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温湿度对档案的保存非常重要,档案室通常情况下要求保持恒温恒湿,需要人工来控制及绘制温湿度曲线,工作量大。为此开发了一种温湿度控制系统,利用恒温恒湿测控技术来无线自动控制温湿度,并且可以远程控制,省时省力。  相似文献   

A model of temperature effects on cattle daily feed intake has been developed that takes into account (1) time course of thermal acclimation and (2) behavioral responses to short-term thermal stress (STTS). The key difference between this model and the classical intake-temperature model is its consideration of the acclimation state of the animal. Time course of physiological acclimation is represented by a running average temperature. The STTS is defined as the difference between the current acclimated temperature [Tacci(L)] and current daily mean temperature (Ti). Ruminants were postulated as decreasing activity in response to STTS. An empirical relationship between daily feed intake (I) and environmental temperature was derived as: I = 100% - b'[Ti - Tacci(L)]2. Length of the acclimation period, L, and value of the behavioral response coefficient, b', were determined for grazing time of free-roaming cattle and feed intake of five breeds of feedlot cattle. Cattle breeds displayed apparent differences in L but no significant differences in b'. Feeding situation (feedlot vs free-roaming) had a significant effect on b' in cattle, but not on L. Because of explicit treatment of acclimation and stress, two-dimensional representation of thermal environment may be a more meaningful expression of effective environmental temperature in fluctuating environments than mean daily temperature alone. This model may have value in the interpretation of laboratory studies, as well as field studies, because the time frame of experiments will influence the results obtained, depending upon the acclimation state of the animal.  相似文献   

据发表在2001年《The Japanese Journal of Physiology》第51卷第2期上的热生理学术语表中的定义,习服(Acclimation)指动物个体在生命过程中所产生的能够缓解实验条件下某种气候因素所引起的生理紧张状态的反应。由于肉鸡在胚胎和雏  相似文献   

超氧化物歧化酶在苜蓿抗寒锻炼过程中的作用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对苜蓿Medicago sativa抗寒锻炼过程中膜透性和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性进行测定,通过苜蓿组织冰冻半致死温度(LT50)说明在抗寒锻炼过程中苜蓿抗寒性的变化。结果表明,在不同低温处理下,苜蓿叶片和根茎组织电解质透出率呈现出S型曲线变化。抗寒锻炼过程中,苜蓿组织LT50从9月初的-6.9℃下降到11月初的-15.6℃,下降了8.7℃。随着秋季气温的下降,苜蓿叶片SOD活性显著增加,11月上旬达到最高峰,此后显著下降。这说明SOD在抗寒锻炼过程中起着重要的保护作用,当苜蓿获得抗寒能力后,SOD活性逐渐下降。在抗寒锻炼过程中,苜蓿根茎SOD活性的变化与叶片中SOD活性的变化规律不一致,苜蓿根茎中SOD活性水平显著高于叶片中的SOD活性水平。聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析结果显示,不同苜蓿品种具有6条共同的SOD同工酶酶带。适应高寒地区气候条件的当地材料同德杂种苜蓿表现出与其他苜蓿品种较大的特异性。抑制试验表明苜蓿SOD为CuZn-SOD。  相似文献   

试验采用硝酸—高氯酸的湿灰化前处理方法处理饲料样品,测定植物性饲料原料中微量元素铜和铁的含量,同时采用干灰化法(国标法)检验测定结果,并进行精密度和准确度试验。结果表明,湿灰化法可以达到国标干灰化法的精密度和准确度,两种测定方法测定结果差异不显著(P<0.05)。证明在测定饲料原料中微量元素铜和铁含量时硝酸-高氯酸湿灰化法可以代替国标法。  相似文献   

温湿度与母猪受胎率关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对中山市某大型猪场 449头母猪第一情期受胎率的统计及其与温湿度等主要气候生态因子的相关分析表明 ,气温对母猪第一情期受胎率的影响较大 ,它们之间呈极显著的负相关关系。其中月均气温、平均最高气温、平均最低气温及高于 30℃天数与母猪第一情期受胎率的相关系数分别为 - 0 8875 ,- 0 850 7、 - 0 90 84和 - 0 90 5 9,而气湿与情期受胎率的相关系数只有 - 0 2 65 7,经检验相关关系不显著 (P >0 0 5)。高温高湿的气候 ,最易使母猪第一情期受胎率下降。改善养猪的环境 ,夏季要注意防暑或调整日粮或配种时间 ,以提高受胎率  相似文献   

为研究肉鸡高温驯化对生产性能及再次高温暴露生化指标变化的影响,本试验将30只21 d肉鸡随机均分为对照组、试验Ⅰ组和Ⅱ组。对照组标准环境温度饲养,试验Ⅰ组和Ⅱ组分别高温(32±1)℃,6 h/d驯化1 d和3 d。1周后环境温度升至(32±1)℃,持续6 h后翅下静脉采血2 mL,分离血清,测定生化指标。结果表明,与对照组相比,试验Ⅰ组料肉比、血清肌酐(CREA)、天门冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)、γ-谷氨酰转移酶(γ-GT)、葡萄糖(GLU)显著降低(P005),试验Ⅱ组料肉比显著增加(P005),体重、增重、血清AST、谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、γ-GT、尿素氮显著降低(P005)。此外,与试验Ⅰ组相比,试验Ⅱ组的料肉比显著增加(P005),体重、增重、ALT,ALP、GLU显著降低(P005)。结果提示,高温驯化影响肉鸡的生产性能,但减少肝肾功能的损伤。  相似文献   

采用红外水分分析仪和恒温恒湿箱研究了湿度对紫花苜蓿干燥速率的影响。结果表明,环境湿度对干燥速率有重要影响,温度、湿度和紫花苜蓿含湿量与干燥速率之间有显著的相关性,紫花苜蓿湿基含湿量是对干燥速率影响最大的因素。在薄层干燥过程中湿度的影响要大于温度,紫花苜蓿茎加叶单层和叶单层干燥过程过程中温度的影响大于湿度,在茎单层干燥过程中温度和湿度的影响基本相同。同时,拟合出了以湿度、温度及紫花苜蓿湿基含湿量为自变量的数学方程式,并对它们与干燥速率的函数关系进行了总结。  相似文献   

布仁 《畜牧与兽医》2000,32(Z1):26-28
研究了夏季高温中温、湿度对中国黑白花乳牛生产性能的影响。结果表明,夏季气温27℃、温湿指数(THI)超过69时,导致该品种牛产乳量下降  相似文献   

目前,国内养鸡场的温、湿度监控还大都采用人工监控,其调控的准确度和效率均较低,这对于温、湿度控制以及肉、蛋鸡的生长都是不利的。FPGA是一种应用较为广泛的可编程门阵列,利用FPGA的微程序即可实现对鸡舍温、湿度的监控并进一步实现温、湿度控制。本文就如何利用FPGA实现对鸡舍温、湿度的监控作深入探讨并提出一些相应的修正和评估方案,以期望对生产实际提供一些参考与启迪。  相似文献   

在疫苗生产中常用鸡胚培养毒株.鸡胚中尿囊液量的多少直接影响着疫苗生产的数量和经济效益.生产实践早已证明,胚胎对湿度的适应范围比较广,不像温度那么严格,湿度有良好的导热作用,可以使孵化初期的胚胎受热良好,有利胚胎后期生理散热及胚胎发育.现有研究报道,关于孵化的湿度研究较多,却未见关于获得最大量尿囊液的湿度的研究,而实际生产中,尿囊液量的多少直接影响着疫苗的产量和经济效益.因此本试验的目的是研究湿度、温度两个因素对鸡胚孵化过程中(0~11d)尿囊液量的影响.  相似文献   

本文述及的受训犬品种为拉布拉多犬,借以探讨温度、湿度以及气流对缉毒训练的影响及注意事项。 一、温度、湿度及气流对毒品扩散的影响 在缉毒犬训练中影响因素很多,主要有训犬员因素、训练质量、温度、湿度、气流、毒品包装和隐藏条件、  相似文献   

A Pasteurella hemolytica suspension with fetal calf serum was aerosolized in a standard system with ambient temperature of 30 or 2 degrees C and relative humidity conditions of 90 or 60%. The number of organisms sprayed in five minutes and the number recovered from one third of the aerosol during these five minutes was determined. Recoveries were influenced by temperature difference between aerosol and collecting fluid. Recoveries ranged between 0.059--0.94%.  相似文献   

1. White Plymouth Rock chickens placed under 60% food restriction or ad libitum feeding, with or without metyrapone treatment, from either 4 to 6 (early) or 24 to 26 (late) d of age were exposed to high ambient temperatures (35 ± 2°C) from 36 to 43 d of age.

2. Stress attributable to fasting was not manifested through leucocytic alteration when food‐restricted chicks were supplemented with an adrenal blocking chemical, metyrapone.

3. Provision of metyrapone during the fasting period resulted in inferior compensatory growth during refeeding.

4. Exposure to high temperatures from 36 to 43 d of age did not cause an elevation in the heterophihlymphocyte (H/L) ratios of chicks that had eaten metyrapone‐treated food ad libitum during the neonatal stage.

5. During heat exposure, chicks that had been subjected to early 60% restriction with non‐metyrapone‐treated food had lower H/L ratios and improved resistance to marble spleen disease infection.  相似文献   


Effects of exposing quail eggs to high temperature on the heat tolerance ability and productivity of birds were investigated. Four groups of 600 fertile eggs were randomly selected; the first group was incubated under 37.5 °C and the hatched chicks were reared under a gradual decrease in temperature from 35 to 24 °C (Control). The second group was exposed to 39.1 °C for 2 h/day during 4–14 days of embryogenesis and the hatched chicks were reared under a gradual decrease in temperature from 35 to 24 °C. The third group was incubated under 37.5 °C and the hatched chicks were exposed to 39?±?1 °C for 2 h/day during 4–14 days of age. The fourth group was exposed to 39?±?1 °C for 2 h during 4–14 days of embryogenesis and the hatched chicks were exposed to 39?±?1 °C for 2 h/day during 4–14 days of age. The temperature applied changed (P?<?0.01) embryo weight and incubation period. Birds exposed to high temperature during brooding had superior growth performance, dressed carcass, body temperature and health traits. Birds subjected to 39?±?1 °C during brooding exhibited decreased feed consumption and body weight gain. Finally, this work suggests that thermal acclimation during embryogenesis might offer a practical method for easing heat stress.


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