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David Ruiz  Jose Egea 《Euphytica》2008,163(1):143-158
Fruit quality attributes were studied for two consecutive years in forty-three apricot cultivars and selections grown in a Mediterranean climate. Physical parameters (weight, size, flesh and skin colour, percentage of blush, firmness and percentage of dry matter), chemical parameters (total soluble solids content and acidity) and sensory parameters (attractiveness, taste, aroma and texture) were evaluated. A high variability was found in the set of the evaluated apricot genotypes and significant differences were found among them in all studied quality attributes. Year-by-year variations were observed for some pomological traits such as harvest date, flesh colour, fruit weight, firmness and soluble solids content. A high correlation was found among some apricot quality attributes. In addition, principal component analysis (PCA) made it possible to establish similar groups of genotypes depending on their quality characteristics as well as to study relationships among pomological traits in the set of apricot genotypes evaluated.  相似文献   

Self and cross-incompatibility determination by means of fruit and seed set experiments or pollen tube growth observations in the style has been frequently reported to be unclear in pear (Pyrus communis L.). Thus,in order to develop a reliable in vivo method to test pollen-pistil incompatibility in pear, pollen tube performance has been studied along the pistil following self and cross-pollinations. Results show that, while pollen tube growth in the style may be an unclear test, ovule observation at the microscope for the presence of pollen tube in the nucellus is a proper method to test incompatibility in this crop. With this analysis we could identify S-alleles of ‘Williams’ (S1S2) and ‘Coscia’(S3S4), and three of the four possible S-genotypes resulting from the ‘Williams’ × ‘Coscia’ cross, as represented by ‘Butirra Precoz Morettini’ (S1S3), ‘Santa Maria Morettini’ (S2S3)and ‘Tosca’ (S1S4). This result demonstrates that ‘Williams’ and ‘Coscia’ cultivars do not share any allele in common. We also established two new inter-incompatibility groups in pear. Furthermore, the presence of a common allele between ‘Williams’ and ‘Agua de Aranjuez’,and ‘Coscia’ and ‘Agua de Aranjuez’, three apparently unrelated old cultivars, may indicate a narrower genetic base than expected for European pear. This finding together with the fact that 40% of new released cultivars have direct or indirect parental relationship with the cultivars ‘Coscia’ and/or ‘Williams’, anticipates the possibility of new cases of cross-incompatibility for this crop in the future. Both the method described and the determination of the S-genotypes will facilitate the characterisation of self and cross-incompatibility relationships in this species. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Latvian and the Swedish sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) genetic resources collections comprise valuable material for breeding. The collections represent local Latvian and Scandinavian genetic resources: semi-wild samples, landraces, and cultivars developed in local breeding programmes, as well as diverse germplasm from the northern temperate zone. The objective of this investigation was to determine which S 1 –S 6 alleles are most important in the sweet cherry genetic resources collections and to compare the identified allelic and genotypic frequencies in material of different origin. Accessions in the two collections were screened for the presence of the self-incompatibility (S) S 1 to S 6 alleles, using PCR based typing. Significant differences (P < 0.05) between screened collections were found in frequencies of S 4 and S 5 alleles. Analysis of allele combinations identified the high occurrence of selections with the S-genotype S 3 S 6 in both collections. Compared to the S-allele frequencies published for over 250 sweet cherry cultivars from Western and Southern Europe, the Latvian and Swedish germplasm appeared to have a high frequency of the S 6 allele in both collections, and a relatively high frequency of the S 5 allele in Latvian germplasm. This study represents the first comprehensive S-allele screening for the sweet cherry genetic resources collections in Latvia and Sweden. Both sweet cherry collections contain high proportion of accessions adapted to north central European growing conditions, not typical for the majority of the documented sweet cherry genetic resources, which explains differences in certain S-allele occurrence.  相似文献   

The investigation of acid and sugar content in an array of apricot cultivars and progenies indicates the existence of marked variability. Citric acid varied from 0.17 to 1.20% and malic acid from 0.21 to 1.51% on fresh weight. Fructose varied from 0.27 to 1.60%, glucose from 0.90 to 3.13% and sucrose from 1.92 to 6.92%. The estimate of heritability was high for total and main sugars, reaching over 0.50%. Acids generally showed low coefficients, although those for citric (0.27) and malic (0.36) were good. With the exception of one progeny, all genotype/year comparisons were not significant, showing constant patterns for acid and sugars over the years regardless of the variability in absolute values. This means that the patterns of each genotype are under genetic control. The wide range of diversity in acid and sugar content in apricot germplasm and the independent heritability for most of these compounds make it possible to breed and select cultivars with improved flavour on the basis of superior phenotypes.  相似文献   

A total of 17 pollen incompatibility groups in sweet cherry (Prunusavium L.) were identified among 46 accessions by PCR based S-alleletyping analysis and by controlled test pollinations. Two putativeS-alleles different from S 1 to S 6,S z and S y were identified. Five S-genotypes, S 1 S 5, S 1 S 6,S 2 S 6, S 4 S 6, andS 5 S 6, combinations of S 1 toS 6 alleles that had not previously been identified from cultivars in NYSAES, were positively confirmed by PCR based S-genotyping analysis. Also, the S-genotypes of cultivars in some pollen incompatibility groups that had previously been incorrectly reported have been clarified. Several popular cultivars, which were previously used as testers for S-allele typing analysis, were found to have been inaccurately genotyped. In addition, the S-genotypes and self-incompatibility groups of some relatively recentlyintroduced cultivars were identified. The molecular typing system ofS-genotypes based on PCR is a useful and rapid method for identifying newS-alleles and incompatibility groups in sweet cherry.  相似文献   

Summary The expression of the viral coat protein gene in transgenic plants has been shown to induce tolerance against virus infection (Beachy et al., 1990). Transgenic plants ofNicotiana clevelandii andNicotiana benthamiana- herbaceous host plants for PPV - transformed withAgrobacterium strain LBA 4404 containing the plasmid pBinPPVm, regenerated on selection media containing kanamycin were tested for the expression of the PPV coat protein gene by ELISA and immuno western blot. After rooting and acclimatisation plants were tested for the protection against PPV Following the inoculation plants were investigated for symptom development and virus accumulation. Different lines were identified, according to the different reaction to the mechanical inoculation, ranging from a complete absence to a strong reduction of symptoms. There have not been many reports on transformation of trees in general, and in fruit trees particularly. It is obvious that the major obstacle is the regeneration of transformed plantlets. Attempts to improve crop plants by genetic engineering techniques will always depend very strongly on the availability of reliable protocols for transformation, selection and regeneration (Laimer et al., 1989, 1990). Different systems involving juvenile and adult plant material have been developed allowing the transfer of foreign genes into apricot and plum cultivars. We report the transformation and regeneration ofPrunus armeniaca andPrunus domestica plants withAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA 4404 containing various binary plasmids, pBinGUSint, carrying the marker geneβ-glucuronidase (GUS) and pBinPPVm, carrying the coat protein gene of Plum Pox Virus (PPV), the causal agent of Sharka disease. The marker geneGUS was used for the optical evaluation of the efficiency of different transformation systems involving cotyledons of immature embryos as well as somatic embryos and leaf discs. The coat protein gene of PPV was used to introduce the coat protein mediated resistance against one of the most important pathogens of stone fruit trees in Europe and the whole Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

A series of PCR methods were used to detect S-RNase alleles and SFB alleles and to determine S-genotypes in 25 accessions of myrobalan (Prunus cerasifera L.). Firstly, primers flanking the polymorphic second intron were used to identify S-RNases in agarose gels. These primers amplified one or two bands per accession in 25 accessions. Then consensus primers were designed for amplifying the polymorphic first intron, unique to Prunus S-RNases, for automated fluorescent detection. Each accession produced one or two peaks. New primers were then developed to amplify the intron in the SFB gene, for detection by fluorescence. Cross-referencing PCR bands and peaks indicated 15 S-alleles were present in the 25 accessions. Cloning, sequencing and comparison with published data indicated that the amplified products were S-RNase alleles. Sequence information was used to design primers specific for each S-RNase. Full and consistent S-genotypes were obtained by cross-comparing PCR data for 23 of the 25 accessions, and two accessions appeared to have a single allele. Pollen-tube microscopy indicated function of some but not all of the S-alleles sequenced.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of 175 genotypes of Theobroma cacao L. was investigated using 27 RFLP/cDNA loci. The number of alleles per locus was never higher than four and a high genetic diversity was found. Criollo genotypes appeared differentiated from Forastero genotypes. A deficiency of heterozygotes was found in all populations and some alleles were fixed in some populations. Within population gene diversity was high. When four morphological groups were considered, Upper Amazon Forastero was the most polymorphic and diverse population. Almost all the alleles of the whole species could be found within this group. Observed heterozygosity was the highest within Criollo and Trinitario populations but a certain proportion of homozygous genotypes was present in all groups. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Approximately 1000 seedlings from 20 combinations crossed in 1979, 1980 and 1981 (Theiler-Hedtrich 1985a) were tested for several characters: fruit set (yield), fruit size, fruit colour, formation of abscission layer and bleeding after fruit removal from fruit stalks, bacterial canker resistance, flowering and harvesting time. From progeny of crosses with Stella as pollinator, 56% (Vittoria × Stella) and 46% (Schüttler × Stella) of the seedlings were self-compatible, of which 14 were high yielding with good fruit size and quality. From the data recorded it can be concluded:fruit set is a recessive character; only 5 to 20% of very good yielding seedlings were obtained in different progeny, even if the parental plants were both very good croppers.Fruit juice and skin colour was in most progenies ‘black’ even if they were from combinations with ‘white’ varieties, e.g., Merton Glory or Schüttler. Only from the combination Schiittler (‘white’) × Stella (‘black’), 50% of the seedlings were ‘white’; Stella therefore is heterozygous for the character of fruit juice and skin colour.Fruit size is evenly distributed in progeny with respect to the fruit size of their parent plants.Abscission layer formation and non-bleeding is a genetically complex character. In combinations where both parent plants formed fruits with complete abscission layers and which were not bleeding after fruit removal from the stalk, this character was inherited only to 50% (Vittoria × Schüttler) or 85% (Vittoria × Frühe von der Weid) in the progeny. For the genetical control of this character further studies are necessary.Bacterial canker susceptibility was evenly distributed in seedlings from all combinations even if the highly resistant cv. Vittoria was used as one parent plant, thereby not confirming the expected results of a higher proportion of resistant seedlings from combinations with Vittoria.Flowering and harvest time of the seedlings from different combinations was within the range of the parent plants. Only in the combination of Vittoria × Stella (mid-to late-ripening season) one seedling out of 99 was found to form ripe fruits two weeks earlier than the parental plants. From the seedlings tested 40 have been chosen for further evaluation or genetical studies.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen grain germination inside anthers has so far been known in only eleven chasmogamous angiospermous species. The discovery of this phenomenon in some varieties of Prunus amygdalus (almond) and Malus pumila (apple) is therefore significant. The anomaly appears to be genetically controlled, the gene expression occurring under specific environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The green sepals in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) persist till almost the time of fruit ripening. Since the plant retains very few leaves and the fruits are better exposed to receive sunlight, the green sepals may be important in fruit and seed development. Influence of the removal of 0, 1, 3 and 5 sepals on the day of anthesis, 7, 15 and 25 days after anthesis on fruit and seed development was examined. Excision of all the fine sepals on the day of anthesis stopped fruit and seed development in the varieties M 10 and NP (RR) 45 but in Mukta the reduction was about 55%. Removal of three sepals also decreased fruit growth in Mukta and NP (RR) 45. The effect of removal of sepals was more pronounced on the number of seeds per fruit than on seed weight. Sepals fixed 14CO2 and translocated 14C to seeds. However, the 14CO2 fixation was maximum at early stages of fruit development, whereas a higher percentage of the fixed 14C was translocated at later stages of growth. It is suggested that the sepal size in linseed could be a useful selection criterion.  相似文献   

Two lines of hexaploid wheat were crossed and the basic generations of parent, F1, F2 and back-cross were sown in a controlled-environment chamber. FreshF1 and back-cross grains were generated, so the material could be handled either as the standard set of basic generations on a whole-plant basis, or as an extended set on an embryo or endosperm basis. The experiment was repeated. Mature grains were harvested and the starch particle size distribution was analysed in 3284 grains from 111 plants. Means and variances were partitioned into additive, dominance and interaction components. Grains from cross-pollinations had B-granule contents between parental values, rather than of the maternal parent, indicating an involvement of the grain genotype. Quantitative models based on endosperm genotype gave a better fit to the data than those based on embryo genotype. The difference in starch B-granule content between the parents was largely due to additive genes. Dominant genes were also indicated, with the first dose in the triploid endosperm having a large effect while the second dose had little or none. Non-allelic interactions were significant in the second experiment where the use of more types of backcross made them more detectable. There were also small and significant residual effects of the maternal plant in the first experiment, attributed to the vigour of the F1 mother plant and to the cytoplasm of Sunco. Narrow-sense heritability was low, between 0.05and 0.18 depending on the generation. Transgressive segregation was not found, suggesting that all alleles tending to increase the B-granule content were found in the Sunco parent and none in ME71. There was also no detectable heterosis in this character. The results show that breeding and selection for a low B-granule content should be possible but a further reduction will require new and complementary genes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A combined analysis with three parametricand two nonparametric measures to assess G × E interactions and stability analyses toidentify stable genotypes of linseed across18 environments in Ethiopia wereundertaken. The combined analysis ofvariance for environments (E), genotypes(G) and G × E interaction was highlysignificant (p<0.01), suggestingdifferential responses of the genotypes andthe need for stability analysis. Theparametric stability measures ofcoefficient of variability and thestability variance showed that R12-N10D wasthe most stable genotype, whereascultivars' superiority measure indicatedChilalo to be the most stable cultivar.Like most of the parametric methods, thenon-parametric measures revealed thatR12-N10D had the smallest changes in ranksand thus was the most stable genotype incontrast to R12-D24C, which was unstableand the lowest yielder. A comparison of thefive stability measures showed that thecoefficient of variability, stabilityvariance and variance of ranks were similarin assessing the relative stability of thegenotypes, whereas cultivars' superioritymeasure deviated from the others. Thestability variance and variance of rankswere significantly rank correlated, andwere the best in determining thecomparative stability of linseed genotypes.The coefficient of variability was alsorelatively better than the cultivar'ssuperiority measure. Further studies ofrepeatability tests are, however, needed todetermine the best methods. The stabilitystatistics generally identified R12-N10D,followed by Chilalo, as the most stablevarieties, whereas R12-D24C and R11-M20Gwere the least stable varieties.  相似文献   

Summary Resistance to powdery mildew (Oidium lini) in each of the four linseed cultivars, viz., LC 216, LC 255, LC 256 and LC 269 was found to be conditioned by one dominant gene. Crosses between the resistant parents indicated that the same gene was present in all the cultivars and is designated as Ol.  相似文献   

20 accessions of marjoram (Origanum majorana L.)were characterized in two field experiments in Quedlinburg, Germany in 1997. The variation was assessed both on single plants as a base for the development of pollinator inbred lines of a prospective hybrid variety system and also on plots on a larger scale. The characterization comprised yield of leaf-flower fraction, content of essential oil and its proportion of cis-sabinene hydrate. The anther status of the regrowth after the herb harvest was used as an indicator of male fertility. The investigations revealed a high variability between and within accessions. The correlation of some traits is discussed as a clue to indirect selection. The yield rises with increasing bush diameter of the single plants and with longer vegetation periods caused by late flowering. Relations between the essential oil content and the duration of the vegetation period were not consistent and could be caused by the environment. There were no relations between the anther status and agronomical or physiological traits. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A set of 67 wild and cultivated hop accessions, representative of hop diversity, was genotyped with 29 SSR markers in order to investigate the population structure and genetic diversity among hop genotypes. A total of 314 alleles was detected, with an average of 10.8 alleles per locus and an average PIC content of 0.607. Model-based clustering placed the accessions into five germplasm groups. A distance-based tree showed good agreement with five germplasm groups, and additionally assigned accessions omitted from model-based analysis into two additional germplasm groups. The 67 hop accessions were thus subdivided in seven germplasm groups, with three corresponding to major breeding groups and four to wild hops. This finding is in accordance with two biogeographically separated hop germplasms (European and North American origin) and with the known history of the accessions. North American hop germplasm was partitioned into native and cultivated germplasm groups. European germplasm was divided into two groups of hop cultivars representing distinguishable European germplasms and three new groups of native hops, which were differentiated for the first time by this analysis. Admixture analysis showed shares of various ancestries in hop cultivars, mostly congruent with pedigree data, and the introgression of various ancestries in some native hops. The above results have so far given the most detailed insight to date into the population structure of hop diversity, which is important for its effective use in hop breeding.  相似文献   

Summary Inheritance of fasciation was investigated in reciprocal crosses between two lettuce varieties: Suzan (non-fasciated) and Noran (fasciated). In glasshouses parental plants, F1, F2, and F3 populations were assessed for fasciation according to a scale from 0 (non-fasciated)-9 (extremely fasciated).The observed environmental variation for fasciation of the homozygous parents was very low or absent, but the environmental variation for the F1 populations was large. On the basis of this large variation of the heterozygous F1 plants we supposed that such a variation also occurred in F2 and F3 populations.Considerable mortality was observed in all generations, which supposedly occurred at random in parents and F1 but was non-random in the segregating F2 and F3 populations. So, means and variances of F2 populations will be biased and therefore they were not used for genetical analyses of fasciation.From F1 and F3 populations and from some F2 populations it appeared that no differences occurred between reciprocals. The differences for fasciation between reciprocal F2 populations in the 1977 A experiment may result from non-random plant survival. A regression of F3-means on the values for fasciation of parental F2 plants, adjusted for their inbreeding, resulted in a realized h2-narrow of 0.4. This indicates that in the surviving plants of the F2 populations still additive genetic variation was present to select successfully for non-fasciated plants.  相似文献   

Summary Full-sib, paternal half-sib and S1 families were derived from a population of maize, Pool 5, with a wide germplasm base. These families were used to study genetic variation for germination percentage, emergence percentage and time to emergence at 10°C.Genotypic variances were large for all characters, and the best families from the population were markedly superior to hybrids used as checks. Maternal effects appeared to be of overwhelming importance for germination percentage, but variances due to males were significant for emergence percentage and time to emergence. Inbreeding depression at the seedling level was also important for these two emergence characters. Germination and emergence characters were not correlated with seed weight.We concluded that Pool 5 should be a valuable source of genes for improving germination and emergence of maize at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Genetic modification from selfed progenies of 18 rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants regenerated from callus tissues which survived desiccation, were investigated at the DNA level using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method. Twelve 10-mer random primers were used to amplify DNA of progenies from the regenerated plants, and a total of 228 PCR products and 1780 DNA fragments were obtained by primers, generating between four to thirteen major bands. The size of the amplified fragments ranged from 0.2 to 2.55 kb. The results showed that 10 out of 12 primers produced polymorphic bands, two primers (RA31 and RA185) showed no polymorphism among plants tested. A dendrogram of the genetic distance was constructed based on their polymorphism, demonstrating that somaclonal variation exists in rice plants regenerated from callus which survived the desiccation treatment. Part of this variation can be useful in rice breeding. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Twenty two RAPD and 22 ISSR markers were evaluated for their potential use in determination of genetic relationships in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars and breeding lines. We were able to identify six chickpea cultivars/breeding lines by cultivar-specific markers. All of the cultivars tested displayed a different phenotype generated either by the RAPD or ISSR primers. Though ISSR primers generated less markers than RAPD primers, the ISSR primers produced higher levels of polymorphism (% of polymorphic markers per primer) than RAPD primers. A high level of within cultivar homogeneity was observed in chickpea. Cultivars/breeding lines originating from a common genetic background showed closer genetic relationship. Chickpea lines with similar seed type(kabuli or desi) had a tendency to cluster together. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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