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《最高人民法院关于确定民事侵权精神损害赔偿责任若十问题的解释》第一条自然人因下列人格权利遭受非法侵害,向人民法院起诉请求赔偿精神损害的,人民法院应当依法予以受理:(一)生命权、健康权、身体权;  相似文献   

合同的订立是合同履行的前提,也是缔约当事人接触、磋商的动态过程.传统民法理论认为,违约责任是在合同成立生效后当事人不履行合同、不适当履行合同等违约行为而承担的民事责任;在合同成立前,当事人一方因过失而致对方遭受经济损失的,对方只能请求侵权损害赔偿责任.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,不作为侵权责任承担的研究成为必要,文中以不作为侵权责任承担的法理基价值础作为切入点,从义务-责任原理和社会价值方面探讨了不作为侵权责任承担的基本理论,分析了其承担责任的构成要件,进而提出了一些不成熟的建议,以期对我国的侵权行为法的研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

《最高人民法院关于确定民事侵权精神损害赔偿责任若干问题的解释》第一条自然人因下列人格权利遭受非法侵害,向人民法院起诉请求赔偿精神损害的,人民法院应当依法予以受理:(一)生命权、健康权、身体权;(二)姓名权、肖像权、名誉权、荣誉权;(三)人格尊严权、人身自由权。  相似文献   

2004年4月8日,江苏徐州市中级人民法院审结了一起动物损害赔偿纠纷案,判令因助产中操作不当致两只波尔羊死亡的老兽医李某承担主要责任,赔偿10500元.  相似文献   

王秀红 《中国蜂业》2009,60(11):42-42
一、蜂场遭恶性投毒,该如何赔偿 从民事法律角度看,对蜂场投毒是一种严重的民事侵权行为,应负民事赔偿责任。侵权人赔偿责任的大小,视受害蜂场所受损失而定,可通过协商、诉讼等途径主张损害赔偿。  相似文献   

规范互联网行为,正确处理网络侵权案件,对于平衡互联网产业发展与权益人合法权益的保护至关重要。2010年颁布的《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》第36条针对网络侵权行为进行了界定,但由于该条款过于简单,司法机关在处理具体案件时存在适用法律条款的模糊性。明确网络侵权责任主体的界定、网络侵权责任的归责原则、网络侵权行为所侵犯的权益类型以及网络侵权者承担责任的方式等相关问题,对司法实践中解决网络侵权案件起着不可或缺的作用。  相似文献   

物权的支配性特点。只反映了权利人与物的关系,是物权的自然属性。排他性是物权的法律属性。也是物权的本质属性。认识排他性的意义在于区分不同的私权利的界限和公权力与私权利的界限。增强人们对公权利与私权利平等保护的法律意识。解决不动产物权的优先性,可以借鉴我国专利法保护专利申请权的原则,先申请登记的物权优先更加合理。“预告登记”使债权具有了对抗其他买房人的“物权效力”。不动产交易的善意保护不同于动产交易的善意保护。区别的关键在于公示的方式不同。侵权法和侵权责任解决不了财产(包括动产和不动产)完整的支配状态的恢复问题,在物权的请求权不足以保护物权利益的情况下。再适用侵权的请求权,把侵权的请求权作为物权的请求权的补充手段,更有利于全面的保护物权的请求权。  相似文献   

陈耀东 《中国动物保健》2009,(1):117-120,122
在实践中,因缔约过失责任引发的纠纷并不少见。例如,当事人甲种植了大量季节性很强的新鲜蔬菜,从众多购买人中选择了乙作为买受人,并与乙协商。但实际上,乙并不想购买甲的蔬菜,其真实目的是为了在时间上拖住甲,使其蔬菜不能在销售旺季出售,故乙采用各种拖延战术,与甲周旋。甲发现乙并没有购买其蔬菜的真实目的后,为避免更大损失的发生,无奈之下只能将蔬菜降价出售给丙。由于错过了销售旺季,致甲损失近人民币3000元。甲的损失由谁负责?有什么法律依据?什么是缔约过失责任?哪些行为属于应承担缔约过失责任的行为?缔约过失责任与违约责任又有哪些区别?  相似文献   

2009年12月《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》在第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会议上通过。在这部法律中明确规定了侵权责任。本文从侵权责任的角度分析和释义《公司法》第21条,对其中的关联交易的侵权责任进行详细介绍。  相似文献   

无过错责任原则的责任构成要件只包括违法行为(侵权行为)、损害事实和因果关系3个构成要件.蜂螫马案属于饲养动物造成他人损害的特殊民事侵权案,适用无过错责任原则,实行举证责任倒置,由被告就原告有过错或者第三人有过错承担举证责任.但违法行为(侵权行为)、损害事实、因果关系的举证责任仍由原告承担,而非被告承担.  相似文献   

Changing climate and fuel accumulation are increasing wildfire risks across the western United States. This has led to calls for fire management reform, including the systematic use of prescribed fire. Although use of prescribed fire by private landowners in the southern Great Plains has increased during the past 30 yr, studies have determined that liability concerns are a major reason why many landowners do not use or promote the use of prescribed fire. Generally, perceptions of prescribed fire ? related liability are based on concerns over legal repercussions for escaped fire. This paper reviews the history and current legal liability standards used in the United States for prescribed fire, it examines how perceived and acceptable risk decisions about engagement in prescribed burning and other activities differ, and it presents unanticipated outcomes in two cases of prescribed fire insurance aimed at promoting the use of prescribed fire. We demonstrate that the empirical risk of liability from escaped fires is minimal (< 1%) and that other underlying factors may be leading to landowners’ exaggerated concerns of risk of liability when applying prescribed fire. We conclude that providing liability insurance may not be the most effective approach for increasing the use of prescribed fire by private landowners. Clearly differentiating the risks of applying prescribed fire from those of catastrophic wildfire damages, changing state statutes to reduce legal liability for escaped fire, and expanding landowner membership in prescribed burn associations may be more effective alternatives for attaining this goal. Fear of liability is a major deterrent to the use of prescribed fire; however, an evaluation of the risks from escaped fire does not support perceptions that using prescribed fire as a land management tool is risky. Prescribed burning associations and agencies that support land management improvement have an important role to play in spreading this message.  相似文献   

Veterinary examinations of horses on the occasion of sale or purchase take place on the basis of contracts for work and services. Three types may be distinguished: Examinations for sale (by order of the seller before the sales contract is concluded) Guarantee examination (by order of the buyer after conclusion of the sales contract) (Real) purchase examination (under a conditional contract of purchase). In the latter case the veterinarian acts as trustee for both seller and buyer and is equally obliged to both parties morally and at law. The deficiencies of the law of warranties for contracts of purchase of horses have led to the situation that more and more purchasers try to shift the risk to the veterinarian by ordering a comprehensive examination of the horse. In the light of several new court decisions the veterinarian bears a substantial risk of liability in those cases. The veterinarian is not only obliged to discover every irregularity in the health of the horse and to inform his customer accordingly; furthermore he has to inform his customer about the risks resulting from any irregularity he might have found. On the other hand the veterinarian is not obliged to make a binding prognosis of the future capabilities of the horse. The limitation period for claims of damages in case of inaccurate statements and opinions on the horse's health, which result from the veterinarian's negligence, is 30 years. The veterinarian can restrict his liability as to the limitation period and as to the maximum amount of liability. This can be done by employing standard form contracts.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

此文将一次博弈作为分析的起点,研究了畜牧业产业链中畜产品龙头企业和养殖户行为主体间在一次博弈、重复博弈中的战略选择,并研究了在有中介组织介入后的博弈关系。分析表明:如果畜产品龙头企业和养殖户进行一次博弈,毁约便成为两者的理性选择;如果两者进行有限次重复博弈,其结果是一次性博弈均衡结果的简单反复;如果两者之间进行无限次重复博弈,就能够得到最优的帕累托均衡点,选择(履约,履约)是最优策略,两者将形成良性的合作关系;如果中介组织介入后,并且监督设计合理,就可以有效地促使双方合作,使履约的几率增加,最终实现了利益的最大化。  相似文献   

Eating in response to stress or negative emotional states is well-documented in humans as well as animals in experimental settings and has been shown to work by alleviating the unpleasant emotional experience. This type of eating behavior, termed stress-induced or emotional eating, is linked to the development of obesity. Standard approaches to companion animal obesity have failed to incorporate this concept. Not every animal given more food than they need will become overweight, which raises the critical question: Why does the animal that overeats do so? If it is to help alleviate stress or negative emotional states, then the standard obesity management approach of restricting food intake without alleviating the emotional distress may actually exacerbate the distress by removing one of the animal's coping mechanisms. Moreover, because emotional eating is a coping mechanism, overeating may be a sign that an animal's psychological well-being is impaired.  相似文献   

新的企业所得税会计准则摒弃了原准则中允许企业采用的应付税款法及纳税影响会计法(包括递延税款法和损益表债务法),而要求企业只能采用资产负债表债务法对所得税进行会计核算。文中旨在对资产负债表债务法进行一个全面的解析,对资产负债表中有可能产生暂时性差异的项目进行了列举,并以案例分析的形式阐述了资产负债表债务法的整个核算过程。  相似文献   

The lack of specific rules regarding the use of animal vaccines by veterinarians leaves them vulnerable to legal action for negligence or breach of warranty. A veterinarian's liability may depend on the answers to the questions asked previously in this article. The answers ultimately depend on the specific circumstances of the case. Although no one can ensure that he or she is never going to be sued, veterinarians can go a long way in defending themselves against these kinds of allegations by conforming to the standards of practice as they apply to the care and use of vaccines; by adhering closely to the doctrines of informed consent; and by not providing undue warranty to the vaccine product he or she sells.  相似文献   

With the development of the theory of identification "duality" in medical tort lawsuit,the burden distribution system of proof of medical tort also gradually developed.So-called links are universal,state institutions are often"one change makes all change".In medical tort cases,the judges replace the trial results with expert opinion let alone tend to rely on expert opinion to determine the truth while he can't verify the case facts.The another thing,after the newly revised Civil Procedure Law revised in 2012,it defined the parties of basic rights or interests protected in the case of the cross-examination of medical damage expert opinion.But due to patient lack of medical expertise and expert refuse to appear in court,no right of cross examination could happen.A part of the medical cases are used in expert auxiliary system to solve the above difficulties,but procedures of expert assistant system have not been unified.Many problems and doubts are still in implementation for judges,lawyers,parties concerned.Analyzing the disadvantages of the present the appraisal system of medical lawsuits and working on the improvement of expert assistant system,and expect to the analysis and explanation for the medical tort lawsuit contribute to subsequent researchers and juridical practice.  相似文献   

鲜奶配送合同当事人之间具备信任关系,信誉成本较大;鲜奶配送合同标的额很小。以至于当事人不足以承担给据成本。送奶人履行合同没有书面证据,可采取“自认证据规则”、“推定”等方法证明。  相似文献   

Prescribed burning is a widely used tool in forest and grassland management. However, because fire that escapes from a prescribed burn accidentally may cause property damage, injuries, and even human casualties, purchasing insurance to cover such damages may be beneficial for prescribed burn practitioners. Given that insurance coverage for prescribed fire is recently emerging, factors that determine burners’ decisions to purchase such insurance are largely unknown. On the basis of data from a survey of prescribed burn practitioners in 14 southern and midwestern states, we modeled prescribed burners’ likelihood of purchasing insurance with respect to demographic characteristics, land management objectives, and importance placed on regulatory compliance and land use practices. Results suggest that prescribed burn practitioners are more likely to obtain such insurance if they are landowners themselves or have a written prescribed burn plan. Age of respondents and the level of importance they place on compliance with environmental laws also had a significant positive effect on the likelihood of obtaining insurance coverage. Respondents were less likely to purchase insurance if their land management objective was to control invasive plants or they considered the availability of lower-cost alternatives for woody plant removal an important factor in deciding whether or not to conduct prescribed burns. These findings shed light on underlying factors influencing insurance coverage for prescribed burning and are potentially beneficial for promoting the acquisition of insurance among burn practitioners.  相似文献   

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