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G. A. Hide 《Potato Research》1987,30(4):637-649
Summary Small and large seed tubers (cv. King Edward) produced from commercial and stem cutting (healthier) seed stocks were planted in field experiments at Rothamsted in 1972 and 1973. Plots were irrigated from shoot emergence (early) or from tuber marble stage (normal) or not irrigated. Large healthier seed produced plants with more stems and tubers and 6–9% more yield in September than large commercial seed but seed health did not affect yields from small seed. Early and normal irrigation decreased the number of tubers initiated in 1972 but had no effect on tuber numbers in 1973. Normal irrigation increased tuber yields more than early irrigation, especially in plots grown from healthier seed.Polyscytalum pustulans was most prevalent on tubers from commercial seed and was increased by irrigation. Tubers from healthier seed had most infections ofHelminthosporium solani which were decreased by irrigation.
Zusammenfassung Kleine (22–25 g) und grosse (118–126 g) gekeimte Knollen aus kommerziellen Pflanzgutherkünften und aus Stecklingsvermehrungen (besonders gesund) wurden für die Versuche in den Jahren 1972 und 1973 in Rothamsted ausgepflanzt. Die Parzellen wurden bew?ssert (1) früh, vom Auflaufen bis zum Murmelstadium (‘marble stage’) der Knollen, um den Boden in 10 cm Tiefe auf Feldkapazit?t zu halten und bis September, um das Defizit an Bodenfeuchtigkeit auf weniger als 38 mm zu halten, (2) normal, vom Murmelstadium, um das Defizit auf weniger als 38 mm zu halten, (3) sp?t (nur 1972), von Mitte August bis Mitte September (Abb. 1). Aus den grossen gesünderen Pflanzknollen wurden Pflanzen mit mehr Stengeln, mehr Knollen und im September mit 6–9% Mehrertrag erzeugt als aus den grossen Pflanzknollen kommerzieller Herkunft (Tab. 1). Die Knollenertr?ge aus den kleinen Pflanzknollen wurden nicht vom Gesundheitszustand des Pflanzgutes beeinflusst, obwohl die Pflanzen aus dem gesünderen Pflanzgut mehr Knollen bildeten als diejenigen aus dem kommerziellen Pflanzgut. Im September war die Verteilung der Knollengr?ssen aus dem Pflanzgut beider Herkünfte ?hnlich, mit dem gesünderen Pflanzgut wurden jedoch geringfügig mehr Knollen >4 cm erzeugt (Abb. 2). Im Juni waren Knollenanzahl und-gewicht pro Stengel vom gesunderen Pflanzgut h?her als vom kommerziellen (Tab. 1); im September war die Knollenanzahl ?hnlich, die Ertr?ge waren aber vom kommerziellen Pflanzgut h?her als vom gesünderen. Die Ertr?ge pro Stengel waren auch bei den kleinen Pflanzknollen h?her als bei den grossen. Das Knollengewicht pro Stengel verringerte sich mit zunehmender Stengelzahl pro Pflanze, beim gesünderen Pflanzgut war dies jedoch weniger ausgepr?gt als beim kommerziellen (Abb. 4). Die gr?ssere Knollenzahl an Pflanzen aus gesundem Pflanzgut war deshalb auf die erh?hte Stengelzahl und, bei grossen Pflanzknollen, auf die erh?hte Knollenanzahl pro Stengel zurückzuführen. Die frühe Bew?sserung führte 1972, jedoch nicht 1973, zu einer Verringerung der Knollenanzahl (Tab. 2). Die Knollenertr?ge im September waren eher bei normaler Bew?sserung erh?ht (34%, 1972; 18%, 1973) als bei früher Bew?sserung (23%, 1972; 12%, 1973), die Anzahl der Knollen >4 cm (Abb. 3) und die durchschnittliche Knollengr?sse waren auch bei normaler Bew?sserung h?her (Tab. 3). Im Jahre 1972 waren vom gesünderen Pflanzgut die Knollenertr?ge um 5% h?her als vom kommerziellen wenn die Parzellen nicht oder früh bew?ssert wurden und um 12% h?her bei normaler Bew?sserung (Tab. 2), und 1973 waren die Ertr?ge vom gesünderen Pflanzgut bei den beiden Bew?sserungsmassnahmen um 6–7% h?her. Infektionen mitPolyscytalum pustulans waren an Knollen aus kommerziellem Pflanzgut h?ufiger als aus gesünderem Pflanzgut (Tab. 5), und sie nahmen bei Bew?sserung zu. Dagegen waren Infektionen mitHelminthosporium solani am h?ufigsten an Knollen aus gesünderem Pflanzgut, und sie nahmen bei Bew?sserung ab. Das Auftreten vonRhicotonia solani wurde nicht deutlich vom Gesundheitszustand des Pflanzgutes oder durch die Bew?sserung beeinflusst.

Résumé Des tubercules germés de petit (22–25 g) et gros (118–126 g) calibres produits à partir de semences commerciales et de boutures (semences les plus saines) sont plantés dans des essais à Rothamsted en 1972 et 1973. Les parcelles sont irriguées: (1) t?t à partir de la levée jusqu'au stade tubérisation pour garder sur 10 cm de profondeur le niveau de sa capacité de rétention en eau et ensuite jusqu'en Septembre en maintenant le niveau d'humidité sur 38 mm, (2) normalement, à partir du stade tubérisation en maintenant le niveau d'humidité sur 38 mm, (3) tardivement (1972, seulement) de la mi-ao?t à la mi-septembre (Fig. 1). La semence la plus saine produit des plantes avec davantage de tiges, de tubercules et un rendement 6 à 9% supérieur en septembre que les gros tubercules de semence commerciale (Tableau 1). L'état sanitaire de la semence n'affecte pas les rendements des tubercules de petit calibre bien que les plantes issues des semences les plus saines produisent davantage de tubercules que les semences commerciales. En septembre, la distribution des tubercules selon leur taille est identique pour les semences des deux origines mais les semences issues de boutures produisent beaucoup plus de tubercules supérieurs à 4 cm (Fig. 2). En juin, le nombre et le poids des tubercules par tige sont plus élevés dans les semences les plus saines que dans les semences commerciales (Tableau 1); à partir de septembre, les nombres de tubercules sont identiques mais les rendements sont plus importants à partir de semences commerciales. De même, les rendements par tige sont plus élevés à partir des petits calibres que des gros calibres. Le poids de tubercules par tige diminue avec l'augmentation du nombre de tiges par plante mais de fa?on moindre à partir des semences les plus saines (Fig. 4). Le plus grand nombre de tubercules sur les plantes issues des semences les plus saines est donc attribué à l'augmentation du nombre des tiges et pour les semences de gros calibres à l'augmentation du nombre de tubercules par tige. Une irrigation précoce diminue le nombre de tubercules formés en 1972 (Tableau 2) mais n'a pas d'effect en 1973. Les rendements en tubercules en septembre sont davantage augmentés par une irrigation normale (34%, 1972; 18%, 1973) que précoce (23%, 1972; 12%, 1973), de même que le nombre des tubercules >4 cm (Fig. 3); le calibre moyen des tubercules est plus grand que dans le cas d'une irrigation normale (Tableau 3). En 1972, les rendements de septembre en tubercules sont 5% plus élevés à partir des semences les plus saines qu'à partir des semences commerciales quand les parcelles ne sont pas irriguées ou quand l'irrigation est précoce et 12% plus élevés dans le cas d'une irrigation normale (Tableau 2); en 1972, les rendements sont 6–7% plus élevés à partir des semences les plus saines et ce avec les deux types d'irrigation. L'infection parPolyscytalum pustulans est plus fréquente à partir des tubercules de semences commerciales qu'à partir des semences les plus saines (Tableau 5) et est accrue par l'irrigation. A l'inverse, l'infection parHelminthosporium solani est plus commune sur tubercules issus des semences les plus saines et est réduite par l'irrigation. L'incidence deRhizoctonia solani n'est pas affectée significativement par l'état sanitaire des semences ou par l'irrigation.

1,4-DMN is a relatively new sprout inhibitor for use on maincrop and seed potatoes. Despite its registration as a “dormancy enhancer” for seed, relatively little is known about its effects on plant establishment and productivity. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of 1,4-DMN on the productivity of seed potatoes. ‘Umatilla Russet’ (UR), ‘Ranger Russet’ (RR), and ‘Russet Burbank’ (RB) seed tubers were stored at 4, 7, and 9 C over three seasons to create 80-, 554- and 642-degree-day seed, and 1,4-DMN was applied to maintain dormancy several times during each season. 1,4-DMN residue levels at the end of storage were lower in seed aged at higher temperatures. Multiple applications of 1,4-DMN at higher-than-label rates were necessary to effectively inhibit sprouting of seed of all cultivars stored above 4 C. In field trials, depending on cultivar and year, 1,4-DMN either delayed plant emergence slightly or had no effect. 1,4-DMN increased stem numbers from RB and UR seed, but not from RR seed. 1,4-DMN reduced total tuber yields by 3.2 to 5.6 t ha?1 (5% to 9%), and U.S. No. 1 tuber yields by 4.8 to 7.8 t ha?1 (8% to 15%) in all cultivars, regardless of seed tuber age. 1,4-DMN also reduced the average tuber weight for all three cultivars and shifted the size distribution from larger (> 284 g) to smaller tubers. 1,4-DMN reduced the respective yields of > 397-g, 340-to 397-g, and 284-to 340-g tubers by 43%, 19%, and 18% for RR seed, 31%, 14%, and 11% for RB seed, and 40%, 47%, and 27% for UR seed. Conversely, depending on cultivar, yields of smaller tubers (≤170 g) were 11% to 38% higher from 1,4-DMN-treated seed. The shift in tuber size distribution for RR was accompanied by a 1,4-DMN-induced increase in tuber number per plant and per hectare. However, no such effects on tuber set occurred in RB and UR. Moreover, in most cases, the 1,4-DMN effects on yield and tuber size distribution were independent of seed age. Since the 1,4-DMN-induced shifts in tuber size distribution were greater than the reductions in total and U.S. No. 1 yields, 1,4-DMN may be a suitable treatment to reduce average tuber size and increase yield and uniformity of specific size classes of tubers to more closely match market requirements.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 1995, 1996, and 1997 at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Harrington Research Farm to assess the effect of whole seed tuber size and pre-plant seed storage conditions on processing yield (> 51 mm dia.) of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv Russet Burbank). Following commercial storage, seed tubers were stored at 4.4 C then subjected to one of three pre-plant treatments: (1) planted directly from storage, (2) held at 10 C for 3 wk before planting, or (3) green-sprouted for 3 wk before planting. Five sizes of whole seed were used (28, 42, 56, 70, and 84 g) with a variable size cut seed treatment added for comparison. Plots were harvested 138,134, and 131 days after planting in 1995, 1996, and 1997, respectively. Cut seed produced a higher yield of tubers > 51 mm diameter in comparison to all whole tuber seed sizes, with the exception of the 28 and 56 g sizes. In terms of total yield, the 28and 42-g whole seed tubers yielded significantly less than all other seed sizes examined. Warming or greensprouting seed tubers prior to planting did not increase tuber yield. The larger whole seed tuber sizes tended to result in greater numbers of stems and tubers per plant. To maximize marketable yield of Russet Burbank planted from whole seed tubers, it is recommended that the seed be between 28 and 42 g in size. Accepted for publication 25 May 2004.  相似文献   

Small seed pieces decreased yield and number of tubers. Both seed tuber and seed piece size affected the percentage of tubers with hollow heart. Hollow heart increased from 14 to 22% as the seed tuber size increased from 57 to 228 g and decreased from 27 to 19% as the seed piece size increased from 28 to 57 g. The least hollow heart (11%) occurred in tubers of plants grown from 57 g whole seed pieces and the most (26%) in tubers of plants grown from 228 g seed tubers cut into 28 g seed pieces. Hollow heart was positively correlated with the mean tuber size and negatively correlated with the number of mainstems per hill, total yield, and total number of tubers.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments show that sprouting treatment, seed size and spacing affect the number and size of tubers produced. Early sprouting gives fewer sprouts per set and hence plants per hill than late sprouting. The number of tubers produced is directly related to the number of plants. Sets with few sprouts (plants) produce fewer tubers than sets with many sprouts. Small seed produces fewer plants and hence tubers than large seed. The size of the tubers is inversely related to tuber numbers. In 1960 unsprouted seed produced fewer and larger tubers than pre-sprouted seed butPhytophthora infestans was not experienced. Early sprouting, small seed and wide spacing increased tuber size, but early sprouted seed planted closely gives a higher yield of ware than late sprouted seed planted further apart. Pre-sprouting results in earlier emergence and tuber set but does not necessarily increase the yield of ware. If early drought occurs, presprouting may increase the proportion of mishapen tubers.
Zusammenfassung Versuche haben ergeben, dass Vorkeimung, Gr?sse der Saatknollen und Pflanzabstand die Anzehl und Gr?sse der erzeugten Knollen beeinflussen. Frühkeimung gibt weiiger Triebe je Pflanzknolle und somit Pflanzen je Staude als Sp?tkeimung. Die Anzahl der erzeugten Knollen steht in direktem Verh?ltnis zu der Zahl der Pflanzen, Pflanzknollen mit wenig Trieben (Pflanzen) liefern weniger Knollen als Saatgut mit vielen Trieben. Kleine Saatknollen ergeben weniger Pflanzen und somit Knollen als grosse Saatknollen. Die Gr?sse der Knollen steht in umgekehrtem Verh?ltnis zu der Knollenzahl. Im Jahre 1960 ergaben ungekeimte Saatknollen weniger und gr?ssere Knollen als vorgekeimte Saatknollen, jedoch kam kein Befall vonPhytophthora infestans vor. Durch Frühkeimung, kleine Saatknollen und weiten Pflanzabstand wurde die Knollengr?sse gesteigert; vorgekeimte Saatknollen bei enger Pflanzung ergaben jedoch einen h?heren Ertrag an Verbrauchskartoffeln als sp?tgekeimte, die in gr?sserem Abstand gepflanzt waren. Vorkeimen bewirkt früheren Aufgang und Knollenansatz, erh?ht jedoch nicht unbedingt den Ertrag an Verbrauchskartoffeln. Wenn früh Trockenheit eintritt, kann das Vorkeimen Ursache eines gr?sseren Anteils an missgebildeten Knollen sein.

Résumé Des essais ont démontré que la prégermination, la grosseur des plants et leur espacement influencent le nombre et la grosseur des tubercules récoltés. Une germination précoce donne moins de pousses par plant, c’est-à-dire moins de plantes par touffe qu’une germination tardive. Le nombre de tubercules obtenus est directement proportionnel au nombre de plantes. Les plants portant peu de pousses (peu de plantes) produisent moins de tubercules que les plants qui présentent des pousses nombreuses. Les petits plants donnent moins de plantes et donc moins de tubercules que les gros plants. La grosseur des tubercules obtenus est indirectement proportionnelle à leur nombre. En 1960, les plants non prégermés produisirent des tubercules moins nombreux et plus gros que les plants prégermés, mais il n’y eut pas d’attaque dePhytophtophthora infestans. La germination précoce, le petit format des plants et leur grand espacement faisaient augmenter la grosseur des tubercules, mais les plants prégermés et plantés et plantés serré donnaient un plus haut rendement en tubercules de consommation que les plants germés tard et espacés davantage. La prégermination occasionne une levée plus précoce et une tubérisation également plus précoce, mais n’augmente pas nécessairement le rendement en tubercules de consommation. En cas de sécheresse au début de saison, la prégermination peut accro?tre le nombre de tubercules difformes.

Freshly-cut seed pieces of the potato cultivars Ranger Russet and Shepody were dipped in 0, 0.5, 1 or 2 mg/1 Gibberellic Acid (GA3) prior to planting. GA3 treatments increased stem and tuber numbers per hill of both cultivars and shifted tuber size profile toward the production of more seed-sized (up to 226 g) tubers and fewer large (greater than 340 g) tubers. The effect of GA3 on reducing average tuber size was similar for the two cultivars. Total tuber yields were not affected. A 2 mg GA3/1 seed piece dip decreased the yield of US#1 tubers in Ranger Russet primarily due to a significant increase in yield of tubers less than 226 g. Also, yields of culls were greater after a 1 mg GA3/1 seed piece treatment, suggesting Ranger Russet is sensitive to this concentration of GA3. One and 2 mg GA3/1 seed piece dips to Shepody increased yields of tubers less than 113 g by 93% and reduced the yield of tubers greater than 340 g by 25% to 50%. GA3 at 1 to 2 mg/1 may be useful in the production of seed potatoes with the cultivar Shepody which tends to produce many large tubers.  相似文献   

Summary From 1985 to 1987 field experiments were caried out to test the influence of different pre-planting storage treatments on yield and size distribution of potato crops. The storage treatments included 4, 8 and 12°C in the light and in the dark, for different periods before planting. Subjecting the seed tubers to light at low temperatures induced crops to produce a larger proportion of smaller sized tubers while storing seed tubers at higher temperatures in the dark led to an increase of tubers >55 mm. These observations were confirmed in five field experiments with two cultivars at two sites and in three growing seasons.  相似文献   

Summary Field and pot experiments to determine whether the tuber size of volunteer potatoes affected their susceptibility to foliar applications of metoxuron are reported. The reduction in haulm weight of plants from small tubers (2–3 cm diameter) was greater than that of plants from large ones (4–5 cm diameter). This greater control was related to the lower vigour at spraying of the plants from the small tubers. It is suggested that these results could explain the variability in the level of control of volunteer potatoes achieved by metoxuron in carrot crops.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in 1970 and 1971 to determine the relationships among seed size, spacing, stem numbers and yield of Russet Burbank potatoes. Cut seed sizes of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2 oz whole and a treatment consisting of 14% 0.5 oz seed, 62% 1 oz and 24% 1.5 oz seed were used in combination with seed spacings of 6, 9 and 12 inches. As seed became larger the average number of stems per seed piece increased. Percent stand and plant size rating also increased with larger seed. Total yields increased with an increase of seed size. The highest U.S. No. 1 yield was obtained with 2 oz whole seed spaced 6 inches apart with cut seed of the same size yielding slightly less. Within each spacing, the greater stem numbers per plot resulted in higher yields. However, when combinations of seed size and spacings were used to obtain a given stem number per plot, the higher stem numbers did not result in higher yields. A positive correlation coefficient of +0.982 was obtained between weight of seed piece/stem and total yield.  相似文献   

There is inadequate information available to ascertain the length of time seed pieces contribute to the yield and agronomic characteristics of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) under field conditions. Previous studies have not accounted for root system disturbance during seed piece removal. In 1994, 1995, and 1997 a field study was conducted using Russet Burbank to determine whether seed piece removal at each of three growth stages affects yield and agronomic characteristics. A trowel was used to tunnel into the side of potato hills to remove seed pieces by hand either at emergence, at 20- cm plant height, or at first bloom. Control plots consisted of plants with root systems disturbed on the same date as seed removal (disturbed control) or not treated (non-disturbed control). Seed pieces were analyzed for solids, sucrose, and reducing sugars before planting and after removal at each growth stage in 1997. Removing seed pieces or disturbing roots at all growth stages significantly decreased total and U.S. No. 1 yields compared with non- disturbed control. Total yield from plots disturbed at emergence was 37.8 Mg ha-1 compared to 22.1 Mg ha-1 when the seed pieces were removed. Disturbing seed pieces at emergence resulted in U.S. No. 1 yield of 21.2 Mg ha-1 compared with 10.6 Mg ha-1 when seed pieces were removed at the same growth stage. For U.S. No. 1 yield, a difference between removing the seed pieces and disturbing the root systems was still evident at the 20-cm plant height growth stage (15.4 Mg ha-1 vs 20.3 Mg ha-1, respectively). Disturbing plants at emergence or at 20-cm plant height growth stage reduced the number of tubers per plant to 8.8 for both treatments compared to 9.7 for the non-disturbed control. Removing seed pieces at these same growth stages further reduced tubers per plant to 6.9 and 7.6, respectively. Vines of plants with seed pieces removed at emergence were shorter and remained green later into the season compared with disturbed and non-disturbed control treatments. Percent solids in seed pieces decreased from 20.68 at planting to 5.03 at first bloom. Seed piece percent sucrose remained constant from planting through the 20-cm plant height growth stage and then fell to nearly zero at first bloom. Reducing sugar in the seed pieces atplanting and emergence was 0.67%, rose to 1.08% at the 20-cm plant height growth stage, and then decreased to 0.89% at first bloom.  相似文献   

The hill to hill variation in tuber yield and mainstem number was studied on 18 potato farms. There were up to 14-fold differences in the tuber yield per hill among plants of Norland, Russet Burbank, Norchip, Carlton and Alaska Red. The mainstem number was more variable than tuber weight per hill in Norland, Russet Burbank and Alaska Red. However, the opposite was true in Norchip and Carlton. In nearly all comparisons, the number of tubers per hill was less variable than tuber weight and mainstem number per hill. The total variation in tuber weight found in about 50% of the samples could be explained by the variance of hills within rows. Even in samples where an added variance component due to differences among rows was present, relatively more variation occurred within than among rows. The correlation coefficients between the number of mainstems and tuber weight per hill were positive but significant (P&< 0.05) only in Norland and Norchip. The correlation coefficients between the number of mainstems and number of tubers per hill were also positive but slightly higher and significant (P<0.01) in all 5 cultivars. The coefficient of determination values indicated that variation in cut seed piece weight explained only about 10% of the total variation in tuber weight harvested per hill. At a spacing of 30 cm within the row, a major proportion of hill to hill variation in tuber yield had to be explained by factors other than the seed piece weight.  相似文献   

The effect of seed piece population on tuber yield, size distribution and processing quality of Russet Burbank potatoes grown under nonirrigated conditions in southern Manitoba from 1983 to 1987 was determined. Seed pieces were planted at 21.7, 26.3, 33.3 and 45.5 thousand seed pieces per hectare, and plant emergence generally exceeded 90% of the seed piece population. Marketable tuber (greater than 5 cm in diameter) yields were not affected by seed piece population. As population increased, however, the number of harvested tubers increased and average tuber size decreased, which resulted in a decreased yield of premium tubers (greater than 284 g) and an increased yield of small tubers (less than 5.0 cm in diameter). Specific gravity, the incidence of hollow heart in maingrade (5 cm in diameter to 284 g in weight) and premium tubers, and fry color were not significantly affected by seed piece population. In the one trial tested, sucrose content decreased as population increased, however, this was not reflected in improved fry color after storage.  相似文献   

Summary Ageing seed potatoes at ambient temperatures after long storage (26 weeks) at 2 °C affected rate of plant emergence and yields of three potato cultivars in Cyprus. Sprout growth at ambient increased until planting, and was bigger in cv. Spunta than in cv. Arran Banner and cv. Cara. Four weeks after planting the rate of emergence was higher in physiologically younger seed; total emergence was not affected but average yields were reduced by ageing. Early yields were less affected but final yields were significantly reduced by ageing; these effects were moro pronounced in Spunta and Arran Banner, early and medium maturity cultivars respectively than in Cara, a late maturity cultivar. Ageing of seed at ambient temperature was rapid and removing seed to ambient for more than 3 weeks before planting to save storage costs adversely affected final yields.
Zusammenfassung Eine nach verl?ngerter Lagerung bei 2 °C erfolgte Alterung der Saatkartoffeln bis zu 9 Wochen in der Umgebungstemperatur beeinflusste bei den Sorten Arran Banner, Spunta und Cara das Auflaufen der Pflanzen und die Ertr?ge. Das Keimwachstum wurde nach überführung aus dem Kaltlager in die Umgebungstemperatur bis zum Auspflanzen nicht unterbrochen; die Keime von Spunta waren l?nger als diejenigen von Arran Banner und Cara (Abb. 1). Bei physiologisch ?lterem Saatgut liefen die Pflanzen schneller auf als bei jüngerem (Tab. 1). Fünf Wochen nach dem Auspflanzen war die Auflaufrate in allen Behandlungen ?hnlich und gr?sser als 80 % (Tab. 1). Drei Wochen nach dem Auspflanzen war die Auflaufrate der Pflanzen durch die Alterung erh?ht. Die Zwischen- und Endertr?ge wurden durch die Alterung signifikant beeinflusst Saatgut, das l?nger als 3 Wochen in der Umgebungstemperatur gehalten wurde, erbrachte geringere Zwischen- und Endertr?ge. Die Frühertr?ge wurden durch die Alterungsbehandlungen weniger beeinflusst (Tabellen 2, 3 und 4). Die Saatkartoffeln alterten schneller nach überführung in die Umgebungstemperatur und ein Verbleiben des Saatgutes in der Umgebungstemperatur für mehr als 3 Wochen führt zu geringeren Ertr?gen. Wenn auch der Alterungsprozess w?hrend der Kaltlagerung fortschreitet, ist eine Verl?ngerung der Kaltlagerzeit wünschenswert, um dann das Saatgut in die Umgebungstemperatur zu übertragen und dadurch Lagerkosten zu sparen.

Résumé Le vieillissement physiologique de plants de pomme de terre obtenu par la conservation à la température ambiante pendant des durées de 0 à 9 semaines après un maintien prolongé à 2 °C, affecte la levée et le rendement des variétés Arran Banner, Spunta et Cara. Après que les tubercules aient été sortis de chambre froide, la croissance des germes se poursuit jusqu'à la plantation. Les germes de Spunta sont plus longs que ceux d'Arran Banner et de Cara (fig. 1). La levée des plants est plus rapide chez ceux physiologiquement vieux que chez ceux physiologiquement jeunes (tableau 1). Cinq semaines après la plantation, le taux de levée est identique dans tous les traitements et dépasse 80% (tableau 1). La levée des plants trois semaines après la plantation est accrue par le vieillissement. Les rendements intermédiaires et finaux sont significativement affectés par le vieillissement. Les plants placés pendant plus de 3 semaines à température ambiante donnent de plus faibles rendements intermédiaires et finaux. La précocité des rendements est moins affectée par les traitements de vieillissement (tableaux 2, 3 et 4). Les plants vieillissent plus rapidement à la température ambiante et ceux conservés plus de trois semaines dans ces conditions donnent une réduction de rendement. Toutefois, le processus de vieillissement se poursuit également durant la période de conservation au froid aussi l'extension de la durée de cette période est préférable à cette de la mise à température ambiante lorsqu'elle est réalisée dans un but d'économie.

Field studies in 1981 and 1982 determined the effect of time of top desiccation on yield and size distribution of seed potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers. Kennebec, Sebago and Bintje were top desiccated with diquat at four times (7-day intervals) during the linear tuber bulking phase. The yields and size distributions of tubers harvested 2 wk after spraying were compared to the yield and size distribution in reference plots harvested at the time of spraying. Ease of top desiccation increased with later diquat applications. There was no interaction between the yield increase after spraying and time of spraying. Increases in total yield occurring after diquat application varied with year and among cultivars and averaged 2.3, 3.0, and 3.2 t/ha for Kennebec, Sebago, and Bintje, respectively. There were significant interactions between cultivars and time of desiccant application for yield of seed tubers (35–65 mm). Both time of harvest and desiccation resulted in a decrease in the percentage of total yield of small tubers and an increase in the percentage of large tubers.  相似文献   

Regression analysis of plot mean and plot standard deviation for specific gravity of tubers from 190 unreplicated 12-hill breeding plots, was used to study the relationship of mean and within-plot uniformity. Using two data sets from the Western Regional Potato Variety Trial, regression analysis of clone mean for specific gravity within a location on overall location mean was used to study the relationship of mean and inter-location stability. A highly significant (p>0.01) but very weak (r2=0.04) positive coefficient of determination existed between plot means and plot standard deviations. No relationship was found for mean specific gravity of clones and their stability across different environments. The results suggest that selection of high specific gravity combined with uniformity and/or stability is a feasible goal for breeding programs.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments on the injection into young cuttings of sap from potato plants that had been induced to tuber are described. No evidence that such sap has any specific tuber-inducing activity was found. Two experiments in which aerial stems of potato plants were systematically dissected and set as cuttings showed that the stems were heterogeneous in capacity for rooting and tubering. The need for randomization of cuttings used in physiological experiments is emphasized.
Zusammenfassung Die beschriebenen Versuche befassen sich mit der Einspritzung junger Stecklinge mit dem Saft von Kartoffelpflanzen, die dazu induziert wurden, Knollen zu bilden. Der Saft wurde durch Erfrieren extrahiert. Kein Beweis konnte gefunden werden, dass ein solcher Saft besondere knollenbildende Wirksamkeit besitzt (tabelle). Zwei Versuche, in welchen oberirdische Stengel von Kartoffelpflanzen systematisch zerschnitten und als Stecklinge verwendet wurden, zeigten, dass die Stengelteile verschieden bef?higt waren, Wurzeln und Knollen zu bilden. In einem Versuch (abb. 1) brachten Stecklinge vom untersten Teil eines Andigena-Stengels Pflanzen hervor, die wenige sogenannte Luftknollen bildeten. Je weiter oben die Stecklinge dem Andigena-Stengel entnommen wurden, desto mehr dieser oberirdischen Knollen wurden erzeugt. Im zweiten Versuch (abb. 2) mit den KlonenArran Victory undKing Edward stellte sich heraus, dass die F?higkeit, Wurzeln und Knollen zu bilden, sich systematisch ver?nderte. Diese Ver?nderung hing vom Alter der Elternstengel und der Lage des Stecklings an diesen vor dem Abschneiden ab. Es wird auf die Notwendigkeit verwiesen, die Wahl der Stecklinge in physiologischen Versuchen dem Zufall zu überlassen.

Résumé L’article rapporte les résultats d’injection dans des jeunes boutures de jus—extrait par congélation—de plantes de Pomme de terre dont la tubérisation est induite. On n’a trouvé aucune preuve qu’un tel jus a une quelconque action d’induction (tableau). Deux expériences, dans lesquelles les tiges aériennes de Pomme de terre étaient systématiquement découpées et plantées comme boutures, montraient que les tiges sont hétérogénes dans la capacité de s’enraciner et de tubériser. Dans une expérience (fig. 1) les boutures de la base d’une tige d’Andigena donnaient des plantes qui produisaient quelques tubercules aériens et la proportion de tubercules aériens augmentait avec la hauteur de prise de la bouture sur la tige parentale. La seconde expérience (fig. 2), avec les clonesArran Victory etKing Edward, révélait que la capacité d’enracinement et de tubérisation variait systématiquement avec l’age de la tige parentale et la position de la bouture sur celle-ci. L’auteur explique la nécessité de faire jouer les lois statistiques dans la culture de boutures utilisées dans des expériences physiologiques.

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