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Objective: To determine the effects of clodronate on vitamin D3‐induced hypercalcemia in dogs. Design: Prospective experimental study. Settings: University research laboratory. Animals: Fourteen healthy intact adult male and female mixed breed dogs. Interventions: Dogs received 7.5 mg of vitamin D3/kg of body weight once orally and were randomly assigned to 2 groups of 7 dogs each. Dogs in the saline control group were given intravenous infusions of 150 mL 0.9% NaCl solution 24 hours after vitamin D3 administration. Dogs in the clodronate group were given an infusion of 4 mg/kg of clodronate in 150 mL 0.9% NaCl solution 24 hours after vitamin D3 administration. Measurements and main results: Clinical signs of vitamin D3 toxicosis were evaluated 48 hours after ingestion of vitamin D3. Dogs that were given clodronate had significantly lower serum calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), urea, and Ca × P values than dogs in the control group on days 4, 7, and 12 after administration. Additionally, alkaline phosphatase activity was significantly lower in the clodronate group compared with dogs in the control group on days 4 and 7. Conclusions: Parenteral administration of clodronate, a biphosphonate compound and osteoclastic activity inhibitor, may be a useful therapy when administered within the first 24 hours after ingestion of toxic doses of vitamin D3.  相似文献   

Marked proliferation of macrophages engulfing yellow pigments and fragmented erythrocytes were seen in the air capillaries and blood capillaries of the lungs of chickens affected with acute fatal viral hydropericardium syndrome, highly pathogenic infectious bursal disease, and highly pathogenic avian influenza. Proliferation of lung macrophages was associated with systemic proliferation of macrophages. Acute destruction of erythrocytes in these infections may have induced systemic hyperplasia of macrophages. The acute and severe proliferation of lung macrophages may cause acute respiratory dysfunction and be one of the factors inducing mortality in infected chickens. This syndrome may be categorized as "virus-associated hemophagocytic syndrome."  相似文献   

作者以高免血清和隐孢子虫卵囊裂解物等10种药物,对113例人工感染鸡病例分4批次共12组进行了治疗试验,以临床症状、剖检变化、排出卵囊的数量及增重额度等指标判定疗效,其结果表明,高免血清及卵囊裂解物对本病具有良好的治疗效果,尤其高免血清的疗效更佳,为本病的治疗创出了新路。  相似文献   

The effect of vitamin A deficiency on the activity of peritoneal macrophages (PM) was investigated in noninfected and Newcastle disease virus (NDV)-infected chickens. Day-old chickens with limited vitamin A reserves were fed diets containing either marginal (120 retinol equivalents (RE)/kg) or adequate (1200 RE/kg) levels of vitamin A. At 4 weeks of age, half of the chickens in each group were infected with the La Sota strain of NDV and PM were isolated 11 or 12 days later. These were used for counting the uptake of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled yeast cells as an indicator of phagocytic activity and for measuring the reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT), which provides an estimate of oxygen-dependent killing of microorganisms. Vitamin A deficiency impaired NBT reduction and, to a lesser extent, phagocytosis in both infected and noninfected chickens. NDV infection increased phagocytosis and NBT reduction in normal and, to a lesser extent, in vitamin A-deficient chickens.  相似文献   

传染性喉气管炎(ILT)是由A型疱疹病毒引起的鸡的一种急性呼吸道传染病。1936年由Beaudette首次证明其病原是一种滤过性病毒。目前此病在许多国家广泛流行,是危害养鸡业的重要疾病,近几年来,在我国一些养鸡集中的地区,ILT引起产蛋鸡产蛋下降和鸡群的高死亡率,产蛋率一般下降10%~50%,死亡率一般在5%~70%之间,给养鸡业带来巨大经济损失,现将实践中对该病的诊断、治疗经验及防制要点总结如下。1流行特点鸡是ILT感染的主要自然宿主,各种日龄的鸡均可感染,以4~10月龄的成年鸡最为严重,对产蛋高峰期的鸡特别易感且危害大;从鸡品种来看,以褐…  相似文献   

Prophylactic and therapeutic treatment of ascites in broiler chickens.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. This work examined the effect of using three different feeding regimens in the prophylaxis and treatment of ascites in fastgrowing broilers stressed by exposure to cold (less than 10 degrees C), itself a potent inducer of ascites. 2. Broilers were exposed to cold in tiered cages in a semi-open poultry shed from the age of 24, 29 or 34 d and from day 35 they were given one of three types of food (pellets, pellets with high energy content, mash). Total mortality and mortality with ascites were recorded and erythrocyte packed cell volume (PCV) and relative weight of the right ventricle were measured (both reliable indices of ascites development). 3. Despite relatively low ambient temperatures and consequent high mortality from ascites, the mash diet was effective both in preventing ascites (prophylaxis) and in treating existing ascites.  相似文献   

2005年8月以来,本市郊区乡村许多养鸡专业户饲养的肉鸡不断发病并出现死亡,多以肠炎症状为主,初期排出含未消化饲料的粪便,随后排出橘红色或白色米汤样带血粪便;病鸡运动失调、尖叫、头部震颤并在短时间(1—5 h)内出现高死亡率(大于0.5%)为特征的疾病,  相似文献   

随着冬季的来临,养鸡生产过程中,经常遇到鸡呼吸道病,鸡只不仅生长发育受影响,而且因死亡及耗用药物造成经济上严重损失。引起鸡群出现呼吸道病症的原因很多,鸡舍的通风、温度及湿度之间的矛盾,使鸡在冬季长期处于缺氧、低温、高湿、高氨、高二氧化碳的恶劣环境之中,导致鸡抵抗能力降低、易患疾病,特别是呼吸道疾病。养鸡者在作出诊断和类似病症鉴别时往往感到困难。现就冬  相似文献   

采用高蛋白质饲料和高钙水喂养鸡,人工诱发鸡尿酸盐沉积症。将试验鸡分为肾肿治疗药对照组、肾康宁治疗组、肾肿对照组和健康对照组。通过鸡的体重变化、采食饮水量变化、血液中尿酸盐含量和死亡率等指标,考察肾康宁的治疗效果。结果表明,肾康宁治疗组的死亡率高于健康对照组而低于其他组,血液中尿酸盐含量也高于健康对照组而低于其他组。肾康宁对鸡尿酸盐沉积痘有较好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

Three different lyric bacteriophages (BPs) were isolated from the sewage system of commercial chicken flocks and used to reduce Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) colonization from experimental chickens. Ten-day-old chickens were challenged with 9.6 x 10(5) colony-forming units (CFU)/ml of a SE strain and treated by coarse spray or drinking water with a cocktail of the three phages at a multiplicity of infection (MO1) of 10(3) plaque-forming units (PFU) 24 hr prior to SE challenge. Chickens were euthanatized at day 20 of age for individual SE detection, quantitative bacteriology, and phage isolation from the intestine and from a pool of organs. SE detection was performed by both bacteriologic culture and genome detection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Qualitative bacteriology showed that aerosol-spray delivery of BPs significantly reduced the incidence of SE infection in the chicken group (P = 0.0084) to 72.7% as compared with the control group (100%). In addition, SE counts showed that phage delivery both by coarse spray and drinking water reduced the intestinal SE colonization (P < 0.01; P < 0.05, respectively). BPs were isolated at 10 days postinfection from the intestine and from pools of organs from BP-treated chickens. We conclude that the phage treatment, either by aerosol spray or drinking water, may be a plausible alternative to antibiotics for the reduction of Salmonella infection in poultry.  相似文献   

鸡卡氏住白细胞原虫病又称白冠病或出血病,是由卡氏住白细胞原虫(Leucocytozoon caulleryi)寄生鸡、乌骨鸡、珍珠鸡的血液及内脏器官所引起的疾病。该病主要引起肉鸡的肌肉和内脏器官出血,体重减轻;蛋鸡产蛋减少或停止,给养鸡业造成较大损失。该病最早由Mathis和Leger在越南的鸡体内  相似文献   

Laboratory and field experiments involving more than 100,000 birds were performed to assess the effect of simultaneous in-feed medication of chickens with salinomycin and tiamulin at various concentrations. In an artificial infection study with Mycoplasma gallisepticum, low levels of tiamulin (10-40 ppm) did not induce signs of ionophore intoxication with salinomycin at 60 ppm in the feed, whereas levels of 50 ppm caused early signs with a mild growth depression. A level of 20 ppm gave a maximum average improvement in growth rate of 12.5%. There was a dose-related response in mycoplasma lesion inhibition, with 50 ppm reducing lesions by 75%. In the two field trials, chickens suffering from mycoplasmosis complicated with infectious bronchitis and receiving 60 ppm salinomycin in the feed showed marked improvements in mortality rates, lesion scores, and feed-conversion efficiency when tiamulin was added at 20 ppm and 30 ppm in the feed. There were no signs of incompatibility between the two antibiotics at these levels.  相似文献   

Carrageenan treatment of chickens resulted in splenomegaly and enlargement of bursa but had no effect on the thymus. The dose and route of administration had a profound effect on humoral immune response to Brucella abortus and sheep red blood cells. Antibody response to B. abortus was either unaffected or significantly enhanced, whereas response to red blood cells was severely suppressed. Furthermore, delineation of the class of antibody response affected by the treatment, using 2-mercaptoethanol, suggested that there was a selective inhibition of IgG response to the T dependent antigen.  相似文献   

鸡尿酸盐沉积症是由于各种原因引起的体内尿酸产生过多或排泄障碍,血液中蓄积过量屎酸引起高尿酸血症.进而以尿酸盐形式沉积于关节囊、关节软骨、关节周周、胸腹腔及各种脏器表面及其它间质组织中的一种疾病。凡能引起尿酸生成过多或肾脏损伤引起排泄障碍的各种因素都能导致尿酸盐沉积症的发生,已经证明导致尿酸盐沉积症的原因有营养因素如蛋白质比例过高、高钙或维生素A缺乏。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify the effect of in vitro lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment on regulatory T cells (Tregs) from chickens. Tregs had approximately 30-fold higher TLR 2-type 2 and six-fold higher TLR 4 mRNA content than CD4+CD25- cells. Tregs were treated with either 0 or 1 μg/ml LPS for 0, 2, and 4d. LPS treatment increased the IL-2 mRNA amount in Tregs at 2 and 4d post-LPS treatment. LPS treatment increased the IL-10 mRNA amount in Tregs at 4d post-LPS treatment. The total live cell numbers were approximately two-fold higher at 2d and three-fold higher at 4d in the 1 μg/ml LPS-treated groups than in the 0 μg LPS-treated controls. LPS treatment abrogated suppressive properties of Tregs at 2d post-LPS treatment. At 4d post-LPS treatment, Tregs became supersuppressive. In conclusion, chicken Tregs are differentially activated to facilitate immune response during the early stage of inflammation and to facilitate immune suppression at a later stage of inflammation.  相似文献   

The efficacy of treatment with single dose administration of 5 drugs at different dosages to layer hens naturally infected with Mycoplasma gallisepticum was studied. The drugs were tiamulin, which was administered orally, tylosin (parenterally and orally), spiramycin (orally), long-acting oxytetracycline (parenterally) and tylosindihydrostreptomycin (parenterally). Cure was assessed by the absence of nasal discharge. The cure rate was significantly higher (P less than 0.05) in treated hens than in untreated hens, as early as 1 day after treatment. Remission for 33 days was achieved in 60% of hens treated with 100 mg oxytetracycline, in 100% of hens treated with 100 mg or 200 mg spiramycin, in 92% and 85% of hens treated with 100 mg tylosin, parenterally and orally, and in 89% and 88% of birds given 100 mg tiamulin and tylosin-dihydrostreptomycin, respectively.  相似文献   

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