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牛Myostatin基因单核苷酸多态性分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Myostatin基因即肌肉生长抑制素,是一种肌肉生长的负调控因子。应运PCR-SSCP和测序的方法对中国秦川牛、南阳牛以及国外引入品种皮埃蒙特牛双肌基因的第三外显子进行了多态性分析。结果表明:第三外显子938处G→A的单核苷酸的突变造成了南阳牛、皮埃蒙特牛第三外显子扩增片段多态性,秦川牛则不然。  相似文献   

利用SSCP技术分析棉花纤维差异表达的基因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
 单链构象多态性(Single strand conformation polymorphism,SSCP)技术是一种简便、灵敏的多态性检测方法,可以检测出在非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳中因构象差异而导致的单链DNA片段迁移率的不同。本研究根据棉花基因芯片筛选的纤维发育中差异表达基因设计了162对引物,利用SSCP技术在4个陆地棉品种、4个海岛棉品种中进行多态性检测。结果表明,在162对引物中,146对引物经PCR扩增后在1.5%的琼脂糖凝胶电泳中检测出现清晰、明亮的带。经过SSCP分析,54对引物在陆地棉之间产生多态性,共出现116个多态性位点;45 对引物在海岛棉之间产生多态性,共出现111个多态性位点;79对引物在陆地棉和海岛棉之间产生多态性,共出现260个多态性位点;36对引物在陆地棉之间、海岛棉之间同时出现多态性。进一步聚类分析后表明,海岛棉和陆地棉分别聚在了一起。  相似文献   

水肥运筹和化学调控对强筋小麦品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了施肥和浇水以及化学调控等栽培措施对改善强筋小麦品质的作用。结果表明,孕穗期追肥有利于植株体内氮素的代谢与转化,与拔节期追肥相比可明显改善品质;灌浆期喷施氮素,可促进氮素代谢与转化,使一些品质的主要指标有所提高;浇灌浆水影响子粒内氮素的转化与积累;生长调节剂麦健对增加面团稳定时间有一定正效应,但一些常用的杀菌剂则对品质有一定副作用。  相似文献   

研究中国荷斯坦牛HSP70-1基因与奶牛耐热性之间的关系.根据NCBI登陆号为AY149618(19 526 bp)的HSP70-1基因序列设计9对引物分段扩增该基因全长,并用PCR-SSCP、PCR-RFLP和CRS-RFLP相结合的方法寻找中国荷斯坦牛HSP70-1基因编码区的多态位点,分析山东省3个现代化牛场产奶牛127头,并以直肠温度和红细胞钾离子浓度为荷斯坦牛的耐热指标,用SAS 软件最小二乘分析一般线性模型分析试验牛HSP70-1基因型与耐热指标的相关性.发现1 623 bp处发生G→A→C的复等位突变位点,2 409 bp处发生G→A的突变;χ2检验结果表明在试验牛群中两位点均未达到Hardy-Weinberg平衡;2409位点基因型与两个耐热指标相关性不显著(P>0.05),1623位点基因型与热应激时期中国荷斯坦牛的直肠温度相关性显著(P<0.05),GA基因型个体显著低于CC和GG基因型个体,GA基因型为耐热基因型.HSP70-1基因可用作中国荷斯坦牛选育耐热牛群的分子遗传标记.  相似文献   

探讨牛乳铁蛋白(Bovine lactoferrin blF)基因bLF第四外显子的多态性与乳房炎发生的关系。利用PCR-SSCP技术,分析了bLF基因第四外显子的多态性在86头中国西门塔尔牛中的基因型分布及其多态性与乳房炎的关系。经χ2独立性检验,发现该多态片段3种基因型在健康牛中分布不一致(P0.05),在患病牛中BB基因型频率较高,说明该多态性与乳房炎存在一定关系,可能是奶牛乳房炎的一个分子标记。  相似文献   

以2018年新收获小麦为试验材料,研究小麦发芽率对面筋含量、面团流动性试验、降落数值的影响,每组试验均做3次平行试验取均值。试验结果表明,发芽率高的小麦,其面筋含量、吸水量以及面团形成时间、降落数值都受到较大影响。当发芽率低于8%时,影响不明显;发芽率高于40%以上时,影响变化也较小。  相似文献   

刘霞 《种子科技》2023,(1):127-129
现阶段,我国人口众多,需要消耗大量的粮食,而且我国人民群众更倾向于食用小麦,因此在种植小麦的过程中,必须运用先进的农业栽培技术,提升小麦的品质,满足我国人民群众的粮食需求。但是传统的农业栽培技术在运用过程中必然会影响小麦的品质,因此需要科学合理地运用相关农业栽培技术。基于此,文章分析运用农业栽培技术后对小麦品质产生的影响,同时结合实际给出应用小麦相关农业栽培技术的策略。  相似文献   

水氮配合对强筋小麦产量和品质的影响及其相关性分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
在水泥池中控制条件下,研究了不同水氮配合方式对强筋小麦产量和品质的影响。结果表明,在亩产300公斤左右条件下,在小麦生育中后期,水氮配合应用与只浇水相比,可以显著提高小麦产量和品质,以拔节期肥水增产效果最佳,后期增加氮肥用量可以显著提高小麦品质,在土壤肥力偏低条件下,强筋小麦不易达到较高的品质指标。  相似文献   

施肥对小麦品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金平 《作物杂志》1996,12(2):5-6
施肥对小麦品质的影响金平(黑龙江省农业科学院土肥所哈尔滨150086)国外近半个世纪以来,就开始进行施肥对小麦品质影响的研究。Kurten(1964)表明禾谷类作物开花后追施不同用量的N肥,能增加籽粒中蛋白质的含量,改善面粉的烘焙品质。帕·阿·符拉修……  相似文献   

针对山西省小麦品质生产和育种的现状,分析了影响小麦品质的遗传因素和环境条件,提出了提高小麦品质的六大对策。  相似文献   

冬小麦子粒品质性状多目标间接选择数学模型初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用56个冬小麦品种(系),采用双重逐步回归的方法,建立了冬小麦子粒品质性状多目标间接选择数学模型.结果表明.适当增加株高和单株穗数,可同时提高单株子粒蛋白质产量与含量及干面筋含量;而增加单株子粒产量可以提高单株子粒蛋白质产量,但降低子粒蛋白质含量和干面筋含量;千粒重每增加1.0g,沉淀值减少0.07791ml;湿面筋含量随株高增加而增高,随结实小穗数增加而降低.  相似文献   

灌浆期喷施微肥对小麦临优2018产量及品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验选用4种微肥在对中筋冬小麦临优2018灌浆期进行叶面喷施处理,研究其对冬小麦产量及品质指标的影响。结果表明:用微肥处理小麦均可增加产量,对品质也有不同影响,其中硼酸、硫酸锰对小麦产量影响最大;硫酸镁对蛋白质和面筋影响较大;硫酸锰对沉降值影响较大。  相似文献   

我们以红、白2色区别普通小麦品种的籽粒颜色。具有一定粒色的品种在不同的生态条件下种植,即进行不同年度的分期播种,结果会在一定比例的播期中改变颜色。整体来看,红粒小麦品种的籽粒蛋白质含量较高。  相似文献   

In this study, field experiments have been conducted over three growing seasons to evaluate the effect of fungicides (triazoles and strobilurins) and a foliar fertilizer application to winter wheat at anthesis on flag leaf senescence, grain yield, bread-making quality, Fusarium head blight (FHB) disease and deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination.Flag leaf greenness was significantly influenced by the fungicide application. A delay in flag leaf senescence following triazole use did not increase grain yield. No effects of fungicide application on protein concentration were recorded. The application of strobilurin to a triazole programme did not significantly delay senescence of the flag leaf or increased yield, compared to the triazole-only application, while a consistent benefit was observed for dough strength (W). The triazole application led to significantly lower FHB symptoms and DON contamination, while the triazole-strobilurin fungicides programme led to an increase in DON contents, that were often higher than the untreated controls.Grain yield and quality were improved when a foliar feed containing macro- and micro-nutrients was added to a triazole fungicide programme, with no additional risk for DON contamination. Compared to the strobilurin fungicide application, the foliar fertilizer led to a longer delay of the flag leaf senescence and higher bread-making quality.  相似文献   

硫肥对中筋小麦产量和加工品质的调控效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以2个不同穗型的中筋高产小麦品种豫农949和兰考矮早八为材料,于2005-2007年通过2种氮水平的大田试验研究了施硫对小麦籽粒产量和加工品质指标的影响。结果表明,2个品种在2种氮水平下施硫提高了籽粒产量及其构成因素,豫农949施硫增产效果显著优于兰考矮早八,表明施用硫肥应考虑品种间差异。增施硫肥对2个品种的加工品质性状也有重要影响,施硫降低了淀粉的直/支比,提高了面团的拉伸面积和延伸度等面粉的拉伸参数,从而改善了面团流变学特性。此外,施硫处理还提高了面粉的亮度(L*值),改善了面粉的感官指标。综合比较氮硫施用对小麦产量和品质的调控效应以及投入成本,高产麦田以240 kg N hm-2配施60 kg S hm-2可起到提高籽粒产量、改善籽粒品质和节约成本的作用。因此,补充硫素营养已成为获取更高小麦籽粒产量和改善其加工品质的迫切措施之一,尤其是在中国一些高氮供应地区更应该如此。  相似文献   

Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) is one of the most important diseases limiting winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in the western Great Plains of North America. There is no known effective WSMV resistance within the primary gene pool of wheat. However, a resistance gene (Wsm1) has been transferred to wheat from a perennial relative, intermediate wheat-grass [Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth & DR Dewey]. Nebraska-adapted winter wheat lines carrying Wsm1 were used to characterize the effects of this alien introgression on agronomic and quality traits. Sister-lines from six breeding populations were evaluated under virus-free conditions, and under a naturally occurring viral infection. In uninfected locations, no significant difference for grain yield was detected between resistant (R) and susceptible (S) lines, when averaged over populations, but resistant lines had significantly higher test weights. Within populations, significantly higher grain yield was observed only in population 1, while significantly higher test weights occurred in populations 1, 2, 5 and 6. At the infected location, resistant lines were significantly higher in yield in five of six populations. In two of six populations, susceptible lines were significantly higher in bread loaf volume and bake mix time, while in the remaining populations, no significant quality differences were observed. As the Wsm1 gene provided yield advantages under viral infection, and there was no yield detriment in the absence of the virus, its deployment in hard winter wheat cultivars merits consideration.Joint contribution of the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service and the Department of Agronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln as Journal Series Paper No. 15066. Mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the USDA or the University of Nebraska over other firms or products not mentioned.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)/maize (Zea mays L.) strip intercropping is widely practiced in arid regions of northwestern China because of its high land use efficiency. However, its sustainability has been questioned because it consumes much more water than sole cropped wheat or maize. The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of water limitation on the yield advantage and water use of this system. Three field experiments were conducted in the Hetao Irrigation District in Inner Mongolia during the growing seasons of 2012–2014. Each experiment comprised two water applications, in which one was full irrigation and the other was a period of water limitation during the co-growth period of intercropping.The interspecific competition in wheat/maize intercropping was intensified by water stress. For water limitation applied during the wheat booting/maize V5 stage (Exp. I, second irrigation was not applied), the yield advantage of intercropped wheat (IW) over sole wheat was enhanced, whereas that of intercropped maize (IM) over sole maize was reduced compared with full irrigated treatments; for water limitation applied during the wheat jointing/maize V2 stage (Exp. II, first irrigation was not applied), the yield advantages of both IW and IM were greatly reduced; for water limitation applied during the wheat grain filling/maize V9 stage (Exp. III, third irrigation was not applied), the yield advantage of IW was slightly improved, whereas that of IM was reduced. The yield advantage of intercropping under limited irrigation was 25%, 3%, and 18% in Exps. I–III, respectively, whereas that under full irrigation ranged between 22 and 24%.Under well-watered conditions, wheat/maize intercropping used 24–29% more water than the weighted means of sole crops with the water use efficiency equivalent to sole crops. After the application of water limitation, 60 mm irrigation water was saved by intercropping every year, whereas the reduction of water use ranged from 25.1 to 70.8 mm; the changes in water use of intercropping relative to sole crops was reduced to 18–24%; the changes in water use efficiency stayed at nearly zero in Exps. I and III but decreased to a value of −13% in Exp. II. These results indicated that water limitation could be applied during wheat booting or filling stage in wheat/maize intercropping to save irrigation water in our study area.  相似文献   

蓝、紫粒小麦的营养品质研究   总被引:29,自引:6,他引:29  
利用色素基因来源于6种不同的遗传背景的15份蓝、紫粒小麦种质资源材料,进行了子粒品质分析,结果证明,无论色素基因来源于哪种遗传背景,蓝、紫粒的品质性状普遍好于白粒品种,同一粒色不同色素基因来源的种质资源的子粒品质不同,这些蓝紫粒材料不仅可用于小麦优质育种,还可以作为人们生活的保健食品。  相似文献   

锌硅肥对强筋小麦产量及品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
增施锌硅肥对小麦有显著的减少小穗退化、降低空秕率作用,达到增加每穗粒数、提高产量的目的。过量增施锌硅肥对强筋小麦蛋白质、湿面筋、赖氨酸等营养品质有一定负效应,不利于强筋小麦营养品质的提高。生产上以施用腐殖酸锌硅肥37.5kg/hm2 为宜。  相似文献   

The unpredictability of the Mediterranean climate causes a large fluctuation in wheat yield and quality but offers the opportunity for the production of high quality wheats which are lacking in the European Union.

This paper describes the effects of nitrogen fertilization rate and timing on five Triticum aestivum L. cultivars differing in bread-making quality, cultivated in six representative Italian sites (years/locations). Nitrogen was applied at each location at two rates, the first corresponding to the amount estimated to maximize grain yield, the second 30% higher. Three timings of nitrogen applications were tested including a late application at the boot stage. Bread-making quality was evaluated with the Chopin alveograph and each sample was assigned to the following qualitative classes of the Italian market: Class 1, improver wheat; Class 2, for direct bread-making; Class 3, ordinary wheat.

Cultivars differed significantly in all agronomic and qualitative traits. Grain yield was highest in the northern location (7.1 t ha−1) and lowest in the south of the Italian peninsula (2.61 ha−1), while in Sicily abundant rains in both years enabled a yield of 6.41 ha−1 to be obtained. As far as bread-making quality is concerned, the greatest proportion of grain samples belonging to Class 1 was obtained from the northern location. The year of cultivation strongly affected quality, particularly with regard to gluten tenacity, in all locations, though the quality ranking of the cultivars remained substantially stable across locations. Nitrogen applications greater than those considered optimal to maximize yield, combined with a better distribution during the life cycle, significantly improved bread-making quality.

It was concluded that high quality wheats can be obtained in a wide range of growing conditions in the Mediterranean climate. However the likelihood of genotype × environment interactions, statistically significant for both yield and quality, call for a more precise management of nitrogen fertilization in relation to the cultivars chosen and the climatic features of each site.  相似文献   

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