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The aim of this study was to determine the dietary intake of perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) by the population of Tarragona County (Catalonia, Spain). PFC levels were determined in 36 composite samples of foodstuffs randomly purchased in various locations. Exposure to PFCs through the diet was estimated for various age/gender groups. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorocarboxylate perfluorooctanoate (PFOA), and perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA) were the only detected PFCs in foodstuffs. On average, for a standard adult man (70 kg of body weight), the dietary intake of PFOS was estimated to be 62.5 or 74.2 ng/day (assuming ND=0 or ND=1/2 LOD, respectively). Fish, followed by dairy products and meats, were the main contributors to PFOS intake. For an adult man, the intake of PFOS (1.07 ng/kg/day) and those of PFOA and PFHpA were lower than that recently reported for Canada (4.0 ng/kg/day), and considerably lower than that previously found in the United Kingdom, the only two countries where, to date, results concerning this issue have been reported. A correlation between dietary intake and blood levels of PFOS is suggested. However, the current results do not justify dietary intake as the main route of exposure governing blood concentrations of other PFCs.  相似文献   

Although polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (PCDEs) are recognized environmental pollutants, information concerning human exposure to these organic substances is very scarce. For the present study the concentrations of PCDEs in a number of foodstuffs acquired in Catalonia, Spain, were determined. The dietary intake of PCDEs was estimated for various age groups of the general population living in this Spanish region. With the exception of fish and shellfish, PCDE concentrations were under the limit of detection in the 10 remaining food groups analyzed. For an adult (20-65 years old) male of 70 kg average body weight, the estimated total dietary intake of PCDEs was 41 ng/day. It was assumed that if a PCDE congener was below the detection limit, the concentration was equal to half of the limit of detection. The highest exposure to PCDEs through the diet corresponded to the group aged 51-65 years, whereas the lowest intake corresponded to the youngest group (4-9 years). With the exception of the group aged >65 years, PCDE intake was always higher in males than in females. The results of this study should be of interest for future assessments of time trends in human exposure to PCDEs through the diet.  相似文献   



Perfluorinated compounds (PFC) are toxic and bioaccumulative compounds that are ubiquitous in the environment. It is important to develop effective techniques to remove PFC from water. This study is the first to investigate sorption of PFC to activated carbon (AC) at environmentally relevant nanogram per liter concentrations.  相似文献   

Human exposure to perfluorinated compounds is a worldwide phenomenon; however, routes of human exposure to these compounds have not been well-characterized. Fifty-four solid food composite samples collected as part of the Canadian Total Diet Study (TDS) were analyzed for perfluorocarboxylates and perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) using a methanol extraction liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method. Foods analyzed included fish and seafood, meat, poultry, frozen entrées, fast food, and microwave popcorn collected from 1992 to 2004 and prepared as for consumption. Nine composites contained detectable levels of perfluorinated compounds-four meat-containing, three fish and shellfish, one fast food, and one microwave popcorn. PFOS and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) were detected the most frequently; concentrations ranged from 0.5 to 4.5 ng/g. The average dietary intake of total perfluorocarboxylates and PFOS for Canadians was estimated to be 250 ng/day, using results from the 2004 TDS composites. A comparison with intakes of perfluorocarboxylates and PFOS via other routes (air, water, dust, treated carpeting, and apparel) suggested that diet is an important source of these compounds. There was a substantial margin of exposure between the toxicological points of reference and the magnitude of dietary intake of perfluorinated compounds for Canadians >/= 12 years old.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in Catalonia (NE Spain) to determine the baseline levels and the polluted contents of Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V and Zn (aqua regia-extractable) in soils of an agroindustrial area near Barcelona. The samples analyzed proceeded from two soil surveys. 268 samples belonged to 67 representative, and slightly disturbed, soil profiles sampled during a previous soil survey, and 95 superficial samples were taken near a composting plant (heavily disturbed and presumably polluted). Probability plots were used to establish the reference (or background) levels and a literature comparison was made to check the validity of the background ranges established. The raw data sets and the uncontaminated resulting populations were studied by means of frequency histograms and of statistical tests in order to verify the general assumption, which states that trace element distributions in soils follow the log-normal law. The results showed that the studied elements were distributed in these soils following the log-normal law and that the established reference values were in agreement with those reported in the literature.  相似文献   

A modification of the official AOAC method for determining methyl mercury in fish and shellfish was studied in 8 laboratories. Methyl mercury is isolated from homogenized, acetone-washed tissue by adding HCl and extracting into toluene the methyl mercuric chloride produced. The extract is analyzed for methyl mercuric chloride by electron capture gas chromatography. Collaborators determined methyl mercury in blind duplicate homogenates at 2 levels in tuna and at 1 level in swordfish and oysters. Collaborators also analyzed single homogenates of swordfish and oysters containing methyl mercury at a second level. Both fortified and unfortified tissues were analyzed. Methyl-bound mercury in the commodities ranged from 0.50 to 2.30 micrograms Hg/g. Reproducibility coefficients of variation ranged from 4 to 15%. Accuracy, measured by comparison to reference values, ranged from 92 to 101%. Recovery from fortified homogenates ranged from 86 to 98%. Reference values and unfortified levels were determined in the author's laboratory by replicate analysis of fortified and unfortified commodities. The method has been approved interim official first action.  相似文献   

The AOAC official first action method for methyl mercury in fish and shellfish was modified to provide more rapid determination. Methyl mercury is isolated from homogenized, acetone-washed tissue by addition of HCl and extraction by toluene of the methyl mercuric chloride produced. The extract is analyzed by electron capture gas chromatography (GC) on 5% DEGS-PS treated with mercuric chloride solution. The quantitation limit of the method is 0.25 micrograms Hg/g. Swordfish, shark, tuna, shrimp, clams, oysters, and NBS Research Material-50 (tuna) were analyzed for methyl mercury by the AOAC official first action method. All products also were analyzed by the modified method and the AOAC official method for total Hg. In addition, selected extracts obtained with the modified method were analyzed by GC with Hg-selective, microwave-induced helium plasma detection. There was no significant difference between the results for the various methods. Essentially all the Hg present (determined as total Hg) was in the organic form. Coefficients of variation from analyses by the modified method ranged from 1 to 7% for fish and shellfish containing methyl mercury at levels of 0.50-2.30 micrograms Hg/g. The overall average recovery was 100.5%.  相似文献   

A simple and accurate analytical method for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in fish and shellfish is presented, which is considered to be useful for routine analyses and for screening purposes. The procedure involves alkaline digestion, extraction with n-hexane, silica gel column chromatography, and liquid chromatographic (LC) determination with fluorometric detection. During development of the analytical method for determination of PAHs, it was found that benzo[a]pyrene, a representative PAH, was decomposed easily by the analytical procedure, and this tendency was investigated for the experimental conditions used. Benzo[a]pyrene was decomposed by the coexistence of alkaline conditions, light, and oxygen; by peroxides in aged ethyl ether; and by oxygen when absorbed on silica gel. Thus, to obtain good recoveries and precise analytical results, these decomposition conditions must be avoided. The following precautions are recommended: protection from light through all analytical steps; addition of Na2S to alkaline digestion mixture as an antioxidant; complete removal of peroxides from ethyl ether just before use; quick column chromatography on silica gel; and prevention of air from contact with adsorbent. When this simple method was applied to fish and shellfish samples, very good recoveries of PAHs from fortified fish samples were obtained, and no serious interferences were observed in fish and shellfish extracts.  相似文献   

Despite the growing public interest in perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), very few studies have reported the sources and pathways of human exposure to these compounds in China. In this study, concentrations of 10 PFCs were measured in human blood, water (tap water and surface water), freshwater fish, and seafood samples collected from China. On the basis of the data, we calculated daily intakes of PFCs, regional differences in human exposures, and potential risks associated with ingestion of PFCs from diet, drinking water, and indoor dust for the Chinese population. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) was the most predominant PFC found with a mean concentration of 12.5 ng/mL in human blood from Tianjin and 0.92 ng/g wet wt in freshwater fish and seafood; perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) was the major PFC found in drinking water at a concentration range of 0.10 to 0.92 ng/L. The estimated daily intake of PFOS and PFOA via fish and seafood consumption (EDI(fish&seafood)) ranged from 0.10 to 2.51 and 0.13 to 0.38 ng/kg bw/day, respectively, for different age groups (i.e., toddlers, adolescents and children, and adults) from selected locations (i.e., Tianjin, Nanchang, Wuhan, and Shenyang). The EDI(fish&seafood) of PFCs decreased (p < 0.05) with age. The estimated daily intake of PFOS and PFOA via drinking water consumption (EDI(drinking water)) ranged from 0.006 to 0.014 and 0.010 to 0.159 ng/kg bw/day, respectively. Comparison of EDI(fish&seafood) and EDI(drinking water) values with those of the modeled total dietary intake (TDI) of PFCs by adults from Tianjin, Nanchang, Wuhan, and Shenyang showed that contributions of fish and seafood to TDI of PFOS varied depending on the location. Fish and seafood accounted for 7%, 24%, 80%, and 84% of PFOS intake in Nanchang, Shenyang, Wuhan, and Tianjin, respectively, suggesting regional differences in human exposure to PFOS. Drinking water was a minor source of PFOS (<1%) exposure in adults from all the study locations.  相似文献   

A surveillance program on polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in 29 foodstuff samples produced all over the four provinces in Catalonia (Spain) is presented. The study included the analyses of milk, egg, meat (beef, chicken, and pork), mussel, and olive oil samples. A previously developed method for the simultaneous analysis of the 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDDs/PCDFs and the dioxin-like PCBs, as well as the indicator PCBs, was employed. Total toxicity equivalent (TEQ) values were calculated using the toxicity equivalent factors (TEFs) proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) for dioxin-like PCBs, PCDDs, and PCDFs. The TEQ(PCDD/F) levels were below the limits proposed in the draft of the EC regulation for food commercialization in the European countries. These limits are the following: 2 pg WHO-TEQ/g fat for pork, 3 pg WHO-TEQ/g fat for milk and chicken, 5 pg WHO-TEQ/g fat for egg and beef, and 3 pg WHO-TEQ/g whole product for fish. The contributions of PCDDs/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in the total toxicity of the samples were calculated for each matrix. The results showed that the TEQ(PCB) contribution varied from 27% in olive oil samples to 81% in mussel samples. These findings suggest that the regulation of TEQ contents in food should include not only the TEQ(PCDD/F), but also the TEQ(PCB).  相似文献   

Recent developments in methods for isolation and measurement of volatiles from cereals are reviewed. The main types of isolation methods, namely, direct extraction, distillation, and headspace, have recently been complemented by solid phase microextraction. Direct solvent extraction provides efficient recovery of compounds with a broad range of polarities and volatilities, whereas headspace techniques provide relatively clean extracts. Supercritical fluid and solid phase microextractions have not yet been fully evaluated for cereals. GC and GC/MS remain the dominant techniques for measurement of the extracted compounds, although new electronic noses show promise. Relating these results to human perception requires careful control to ensure valid comparisons and, in this respect, aroma extract dilution analysis is a useful procedure.  相似文献   

The water specimens were collected from wells and irrigation ditches in the agricultural area to the south of Milan and from Olona River and Mantua Lake and analyzed for paraquat detection. The assay was performed using a specific polyclonal antibody raised in sheep and rabbit anti-sheep IgG conjugated with a chelating molecule 4,7-bis(chlorosulfophenyl)-1,10-phenanthroline-2,9-dicarboxylic acid complexed with Eu3+ as a fluorescent marker. Bovine serum albumin conjugated with 5-(1'-methyl[4,4']bipyridinyl-1-yl)pentanoic acid was used in solid phase preparation. The sensitivity achieved was 20 ng L(-1). The recovery in samples spiked with three different PQ concentrations was between 88 and 108%.  相似文献   

To determine the existence of glycolipids (neutral glycosphingolipid and glycoglycerolipid) in sea snake, round frigate mackerel, sardine, sea urchin, and abalone, we performed silica gel chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using an Aquasil-SS column and a C(8)-reversed phase silica gel column. HPLC with a UV absorption detector was used to analyze neutral glycosphingolipid. These chromatograms showed typical peaks in round frigate mackerel lipid, in sea snake crude fat, in abalone intestine lipid, and in sea urchin intestine lipid. UV-HPLC was also used to analyze glycoglycerolipid. These chromatograms indicated a large peak in round frigate mackerel lipid and a small peak in purified sardine oil. In addition, we observed the same peaks in the glycolipid fraction of round frigate mackerel muscle lipids and sea snake crude fat using a differential refractometer detector. The results of this study suggest that the peaks are neutral glycosphingolipid or glycoglycerolipid and that neutral glycosphingolipid and glycoglycerolipid may have specific physiological functions in each living creature.  相似文献   

The phospholipid molecular species of freshwater (pangasius, Nile perch, trout), marine fish fillets (horse mackerel, European hake, common sole, European anchovy, European pilchard, Atlantic mackerel) and the edible muscle foot of bivalves (clam, mussel, oyster) commonly available in the Italian market during spring and summer were characterized by means of normal-phase high performance liquid chromatography coupled online with positive electrospray ionization ion-trap tandem mass spectrometry. From principal component analysis (PCA), it was observed that the total fatty acid profile was not suitable to differentiate among the shellfish genera. The fatty acid molecular combinations of phosphatidylcholine, the main phospholipid class, as well as phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylethanolamine allowed for the differentiation of shellfish from the bony fishes. Phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine plasmalogen profile allowed for the discrimination of each bony fish or shellfish genus since PS and pPE classes included a large number of fatty acid combinations that were specific for a fish genus or group.  相似文献   

This study presents concentrations of perfluorinated compounds in food and the dietary intake of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) in The Netherlands. The concentrations of perfluorinated compounds in food were analyzed in pooled samples of foodstuffs randomly purchased in several Dutch retail store chains with nation-wide coverage. The concentrations analyzed for PFOS and PFOA were used to assess the exposure to these compounds in The Netherlands. As concentrations in drinking water in The Netherlands were missing for these compounds, conservative default concentrations of 7 pg/g for PFOS and 9 pg/g for PFOA, as reported by European Food Safety Authority, were used in the exposure assessment. In food, 6 out of 14 analyzed perfluorinated compounds could be quantified in the majority of the food categories (perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA), PFOA, perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA), perfluoro-1-hexanesulfonate (PFHxS), and PFOS). The highest concentration of the sum of these six compounds was found in crustaceans (825 pg/g product, PFOS: 582 pg/g product) and in lean fish (481 pg/g product, PFOS: 308 pg/g product). Lower concentrations were found in beef, fatty fish, flour, butter, eggs, and cheese (concentrations between 20 and 100 pg/g product; PFOS, 29-82 pg/g product) and milk, pork, bakery products, chicken, vegetable, and industrial oils (concentration lower than 10 pg/g product; PFOS not detected). The median long-term intake for PFOS was 0.3 ng/kg bw/day and for PFOA 0.2 ng/kg bw/day. The corresponding high level intakes (99th percentile) were 0.6 and 0.5 ng/kg bw/day, respectively. These intakes were well below the tolerable daily intake values of both compounds (PFOS, 150 ng/kg bw/day; PFOA, 1500 ng/kg bw/day). The intake calculations quantified the contribution of drinking water to the PFOS and PFOA intake in The Netherlands. Important contributors of PFOA intake were vegetables/fruit and flour. Milk, beef, and lean fish were important contributors of PFOS intake.  相似文献   

This study was designed to estimate the dietary intake of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and lead (Pb) by the general population of Catalonia, Spain. The concentrations of these elements were determined in food samples randomly acquired in seven cities of Catalonia between June and August 2000. A total of 11 food groups were included in the study. As, Cd, Hg, and Pb levels were measured by ICP-MS and AAS. The dietary intake of these elements was determined by a total diet study. Calculations were carried out on the basis of recent data on the consumption of the selected food items. Trace element intake was estimated for five population groups: children, adolescents, male and female adults, and seniors. The highest dietary intakes of As (223.6 microg/day), Cd (15.7 microg/day), Hg (21.2 microg/day), and Pb (28.4 microg/day) corresponded to male adults. For all analyzed elements, fish and shellfish was the group showing the highest contribution to the respective intakes. In comparison with previous results, a general decrease in As, Cd, Hg, and Pb intake has occurred. The dietary intake of these elements was also compared with the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI). Dietary intakes of As, Cd, Hg, and Pb by the population of Catalonia are currently well below the respective PTWIs.  相似文献   

研究水资源对产业的贡献度和生态环境效益可以为合理配置水资源提供依据.首先,通过分析山西省水资源的状况,在改进的C-D模型的基础上,测算出水资源对区域生产总值的贡献度为-1.3%,其中第一、二、三产业分别为2.11%、0.50%和-1.56%,在此基础上定量分析山西省生产用水对经济的作用;其次,以森林生态系统为例,核算山西省2003和2010年森林生态服务功能价值分别为974.08亿和1000.21亿元,相应的用水量分别为3.1亿和3.4亿m3,并分析山西省森林生态用水的效益.针对山西省生产用水与生态用水配置存在的浪费、污染严重的问题,提出节约用水、防治水污染、保障生态用水等对策.  相似文献   

Antioxidants are released during the NaOH extraction of soils, and this also releases phenolic compounds from plant and soil material. We hypothesized that phenolics would be important contributors to the antioxidant capacity (AOC) of soils. The concentrations of 12 phenolic compounds and the AOCs in 4 m ‐NaOH extracts of a range of UK soil types were measured. Samples of both surface and subsurface horizons were taken from 24 sites representing the major soil types (brown soils, gleys, podzols, peats and lithomorphic soils). The land use/vegetation varied from deciduous woodland through heather moorland to agricultural crops. The internal standards method was used to quantify the phenolics, which were detected by gas chromatography. The AOCs of the extracts and of standards of the individual phenolic compounds were measured using the TEAC (Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity) method. There were differences in the phenolic distributions extracted from soils with different land uses/plant inputs, as well as differences between surface and subsurface samples. A statistically significant linear relationship was found between the AOCs of the extracts and the sum of the phenolic compounds, as both these variables were positively correlated with the organic matter content of the soils. The AOCs of the individual phenols were used to calculate their contribution to the overall AOC of the extracts, and this was found to be small (approximately 1% of the total AOC). We concluded that the measured phenolic compounds were not important contributors to the AOCs of the soil extracts, and therefore that other unidentified antioxidant compounds were probably present.  相似文献   

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