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Sewage sludge obtained by a conventional aerobic activated sludge process (CSS), P-rich sewage sludge from an enhanced biological P removal process (PRS), and struvite (MgNH 4PO 4 x 6H 2O) recovered from an anaerobic digester supernatant using a low-grade MgO byproduct from the calcination of natural magnesite as a Mg source (STR) were evaluated as P sources for plant growth. For this purpose, a greenhouse pot experiment was conducted using a P-deficient loamy sand soil and perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) as the test crop. The P sources were applied at rates equivalent to 0, 9, 17, 26, 34, and 44 mg/kg P. Single superphosphate (SUP) was used as reference for comparison with the other P sources. The results obtained indicated that STR was as effective as SUP in increasing the dry matter yield and supplying P to ryegrass. Compared to SUP and STR, PRS and especially CSS exhibited less agronomic effectiveness as P sources, which may be attributed, at least partially, to greater soil P fixation because of the larger amount of Fe incorporated with these materials.  相似文献   

Struvite (MgNH4PO4.6H2O) and nitrification inhibitors are applied to soils to, respectively, provide nutrients and reduce nitrogen (N) loss. Given its low N composition (5.7%) relative to that of phosphorus (P, 12.6%) and magnesium (Mg, 9.9%), struvite could be added to soil concurrently with N fertilizers as a source of P and Mg. Nutrient release from struvite could be impacted if nitrification of its ammonium component is reduced by a nitrification inhibitor. Accordingly, a pot trial gauged whether struvite‐fertilized ryegrass had comparable Mg or P uptake and shoot yields with treatments receiving conventional Mg and P fertilizers. Struvite precipitated from milk industry wastewater, or conventional fertilizers, were added to a soil–sand mixture of low fertility. The inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) was added to assess its effect on P uptake by ryegrass. Relative to Epsom salt, struvite led to increased Mg uptake without significantly affecting shoot biomass, indicating luxury consumption. Regarding shoot yield and P uptake, struvite was as effective as triple super phosphate. DCD significantly reduced P uptake in the first harvest; the inhibited nitrification of the ammonium is surmised to have diminished struvite dissolution. In later harvests, DCD led to a trend (albeit not statistically significant) of increased biomass; this N‐rich (66% N) compound was probably biodegraded and utilized as an N source. The impact of DCD on P uptake in this experiment was short‐lived. Nevertheless, DCD degradation occurs less rapidly in field conditions, potentially affecting early P supply which is vital for optimum yield.  相似文献   

The rate of nitrous oxide emission from a laboratory sequence batch reactor (SBR) wastewater treatment system using synthetic wastewater was measured under controlled conditions. The SBR was operated in the mode of 4 h for aeration, 3.5 h for stirring without aeration, 0.5 h for settling and drainage, and 4 h of idle. The sludge was acclimated by running the system to achieve a stable running state as chemical oxygen demand, NO2^-, NO3^-, NH4^+, pH, and N2O. indicated by rhythmic changes of total N, dissolved oxygen, Under the present experimental conditions measured nitrous oxide emitted from the off-gas in the aerobic and anaerobic phases, respectively, accounted for 8.6%-16.1% and 0-0.05% of N removed, indicating that the aerobic phase was the main source of N2O emission from the system. N2O dissolved in discharged water was considerable in term of concentration. Thus, measures to be developed for the purpose of reducing N2O emission from the system should be effective in the aeration phase.  相似文献   

基于NUFER模型的生猪养殖氮磷利用效率及排放时空变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
城市郊区集约化畜禽生产系统的快速发展在满足日益增长的畜产品需求的同时也带来了严重的环境问题。该研究利用北京生猪养殖场调研数据和养分流动模型NUFER分析了1980年到2013年北京城郊生猪生产体系氮、磷养分利用效率和环境损失时空变化,并利用情景分析提出了5种饲料和粪尿优化管理措施。从1980年到2013年,育肥猪个体尺度(仅包括育肥猪)氮利用效率从17.8%增加到19.0%,磷利用效率从32.0%增加到35.8%;群体尺度(包括育肥猪、母猪等)氮利用效率从16.0%增加到16.7%,磷利用效率从29.5%降低到23.4%;系统尺度(土壤-饲料-生猪)氮利用效率从18.5%降低到11.4%,磷利用效率从41.6%降低到17.1%。2013年,总氮损失和总磷损失分别为4.22和0.65万t,较1980年分别增加了56.9%和97.0%。产生这一变化的原因是生猪养殖模式从家庭和传统养殖模式向集约化模式转变,家庭副产品作为饲料利用的比例迅速降低,养分循环链条中断,从而导致系统养分利用效率不断降低。但就育肥猪个体尺度和群体尺度而言,集约化生产模式优化了饲料精准喂养和粪尿管理。与此同时,2000年后国家提出了大量有关畜禽养殖的政策、法规、标准和规范,使得1980年至2013年间养分利用效率出现先减后增和环境损失出现先增后减的趋势。空间分布变化结果显示,北京城区和近郊区域由生猪养殖导致的环境损失迅速减少,而远郊区域的环境损失快速增加,这主要归因于城市发展规划。  相似文献   

玉米施镁对氮磷钾肥料利用率及产量的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
玉米施Mg与N、P、K肥料利用率呈曲线共系,适量施Mg对玉米吸收N、P、K的促进作用极显著。与仅施N、P、K肥的对照相比,玉米施用MgO 66.7kg/hm~2可分别提高N、P、K肥料利用率27.61%、18.03%和118.73%,增产6.19%;分别提高籽粒蛋白质、赖氨酸和淀粉含量3.40%、7.14%和17.15%,降低脂肪及糖分含量2.59%与10.86%,而过量施用Mg有抑制N、P、K在植株体内积累的趋势,对产量无益。  相似文献   

Ecologically engineered wastewater treatment facilities, such as constructed wetlands and infiltration plants, can be further improved in their P retention by using reactive media with a high P-retention capacity. In a sustainable system, the sorbed P should be recycled in agricultural production. The objective of the present study was to determine the plant availability of P sorbed to different P-retention media. The studied media were: crystalline and amorphous blast furnace slag, natural and burned opoka (a bedrock from Poland), limestone, burned lime, soil from a spodic B horizon, and light expanded clay aggregates (LECA). They were soaked in a P solution, rinsed and dried before incorporation into soil. An additional aim was to compare P taken up by barley with amounts chemically extracted for the estimation of plant-available soil P. P sorbed to the crystalline slag was delivered to the barley plants more efficiently than P added in K2HPO4 fertiliser. Soil extraction with acid ammonium lactate correlated well with P taken up by barley and indicated that P bound to Ca is more available to plants than P bound to Al and Fe. The Mg content of the used slag may replace Mg fertilisation in certain soils. It was concluded that among the investigated filter materials, crystalline slag was the most suitable sorbent from an agricultural point of view, since it possessed a large P-sorption capacity and the sorbed P was largely plant available. The heavy metal content of sorption materials must be examined carefully before their application to agricultural soils.  相似文献   

To develop a low cost and energy-saving wastewater treatment technique in combination with resource recycling and amenity functions, we constructed a plant bed filter ditch in which useful terrestrial and aquatic plants can be utilized for nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater. Screening studies were conducted to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of 20 kinds of plant species which are economically important or exhibit on aesthetic value, including 13 terrestrial species, for domestic wastewater treatment. Artificial wastewater containing 20 mg L-1 of Nand 3.3 mg L-1 of P, was supplied to the ditch at the rate of about 1.41–2.08 g m-2 d-1 for N and 0.20–0.33 g m-2 d-1 for P. The experiments were performed in a glass house with windows opened from April to November. The ditches showing high Nand P removal rates were planted with plants which exhibited high biomass production rates. In the case of the papyrus ditch, Nand P removal rates exceeded 0.8 g m-2 d-1 for N and 0.15 g m-2 d-1 for P from late spring to autumn, in the case of the kenaf ditch and sorghum ditch, from summer to autumn and in the case of the Italian ryegrass ditch and barley ditch, in early spring. These findings indicated that efficient wastewater treatment can be performed consistently except in the winter season, by cultivating these plants in an appropriate combination in the ditches.  相似文献   

九龙江流域养猪场氮磷流失特征研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
由于对畜禽粪便的处置和管理不当,氮、磷养分随粪便大量流失,不仅带来日益突出的环境问题,还造成了资源的浪费。目前国际上多采用养分平衡方法研究和评价畜牧养殖场养分流失状况及其潜在的环境风险程度。选取福建省九龙江流域92家养猪场,采用养分平衡分析方法研究了该流域养猪场养分流失状况及主要影响因素。结果表明:大部分养猪场的氮磷养分输入量远远大于养分有效输出量,表明养分大量流失,养殖系统的环境风险程度极高;随着养猪场规模的增大,氮、磷的不平衡程度呈下降趋势;生态型养殖模式有利于促进资源综合利用,减少养分流失;加强对粪肥和饲料管理有利于促进畜禽养殖场的氮、磷养分平衡。  相似文献   


Recent research suggests that Swedish organic arable soils have been under-recognized as a potential source of phosphorus (P) loading to water bodies. The aim of this study was to compare P losses through leaching from organic and high-fertility mineral soils. In addition, the effectiveness of a magnesium-salt-coated biochar applied below the topsoil as a mitigation strategy for reducing P losses was evaluated.

Materials and methods

Phosphorus leaching was measured from four medium- to high-P arable soils, two Typic Haplosaprists (organic 1 and 2), a Typic Hapludalf (sand), and an unclassified loam textured soil (loam), in a 17-month field study utilizing 90-cm-long lysimeters. A magnesium-salt-coated biochar was produced and characterized using X-ray powder diffraction (XPD), scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), and X-ray adsorption (XANES) spectroscopy, and its phosphate adsorption capacity was determined at laboratory scale. It was also applied as a 3-cm layer, 27 cm below the soil surface of the same lysimeters and examined as a mitigation measure to reduce P leaching.

Results and discussion

Total-P loads from the 17-month, unamended lysimeters were in the order of organic 2 (1.2 kg ha?1)?>?organic 1 (1.0 kg ha?1)?>?sand (0.3 kg ha?1)?>?loam (0.2 kg ha?1). Macropore flow, humic matter competition for sorption sites, and fewer sorption sites likely caused higher P losses from the organic soils. Analysis by XRD and SEM revealed magnesium was primarily deposited as periclase (MgO) on the biochar surface but hydrated to brucite (Mg(OH)2) in water. The Langmuir maximum adsorption capacity (Qmax) of the coated biochar was 65.4 mg P g?1. Lysimeters produced mixed results, with a 74% (P?<?0.05), 51% (NS), and 30% (NS) reduction in phosphate-P from the organic 1, organic 2, and sand, respectively, while P leaching increased by 230% (NS) from the loam.


The findings of this study indicate that P leached from organic arable soils can be greater than from mineral soils, and therefore, these organic soils require further investigation into reducing their P losses. Metal-enriched biochar, applied as an adsorptive layer below the topsoil, has the potential to reduce P losses from medium- to high-P organic soils but appear to be less useful in mineral soils.


Potato (Solatium tuberosum) generally requires high amounts of phosphate fertilizer to reach economically acceptable yields, particularly in soils originating from volcanic ash. This is a consequence of the potato plants low root density and the slow soil diffusion rate of phosphorus (P) in these soils. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of P rates on tuber yield, biomass production, and distribution, biomass P accumulation and concentration, and P distribution in potato cv. Mexiquense. The experiment was carried out in an Andisol (7.8 μg g‐1 Olsen‐P) located at the east of Valle de México. Fertilization rates were 0, 18,41,46,69,78,90,106,113,135,150,163, and 207 kg ha‐1 P, from ordinary superphosphate. Top growth and root biomass, tuber yield, P percentage and P accumulation in different plant parts were measured at harvest. Minimum and maximum average tuber yields were 8.4 and 18.0 Mg ha‐1; the plants absorbed 5.8 and 11.8 kg ha‐1 P, corresponding to 0 (control) and 207 kg ha‐1 P, respectively. Phosphorus fertilization had little influence on plant P concentration, where average concentrations in tuber and top growth were 0.20 and 0.24 % P, respectively. By contrast, P accumulation increased with increasing P rates, but P distribution between tuber and top growth was dependent on the amount of P applied. The control treatment showed approximately 1:1 distribution of P between top growth and tuber, but as P rate increased, top growth P decreased and tuber P increased. When applying the highest P rate, 36% of P accumulated in the top growth and 64 % in the tuber. The information obtained will permit decisions on the correct use of phosphate fertilizer for potato in Andisols of the Valle de Mexico.  相似文献   

农田氮、磷向水体迁移原因及对策   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
农田氮、磷向水体迁移,不仅造成化肥的利用率低,农业生产成本上升,还对水环境造成污染,引起水体富营养化。综合评述了农田氮、磷向水体迁移的原因及其控制方面的国内外研究进展。氮、磷肥的过量施用和施用比例不合理是导致农田氮、磷向水体迁移的主要原因;氮、磷向水体迁移量受土壤质地、施肥种类、降雨条件等因素影响;相应措施如优化土地利用、合理施肥和处理农田径流等均可有效地降低农田氮、磷向水体迁移风险。在当前的非点源污染治理中,应采取有力措施控制农田养分流失。  相似文献   

碳氮比对水芹浮床系统去除低污染水氮磷效果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国经济的快速发展,农业面源污染问题日益严重,加剧了淡水水质恶化的趋势。本研究以浮床水芹(Oenanthe javanica)系统和无植物对照(Control)为对象,研究了其对不同碳氮比农村低污染水[定义为农业生产或农民生活过程中产生的,富含植物生长所需的氮、磷等养分与多种微量元素且满足城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准一级B要求(GB 18918—2002一级B:TN≤20 mg·L~(-1),TP≤1 mg·L~(-1))的那部分污水]中氮(N)、磷(P)、化学需氧量(COD)的净化效果。试验所用低污染水为生活污水(TWW)和外加碳源生活污水(高碳氮比,TWW-HC)两种。整个试验历时82 d,中间换水一次。试验结果表明水芹浮床系统接纳高碳氮比低污染水对氮磷的去除效果较好。外加碳源能在短时间内快速降低低污染水中N、P的浓度,试验3 d时TWW-HC中总氮(TN)、氨氮(NH4+-N)、总磷(TP)的去除率分别达40.8%、38.4%、62.8%。整个试验周期TWW-HC组对TN的去除率为73.9%~96.0%,高于TWW组(60.6%~85.9%);该组对TP的去除率为68.0%~81.1%,高于TWW组和Control组(TP去除率分别为21.3%~54.9%和19.2%~58.1%)。收获时TWW-HC处理水芹生物量、平均株高和相对生长速率均显著高于TWW处理(P0.05)。TWW-HC处理通过植物吸收带走的N、P分别占系统对N、P去除量的58.2%和37.6%,明显高于TWW处理(相应比例分别为8.7%和11.0%)。这说明通过外加碳源调节进水C∶N比促进了水芹的生长和对污水中养分的吸收利用,有利于水芹浮床系统对N、P的去除。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the plant phosphorus (P) availability of products derived from new P‐recovery technologies deployed in wastewater treatment systems against sewage sludge and untreated sewage sludge ashes. Eight P sources were evaluated in a six‐week pot experiment with spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and a soil incubation experiment with anaerobically digested and dewatered sewage sludge (Sludge), sewage sludge ash (Ash), thermochemically treated sewage sludge ash (TrAsh), struvite (Struv), concentrate (Conc), and centrifuged concentrate (Prec) from evaporated reject water, with triple super phosphate (TSP), and composted organic household waste (Comp) as references. All sludge‐related materials except struvite came from the same wastewater treatment plant in Denmark. The apparent plant P use efficiency (PUE) of the treatments in the pot experiments was in the following order: Prec (17.0%) > TSP (12.8%) ≥ Conc (12.7%) > Sludge (8.8%) ≥ TrAsh (6.9%) ≥ Struv (6.0%) ≥ Comp (5.8%) > Ash (3.4%). The water‐extractable P (WEP) in the incubation experiment largely supported this order and there was a strong correlation between WEP in the incubation experiment and plant P uptake in the pot experiment. Overall, the results of this study demonstrate that it should not automatically be assumed that products recovered with new treatment technologies for P recovery are more effective P fertilizers than the sewage sludge from which they originate. Furthermore, these results indicate that the measurement of water‐extractable P after soil incubation could be a suitable proxy for plant P availability.  相似文献   

Animal trampling is one of the main factors responsible for soil compaction under grazed pastures. Soil compaction is known to change the physical properties of the soil thereby affecting the transformation of nitrogen (N) and the subsequent of release of N as nitrous oxide (N2O). The form of N source added to these compacted soils further affects N emissions. Here we determine the interactive effects of soil compaction and form of N sources (cattle urine and ammonium, nitrate and urea fertilizers) on the loss of N through N2O emission from grassland soil. Overall, soil compaction caused a seven-fold increase in the N2O flux, the total N2O fluxes for the entire experimental period ranged from 2.62 to 61.74 kg N2O-N ha−1 for the compacted soil and 1.12 to 4.37 kg N2O-N ha−1 for the uncompacted soil. Among the N sources, the highest emissions were measured with nitrate application, emissions being 10 times more than those from other N sources for compacted soil, suggesting that the choice of N fertilizer can go a long way in mitigating N2O emissions in compacted grasslands.  相似文献   

In a simple randomised field trial conducted during 1985–86/ 1986–87, the effect of basal nitrogen (45 and 60 kg N/ha) and basal phosphorus (15 and 20 kg P/ha) applications together with the soaking of seeds in 0.025% aqueous pyridoxine hydrochloride solution for 4h and foliar applications of 15 kg N/ha and 5 kg P/ha in two installments at 70 and 90 days after sowing (DAS) was studied on the performance of mustard (Brassica juncea L.). Recommended basal applications of 90 kg N/ha and 30 kg P/ha (BN90P30) was used as the control. The parameters studied included leaf area index (LAI) at 60, 80, and 100 DAS, net assimilation rate at 60–80 and 80–100 day intervals, and pods/plant, seeds/pod, seed yield, oil content, and oil yield at harvest. In general, the pyridoxine treatment proved superior over water soaking. The higher basal fertilizer dose was effective and foliar application of N and P gave higher values as compared to the water foliar application alone. The combination of pyridoxine + BN60P20+ FN15FP5 significantly enhanced the performance of the crop and enhanced seed yield and oil yield by 15.8 and 13.5%, respectively, over the check BN90P30 treatment.  相似文献   

"Temulose" is the trade name for a water-soluble molasses produced on a large scale (300-400 tonnes per year) as a byproduct of the fiberboard industry. The feedstock for Temulose is predominantly a single species of pine ( Pinus taeda ) grown and harvested in stands in southeastern Texas. Because of the method of production, the molasses was predicted to consist of water-soluble hemicelluloses, mainly arabinoxylan-type and galactoglucomannan-type oligosaccharides, plus minor components of lignin, but no detailed structural study had been reported. The structure and composition of the molasses has now been deduced by a combination of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, size exclusion chromatography, proton and (13)C NMR techniques, and classic carbohydrate analysis. Limited acid hydrolysis released a series of galactoglucomannan oligosaccharides (GGMO) that were selectively recovered from the acid-labile arabinogalactan by precipitation with ethanol. The precipitate was named "Temulose brown sugar" because of its appearance, and is shown to consist of GGMO with a degree of polymerization (DP) from 4 to 13, with the major component being DP 5-8. The structure of these oligosaccharides is a β-1,4-linked backbone of Man and Glc residues, with occasional α-1,6 branching by single galactosyl units.  相似文献   

Li  Ruzhong  Wu  Xiaolong  Tang  Ning 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2021,21(10):3310-3325
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Sustained inputs of nitrogen and/or phosphorus from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) to aquatic environments lead to an increased risk of eutrophication. The...  相似文献   

玉米根系对土壤氮、磷空间异质性分布的响应   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
氮、磷资源富集区(patches)通常独立存在,揭示植物根系对异质性氮、磷分布的响应,对于通过根系调控充分挖掘根系高效获取氮、磷资源的生物学潜力,提高氮、磷资源利用效率具有重要的理论与实践意义。通过盆栽试验研究了3种氮、磷供应方式(氮磷均匀供应,氮磷混合局部供应,氮磷分开局部供应)对玉米根系生长和分布以及氮、磷吸收的影响。结果表明,氮磷混合和分开局部供应均显著增加了玉米根系干重。与均匀供应处理相比,氮磷混合局部供应使玉米总根长、根干重、根质量比分别增加了28%,66%和31%,磷吸收量减少了35%,但对地上部干重和氮吸收量没有显著的影响。相比之下,氮磷分开局部供应使根和地上部干重均增加55%,氮、磷吸收量分别提高58% 和81%,但对总根长和根冠干物质分配比例无显著影响;与局部供氮相比,局部供磷显著刺激了根系的生长,表明更多的干物质优先分配到局部供磷的区域。由此可见,与氮磷混合局部供应相比,在氮、磷资源分开供应条件下,玉米通过改变根系形态和分布来协调和整合对氮、磷资源的响应,从而强化根系对不同土壤氮、磷资源的摄取能力,这为优化氮、磷资源的管理和空间配置提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

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