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Animal cruelty is defined as a deliberate action that causes pain and suffering to an animal. In Brazil, legislation known as the Environmental Crimes Law states that cruelty toward all animal species is criminal in nature. From 644 domestic cats necropsied between January 1998 and December 2009, 191 (29.66%) presented lesions highly suggestive of animal cruelty. The main necroscopic finding was exogenous carbamate poisoning (75.39%) followed by blunt-force trauma (21.99%). Cats from 7 months to 2 years of age were the most affected (50.79%). In Brazil, violence is a public health problem and there is a high prevalence of domestic violence. Therefore, even if laws provide for animal welfare and protection, animals are common targets for violent acts. Within a context of social violence, cruelty toward animals is an important parameter to be considered, and the non-accidental lesions that were found are evidence of malicious actions.  相似文献   

The value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of lesions of the Achilles tendon was Investigated in 42 dogs and seven cats. A standardised four-part ultrasonographic examination was established. Linear transducers with a frequency of more than 7.5 MHz were used. Ultrasonography allowed identification and differentiation of total ruptures and the differentiation of partial ruptures into deep or superficial ruptures, or those comprising muscular tears. The healing process could be monitored and imaged using this technique. Suture material was readily visible in surgically treated cases. Displacement of the superficial digital flexor tendon could be identified. In such cases, the tendon tissue was seen either medially or laterally to the calcaneus. The healing process of the Achilles tendon could also be documented using ultrasonography. However, it was not possible to determine the age of the injury and the exact end of the healing process. Ultrasonography therefore proved to be an excellent diagnostic method for imaging lesions of the Achilles tendon and associated injuries in dogs and cats. After physical examination, the technique should be the next logical step in the evaluation of a suspected injury to the Achilles tendon.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Faecal samples from 110 dogs and 71 cats were examined for sporozoan parasites by flotation. Isospora spp were present in 5.5% dogs and 4.2% cats; Sarcocystis spp in 20.9% dogs and 1.4% cats. 74.5% dogs and 77.5% cats were fed raw meat from various sources; beef was fed most often. Animals fed raw meat were more frequently infected with protozoa. No Toxoplasma oocysts were found. The results are compared with those from other surveys in Australia and New Zealand.  相似文献   

Ringworm is an uncommon disease of dogs, but cats, especially the longhaired breeds, are more frequently infected. Of the several dermatophytes involved, Microsporum canis causes 94 per cent of ringworm in cats and 65 per cent in dogs. This species is highly contagious for man but the true incidence of human infection is unknown. Ringworm caused by M canis usually responds readily to treatment, but when the infection establishes in a colony of cats, eradication can be difficult and expensive. Other forms of ringworm in dogs and cats are caused by dermatophytes acquired from wild animals, mainly small rodents such as mice and voles. This is an uncommon and trivial disease of cats, but some infections in dogs can be remarkably persistent and difficult to resolve.  相似文献   

Proteinuria is defined as the presence of protein in the urine. Normally, circulating serum proteins are blocked by the glomerulus due to size and/or charge. Any small proteins that pass through a healthy glomerulus are reabsorbed by the renal tubules or broken down by renal tubular epithelial cells. Persistent proteinuria, in the absence of lower urinary tract disease or reproductive tract disease, is usually an indication of renal damage or dysfunction. Less commonly persistent proteinuria can be caused by increased circulating levels of low molecular weight proteins. This article reviews mechanisms of proteinuria in dogs and cats and discusses the importance of screening for and ultimately treating proteinuria.  相似文献   

Trauma is an important health hazard for dogs and cats. About 13 per cent of all patients seen in two large veterinary hospitals were for evaluation of injuries. Approximately 35 per cent of dogs and cats were injured severely, with an overall mortality rate of about 9 per cent from either spontaneous death or euthanasia. The major factor that influences an animal's chances of being injured is the owner's management of the animal's environment. Factors that influence the outcome of a traumatic event include the cause of injury, the amount of distribution of kinetic energy discharged into the animal, and the anatomic location of the injury. The veterinarian's role in dealing with trauma should be not only emergency resuscitation and definitive treatment of injured animals but also education of pet owners to the common environmental hazards that all too frequently affect their pets.  相似文献   

Histoplasma capsulatum is endemic throughout most of the United States with a high prevalence of infections in the Midwest and South. Histoplasmosis is the second most common systemic fungal disease in cats that may be more susceptible than dogs. Infection occurs by inhalation of conidia from the mycelial phase, which subsequently convert to the yeast form. Histoplasma capsulatum is phagocytized and harbored by cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system. Infection may be subclinical or cause clinical pulmonary granulomatous disease or dissemination. Disseminated disease predominantly affects the liver, spleen, gastrointestinal tract, bone and bone marrow, integument, and eyes. Primary gastrointestinal histoplasmosis also occurs. Clinical signs of histoplasmosis often are nonspecific, including chronic wasting, fever, anorexia, respiratory signs, and lameness. Gastrointestinal signs (eg, diarrhea with hematochezia or melena) are common in dogs. The definitive diagnosis is made by identification of the yeast in tissue samples. Itraconazole is the treatment of choice.  相似文献   

Amoxycillin, a new broad spectrum semi-synthetic penicillin was subjected to preliminary clinical testing in 351 cases in dogs and 264 in cats in veterinary practices. Two formulations were used: capsules by mouth and an aqueous suspension by injection. Those taking part were asked to use amoxycillin in the treatment of all conditions that they considered required an antibiotic and to report their results in terms of success or failure according to criteria laid down. Samples were taken whenever practicable for bacteriology. Dose ranges were 4 to 11 mg per kg for the oral capsules twice daily in dogs and most cats and 11 mg per kg once daily in some cat cases over five days and 2 to 7 mg per kg for the injectable suspension once daily in both species for three to five days. Results for the full range of conditions are given in tabulated form. Overall percentage of success according to the criteria laid down was 80.1%.  相似文献   

Campylobacter species are commonly isolated from faecal samples collected from dogs and cats, with the most prevalent species being C. upsaliensis, C. helveticus, and C. jejuni. Although the majority of dogs and cats are subclinically infected, some will develop mild to moderate enteritis. Immature animals, animals from intensive housing backgrounds, and animals with concurrent disease are especially predisposed to infection and the development of clinical signs. Bacterial culture methods applied in diagnostic laboratories remain biased to C. jejuni and C. coli detection, but molecular methods to diagnose Campylobacter spp. infections in dogs and cats have become widely available and can aid rapid and accurate diagnosis. Multilocus sequence typing has also been developed for subtyping different strains and has been used in epidemiological investigations. In the majority of cases, clinical signs are self-limiting and antimicrobial treatment is not warranted. Campylobacter spp. isolated from dogs and cats have shown resistance to commonly used antimicrobials, so antimicrobial therapy should only be administered where this is justified. Contact with dogs and cats is a recognised risk factor for human campylobacteriosis, thus people living or working in close contact with cats and dogs should be made aware of the zoonotic organisms these animals can shed.  相似文献   

The dimorphic fungi Coccidioides immitis and Coccidioides posadasii are the causative agents of coccidioidomycosis. Dogs and cats residing in and visiting endemic areas are at risk of exposure to infectious arthrospores. The primary infection is pulmonary and frequently results in chronic cough. Disseminated disease is common and causes cutaneous, osseous, cardiac, ocular, nervous system, or other organ disease. Radiographic changes include a variable degree of interstitial pulmonary infiltration, hilar lymphadenopathy, and osseous lesions. Serological titers support the diagnosis, but definitive diagnosis relies on identification of Coccidioides in cytological or tissue samples. Coccidioidomycosis should be considered in any dog or cat that has been potentially exposed during the previous 3 years and is presented with chronic illness, respiratory signs, lameness, lymphadenopathy, nonhealing cutaneous lesions, or neurological, ocular, or cardiac abnormalities.  相似文献   

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