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用harvey软件中的model4对湖北红鸡Ⅰ、Ⅲ系的三、四世代资料进行遗传分析。开产日龄、开产体重、40周龄产蛋数、40周龄蛋重的遗传力分别为:0.26,0.42,0.21和0.52。40周龄产蛋数与开产日龄、开产体重、40周龄蛋重的遗传相关分别为:-0.647~-0.727,0.007~0.147和0.431~-0.449。  相似文献   

如皋黄鸡产蛋性能与遗传参数分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究以如皋黄鸡第4世代的15个家系351只母鸡为实验素材,测定开产日龄、开产体重、开产蛋重和40周龄产蛋数,统计各周龄群体产蛋率,估算开产性状和40周龄产蛋数的遗传参数。结果表明:如皋黄鸡开产日龄为(153.9±13.13)d,开产体重为(1 366.5±135.51)g,开产蛋重为(32.8±3.17)g,40周龄产蛋数为(101.0±8.94)个;高峰产蛋率为82.1%,70%以上产蛋率维持16周;开产日龄、开产体重、开产蛋重和40周龄产蛋数均为中等遗传力0.177~0.320;开产日龄、开产体重和开产蛋重间两两呈遗传正相关0.736~0.971,40周龄产蛋数与开产日龄、开产体重、开产蛋重间均呈遗传负相关-0.832~-0.639;性状间的表型相关性质和遗传相关一致,且均达到极显著的程度。  相似文献   

本文在测定新杨白壳蛋鸡体重、胫长以及产蛋数、蛋重等指标的基础上,结合4个世代的系谱资料.运用多性状非求导约束最大似然法估计了这些性状的遗传参数。结果表明45日龄体重、7周龄胫长、18周龄体重、26周龄前产蛋数、27-32周龄产蛋数、35-51周龄产蛋数、全期产蛋数、25周龄蛋重、33周龄蛋重、42周龄蛋重、51周龄蛋重的遗传力分别为O.36、0.30、0.20、0.18、0.09、0.22、0.17、0.45、0.34、0.28和0.41。遗传相关分析表明27-32周龄的产蛋数与51周龄前的累计产蛋数的遗传相关系数为0.85.提示高峰期的产蛋数对产蛋期的全期产番数彭响很大  相似文献   

用父系半同胞组内相关法对豫州褐壳蛋鸡Ⅱ系第四世代的部分数量性状的遗传参数进行了估测与分析,结果为:开产日龄的遗传力为0.6214,蛋重的遗传力为0.2637~0.4039,体重的遗传力为0.2447~0.3981,产蛋量的遗传力为0.3587~0.4024;开产日龄与40周龄和72周龄产蛋量的遗传相关系数为-0.5822和-0.7475,40周龄产蛋量与72周龄产蛋量的遗传相关系数为0.7674,40周龄蛋重与72周龄蛋重的遗传相关系数为0.8716,开产蛋重与40周龄和72周龄蛋重的遗传相关系数分别为0.7119和0.8790.  相似文献   

优质黄鸡矮小型母系繁殖性能的遗传参数估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了测定广东温氏南方家禽育种有限公司黄羽矮小型母系N303品系第三世代鸡群的8周龄体重、开产日龄、开产体重、开产蛋重、300日龄体重、300日龄蛋重、300日龄产蛋数,试验计算了各性状的遗传力、表型和遗传相关。结果表明:除开产蛋重、300日龄体重、300日龄产蛋数外,其他性状的遗传力估计值为中等偏上,各性状遗传力估计水平与正常型品系相一致;开产日龄和300日龄产蛋数之间为中等程度的负表型和遗传相关,而开产体重和300日龄体重之间、300日龄蛋重之间为中等程度的正表型和遗传相关。  相似文献   

本文测定了新杨白壳蛋鸡母系全群个体的生长发育性状体重和胫长,以及主要经济性状产蛋数和蛋重,结合新杨白壳蛋鸡4个世代的系谱资料,运用多性状非求导约束最大似然法(MTDFREML法),估计了这些性状的遗传参数。测定的性状包括45日龄、18周龄体重,7周龄胫长,26周龄前、27~32,35~51周龄产蛋数,全期产蛋数,25、33、42、51周龄蛋重。这些性状的遗传力分别为:0.36、0.20、0.30、0.18、0.09、0.22、0.17、0.45、0.34、0.28和0.41。遗传相关分析表明27~32周龄的产蛋数与51周龄前的累计产蛋数的遗传相关为0.85,这暗示高峰期的产蛋数对产蛋期的全期产蛋数影响很大。  相似文献   

本文通过对如皋黄鸡两个世代(9世代866只,10世代423只)常规选育性状(开产日龄、开产体重、开产蛋重及40周龄产蛋数)和连产性状(连产周期、平均连产长度、最长连产长度、平均间歇天数、最长间歇长度及连产强度)进行统计分析,估计各性状的遗传力及之间的遗传相关并分析表型相关。结果表明:与常规选育性状相比连产性状的变异系数较大;9世代连产周期遗传力最高为0.523,开产体重和平均连产长度为中等遗传力性状(0.417和0.310),开产日龄、开产蛋重、40周龄产蛋数、最大连产长度、平均连产间歇天数、最长间歇天数及连产强度为低遗传力性状(0.068~0.244);40周龄产蛋数与平均连产长度、连产强度呈正遗传相关和极显著表型相关,与连产周期、最长连产间歇呈负的遗传相关和极显著表型负相关。以40周龄产蛋数为主选目标间接使10世代连产周期数下降,连产长度延长,而连产周期数的遗传力下降。综上,与40周龄产蛋数相比,连产性状中的连产周期和平均连产长度的遗传力估计值较高,与其遗传相关和表型相关均较高,可将连产性状作为选育指标对如皋黄鸡进行进一步选择。  相似文献   

为研究影响贵妃鸡全程(52周龄)产蛋数的关键因子,利用相关分析、通径分析和多元回归分析相结合的方法,对贵妃鸡的开产体重、开产日龄、开产蛋重、40周龄体重、40周龄蛋重、40周龄累计产蛋数和52周龄累计产蛋数进行统计分析。结果表明:开产体重和40周龄累计产蛋数对52周龄累计产蛋数有着重要的决定作用,其独立效应、通径系数和相关系数分别为1.303%、-0.361、-0.4716和56.25%、0.750、0.44325;而40周龄体重对52周龄产蛋数的间接效应最大(-0.37212),它主要通过与40周龄累计产蛋数的间接效应(-0.31937)来实现。估测52周龄累计产蛋数最优回归方程Y=1.184X1+0.361X3+1.121X4-5.157X6-141.151,复相关系数R2=0.7581。  相似文献   

为了探究峪口褐壳蛋鸡B系开产日龄与体重、生产和蛋品性状的关系,指导蛋鸡纯系选育,试验以峪口褐壳蛋鸡B系11世代第二批次1 502只母鸡为研究对象,记录蛋鸡的开产日龄,根据蛋鸡开产日龄划分为1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8组,测定各组蛋鸡开产体重和蛋重;28,36,56周龄体重和蛋重;38,56周龄产蛋数和39~56周龄产蛋数;36,56周龄蛋壳厚度和蛋壳强度,分析各组鸡开产日龄对开产体重、开产~56周龄体重、蛋重、产蛋数、蛋壳强度、蛋壳强度等指标的影响及相关关系研究。结果表明:不同开产日龄组别之间的开产体重存在极显著正相关(P0.05),随着开产日龄的增大,开产体重呈增加趋势;不同开产日龄组别之间的开产蛋重、28周龄至56周龄蛋重存在极显著正相关(P0.01),随着开产日龄的增大,蛋重呈增加趋势;不同开产日龄组别之间的38周龄和56周龄产蛋数存在极显著负相关(P0.01),随着开产日龄的增大,产蛋数呈降低趋势;不同开产日龄组别之间的56周龄蛋壳厚度存在显著正相关(P0.05),但相关系数小。说明峪口褐壳蛋鸡开产日龄在127~154日龄之间的鸡只其开产体重、生产和蛋品质等性状指标比较理想。  相似文献   

通过对BB系和FF系与京海黄鸡(JJ)杂交后代(BJ和FJ)组成包括纯繁在内的5个组合,测定16周龄体重、开产体重、300日龄体重、66周龄体重、开产蛋重、300日龄蛋重、66周龄蛋重、300日龄和66周龄产蛋数。结果表明:BJ和FJ的16周龄体重杂种优势率分别为19.67%和26.69%。京海黄鸡开产蛋重、300日龄蛋重和66周龄蛋重显著小于BB、FF、BJ和FJ(P0.05),而京海黄鸡的300日龄和66周龄产蛋数显著高于BB、FF、BJ和FJ(P0.05)。BJ的66周龄产蛋数为(168.55±15.73)个,显著高于FJ的产蛋数(P0.05)。提示BJ可以用于三系配套系母本继续育种。  相似文献   

1. The main purpose of this study was to estimate genetic correlations between yolk proportion, chick weight and production traits using an animal model. 2. Direct-direct genetic correlations were estimated between yolk proportion and age at first egg (-0.34), body weight at 20 (0.10), 40 (0.58) and 60 (0.52) weeks of age, egg number (0.56), egg mass (0.59), feed intake (0.64) and feed conversion (-0.25). 3. Maternal-direct genetic correlations were estimated between chick weight and age at first egg (0.40), body weight at 20 (0.57), 40 (0.66) and 60 (0.56) weeks of age, egg number (-0.50), egg mass (0.21), feed intake (0.45) and feed conversion (0.17), respectively. 4. In conclusion, the results suggest that selection on a higher yolk proportion would not have any unfavourable effects on egg production. Maternal-direct genetic correlations between chick weight and production traits resembled direct-direct genetic correlations between egg weight and production traits found in other studies.  相似文献   

以文昌鸡、如皋黄鸡、仙居鸡为素材,采用完全双列杂交测定配合力,统计各周龄体重、开产蛋重、产蛋高峰期蛋重、开产至40周龄料蛋比、开产至40周龄平均产蛋率,计算一般配合力和特殊配合力效应值.结果表明:父本对开产至40周龄平均产蛋率及入舍母鸡产蛋数贡献较大,母本对蛋重影响较大;文昌鸡♂×仙居鸡♀组合开产至40周龄料蛋比最低、40周龄产蛋数最高,为最佳配套组合,可在生产中配套使用.  相似文献   

旨在建立一个基于聚合酶链反应-连接酶检测反应的基因多态性并行检测系统,探讨鸡催乳素(PRL)基因的多态性,并分析其对优良地方鸡种——清远麻鸡繁殖性能的遗传效应。本研究应用PCR-LDR方法检测PRL8052T/C和PRL8113G/C基因型,并使用SAS软件进行最小二乘分析。结果,在8052T/C位点上,CT基因型个体的52周产蛋数显著高于TT型个体;在8113G/C位点上,CG基因型个体的开产日龄显著低于GG型个体,而其52周龄产蛋数却显著高于GG型个体。2个位点的单倍型对开产日龄和52周产蛋数也存在显著的效应,CTCG型个体具有较早的开产日龄和最高的52周龄产蛋数。结果表明,PRL基因多态性与清远麻鸡繁殖性状有相关关系,PRL 8052T/C和PRL 8113G/C杂合基因型可能是提高鸡繁殖性能的分子标记,利用单倍型进行标记辅助选择可能会获得更大的遗传进展。  相似文献   

1. Genetic parameters in the base population of a closed experimental strain of Muscovy ducks, selected for body weight at 10 weeks of age, were estimated from data in 8 successive generations, for the following traits: age at first egg (AGE1EGG), total number of eggs laid at 40 and 52 weeks of age (NEGG40 and NEGG52), number of eggs laid during 15 and 22 weeks in the first laying cycle (NEGG15W and NEGG22W), and their Box-Cox transformed data. 2. The method of multi-trait restricted maximum likelihood with an animal model was used to estimate genetic parameters. Only the results obtained with non-transformed data are shown. 3. Heritability estimates for laying performance showed moderate values, increasing little with age: 0.20+/-0.03 (AGE1EGG), 0.23+/-0.03 (NEGG40), 0.27+/-0.03 (NEGG52), 0.20+/-0.03 (NEGG15W), and 0.22+/-0.03 (NEGG22W). 4. Genetic correlations between laying traits were high. Genetic correlation between AGE1EGG and egg number was negative, it was positive between total numbers of eggs at 40 and 52 weeks and egg numbers in the first laying cycle. 5. Body weight at 10 weeks of age exhibited positive genetic correlations (0.46+/-0.06) with age at first egg and negative with egg production traits (-0.28+/-0.06 to -0.41+/-0.06). 6. The cumulated predicted genetic gains, after 7 generations of selection, expressed per genetic standard deviation unit (sigma(g)) were 0.06 sigma(g), 0.07 sigma(g), 0.17 sigma(g), 0.23 sigma(g), and 0.25 sigma(g) for AGE1EGG, NEGG40, NEGG52, NEGG15W, and NEGG22W, respectively. 7. Selecting Muscovy ducks to improve laying in Taiwanese climatic conditions would be possible using the number of eggs laid up to 52 weeks of age as the selection criterion. Because unintended selection effects for laying traits were present, the selection experiment for body weight at 10 weeks of age was not antagonistic with laying traits.  相似文献   

Sodium bentonite as a component in layer diets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Two hundred and forty Amber-link pullets were individually caged in a naturally-ventilated laying house and fed one of four isoenergetic, isonitrogenous diets containing 0, 20, 40 or 80 sodium bentonite/kg for 44 weeks. 2. No significant dietary effects were observed between treatments with regard to body weight at 20 or 64 weeks, age at first egg, egg weight, Haugh score or egg shell thickness. 3. Significant positive linear responses were observed with live weight at first egg (P less than 0.01), food consumed/hen d (P less than 0.05) and faecal moisture percentage (P less than 0.01). Significant negative linear (P less than 0.01) responses were observed with bacterial counts in the proximal and distal ends of the intestine. 4. A significant negative quadratic (P less than 0.05) response was noticed with egg production per hen. 5. A significant negative cubic (P less than 0.01) response was found with food conversion ratio (g food/g eggs).  相似文献   

将308只淮南麻黄鸡按照20周龄体重以100g为组距从小到大分为5组,分析各体重组与开产蛋重及产蛋前期产蛋率、蛋重和种蛋合格率之间的关系,以确定淮南麻黄鸡20周龄体重的适宜选择标准.结果表明,20周龄体重与开产蛋重呈正相关,在22~35周龄,第3和4组的产蛋率增幅最大,维持时间较长;第1、2、3和4组蛋重增加比较平稳,第5组平均蛋重比第1、2和3组分别高11.05%、9.72%和8.61%(P<0.05);第3和4组的平均种蛋合格率较高,第3组的平均种蛋合格率比第1组高5.18%(P<0.05).总体而言,第3和4组能够提供较多的合格种蛋数,淮南麻黄鸡的20周龄体重宜控制在1241~1 440 g之间.  相似文献   

1. One-day-old Taiwan Native Breeder female chicks were fed on maize/soybean growing diets without supplemental vitamin E from hatch to 17 weeks of age. After 17 weeks the birds (n = 300) were randomly assigned to 5 dietary treatments and fed on maize/soybean laying diets supplemented with 0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 mg/kg of vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate), respectively, until 46 weeks of age. The variates measured included: age at first egg, feed consumption (FC), feed efficiency (FE), egg production (EP), egg weight (EW), egg specific gravity (ESG), eggshell strength (ESS), fertility and hatchability. 2. The addition of 120mg/kg of vitamin E lowered the first EW (P<0.05); however, there was no significant difference in the age or body weight (BW) of pullets at first egg or mortality rate to 46 weeks of age among the treatments. FE and egg mass were improved (P<0.05) in pullets fed 80 mg/kg of supplemental vitamin E. A significant increase in EP was observed after peak EP in pullets given 80 mg/kg of supplemental vitamin E. However, this favourable effect decreased as supplemental vitamin E exceeded 80 mg/kg. 3. From 17 to 46 weeks of age, egg quality (ESG and ESS) decreased with age. However, there was no correlation between age and fertility or hatchability during the experimental period, suggesting that egg quality is more age-sensitive than reproductive performance for breeder pullets. 4. Compared with the control, fertility and hatchability of all eggs set for the treatment with 80 mg/kg supplemental vitamin E increased by 7.7 and 13.4%, respectively. There was no difference in the hatchability of fertile eggs. 5. These results suggest that using supplemental vitamin E during the laying period can improve the reproductive performance of breeder pullets. The addition of 80 mg/kg of vitamin E obtained the best performance in EP, egg mass, FE (feed/egg), hatchability and fertility.  相似文献   

碱性磷酸酶同工酶与产蛋性能的关系   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
本文利用聚丙烯酰胺垂直板高压电泳分离了18周龄115只岩谷蛋鸡的血清碱性磷酸酶同工酶,其中快型35只,慢型80只,并就快慢两型的体重、血液中某些生化指标和产蛋性能进行比较。结果表明:快型同工酶的鸡,8周龄体重、血清碱性磷酸酶活力、开产蛋重、开产日龄、300日龄体重、300日龄蛋重,极显著的大于慢型鸡;而300日龄产蛋数极显著的低于慢型鸡。  相似文献   

利用我场一个家系3个世代24只公鸡,192只母鸡。486个儿女资料,计算了包括开产日龄,开产体重,280日龄产蛋量,36周蛋重的约束指数,把约束指数应用于父系选育,结果表明约束选择有一定作用,并对其应用作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Native chicken breeding station of Mazandaran was established in 1988 with two main objectives: genetic improvement through selection programs and dissemination of indigenous Mazandarani birds. (Co)variance components and genetic parameters for economically important traits were estimated using (bi) univariate animal models with ASREML procedure in Mazandarani native chicken. The data were from 18 generations of selection (1988?C2009). Heritability estimates for body weight at different ages [at hatch (bw1), 8 (bw8), 12 (bw12) weeks of ages and sex maturation (wsm)] ranged from 0.24?±?0.00 to 0.47?±?0.01. Heritability for reproductive traits including age at sex maturation (asm); egg number (en); weight of first egg (ew1); average egg weight at 28 (ew28), 30 (ew30), and 32 (ew32) weeks of age; their averages (av); average egg weight for the first 12?weeks of production (ew12); egg mass (em); and egg intensity (eint) varied from 0.16?±?0.01 to 0.43?±?0.01. Generally, the magnitudes of heritability for the investigated traits were moderate. However, egg production traits showed smaller heritability compared with growth traits. Genetic correlations among egg weight at different ages were mostly higher than 0.8. On the one hand, body weight at different ages showed positive and relatively moderate genetic correlations with egg weight traits (ew1, ew28, ew30, ew32, ew12, and av) and varied from 0.30?±?0.03 to 0.59?±?0.02. On the other hand, low negative genetic correlations were obtained between body weight traits (bw1, bw8, bw12, and wsm) and egg number (en). Also, there is low negative genetic correlation (?24?±?0.04 to ?29?±?0.05) between egg number and egg weight. Therefore, during simultaneous selection process for both growth and egg production traits, probable reduction in egg production due to low reduction in egg number may be compensated by increases in egg weight.  相似文献   

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