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采用高频真空干燥、常规窑干和高温干燥3种方法对杉木人工林木材的心、边板材进行干燥处理,用毛细管上升法评价干燥后试样的浸注性能,用半薄切片法测定干燥试样具缘纹孔的闭塞率,最后用扫描电子显微镜观察干燥试样微观构造的变化,比较分析3种干燥方法对杉木人工林木材浸注性的影响机理.结果表明:对于杉木边材,经高频真空干燥后试样的浸注性显著高于常规干燥和高温干燥后试样的浸注性,后2种干燥方法对试样浸注性影响的差异并不显著;对于杉木心材,高频真空干燥与高温干燥后试样的浸注性存在显著差异,而高频真空干燥与常规干燥之间、高温干燥与常规干燥之间对试样浸注性的影响差异均不显著;3种干燥方法处理后,杉木边材的浸注性均显著高于心材的浸注性;具缘纹孔的闭塞率较低以及部分具缘纹孔周缘破裂是高频真空干燥后木材浸注性提高的主要原因.  相似文献   

溶剂置换材和气干材气体渗透性的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对杉木、马尾松各 5株生材进行了不同体积分数的酒精、丙酮和戊烷溶剂逐级过渡置换及气干 ,并通过水上升置换法对溶剂置换材和气干材的心材和边材流体渗透性进行了测定与分析。结果显示 :杉木和马尾松溶剂置换材的总体平均渗透性比气干材的渗透性高。杉木溶剂置换干燥生材心材为 2 1 6× 1 0 - 1 2m3·m- 1 ,气干材心材为 0 .1 1× 1 0 - 1 2 m3·m- 1 ,前者是后者的 1 9.7倍 ;杉木溶剂置换干燥生材边材为 4.72×1 0 - 1 2 m3·m- 1 ,气干材边材为 0 .99× 1 0 - 1 2 m3·m- 1 ,前者是后者的 4.7倍 ;马尾松溶剂置换干燥生材心材为 0 3 9× 1 0 - 1 2 m3·m- 1 ,气干材心材为 0 1 7× 1 0 - 1 2 m3·m- 1 ,前者是后者的 2 3倍 ;马尾松溶剂置换干燥生材边材为5 3 1× 1 0 - 1 2 m3·m- 1 ,气干材边材为 0 84× 1 0 - 1 2 m3·m- 1 ,前者是后者的 6 3倍。气干材和溶剂置换材的边材渗透性均大于对应的心材渗透性。溶剂置换对渗透性的影响 ,边材比心材明显。无论是杉木还是马尾松 ,较之于气干材 ,溶剂置换使得边材的渗透性均有较大程度的提高 ,而心材的渗透性 ,多数试材有一定程度的提高 ,少数则变化很小或有一定降低。  相似文献   

酚醛树脂对人工林杉木木材的浸注性及其改善的研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
研究了低分子量酚醛树脂对杉木木材的浸注性及树脂在木材内的分布状态,并对苯醇抽提前处理法、常压浸渍和真空浸注的效果进行了评价。无论抽提处理与否,常压浸渍的树脂水溶液充填率为理论最大浸注量的10%左右,而真空浸注可达到90%以上,真空浸注效果明显;无论是常压浸渍还是真空浸注,抽提处理后树脂的浸注性有很大改善,但常压浸渍的效果不是非常明显。软X射线解析样品纵向树脂分布状态结果表明:无论是否经过抽提处理,在常压浸渍的情况下,树脂主要分布在样品的端部,而经过真空浸注处理,树脂注入的深度增加,尤其经过抽提处理后树脂可达到样品中心。由此可见,抽提处理和真空浸注并用,使树脂的分布状态有很大改善。另外,抽提处理后样品之间树脂分布的差异也趋于减小,即树脂在样品间的分布状态也有改善。用实体显微镜观察树脂在木材细胞腔内的充填状况结果表明:沿着样品纵向从端部到中心树脂充填率呈下降趋势,而且抽提处理的充填率比未抽提处理的高。  相似文献   

将杨木单板置于液体介质中同步进行辊压与浸注,探讨影响液体浸注量的工艺因素.结果表明:该方法可用于气干单板与饱水单板的有效浸注.随单板压缩率增大、浸渍时间延长,浸注量提高;可根据单板压缩率控制浸注量,气干单板及饱水单板适宜的压缩率分别为30%~60%、>50%,浸渍1~4 min,辊压循环3~5次;辊压线速度较低时有利于液体的有效浸注,但需兼顾生产效率.  相似文献   

几种木材干燥方法机理及其对木材浸注性的影响*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木材干燥是木材工业应用中必不可少的一环 ,木材的浸注性或渗透性又是关系到木材改性成功与否的重要前提。因此 ,开展不同干燥方法对木材浸注性或渗透性影响的研究 ,将对开展低质人工林木材功能性改良、提高其质量和利用价值的新技术与新方法的研究 ,具有重要理论指导作用。文中就高温干燥、高频 /真空干燥、微波干燥、冷冻干燥和大气干燥等干燥方法的机理及其对木材浸注性或渗透性影响的研究工作进行了全面综述  相似文献   

黑木相思株内木材基本材性变化与树龄关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对不同树龄和径向位置黑木相思木材的物理和主要力学性质测定研究表明:黑木相思株内边材、心材密度和主要力学性质随着树龄的增大而增大,径向和弦向的体积干缩率随着树龄的增大而减小;相同树龄黑木相思的边材密度和力学性能比心材小,干缩率比心材大.因此,在利用黑木相思时应对树龄、心边材径向位置加以特别考虑.  相似文献   

杉木人工林幼龄材与成熟材木材干缩性能指标的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了建始长岭岗林场 32年生杉木人工林的干缩性能指标 ,并分析了各指标在立地与木材径向部位上的差异 ,结果表明 :来自两样地的木材干缩性能指标均无明显差异 ;木材在径向部位上按 16年为界划分的成熟材与幼龄材相比较 ,全干状态和气干状态下的径向干缩率均具有极显著差异 (α =0 0 1) ,全干和气干体积干缩率、全干和气干差异干缩、全干弦向干缩率等指标的差异达显著水平 (α =0 0 5 ) ,气干弦向干缩率在径向部位上差异不显著。  相似文献   

采用低分子量酚醛树脂对速生杨木进行增强浸注,改性后统计分析改性材的质量增加率情况,以了解浸注性的分布规律。结果表明:速生杨木改性后质量增加率的数据整齐,集中在平均数附近。经过假设并检验后得出,速生杨木改性材质量增加率服从均值为41.87%、总体标准差σ为0.069 0的正态分布;并由此计算出速生杨木改性后,质量增加率落在参考区间为35%~55%的概率值。  相似文献   

对杉木[Cuninghamia lancaolata(Lamb.) Hook]两个主要类型木材构造和物理力学性质进行测试和统计分析,结果表明:(a)两类杉木木材,不存在木材解剖分类意义上的差异;(b)两类杉木木材的管胞长度、管胞腔径向的直径和双壁厚及干缩性能、顺纹抗拉强度、抗弯强度和冲击轫性等存在显著差异;(c)芒杉比油杉生长快,成材早,大多数材性指标优于油杉,是杉木中材质好的品种。  相似文献   

溶胶-凝胶法制备杉木/TiO_2复合材料及其抗菌性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了杉木/TiO_2复合材料小样品。经微生物抗菌检测实验结果证实,所制备的杉木/TiO_2复合材料具有显著而广谱的抗菌性,且抗菌性具有一定稳定性和持久性。复合材料抗菌性受光源和温度影响。在木材工业中引进现代光催化杀菌剂TiO_2纳米技术,将促进木材的改性和多功能木材产品的开发。  相似文献   

Chinese fir plantation sapwood and heartwood boards were treated by three drying methods: radio frequency-vacuum drying (RFVD), conventional kiln drying (KD) and high temperature drying (HTD). The maximum amount of dyeing solution uptake by the capillary rising method was used to evaluate the liquid penetration of the treated wood. The pit aspiration ratio was determined by a semithin section method. Changes in wood microstructure were investigated using scanning electron microscopy. The results show that liquid penetration of Chinese fir sapwood after RFVD is significantly higher than that after KD and HTD. Liquid penetration of Chinese fir heartwood after RFVD is higher than that after HTD. Liquid penetration of Chinese fir sapwood is significantly higher than that of heartwood after three drying treatments. Low pit aspiration ratio and cracks of some bordered pits are the main reasons for the increase in liquid penetration after RFVD treatment. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2006, 42(10): 85–90 [译自: 林业科学]  相似文献   

Pit fractures of refractory coniferous heartwoods caused by precompression in the radial direction were investigated and are discussed in terms of improved liquid penetration. Small cracks appeared at the boundary between the torus and margo, along the outer margin of the margo, and on the torus when specimens were compressed and deformation was fixed by drying. The remarkable cracks were generally observed for Cryptomeria japonica D. Don. Pseudotsuga menziesii Franco showed peculiar detachment of the torus from the pit border, and Larix leptolepis Gordon exhibited only small cracks on the torus. These fractures patterns were clearer when the precompressed specimens were recovered by water impregnation and then redried.This report was presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Kumamoto, April 1996  相似文献   

In this study, the Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook.) specimens with different ratios of heartwood thickness to sapwood thickness (HS) were radially compressed at different compression speeds, and then absorbed amine copper quat-type D (ACQ-D) preservative solution under the negative-pressure produced by the recovery of compression deformation. The liquid uptake (Al), the recovery rate of compression deformation (Rs) and the chemical absorption (Ac) of samples were determined, as well as the overall distribution of density and effective component of ACQ-D (i.e., copper in wood), the mechanical properties such as surface hardness were also measured. The Al, Rs, Ac values of compressed samples including the whole heartwood ones were higher than those of uncompressed samples, showing that radial compression had an obvious positive effect on improving the liquid absorption of heart-wood. Higher compression speed of 3 mm·min–1 is preferable since the samples with that speed could reach the highest Al and Ac; in addition, more deformation fixation has been produced possibly because of the faster heat and moisture transmission at the higher compressed speed, and more bonds of hydrophobic nature were formed, leading to the higher surface hardness and density. A consistent tendency of the density distribution and the copper retentions along the thickness direction could be explained that the layers with higher density have smaller volumes of void areas, and more chemicals were absorbed and fixed, resulting in the higher copper retentions.  相似文献   

杉木间伐材生产胶压木工艺的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文探讨了利用小径杉木间伐材生产建筑结构用材——胶压木的生产方法与工艺条件,并研究了各种工艺参数对产品性能的影响,确定了生产胶压木的较佳工艺条件。  相似文献   

Calculation of radiation transfer within the canopy of a plantation on sloped sites is described. The canopy was assumed to consist of evenly cone-shaped crowns. Within-tree shading by object tree and between-tree shading by tree crowns around the object tree were differentiated. The two-dimensional needle area density (NAD) was introduced in the calculation of radiation transfer and interception. The model was validated with measurements of both daily photosynthetic photo flux density (PPFD) and daily photosynthetic radiation at tens of points within the crown of a 17-year-old Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantation growing on a sloped site. Simulation showed that modeled data closely matched measurements. Simulation errors likely result from the uneven size of tree crowns, irregular crown shape, grouping of needles to shoots and twigs, etc. Scattering radiation amounted to below 10%, in most cases, of daily radiation, and its uncertainty was relatively small.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of different reagents on changes of the crystalline region and amorphous region (Matrix) in wood cell walls, the creep behavior of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) wood treated with dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO) and diethyl amine, sulfur dioxide and dimethyl sulfoxide mixture (1)EA-SO2-DMSO), and the untreated wood at oven-dried, air-dry and water-saturated states during adsorption and desorption processes were all examined in air or in water. The measurements were carded out at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure. The load is constant with 62 g or 0.607 6 N. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The instantaneous compliance J0 and the creep compliance J of specimens decrystallized with DEA-SO2-DMSO solution were bigger than those of DMSO swollen wood, and the latter was still much bigger than those of untreated wood. 2) For untreated wood, J0 and J increased with equilibrium moisture content (EMC) of wood, but there was not apparent correlation between wood EMC and the relative compliance. 3) Specimens treated with DMSO and DEA-SO2-DMSO mixture were recrystallized after immersion in water, and the degree ofrecrystallization of the former was larger. 4) For oven-dried specimens, the creep compliances in water were bigger than those in air. But for fiber-saturated and water-saturated specimens they were nearly equivalent to each other.  相似文献   

Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata), a type of subtropical fast-growing conifer tree, is widely distributed in South China. Its plantation area covers more than 7 × 106 hm2, accounting for 24% of the total area of plantation forests in the country. In recent decades, the system of successive plantation of Chinese fir has been widely used in southern China due to anticipated high economic return. However, recent studies have documented that the practice of this system has led to dramatic decreases in soil fertility and forest environment as well as in productivity. Some forest ecologists and managers recognize the ecological role performed by broadleaf trees growing in mixtures with conifers, and a great deal of studies on mixture effects have been conducted, particularly on mixture species of temperate and boreal forests, but these research results were not completely consistent. Possibilities include dependence of the mixture effects in large part to specific site conditions, the interactions among species in mixtures and biological characteristics of species. Although some researchers also studied the effects of mixtures of Chinese fir and broadleaf tree species on soil fertility, forest environment and tree growth status, little information is available about the effects of Chinese fir and its mixtures with broadleaves on carbon and nitrogen stocks. The experimental site is situated at the Huitong Experimental Station of Forest Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hunan Province (26°40′–27°09′ N, 109°26′–110°08′ E). It is located at the transition zone from the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to the low mountains and hills of the southern bank of the Yangtze River at an altitude of 300–1,100 m above mean sea level. At the same time, the site is also a member of the Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN), sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). This region has a humid mid-subtropical monsoon climate with a mean annual precipitation of 1,200–1,400 mm, most of the rain falling between April and August, and a mean temperature of 16.5°C with a mean minimum of 4.9°C in January and a mean maximum of 26.6°C in July. The experimental field has red-yellow soil. After a clear-cutting of the first generation Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantation forest in 1982, three different plantation forest ecosystems, viz. mixture of Michelia macclurei and Chinese fir (MCM), pure Michelia macclurei stand (PMS) and pure Chinese fir stand (PCS), were established in the spring of 1983. A comparative study on C and N stocks under these three plantation forest ecosystems was conducted in 2004. Results showed that carbon stocks were greater under the mixtures than under the pure Chinese fir forest and the pure broad-leaved forest, and the broadleaves and the mixtures showed higher values in nitrogen stocks compared with the pure Chinese fir forest. The spatial distribution of carbon and nitrogen stocks was basically consistent, the value being greater in soil layer, followed by tree layer, roots, understory and litter layer. The carbon and nitrogen stocks in soil layer were both highly correlated with the biomass in understory and litter layer, indicating that understory and forest litterfall exerted a profound effect on soil carbon and nitrogen stocks under plantation ecosystems. However, correlations among soil carbon, nitrogen stocks and below ground biomass of stand have not been observed in this study. Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25(12): 3,146–3,154 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   

The object of this study was to determine the cause of differences in the improvement in liquid penetration of precompressed wood species. The maximum amount of water uptake by the capillary rise method and changes in the aspirated pits seen with scanning electron microscopy before and after of preextraction and precompression were investigated using heartwood samples of four softwoods. The height of penetration and the weight by the capillary rise method for preextractive wood powders are discussed. Three wood species andLarix leptolepis showed marked increases in the amount of solution uptake after precompressed treatment only.Larix leptolepis wood required compression after extraction by boiling in water. These differences among wood species were caused by the accumulation of extractive material. It was also recognized that the accumulative material inLarix wood has plasticity and that inPseudotsuga is brittle. Based on these results it was found that it is difficult to destroy aspirated pits in the former and easy in the latter. On the other hand, the difference in penetration of each wood species was caused by the quantity and quality of the extraction material in addition to the extent of the wettability of the surface of the cell cavity as well as aspirated pit.Part of this report was presented at the 46th annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Kumamoto, April 1996  相似文献   

以湖南会同杉木基地Ⅱ号集水区杉木人工林为研究对象,对其进行施N肥实验,并进行一年期采样,测定不同施肥处理下N肥对杉木林N、P含量的影响及杉木器官与土壤N、P含量之间的相关关系。结果表明:施肥能够提高杉木土壤、细根、叶片的N和P含量,其中施N肥25 g/m~2能提高土壤的N、P含量,施N肥25g/m~2比施N肥5 g/m~2和15 g/m~2更能提高土壤中细根的N、P含量,施N肥5 g/m~2比施N肥15 g/m~2和25 g/m~2对提高叶片中的N含量的效果好,施N肥并未提高凋落物N含量。会同杉木人工林氮磷含量的增加说明施肥能够促进杉木林的生长。  相似文献   

杉木人工林生态系统太阳辐射特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2008年的观测数据,分析了会同杉木人工林太阳辐射各分量的时间分布特征及不同季节太阳辐射分配率的差异。结果表明:除大气逆辐射(RLd)外,其余3种辐射的年变化大致呈单峰形;太阳总辐射(RSd)及反射辐射(RSu)日变化均呈规则的单峰曲线,而森林生态系统长波辐射(RLu)和RLd则呈波浪形;就全年太阳辐射的分配率而言,净辐射(23.5%)最大,有效辐射(19.0%)次之,反射辐射最小,仅7.5%;不同季节太阳辐射分配率亦有所不同,反射辐射和净辐射均为旱季小于雨季,有效辐射则相反。  相似文献   

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