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Fifty-one specific pathogen-free (SPF) cats 10 weeks to 13 years of age were infected with a cat-to-cat fecal-oral passed strain of feline enteric coronavirus (FECV). Clinical signs ranged from unapparent to a mild and self-limiting diarrhea. Twenty-nine of these cats were FECV na?ve before infection and followed sequentially for fecal virus shedding and antibody responses over a period of 8-48 months. Fecal shedding, as determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) from rectal swabs, appeared within a week and was significantly higher in kittens than older cats. FECV shedding remained at high levels for 2-10 months before eventually evolving into one of three excretion patterns. Eleven cats shed the virus persistently at varying levels over an observation period of 9-24 months. Eleven cats appeared to have periods of virus shedding interlaced with periods of non-shedding (intermittent or recurrent shedders), and seven cats ceased shedding after 5-19 months (average 12 months). There was no change in the patterns of virus shedding among cats that were excreting FECV at the time of a secondary challenge exposure. Four cats, which had ceased shedding, re-manifested a primary type infection when secondarily infected. Cats with higher feline coronavirus (FCoV) antibody titers were significantly more likely to shed virus, while cats with lower titers were significantly less likely to be shedding. Twenty-two kittens born to experimentally infected project queens began shedding virus spontaneously, but never before 9-10 weeks of age. Natural kittenhood infections appeared to be low grade and abortive. However, a characteristic primary type infection occurred following experimental infection with FECV at 12-15 weeks of age. Pregnancy, parturition and lactation had no influence on fecal shedding by queens. Methylprednisolone acetate treatment did not induce non-shedders to shed and shedders to increase shedding.  相似文献   

An enteric coronavirus that is antigenically closely related to feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) is ubiquitous in the cat population. This virus has been designated feline enteric coronavirus to differentiate it from FIPV. The virus is shed in the feces by many seropositive cats; in catteries it is a cause of inapparent to mildly severe enteritis in kittens 6 to 12 weeks of age. The virus may produce a more severe enteritis in young specific-pathogen-free kittens. Feline enteric coronavirus selectively infects the apical columnar epithelium of the intestinal villi, from the caudal part of the duodenum to the cecum. In severe infections, there are sloughing of the tips of the villi and villous atrophy. Many cats recovering from the disease remain carriers of the virus. Recovered cats, observed for 3 to 24 months, remained healthy and did not develop peritonitis, pleuritis, or granulomatous disease. The relationship of feline enteric coronavirus and FIPV was studied. Although the viruses were antigenically similar, they were distinctly different in their pathogenicities. The enteric coronavirus did not cause feline infectious peritonitis in coronavirus antibody-negative cats inoculated orally or intraperitoneally nor in coronavirus antibody-positive cats inoculated intraperitoneally or intratracheally. Serologic tests, using FIPV, canine coronavirus, and transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine as substrate antigens in fluorescent antibody procedures may not accurately identify FIPV infection. These tests do not appear to distinguish between FIPV and this feline enteric coronavirus.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify and compare interferon-γ (IFN-γ) concentrations in the serum of clinically normal cats infected with feline coronavirus (FCoV) with its concentration in the sera and effusions of cats with feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a disease associated with infection with a mutated form of FCoV.Clinically normal FCoV-infected cats living in catteries with a high prevalence of FIP had the highest serum IFN-γ concentrations. The serum concentration of IFN-γ was not significantly different in cats with FIP compared with clinically normal FCoV-infected animals living in catteries with a low prevalence of the disease. Moreover, the concentration of IFN-γ was significantly higher in the effusions than in the serum of cats with FIP, probably due to IFN-γ production within lesions. These findings support the hypothesis that there is a strong, ‘systemic’ cell mediated immune response in clinically normal, FCoV-infected cats and that a similar process, albeit at a tissue level, is involved in the pathogenesis of FIP.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess whether Holy Birman cats (HB) have a peculiar immune profile and a higher rate of infection by feline coronaviruses (FCoV). Leucocyte and lymphocyte subsets, antibody titers, α1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), globulin fractions, IL-4, IL-12 and IFN-γ in blood and fecal FCoV excretion were determined in HB (n = 75) and in cats from other breeds (n = 94). Significantly higher CD4/CD8 ratio, IFN-γ concentration and IL12/IL4 ratio and significantly lower IL-4 concentration and proportion of shedders were found in HB than in other breeds. No other differences were found. In conclusion, this study did not provide evidence of peculiar immune profiles in HB, except for a prevalent Th1 profile, that may explain why in our caseload the rate of shedders was lower in HB than in other breeds.  相似文献   

Toward the end of 1989 the largest private veterinary laboratory in Finland (Vet/lab) began using a commercial combined ELISA test for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) antibodies and Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) antigens (Cite Combo). The overall proportion of FIV seropositive feline samples was 5% during the 22 month study period. The number of tests performed increased slowly while the positive test results decreased with time (7% in 1990 and 4% in 1991). The decrease in prevalence was assumed to reflect a change in the sample population rather than an actual change in the general cat population. There were more symptomatic and domestic cats tested in 1990 than 1991. The lower-risk groups in the second year of the study may simply be an indication that the cat owners became more aware of FIV and the motivation to send samples switched from the veterinarian's interest to diagnose the disease in a symptomatic cat to the owner's interest to survey their cats for possible FIV infection. In a multivariable analysis, breed, symptoms, age and sex were associated with the risk of FIV seropositivity. The risk increased faster with age in males than in females (i.e., the age effect was not constant between sexes). The cats with symptoms had a higher risk than those without symptoms and non-purebred cats were at a higher risk than purebred cats. FeLV infection was not associated with FIV.  相似文献   

Objective To determine prevalences of feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infections in ‘healthy’ cats that, through acute misadventure or other circumstance, were presented to veterinary practitioners. Prevalences of FeLV and FIV in this population were compared to those in a population of predominantly sick cats. Design and procedures Serum specimens were obtained over a 2-year period from 200 cats oldeer than 1 year of age presented to veterinary clinics for routine procedures, including cat fight injuries or abscesses, vehicular trauma, neutering, dental scaling, vaccination, grooming or boarding. An additional 894 sera were obtained over approximately the same period from specimens submitted by veterinarians to a private clinical pathology laboratory, mainly from sick cats suspected of having immune dysfunction, but including some sera from healthy cats being screened prior to FeLV vaccination. FIV antibody and FeLV antigen were detected in samples using commercial enzyme immunoassays. Results Amongst 200 ‘healthy’ cats, the prevalence of FeLV infection was 0 to 2%, and the prevalence of FIV was 6.5 to 7.5%, depending on the stringency of the criteria used to define positivity. FIV infection was significantly more prevalent in cats which resided in an inner city environment (P = 0.013). Of the 894 serum specimens submitted to the laboratory by practitioners, 11/761 (1.4%) were FeLV positive, while 148/711 (20.8%) were FIV positive. The prevalence of FIV was significantly higher in these predominantly ‘sick’ cats than in cats seen for routine veterinary procedures (P < 0.00001), while there was no difference in the prevalence of FeLV (P = 0.75) Conclusions The prevalence of FeLV and FIV in healthy cats may have been substantially overestimated in some previous Australian surveys. FeLV infection would appear to be a rare cause of disease in Australian cats. The higher prevalence of FIV positivity in sick as opposed to healthy cats infers that FIV infection contributes to the development of disease.  相似文献   

In 2020, an outbreak of equine coronavirus (ECoV) infection occurred among 41 horses at a riding stable in Tokyo, Japan. This stable had 16 Thoroughbreds and 25 horses of other breeds, including Andalusians, ponies and miniature horses. Fifteen horses (37 %) showed mild clinical signs such as fever, lethargy, anorexia and diarrhoea, and they recovered within 3 days of onset. A virus neutralization test showed that all 41 horses were infected with ECoV, signifying that 26 horses (63 %) were subclinical. The results suggest that subclinical horses played an important role as spreaders. A genome sequence analysis revealed that the lengths from genes p4.7 to p12.7 or NS2 in ECoV differed from those of ECoVs detected previously, suggesting that this outbreak was caused by a virus different from those that caused previous outbreaks among draughthorses in Japan. Among 30 horses that tested positive by real-time RT-PCR, ECoV shedding periods of non-Thoroughbreds were significantly longer than those of Thoroughbreds. The difference in shedding periods may indicate that some breeds excrete ECoV longer than other breeds and can contribute to the spread of ECoV.  相似文献   

Clinical manifestations of heartworm disease in cats are variable; most cats seem to tolerate the infection well for extended periods. Heartworm-infected cats may undergo spontaneous self-cure due to the natural death of parasites without any symptomatology, or they may suddenly show dramatic and acute symptoms. Sudden death in apparently healthy cats is not a rare event. Thoracic radiographs are important tool for the diagnosis of cardiopulmonary disease. However, thoracic abnormalities are often absent or transient and highly variable in heartworm-infected cats. Findings, such as enlargement of the peripheral branches of the pulmonary arteries, with a varying degree of pulmonary parenchymal disease and hyperinflation, are the most typical features consistent with infection. A field study was performed for cats referred to the Veterinary Hospital Città di Pavia from January 1998 to December 2001 for routine health examinations and procedures to evaluate the clinical evolution and radiographic findings of feline heartworm infection. Thirty-four asymptomatic cats diagnosed with feline heartworm infection by antibody and antigen tests together with an echocardiogram that allowed worm visualization were included in the follow-up study. Cats were routinely examined every 3 months from the time of heartworm diagnosis until the outcome (self-cure or death). Self-cure was defined as no positive serology for heartworm antigens and no visualization of worms by echocardiography. A final examination for antibodies was carried after 12 months as a final confirmation of self-cure. Twenty-eight cats (82.4%) self-cured; including 21 that showed no clinical signs of infection throughout the study. Six cats died. The most common clinical features observed were acute respiratory symptoms and sudden death. Infection lasted over 3 years in the majority of the cats enrolled in the study. Thoracic radiograph appearance was variable, and the most commonly observed findings were focal and diffuse pulmonary parenchymal abnormalities.  相似文献   

Several immunologic responses were measured in 13 healthy cats with naturally acquired, persistent feline leukemia virus (FeLV) viremia from 4 multiple-cat households and were compared with responses from 28 of their healthy, non-FeLV-viremic housemates. Significant differences (P = less than 0.05) were not observed between results of FeLV-viremic and nonviremic cats for peripheral blood leukocyte or lymphocyte count, percentage of peripheral blood mononuclear cells able to form rosettes with guinea pig RBC or with antibody- and complement-coated sheep RBC, lymphocyte proliferative response to concanavalin A or pokeweed mitogen, or serum immunoglobulin G concentration. Seemingly, persistent FeLV viremia, when naturally acquired, may exist for some time without lymphopenia or a marked loss of mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

In the past, feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) infection, and also latent FeLV infection, were commonly associated with lymphoma and leukaemia. In this study, the prevalence of FeLV provirus in tumour tissue and bone marrow in FeLV antigen-negative cats with these tumours was assessed. Seventy-seven diseased cats were surveyed (61 antigen-negative, 16 antigen-positive). Blood, bone marrow, and tumour samples were investigated by two polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays detecting deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences of the long terminal repeats (LTR) and the envelope (env) region of the FeLV genome. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed in bone marrow and tumour tissue. None of the antigen-negative cats with lymphoma was detectably infected with latent FeLV. The prevalence of FeLV viraemia in cats with lymphoma was 20.8%. This suggests that causes other than FeLV play a role in tumorigenesis, and that latent FeLV infection is unlikely to be responsible for most feline lymphomas and leukaemias.  相似文献   

Oral lufenuron is reportedly an effective treatment for some cats with dermatophytosis. The purpose of this study was to determine if lufenuron, when used as a pre-treatment prior to challenge exposure, would be protective against the development of infection after the direct topical application of fungal macrocondia (Microsporum canis spores). Three groups (n = 6/group) of juvenile cats were treated with either monthly oral lufenuron (30 or 133 mg/kg) or placebo. After 2 months of treatment, kittens were challenged using 10(5)Microsporum canis spores applied to the skin under occlusion. Cats were examined weekly and the following data collected: Wood's lamp examination; scoring for scale/crust, erythema and induration; lesion size; and the development of satellite lesions. Fungal cultures were performed bi-weekly. All cats became infected; the infections progressed, and then regressed, in a similar fashion in all groups. There were no consistent statistically significant differences in weekly infection scores between treated and untreated cats throughout the study. Treated cats did not recover faster than untreated cats. We conclude that oral lufenuron at the dosing schedule and conditions used in this study did not prevent dermatophytosis or alter the course of infection by direct topical challenge.  相似文献   

A prospective study was performed in 34 fasted healthy cats to describe the normal ultrasonographic anatomy of the cardia and pylorus. Measurements were obtained for the caudal esophageal wall thickness (Ew), cardia wall thickness (Cw), pyloric wall thickness (Pw), thickness of the pyloric muscularis (Mp), length of the thicker part of the proximal duodenal submucosa (Dl). Among the 34 cats, 24 were examined using a linear transducer, and 10 with a microconvex transducer. Ew and Cw could be measured in 70% of the cats when a linear transducer was used, in 100% of the cats when a microconvex probe was used, Pw and Mp could be measured in 100% of the cats whatever probe was used. The submucosa of the most proximal part of the duodenum was thicker in half of the cats in longitudinal section. The muscularis layer of the pylorus was triangular in longitudinal section and thicker than the muscularis of the proximal duodenum. The mean for Ew, Cw, Pw, Mp, and DI was 4.9 mm (SD = 1.1), 5 mm (SD = 0.6), 4.4 mm (SD = 0.6), 2.5 mm (SD = 0.5), and 4.7 mm (SD = 2.38), respectively. Three cats with abnormalities of the cardia and pylorus are also described to illustrate clinical implications.  相似文献   

Six cases of Rhodococcus equi infection in cats are described. One cat had pneumonia and died. The remaining five cats had cutaneous lesions affecting the feet in four of the cats and the metacarpus in one cat, and all these cats recovered with the aid of antibiotics. All the Rhodococcus equi isolates were sensitive to amoxycillin/clavulanic acid and, where used, at least 14–16 days of treatment was needed to help eliminate the infection. Histologically and cytologically the reaction was pyogranulomatous and many macrophages in the lesions contained large numbers of Gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the origin and subsequent spread of feline calicivirus (FCV), feline herpesvirus (FHV), and feline enteric coronavirus (FECV) in cats relinquished to shelters. FCV was isolated from the oral fauces of 11% of healthy cats upon entry, and isolation rates were highest for kittens (33%). FHV shedding was very low (4%) at the time of entry and occurred mainly in juveniles. FECV shedding was also common among newly relinquished cats (33%), especially older kittens and juveniles (90%). The subsequent spread of all three viruses was rapid and efficient in the shelter environment. Fifteen percent of cats were shedding FCV, 52% FHV, and 60% FECV after 1 week. More detailed studies were done with FECV shedding, which could be accurately quantitated. The amounts of FECV shed by infected cats ranged from 10(2)to 10(16)particles/swab of feces. FECV shedding was several logs higher in young kittens with primary infection than adult cats with primary infections. The mean levels of FECV shedding among adults were the same for primary and chronic infections. Although shelters were not the primary source of these viruses for many relinquished cats, factors intrinsic to the shelter environment were critical in amplifying shedding and spread to susceptible individuals. Extrinsic factors were especially important for the spread of FHV and FECV. FHV shedding rates increased from 4% to 50% in 1 week's time. The speed and magnitude of the increase in FHV shedding suggested that there was reactivation of latent infections as well as acquisition of new infections. FECV shedding increased 10 to 1,000,000 fold in 1 week among cats that were already infected at entry, and more than one-half of initially negative cats were shedding FECV a week later. Feline calicivirus infection was the least likely to spread in the shelter. The infection rate only increased from 11 to 15% in 1 week.  相似文献   

A closed household of 26 cats in which feline coronavirus (FCoV), feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) were endemic was observed for 10 years. Each cat was seropositive for FCoV on at least one occasion and the infection was maintained by reinfection. After 10 years, three of six surviving cats were still seropositive. Only one cat, which was also infected with FIV, developed feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). Rising anti-FCoV antibody titres did not indicate that the cat would develop FIP. The FeLV infection was self-limiting because all seven of the initially viraemic cats died within five years and the remainder were immune. However, FeLV had the greatest impact on mortality. Nine cats were initially FIV-positive and six more cats became infected during the course of the study, without evidence of having been bitten. The FIV infection did not adversely affect the cats' life expectancy.  相似文献   

Equine coronavirus (ECoV) is an emerging virus associated clinically and epidemiologically with fever, depression, anorexia and less frequently colic and diarrhoea in adult horses. Sporadic cases and outbreaks have been reported with increased frequency since 2010 from Japan, the USA and more recently from Europe. A faeco‐oral transmission route is suspected and clinical or asymptomatic infected horses appear to be responsible for direct and indirect transmission of ECoV. A presumptive clinical diagnosis of ECoV infection may be suggested by clinical presentation, haematological abnormalities such as leucopenia due to lymphopenia and/or neutropenia. Confirmation of ECoV infection is provided by specific ECoV nucleic acid detection in faeces by quantitative PCR (qPCR) or demonstration of coronavirus antigen by immunohistochemistry or electron microscopy in intestinal biopsy material obtained ante or post mortem. The disease is generally self‐limiting and horses typically recover with symptomatic supportive care. Complications associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal barrier have been reported in some infected horses and include endotoxaemia, septicaemia and hyperammonaemia‐associated encephalopathy. Although specific immunoprophylactic measures have been shown to be effective in disease prevention for closely‐related coronaviruses such as bovine coronavirus (BCoV), such strategies have yet not been investigated for horses and disease prevention is limited to basic biosecurity protocols. This article reviews current knowledge concerning the aetiology, epidemiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, pathology, treatment and prevention of ECoV infection in adult horses.  相似文献   

Histoplasma capsulatum is endemic throughout most of the United States with a high prevalence of infections in the Midwest and South. Histoplasmosis is the second most common systemic fungal disease in cats that may be more susceptible than dogs. Infection occurs by inhalation of conidia from the mycelial phase, which subsequently convert to the yeast form. Histoplasma capsulatum is phagocytized and harbored by cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system. Infection may be subclinical or cause clinical pulmonary granulomatous disease or dissemination. Disseminated disease predominantly affects the liver, spleen, gastrointestinal tract, bone and bone marrow, integument, and eyes. Primary gastrointestinal histoplasmosis also occurs. Clinical signs of histoplasmosis often are nonspecific, including chronic wasting, fever, anorexia, respiratory signs, and lameness. Gastrointestinal signs (eg, diarrhea with hematochezia or melena) are common in dogs. The definitive diagnosis is made by identification of the yeast in tissue samples. Itraconazole is the treatment of choice.  相似文献   

The possible role of some acute phase proteins (APPs) and immunoglobulins in both the pathogenesis and diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) has been investigated. Serum protein electrophoresis and the concentration of haptoglobin (Hp), serum amyloid A (SAA), alpha(1)-acid glycoprotein (AGP), IgG and IgM were evaluated in cats exposed to feline coronavirus (FCoV) and in cats with FIP. The highest concentration of APPs was detected in affected cats, confirming the role of these proteins in supporting a clinical diagnosis of FIP. Repeated samplings from both FIP affected and FCoV-exposed cats showed that when FIP appeared in the group, all the cats had increased APP levels. This increase persisted only in cats that developed FIP (in spite of a decrease in alpha(2)-globulins) but it was only transient in FCoV-exposed cats, in which a long lasting increase in alpha(2)-globulins was observed. These results suggest that changes in the electrophoretic motility of APPs or APPs other than Hp, SAA and AGP might be involved in the pathogenesis of FIP or in protecting cats from the disease.  相似文献   

Background: Feline panleukopenia is a highly contagious and often lethal disease. Objective: The purpose of the study was to identify prognostic factors for survival of cats with panleukopenia. Animals: Between 1990 and 2007, 244 cats were diagnosed with panleukopenia in the Clinic of Small Animal Medicine, LMU University of Munich, Germany. Diagnosis was established by electron microscopy, polymerase chain reaction of feces or blood, antigen ELISA of feces, pathognomonic histopathological lesions at necropsy, or some combination of these procedures. Methods: Medical records of each cat were evaluated retrospectively. Results: Survival rate was 51.1%. No significant correlation was found between outcome and living conditions, age, vaccination status (unvaccinated versus one or more vaccines administered), or severity of clinical signs. However, of the vaccinated cats, none had received a vaccine later than 12 weeks of age as a kitten. Nonsurvivors had significantly lower leukocyte and thrombocyte counts at presentation compared with survivors. The relative risk of death for patients with <1,000/μL leukocytes was 1.77 times as high as in patients with a leukocyte count of 1,000–2,500/μL (P= .038), and 1.85 times as high as in patients with >2,500/μL leukocytes (P= .001). The likelihood of a fatal outcome was higher when serum albumin concentration was <30 g/L or serum potassium concentration <4 mmol/L. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Vaccination strategies that do not include vaccination of kittens beyond 12 weeks of age may not be adequate to prevent panleukopenia. Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, hypoalbuminemia, and hypokalemia are negative prognostic factors in cats with panleukopenia.  相似文献   

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