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Ascospores and conidia released into the air were recorded around plots on which garlic debris infected by Stemphylium vesicarium were fixed onto the soil surface. Symptoms in garlic trap plots located in the vicinity of infected debris, started in March and developed during April–May to reach disease incidence close to 100%, final disease severity values being lower in 1993 and 1995 than in 1994 and 1996. Whereas daily concentrations of ascospores were rather erratic, with 30% of captures between 0 and 6 h, conidia showed a daily periodicity with highest concentrations between 12 and 18 h, with a pronounced peak between 14 and 16 h, and lowest values at night. Ascospore release occurred mainly in February and March. It coincided with rainfall periods, 14 h with vapour pressure deficit 5 mb and solar radiation <145 W m–2 on the current day of the capture. In contrast, greatest captures of conidia started in late April and were prevalent in May, and were associated with rainfall in days previous to the capture in which rather high temperature occurred and solar radiation was 109–345 W m–2. Among the weather variables considered, rainfall appeared directly related to the aerial concentration of ascospores and conidia. The role of relative humidity seemed essential when rainfall did not occur. There was a relationship between conidia concentration in the air and number of hours with temperature in the range 12–21 °C. Ascospore production was not essential for infections to take place, since primary infection from conidia may occur and disease can develop from them readily.  相似文献   

The effectiveness ofTrichoderma harzianum in suppression of tomato stem rot caused byBotrytis cinerea was examined on tomato stem pieces and on whole plants. Ten days after simultanous inoculation withB. cinerea andT. harzianum, the incidence of infected stem pieces was reduced by 62–84%, the severity of infection by 68–71% and the intensity of sporulation by 87%. Seventeen days after inoculation of wounds on whole plants, the incidence of stem rot was reduced by 50 and 33% at 15 and 26 °C, respectively, and the incidence of rot at leaf scar sites on the main stem was reduced by 60 and 50%, respectively. Simultanous inoculation and pre-inoculation withT. harzianum gave good control ofB. cinerea (50 and 90% disease reduction, 10 days after inoculation). The rate of rotting was not reduced by the biocontrol agent once infection was established. However, sporulation byB. cinerea was specifically reduced on these rotting stem pieces. Temperature had a greater effect than vapour pressure deficit (VPD) on the efficacy of biocontrol. Suppression ofB. cinerea incidence byT. harzianum on stem pieces was significant at 10 °C and higher temperatures up to 26 °C. Control of infection was significantly lower at a VPD of 1.3 kPa (60% reduction), than at VPD<1.06 kPa (90–100% control). Reductions in the severity of stem rotting and the sporulation intensity of grey mould were generally not affected by VPD in the range 0.59–1.06 kPa. Survival ofT. harzianum on stems was affected by both temperature and VPD and was greatest at 10 °C at a low VPD and at 26 ° C at a high VPD.  相似文献   

哈茨木霉菌对水稻幼苗根际土壤微生物和酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用钵盘育苗试验,研究了哈茨木霉菌在调节水稻苗床土壤微生物群落及土壤酶活性中的作用。研究结果表明:哈茨木霉菌能有效调节水稻幼苗根际土壤微生物群落组成;哈茨木霉菌对细菌、真菌和放线菌数量的影响程度明显不同,播种28天后,哈茨木霉菌接种处理的水稻幼苗根际土壤细菌和放线菌数量较对照分别增加50.70%和48.56%,而真菌数量较对照减少16.15%,并且哈茨木霉菌数量较刚播种时增加了138.46%;哈茨木霉菌也能显著提高土壤脲酶、磷酸酶和蔗糖酶的活性,分别较对照提高8.55%、18.31%和49.61%。研究表明,哈茨木霉菌具有改善土壤微生态环境的作用。  相似文献   

This work was undertaken to determine the effects ofTrichoderma spp. combined with label and sublabel rates of metam sodium on survival ofRhizoctonia solani in soil. Soils were infested with wheat bran preparations ofTrichoderma hamatum Tri-4,T. harzianum Th-58,T. virens Gl-3, andT. viride Ts-1-R3. Soil was also infested with sterile beet seeds that were colonized withR. solani. Beet seeds were later recovered, plated onto water agar plus antibiotics, and the growth ofR. solani was recorded. Preliminary experiments showed thatT. hamatum andT. virens reduced survival and saprophytic activity ofR. solani when the biocontrol fungi were incorporated into soil at 1.5% (w:w) or greater. Based on these data, biocontrol fungi in subsequent experiments were incorporated into soil at 2%. Metam sodium at label rate killed all biocontrol fungi andR. solani. At 1:2 and 1:5 dilutions, metam sodium reduced survival ofR. solani and allTrichoderma spp. When biocontrol fungi plus the label rate of metam sodium and 1:5, 1:10, 1:50 or 1:100 dilutions of the label rate were tested together, there were no interactions between any biocontrol agent and the fumigant with respect to colony diameter, reflecting that allTrichoderma isolates tested reacted similarly to increasing concentrations of metam sodium. At the label rate of metam sodium, allTrichoderma spp. significantly reduced colony diameter, but not growth rate, ofR. solani from beet seed. For the levels of metam sodium tested in combination withTrichoderma, it does not appear feasible to use a reduced rate of metam sodium to controlR. solani. However, the combination ofTrichoderma with metam sodium does reduce growth ofR. solani in comparison with that provided by metam sodium at the label rate. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Feb. 11, 2004.  相似文献   

Two Fusarium species, F. oxysporum f.sp. asparagi and F. proliferatum, are known to be involved in the root and crown rot complex of asparagus. We have investigated reports on the involvement of F. redolens, a third species, which until recently was considered conspecific with F. oxysporum because of morphological similarities. RFLP analysis of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer region and AFLP fingerprinting identified eight strains from asparagus unambiguously as F. redolens. Four of these were tested and found to be pathogenic to asparagus either in this study (two strains) or in a previous one in which they were classified as F. oxysporum (three strains). Disease symptoms and disease development were the same as with F. oxysporum f.sp. asparagi and F. proliferatum. Present data and literature reports identify F. redolens as a host-specific pathogen involved in root, crown and spear rot of asparagus. The pathogen is formally classified as F. redolens Wollenw. f.sp. asparagi Baayen.  相似文献   

Damping-off and stem rot disease-causing Sclerotium rolfsii has been reported as a destructive soil-borne pathogen of numerous crops, especially in the tropics and subtropics. Trials were conducted to test the efficacy of biocontrol agents alone or combined with Moringa oleifera leaf extracts for the control of the disease. In the laboratory, PDA was amended with Moringa leaf extract, and mycelial growth of S. rolfsii was measured. In the greenhouse and field, Trichoderma Kd 63, Trichoderma IITA 508 and Bacillus subtilis were evaluated as seed treatments, soil drench or sprinkle, separately or combined with Moringa leaf extracts. Percentage disease incidence, severity and control were recorded. In the laboratory, the higher the extract concentration the less the mycelial growth and no mycelial growth occurred on extract at 15 or 20 g leaves 10 ml−1 water. In the greenhouse, the highest disease control was observed at a Moringa extract concentration of 15 kg leaves 10 l−1 water (w/v). Seed treatments using Trichoderma Kd 63, and soil sprinkle using Trichoderma IITA 508 had a significantly (P = 0.05) higher effect on a disease incidence than Bacillus. Disease severity followed the same pattern. Moringa seed treatment combined with Trichoderma soil sprinkle resulted in significantly more than 94% and 70% disease control in the greenhouse and field, respectively, with significant yield increase in the field. This is the first report of Moringa leaf extract combined with Trichoderma as an integrated control for Sclerotium damping-off and stem rot of cowpea in the field.  相似文献   

为探究复合微生物菌剂对苹果再植病害的生防效果,以苹果砧木实生海棠幼苗为试材,通过盆栽试验测试了木美土里复合微生物菌剂对苹果再植病害的防治效果及对再植海棠的促生作用,然后对该菌剂的可分离微生物进行了分离纯化,并以尖孢镰刀菌Fusarium oxysporum菌株HS2为靶标菌,测试分离获得的10株菌株的拮抗效果,并对拮抗效果显著的1株真菌菌株和2株细菌菌株进行种类鉴定。结果表明,木美土里复合微生物菌剂对苹果再植病害的防治效果达87.78%;经该菌剂处理后,再植海棠苗的株高、茎粗、鲜重、干重及叶面积分别是对照处理的1.51、2.00、5.74、5.21和2.83倍,表明该菌剂有显著的促生作用。木美土里复合微生物菌剂对菌株HS2的抑制率达到68.59%,并从中分离到7株真菌菌株,3株细菌菌株。其中,拮抗效果高于80.00%的真菌菌株有1株,细菌菌株有2株。经鉴定,真菌菌株MMTL-1为哈茨木霉Trichoderma harzianum;细菌菌株BM-01和BM-03均为解淀粉芽胞杆菌Bacillus amyloliquefaciens。  相似文献   

Essential oils of Matricaria chamommilla, Mentha piperita, M. spicata, Lavandula angusti folia, Ocimum basilicum, Thymus vulgaris, Origanum vulgare, Salvia officinalis, Citrus limon and C. aurantium and their components; linalyl acetate, linalool, limonene, α-pinene, β-pinene, 1,8-cineole, camphor, carvacrol, thymol and menthol were assayed for inhibitory activity against the three major pathogens of the button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, i.e. the fungi Verticillium fungicola and Trichoderma harzianum and the bacterium Pseudomonas tolaasii. The highest and broadest activity was shown by the Origanum vulgare oil. Carvacrol possessed the highest antifungal activity among the components tested.  相似文献   

生防木霉菌Th2和T4对甜瓜根围土壤微生态的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用平板计数、微生物量碳和末端标记限制性片段长度多态性分析(terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism,T-RFLP)相结合的方法研究了2株生防菌哈茨木霉Th2和T4对甜瓜根围土壤微生态的影响.结果表明,生防菌Th2和T4对根围土壤细菌有明显的促生作用,而对真菌和放线菌有明显的抑制作用.T-RFLP数据统计学分析表明,Th2和T4的引入可以增加土壤细菌的多样性.其中对开花期土壤细菌菌群影响最显著,Th2对TRF251和TRF513菌群有显著的促生作用,含量是对照的3.7倍和4.5倍,T4对TRF251和TRF513菌群含量也比对照高4倍和5.6倍,而2株生防菌对TRF60菌群均有显著的抑制作用,其含量分别为对照的51.6%和64.3%.在果熟期生防菌对土壤细菌菌群的影响减弱,表明土壤的缓冲功能发挥了作用.研究结果还表明,Th2和T4对土壤细菌菌群有着相似的促生和抑制作用,且不会破坏土壤微生态的稳定性.  相似文献   

为探明黄瓜嫁接栽培与木霉菌使用提高黄瓜幼苗抗根腐病的能力及生理调节的差异,利用哈茨木霉菌DQ002和根腐病病原菌孢子悬浮液对黄瓜直根苗根部接种与根腐病病原菌孢子悬浮液对黄瓜嫁接苗进行根部接种处理,测定黄瓜直根苗和黄瓜嫁接苗病害发生率及根系生理变化。结果表明:哈茨木霉菌DQ002通过激发黄瓜直根苗根系中POD、PPO、SOD活性而抑制了H2O2积累和O-2的产生速率,并促进了黄瓜直根苗根系PAL、几丁质酶、β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性以及类黄酮含量升高,提高了抗病性;接种根腐病菌,黄瓜嫁接(T2)提高了根系中POD活性、培养前期PPO活性及培养后期SOD的活性,降低了H2O2的积累和O-2产生速率,促进了PAL、几丁质酶及培养后期的β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性,但H2O2的积累和O-2产生速率显著高于哈茨木霉菌DQ002处理的黄瓜直根苗,而PAL、几丁质酶、β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性以及类黄酮含量明显低于木霉菌处理的直根苗;T3(先接种病原菌后接种木霉菌)和T4(先接种木霉菌后接种病原菌)处理的黄瓜直根苗根腐病的发病率分别为22.39%和17.87%,病情指数分别为23.03%和14.33%,明显低于CK1(清水处理直根苗)和T1(单独病原菌处理直根苗)处理的发病率(35.82%和57.39%)和病情指数(37.10%和46.97%),以及黄瓜嫁接苗(T2)的发病率(42.90%)和病情指数(40.47%),但哈茨木霉菌使用时间不同则效果有异。黄瓜嫁接和哈茨木霉菌DQ002处理直根苗能提高黄瓜苗对根腐病的抗性,但是二者对黄瓜苗根系生理的调节作用存在差异,可能是导致根腐病发生存在差异的生理原因之一。  相似文献   

哈茨木霉菌与5种杀菌剂对番茄灰霉病菌的协同作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用对峙法、菌丝生长速率法和离体叶片法分别测定了哈茨木霉菌Trichoderma harzianum与5种不同作用机制杀菌剂联用对番茄灰霉病菌Botrytis cinerea的抑制作用。结果表明,联用可增强哈茨木霉菌及啶酰菌胺、嘧菌酯、咯菌腈、氟啶胺和啶菌噁唑5种供试药剂对番茄灰霉病菌的抑制作用,即具有协同作用,因此可考虑将杀菌剂与木霉菌联合用于番茄灰霉病的防治。  相似文献   

The potential of biocontrol products and plant extracts for control of late blight on potato plants, caused by Phytophthora infestans was evaluated in detached leaf assays and on potted plants. Based on an initial screening of 22 preparations and plant extracts, the 10 most active treatments were selected for further investigation. In the detached leaf assays the commercial preparations Elot-Vis, Serenade and Trichodex, and plant extracts of Rheum rhabarbarum and Solidago canadensis showed a significant effect on the level of infestation by P. infestans. However, none of the treatments was as effective as copper. In the case of Serenade, the metabolites produced by its active micro-organism, Bacillus subtilis, were demonstrated to be the effective component of the formulation, and not the micro-organism itself. In order to take curative and protective modes of action into account, the test substances were applied 24 h before, or 90 min after inoculation with P. infestans. Generally, better effects were obtained when the applications were made 24 h before inoculation. For defining the optimum time of application, potted plants were treated 72 or 24 h before, and 1 and 24 h after inoculation with P. infestans. In these tests, Trichodex showed no activity, while Elot-Vis gave best results when applied 1 day before inoculation. Serenade and the extracts of R. rhabarbarum and S. canadensis (all at 5% concentration) however, were effective when applied up to 3 days before and just after inoculation with P. infestans. The results of the experiments on potted plants indicated direct effects on the pathogen for all agents except the extract of S. canadensis, but other mode of actions, e.g. induced resistance, could not be ruled out. None of the treatments had a curative effect.  相似文献   

Biological control efficiency of an antagonistic, endophytic strain of Bacillus subtilis (strain BB) was evaluated against three strains of the black rot pathogen, Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc), in four Brassica crops (cabbage, cauliflower, rape and broccoli) grown during three consecutive growing seasons and on two soil types, in two different areas in Zimbabwe. Strain BB controlled the disease caused by strain Xcc B-147 in all Brassica crops during the dry and short rainy seasons. A similar effect was observed in cabbage using the strain Xcc 33908. Biological control was effective in broccoli, but not in cabbage and rape during the main rainy season in clay loam soil and limited biological control effect was still observed when these crops were grown in sandy loam soil. The endophytic colonisation of cabbage roots by strain BB was confirmed by immuno-blotting during the whole growing season. Biological control of black rot with strain BB is discussed in relation to its effect on Xcc strains, Brassica crops and to the effect of weather and soil conditions.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of chemical and biological treatments on gummy stem blight of cucumber caused by Didymella bryoniae in vitro and under greenhouse conditions. Eleven strains of Bacillus subtilis, strain AGB10 of B. cereus, and strain B8Fr of Enterobacter agglomerans produced antagonistic zone against D. bryoniae in vitro. Of four experiments conducted, the chemical treatments Nova,1 kresoxim-methyl, and azoxystrobin controlled the disease in three experiments and the biological treatments E. agglomerans (B8Fr), B. subtilis (AGS-4), and lysozyme in one experiment when applied as sprays on lesions caused by D. bryoniae on cucumber plants under greenhouse conditions. Fruit rot of cucumber was significantly reduced when the fruit was treated with Nova or kresoxim-methyl. These results suggest the potential of azoxystrobin, kresoxim-methyl, E. agglomerans (B8Fr), and B. subtilis (AGS-4) applied post-inoculation to control gummy stem blight on greenhouse cucumbers.  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea is a non-specific, necrotrophic pathogen that attacks many plant species, including Arabidopsis and tomato. Since senescing leaves are particularly susceptible to infection by B. cinerea, we hypothesized that the fungus might induce senescence as part of its mode of action and that delaying leaf senescence might reduce the severity of B. cinerea infections. To examine these hypotheses, we followed the expression of Arabidopsis SAG12, a senescence-specific gene, upon infection with B. cinerea. Expression of SAG12 is induced by B. cinerea infection, indicating that B. cinerea induces senescence. The promoter of SAG12, as well as that of a second Arabidopsis senescence-associated gene, SAG13, whose expression is not specific to senescence, were previously analyzed in tomato plants and were found to be expressed in a similar manner in the two species. These promoters were previously used in tomato plants to drive the expression of isopentenyl transferase (IPT) from Agrobacterium to suppress leaf senescence (Swartzberg et al. in Plant Biology 8:579–586, 2006). In this study, we examined the expression of these promoters following infection of tomato plants with B. cinerea. Both promoters exhibit high expression levels upon B. cinerea infection of non-senescing leaves of tomato plants, supporting our conclusion that B. cinerea induces senescence as part of its mode of action. In contrast to B. cinerea, Trichoderma harzianum T39, a saprophytic fungus that is used as a biocontrol agent against B. cinerea, induces expression of SAG13 only. Expression of IPT, under the control of the SAG12 and SAG13 promoters in response to infection with B. cinerea resulted in suppression of B. cinerea-induced disease symptoms, substantiating our prediction that delaying leaf senescence might reduce susceptibility to B. cinerea. Contribution from the Agriculture Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel, No. 127/2006 series.  相似文献   

Inoculation of seed potatoes withVerticillium biguttatum and three other hyperparasitic fungi, alone or in combination, resulted in statistically significant reduction of infestation of potato plants byRhizoctonia solani. Gliocladium roseum, Trichoderma hamatum andHormiactis fimicola did not show prolonged protection againstR. solani under farming conditions.H. fimicola, however, inhibited mycelial growth ofR. solani in vitro, particularly in the lower temperature range whereV. biguttatum did not show any growth. Combining these two antagonistic fungi may be advantageous as they cover the entire temperature range in whichR. solani is active. At the end of the vegetation period,V. biguttatum was superseded byG. roseum.Production of sclerotia on newly formed tubers from seed potatoes inoculated withV. biguttatum (alone or in combination with the other three antagonists) was significantly reduced.Samenvatting Inoculative van pootaardappelen metVerticillium biguttatum, apart of sament met drie andere hyperparasieten, had een gunstig effect op het onderdrukken vanRhizoctonia solani op de plant;Trichoderma hamatum, Gliocaldium roseum enHormiactis fimicola, ieder apart toegediend, boden de plant op lange termijn geen bescherming tegenR. solani onder praktijkomstandigheden.H. fimicola bleek bij lage temperatuur, waarbijV. biguttatum geen groei-activiteit meer vertoonde, op hyfen en sclerotiën vanR. solani te kunnen groeien. Toepassing van deze schimmel enV. biguttatum in een gemengde inoculatie zou over een breder temperatuurtraject effectief kunnen zijn.Tegen het einde van het groeiseizoen vond er op de ondergrondse plantedelen een verschuiving plaats, waarbijG. roseum meer op de voorgrond trad. Verondersteld wordt dat de afname vanV. biguttatum op stolonen hiervan een gevolg was.De produktie van sclerotia op nieuwe aardappelen afkomstig van metV. biguttatum behandeld pootgoed (alleen of met andere hyperparasitaire schimmels) bleek sterk verminderd te zijn. Vooral dit gegeven maakt de biologische bestrijding vanR. solani interessant:V. biguttatum blijkt ook op lange termijn effectief te zijn.  相似文献   

Infection of pea roots by soil-borne pathogens causes foot and root rot. In 1985 research was started to develop a method to predict the root rot likely to occur in prospective pea fields. In a bioassay the pea cultivar Finale was sown in a composite soil sample from each field in pots under standardized conditions in the greenhouse. The plants were removed at the green bud stage and the severity of root rot recorded. Between 1985 and 1988 approximately 200 field pea crops were monitored for root rot development. Forty-eight fields were bioassayed in 1986, 51 in 1987 and 30 in 1988. Each year, root rot readings in the bioassay and disease severity readings at field sampled plants at flowering and green pod were linearly correlated (P<0.001). As the degree of root rot in the field crop increased, there was a proportional lower yield. In heavily infested fields, up to a 50% yield reduction occurred.The bioassay in pots proved to be a reliable method for predicting root rot severity in sampled pea fields.  相似文献   

The fungal pathogen Sclerotinia pseudotuberosa is a major cause of deterioration during storage of Quercus robur seeds (acorns) and along with other, mainly saprotrophic fungi, contributes to the decline of viability and vigour in the acorn population. Hot-water thermotherapy (HWT; 41 °C for 2.5 h) killed the fungal pathogen S. pseudotuberosa and prolonged the storage life of acorns. The addition of the systemic fungicide benomyl to the HWT and/or the broad-spectrum fungicide thiram as a seed dressing further enhanced the storage life of acorns. Three fungal antagonists, Coniothyrium minitans, Trichoderma sp. (KW3) and Trichoderma virens (G20), were also applied as a film-coating to acorns using a polyvinylacetate sticker achieving ca. 107–108 viable conidia per acorn. The biological treatments provided protection against infection and the spread of infection of S. pseudotuberosa and other fungi on the acorns during storage over several months. All treated and stored acorns grew normally following sowing in seedbeds. The Trichoderma species were more effective than C. minitans, with T. virens being the most effective. T. virens reduced pathogen spread from acorns infected with S. pseudotuberosa to `clean' acorns when T. virens coated infected and 'clean' acorns were mixed together. However, T. virens was less effective than HWT at preventing the proliferation of this pathogen within individual acorns that were infected before coating. A combination of HWT and subsequent coating with T. virens provided a more effective control against both S. pseudotuberosa and saprotrophic fungi than when either treatment was applied alone.  相似文献   

为快速、准确对田间茄子发病植株和土壤中3种土传病害的病原菌青枯病菌Ralstonia solanacearum、黄萎病菌Verticillium dahliae和白绢病菌Sclerotium rolfsii进行检测,筛选这3种病菌的特异性引物,建立这3种病菌的三重PCR检测体系,对其退火温度、引物浓度、10×PCR Buffer(Mg2+plus)、dNTP和Taq DNA聚合酶进行优化,对优化后体系的特异性和灵敏度进行检测,并利用优化体系对田间采集的病害样品和土壤样品进行检测。结果表明,在优化后的50μL三重PCR检测体系中,RS-1-F/RS-3-R、dllz1/dllz2和SRITSF/SRITSR引物的最佳浓度分别为0.16、0.16和0.28μmol/L,10×PCR Buffer(Mg2+plus)、dNTP和Taq DNA聚合酶体积分别为6、5和1μL,检测体系的最佳退火温度为54℃。按照优化后的反应条件能分别扩增出青枯病菌、黄萎病菌和白绢病菌3种病菌的特异条带,分别为716、350和500 bp,其他对照病菌无条带。该体系对病菌DNA检测灵敏度达到0.1 ng/μL。该...  相似文献   

New mite-borne virus isolates from rakkyo,shallot and wild leek species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Flexuous viruses were transmitted from rakkyo (Allium chinense) and wild leek species (especiallyA. commutatum) to plants of crow garlic (A. vineale), by transfer of dry bulb mites. By electron microscope decoration tests using three antisera and by inoculations onto test plants, it was concluded that from each of the two natural host species at least two viruses were isolated. The viruses from wild leeks are both pathogenic onAllium spp. and may be of economic importance. Decoration tests on a virus mixture from shallot obtained earlier, revealed another new mite-borne virus in this species. The mite-borne viruses ofAllium spp. appear to be very common; they are largely diverse and their identification remains difficult.  相似文献   

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