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为了解桂北地区马水橘果园的营养状况,选取了23个马水橘果园,采集了叶片样品并分析测定了N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Zn、B等8种营养元素含量。结果表明,马水橘叶片中P元素含量全部处于适宜范围,平均值为(0.13±0.01)%;N、K、Fe和B元素的含量大部分处于适量范围,平均值分别为(2.73±0.13)%、(1.55±0.25)%、(94.79±14.95)mg·kg-1、(84.16±11.62)mg·kg-1,处于适宜值的样品比例分别为82.6%、95.6%、86.96%和60.9%;而Ca、Mg和Zn元素严重缺乏,平均值分别为(1.95±0.26)%、(0.26±0.03)%、(24.51±3.99)mg·kg-1,含量低于适宜值的样品比例分别为82.6%、60.9%和82.6%。  相似文献   

通过连续5年对W?默科特和红肉脐橙果园植株叶片N、P、K、Ca、Mg、S、Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu和B元素的含量进行了分析。结果表明,不同年份间,各元素含量差异较大。江津柑橘园植株叶片P、K、Ca较为丰富,N含量多数年份为低量到适量范围,S含量多为适宜到高量,而Mg、Mn和B含量多为适宜范围,Zn全部处于缺乏范围,Fe和Cu不同年份差异较大,从缺乏至适量和高量均有分布。总体而言,两个品种大多数营养元素含量差异较小,而K和Mg含量差异较大,且表现为W?默科特K含量显著低于红肉脐橙,而Mg含量则相反。因此,江津柑橘园需要增施有机肥,适当补充N和Mg肥,部分果园需要补充Fe和Cu肥,大量补充Zn肥。  相似文献   

对云南省玉溪市4个代表性生态区的145个柑橘园春梢营养枝叶片矿质营养元素进行分析。结果表明,大量元素N、P、K的平均含量分别为3.03%、0.15%和1.32%,中量元素Ca、Mg、S的平均含量分别为4.46%、0.28%和0.30%,微量元素Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu、B的平均含量分别为145.94 mg.kg-1、102.07 mg.kg-1、16.79mg.kg-1、19.83 mg.kg-1、83.34 mg.kg-1。N和Fe以超标为主,超标果园分别为56.55% 和62.76%;P、Ca、S、Mn、B以适量为主,适量果园分别占56.55%、80.69%、83.44%、52.41%、69.65%;Zn、Mg以不足为主,不足果园分别为88.28%和67.59%;K和Cu超标、适宜和不足果园比例约各占1/3。玉溪产区柑橘树体营养存在明显丰缺失衡状况,N、Fe超标和Mg、Zn不足问题突出,其它元素不足和超标比例也较高,生产上要控制N肥,补施 Mg、Zn肥,增施有机肥。  相似文献   

对赣南16个县(市)223个代表性柑橘园5~35cm深的背景土壤样品进行了测试分析。结果表明,赣南地区有65.0%果园背景土壤pH值适宜或较适宜柑橘生长,95.5%的果园土壤有机质含量偏低,有效N、P、K缺乏的果园比例分别为40.8 %、92.8%和67.3%,中量元素养分Ca和Mg缺乏的果园比例分别为44.8%和89.2%,分别有5.8 %、14.4 %、44.6 %、26.0 %和67.2 %的果园缺乏有效Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu和B。另外,土壤有效Ca、Fe、Mn、Zn和Cu在部分柑橘果园背景土壤中存在过量现象,分别占3.6%、4.5%、9.9%、2.2%和4.5%。赣南地区柑橘园需重视土壤pH的调节及有机质、Ca、Mg和Zn肥的补充。  相似文献   

从赣南10个区县的沙质红壤、黏性红壤、紫色土和黄壤共131个果园采样测试了叶片营养元素含量,分析营养丰缺状况。赣南脐橙园普遍存在叶片N、K过量和Mg、Zn同时缺乏的问题。叶片N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe和 Mn在不同土壤类型的果园间存在显著性差异(P<0.05):沙性红壤果园P、Fe更为丰富。黏性红壤果园N含量最高,K的过量程度和 Mg的缺乏程度都最轻。黄壤果园P更丰富,Ca更缺乏,Mn最容易过量。紫色土果园N、P含量最低,K最易过量,Ca较丰富,Mg最缺乏,有部分pH较高的果园植株缺Fe。叶片S、Zn、Cu、B和Mo 在不同土壤类型的果园间差异不显著(P>0.05),但有相当比例的脐橙园叶片缺Cu,少量果园叶片缺B,所有果园叶片S和Mo在适宜范围内。赣南脐橙园叶片N、K过量和Mg、Zn缺乏的情况较为普遍,不同土壤类型的脐橙园叶片N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe和 Mn营养丰缺状况存在显著性差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

以海南地区不同产量水平槟榔叶片为试验材料进行了对比试验,研究了叶片中N、P、K、Ca、Mg、S、Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu、B、Mo12种矿质元素含量的差异及其与产量的关系。结果表明,槟榔叶片中12种矿质营养元素的含量高低依次是N>S>K> Ca>P>Mg> Mn > Fe >Zn>B>Cu>Mo。槟榔叶片N、P含量随产量水平降低呈现下降的趋势,而K含量差异不显著。高产槟榔Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Zn、B、Mo显著高于低产槟榔,而Cu含量则相反。槟榔叶片中Zn与N、P、Ca、B呈极显著正相关,可认为Zn对N、P、Ca、B存在一定的增效作用。叶片主要矿质营养元素含量与产量的相关分析表明,N、P、Mg、Zn与产量达到(极)显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.619、0.419、0.880、0.891。  相似文献   

为了解新余蜜橘养分状况,对新余市37个橘园土壤和叶片的营养元素含量进行了测定。结果表明,27%的新余蜜橘园土壤偏酸性,35.1%的土壤有机质含量低于适宜标准。土壤碱解N、速效P和K含量不足的比例分别54%、94.6%和67.6%。土壤交换性Ca和Mg含量在所有果园土壤中均不足。相反,土壤有效Fe、Mn和Cu含量的超标比例分别为100%、48.6%和48.7%。树体叶片元素分析表明:N含量偏低比例为32.4%,超标比例为43.2%;叶片P和K含量以偏低为主,比例分别为62.2%和75.7%;Ca含量有16.2%的果园偏低;Mg含量偏低和适量的比例均为43.2%;微量养分Fe和Mn含量偏高比例分别为54.1%和43.2%,Cu含量普遍适量,Zn含量偏低和缺乏比例均为40.5%。相关分析表明,除P、Mg和Cu外,其他元素含量在相应的土壤和叶片中均显著正相关。综上所述,新余蜜橘管理过程中需重视提高土壤pH值和有机质含量,补充P、K和Zn营养,同时控制Fe、Mn和Cu使用量。  相似文献   

为了探明紫穗槐植株的营养结构特征,测定了生长季(6,7,8,9月)紫穗槐叶和不同径级根、茎的10种养分(有机碳、N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn)含量。结果表明,1)根和茎的N、P、K含量与径级呈典型逆相关关系,即随着径级的增大养分含量减少,含量最高的部位集中于叶及小径级的根、茎。2) 各级根、茎的Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn含量没有固定的分布特征。3)微量元素间的相关性比其与大量元素的相关性差,茎中所含相关元素对最多,其次是叶,根最少;从元素方面看,N、P、K与较多的元素间存在相关性,与C、Zn、Ca相关的元素较少。4)生长季紫穗槐叶的C、N、Ca、Mn、Cu含量高于根和茎,叶中大量元素的含量顺序为C>N>K>Ca>Mg>P,微量元素为Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu。  相似文献   

无核荔原产海南,是我国稀有的荔枝品种。无核荔存在采前严重落果现象,很大程度上限制了该品种种植效益的提高及推广种植前景。在海南澄迈无核荔主产区挖取3株成熟期中产且基本没有裂果的无核荔,测定不同部位大中微量元素含量及果实风味品质指标。结果显示,为生产50 kg果实,无核荔地上部树体需要累积N 1181.6±199.7 g、P 188.3±22.3 g、K 740.2±87.8 g、Ca 1053.7±229.8 g、Mg 218.1±24.2 g、S 90.8±8.2 g、Si 133.7±25.5 g、Fe 125.9±48.6 g、Mn 5967.1±5174.4 mg、Cu 590.0±261.7 mg、Zn 1835.7±322.7 mg、B 1940.5±101.6 mg、Mo 12.8±5.6 mg,养分累积比例N:P:K:Ca:Mg为1:0.16:0.63:0.89:0.18。收获无核荔果实带走的养分占地上部树体养分总量比例分别为:N 7.4%、P 6.4%、K 12.1%、Ca 1.0%、Mg 4.5%、S 6.5%、Si 0.3%、Cu 8.4%、Zn 7.0%、Fe 0.1%、Mn 0.7%、B 7.3%%、Mo 5.2%。无核荔果肉游离氨基酸总量为695.6±41.3 mg/kg,其中γ-氨基丁酸含量最高,占氨基酸组分的34.0%;果肉风味氨基酸以甜味氨基酸比例最高。无核荔果实呈香物质为烯类,最主要为香橙烯(43.2%)和石竹烯(21.1%)。为无核荔的养分管理及果品开发提供了基础数据资料。  相似文献   

草原植物的矿质营养元素含量不仅直接关系到动物的健康生长及其品质,而且与草原生态环境保护密切相关。研究从内蒙古锡林郭勒盟苏尼特右旗草原采取主要植物样品,分析其N、P、K、Ca、Mg、S、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn、Mo、B和Se含量,以期了解不同植物的矿质营养元素含量特征。研究结果表明:23种主要植物含N量变异最小,而P、K、Mg、Mn、Cu和Zn含量的变异居中,Ca、S、Fe、B、Mo和Se变异比较大。总的来看,大部分禾本科植物K、Ca、Mg和S的含量比较低,藜科植物Ca、Mg、Mn和B的含量比较高,百合科植物S和Se的含量比较高,而Fe含量明显低于其他植物,菊科植物含Cu比较多,阿氏旋花Fe和Mn含量比较高,苔草N、P、K和Mo含量比较高。包括优质牧草羊草在内的7种植物Se含量等于或低于0.05mg/kg,值得关注。  相似文献   

Ovine scrapie was first recorded in Cyprus in 1985. Subsequently four dairy goats kept in two mixed flocks with affected sheep developed characteristic clinical signs similar to those seen in sheep. Fifteen goats from the two flocks were examined histologically and neurological lesions consistent with a diagnosis of scrapie were found in the four animals and in three others which had subsequently developed early neurological signs. These lesions were similar to those of naturally-affected sheep although neuronal degeneration and vacuolation were more severe in some cases.  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1984   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1984, 1853 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1984 and 35% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 97,794 dogs were blood-tested to check for microfilariae and 1417 dogs (1.45% of those tested) were found with heartworm. Another 34 dogs were amicrofilaremic, but were diagnosed as having heartworm disease, to give the total number diagnosed in 1984 as 1451 (1.48%). Heartworm was reported from all provinces except Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland but most (1310) of the cases were in Ontario. In Quebec, 126 cases were reported mostly from west of Montreal.

Heartworm was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 27% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 72% had a history of not having left Canada. Southwestern Ontario continued to be the primary focus of the infection.


Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1985   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1985, 1485 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1985 and 44% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 137,300 dogs were blood-tested to check for microfilariae and 1210 dogs were found with heartworm. Another 36 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease to give the total number diagnosed in 1985 as 1247 (0.91%).

Heartworm was reported from all provinces except Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Saskatchewan but most (1126) of the cases were in Ontario. Southwestern Ontario continued to be the primary focus of the infection in Canada. From Quebec, 91 cases were reported mostly from and around Montreal. From Manitoba, 19 cases were reported from Winnipeg and surrounding areas. Heartworm was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 28% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 78% had a history of not having left Canada.


Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1988   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late November 1988, 1581 small and mixed animal clinics and institutional veterinarians across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1988, and 46% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 181,577 dogs were blood-tested for heartworm disease and 367 dogs were found with D. immitis microfilariae. Another 60 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease to give the total number of cases diagnosed in 1988 as 441 (0.24%).  相似文献   

In late November 1991, 1883 clinics in Canada were sent a questionnaire to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in dogs in 1991 and there was a 60.0% response. There were 344,031 dogs tested for heart-worm (HW), 627 were found infected and the prevalence of HW infection was 0.18%. There were 417 dogs with HW in Ontario, 116 in Manitoba, 38 in Quebec, 53 in British Columbia, three in Alberta, and one in Nova Scotia. In British Columbia, all of the infected dogs but one were from the Okanagan valley which, as from 1991, is a new focus of infection in Canada. Most dogs with HW had not been on preventive medication in 1990, and the prevalence among dogs tested and unprotected was 0.59%. That prevalence was considerably higher in endemic areas. Companion dogs, over three years of age and maintained primarily outdoors in rural areas, were most frequently infected. One cat was diagnosed with D. immitis and 33 dogs had Dipetalonema reconditium.  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1989   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late November 1989, 1732 clinics and institutional veterinarians were sent a questionnaire to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis, and 51.7% responded. Of 247,716 dogs tested, 394 had D. immitis microfilariae and 51 were amicrofilaremic for a total of 445 cases and heartworm prevalence of 0.17%. Most (408) of these dogs had no preventive medication and the prevalence among dogs tested and unprotected was 1.01%. That prevalence was considerably higher in endemic areas. Thirty-seven dogs with heartworm had preventive medication. Heartworm was most frequent in companion dogs over three years of age maintained outdoors in rural areas. About 75% of the cases had never left Canada, 26% had clinical signs and 125 were not treated.

Heartworm was reported from British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, but 383 cases were in Ontario. South-western Ontario was the primary focus of infection. There were 33 cases in Quebec and 24 in Manitoba, mainly found in and around Metropolitan Montreal and Winnipeg respectively.


Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1987   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late November 1987, 1246 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1987, and 50% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 165,428 dogs were blood tested for heartworm disease and 511 dogs were found with D. immitis microfilariae. Another 78 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease to give the total number of cases diagnosed in 1987 as 589 (0.35%).  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1986   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1986, 1224 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1986; 46% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 150,989 dogs were blood-tested for microfilariae and 869 dogs were found with heartworm. Another 65 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease and one was found with heartworm at necropsy to give the total number diagnosed in 1986 as 935 (0.62%).

Heartworm was reported from Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario and Quebec, but most (810) of the cases were from Ontario. South-western Ontario continued to be the primary focus of the infection in Canada. There were 103 cases reported from Quebec, mostly from and around Montreal, and 21 cases from Manitoba, from Winnipeg and surrounding areas. Heartworm was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 33% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 81% had a history of not having left Canada.


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