amount of atrazine transported bound to either colloid type was minimal, suggestingmainly physical exclusion transport processes. In contrast, stronger chemisorption of Zn to colloid surfaces than the soil matrix appeared to enhance the transport of Zn by both colloids.  相似文献   

Discussions with groups of North Carolina farmers identified farm vehicle public road safety as their primary occupational health and safety concern. Findings of a mail survey of North Carolina growers participating in a North Carolina Department of Labor migrant housing inspection program indicated that over 97% of them felt less safe on North Carolina public roads now (1999) than five years prior (1995), and over 79% currently (1999) felt unsafe transporting farm vehicles on North Carolina public roads. Using both primary and secondary data, we explore the context of farm vehicle public road crashes, identify contributing individual and environmental risk factors, and estimate the public health cost. Recommendations and suggestions for future farm vehicle public road safety research and interventions are proposed.  相似文献   

We compared four approaches to conservation site selection to protect forest biodiversity in the Triangle Region of North Carolina, USA. Using biological inventory data and an inventory-based conservation plan as benchmarks, we evaluated the potential effectiveness of a focal species plan and three “simple” plans (large forested patches, close to wetlands and riparian areas, diverse forest types). Effectiveness was measured in three ways: the number of inventory elements captured at least once by the plan (representation), the total number of inventory elements captured (completeness), and the proportion of land in the inventory-based plan included (overlap). We further examined the potential effectiveness of the simple plans by calculating their overlap with land identified by the focal species approach. The simple and focal species plans did not differ markedly in terms of representation, but diverged when completeness and overlap were considered. Although representation rates for all four plans were relatively high, lower rates for completeness and overlap raise concerns about long-term viability. The simple plans did not identify the same lands as the focal species plan, and are thus unlikely to provide appropriate habitat for the focal species. Each approach we tested failed to capture some subset of species and communities, highlighting the importance of explicit conservation targets and consideration of ecological processes. Forced to act quickly and with little data, our findings suggest using initially a set of complementary simple plans, each focused on a different habitat type. This should be considered a stopgap measure, however, while more sophisticated plans are constructed, defining explicit conservation targets and considering ecological processes.  相似文献   

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