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水飞蓟复合饲料对猪生长性能及日粮养分消化率的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
选择36只平均重25kg左右的杜×长×大三元杂交猪,按体重和性别随机分为2组,每组3个重复,每个重复6只。在试验组中应用水飞蓟药物残渣作为其主要饲料成分,并添加中草药复合制剂,对照组为抗生素组,研究对猪生长性能和饲料利用率的影响。结果表明:水飞蓟组在提高日增重和日粮养分消化率方面与抗生素组没有明显差异,但试验组经济效益明显。  相似文献   

孙健 《中国饲料》2019,(13):75-77
为探讨饲料中添加不同水平的紫花苜蓿草粉对育肥猪生长性能、养分表观消化率的影响,采用单因素设计试验,选择体重相近的健康三元杂交育肥猪120头,随机分成4组,每个组3个重复,每个重复10头。1组饲喂基础日粮为对照组,2、3、4组分别在基础日粮中添加2.0%、4.0%、8.0%紫花苜蓿草粉,预试验10 d,试验期60 d。试验期间测定育肥猪生长性能、养分表观消化率。结果表明:(1)试验2、3、4组猪只的平均日采食量均高于1组(P > 0.05),试验2、3组平均日增重较1组分别提高9.84%、12.05%(P < 0.05),料重比分别降低4.33%、6.50%(P < 0.05);(2)试验2、3、4组干物质、粗灰分表观消化率均高于1组(P > 0.05),试验2、3组总能较1组分别提高5.46%、5.85%(P < 0.05),试验2、3组粗蛋白质、粗脂肪的表观消化率较1组分别提高7.24%、9.11%、6.50%、7.20%(P < 0.05)。综上,紫花苜蓿草粉可以提高育肥猪的生长性能和养分表观消化率,并以4.0%添加较为适宜。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate effects of different space allocations and different dietary metabolizable energy (ME) levels on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in growing and finishing pigs. In experiment 1, a total of 84 growing pigs [(Yorkshire × Landrace) × Duroc] with an initial body weight (BW) of 27.10 ± 1.60 kg were used in a 5‐week trial. Pigs were blocked based on initial BW into a 2 × 2 factorial design with the following factors: (i) 0.60 or 0.80 m2/pig space allocations; and (ii) 3,400 or 3,550 kcal/kg ME of diets. In experiment 2, a total of 84 finishing pigs with an initial BW of 67.43 ± 1.97 kg were used in a 10‐week trial. Pigs were allotted based on initial BW into a 2 × 2 factorial design with the following factors: (i) 0.81 or 1.08 m2/pig space allocations; and (ii) 3,300 or 3,450 kcal/kg ME of diet. In experiment 1, high ME diet improved gain‐to‐feed ratio (G:F) in pigs with low space allocation but not in pigs in high space allocation (p < .05). Additionally, high ME diet increased apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of nitrogen in low space allocation but decreased ATTD of nitrogen in high space allocation (p < .05). In experiment 2, high ME diet improved average daily gain (ADG) and G:F in early‐finishing pigs with low space allocation but not in pigs with high space allocation (p < .05). In conclusion, the provision of high ME diets was not enough to overcome the reduction in growth performance due to low space allocation but can improve feed efficiency in growing pigs and daily gain and feed efficiency early‐finishing pigs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of total dietary fiber level on nutrient digestibility and the relationship between apparent total tract digestibility of total dietary fiber, and soluble dietary fiber, insoluble dietary fiber and available energy. Sugar beet pulp was as the only fiber source. The experiment was designed as a 6 × 6 Latin square with an adaptation period of 7 d followed by a 5-d total collection of feces and urine. Feed intake tended to decrease (P =0.10) as total dietary fiber level increased. The apparent total tract digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and gross energy decreased (P <0.01) when total dietary fiber increased but the digestibility of soluble dietary fiber and insoluble dietary fiber increased (P <0.01). The digestible energy and metabolizable energy content of diets decreased (P <0.01) as the total dietary fiber increased.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of total dietary fiber level on nutrient digestibility and the relationship between apparent total tract digestibility of total dietary fiber, and soluble dietary fiber, insoluble dietary fiber and available energy. Sugar beet pulp was as the only fiber source. The experiment was designed as a 6 x 6 Latin square with an adaptation period of 7 d followed by a 5-d total collection of feces and urine. Feed intake tended to decrease (P =0.] O) as total dietary fiber level increased. The apparent total tract digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and gross energy decreased (P 〈0.0]) when total dietary fiber increased but the digestibility of soluble dietary fiber and insoluble dietary fiber increased (P 〈0.01). The digestible energy and metabolizable energy content of diets decreased (P 〈0.01) as the total dietary fiber increased.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨饲粮中添加不同水平的L-精氨酸对育肥猪生长性能、营养物质消化率、有害气体排放和肉品质的影响。本试验选择240头平均初始体重为(53.80±1.85)kg的三元杂交猪(杜长大),根据体重随机分为3组,每组8个重复,每个重复10头猪。试验有3种饲料,对照组饲喂玉米-小麦-豆粕型饲料(精氨酸水平为0.94%),另外两组饲料分别在基础日粮中添加0.05%和0.1%L-精氨酸。结果显示,L-精氨酸对育肥猪生长性能、养分消化率和有害气体排放均无显著影响(P> 0.05)。而随着饲粮中L-精氨酸添加量的增加,肌肉大理石纹评分呈显著线性增加(P <0.05),蒸煮损失和肌肉滴水损失呈显著线性下降(P <0.05)。总的来说,目前研究结果表明,日粮添加1.0 g/kg L-精氨酸有利于提高肥育猪的肉品质。  相似文献   

Eight barrows (Yorkshire x [Finnish Landrace x Dutch Landrace]), initially 30 kg BW, were fitted with ileal cannulas to evaluate the effects of supplementing Ca benzoate (2.4%) and organic acids (OA) in the amount of 300 mEq acid/kg feed on dietary buffering capacity (BC), apparent digestibility and retention of nutrients, and manure characteristics. Swine were allotted in a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement of treatments according to a cyclic (8 x 5) changeover design. Two tapioca-corn-soybean meal-based diets were formulated without and with acidogenic Ca benzoate. Each diet was fed in combination with OA (none, formic, fumaric, or n-butyric acid). Daily rations were equal to 2.8 x maintenance requirement (418 kJ ME/BW(.75)) and were given in two portions. Chromic oxide (.25 g/kg) was used as a marker. On average, Ca benzoate lowered BC by 54 mEq/kg feed. This salt enhanced (P < .05) the ileal digestibility (ID) of DM, OM, arginine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, alanine, aspartic acid, and tyrosine (by up to 2.4 percentage units). Also, the total tract digestibility (TD) of DM, ash, Ca and GE, and Ca retention (percentage of intake) was greater (P < .05) in swine fed Ca benzoate, whereas N retention remained unaffected. Addition of all OA (formic and n-butyric acid, in particular) exerted a positive effect (P < .05) on the ID of amino acids (except for arginine, methionine, and cysteine). A similar effect (P < .05) was found for the TD of DM, OM, CP, Ca and total P and for the retention of N and Ca. In swine fed Ca benzoate, urinary pH decreased by 1.6 units (P < .001). In conclusion, dietary OA have a beneficial effect on the apparent ileal/total tract nutrient digestibilities, and Ca benzoate increased urine acidity, which could be effective against a rapid ammonia emission from manure of swine.  相似文献   

One hundred pigs (BW = 50.7 ± 1.89 kg) were used to investigate the effects of fermented garlic powder (FGP) in growing‐finishing pigs. Pigs were allotted to one of five treatments, included: (i) NC (basal diet); (ii) PC (NC + 44 mg/kg of Tylosin); (iii) FGP1 (NC + 1 g/kg FGP); (iv) FGP2 (NC + 2 g/kg FGP); and (v) FGP4 (NC + 4 g/kg FGP). Supplemental FGP increased average daily gain (ADG) and gain/feed ratio compared with those fed NC diet throughout the experiment (P < 0.05, linearly). Dietary PC treatment increased the ADG and average daily feed intake during the first 6 weeks (P < 0.05). The inclusion of FGP2 and FGP4 treatments had higher apparent total tract digestibility of dry matter and nitrogen (P < 0.05) than those in the NC treatment. Dietary NC treatment exhibited lower (P < 0.05) lymphocyte count (6 and 12 weeks) and immunoglobulin G (12 weeks) than those in the other treatments. Marbling scores were higher (P < 0.05) in FGP treatment groups than the NC treatments. Pigs fed on FGP2 and FGP4 diets evidenced lower 2‐thiobarbituric acid reactive substances value (P < 0.05) than those in the NC and PC treatments. Collectively, our findings demonstrated that the administration of FGP at a level of 2 or 4 g/kg improved growth performance, nutrient digestibility and meat quality in growing‐finishing pigs.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty pigs were used to evaluate the effects of different dietary lysine levels on the growth performance, apparent nutrient digestibility, and abundance of cationic amino acid transporter messenger RNA (mRNA) in the small intestine of finishing pigs. Pigs received a low lysine diet (LL, 0.60% lysine), moderate lysine diet (ML, 0.80% lysine) or a high lysine diet (HL, 1.00% lysine) for 28 days. A digestion test was carried out during the third week. Although the apparent nutrient digestibility in pigs fed experimental diets were different (P < 0.05) and the highest when pigs were fed ML diet, diets did not change the growth performance. In the duodenum, mRNA abundance of PepT-1, as detected by real-time RT-PCR, was reduced in the LL diet (P < 0.05). A greater abundance of b0,+AT and PepT-1 mRNA was associated with the ML diet (P < 0.05) in the jejunum and ileum, respectively. In the ileum, the HL diet had a lower abundance of CAT-1 mRNA compared with other diets. These results showed that the finishing pigs would gain better nutrient digestibility when the dietary lysine content was 0.80%, and dietary lysine levels influenced the expression of cationic amino acid transporter mRNA in the small intestine of finishing pigs.  相似文献   

为探讨鲁农2号配套系生长肥育猪适宜的能量和粗蛋白质需要量,试验采用单因子随机区组设计,在保持消化能/粗蛋白质比不变的基础上,设为高能量粗蛋白质、中能量粗蛋白质和低能量粗蛋白质3个处理组。选取健康、初始体重(49.58±1.49)kg的鲁农2号配套系生长肥育猪108头(公母各半)随机分3个处理,每个处理4个重复,每个重复(圈)9头猪。试验分为50~80 kg和80~100 kg两个阶段。结果表明,试验全期饲粮营养水平的降低对猪日采食量、日增重和料重比影响不显著,但50~80 kg低营养水平组日增重和粗蛋白质日摄入量显著低于高、中营养水平组。养分表观消化率,50~80 kg以低营养水平组最高,与中营养水平组相比,其干物质、有机物、粗蛋白质和能量的表观消化率分别提高6.97%、8.53%、10.48%和6.45%,差异显著。饲粮营养水平对钙和磷的表观消化率均无显著影响(P〉0.05)。80~100 kg不同营养水平组养分表观消化率差异显著,其中,高营养水平组养分表观消化率最高,其干物质表观消化率分别比中、低营养组提高5.49%和7.17%(P〈0.05);有机物的表观消化率分别提高4.48%和6.07%(P〈0.05);钙的表观消化率分别提高32.76%和27.93%(P〈0.05);磷的表观消化率分别提高38.77%(P〈0.05)和17.44%;粗蛋白质的表观消化率比中营养水平组提高8.56%(P〈0.05)。综合考虑,在50~80 kg阶段,鲁农2号配套系生长猪适宜的消化能为12.98 MJ/kg、粗蛋白质为14.56%;80~100 kg阶段,鲁农2号配套系肥育猪适宜的消化能为12.98 MJ/kg、粗蛋白质为12.40%。  相似文献   

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) extract (RE) has multiple pharmacological and biological activities, including the use as a food additive and medicine. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary RE supplementation on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, antioxidant capacity, intestinal morphology, and microbiota of weaning piglets. A total of 192 crossbred weaned piglets [Duroc × (Large White × Landrace)] (initial body weight = 6.65 ± 0.33 kg, weaned days = 23 ± 1 d) were group housed (six pigs per pen; n = 8 pens/treatment). Pigs were fed a corn–soybean meal-based control diet or the basal diet supplemented with 100, 200, or 400 mg/kg RE. Pigs were allowed ad libitum access to fed for 21 d. The growth performance and apparent total tract digestibility of nutrients, and intestinal morphology and antioxidant status were evaluated. The components of the microbial microflora were also determined in the cecal samples. Compared with the control, dietary supplementation with RE increased the final body weight, average daily gain, and average daily feed intake (linear, P = 0.038, 0.016, and 0.009, respectively), and decreased the diarrhea ratio in piglets (linear, P < 0.05). The digestibility of crude protein (linear, P = 0.034) and gross energy (linear, P = 0.046) increased with treatment with RE. Piglets fed RE showed longer villus height (linear, P = 0.037 and 0.028, respectively) and villus height/crypt depth (linear, P = 0.004 and 0.012; quadratic, P = 0.023 and 0.036, respectively) in the jejunum and ileum, in addition to a lesser crypt depth in the jejunum (linear, P = 0.019) and ileum (quadratic, P = 0.042). The addition of RE increased the activity of superoxide dismutase (linear, P = 0.035 and 0.008, respectively) and glutathione peroxidase activity (linear, P = 0.027 and 0.039, respectively) and decreased the content of malondialdehyde (linear, P = 0.041 and 0.013; quadratic, P = 0.023 and 0.005, respectively) in the serum and liver. Dietary RE supplementation, compared with the control, increased the number of Bifidobacterium (linear, P = 0.034) and Bacteroidetes (linear, P = 0.029), while decreased Escherichia coli (linear, P = 0.008; quadratic, P = 0.014) in the cecal contents. Thus, dietary RE supplementation can improve growth performance, nutrient digestibility, antioxidant capacity, intestinal morphology, and the microbiota in weaned piglets, and 200 mg/kg may be considered the optimum dosage.  相似文献   

采用单因子试验设计,研究不同能量浓度对肥育猪非采食期间行为的影响。选取81头年龄、体重相近的杜长大三元杂种猪,采用随机区组设计,共3个处理组,每处理组3栏,每栏9头猪,分别饲喂能蛋比相同的3种不同消化能浓度的饲粮(能蛋比均为79 MJ/kg),低能饲粮消化能10.87 MJ/kg;中能饲粮消化能12.54 MJ/kg;高能饲粮消化能14.21 MJ/kg。试验结果表明,饲喂高能饲粮的生长肥育猪行为规癖发生频率最低,趴卧时间最多(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

Two hundred sixteen crossbred barrows and gilts (84.3 kg BW) were used to test the effects of dietary energy density and lysine:energy ratio (Lys:ME) on the performance, carcass characteristics, and pork quality of finishing pigs fed 10 ppm ractopamine. Pigs were blocked by BW and gender, allotted to 36 pens (six pigs per pen), and pens were assigned randomly within blocks to dietary treatments (as-fed basis) arranged in a 2 x 3 factorial design, with two levels of energy (3.30 or 3.48 Mcal/kg) and three Lys:ME (1.7, 2.4, or 3.1 g lysine/Mcal) levels. Pigs were fed experimental diets for 28 d, and weights and feed disappearance were recorded weekly to calculate ADG, ADFI, and G:F. Upon completion of the feeding trial, pigs were slaughtered and carcass data were collected before fabrication. During carcass fabrication, hams were analyzed for lean composition using a ham electrical conductivity (TOBEC) unit, and loins were collected, vacuum-packaged, and boxed for pork quality data collection. Energy density had no (P > 0.22) effect on ADG or ADFI across the entire 28-d feeding trial; however, pigs fed 3.48 Mcal of ME were more (P < 0.02) efficient than pigs fed 3.30 Mcal of ME. In addition, ADG and G:F increased linearly (P < 0.01) as Lys:ME increased from 1.7 to 3.1 g/Mcal. Carcasses of pigs fed 3.48 Mcal of ME were fatter at the last lumbar vertebrae (P < 0.08) and 10th rib (P < 0.04), resulting in a lower (P < 0.03) predicted fat-free lean yield (FFLY). Conversely, 10th-rib fat thickness decreased linearly (P = 0.02), and LM depth (P < 0.01) and area (P < 0.01) increased linearly, with increasing Lys:ME. Moreover, FFLY (P < 0.01) and actual ham lean yield (P < 0.01) increased as Lys:ME increased in the diet. Dietary energy density had no (P > 0.19) effect on pork quality, and Lys:ME did not (P > 0.20) affect muscle pH, drip loss, color, and firmness scores. Marbling scores, as well as LM lipid content, decreased linearly (P < 0.01) as Lys:ME increased from 1.7 to 3.1 g/Mcal. There was a linear (P < 0.01) increase in shear force of cooked LM chops as Lys:ME increased in the finishing diet. Results indicate that 3.30 Mcal of ME/kg (as-fed basis) is sufficient for optimal performance and carcass leanness in pigs fed ractopamine. The Lys:ME for optimal performance and carcass composition seems higher than that currently used in the swine industry; however, feeding very high Lys:ME (> 3.0 g/Mcal, as-fed basis) to ractopamine-fed pigs may result in decreased marbling and cooked pork tenderness.  相似文献   

为了研究不同消化能水平日粮对深县猪生长性能、养分消化率和血液生化指标的影响,选用体重(15. 54±2. 25) kg的健康深县猪48头,随机分成3组,每组4个重复,每个重复4头猪,试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组饲粮消化能水平分别为11. 20、11. 70、12. 20 MJ/kg,预试期7 d,正式期28 d。结果显示:试验Ⅲ组的平均日增重显著高于试验Ⅰ组15. 56%(P<0. 05),试验Ⅲ组的料重比(F/G)显著低于试验Ⅰ组(P<0. 05);试验Ⅲ组粗蛋白、总能与粗脂肪表观消化率均显著高于试验Ⅰ组9. 89%、7. 29%、7. 21%(P<0. 05)。综合各项指标,在本试验条件下,生长期深县猪适宜的消化能水平为12. 20 MJ/kg。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to investigate the linear and quadratic effects of barley on volatile fatty acid (VFA) profile and manure ammonia emissions in pigs. Sixteen boars (66 kg) were assigned to one of four treatments (n = 4): (T1) 0 g/kg barley (control), (T2) 222 g/kg barley, (T3) 442 g/kg barley and (T4) 666 g/kg barley. Barley was substituted for wheat. The diets were formulated to contain similar concentrations of digestible energy and lysine, soya oil was adjusted to maintain net energy. Increasing barley levels caused a linear decrease in colonic (P < 0.01) and caecal pH (P < 0.001). Total caecal VFA and propionic acid were affected by dietary barley level (quadratic, < 0.05). There was a linear decrease in the proportion of acetic acid (P < 0.001), isobutyric acid (P < 0.01), isovaleric acid (P < 0.05) with increasing levels of barley in both the caecum and colon. There was a linear increase in the proportion of propionic acid (P < 0.001) and butyric acid (P < 0.05) with increasing barley in the colon. Barley based diets had a lower ammonia emission from 96 to 240 h (P < 0.05) and from 0 to 240 h (P < 0.05) than the wheat based diet. In conclusion, a high level of barley is required to reduce offensive branch chained VFAs.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of single or carbohydrases cocktail in low-nutrient-density diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, and carcass traits of growing–finishing pigs. A total of 96 pigs with an average initial BW of 47.50 ± 1.25 kg were used in this 8-week growth trial. Pigs were randomly allocated to 1 of the 4 treatments according to its BW and sex (4 pigs/pen, 6 replicate pens/treatment). The diets included: 1) control (CON) corn–soybean meal diet (DE, 3400 kcal/kg; CP, 17%), 2) low-nutrient-density (LC) diet with 6% DDGS and 5% tapioca (DE, 3280 kcal/kg; CP, 15%), 3) LC + 0.05% β-mannanase (LCS), and 4) LC + 0.05% enzyme mixture (LCM). The LC treatment had a lower ADG, and G/F compared to the other treatments in 0–4 weeks and the overall period of the feeding trial (P < 0.05). The ADFI were decreased in LC, LCS, and LCM groups related to CON (P < 0.05). The LCS treatment had higher DM digestibility than pigs in both the LC and LCM groups (P < 0.05) on 4 weeks while LCM improved N and energy digestibility compared to LC treatment. Blood urea nitrogen and creatinine values were not affected by the experimental treatments. After the feeding period, pigs (2 per pen) which reached marketing BW were collected meat samples from slaughter house. Backfat thickness was decreased in LC, LCS and LCM groups (P < 0.05). No numerical differences were observed in meat color, pH value and water holding capacity among four treatments. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that single or carbohydrases cocktail in low-density diets can partially improve ADG, G/F, nutrient digestibility, and meat quality in finishing pigs, which can counteract the negative effects caused by the decreased nutrient concentration.  相似文献   

选用4头年龄3.5岁、体况良好、体重500 kg的中国西门塔尔牛阉牛,采用4×4拉丁方设计,研究日粮添加丙酸镁(100 g/d)、丙酸(87 g/d)和氧化镁(24 g/d)对养分消化率的影响.结果表明:丙酸镁组日粮干物质(DM)、有机物(OM)、粗蛋白质(CP)、无氮浸出物(NFE)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)和磷(P)的表现消化率较对照组显著提高(P<0.05),但与丙酸和氧化镁组相比差异不显著(P>0.05).日粮粗脂肪(EE)和钙(Ca)的表现消化率各组间差异不显著(P>0.05).  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of fumaric acid supplementation and buffering capacity of the diet on ileal and fecal digestibilities of CP, GE, and amino acids in early-weaned pigs. In two experiments, 12 pigs each were weaned at 14 d of age and fitted with a simple T-cannula at the distal ileum between 15 and 17 d of age. In both experiments, the pigs were fed four diets, based on wheat and soybean meal without (control) or with 1, 2, or 3% fumaric acid according to a balanced two-period change-over design. In Exp. 2, the buffering capacity of the diets was increased by supplementation of 3% sodium bicarbonate. The pigs were fed three times daily: equal amounts at 8-h intervals. The diets were supplied at a rate of 5% (wt/wt) of body weight. The inclusion of fumaric acid to the diet with a low buffering capacity increased (P < .05) the ileal digestibilities of CP, GE, and the majority of amino acids. The highest responses were found at an inclusion level of 2% fumaric acid. The improvements in apparent ileal amino acid digestibilities ranged from 4.9 to 12.8 percentage units. Supplementation of fumaric acid to a diet with a high buffering capacity led only to numerical increases in ileal digestibilities of CP, GE, and amino acids. In both studies, fumaric acid supplementation had no effect (P > .05) on the fecal digestibilities of CP, GE, and amino acids, except histidine. A high buffering capacity of the diet decreased the ileal amino acid digestibilities by 1 to 10 percentage units compared with diets with the low buffering capacities. In both experiments, ileal and fecal digestibilities were higher (P < .05) in Period 2 (on d 24 after weaning) than in Period 1 (on d 11 after weaning). A positive correlation (P < .05) between ileal digestibilities and fumaric acid supplementation to the diets with the low buffering capacities was observed in Period 1 (on d 11 after weaning), but not in Period 2 (on d 24 after weaning). No relationship (P > .05) between ileal digestibilities and fumaric acid supplementation to the diets with a high buffering capacity could be established. In conclusion, supplementation of fumaric acid to starter diets during the first 3 to 4 wk after weaning increases the ileal digestibilities of GE, CP, and amino acids.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of dietary Forsythia suspensa extract (FSE) supplementation to lactating sows and nursery pigs on post-weaning performance, antioxidant capacity, immunoglobulins, and intestinal health. Based on backfat, body weight (BW), and parity, 24 gestating sows (Landrace × Yorkshire) with average parity of 3.38 ± 0.61 and BW of 234 ± 6.81 kg were allotted into two dietary treatments (control vs. 100 mg/kg FSE) with 12 sows per treatment from day 107 of gestation to day 21 of lactation. After weaning, based on the initial BW and source litter, 192 nursery pigs (Duroc × [Landrace × Yorkshire], average BW of 6.98 ± 0.32 kg, weaned at day 21) were allotted into four dietary treatments with eight replicate pens per treatment, six pigs per pen for a 4-wk study. The treatments included the following: 1) CC (sows and their piglets both fed control diet); 2) CF (sows fed control diet and their piglets fed FSE diet [containing 100 mg/kg FSE]); 3) FC (sows fed FSE diet and their piglets fed control diet); and 4) FF (sows and their piglets both fed FSE diet). The MIXED procedures of SAS for a split-plot arrangement with sow diet as the whole plot and nursery diet as split plot were used to analyze the data. After weaning, piglets from FSE-fed sows had improved (P < 0.05) average daily gain and feed efficiency, and lower (P < 0.05) diarrhea rate in overall (day 1 to 28) compared with those from sows fed control diet. Piglets from FSE-fed sows also had higher (P < 0.05) contents of immunoglobulin G (IgG), growth hormone, superoxide dismutase (SOD), total antioxidant capacity in serum, villus height in ileum, and villus height to crypt depth ratio in jejunum, as well as lower (P < 0.05) content of malondialdehyde (MDA) in serum and crypt depth in ileum compared with those from sows fed control diet. Piglets fed FSE during nursery had increased (P < 0.05) concentrations of IgG, SOD, and catalase, and decreased (P < 0.05) MDA and tumor nuclear factor-α levels in serum compared with those fed control diet during nursery. Piglets from FC group had increased (P < 0.05) protein expression of occludin in jejunal mucosa and relative abundance of Lactobacillus on genus level in colon compared with those from CC group. In conclusion, for the performance and intestinal health, diets supplemented with FSE during lactation phase seemed more efficient to alleviate weaning stress than the nursery phase. In terms of the antioxidant status and immunoglobulins, FSE supplemented in both phases were efficient for nursery pigs.  相似文献   

袁听  韦剑锋 《中国饲料》2021,1(6):111-114
本研究旨在评估非常规饲料资源马铃薯粉在育肥猪上的应用,研究其对猪生长性能、胴体性状和肉品质的影响.试验将450头体重一致的育肥猪随机分为3组,每组5个重复,每个重复30只.对照组饲喂基础日粮,两个处理组分别饲喂马铃薯粉添加水平为10%和20%的日粮,试验为期56?d.结果:与对照组相比,10%马铃薯粉组29~56?d及...  相似文献   

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