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The extractives of shirakamba (Betula platyphylla Sukatchev var.japonica Hara) leaves were investigated. Two lignan glycosides were isolated, and their structures were elucidated to be 1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-[1-(3--l-rhamnopyranosyloxypropyl)-3-hydroxyphenoxy]-1,3-propanediol (I) and a new 2,3-dihydro-2-arylbenzofuran configuration neolignan,cis-2,3-dihydro-2-(4--l-rhamnopyranosyloxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-3-hydroxymethyl-7-hydroxy-5-benzofuranpropanol (II). These neolignan rhamnosides were newly found in shirakamba.  相似文献   

A new cyclohexanone glucoside (II) and a known cyclohexenone glucoside roseoside [I, (6S, 9S)-6-hydroxy-6-(9--D-glucopyranosyloxy-trans-7-butenyl)-1,5,5-trimethyl-1-cyclohexenone] were isolated from an ethanol extract of shirakamba (Betula platyphylla Sukatchev var.japonica Hara) leaves. The structure ofII was determined to be (6S, 9R)-6-hydroxy-6-(9-O--D-glucopyranosyloxy-trans-7-butenyl)-1, 5,5-trimethyl-1-cyclohexanone by1H-NMR and13C-NMR spectroscopic analyses. It was named dihydroroseoside.  相似文献   

The distributions of ectomycorrhizas and ectomycorrhizal fungal inoculum with soil depth (0–45 cm) were determined in a 40-year-oldBetula platyphylla var.japonica forest. Mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal fine roots were measured in each soil core sample that was collected at soil depths of 0–5, 5–10, 10–15, 15–20, 20–25, 30–35, and 40–45 cm. The ectomycorrhizas were mainly distributed (>50%) in the top soil (0–5 cm) of organic forest floor horizons. Below 5 cm the quantity of ectomycorrhizas decreased sharply. The percentage of fine roots which were ectomycorrhizal gradually declined with the depth of soil. The ectomycorrhizal fungal inoculum was evaluated by a bioassay method, measuring the lengths of the entire root system and of the ectomycorrhizal roots of birch seedlings planted in each soil sample. The soil samples were collected from 0–5, 10–15, 20–25, 30–35, and 40–45 cm depths of the soil profile. Ectomycorrhizal formation on birch seedling roots in the bioassay was high in both the soil depth intervals 0–5 cm and 10–15 cm, while the amount was lower in the soil depth interval from 20–45 cm. The results of these investigations show that the amount of the ectomycorrhizas in soil, and the ectomycorrhizal fungal inoculum potential as determined by bioassay, are not always consistent with each other.  相似文献   

Effects of different forest floor vegetation types in secondary forest and of conversion to plantation on the quality and quantity of ectomycorrhizas are mostly unknown.Betula platyphylla var.japonica seedlings were used for bioassays of ectomycorrhizal fungal inoculum using soils from four 50-year-oldB. platyphylla var.japonica forests that had different types of forest floor vegetation: two with shrub types, one with aSasa type, and one with a grass type. Seedlings were also grown in soil from a nearby monospecific plantation ofChamaecyparis obtusa. Ectomycorrhizas formed 13 to 26% of root length of seedlings grown in soil from the five different sites. The maximum percentage of ectomycorrhizal formation was obtained from the grass-type forest. The dominant type of ectomycorrhiza in the two shrub-type forest soils was the same as that in theSasa-type forest soil. The dominant types of ectomycorrhizas in the grass-type forest soil and in theC. obtusa plantation soil were different from that in the two shrub-type forest soils and in theSasa-type forest soil. The results of this investigation suggest that the type of forest floor vegetation, accompanied with changes in thickness of the A0 horizon, might affect the ectomycorrhizal fungi in the soils ofB. platyphylla var.japonica forests. Establishment of artificial plantations ofC. obtusa might change the ectomycorrhizal fungi that could associate withB. platyphylla var.japonica seedlings in soil.  相似文献   

Although it is well known that sap exudation during early spring in temperate deciduous trees occurs in response to daytime warming and nighttime cooling, the mechanisms of the process are not yet fully understood. Previous theories suggested that changes in stress in the wood caused by daytime heating and nighttime cooling might be linked with sap flow. Consequently, a study of itaya-kaede maple (Aver mono) and shirakamba birch (Betula platyphylla var.japonica) looked at tangential strains. One-hour intervals for 3 years of the tangential strains on the inner bark of stem and root were measured in itaya-kaede maple and shirakamba birch during the sap exudation season. The measurements indicated different mechanisms of sap exudation in these two trees. During the sap exudation season in late March, when the temperature fluctuated around 0°C, the tangential strain in the root of itaya-kaede maple showed expansion in the daytime and contraction at night. Conversely, in early April the tangential strain in the root of shirakamba birch exhibited contraction in the daytime and expansion at night. The changes in tangential strains in itaya-kaede maple were attributed to conditioning, a known concept used to explain the uptake mechanism of soil water in maple and its exudation during early spring. However, because the change in tangential strain in the roots of shirakamba birch was similar to that found during the rampant season, sap exudation was not attributed to conditioning but to the plentiful supply of water from the roots. The implications of these mechanisms are that different sap harvesting techniques may be appropriate for different tree species.  相似文献   

The relationship between the recovery of canopy trees after fire and root collar sprout dynamics was investigated during 1998–2000 in a secondary cool-temperate broad-leaved forest consisting of Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata and Betula platyphylla var. japonica trees, in northern Hokkaido, Japan, which burned in April 1998. All of the Betula trees that were severely damaged, two-thirds of those slightly damaged, and half of those intact in 1998, died within three growing seasons after the fire. By contrast, half of the Quercus trees that were slightly damaged and half of those severely damaged recovered their foliage, and no slightly damaged or intact trees died during the three growing seasons after the fire. Many Betula trees developed several fruiting bodies of wood-destroying fungi on their stems, irrespective of damage severity. Fungi also infected some of the surviving Quercus, although the crowns tended to recover. Although many sprouting Betula were observed in 1998, the number of sprouts declined rapidly over the study period. Multiple regression analyses showed that the survival and growth of Betula sprouts were positively influenced by the number of sprouts in 1998, damage severity in 1998, and the degree of recover or decline during the study period, and were negatively influenced by parent tree size. On the other hand, a few sprouts of Quercus remained alive. Quercus remained dominant and the dominance of Betula was rapidly reduced after the fire. However, many Betula sprouts remained alive. Stand structure will change drastically for the time being.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out at four sites in Sweden to investigate the possibility of establishing hairy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) on abandoned fields using natural regeneration and (or) direct seeding. The effects of six soil preparation methods (no preparation, ordinary ploughing, rotary cultivation, deep ploughing, inverted ground, removal of top-soil) and five additional treatments (no treatment, herbicide, peat litter, wood-ashes, slaked lime) on seedling emergence percentages (SEP) and vegetation cover percentages (VCP) were studied. SEP-values were estimated in June (SEP(J)) and October (SEP(O)). The experimental designs used were: 1) split-plot design with whole plots in a randomized complete block design (RCBD); 2) RCBD. The SEP-values observed with no preparation were close to 0% while the SEP-values obtained with mechanical soil preparation methods mostly were much higher (p0.014). Seedbeds with top-soil in the surface, created by ordinary ploughing or rotary cultivation, and seedbeds with mainly bare mineral soil in the surface, created by deep ploughing, inverted ground or removal of top-soil, obtained SEP-values of equal merit on silty soils, reaching SEP(O)-values up to 15%. The latter seedbeds obtained the best results on sandy soil, with as high SEP(O)-values as 47% after removal of top-soil. Seedbeds with top-soil in the surface were quickly colonized by ground vegetation, reaching VCP-values between 70% and 100%. Herbicide spraying with glyphosate and application of peat litter to the seedbed surface promoted seedling emergence. However, herbicide spraying before soil preparation was of little effect when followed by mechanical soil preparation.  相似文献   

Zou X  Peng S  Liu X  Bai B  Ding L 《Fitoterapia》2006,77(5):374-377
A new sulfur-containing iridoid glucoside, named paederoside B, was isolated from the stems of Paederia scandens. The structure of the new compound was elucidated as paederosidyl paederosidate by spectral evidence.  相似文献   

Female inflorescence of Betula platyphylla was sampled at an interval of each two days to analyze the background of gene expression in floral phase. On the basis of SMART strategy, the driver cDNA was obtained from total RNA of the last sample and the tester cDNA was from that of the others by RT-PCR which were subsequently used to construct a subtracted cDNA library. The result of the ESTs (expression sequence tags) blastX showed that the genes in the subtracted cDNA library could be mainly clustered into 5 groups related to metabolism, transportation and signal transduction, cell cycle, stress response, and regulation. The relationship between gene expression and development was also discussed.  相似文献   

The stem analysis ofBetula platyphylla in natural forest at the Maoershan Forest Experimental Station of Northeast Forestry University, showed that the growth variation of the trees, including height and diameter breast height, decreases with the increase of the age. There is the turning point for the growth variation of the tree from acute change to relative stability when the trees are in eighteen years old. There are significant differences among the height, diameter and volume growth of the trees at that time. Therefore, the optimal age for early selection of this species in natural stands is eighteen years old (18 a). Diameter is used as main index for selection and height growth as auxiliary one. (Responsible Editor: Zhu Hong)  相似文献   

Johansson  Tord 《New Forests》2004,27(1):13-24
Plantings with pendula (Betula pendula Roth) and pubescent (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) birches were studied on five localities (Lat. 57–60 ° N) in Sweden. Seedlings were planted in 1988 or 1989. The experiment contained 50 plants per parcel and five replications per treatment. Among treatments harrowed area and birches covered with tree shelter were included. In spring 1993 five plants growing on harrowed area, with and without tree shelter, respectively were randomly chosen on each parcel. A total of 25 birches per treatment, species and locality were used. The trial was replicated in 1994 and 1995. The plant height was estimated and diameter at 20 and 60% of tree height was measured each year for 4 yr. The stem taper was calculated by the quotient D60/D20. The stem taper for birches without tree shelter was 0.5 for both species on all localities. The quotients for birches, which have grown in tree shelter, were 0.6–0.75 the first years of the trial. Then the quotients decreased and 2–3 years later they were on the same level as for birches planted without tree shelters. The results of the studies indicate that tree shelters should be removed two to three years after the plant has reached the top of the shelter. The height of the tree shelter might be shortened to 0.8–1.0 m to stabilise the plant earlier than with the conventional shelter height of 1.2 m.  相似文献   

For the first time in this paper the forests ofBetula platyphylla in Daxing’an Mountains are subdivided by phytosociological methods. Three community types ofB. platyphylla forest have been differentiated, e.g.,Rhododendron dahuricum-Betula platyphylla community,Corylus heterophylla-Betula platyphylla community andArtemisia stolonifera-Betula platyphylla community. The distributed elevation, stand height, differential species, major composition species of tree layer, shrub layer and herb layer for each community were detail described Yang Yongfu, male, born in Sept., 1961; Senior engineer of Central Nursery of Xinlin Forestry Bureau, Daxinganling, P. R. China Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

[目的]探究白桦生物钟基因运行机制及在生长发育、胁迫应答中的作用。[方法]运用生物信息学方法对白桦BpLHY、BpTOC1、BpGI节律基因进行分析,预测其编码蛋白的结构功能。利用RT-PCR方法检测白桦BpLHY、BpTOC1、BpGI基因昼夜表达模式,在非生物胁迫重金属Cd、低温(4℃)、与盐(Na Cl)及信号诱导SA(水杨酸)、SNP(硝普钠)下的表达情况。[结果]白桦BpLHY、BpTOC1、BpGI节律基因编码的均为疏水性非分泌型,具有跨膜能力的mixed蛋白。白桦BpTOC1、BpLHY基因表达量均呈现白天低夜晚高的昼夜变化模式,而BpGI表达量则表现出白天高夜晚低的模式。在重金属Cd、低温(4℃)、与盐(Na Cl)非生物胁迫下,BpLHY、BpTOC1与BpGI均上调表达。SA、SNP诱导白桦BpLHY与BpTOC1表达下调,而诱导BpGI表达上调。[结论]白桦BpLHY、BpTOC1、BpGI节律基因昼夜表达模式及非生物胁迫、信号诱导下的表达特征为进一步研究白桦生物钟基因作用机制及其在植物生长发育和胁迫应答中的作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

From methanolic extracts of leaves of kyaraboku, Taxus cuspidata var. nana, phenylisoserine methyl ester (3) was isolated along with taxinine (1), taxol (2), sciadopitysin (4), ginkgetin (5), isorhamnetin (6), and quercetin (7). This is the first time that phenylisoserine methyl ester has been isolated from T. cuspidata var. nana. Compound 3 was also isolated from the ethanolic extracts of leaves of T. cuspidata var. nana. Furthermore, compound 3 was identified in methanolic extracts from the bark of this tree.  相似文献   

3年生白桦同时接受3种外源糖溶液(蔗糖、果糖、葡萄糖)和3种高浓度CO2(700、1400、2100μL·μL-1CO2)处理.处理1个月后,测定了叶片的总糖、蔗糖、果糖和蛋白质含量.结果表明:在700μL·L-1和1400μL·L-1 CO2下,外源糖溶液增加了叶片的可溶性糖和蛋白质含量,其中外源蔗糖的效果最好:外源糖溶液与2100μL·L-1CO2结合,会抑制叶片积累总糖和蛋白质:在700μL·L-1和1400μL·L-1CO2下,喷施葡萄糖、果糖的叶片在蛋白质含量上没有明显差别:同700、1400μL·L-1CO2相比,除喷施果糖植株外,2100μL·L-1 CO2明显增加了叶片的总糖、蔗糖、果糖和蛋白质含量:在喷施同种外源糖溶液的情况下,叶片的糖含量与CO2浓度呈正相关性.图6参7.  相似文献   

Liu M  Kong L  Fong WF  He Q  Jin D  Shen X 《Fitoterapia》2008,79(5):398-399
A new phenolic glucoside ester, 6'-E-(2'-methyl-2'-butenoyl) arbutin (1), was isolated from the leaves of Heliciopsis lobata. Its structure was elucidated by spectral analysis.  相似文献   

11条白桦BpSPL家族基因的生物信息学和表达分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]研究白桦中SPL转录因子的基因序列特征及其在不同时期不同组织中的表达规律。[方法]依据白桦45个转录组测序结果,共获得12条全长SPL基因,依次命名为白桦BpSPL1-BpSPL12,对其中11条BpSPL进行了生物信息学及基因表达特征分析。[结果]生物信息学分析发现,11条BpSPL均含有1个高度保守的SBP结构域,且基因长度差异较大,含有2 10个不等数目的外显子,系统进化分析发现11条白桦SPL分属于六大类SPL蛋白;qRT-PCR分析结果显示,白桦BpSPL基因在不同时期的叶、顶芽、茎、雄花序中表达变化显著,多数SPL基因在顶芽中7月5日和8月20日至9月20日时期表达较高,除BpSPL1基因外在雄花序从6月份到9月份的生长阶段中,SPL的表达水平呈现逐渐升高的总体趋势。[结论]BpSPL基因可能参与到了白桦顶芽和雄花序的生长发育过程。  相似文献   

Antifungal activities of seven compounds, taxinine (1), paclitaxel (2), phenylisoserine methyl ester (3), sciadopitysin (4), ginkgetin (5), isorhamnetin (6), and quercetin (7), isolated from the leaves of kyaraboku, Taxus cuspidata var. nana, against five plant pathogenic fungi, Gibberella fujikuroi, Cladosporium cucumeninum, Fusarium oxysporum, Colletotrichum fragariae, and Corynespora cassiicola, were investigated for utilization of extractives from trees of the genus Taxus. Also, the amounts of compounds 2 and 3 on the leaf surface was measured in relation to the antifungal activities of compounds. Taxinine (1) showed antifungal activity against G. fujikuroi, C. cucumeninum, F. oxysporum, and C. cassiicola. The minimum inhibitory concentration of taxinine for the four fungi was 0.4mol. In addition, from the results of antifungal tests, it may be concluded that paclitaxel on the leaves and stem of T. cuspidata var. nana does not play an important role as an antifungicide in the resistance of trees to plant pathogenic fungal attack.  相似文献   

This is the first article to report the evaluation of a natural product used as an antisilverfish agent. Silverfish (Lepisma saccharina), primitive wingless insects, feed on a variety of materials, including paper, cotton, starch, and cereals. They can be a problem in libraries and other places where books, documents, and papers are stored. In this pilot study, the essential oil from leaves of Cryptomeria japonica was investigated to test its properties as a silverfish repellent and insecticide. The results from a repellency bioassay show that the essential oil significantly repelled silverfish. The repellent activity was 80% at a dosage of 0.01 mg/cm3. When silverfish were exposed to a concentration of 0.16 mg/cm3 of essential oil, they were killed within 10h. The chemical composition of essential oil, the emissions from a test chamber, and the residue left on filter papers previously soaked with the essential oil in a chamber were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The components of the essential oil were found to be: elemol (18.22%), 16-kaurene (11.63%), 3-carene (9.66%), sabinene (9.37%), 4-terpineol (9.06%), β-eudesmol (5.70%), α-pinene (5.62%), and limonene (5.26%). Only some constituents of the essential oil compounds collected by solid-phase microextraction were found to be emitted in the test chamber. The main constituents were: 3-carene (21.03%), p-cymene (10.95%), limonene (9.49%), β-myrcene (9.39%), γ-terpinene (9.10%), α-terpinene (8.57%), and 4-terpineol (7.97%).  相似文献   

We conducted an experiment to find out how future climate conditions will impact the spring development of photosynthetic capacity of silver birch leaves. We had two greenhouse conditions. In the simulated future climate condition, we had both elevated temperatures and CO2 concentration, while for reference we had trees growing under current climate conditions. We used two methods to measure the development of photosynthetic capacity: first, the maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II with a fluorescence meter; and second, the CO2 assimilation rate with gas exchange measurements. The development of full photosynthetic capacity took around two weeks following the bud burst. The maximum quantum efficiency developed slightly faster than the CO2 assimilation rate. Both measurement methods showed that an elevated CO2 concentration enhanced the development of photosynthetic capacity beyond the impact of temperature only. The enhancement under the conditions of our simulated climate change translates to achieving photosynthetic capacity up to five days earlier, which impact should be taken into account in simulations of photosynthetic productivity.  相似文献   

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