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岷江上游景观格局变化研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岷江上游地区位于青藏高原向四川盆地的过渡地段,其源头到都江堰市,包括汶川县、茂县、理县、黑水县和松潘县五个县。它是四川省乃至全国的一个重要的林区。在过去的几十年里,其景观结构发生了重要的变化。本文应用3S 技术研究了该区在1986 年到2000 年之间的景观变化情况。该区的景观被划分为10 个景观生态类型,即耕地、有林地、灌木林地、经济林、草地、居民用地、河流、湖泊、沼泽和未利用地。研究结果表明,在岷江上游地区林地和草地是该区主要的景观类型,约占全区面积的91%,景观类型之间的变化主要发生在有林地、灌木林地、草地、耕地、居民用地和经济林之间,并且有林地面积从51.17%下降到47.56%。分析结果表明,岷江上游地区在过去的几十年里其景观的破碎化在加剧。图1表2 参20。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to identify the differences in the decompositions of leaf litter, lignin and carbohydrate between coniferous forest and broadleaf forest at 20℃ and 30℃ in Huangshan Mountain, Anhui Province, China. Results showed that at 20℃ mass loss of leaf litter driven by microbial decomposers was higher in broadleaf forest than that in coniferous forest, whereas the difference in mass loss of leaf litter was not significant at 30℃. The temperature increase did not affect the mass loss of leaf litter for coniferous forest treatment, but significantly reduced the decomposition rate for broadleaf forest treatment. The functional decomposers of microorganism in broadleaf forest produced a higher lignin decomposition rate at 20℃, compared to that in coniferous forest, but the difference in lignin decomposition was not found between two forest types at 30℃. Improved temperature increased the lignin decomposition for both broadleaf and coniferous forest. Additionally, the functional group of microorganism from broadleaf forest showed marginally higher carbohydrate loss than that from coniferous forest at both temperatures. Temperature increase reduced the carbohydrate decomposition for broadleaf forest, while only a little reduce was found for coniferous forest. Remarkable differences occurred in responses between most enzymes (Phenoloxidase, peroxidase, !5-glucosidase and endocellulase) and decomposition rate of leaf litter to forest type and temperature, although there exist strong relationships between measured enzyme activities and decomposition rate in most cases. The reason is that more than one enzyme contribute to the mass loss of leaf litter and organic chemical components. In conclusion, at a community scale the coniferous and broadleaf forests differed in their temperature-decomposition relationships.  相似文献   

森林道路对山雀类利用人工鸟巢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2002 年11月至2003年6 月间, 在韩国安养首尔大学冠岳植物园(37°25'05"N,126°56' 85"E)阔叶林、针叶林和针阔混交林内研究了森林道路对山雀类利用人工鸟巢的影响。对在人工巢箱中繁殖的山雀类,杂色山雀(Parus varius)、沼泽山雀( P. palustris)和大山雀(P. major)的繁殖对的数量、巢位、窝大小、卵重及卵大小进行了调查。调查结果显示,在 3 个研究区,杂色山雀在森林内部(距离道路 75–150m)的繁殖对数量,比森林边缘(距离道路 0–75 m)多,其窝大小、卵重等尺寸也明显比森林边缘高,但沼泽山雀基本不受森林道路的影响。在人类活动频繁的地区人工巢箱为洞穴鸟类提供良好的繁殖条件。人工鸟巢的设置将有利于这些鸟类的保护和管理。表 3 参 16。  相似文献   

近自然森林经营在德国的应用成效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]分析德国推行近自然森林经营20年来的经营效果,总结德国推行近自然森林经营的经验。[方法]在明晰近自然森林经营原则的基础上,基于两期(间隔期10年)资源清查数据对比,对德国大面积推行近自然森林经营20年的经营效果进行分析。[结果]两期资源清查数据表明,德国采用近自然经营20年后,针叶林如挪威云杉和欧洲赤松的面积显著减少,阔叶林和针阔混交林面积持续增加;阔叶树种蓄积平均增长量约为15 m~3·hm~(-2),针叶树种蓄积平均增长4 m~3·hm~(-2),挪威云杉是唯一蓄积下降的树种,下降了5 m~3·hm~(-2);近自然度等级变化表明,人工林面积在减少,而近自然森林的面积在增加,甚至符合原始林等级的森林面积也在增加。[结论]实现近自然森林经营的目标是一个长期的过程,联邦政府促进和保护森林的政策以及林场主所采用的先进的森林经营技术也是德国森林每公顷蓄积达到336 m~3的重要原因;在近自然森林经营的原则下,德国森林中针阔混交林比例显著增加;将近自然程度不高的人工林经营转化为近自然的森林生态系统是德国森林经营所面临的主要问题。  相似文献   

聂绍荃  张艳华  朱虹 《林业研究》1997,8(3):167-170
IntroductionHeilongiiangProvinceisoneoftheIargestforestryregionsinChina,whichisnamedaspreciousregionsofforestsdeposits.Greatamountoftimberandrnanykindsofforestproductshavebeenproducedthere.Thedenseforestshaveprovidednaturaldefenseforthesucceedinghighand's…  相似文献   

Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata), a type of subtropical fast-growing conifer tree, is widely distributed in South China. Its plantation area covers more than 7 × 106 hm2, accounting for 24% of the total area of plantation forests in the country. In recent decades, the system of successive plantation of Chinese fir has been widely used in southern China due to anticipated high economic return. However, recent studies have documented that the practice of this system has led to dramatic decreases in soil fertility and forest environment as well as in productivity. Some forest ecologists and managers recognize the ecological role performed by broadleaf trees growing in mixtures with conifers, and a great deal of studies on mixture effects have been conducted, particularly on mixture species of temperate and boreal forests, but these research results were not completely consistent. Possibilities include dependence of the mixture effects in large part to specific site conditions, the interactions among species in mixtures and biological characteristics of species. Although some researchers also studied the effects of mixtures of Chinese fir and broadleaf tree species on soil fertility, forest environment and tree growth status, little information is available about the effects of Chinese fir and its mixtures with broadleaves on carbon and nitrogen stocks. The experimental site is situated at the Huitong Experimental Station of Forest Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hunan Province (26°40′–27°09′ N, 109°26′–110°08′ E). It is located at the transition zone from the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to the low mountains and hills of the southern bank of the Yangtze River at an altitude of 300–1,100 m above mean sea level. At the same time, the site is also a member of the Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN), sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). This region has a humid mid-subtropical monsoon climate with a mean annual precipitation of 1,200–1,400 mm, most of the rain falling between April and August, and a mean temperature of 16.5°C with a mean minimum of 4.9°C in January and a mean maximum of 26.6°C in July. The experimental field has red-yellow soil. After a clear-cutting of the first generation Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantation forest in 1982, three different plantation forest ecosystems, viz. mixture of Michelia macclurei and Chinese fir (MCM), pure Michelia macclurei stand (PMS) and pure Chinese fir stand (PCS), were established in the spring of 1983. A comparative study on C and N stocks under these three plantation forest ecosystems was conducted in 2004. Results showed that carbon stocks were greater under the mixtures than under the pure Chinese fir forest and the pure broad-leaved forest, and the broadleaves and the mixtures showed higher values in nitrogen stocks compared with the pure Chinese fir forest. The spatial distribution of carbon and nitrogen stocks was basically consistent, the value being greater in soil layer, followed by tree layer, roots, understory and litter layer. The carbon and nitrogen stocks in soil layer were both highly correlated with the biomass in understory and litter layer, indicating that understory and forest litterfall exerted a profound effect on soil carbon and nitrogen stocks under plantation ecosystems. However, correlations among soil carbon, nitrogen stocks and below ground biomass of stand have not been observed in this study. Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25(12): 3,146–3,154 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   

The organic carbon storage in trees and organic carbon flow with geoposition of trees was estimated in the forest area of Chittagong (South) Forest Division within geo-position 91°47′ and 92°15′ East longitude and 21°45′ and 22°30′ North latitude. The study was conducted through stratified random sampling by identifying each sampling point through Global Positioning System (GPS). It was found that above ground organic carbon storage (t/hm^2), below ground organic carbon (t/hm^2) and total biomass organic carbon (t/hm^2) was respectively the highest in Dipterocarpus turbinatus (Garjan) (7.9, 1.18 and 9.08 t/hm^2) followed by Tectona grandis (Teak) (5.66, 0.85 and 6.51 t/hm^2), Artocarpus chaplasha (Chapalish) (2.32, 0.34 and 2.66 t/hm^2), Artocarpus lacucha (Batta) (1.97, 0.29 and 2.26 t/hm^2) and Artocarpus heterophyllus (Jackfruit) (1.7,0.25 and 2.26 t/hm^2). From the study it was revealed that organic carbon stock was the highest (142.7 t/hm^2) in the geo-position 22° Latitude and 92° Longitude and was the lowest (4.42 t/hm^2) in the geo-position 21° 50′ Latitude and 92° 2.5′ Longitude. The forest of the study area is a good reservoir of organic carbon so has a good capacity to sequester organic carbon from the atmosphere. Sustainable forest management may help to sequester more organic carbon so that economic benefit for the country and environmental benefit in the international arena are possible from the study area.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess carbon stocks in various forms and land-use types and reliably estimate the impact of land use on C stocks in the Nam Yao sub-watershed (19°05'10"N, 100°37'02"E), Thailand. The carbon stocks of aboveground, soil organic and fine root within primary forest, reforestation and agricultural land were estimated through field data collection. Results revealed that the amount of total carbon stock of forests (357.62 ± 28.51 Mg·ha-1, simplified expression of Mg (carbon)·ha-1) was significantly greater (P< 0.05) than the reforestation (195.25 ±14.38 Mg·ha-1) and the agricultural land (103.10±18.24 Mg·ha-1). Soil organic carbon in the forests (196.24 ±22.81 Mg·ha-1) was also significantly greater (P< 0.05) than the reforestation (146.83± 7.22 Mg·ha-1) and the agricultural land (95.09 ± 14.18 Mg·ha-1). The differences in carbon stocks across land-use types are the primary consequence of variations in the vegetation biomass and the soil organic matter. Fine root carbon was a small fraction of carbon stocks in all land-use types. Most of the soil organic carbon and fine root carbon content was found in the upper 40-cm layer and decreased with soil depth. The aboveground carbon(soil organic carbon: fine root carbon ratios (ABGC: SOC: FRC), was 5:8:1, 2:8:1, and 3:50:1 for the forest, reforestation and agricultural land, respectively. These results indicate that a relatively large proportion of the C loss is due to forest conversion to agricultural land. However, the C can be effectively recaptured through reforestation where high levels of C are stored in biomass as carbon sinks, facilitating carbon dioxide mitigation.  相似文献   

科尔沁位于我国东北部,地处东北平原向内蒙古高原的过渡地带(42°41'-45°15'N,118°35'-123°30'E),是受荒漠化影响较重的地区。利用外业调查数据,依据地表形态和生态状况的变化,确定了植被盖度、裸沙地占地百分比和土壤质地3 项评价指标,并建立了基于遥感的科尔沁沙质荒漠化评价指标体系,其中裸沙地占地百分比用混合像元分解的方法获得。利用外业调查的数据对该指标体系进行验证,结果表明该指标体系适于研究区域的荒漠化评价。表4参11。  相似文献   

The concentrations and seasonal dynamics of DOC in forest floors of monoculture plantations ofCastanopsis kawakamii and Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) were assessed in Sanming, Fujian, China (26°11′30″N, 117°26′00″E). Forest floor samples were taken in January, April, July and October in 2002 and divided into undecomposed material (horizon Oi), partially decomposed organic material (horizon Oe), and fully decomposed organic material (horizon Oa). Upon collection, DOC concentrations of samples were analyzed by a High Temperature TOC. The results showed that the annual average DOC concentration of Chinese fir (1341.7 mg·kg−1) in the forest floor was higher than that ofCastanopsis kawakamii (1178.9 mg·kg−1). Difference in DOC concentrations was observed among three horizons of the forest floor. DOC concentration of forest floor in the two forests was the highest in horizon Oe. Seasonal trends of DOC concentrations in different horizons of forest floors were similar and the maximal value occurred in autumn (or winter). The concentration and temporal change of DOC in studied forests were probably related to the variation in moisture, temperature, biological activity and quantity of organic matter in the forest floor. Foundation item: This study was supported by the Teaching and Research Award program for MOE P.R.C. (TRAPOYT) Biography: ZHANG Jiang-shan (1946-), male, Researcher in Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, P.R. China. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

[Objective]To study the leaf calorific value of different forest types.[Method]This study focused on four common forest types widely distributed across China, including boreal coniferous forest, warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest, subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, and tropical monsoon forest. The leaf calorific values of 175 dominant (or common) tree species were measured. The leaf calorific value characteristics of the trees found in the different forest types were analyzed, and the primary factors affecting leaf calorific value were investigated, including leaf morphological traits, nutrient elements, climate, and soil traits. [Result]The results showed that in these forest types, the leaf calorific values ranged from 14.84 to 21.98 KJ·g-1, with an overall mean of 19.06 KJ·g-1. The presence of organisms appeared to affect the leaf calorific value, which differed among forest types as follows: coniferous trees > broadleaf trees or evergreen trees > deciduous trees. [Conclusion]The latitudinal pattern of tree leaf calorific value, ordered from north to south, is as follows: warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest > subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest > tropical mountain rainforest. The mean leaf calorific value of boreal coniferous forest was slightly lower than those of warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest and subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest. The leaf calorific values were significantly correlated with leaf carbon content (R2= 0.89, P<0.001). A multiple regression equation was established to describe the relationships among leaf calorific value, leaf carbon content, leaf nitrogen content, and leaf thickness.  相似文献   

Analysis of organic acids in seleted forest litters of Northeast China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Larch(Larix olgensis), Manchurian ash(Fraxinus mandshurica), Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis) and White birch(Betula platyphylla) are the major planting species in northeast China. The samples of forest litters were collected from the stands of the above 4 species in Laoyeling and Jianlagou experiment stations of Maorshan Exp. Forest Farm (45°12′–45°30′N, 127°30′–127°48′E), Northeast Forestry University, in early October 2002. Quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis were carried out on the organic acids existing in freshly fallen litters (L layer) and hemi-decomposed litters (F layer) of the four forest species by using Gas Chromatogram system. A wide variety of organic acids were identified, including oxalic, malonic, fumaric, succinic, maleic, malic, citric, C16:O, C18:O, C18:1, C18:2, C18:3 and C20:O acids. In respect of L litters of all samples, the oxalic acid content (over 30 mg/g) was the highest of the seven low-molecular-weight organic acids identified, while the content of oleic or linoleic (above 40mg/g) was found to be highest among the six high aliphatic acids identified. As to F litters, oxalic acid content was also the highest, followed by linoleic and oleic. For the same tree species or the same forest, the kinds and contents of organic acids in L litters were more abundant than that in F litters. Foundation item: This paper is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (30170768) Biography: SONG Jin-feng (1976-), female, doctor postgraduate, Harbin 150040, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

卧龙自然保护区植物生长季节森林土壤水分状况   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
本文于1981-1984年植物生长季节对四川卧龙自然保护区森林土壤水分状况,进行了定位研究,试验林地设置在1200-4300m海拔高度的不同生物气候带的森林类型下。选择的五处试验林地是:①常绿阔叶林下的山地黄壤;②次生落叶阔叶林下的山地棕壤;③针阔混交林下的山地暗棕壤;④暗针叶林下的山地棕色暗针叶林土;⑤高山草甸植被下的高山草甸土。试验结果阐明了试验林地土壤的蓄水性能,枯枝落叶层最大蓄36-313t/ha,森林土壤的渗透系数在1.54-5.33mm/min,试验林地生长季节森林土壤水分贮量,都在最佳含水量下限以下,试验林地森林土壤水分供给(生态湿度)顺序为:山地棕色暗针叶林土(重湿)>高山草甸土(重温)>山地棕壤(湿)>山地黄壤(较湿)>山地暗棕壤(较湿一潮)。  相似文献   

The restoration of the riparian vegetation disturbed by human activities is one of the hotspots of watershed ecology. Through interpreting the images of Remote Sensing in 1985 and 1999, the basic information of forest resources of Lushuhe Forest Bureau, which is a typical forest area of Chanbai Mountain was obtained with support of GIS. By dividing Land covers of Lushuihe area into 10 types (water body, residential land, stump land, farming land, wetland, mature conifer forest, midlife conifer forest, mature broadleaf forest, midlife broadleaf forest, and man-made young forest) and dividing the riparian zone into four buffers (in turn 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 m away from the river), the changes of riparian forest resources during 1985–1999 were analyzed. The results showed that the deforestation intension has obviously decreased and the whole environment has been evidently improved, but the riparian ecosystem was still flimsy. In buffer 1, 2, 3 the area of midlife conifer forest increased largely, but the areas of other types of land covers all decreased. Midlife conifer forest had a comparatively good status in the three buffers. In buffer 4, midlife conifer forest, mature conifer forest, and mature broadleaf forest formed a forest-age rank that is helpful to stabilize the forest ecosystem and exert its functions. Area percentage of wetland decreased in buffer 1, buffer 2, and buffer 3, even in buffer 4 in which forest ecosystem rehabilitated comparatively well, so protecting and rehabilitating wetland is a very difficult task. Foundation item: This study is supported by major projects of Knowiedge Innovation Program. Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2-SW-320-3) and Institute of Applied Ecology (a grant SCXZD010-01), CAS. Biography: HAO Zhan-qing (1962-), Male, Ph. Doctor, Professor in Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Science, Shenyang 1100016, P.R. China Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

Robinia pseudoacacia stands act as a typical ecological protection forest in hilly semi-arid area of China. Two fields of surface runoff were separately set up inR. pseudoacacia stand and its clearcut area in the western Liaoning Province (18°50’–122°25’ E, 40°24’–42°34’ N) for measuring the characteristics of runoff and sediment as well as soil moisture dynamics. Contractive analysis of the two land types showed that there existed a significant difference in volumes of runoff and sediment between the sites ofR. pseudoacacia stand and its clearcut area. The runoff volume and sediment volume in clearcut are were much bigger than those inR. pseudoacacia stand, with an increase amount of 40%–177% for runoff and 180%–400% for sediment. Hydrograph of surface runoff of typical rainfall showed that the peak value of runoff inR. pseudoacacia stand was decreased by 1.0–2.5×10−3m3·s−1 compared with that in its clearcut area, and the occurring time of peak value of runoff inR. pseudoacacia stand was 10–20 min later than that in its clearcut area. Harmonic analysis of soil moisture dynamics indicated that the soil moisture inR. pseudoacacia stand was 2.3% higher than that in clearcut area, and the soil moisture both inR. pseudoacia stand and its clearcut area could be divided into dry season and humid season and varied periodically with annual raifall precipitation. It was concluded thatR. pseudoacacia stand plays a very important role in storing water, increasing soil moisture, and reducing surface runoff and soil erosion. Foundation item: This paper was supported by Chinese “863” Plan Water-Saving Agriculture (2002AA2Z4321), the Key Knowledge Innovation Project (SCXZY0103), and The “Tenth-five” Plan of Liaoning Province (2001212001). Biography: GAO Peng (1967-), male, Dr. candidate, associate professor of Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

土壤温度和水分对长白山3种温带森林土壤呼吸的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了研究土壤温度和土壤含水量对阔叶红松林(山地暗棕壤)、云冷杉暗针叶林(山地棕针叶林土壤)和岳桦林(生草森林土)的土壤呼吸的影响,于2001年9月在长白山进行了土壤实验。利用增加土壤样柱的含水量,将土壤含水量分为9%,、21%、30%、37%和43%5个等级,土壤样品分别在0、5、15、25和35的温度下保持24小时。阔叶红松林土壤在0~35范围内,土壤呼吸速率与温度呈正相关。在一定的含水量范围内(21%~37%),土壤呼吸随含水量的增加而升高,当含水量超出该范围,土壤呼吸速率则随含水量的变化而降低。土壤温度和水分对土壤呼吸作用存在明显的交互作用。不同森林类型土壤呼吸作用强弱存在显著差异,大小顺序为阔叶红松林>岳桦林>云冷杉暗针叶林.红松阔叶林土壤呼吸作用的最佳条件是土壤温度35,含水量37%;云冷杉暗针叶林下的山地棕色针叶土壤呼吸作用的最佳条件是25,21%;岳桦林土壤呼吸作用的最佳条件是35,含水量37%。但是,由于长白山阔叶红松林,云冷杉林和岳桦林处在不同的海拔带上,同期不同森林类型土壤温度各不相同,相差4~5,所以野外所测的同期的山地棕色针叶林土呼吸速率应低于暗棕色森林土呼吸速率,山地生草森林土呼吸速率应高于山地棕色针叶林土的呼吸速率。图2表1参25。  相似文献   

研究区选择在浙江省湖州市,该市分为德清县、长兴县、安吉县、南浔区和吴兴区五个行政区。利用TM 遥感影像将区域土地利用类型解译为林地、草地、灌丛、水田、旱地、裸地、水域及湿地八类;每类生态系统服务功能又分为生产有机物质、固定和吸收CO2、释放O2、营养物质循环、涵养水源和水土保持六项指标;结合气候数据、统计数据分别测得每项生态系统服务功能价值。结果表明:2001-2003 年湖州市生态系统服务功能价值分别为:194.82、207.68、173.56 亿元;其中安吉县的环境质量状况相对最好,环境容纳能力与自净能力明显要高于其它县(区),因此安吉县对湖州全市生态环境的改善贡献最大。德清县的环境容纳量与自净能力最弱。市辖区及长兴县居中。各县(区)人均及单位面积生产的GDP与单位人口及单位面积分配的生态系统服务功能价值成反比关系,GDP 越高所对应的环境污染也相对较大。表1 图11参12。  相似文献   

Guizhou golden monkey (Phinopithecus roxellanae brelichi) is a peculiar, rare and endangered species. It is distributed most narrowly and requires a rigorous habitat. In this study the habitats of Guizhou Golden Monkey were divided into three habitats: most suitable habitats, suitable habitats and marginally suitable habitats. The characteristics of the vegetation community, environmental factors and extreme environmental factors in the three habitats were systematically analyzed. The seasonal activity rule, activity area and the food characteristic of Guizhou golden monkey were also study at the same time. The results indicate that the evergreen and deciduous broadleaf mixed forest is the optimal living vegetation community for Guizhoug olden Monkey, and the suitable annual temperature is 8-15℃, the extremely lowest temperature is -2.5℃, the extremely highest temperature is 25℃, and the optimal living altitude is 1500-1700 m. In the same area, the higher the vegetation diversitythe more suitable it is for the life of Guizhou golden monkey. Temperature and food are the main habitat factors in determining the activity scope of the guizhou golden monkey community. The Altitude, temperature and the characteristics of the vegetation community are the main limitina factors for habitat selection.  相似文献   

Many textural measures have been developed and used for improving land cover classification accuracy, but they rarely examined the role of textures in improving the performance of forest aboveground biomass estimations. The relationship between texture and biomass is poorly understood. In this paper, SPOT5 HRG datasets were ortho-rectified and atmospherically calibrated. Then the transform of spectral features is introduced, and the extraction of textural measures based on the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix is also implemented in accordance with four different directions (0°, 45°, 90° and 135°) and various moving window sizes, ranging from 3 × 3 to 51 × 51. Thus, a variety of textures were generated. Combined with derived topographic features, the forest aboveground biomass estimation models for five predominant forest types in the scenic spot of the Mausoleum of Sun Yat-Sen, Nanjing, are identified and constructed, and the estimation accuracies exhibited by these models are also validated and evaluated respectively. The results indicate that: 1) Most textures are weakly correlated with forest biomass, but minority textural measures such as ME, CR and VA play a significantly effective and critical role in estimating forest biomass; 2) The textures of coniferous forest appear preferable to those of broad-leaved forest and mixed forest in representing the spatial configurations of forests; and 3) Among the topographic features including slope, aspect and elevation, aspect has the lowest correlation with the biomass of a forest in this study. __________ Translated from Remote Sensing Information, 2006, 6: 6–9 [译自: 遥感信息]  相似文献   

Historical forest fire records from Alaska State (1950–2000), California State (1895-2001), USA and Heilongjiang Province (1980–1999), China were used to calculate the longitude and latitude of the annual burned area’s centroids for these regions. Fluctuation phenomena by year were analyzed using spectrum analysis. The results show that centroids of burned areas in these three regions are in a fluctuating condition that encircles the distribution center. The distribution centers are 151.11°W, 64.96°N in Alaska State, 120.02°W, 37.11°N in California State and 127.07°E, 49.59°N in Heilongjiang Province, respectively. The fluctuation of the burned area’s centroids in Alaska State and California State in longitude has obvious periodicity, and the periodicities are 4.2 years, 6.25 years in Alaska State and 6.24 years, 106 years in California State. The fluctuation of the burned area’s centroids in Heilongjiang Province has a periodicity both in longitude and latitude, and the periodicities are both 3.3 years, 6.67 years. Fluctuation of the burned area’s centroids in Alaska State and California State in latitude does not have periodicity, and big forest fires with low frequencies predominate. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2006, 42(5): 89–103 [译自: 林业科学]  相似文献   

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