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Tolerance of septoria leaf blotch in winter wheat   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
For individual varieties, tolerance of septoria leaf blotch was quantified by the slope of the relationship between disease and yield. Variation in disease severity and the associated yield responses were provided across two sites and three seasons of field experiments. Slopes were fitted by residual maximum likelihood for two contrasting models: (i) a fixed-effects model, where no prior assumptions were made about the form of the variety slopes; and (ii) a random-effects model, where deviations in individual variety slopes away from the mean variety slope formed a normal random population with unknown variance. The analyses gave broadly similar results, but with some significant differences. The random model was considered more reliable for predicting variety performance. The effects of disease were quantified as symptom area and green canopy duration. Models of the relationship between symptom area and yield were site-specific. When site effects were not taken into account, these models had poor predictive precision. Models based on the canopy green area gave robust predictions of yield and were not site-specific. Differences in disease tolerance were detected in a comparison of 25 commercial winter wheat varieties. Tolerance was not detected directly through symptom measurements, but instead through measurements of canopy green area, which provides a measurement of the effects of disease that accounts for differences in canopy size across sites and seasons. The varieties showing greatest tolerance tended to have lower attainable yield than the intolerant varieties. Presence of the 1BL/1RS chromosome translocation, which has been reported to increase radiation use efficiency, appeared to be associated with intolerance.  相似文献   

The genetics of resistance to Septoria speckled leaf blotch (SSLB), caused by Septoria passerinii, was studied in the Leger × CIho9831 barley doubled-haploid population. The 140 lines in the population segregated as 102 resistant and 38 susceptible, approximating a 3:1 ratio. A recombination map was developed using diversity arrays technology and other molecular markers. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis demonstrated that resistance is primarily conferred either by having the CIho9831 allele at a QTL on 6HS or by having the CIho9831 allele at both of two QTLs on 3H and 2HL. In addition, ≈1/16 of the lines were resistant for unidentified reasons. This model predicts a resistant/susceptible ratio of 11:5, which fits the phenotypic observations. Minor QTLs were detected on 2HS and 1H. DNA sequences of linked markers suggest that the 6HS, 3H, and 2HS QTLs are part of resistance gene clusters and that the 6HS and 3H QTLs share homology. The 6HS QTL is identical to or closely linked to the SSLB resistance locus Rsp4 and the 1H QTL to the Rsp2 or Rsp3 locus. The 3H and 2HS QTLs are unique and offer new opportunities for pyramiding resistance genes through marker-assisted breeding for resistance to S. passerinii.  相似文献   

The effect of foliar-applied potassium chloride on Septoria tritici , the anamorph of Mycosphaerella graminicola , was quantified and possible modes of action investigated during controlled-environment and field experiments. A field experiment in harvest year 1997 showed c . 50% reduction in the area of leaf 2 of winter wheat plants affected by septoria leaf blotch after foliar application of potassium chloride, compared with untreated controls. Similarly, in harvest year 1998 potassium chloride reduced, by about one-third, the area of the flag and penultimate leaf affected by S. tritici . However, a significant yield increase was not observed, although grains m−2 did show an increase of borderline significance. Applications of epoxiconazole reduced the area of leaf 4 affected by S. tritici compared with untreated controls, whereas applications of chlorothalonil, potassium chloride or polyethylene glycol proved ineffective against disease development. This may suggest that potassium chloride is relatively immobile and possesses contact activity similar to that of chlorothalonil. In 1998, similar reductions in leaf area affected were observed with the inert osmoticum polyethylene glycol in the field, suggesting that the control provided by potassium chloride may be achieved by adverse osmotic effects on the pathogen. Scanning electron microscopy of germinating conidia on wheat plants showed inhibition of conidial germination by both potassium chloride and polyethylene glycol at the same calculated osmotic potential on the leaf surface.  相似文献   

The incidence of powdery mildew, caused bySphaerotheca fuliginea (Schlecht. Fr.) Polacci, in squash plants, was suppressed in the field to 50–60% of that in untreated control plants by weekly sprays with whitewash (Loven or Yalbin) or clay. Loven or Yalbin sprays resulted in significant reductions in disease level, more on the adaxial (59–65%) than on the abaxial (38–52%) surface of leaves, and more on young (53–59%) than on old (12–18%) leaves. The addition of 0.1% Dabak (a commercial sticker) to the whitewashes significantly increased their efficiency (22% above that of the controls), the degree of protection being associated with whitewash concentration. Squash leaves were protected from powdery mildew also by weekly sprays of the antitranspirant Vapor Gard, to a level comparable with that achieved by a whitewash plus sticker. However, the protection levels achieved with whitewashes, clays and antitranspirant were lower than with a fungicide (propiconazole). Experiments conducted under controlled conditions resulted in higher rates of escape from infection and a lower rate of hyphal and conidial development on plants and tissues following whitewash, clay and antitranspirant treatments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Septoria speckled leaf blotch (SSLB), caused by Septoria passerinii, has emerged as one of the most important foliar diseases of barley in the Upper Midwest region of the United States. To map and tag genes for SSLB resistance, we developed two populations derived from the resistant accessions CIho 4780 and CIho 10644 and the susceptible malting cv. Foster. Segregation analysis of F(2) plants or F(2:3) families from the Foster/CIho 4780 and Foster/CIho 10644 populations revealed that a single dominant gene conferred resistance at the seedling stage. Bulked segregant analysis identified an amplified fragment length polymorphism marker, E-ACT/M-CAA-170, that co-segregated with the SSLB resistance gene Rsp2 in the Foster/CIho 4780 F(2) population. Southern hybridization analysis with DNA from the wheat/barley addition lines localized E-ACT/M-CAA-170 on the short arm of the barley chromosome 5(1H). Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis with DNA clones previously mapped to the short arm of chromosome 5(1H) placed Rsp2 at a position flanked by the markers Act8 and ksuD14. A sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker (E-ACT/M-CAA-170a) was developed that co-segregated with not only Rsp2 in the Foster/CIho 4780 population but also resistance gene Rsp3 in the Foster/CIho 10644 population. This result indicates that Rsp3 is closely linked to Rsp2 on the short arm of chromosome 5(1H). The utility of SCAR marker E-ACT/M-CAA-170a for selecting Rsp2 in two different breeding populations was validated.  相似文献   

Application of cells of two isolates of fluorescent pseudomonads from soil to wheat seedlings prior to inoculation with Mycosphaerella graminicola (anamorph, Septoria tritici) or Puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici markedly reduced symptom expression. These Pseudomonas isolates, LEC 1 and LEC 2. also reduced in vitro growth of Geotrichum candidum. Rhizoctonia solani. Sclerotium rolfsii and S. tritici. Growth of the melanin-producing isolate ISR398 of S. tritici was inhibited on silica gel thin-layer chromatograms by compound(s) extracted with diethyl ether from King's Medium B colonized by Pseudomonas isolate LEC 1. The growth of the antagonistic pseudomonads on defined medium was not affected by the following commercial fungicides: benomyl, captafol, chlorothalonil, fenarimol, mancozeb, maneb, metalaxyl, prochloraz, propiconazole, triadimefon, and the herbicides 2,4-D and diclofop-methyl at the recommended concentrations  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - In precision agriculture, pesticides and other inputs shall be used precisely when (and where) they are needed. European Directive 2009/128/EC calls for...  相似文献   

Powdery mildew infection of barley with the mlo5 barley powdery mildew resistance gene was examined, using near-isogenic barley lines, with and without mlo5 resistance, and two near-isogenic powdery mildew isolates, HL3/5 and GE3 with high (virulent) or low (avirulent) penetration efficiency on the resistant barley line. In all isolate–host combinations (except GE3 on the resistant barley line), frequency of haustorium formation increased significantly from zero at 11 h after inoculation to a maximum by 13 h, and there was no subsequent increase up to 24 h. In the susceptible barley line, 27% of appressoria from both isolates formed haustoria. Although this was significantly higher than the frequency of haustorium formation (18%) of HL3/5 on the resistant barley line, HL3/5 was much more successful than GE3 (frequency of haustorium formation less than 1%). The fact that HL3/5 did not possess a generally higher ability to penetrate successfully to form haustoria on the susceptible barley line, indicates that HL3/5 did not overcome the mlo5 resistance by being generally more vigorous. In the resistant barley line, papillae were larger than in the susceptible line; however, both isolates were associated with papillae of the same diameter at the time of penetration. We suggest that the mlo5 resistant barley line confers two different forms of resistance: isolate-specific and isolate-nonspecific.  相似文献   

Batches of two winter wheat cultivars (Riband and Apollo) were inoculated with conidia of Mycosphaerella graminicola at weekly intervals over a 2 year period. Following 72 h incubation, plants were placed in ambient temperatures ranging between −7 and 32°C with mean batch temperatures of 2·9–20·2°C. Latent period until the first visible symptoms ranged between 11 and 42 days. The relationship between development of lesions and accumulated thermal time was described using a shifted cumulative gamma distribution model. The model provided good estimates of lesion development with r 2 > 0·92 for both cultivars. Base temperatures, below which the pathogen did not develop, were estimated from the model as approximately −2·4°C for the two cultivars. Latent period was estimated as being 250 and 301 degree-days above the estimated base temperature, when defined as time from inoculation to first lesion and time to 50% of maximal lesions, respectively, for cv. Riband. The values for cv. Apollo were similar, but with estimates of thermal time periods c . 5% higher. The relationship between mean temperature and inverse latent period, expressed as days either to first lesion or to 50% of maximal lesions, was best described by a linear regression with r 2 > 0·96 for both cultivars. The opportunity for plants to outgrow disease was reduced when prolonged periods of cold temperature occurred, because the base temperature for growth of the pathogen was less than that for the crop.  相似文献   

Members of a new class of fungicide containing benzylaminopyrimidine as a core structure were synthesized and their fungicidal potencies against wheat brown rust, Puccinia recondita, and barley powdery mildew, Erysiphe graminis, were assessed. Among these fungicides, N-(fluoroalkoxy or fluorophenoxybenzyl)-4-pyrimidinamines showed notable preventive activities. The potency of the new pyrimidines was increased when a difluoromethoxy or tetrafluorophenoxy group was introduced at the 4- or 3-position of the phenyl moiety and a methyl or ethyl group was introduced at the benzyl position. Structure–activity relationships are discussed. © 1998 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Methods to estimate disease severity vary in accuracy, reliability, ease of use and cost. Severity of septoria leaf blotch (SLB, caused by Zymoseptoria tritici) was estimated by four raters and by image analysis (assumed actual values) on individual leaves of winter wheat in order to explore accuracy and reliability of estimates, and to ascertain whether there were any general characteristics of error. Specifically, the study determined: (i) the accuracy and reliability of visual assessments of SLB over the full range of severity from 0 to 100%; (ii) whether certain 10% ranges in actual disease severity between 0 and 100% were more prone to estimation error compared with others; and (iii) whether leaf position affected accuracy within those ranges. Lin's concordance correlation analysis of all severities (0–100%) demonstrated that all raters had estimates close to the actual values (agreement: ρc = 0·92–0·99). However, agreement between actual SLB severities and estimates by raters was less good when compared over short 10% subdivisions within the 0–100% range (ρc = ?0·12 to 0·99). Despite common rater imprecision at estimating low and high SLB severities, individual raters differed considerably in their accuracy over the short 10% subdivisions. There was no effect of leaf position on accuracy or precision of severity estimate on separate leaves (L1–L3). Pursuing efforts in understanding error in disease estimation should aid in improving the accuracy of assessments, making visual estimates of disease severity more useful for research and applied purposes.  相似文献   

Various film-forming anti-transpirants effectively controlled leaf rust and powdery mildew on wheat in the field. Two applications of anti-transpirant emulsions applied after flag leaf emergence were sufficient to suppress leaf rust and powdery mildew on wheat leaves. When applied before, but not after, inoculation anti-transpirant polymers also reduced leaf rust on seedling plants in a growth room experiment.  相似文献   

Aggregation in the distribution of pathotypes of Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei , the barley powdery mildew pathogen, was investigated in field plots of 'Golden Promise', 'Proctor' and 'Tyra'. 'Golden Promise' and 'Proctor' have no effective mildew resistance alleles, whereas 'Tyra' has Mla1 , which was only effective against a proportion of the mildew population. Isolates of mildew were sampled according to a grid sampling scheme and their virulence spectra ascertained in order to group them according to pathotype. The populations were very diverse, and evidence for aggregation (quantified using join counts) was found only in the 'Tyra' plots, at distances of up to 1m. This aggregation was reduced in a subsequent sample. The results are consistent with a model in which mildew epidemics are started by a large number of initial infections, which then form diffuse, overlapping aggregations of clones. These aggregations then become more diffuse, so that the amount of aggregation reduces with time. The greater amount of aggregation seen in the 'Tyra' plots might have been caused by there being less initial inoculum with virulence towards that cultivar.  相似文献   

Twenty-four wheat cultivars and breeding lines were screened for isolate-specific resistance to septoria tritici blotch (STB) caused by 12 isolates of Mycosphaerella graminicola. New isolate-specific resistances that could be used in wheat breeding were identified. Major sources of resistance to STB used in world breeding programmes for decades, such as Kavkaz-K4500, Veranopolis, Catbird and TE9111, have several isolate-specific resistances. This suggests that 'pyramiding' several resistance genes in one cultivar may be an effective and durable strategy for breeding for resistance to STB in wheat. Several cultivars, including Arina, Milan and Senat, had high levels of partial resistance to most isolates tested as well as isolate-specific resistances. Resistance to isolate IPO323 was common, present in all but one of the major sources of resistance tested. This suggests that resistance to IPO323 may be an indicator of varietal resistance to STB in the field.  相似文献   

Movement of barley powdery mildew within field plots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Movement of barley powdery mildew (caused by Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei ) within fields was investigated by sowing the barley cultivars Tyra and Jupiter side by side in two field plots, and trapping spores along transects within the plots. The trapped spores were tested for virulence on the two cultivars. The epidemic on Tyra developed quickly, and a gradient in the proportion of spores with virulence on Tyra was detected in the Jupiter half-plots. In the Jupiter half-plots, the epidemic was much less severe; and no mildew could be found in one plot. Movement of spores from one half of the plot to the other usually declined steeply in the first 4 m from the boundary, and was not detectable beyond 12 m. There were exceptions where the gradient was much shallower, and these were consistent with differences in wind direction.  相似文献   

小麦白粉病与温度的定量关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
温度对小麦白粉病影响试验的结果表明,此病害适宜发生的温度为15~20℃,低于10℃或高于25℃对该病有明显抑制作用。当温度高于26℃时,试验显示随着温度的升高,终止小麦白粉病病程的时间缩短,据此建立了不同温度(x)与相应终止病程的时间(y)的关系模型为y=21 900e-0.303 5x2=1.65<χ20.05,7=14.07)。同时,根据高温区病害的严重度(y)与温度(x)的试验数据,建立了其关系模型为:y=-3.00x+76.60(r2=0.922 1**),由此计算获得了连续10 d(一个病程时间)温度为25.53℃即可终止此病害的病程。该试验结果将为小麦白粉病的越夏区划提供基础数据。  相似文献   

山西小麦品种和育种材料抗锈病、白粉病鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011—2015年,采用人工接菌方法,对25个育种单位的601份小麦品种和育种材料进行了小麦条锈病、叶锈病和白粉病的抗病性鉴定,筛选出对小麦条锈病抗性表现良好的品种材料36份,对小麦叶锈病抗性表现良好的品种材料16份,对小麦白粉病抗性表现良好的品种材料12份。  相似文献   

Mixtures of cultivars with contrasting levels of resistance can suppress infectious diseases in wheat, as demonstrated in numerous field experiments. Most studies focus on airborne pathogens in bread wheat, while splash-dispersed pathogens have received less attention, and no studies have been conducted in durum wheat. We conducted a 2-year field experiment in Tunisia to evaluate the performance of cultivar mixtures with varying proportions of resistance (0%–100%) in controlling the polycyclic, splash-dispersed disease septoria tritici blotch (STB) in durum wheat. To measure STB severity, we used a high-throughput method based on digital image analysis of 3,074 infected leaves collected from 42 and 40 experimental plots during the first and second years, respectively. This allowed us to quantify pathogen reproduction on wheat leaves and to acquire a large data set that exceeds previous studies with respect to accuracy and precision. Our analyses show that introducing only 25% of a disease-resistant cultivar into a pure stand of a susceptible cultivar provides a substantial reduction of almost 50% in disease severity compared to the susceptible pure stand. However, incorporating two resistant cultivars instead of one did not further improve disease control, contrary to predictions of epidemiological theory. Susceptible cultivars can be agronomically superior to resistant cultivars or be better accepted by growers for other reasons. Hence, if mixtures with only a moderate proportion of the resistant cultivar provide a similar degree of disease control as resistant pure stands, as our analysis indicates, such mixtures are more likely to be accepted by growers.  相似文献   

Lee SH  Neate SM 《Phytopathology》2007,97(2):155-161
ABSTRACT Septoria speckled leaf blotch (SSLB) caused by Septoria passerinii is a common disease in barley. SSLB resistance genes Rsp1, Rsp2, and Rsp3 have previously been identified in the United States Department of Agriculture National Small Grains collection accessions CIho 14300, CIho 4780, and CIho 10644, respectively. Populations of 100 to 120 F(2) individuals were evaluated for SSLB resistance in the greenhouse. Inheritance was evaluated in F(2:3)-derived families in the field. Partial molecular maps for three Rsp genes were constructed on F(2) and F(2:3) families derived from crosses between Robust and the resistant accessions CIho 14300, CIho 4780, and CIho 10644. The resistant locus Rsp1 was mapped to the short arm of chromosome 3H with two flanking diversity arrays technology (DArT) markers, bPb-6978 (8.9 cM) and bPb-9945 (16.3 cM), and two random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers, OPC2(441R) (3.0 cM) and UBC285(158R) (4.3 cM). The genes Rsp2 and Rsp3 were positioned on the short arm of barley chromosome 1H with two restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), six DArT, and three RAPD markers. An RFLP marker, MWG938, and an RAPD marker, OPAH5(545C), were tightly associated with Rsp2 at a distance of 0 cM. Five DArT markers spanning the short arm of 1H surrounded Rsp3 at a distance of 2.3 and 5.8 cM, while two RAPD markers-OPBA12(314C) (2.4 cM) in coupling and OPB17(451R) (3.5 cM) in repulsion-flanked Rsp3. Molecular marker data associated with Rsp2 and Rsp3 indicated that the two genes are closely linked on chromosome 1HS. A total of 17 of 154 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) tested were associated with Rsp genes on chromosome 1H and 3H, and they were also integrated into genetic linkage maps of the three F(2) Robust populations. Knowledge about the map position of Rsp genes on barley chromosomes will be useful for breeding for SSLB resistance in barley and eventual gene cloning.  相似文献   

Abastract The photosynthesis and transpiration rates of winter wheat leaves were measured at different developmental stages and at various levels of mildew infection. Even at low levels of infection, circa 4% leaf area being covered, both the assimilation and transpiration rates at light satiation were considerably reduced. Light use efficiency and dark respiration were not significantly affected. The physiological background of these effects was analysed by photosynthesis measurements at different external CO2 concentrations. It was shown that the carboxylation resistance was increased due to mildew infection and that stomatal resistance, boundary layer resistance and transport resistance in the mesophyll were only indirectly affected.A simulation model was used to compute the consequences of these effects on daily growth rate of a winter wheat canopy at different development stages and with different levels of mildew severity. These computations show that a low infection level may result in a considerable reduction of the crop growth rate. This effect was more pronounced when the sky was clear than overcast.Samenvatting Bepalingen van fotosynthese en verdamping werden verricht bij verschillende ontwikkelingsstadia van wintertarwe, die in verschillende mate was aangetast door meeldauw. Zelfs bij vrij lage infectiepercentages (circa 4%) was er al een aanzienlijke reductie van assimilatie en verdampingssnelheid bij lichtverzadiging. Lichtbenuttingsefficiëntie en donkerademhaling werden niet significant beïnvloed.De fysiologische achtergrond van deze effecten werd onderzocht door fotosynthesemetingen bij verschillende externe CO2 concentraties. Er werd aangetoond dat de carboxylatieweerstand werd verhoogd door meeldauwinfectie en dat de huidmondjesweerstand, grenslaagweerstand en transportweerstand in het mesofyl indirect werden beïnvloed.De gevolgen van deze effecten op de dagelijkse groeisnelheid van een wintertarwegewas in verschillende ontwikkelingsfasen en met verschillende LAI werd nagegaan met een simulatiemodel. Deze berekeningen tonen aan dat een geringe meeldauwaantasting resulteert in een aanzienlijke reductie van de groeisnelheid van het gewas. Dit effect was duidelijker bij heldere dan bij bewolkte hemel.  相似文献   

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