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Two approaches were investigated in attempts to obtain a high extraction yield of (glucurono) arabinoxylans from water-unextractable cell wall material (WUS) of wheat bran using saturated barium hydroxide containing 0·26 M sodium borohydride. First, the effect of three pretreatments (autoclave treatment, alkaline peroxide and chlorite delignification) of the WUS prior to extraction appeared to have no effect on the extraction yield. Moreover, modifications to the composition and molecular weight distribution of the (glucurono)arabinoxylans occurred when such treatments were used. Second, the effect of an increasing extraction temperature and concentration of alkali was investigated. Increasing the extraction temperature improved the extraction yield of (glucurono)arabinoxylans from 29% at 20°C to 50% at 95°C. Increasing the barium hydroxide concentration with the temperature resulted in no further improvements in extraction yield up to 70°C. Above this temperature the extraction yield decreased. Substitution of barium hydroxide by calcium hydroxide resulted in lower yields and a lower selectivity; the lower solubility of calcium hydroxide may have been responsible for this. Supplementary experiments to investigate the mechanism of the selectivity of the bivalent hydroxide extraction with addition of sodium borohydride indicated a possible role for borate, derived from borohydride.  相似文献   

Water-extractable arabinoxylan (WE-AX) in wheat bran, of which only a minority originates from adherent endosperm, amounted to 6% of the total arabinoxylan (AX) content in such bran. WE-AX had an arabinose to xylose (A/X)-ratio of 0·45. Graded ethanol precipitation (20–80% range) yielded AX with an A/X-ratio increasing from 0·31 to 0·85. A population of molecular weight (MW) of 50 kDa precipitated between 0 and 40% ethanol and one with much lower apparent MW precipitated at higher ethanol concentrations. Wheat bran unextractable cell wall material (UCM) was obtained as the residue withstanding thermostable α-amylase and protease treatments and consisted mainly of AX (ca 45%) and cellulose (30–35%). Two consecutive extractions of UCM with alkaline hydrogen peroxide (AHP; 2·0%, pH 11·5, 4 h, 60 °C) resulted in a cellulose rich residue (CRR) containing 33% of the AX originally present in UCM. The average A/X-ratio of AX in CRR was lower than that in UCM. The extracted AX polymers (ca 45% of the AX originally present in UCM) had a high A/X-ratio (0·82). Their elution profiles showed two polydisperse peaks with apparent MW of respectively 100–120 kDa and 5–10 kDa. Graded ethanol precipitation resulted in a lowly substituted fraction (A/X=0·40; 0–40% ethanol) of high MW and a fraction of highly substituted AX (A/X>0·95; 40–70% ethanol) containing both low molecular weight (LMW-) as well as high molecular weight (HMW-) AX. At an ethanol concentration of 70% or more, only LMW-AX precipitated.  相似文献   

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition - Water-extracted arabinoxylans (WEAXs) of different varieties and structures have important effects on wheat end products. However, the functional performances of...  相似文献   

为了解阿拉伯木聚糖流变性质及其与小麦品质的关系,对不同品质类型的小麦(强筋、弱筋)阿拉伯木聚糖(简称WEAX)的零剪切黏度(η0)及酶促氧化胶凝能力等指标进行了研究。结果表明,不同品质类型小麦间WEAX溶液的黏度特性存在一定差异,零剪切黏度值(η0)变幅为0.20~56.50 Pa·s,大部分集中在0.20~2.43 Pa·s,个别品种(中优206、烟农19)数值偏差较大。在过氧化物酶体系(POX/H2O2)作用下,WEAX凝胶特性(G′、G″值)差异显著,强筋与弱筋小麦中均存在胶凝能力或强或弱的品种,说明WEAX的上述流变特性与小麦筋力(或硬度)无直接关系。  相似文献   

麦麸酯酶的分离纯化及酶学性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了能更好地将麦麸酯酶用于检测食品中的农药残留,采用硫酸铵分段沉淀、透析、SephadexG-200凝胶层析、超滤浓缩等方法对麦麸中提取的酯酶粗液进行了分离和纯化,并对其酶学性质进行了研究。结果表明,得到的麦麸酯酶比活力为289.14U·mg~(-1),回收率为47.7%,纯化倍数为16.17。麦麸酯酶的分子量约为26.0kDa,最大紫外吸收峰为224nm和280nm,最适反应温度为30℃,稳定范围为25~40℃;最适pH为8.0,pH稳定范围为4.0~8.0。Cu~(2+)、Mg~(2+)、Ca~(2+)、Al~(3+)、柠檬酸钠、四硼酸钠均对麦麸酯酶有抑制作用,而Fe~(2+)、Mn~(2+)、柠檬酸、硫酸铝钾对该酶有促进作用;以α-乙酸萘酯为底物的动力学参数K_m和V_(max)值分别为0.85mg·mL~(-1)和0.93mg·mL~(-1)·min~(-1)。4℃时,麦麸酯酶半衰期为10.4d,而25℃时,酯酶半衰期为8.6d。本研究结果对麦麸酯酶的应用具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

Various populations of hemicellulosic material were solubilised from water-unextractable cell wall material (WUS) of sorghum (Sorghum vulgarecv. Fara Fara) by sequential extractions with alkali. Saturated Ba(OH)2-solutions, followed by distilled water, 1 KOH, 4 KOH and 4 KOH containing 4% (w/v) H3BO3 were used to extract primarily glucuronoarabinoxylans (GAX) from sorghum WUS. Cellulose remained in the residue. In total over 90% of all GAX originally present in the WUS were recovered, particularly in the saturated Ba(OH)2, 1 KOH and 4 KOH extracts. Saturated Ba(OH)2 was found to be the most selective of the extractants tested for GAX. (1→3), (1→4)-β- -glucans were found predominantly in the fraction obtained by washing with water after the extraction with saturated Ba(OH)2. All extracted arabinoxylans were highly substituted (arabinose/xylose>1) and contained, besides -arabinose and -xylose, the acidic sugars -glucuronic, 4-O-methyl- -glucuronic and -galacturonic acid. The average molecular weight ranged from 210 000–1 300 000, which corresponds with DPs ofc. 1500 to 9300. The selectivity of the extractant was apparently enhanced by the presence of a bivalent cation.  相似文献   

为提高小麦加工副产物麦麸的利用率,从中提取植物酯酶,并优化麦麸酯酶的提取工艺,本研究以NaNO_3-磷酸缓冲液为溶剂对麦麸酯酶进行水浴静置提取,在单因素试验的基础上,利用Box-Behnken试验,进一步研究了NaNO_3浓度、提取时间、提取温度3个因素的交互作用对麦麸酯酶活力的影响。最终确定麦麸酯酶的最佳提取工艺为NaNO_3浓度0.15moL·L~(-1)、提取温度35℃、提取时间60min,此条件下单位酶活的预测值为23 338U·mL~(-1),验证值为23 018.7U·mL~(-1),达到预测值的98.63%。综上所述,此优化条件能够较好地从麦麸中提取植物酯酶,并保持较高的酶活性。  相似文献   

为明确内麦系列小麦品种(系)的染色体结构特点,利用荧光原位杂交(fluorescence in situ hy-bridization,FISH)技术和pTa535、pSc119.2探针对21份内麦系列小麦材料的染色体进行分析.结果显示,5份材料含1RS/1BL易位染色体;探针除3A、7A、2B、3B、4B、2D和4D...  相似文献   

为了探讨微波辅助提取蓝、紫粒小麦麸皮中色素的方法,以两个蓝粒小麦品种和两个紫粒小麦品种的麸皮为原料,以酸性乙醇为浸提剂,利用格兰仕WD900I型家用微波炉,研究了微波功率、提取时间、料液比(原料与提取剂的比例)和提取剂浓度等单因素对提取率的影响,并根据单因素试验结果,设计了四因素三水平正交试验。结果表明,4个因素对酸性乙醇微波辅助提取蓝、紫粒小麦色素的影响的大小顺序均为微波功率〉提取时间〉料液比〉提取剂浓度;每次加热3瓶(每瓶20或24mL)的最佳提取条件,微波功率均为450W,加热时间均为90s(间断加热,将最高加热温度控制在≤75℃),溶剂均为70%乙醇溶液,料液比,蓝粒为1g:10mL,紫粒为1g:12mL。  相似文献   

An extraction method based on the use of dilute alkaline solutions of hydrogen peroxide removing the lignin present in lignocellulosic materials (Gould, J. M. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 26 (1984) 46–52), was studied for the extraction of non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) from wheat bran. The influence of extraction temperature and time, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentration and percentage of bran in the alkaline hydrogen peroxide solution on the extraction yields of non-cellulosic glucose, arabinose and xylose residues were investigated. Extraction for 4 h at 60 °C with an alkaline (pH 11.5) H2O2-solution (2·0%) and 2·0% wheat bran in the extractant yielded an alkaline extract containing 77% of the wheat bran total arabinose content, 65% of the total xylose content and 86% of the total non-cellulosic glucose content.  相似文献   

基于NDVI密度分割的冬小麦种植面积提取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为解决作物面积遥感监测中常遇的混合像元问题,选用江苏省沭阳县冬小麦扬花期HJ-1A卫星遥感影像,基于不同地物光谱信息的差异性与可分割性,提出基于归一化植被指数(NDVI)密度分割的冬小麦种植面积提取方法。在利用GPS实地取样调查和建立解译标志的基础上,对HJ-1A卫星影像进行了几何与大气校正。利用NDVI灰度影像提取混合像元训练样本的NDVI值和小麦种植面积,计算小麦面积权重,确定混合像元的NDVI阈值。利用NDVI再归一化结果对NDVI灰度影像进行密度分割,依据不同密度分割系数下像元总面积及其所对应的小麦面积权重关系,最终得到沭阳县冬小麦种植面积。结果表明,根据NDVI密度分割法提取冬小麦面积为8.37×104 hm2,面积精度为92.37%,样本精度为93.31%。基于密度分割系数(P0.5)制作沭阳县冬小麦种植分布图,获取了全县冬小麦空间分布特征信息。以上结果说明NDVI密度分割法能较准确地提取研究区内冬小麦种植面积,可有效解决农作物种植面积提取中混合像元问题。  相似文献   

我国主要麦区101个小麦品种(系)的抗白粉病基因推导   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为了明确当前我国小麦品种(系)中抗白粉病基因的组成,利用基因推导法对来自我国主要麦区的101个小麦生产品种、区试品系和高代品系进行了抗白粉病基因推导。结果表明,近一半的供试生产品种对所有供试菌株表现感病;供试的大多数区试品系具有有效的抗白粉病基因;近1/3的高代品系含有有效的抗白粉病基因。供试小麦生产品种和区试品系及高代品系中具有已知的抗白粉病基因主要有Pm4b、Pm8、Pm2+Mld、Pm4a、Pm2、Pm2+6、Pm30 等。  相似文献   

特色马铃薯色素抗肿瘤活性   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
从特色马铃薯植物中提取的有色物质,采用MTT法,以抗癌药顺铂(DDP)为阳性对照,对人红白血病细胞株K562低分化人胃腺癌细胞株BGC-823的生长抑制作用,测定结果,植物提取物马铃薯色素对K562的生长显示了较为明显的抑制活性,但对BGC-823的生长无抑制作用。  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome sequences of Denierella emmerichi, Epicauta curvispina, and Meloe poggii were determined. Their mitochondrial genomes were found to contain 37 genes (13 protein-coding genes [PCGs], 22 tRNA genes, and 2 rRNAs), of which 4 PCGs, 8 tRNA genes, and 2 rRNAs are encoded by the N-strand, and the remaining genes are encoded by the J-strand. The mitochondrial genomes of D. emmerichi, E. curvispina, and M. poggii are 15,702 bp, 15,813 bp, and 15,626 bp in length, respectively, and their guanine–cytosine contents are 28%, 33%, and 36%, respectively. The 13 PCGs of D. emmerichi, E. curvispina, and M. poggii use ATN as the standard start codon and TAA, TAG, and T as the stop codons. The Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis results based on the 13 PCGs and 13 PCGs + 2rRNAs datasets of the mitochondrial genomes of the Meloidae support Epicauta (Coleoptera: Meloidae) ([D. emmerichi, E. curvispina, E. ruficeps, E. aptera] + [E. chinensis, E. impressicornis, E. gorhami, E. tibialis]). We believe that this research enriches the literature on the mitochondrial genomics of Meloidae and serves as a foundation for the further study of the phylogenetic relationships and characterization of Meloidae and Coleoptera.  相似文献   

转基因小麦外源基因在主栽小麦种质中的遗传规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究转基因小麦中外源品质基因1D x 5在我国主栽小麦种质中的遗传规律,以转基因小麦B 72-8-11b为父本,主栽品种川89-107和鄂麦18为母本进行杂交,采用SDS-PAGE技术检测并分析各组合亲本、F1、F2、BC1F2、BC2F1、BC2F2代的HMW-GS组成。结果表明,外源基因有效地整合到主栽小麦的基因组中,并能够遵循孟德尔遗传模式稳定地遗传给下一代。  相似文献   

野生二粒小麦种子休眠特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给野生二粒小麦资源利用提供依据,对分别来自以色列北部湿润山区的Mt.Hermon、北部加利利(Galilee)附近地区的Gamla、Ammiad和Tabigha、中部山地区的Mt.Gerizim以及南部内盖夫沙漠北缘的J'aba地区的6个自然群体野生二粒小麦种子的休眠与萌发特征进行了研究.结果表明,以色列野生二粒小麦成熟的种子均具有明显的休眠习性;高温(40℃)储藏可加快野生二粒小麦种子的后熟过程,从而可以迅速地打破种子的休眠;不同群体野生二粒小麦休眠的程度不相同,由深至浅其休眠顺序为:Mt.Gerizim<Mt.Hermon<J'aba<Ammiad<Tabigha<Gamla.进一步的方差分析结果显示,同一小穗上,上、下部两粒种子的休眠和萌发特性也存在着极显著的差异.  相似文献   

不同微生物菌剂及牛粪对麦糠发酵的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给园艺植物有机栽培基质麦糠的生产选择适宜的发酵剂,在麦糠中添加不同微生物菌剂及牛粪进行发酵试验,测定发酵过程中温度、pH值、C/N比、全P、全K含量。结果表明,在麦糠中添加了金宝贝牌菌剂(菌剂1)的处理1和处理2,在发酵过程中最高温度都稍高于50℃,而添加了有机物料腐熟剂(菌剂2)的处理3和处理4略低于50℃,未添加微生物菌剂的CK1 和CK2则接近46℃;各处理的pH值一直保持在 7.0~7. 9,均在适宜微生物生长的范围内;添加了牛粪的处理2、处理4和CK2的C/N比一直明显低于未添加牛粪的处理1、处理3和CK1;处理1和处理2的C/N比下降趋势明显大于处理3和处理4,处理2的C/N比下降速度最快,且最终C/N比值最低;各处理的全磷、全钾含量总体呈上升趋势,加过发酵剂的处理明显比对照的含量高。总体来看,菌剂1的发酵效果较好,处理2是最优处理。  相似文献   

The increasing demand for high-fiber products has favored the design of numerous bakery products rich in fiber such as bread, cookies, and cakes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the dietary fiber and estimated glycemic index of cookies containing extruded wheat bran. Wheat bran was subjected to extrusion process under three temperature profiles: TP1;(60, 75, 85 and 100 °C), TP2;(60, 80, 100 and 120 °C), and TP3;(60, 80, 110 and 140 °C) and three moisture contents: (15, 23, and 31 %). Cookies were elaborated using extruded wheat bran (30 %), separated into two fractions (coarse and fine). The dietary fiber content of cookies elaborated with extruded wheat bran was higher than the controls; C0 (100 % wheat flour) and C1 (30 % of no extruded bran coarse fraction) and C2 (30 % of no extruded bran fine fraction). The higher values of dietary fiber were observed on cookies from treatments 5 (TP1, 31 % moisture content and coarse fraction) and 11 (TP2, 31 % moisture content and coarse fraction). The estimated glycemic index of cookies ranged from 68.54 to 80.16. The dietary fiber content of cookies was increased and the lowest glycemic index corresponded to the cookies elaborated with extruded wheat bran. Cookie made with the treatment 11 had a better dietary fiber content and lower estimated glycemic index.  相似文献   

在面临Ug99及其强毒力变异菌株可能侵入我国的高风险下,为筛选和储备新的小麦抗病品种或种质,并了解东北春麦区小麦生产、后备品种对秆锈病的抗性,于2015年用小麦秆锈菌生理小种21C3CTHTM、34C3RTGQM及混合小种对190份国外小麦材料和100份黑龙江省小麦材料进行田间成株期秆锈病抗性鉴定。结果表明,190份国外小麦材料中有169份对所有供试菌种表现出抗性,其中表现免疫的有119份,表现高抗的有50份;100份黑龙江小麦材料中有71份对所有供试菌种表现出抗性,其中表现免疫的有45份,表现高抗的有23份,表现高抗-中抗的有3份。国外小麦材料和黑龙江小麦材料对我国小麦秆锈菌的抗性较高,但仍有部分国外小麦材料和部分黑龙江小麦材料对我国小麦秆锈菌表现出高度感病,这种现象应得到重视。  相似文献   

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